Tied for Two
- 3 years ago
- 25
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Thanks to the knee doctor for editing assistance.
I am a country boy. My name is Bill Carlson. I have an Associate Degree in Animal Husbandry, and all I ever wanted was to own my own feed store and raise a family.
After finishing junior college, I married my high school sweetheart, Janice. We grew up together, and she was the only girl I ever imagined myself living with. She was a pretty, brunette, and had a nice body even after having two boys. I was proud to have her as my wife, and would do anything for her.
Janice had one problem. She envied people who lived the high life. She read the society pages in the paper, and subscribed to all the magazines that covered the "beautiful people." When she went to the dentist's office she would read the automobile magazines, and she was familiar with all the fancy cars. She knew all the designers, and was familiar with their clothing lines. She wanted to be someone more than anything, and I wasn't able to provide that for her.
I took a job in Omaha at a fancy feed store that catered to the yuppie trade. This allowed us to be closer to the big city, and I could still work at what I loved. I liked my job and was good at it. I was able to give the customers special treatment, and the company rewarded my efforts by giving me flex time. Janice liked living in the city better than country live and was happy for a while. When she decided to go to work, we had to start putting the kids in day care, but they didn't seem to mind.
Janice had a job with a medical equipment firm called Gilbert Medical. They manufactured syringes and other medical supplies. It was an office job, and she seemed to be happy because it allowed her to dress up and meet people who weren't farmers. She worked hard and seemed to lose interest in our home life. I ended up taking care of the boys most of the time. I would drop them off at the day care center, and pick them up after work. I fed them and usual got them ready for bed. I even made the meals and ended up cleaning the house most of the time. She did the laundry, taking care that all her clothing was ironed perfectly.
We had been putting money aside every month so that down the line I would be able to buy my own feed store. Now it seemed even with her working, we were no longer able to save anything. The day care took some of the money, but most of it was going for trips to the beauty shop, nail salons, and expensive clothing stores. I had a hard time understanding how we could have two jobs and save less money. She refused to discuss it, and became very defensive and upset when I brought it up. After a while, I stopped even mentioning it. I did however open another savings account which I could keep separate.
She started working overtime. She started having private phone calls. She became less attentive in bed. She wanted a newer and fancier car. She even talked about getting breast implants. There was no doubt in my mind that my wife was having an affair. I may be a simple country boy, but I wasn't dumb. At this point, I didn't even want to save the marriage, I just wanted to get everything straightened out and move on before it was too late.
It was hard to pin anything down, because I didn't associate with the people she worked with, but I was pretty sure that if something was going on, it was with somebody at work.
I worked with a couple of good guys. They were not very educated, but they worked hard. My job made me their boss, but I never played the "boss card." The work always seemed to get done without having to order them around. Everyone knew what was required and we all worked together. The guys appreciated this, and it made for a good relationship. Roy and Freddy were going to be valuable allies in my plan.
I had noticed on Wednesdays that Janice always put on fancy underwear and her best outfits. She seemed to take more time getting ready for work. I figured that would be a good time for me to start. I told the guys what was going on, and they arranged to take care of my deliveries and appointments that day. I parked by the entrance to the Gilbert Medical plant parking lot. It gave me a good chance to catch up on some technical reading that I was behind on. At about 11AM, Janice came out and got into her car. She wasn't too hard to follow, and in a few minutes she parked at the Holiday Inn lot. She parked at the west end of the lot, far from the office. A few minutes later, a guy pulled up in a red Corvette and parked at the east end of the lot. I didn't recognize the car, but when he got out, Janice got out of hers. They walked to an outside room on the first floor, number 117: and then they went in. He already had the key. My heart dropped, and I felt a little sick in the stomach. All I did was confirm my suspicions. I had no idea what I would do next.
I decided to leave and go back to work. I would take my time planning my next step. Before leaving the parking lot, I got out of the truck and snipped two of her valve stems with my baling wire cutters, one in front, and one in back. I was a little pissed off. I don't know why I didn't clip a few of his also.
