Gypsy SailorChapter 2 free porn video

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Winter Harbour, Thursday night. Be there!


I must have read that note thirty times before the message sank into my head. Brandy had left without so much as a "Good-bye". Even just a hint of why she'd sailed out of the cove so early in the morning would have made me feel better.

Winter Harbour. Shit, how I hated that place. With the draft of my 32-foot sloop, the only way that I could safely enter or leave that harbour was at high tide, just as it turned. At any other time, the solid basalt reef that protected the cove would rip the keel off before I knew it.

Despite my loathing of that sheltered moorage, I decided that I'd take the chance and go. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe get my heart broken again? As that state was already becoming an ongoing lifestyle anyway, one more round wouldn't be the end of the world.

Besides, there was just something about Brandy Bendall that felt so damned compelling. Her warmth, and something I couldn't label, combined to draw me to her like a moth to flame. Sure, I could forget her, if I had to. I'd been left behind so many times before by other women that it was starting to feel like that was my destiny. It was just that those few hours of feeling connected to another human being, of actually mattering to someone, were as addictive as crack cocaine.

So here I was, standing on the deck, trying to get my head to function again. This girl must have had me under some sort of a spell. I had no idea if the tide was in or out, or even which way it was going. Trying to sail out of there at low tide would be fatal, and I knew it. But the thoughts of being with Brandy again had taken over my sense of reason. I was all set to pull up anchor and leave right then, and to hell with the rocks, the currents, and the dangers!

Those aren't the things that someone who wants to see another sunrise should be thinking. The sea is a fickle mistress. Show her the respect she deserves, and she'll cradle you with warmth and protection; piss her off, and she'll crush you so fucking fast...

It took me almost fifteen minutes to ascertain that the tide was going out, and that I was too late to safely leave. I was stuck here until sometime in the evening, and even then I'd be sailing at night. Not a good idea, especially in these waters. I resigned myself to being held captive until the following morning. That would still give me two days to make Winter Harbour. Plenty of time, I realized, even if I had to make the trip using only the auxiliary engine.

Well, even though I've been sailing these waters for many years, I got impatient by the time the day was winding down. Not "stupid crazy" impatient, but definitely antsy. As soon as the tide was high enough, I fired up the auxiliary and headed out into the channel. There was maybe a couple of hours of daylight left. Not quite enough time to make it to Queen's Cove, but I'd get close. I'd be able to set sail early the next morning, and even if the winds died, I'd still be able to make landfall near Winter Harbour by Thursday afternoon. After that, it was just a matter of waiting for high tide for the leg into the harbour itself. That was assuming that a certain 28-foot sloop was already moored there.

The trip to Winter Harbour was relatively uneventful. Winds were from the south-west at about twenty knots. Just enough to set the spinnaker sail and let Mother Nature do the hard part; put some miles behind me. I probably could have made Winter that night, if it had been necessary. But I learned a long time ago that rushing was the fastest way to get a person in trouble. Knowing how strong that calling to be with Brandy again was, I was already in enough trouble. No sense taking unnecessary chances now.

I slept in the following morning. Maybe it was the gentle roll of the boat as the waves slowly rocked me. Maybe it was that delicious feeling of laziness that a lack of a schedule induces. Maybe it was not having a care in the world.

Maybe it was the dreams of Brandy that kept me in bed. Remembering making love to her on the deck got my cock all excited. Softly stroking myself while those memories drifted around in my head was pure pleasure. The thought of holding her in my arms, feeling the softness of her skin against mine, the swell of her breasts under my hands, tasting the sweetness of her juices as I lay harboured between her silky thighs, having her cunt demand my manhood, sharing our climaxes together. Those were some things that I could really get used to.

But laying at anchor wasn't going to make those dreams come true. There were almost forty miles between me and that harbour. With a decent wind, I'd make the trip in four or five hours. After that, it was a matter of waiting; waiting for the tide, waiting for the sounder to map the moorages. And waiting for a certain 28-foot sloop to arrive. My whole day was going to be a case of "hurry up and wait".