The rest of the day dragged on extremely slowly. I picked up the kids after work, went home, and fixed supper. When she came in, I asked, how her day was, and she said OK except that she had a flat tire. One of the guys at worked changed it for her. Nothing else was ever said about it.
The next morning, I drove by the plant after dropping the boys off at the day care. It didn't take me long to locate the red Corvette. As luck would have it, the guy had a reserved parking spot with a sign. I wrote it down, "Ken Beauchamp, distribution manager."
Roy's wife also worked at Gilbert in the personnel department. By that afternoon, I knew everything there was about good old Ken. The most important thing was that he was already married. He had received a reprimand for making sexual suggestions to one of the employees, and had a few problems with his expense accounts. I got his address, phone number, cell phone number, and even his SSN, but I didn't know what I would do with this information. He was married for eight years and his wifes name was Amy. We put in a good days work and Roy, Freddy, and I had time for one beer before I had to get the kids. I still wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I was sure it would come together soon. I was trying to stay calm and logical about the situation, but I was really getting madder and madder every day. Once in a while, I found myself silently crying. I was hurt and felt like I couldn't fix myself. Having to live with Janice was getting more difficult for me. I just wanted it to end.
I got another lucky break the next day when I remembered that one of my best customers, Marge Gilbert, was the wife of the Gilbert Medical company president. I never met him, but she and I got along great. I was being especially friendly with Marge, trying to figure out if I could use our relationship to my advantage, when Marge's daughter Cindy came over. Cindy was in her last year of Vet school. Marge went into the barn to do some work, and Cindy and I talked for about an hour. I enjoyed my time with her and felt a little guilty after I left but it passed quickly.
That weekend, I spent some time in the garage doing some welding. I took a small piece of flat steel and welded four sharp points to it. I made the points out of concrete nails so that they were really hard and stiff. The plate was about 6 by 6, and it was going to be my first step at getting my revenge by harassment.
I saw Marge again on Tuesday. I was moping around a little while unloading the order, just not my jolly self. It got her attention.
"Bill, what's the matter today? Why so gloomy?"
"I have some personal problems, Marge. Sorry, I'm not good company today."
"Lets get some coffee and you can tell me about it."
We walked back to the house, and sat down in the kitchen. It looked like the inside of a restaurant. Everything was stainless steel and granite. It was like a magazine. I thought to myself, Janice would love this. Marge set the coffee down and just leaned forward and said: "Well?"
"How can you help me, Marge?"
"Well, I don't know unless you tell me the problem."
I really didn't want to talk to her about it, but finally decided maybe it could help.
"My wife, Janice, works at Gilbert Medical, and I think she is being coerced into having sex with one of her bosses, but I can't prove anything."
"Why do you think this is going on?"
"Little things mostly, but last week I found them both together at the Holiday Inn. My wife doesn't realize I know, and I don't know how to bring up the subject. I don't know if this is something she is being made to feel obligated to do, or if it is something she wants to do. Our family life has deteriorated to the point where she doesn't seem to care about the children or me. She appears to be keeping it a secret, and that is what really bothers me."
"Who's the guy?"
"I think his name is Ken Beauchamp. I don't know if Janice works for him, or if they work in different parts of the plant. I never met him."
"Do you want me to see if I can help?'
I paused a little and lowered my head. "If you think something could be done quietly, I would be glad to try it, but I don't want to raise a big stink."
"OK, let me look into it. I'll see you next Thursday with that delivery of oats."
I thanked her, and as I got up to leave, I asked, "Where is Cindy?"
"Back at school. She'll be home this weekend. Why don't you bring the boys up so she can meet them?"
Wow, this turned out far better than I expected. I am sure Janice will have no problem letting me take the boys on an outing. It might be a good weekend.
The next morning it was pouring rain. Janice dressed carefully for her special day again, and I said nothing while I watched. After dropping the kids off at the day center, I stopped by work. The guys were all set up to cover my morning shifts for me. Roy was going to use my truck, make my deliveries, and the log entries. I would initial all the entries after the times when I got back to work. Freddy brought his cousin's van to work, and I loaded a floor jack in back of it. We had fastened my steel plate to the lift of the jack. We got all the trucks loaded, and after they took off for their deliveries, I left for the Holiday Inn.
Right on time, Janice pulled in and parked in the same spot she did before. Ken was a few moments behind her, and also parked in the same spot he did before. After they went into the room, I gave them about ten minutes to get settled in. I removed the jack from the back of the van in the pouring rain, and wheeled it down to Ken's car. I slid the jack under his engine block, and jacked it up. It took only a few seconds till I heard the pop sound as the nails punctured the oil pan. I dropped it down, and moved to the back of the Corvette. A few seconds later, I heard the same pops go into the fuel tank. Oil and gas were streaming out. I took the jack back to the van. The whole thing took less than a minute. I walked down to Janice's car, and cut slices in two valve stems again. By then, I was ready to leave. I drove past Ken's car, flicked a lit cigarette out the window, and drove off. In my rear view window I saw the flames shoot up and a few seconds later heard the explosion as I left the lot. I felt better.
Janice came home from work a little late. She didn't eat any supper, and went right to bed. I played with the boys a while, gave them a bath, and tucked them in. I slept on the couch that night. Janice stayed in bed the next morning while I got the boys ready for day care. We ate breakfast and left. She never got up. She never said anything. I didn't ask. Her car wasn't in the driveway.
About 9 AM, after we got all the trucks loaded, I got a visit from police Lieutenant John Fritz. He was a friendly enough fellow.
"Tell me about your work schedule yesterday."
"Just normal deliveries, nothing special. Why?"
"Can you account for your time around noon?"
I went into the office, and got the delivery logs from the previous day. I laid them in front of him. Each stop had the location, item delivered, time unloaded, and my initials.
He smiled and snickered a little. "That's a pretty good log. Do you guys do that every day?"
"Would you like to see the logs for the last month?"
He shook his head NO, and smiled again. I didn't know if I should feel good or bad.
"Would you like to tell me what this is about?"
He seemed to be reluctant to go into details, but finally he opened up. "There was a car damaged yesterday at the Holiday Inn in east Omaha, and we are trying to find out if anyone knew anything about it."
"Why me?"
"Well another car that was near the damaged one had two valve stems cut. The car belonged to your wife. We were wondering if it was a coincidence or not."
"First off, I don't know what my wife's car was doing in the Holiday Inn parking lot, and second, what connection did she have with the damaged car?"
"The damaged car belonged to an associate that she worked with. Apparently, they had a lunch meeting with some company clients at the hotel, and everything happened while they were at lunch."
"Did you talk to the people they had lunch with?'
"No. They couldn't remember their names."
"Do you want to level with me, or are we going to play games all morning?"
"He leaned back in his chair and smiled. "Do you know a fellow named Ken Beauchamp?"
"Never met the man, and that is the honest truth."
"I believe you." He smiled again. "I don't like to get in the middle of domestic disputes, and hope I don't have to come see you again. Here is my card. Call me before anything else happens. OK?"
He shook my hand. "Sorry I had to bring this to your attention. If I can do anything to help, let me know. OK."
As he walked away I said. "Thanks. But you really didn't tell me anything."
"Put the pieces together."
After work, when the kids and I got home, Janice's car was in the driveway. She was dressed casually and had supper ready. She said she didn't feel well, and had called in sick. She still didn't say anything about what happened the day before, so I didn't bring it up. She went to bed early, and I took care of the boys again, and slept on the couch.
She was up and about the next day, getting ready for work, when I left with the boys for day care. After dropping them off, I went by the doctors office, and requested a check for STD's. Work was normal for a Friday. When I got home, Janice was there again. After supper, I told her that I was taking the boys to spend the next day at one of my customer's farm. I asked her if she wanted to come along, knowing full well that she would find a reason to refuse. She said she had some shopping that she wanted to do, and I didn't push it any further. I didn't care if it was shopping or a date, the results were the same.