A leisurely breakfast filled in some of the time. Cleaning out the cabin, checking and tuning the rigging consumed some more of it. I hoisted the sails just as the Klayquot ferry rounded the point on its way north. That would make it about noon. Five hours from now and the tide would almost be high enough to scoot straight into the harbour itself, and it would be light enough to find a decent spot to drop anchor. It was that last wait, the one until Brandy was back in my arms, that would fray my nerves like an old piece of manilla rope.

They say that the best plans of mice and men often go astray. In my case, it was any plans. I was close to the half-way point when the wind died. Instantly. I'd been making good time, and it was a gorgeous day. Between the sun and the gurgling of the wake behind me, it was almost hypnotic. I guess I must have dozed off for a bit, because it was the snap of the mainsail luffing that brought me back to reality. There wasn't a breath of air anywhere, and the sea was like glass all around me. In fact, the only thing moving were the gentle roll of waves that had started thousands of miles away in the middle of the Pacific, now preparing themselves to break on the Island's west coast. Unless I fired up the auxiliary, about the only place I was going was onto the beach as those Pacific travellers pushed me in with the tide.

It took a while to convince the little Perkins diesel that it was time to go back to work. Once underway again, I looked at the chronometer in the cabin, only to find that it was almost 4:00 PM. Shit! I still had three hours to go, and that would mean I'd miss the high tide I needed. Not a major set-back, but a damned nuisance. I'd have to anchor outside the harbour, then wait for the morning tide.

The little auxiliary ran best at three-quarter throttle, and that's where I set it. At that speed, I was making a whole six knots, about half what I'd make under sail. The inconvenience was tolerable; the racket from the little engine wasn't. But it did get me to the harbour entrance just before last light.

This was a deep section of water, and it took me four passes to get the Danforth anchor to grab anything. By the time it did, I had almost four hundred feet of anchor line run out. One good gust in the night and it might pull free. There was nothing for it but to plan on an all-night vigil. Once everything was as secured as I could make it, I sat back on the deck, and leaned against the aft storage locker that usually served as a seat. It was the same one Brandy had claimed when she first came aboard.

I must have either dozed off or daydreamed. Either way, I never heard the bump of the skiff as it touched my hull.

"Hey there, stranger" a familiar voice called me. "You hiding out here, or you coming in to keep me company?" I almost jumped out of my shorts!

"Brandy!" I almost screamed my delight. Rolling over to gaze past the stern flag mast, my eyes were met with the prettiest sight this old sailor had seen in a long time.

"Permission to come aboard,, Captain" she requested.

"Permission granted, sailor. Now get your pretty little ass up here, and give me one of those welcoming kisses of yours! And that's an order!" I growled to her, the joy at her just being there betraying my lack of anger and authority.

"Aye, sir!" she growled back, with just as much authority in her voice as I didn't have. "Give me a hand here, sailor. An old broad like me shouldn't have to fight this damned transom. How come you haven't got a swim grid back here for midnight guests to come aboard? Too cheap?" she teased.

She threw me the painter to tie the skiff off, then waited for my arm to help her aboard. As I pulled her up, I kept the momentum going until she was right where I could wrap my arms around her. I imprisoned her soft feminine charms tightly to me. She responded by kissing me passionately, her tongue demanding open passage to the security of the harbour that was my mouth. I felt her exploring every part of me, inspecting all the different textures she'd encountered before. She made accommodation for my own probing tongue. Don't ask me how long we held that kiss. It could have been hours. Maybe even days. No matter how long, it still wasn't long enough.

"I thought I said Thursday night" Brandy whispered as we finally unlocked our lips. "What's the matter, big boy? Couldn't wait that long?"

"Nah. But I was in the neighbourhood, and figured I'd check up on you. Beside, you buggered off without saying fuck-all. What was that all about?" I asked.