Saturday, with Cindy and the boys at the Gilberts ranch, was great. We spent the whole day having fun. Marge made a great lunch for everyone, and I didn't want it to end. Cindy loved the boys, and they seemed to like her a lot also. Mister Gilbert wasn't there, so I still didn't get to meet him. Marge didn't say anything at all about our previous conversation, and it didn't appear that Cindy was aware of it. I hated to go home, but eventually we had to.
Janice didn't ask at all about our day. She just didn't care. The boys tried several times to tell her all the things they got to do, but she tuned them out. Eventually, they quit trying. She did ask why I wasn't sleeping in the bed anymore, and I explained that due to work problems I was tossing and turning a lot, and didn't want to disturb her sleep. That was the last she ever said about it.
The next week was totally normal. I noticed on her special day, that she didn't make any special preparations, so I assumed the tryst for the day was canceled. That was fine with me, because I had a lot of work to catch up with. I stopped in to see a divorce lawyer that I had heard about, and she gave me some handouts and brochures with lots of information. She had some fill-in-the-blank forms that looked interesting. Everything was back to normal till next Wednesday.
She started off with a morning shower and then carefully did her hair. She had new, black, sexy underwear, and a new perfume. It even looked like new shoes. I was being careful not to let her see me looking, and I rushed out with the boys. I was sure this was going to be a date day. After dropping off the boys, I went by the plant and checked his parking spot. A new Porsche Boxer was sitting in his slot. I jotted down the license number, and rushed back to work. The guys were as excited as I was about the new development. We rushed all the morning deliveries and fudged the logs again. I am sure John Fritz could see through this ruse, but we did it anyhow. We had a free and long lunchtime. Roy continued with the deliveries. Freddy stopped by the swimming pool supply store and got two big bottles of hydrochloric acid. I went to spend lunch with John Fritz.
John gave me a weird look when I walked into his office with pulled pork sandwiches, fries, and a couple of cokes. I said Hi, and sat down across from him. He knew something was up and smiled from ear to ear. I said I thought we could have lunch together and he could bring me up to date on the car damage case. I had to figure out how to keep him busy for about two hours. It was going to be a long lunch. While I was trying to be pleasant, Freddy was down at the Holiday Inn parking lot. He found the Boxer, and carefully poured acid all over the trunk, fenders, and deck. He slit the convertible top and poured acid all over the leather seats and the floor mats. The dash got a dose of acid also. For good measure, he put a box of mothballs in the gas tank. The naphtha would do a nasty job on the engine if anyone started it up. The acid that was left, was spread across the top of the tires. Before he left, he snipped the valve stems on Janice's car again. It was all over within fifteen minutes. The only bad part, was that I didn't know how long the two of them would be in the room. John and I chatted about frivolous things for the longest time, until he finally said: "What the hell are you up to?"
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Milli's Third Lesson When Bill walked across the stage in his boy clothes, and received his High School Diploma, he felt a pang of regret that he wouldn't be going on to Collage. Most of his Classmates were going onto the local Collage in the Fall. While Bill would be attending to his Aunts personal needs. It didn't seem right and Bill was beginning to have second thoughts about tossing out all his boy clothes. Janice took Bill out to dinner to celebrate his...
Hi there, the wait is over! (OK, I don’t think anyone but me was waiting, but still.) This is the first part of my longer story that I have been working on. Part 01 (this one) does not contain any sex. These crazy kids will have to wait for their boom boom pow. I do think the sexy bits in the next part are by far the best I’ve written and it will be submitted at the same time as this one, so you have that to look forward to. The beginning might be a little odd and I’ve tried some...