"I sailed out on the morning tide, and had a chance to do some research on the way up here. There was no way you were going to wake up, so I left you that note. I see you got it" she explained. "It's not like I didn't try to wake you. Hell, I almost broke my toe, kicking your fat ass! When you sleep, you really sleep! I could have scuttled this tub, and you wouldn't have known a damned thing until you hit the bottom."

She was right. Making love til the wee hours of the morning tends to have that effect on me.

"When's the next high tide? I haven't looked at the table lately. This ain't the greatest place to rely on a hook, is it?" I quizzed the beautiful creature still in my arms. "And where the hell are you anchored, anyway? I scanned the harbour as I came in and couldn't see your boat anywhere." The twinkle in her eye made me realize that Brandy had something sneaky up her sleeve. Getting the information out of her would probably take several threats with a marlin spike.

"Far end of the harbour. There's a big tidal pool back there, and unless they know when and where to get into it, no one's gonna bother me for days." she explained. "But if you have to wait for the tide just to get into the harbour basin, you're never gonna get into that tidal pool. Maybe I should just shanghai you, and we'll leave this old tub out in the harbour itself? I have to rendezvous with the university's tender tomorrow afternoon, but after that... " She left her sentence trailing off. It was what she didn't say that was important.

"You still haven't told me when high tide is in the morning" I reminded her.

"About 6:30," she answered, "assuming I can get your sleepy ass on deck by then. Might have to try and keep you in your pants all night to accomplish that." She stepped back as far as my arms would let her. Looking up and down my entire body, and with that mischievous gleam in her eye, she added, "Nah, that idea sucks. I can't wait that long!"

"Guess that means shore leave has been cancelled, huh?" I quipped. "Tell ya what. You take the midnight watch, and I'll do the second trick. One of us should be awake come sunrise."

"Not if I have my way about it" she returned. "As soon as that sun sinks below the horizon? I'm gonna fuck you senseless, then curl up in these arms of yours and snore my brains out. Shit, that's all I've been thinking about since I left that cove. Must have gone through eight or nine pairs of panties, too. A girl can only stand her unsatisfied pussy being that wet for so long, ya know" she growled in my ear.

I pulled her tight to my chest and kissed her as hard as I dared. She responded with equal vigour, and almost as much strength. Her breasts crushed themselves against me, those turgid nipples that turned me on so much trying desperately to bore right through to my shoulder blades. My cock wasn't too far off being fully erect. Another three seconds would about do it.

"Why wait til sunset?" I wheezed as we finally broke our welcoming kiss. "There's a perfectly good cabin down below, just itching to be educated in the ways of wanton lust. Sunsets take too long this time of year, and I can't be bothered waiting, if I don't have to."

"Tempting," she whispered, "but tonight, I want to swab this deck with our combined juices. I've made love in some strange places in my life, but this deck? God, it's all I've thought about since you came into view tonight. This is where I want to be when we make love, Jerry. To remember that this is where we met, where we became friends, where we made love. If you ever sink this tub, I want a piece of its deck as a memento of the other night. Even if I have to dive down six hundred feet to get it, I want it!" She kissed me softly but insistently, then added, "but not as bad as I want you right now. Damn, you've got me feeling so horny, I'm gonna soak this pair of panties right through in the next ninety seconds!"

"Now, now! We can't have that, can we? Not while all those gawky-eyed tourists over there can still see in this evening twilight" I teased her. "Besides, I haven't eaten all damned day, and my stomach is beginning to wonder if my throat's been cut. Think you can keep your overactive hormones under control until we do something about that?"

With that same mischievous grin, Brandy grabbed my crotch with open fingers. "Fuck the main course! I'm holding out for dessert!" her lust-filled voice declared.

In retaliation, I slid my hand over her Mons, my finger rubbing the outline of her slit. Shit, she wasn't kidding about soaking her panties! Even the denim fabric between her legs was wet! I couldn't believe how turned on that got me. We were about one-and-a-half seconds from ripping each other's clothes off right then and there, gawking tourists notwithstanding.

"I know what I'm having for dessert," I mumbled softly, "Pussy pie. Two helping's worth. But I think we should eat first. Gotta keep my strength up. It's gonna be a busy night, right?" I got a hug. Brandy got her cute little bum lightly smacked.

Standing in front of the galley stove a few minutes later, I felt a pair of arms sneak up behind me and circle my waist. They were immediately followed by a pair of still-hard nipples pushing into my back, and Brandy's warm, moist breath in my ear. It sent shivers all through me, and whatever I was in the middle of immediately went "on hold".

It was also a diversion. As I revelled in the sensations Brandy was eliciting in my body, the button on my jeans mysteriously came undone, and the zipper was seconds behind it. I felt her hand slipping into my shorts as she captured my hard cock in those soft fingers of hers. She began to stroke the length of my shaft slowly, while convincing my pants that they would rather be on the floor than on me. I couldn't argue with her logic.

Turning off the stove, I spun around slowly, bringing Brandy's hand that was attached to my cock with me. She never missed a stroke as she continued to slowly fondle me. I reached up to her breasts, squeezing and pleasuring them, my senses basking in their soft pliability. My fingers drifted back and forth over her erect nipples, completely engrossed with the dichotomy of the difference in textures between their hardness and the supple softness of her orbs. Her deep blue eyes reached out and captured my soul, making me her slave for as long as she wanted. Once she'd garnered that part of me, her lips conquered my own in a deep and delicious kiss that felt intense enough to curl my pubic hair. I opened my lips to her demanding tongue, feeling her claim any salvage rights to what little resolve I had left to resist her. She'd get slim pickings from that claim. I doubt that broke her heart. It sure wasn't breaking mine.

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I was a junior at Hampshire the night Jane came to me. It wasn’t a good time. In my mind I was the World’s Oldest Virgin, terminally unlovable. I’d even struck out with Easy Emily, who had fucked half my friends but not me even though I was the only person who actually cared about her. Years later I understood my feelings were precisely the problem she had with me, but at the time they were simply proof that something in the stars had aligned to render me completely and utterly unlovable. A...

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Jamaican Getaway

It's funny that the thing that changed the script for this year was the internet, or more precisely, the proliferation of nude pictures on the internet. This was nothing like the internet of today, with countless videos and pictures just a click away. Back in the day you had to get an internet address from someone. When you got there it was essentially just a file folder with a bunch of .gif files in it. Because it was very grass roots, what you found mostly were topless or nude pictures of...

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Farm Girl Having Some Fun Pt 2

I didn't even notice when Tony let go of my wrists, but suddenly he was there between my legs. I just lay there helplessly, letting him do as he wanted, too exhausted by the ordeal with his father to offer any resistance. He slid his cock up and down along the lips of my now cum covered cunt. He grinned nastily at me from between my legs and then grunted as he pushed forward, driving his meaty cock inside me, shooting it past my tired cunt lips and up into my belly.His cock wasn't as big as his...

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Alien InvasionChapter 2

We didn't know our exact starting point, but it was somewhere around Arlington. As best we could, we followed streets due west. It was slow going, especially because we had to drag the travois in the dark through the debris accumulated on the streets. It was a little after daylight when we finally came to Route 128. God, the road was in a mess! It was about as bad as the streets that we had been following in the places where it was not worse. We were looking for Route 2A headed west. This...

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Being Blessed

Special thanks to Pete ‘the old fart’ 2018 for his expertise in reediting and reproofing. Life wasn’t always as comfortable as it was today. In my younger years I had to work long unpaid hours to get the qualifications and experience that now had me in demand. My field of expertise was computers, primarily trouble shooting. To be successful you needed a reputation of being a problem solver, and getting the job done right the first time. Time was money for my clients and if I couldn’t solve...