MotherTell your children not to hold my handTell your children not to understandOh mother FatherDo you wanna bang heads with meDo you wanna feel everythingOh father Not about to see your lightAnd if you wanna find hell with meI can show you what it’s likeTill your bleeding -Danzig ‘Mother’ Everyone believes that fear comes in the night. That midnight is the time to be afraid. It isn’t, fear comes in the dark hours of the morning. The day begins as inevitable as the progression of a...
Lunchtime comes and my Daughter and her mates slip away from school for soda and sandwiches at our home. My god, they sure are good looking 6th formers. One of the girls,Kathy really does something for me. Wow, what a cute face and looking fit and cute in her neat uniform.I can,t help but imagine her bouncing on my cock or peeling her panties off and rimming her. Sadly it will have to remain a fantasy,one that enhances my edging sessions when she has returned to class. I carry that image for...
The second week of May Bill posted his next advertisement. The morning the notice appeared in the paper he got a string of four calls that he was able to wash out on the phone for various reasons. Then he got a call that sounded OK and set up an interview for the following day. A little after noon he got a very strange call asking about the job. "Good afternoon, Black residence, Bill Black speaking," Bill answered. "Em, a, hello. Is this the right number for the advertisement for a live...
Epilogue: When I posted the original Fantasy Island story I was considering several possible scenarios that would tie up the individual fantasies. The only one that had fully resolved itself was the Julie/Michael relationship which was heading to a logical and planned outcome. Cindy had almost reached resolution while Janice and Joseph had some way still to go. The one that I was having most trouble with was Richie’s. It was because of this that I had decided to end the story where I did....
Hie everyone I am from Mumbai, 22 years currently working in an MNC, I am following of Indian sex stories for past few years may be 3-4 it’s always wonderful to read experiences many times I did ended up masturbating to many of them many things I have got to know from the stories here so I thot to share one of my best experiences It’s my first time writing my experience so do please bear any errors or mistake I will try my best to make this as erotic as I can there will me many more here...
This story is completely fictional! This story picks up with the My Sister Kelly story with an encounter between Eric and his mother. I got off my shift at the hospital and instead of running some errands like I told Eric I would, I decided to come home and change out of my scrubs and then go out. I got home and the house was pretty quiet, I could tell my daughter Kelly was out. I quietly went upstairs to see if my son Eric was home. It was apparent he was not expecting me home because his...
IncestKatie Kush has one hell of a sexy ass and her stepbrother, Rion King, can’t help but notice it as she’s on her knees scrubbing the floors. After talking to Katie, Rion learns that she’s doing the cleaning as a punishment for sneaking out and that it’s keeping her from meeting her friends at the mall. Katie asks if Rion will help her out, but Rion isn’t about to do that without some compensation. Since Katie knows that Rion is always hot for her, she offers him a...
xmoviesforyouTHE CRIME SCENE By Sandra Lyden 2/17/08 ?10-42, are you in call?? I picked up the mic. ?10-42 check,? I responded. ?We’ve got a suspicious character at 1100 Water Street. Can you check it out?? ?It’s not far from me.? ?Proceed with caution, you’re alone and we don’t need to lose you.? ?Copy. I’ll call for back up if I need it.? ?10-4.? I put the mic up and made a U-turn at the next red light. I had my lights on only as I...
In her cute little tee, Alice Pink is titillating as she hoses down a boat outside. She gets herself all wet in the process, making our studs cock stand up at attention. She kneels down and pleasures his stiff rod, using her hands and mouth to make the cum bubble up in his balls. Then, he stuffs her pussy full of fat dick, picking her up in a full nelson while slamming her from behind. Her face contorts in pleasure as he pierces her twat. Then, while he unloads a splash of jizz in her mouth,...
xmoviesforyouHi guys, I am (Neel) back with the next encounter here. I am sure all of you read my previous two stories “Enjoyed with Nicky the Online friend” and “My Story with Nickey Part-2” and who hasn’t read that, I would request you to read it. So guys, here I am with one of the next encounters. We had many steamy sex session after that day and they just another sex session so I do not want to share about those. But there is saying in hindi “Khuda jab deta hai chhappar farke deta hai”. And that exactly...