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Aunt Meena Ki Wild Chudai 8211 Part 1

Hey guys, this is Raghav , this is my second story after my story “lakshmi ko choda holi pe” which was based on my true experience(with little spice of eroticism). Agr apne nhi pdhi abhi to pls phle use padh lijiye taki is story ka 100 percnt mza utha sake. To ab story pr ate h. Mera nam raghav h Delhi ka rhne wala hu or ladies me both interest rakhta hu or interest milta bhi h samne se(if you know what I mean).Jaisa ap sabne pdha last story me kaise mene apni lakshmi aunty ko choda. Wo mujhse...

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EvilAngel Destiny Cruz Young Anal Badass

Young, blonde Latina starlet Destiny Cruz talks nasty to the camera, flaunting her hot body in a skimpy swimsuit. Destiny fondles her twat through a heated tease session, soon welcoming hung stud Ramon Nomar. Destiny gives him a drooling blowjob, whimpering as Ramon simultaneously probes her rectum with a dildo. Destiny rides his big cock, creaming and moaning as Ramon’s rod stuffs her cunt. She masturbates as Ramon’s rod pries open her sphincter. Ramon sodomizes her hard! The nasty...

3 years ago
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A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII

A sissy called Jezebel Part XVII - Jezebel learns that political forces are swirling around hir mother encouraging her to run for higher office and Jezzie attends a sexy hot yoga class at the Templeton Academy: where young womyn become dominatrixes and sissies are crushed into submission.. I raise my hand in order to ask the Headmistress 'what in world is going on about mother?' "Yes, yes, I know what you are going to ask, the cat is out of the bag, many, many powerful...

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MomShoot Spencer Scott More Than Keeping You Company

Ike is home alone when Spencer drops by to see his mom, a close friend of hers. Ike tells her she is off for vacation, but she is too bored anyway so she decides to keep him accompanied, as her husband is also busy working. As they sit on the couch, it’s clear that Spencer is trying to seduce Ike with her big boobs and enchanting eyes. Ike feels nervous about getting naughty with his mom’s best friend, but he starts to relax when Spencer starts sucking his cock viciously. The two take things to...

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Train Me Mil Marwadi Aunty Ki Chudai

Namaskar mere sabhi pyare dosto. Mai iss ka regular reader hu. Is site par ye meri pehli kahani hai umid karta hu ki apko ye pasand ayegi. Mera man Manish hai. Mai Puna ka rehnewala hu. Mai ek athelete n basketball player hu. Body ekdam tagadi hai jise dekhke koi bhi ladki ya aunty fida ho jaye. Aur ha sabse jaruri baat mera loda jo ki 7″ mota n 2″ jada hai. (ladkiyo bachke rehna isse) Baat un dino ki hai jab mai Puna se kisi kam ke silsile me Mumbai gaya hua tha. Waha ka kam khatam karke wapas...

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Aunt teaches her nephew a lesson Chapter 2

I woke up in my bed and my eyes were groggy, there was someone at my doorway but I couldn't figure out who. "Morning sugar," I heard my aunts voice and smiled. I sat up and motioned her over. "Where is everyone?" "Shopping," she answered, "You were sleeping and no one wanted to wake you. I volunteered to stay." She gave me a mischievous grin and stood up. She took her dress off and was completely naked. She sat back down in front of me. I grabbed her tits and she started moaning. I sucked,...

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by Memory's Grace There's a look she gets on her face when she's debating whether or not to take off her panties. She leans a little to the left, like she's curling up a bit, and rests her butt firmly against her heels. Then she twitches up. I don't know if she takes them off or not. I'm trying to relax. "What is it?" "I..." "You always get like this," she smiles. "You're in good hands, you know." I don't know what it is about a slightly chubby brunette that lets her smile...

4 years ago
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Robbie MacraeChapter 12 Black Spots

Amanda returned to the ward where Zoe was being treated, worried now about Robbie too. A nurse informed her that Zoe was comfortable but still unconscious and she would need to remain at least overnight. They had taken some blood for tests but she reassured Amanda that Zoe should be just fine. She checked on Alison and was told that she too was being kept overnight, for observation mainly the nurse said. With little else to do she decided to go home and try to get some rest. Robbie awoke...

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Mason and Me

My name is Madden. I am a nineteen year old freshman in college. Due to the fact that I live at school, I only come home on occasion. This is a story about one of those times. My youngest brother, Mason, a senior in college, also is in the same predicament, and we usually are never home at the same time anymore, except for on special occasions like birthdays and Christmas. I have to say, we were both presently surprised at this turn of events.I had been home for two hours when Mason walked...

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Ginas Vegas trip Part 1

It started, the way my last Gina Fantasy started-with an email from Gina inviting her BULLS to a "special event". We were instructed to meet at a small airport in the Port Angeles area about 10 a.m. at hanger number 6. with two days of cloths and-get this-our balls full of sperm. Oh well, no jerking off to Gina videos before the trip. I arrived a few minutes early, but already Gina's herd of bulls was gathering. As we introduced of our selfs, I was struck by Gina's collection of sperm bulls....

1 year ago
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My First And Only Gay Experience

This incident is 100% real dating back to 2002 when I was 12 years old. We had just moved in to a new place. It was a big residential complex. Very few families were staying when we had shifted. I was in 5th class then. We had a neighbour in next building. Their family was of 3 people Mr. Patil, his wife and their son – Jayesh (20 years old then). Jayesh was studying his engineering in a college near Nashik staying there in hostel. My father was working in a small firm with less salary (not...

Gay Male
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Patni Ko Chhune Ka Adhikar Paaya

Meri shaadi 2017 mein Prerna (name changed for privacy) se dhoom dhaam se hui. Shaadi ke samay Prerna ke chehre par ajeeb nirasha dikhai de rahi thi. Prerna ki age 28 thi aur qualification MBA Finance tha. Woh MNC mein senior level pe job karti thi. Meri salary kam thi. Kheti aur jaaydaat dekhkar uske parents ne haan kar di thi. Suhagraat ke waqt mujhe bada jhatka laga jab meri biwi ne sachai batai. Biwi ne batai ki woh kisi se aur se pyar karti hai. Uski company mein woh job karta hai. Maine...

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Surrender Part Two

Standing in the corner with his hands on his head and a well-paddled bottom on prominent display, Michael waited for Raina’s entrance. Being put into the corner like a naughty child after a spanking was embarrassing but having someone you barely knew find you there was downright humiliating. The voices in the hallway were not loud enough to understand what was being said or to identify the newcomers. He could only hope it was Raina and Jaime. His heart pounded harder than the throbbing in his...

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Daddy and his girls final part

As the girls left the bedroom dressed in only bikini bottoms and a towel, but carrying clean vest tops, they heard the front door open. "It's only me" I shouted. "Course it is," Jenny said, "no one else has a key". "What are you two up to ?" I asked seeing my girls walk past wrapped in towels. "It's a lovely day, we're gonna top up our tans. Didn't think you'd be home yet " Jenny continued as she walked right past me towards the kitchen, and the back door. "Hello Daddy, " Sky said as she...

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Once a Year

I first met Shelby three years ago at a nightclub. She was with a girlfriend that I knew from high school and they had been club hopping. I got an introduction courtesy of my high school acquaintance and fell head over heals for her the moment she opened her mouth to speak. I don't know if you have ever experienced this, but I knew that I loved her the moment we met. I also knew that she was way out of my league. She was like a goddess walking the earth. Shelby has a body that is perfect in...