I would never win any speed contests sending telegrams. My fingers are big and they felt clumsy tapping on the key. But I’d had enough experience to send a message on my own. And to decode incoming ones. It was a small talent, but learning how to do something new never had hurt me. Hunting and fishing were new once. Skinning. Roping. Shooting. Of course everything at Mrs. Adler’s had been new at one point. Credit due, Ollie Chambers may be portly and soft and over-careful around his...
Hi friends.. Love to all iss readers. I m a daily reader of this site. I don’t know yahan pe sare stories real he ya fake but thing is we got fun n pleasure by reading these stories. I m simple average boy of age 20, 5.7” ht lamba gora achha dikhta hun. Ab story pe ate hein, its a small story of just some foreplay oral action n little fucking. Jis lady k bare me ye story h wo fair in look n healthy body. I guess her figure 34,30,38. Her age is 42 Aap log imagine karo how big ass she has. Anyway...
After that she stood up and after that she sat down on my hard trannycock.I'm gonna ride you she said with my tight trannyhole.It felt awesome mm fuck me fuck me I groaned fuck me with your beatiful trannyass. Just as I was about to cum she got off. Now it's my turn she said! On all four now slut she said! Of course I did as she said she stood on her knees in front of my face I'm gonna fuck your mouth you cheap bitch she said after that I'm gonna fuck your trannyass.It felt so good to feel and...
MEXICAN SHORTCUT Our Mexican vacation had been my idea. Or at least that's what Ithought. I realize now that my wife Angeles had planted the idea in mymind. I like women who look like her, short, with olive-colored skin,dark hair, and figures with exaggerated busts and bottoms. Not only do Ifind that look exciting but, being short myself, I appreciate havingsomeone I don't have to literally look up to. She kept k**ding me abouthow a trip south of the border would let me ogle as much of...
I knew then I would always remember the next few hours. We were both flying from Los Angeles to Boston on a red-eye flight out of LAX. I had seen her sitting alone at the gate, and I devoured her from afar, taking a seat a few rows back to not look like some sort of midnight stalker at the airport. My own fantasy drowned out the noise coming from the light bustle of the airport at midnight. She was simply stunning. Her brunette hair, tousled from a full-days work, flowed down to her shoulders....
I got the shock of my life when I woke up one morning. I found out that my wife had walked out on me. A short note lay on the kitchen table telling me that she would not be coming back. And I had no idea that she had been unhappy with our marriage. I was devastated I thought we had the perfect marriage I started hanging out in bars and honky tonks. Then one night I ran in to my ex-wife she was dressed like a slut and acted like a whore, she came over to me and started talking about how she had...
A Paul, Jenny, Michelle, Tammy and Cleo story. Copyright 2001 by Paul. All rights reserved. * * * * * Paul. I awoke with a hard on. I could feel somebody moving beneath my sheet. Fingers on my prick. The warmth of a mouth engulfing the end. Reaching down I ran my fingers through her hair. Hair I’d felt a thousand times. ‘Hallo Jenny.’ I said. It was Jenny. Second thoughts flashed across my mind. No, it was Jenny. She mumbled something. Her mouth full of cock. I lifted the sheet and...
My trailer must have seemed a stark contrast to her home. The only similarities between the two were that both were small single-wide trailers sitting on small lots on the same street. My trailer was new, well lit and clean. The yard had a short chain-link fence, shrubs and grass, with a border of flowers along the paved driveway. That contrast was heightened by the dingy appearance of most of the surrounding trailers and lots. The new look of my trailer and lot was more a result of repairing...
The voice of a weary, but determined, old gentleman echoed through a dimly lit laboratory, as a single spotlight alit upon a large, metal operating table at the room's center. "This is Doctor Thomas Light; the year is 20XX. Today, I attempt to reactivate Buster Girl, otherwise known as model # DDN-001; she is a sophisticated humanoid robot created and later abandoned by my assistant, Dr. Dolly. Despite her unfinished nature, she may be our last, best chance to save the free world from my former...
Caught by Neighbor- 1 -It was a beautiful warm day, and I had it to myself. My wife Sam was interstate on business for the week, and not due back for another five days. For me that meant housework to be done, but plenty of time to enjoy my own space, and entertain one particular hobby. I smiled to myself, and not for the first time, I stopped in front of a mirror and pulled my tracksuit pants down, admiring the bright pink, silky panties that I'd been walking around in all day.I'd been...
Village Tales Book 1 A Measure of Breeding Alexia: Persuasions and Passions Part 3 5. Journey to Saint Michel (beginning) Dawn broke in the stable and the girls were wakened by the sun streaming through the cracks in the wall. The three girls, still weary from their night time exertions, rolled groggily from their blankets and dressed quickly in the cold morning air. Climbing down the ladder from the loft, the women splashed cold water from the trough onto their faces to wash away the traces...
Colorado was a bust. I had been so sure that he'd lied about the gate. Unfortunately, he was being totally truthful. I did learn something about gate's construction, though. I flew back home, and got my car out of long-term parking. I checked it of course, but it was clean. I pondered what to do next. I had family in another reality, a secret government organization on my ass here, and my friend and mentor was one of the heads of that same secret org. Could life get any better? I drove...
I can't believe this! I got the chance to participate in House of Horny, I've been dreaming for this my whole life and I just started auditioning for a spot 2 years ago when I became 18. I've been watching this show and I know if I play the right way there will be no way for me to lose my shot at the million! A bit of backstory before you begin your long journey of House of Horny. The game will only end when 9 people have cum and lost their chance at the million dollars and for the winner to be...
This story dates back to 1990’s when I was doing my graduation in Delhi. Nisha , a gorgeous young lady was my table partner in all the practical classes. We were good friends and used to divulge all the secrets keeping nothing confidential between us. From the first day, I could not keep myself from oggling from her almost ‘D’ sized boobs which were very firmly shaped. In between the talks and the classes, I used to catch a glimpse of the pumpkins whenever opportunity permitted. Nisha used to...
My girlfriend, Evie and I had been together four years; there is a big age difference between us, she is 22, I am 40. Life was good, sex was great. Yes, we experimented a little, but nothing major. One November day last year, I had to work late. I didn't mean to sneak in, but I guess I must've gone in really quietly, as when I got home to my beautiful girlfriend I was very surprised to find her, legs spread, fingering her pussy, with pictures of me and some of my ex girlfriends all around and a...
Group SexElaine and Pauline by Georgina Her soft, satin-gloved hands shirred with a hissing, sexy sound over the slim, black satin skirts of her beautiful strapless evening gown. Elaine was in a wild and sensuous mood, sweet in its depth of desire and pure decadent and forbidden lust. Her stiletto heeled shoes tapped on the parquet flooring of the corridor as she glided towards her son's room. In the quietness of his room Paul waited, fear gripping his heart as he waited for his...
It’s early morning and a fresh coat of snow has blanketed the city. Light filters in through the slats in the blinds. Yulia has just finished with her bath and is lying on the bed on her side. Her skin is cool and still a little damp. Curtis is behind her, rubbing her neck and shoulders. She can feel him pressed up against her completely. Yulia’s thighs are squeezed gently around his mostly erect prick. It is a nice feeling—one that makes her believe, for just a little bit, that they do not...
"Gwen," her mother nearly shouted after answering the door only to find her twenty two year old standing on the front stoop, "what are you doing here, I thought you were going to Paris with the rest of your college chums!?!" After giving her mom a big hug and kiss, she replied, "Well, I was going to go, but lately I've been having these feelings, if you know what I mean................" Virna Olson reached out and caressed her oldest daughter's cheek and whispered softly, "I think I know...
Group Sex