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Times Change

My, how Times ChangeMy ass was at the edge of the sofa, my wife was standing, bent over, my cock sliding in and out of her wet mouth. She was naked except for black hose, and spike heels, her c=cup tits swinging lewdly down from her chest as she worked on my cock. She was getting a nice, hard cock shoved into her very wet pussy by one of my photographer buddies. I held her head as I approached a really hard climax, and, at that moment Larry, the guy fucking Cheryl pushed forward burying his...

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Young Melissa

The Greyhound bus was only half full as it made its way into Iowa from Illinois. Most of the passengers were riding alone and stared out the windows at the fields of corn and soybeans that stretched to the horizon. Melissa Lockheart sat by a window toward the rear of the bus. She watched the farmers toiling in the fields as the bus cut through the vast countryside. This was Melissa's first visit to Iowa. She was headed to her Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ben's farmstead near the town of Bentonville. Her...

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A Story of Jane in the First Person SingularChapter 6

MONDAY, the 21st of SEPTEMBER — THE AUTMNAL EQUINOX As I write this final chapter, I am sitting in one of my favorite places in the whole world: Mama's library, at the big table in front of the window overlooking Lake Michigan. As little girls, Jean and I would come in here and try to imagine what marvelous spells were contained in the old volumes that line these walls. Women in centuries past have been burned for possessing such books. Today, with freedom from persecution and the freedom...

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Marital BlissChapter 3

The Dr's appointment. After work Jan and Pete eagerly prepared for the forthcoming appointment; deciding to shower separately they both took their time making sure every inch of their bodies was thoroughly washed and fresh. Jan even took the time and trouble to shave her cunt three times to make sure it was in perfect condition; they both assumed that the appointment would include some semblance of a physical examination. Choosing what to wear was far from easy for them both; should Pete...

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Sex with the boyfriend of my best friend

It happened few days ago, after a party. I couldn't go to the party with my car so I asked to my best friend, Kira, if she could bring me there. She couldn't so we went there with her boyfriend, Josh. After the party, we were all drunk, me, Kira and Josh and Josh brought us back home. Kira's house was few km far from the house of the party, so Josh brought her for first and then he wanted to bring me home since my and his house were pretty close, on the same main street.It was something like...

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High School reunion3

Logan maybe, he was at least smart enough to get good grades, Devon, on the other hand, was a complete tool and an absolute idiot. Unless he made it to the NFL, which he didn’t, there’s no way he achieved anything with his life. But it’s Logan I want to show up. He always went out of his way to put me down. He tried to act so manly, but honestly, his voice sounded so girly. I’m surprised Devon didn’t give him shit for it. Even though he was shorter than me, being the state champion in...

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Building a Nest of Our Own18 A Show of Force

“And discovering new cultures on vacation fosters good will and communications between the worlds,” Yklyst added in Plssam. “While creating demand for the trade goods of the planets you visit.” “We’re not looking to start a ferry service,” Zita said. “But we could give a few people a lift whenever we happen by. Al loves to talk.” She glanced at him, raising a brow. “Having someone new at hand lets the rest of us get something accomplished. “I must say,” Ti Lobelli noted. “I’m not used to...

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Part 44

Jersey Joe We received Joe’s answer in the mail it had several pictures of him in various states of undress and two close ups of his cock .it slanted and curved up and had a huge helmet head which got Toni excited, she said she never seen one like that before .The letter had his contact info along with a phone number and a request to meet asap. She got so hot just looking at the pictures and reading his letter she just got on top of me started fucking me and saying how she was going to get a...

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Our Only Affair

At one time in my life I was always hungry for sex. I loved to imagine myself sucking cock and getting penetrated in all my horny little sex holes by big, hard, juicy penises. I thought about sex all the time, actually. And in fact, it drove me crazy. Sometimes in the middle of the day, when I had been fantasizing all morning about cocks and pussies and fucking and sucking, my vagina and clit would get so hot that I just couldn’t stand it any more. And when I got like that I would find a...


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