Gypsy Charmed free porn video

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"Sold, to the gentleman with the grey beard!" Harold said as he tapped the table with his small wooden gavel.

Ariana stepped forward from the side of the makeshift stage and took the young blonde's hand for the last time. "Good bye, my darling." She whispered softly as she walked the girl through the departing customers, but if Patricia heard her, there was no sign of it in her glassy eyed stare.

The tall, elderly man reached Harold's table at the same time as Ariana and his purchase. "Does she get to keep the costume?" he asked, admiring the way the young woman's body was displayed by the gossamer thin top and harem pants, the sheer veil hiding nothing of her pretty features.

"For fifty, more." Harold said and watched as another crisp note was added to the sizable stack he was just about to count.

Ariana hated this part, where her beautifully trained girls were sold to the highest bidder, and she had been especially fond of Patricia, saving her till last in the hope that all the bidders would have finished before she was presented. But her plan came to nought, too many had seen Ariana's favourite as she danced with the others each night around the campfire to the sounds of guitars and tambourines. She had obviously taken the eye of her eventual owner, for he had only made low bids on the others, keeping his powder dry for what he truly desired.

As Harold nodded that the purchase price had been paid, Ariana put Patricia's hand on the arm of her new owner and told her, "This is your new master. You will obey him now, just as you obeyed me before."

And that was it, the crowd had departed and now Patricia was being led away to whatever fate her master decided would be hers.

"That was the best yet." Harold said, waving the stack of crisp bills.

At times like these Ariana hated her father, whose only interest seemed to be in money, he didn't care that his only daughter's bed would be empty until they could, as he so inappropriately put it, restock.

But at least Ariana would be spared that cold bed tonight, for before dawn the travelling show would be dismantled, the stalls, rides and authentic gypsy caravans stowed on flat bed trucks, the only evidence of their presence the whitened grass squares and circles in an empty field.

"You got any plans for this weekend, Karen?" Emily asked as she walked in to the sitting room of their shared apartment, rubbing her wet, jet-black hair with a towel that matched the one that was only just tied around her.

Karen twirled a lock of her curly red hair around her finger as she replied. "Not as yet, why?"

Karen tried really hard to keep looking at her magazine rather than the hem of Emily's makeshift robe that only just managed to hide the diminutive girls dignity, especially when she threw herself onto the sofa and then tucked her legs up beneath her.

At times like these, Karen sometimes wished things would go back to the way they had been when she had first 'come out' to her fellow students. What a night that had been, all suspicious looks and talk of betrayal! And for a couple of weeks after Emily and Janet had been very cagey around her, locking their bedroom doors each night and never appearing in the living room unless fully dressed, and certainly not as almost undressed as Emily was now.

However the tense atmosphere had gradually eased as the two young women finally realised that Karen wasn't going to 'jump them' at the first opportunity, and life in the house returned to normality. But now it was Karen who sometimes found herself a little uneasy, for despite what she had assured the other two, she certainly wouldn't throw either of them out of her bed if the opportunity arose, and singly and together they had featured regularly in her erotic fantasies, almost to the exclusion of all others from the day they had moved in, in short she was in lust with both of them.

"There's a fair setting up on the field near the campus, I passed it on the bus this morning." Emily said enthusiastically. "The Poster says the tonight is the first night and all rides are half price."

"What do you think, Janet?" Karen called out.

As the young blonde entered, removing a pair of rubber gloves she always wore whilst washing up, she asked. "Think about what?"

"Do you fancy going to the fair this evening?" Emily butted in.

"Never really been into all that waltzer and big dipper stuff." Janet said as she sat next to Emily on the sofa and took the towel from her and started to dry Emily's glossy black locks.

"Oh, but it's not just the rides!" Exclaimed a now excited Emily, "It's the side shows and all those muscle-bound hunks that man the booths and rides."

"Well, that's fine for you two, I'm sure." Karen said, a smile now lighting her slightly freckled face.

"Ah, sweetie." Janet said in mock sympathy. "I'm sure there will be some muscle-bound women as well."

Karen wrinkled her nose, her 'rabbit face' Emily called it. "No thanks," She replied, but added wistfully. "But I suppose there might be some sultry gypsy girl with long black hair, dusky skin and deep, dark eyes. Now that I could go for."

"I didn't know I was your type." Emily said, for she certainly had the dark hair, although her bob cut would hardly be described as long and her skin was far too pale to be termed dusky, and her eyes, as beautiful as they were, like milk chocolate Karen thought, were no where near dark enough to match the image Karen was seeing in her mind.

"I said sultry, not slutty" Karen said and then deftly caught the cushion that winged its way from the sofa.

"Then it's a date! Hunks for us and a sultry gypsy maiden for Karen" Emily said before the other two could change their minds, for although Emily was the youngest, and smallest of the three, she was certainly the most bossy, and also the one most likely to go for a bath when the washing up needed doing.

"Alright," Janet agreed with a sigh, "but lets stay together, okay, I get nervous on my own in places like that."

"Sister's honour!" Emily said with a mock salute. "Meet here at eight?" The other two housemates, as usual, acquiesced to Emily's plan.

Karen didn't spend long getting ready, she didn't feel it was one of those nights where she might get lucky, 'like most nights' she'd sighed to herself as she pulled on her favourite white jeans teamed with a tight fitting purple T-shirt and a pair of well worn sneakers. She slumped in her chair in the lounge at seven thirty and read her book while she waited for the others.

"Wow!" Karen exclaimed as Janet arrived, a mere five minutes late. "You sure are intent on grabbing yourself a hunk tonight aren't you!"

"You don't think it's too much do you?" Janet asked as she looked down at her clothes, a very tight white vest and matching shorts that together showed off her best attributes, which, if asked, Karen would have said were her legs, her arse and most definitely her wonderfully firm breasts. The whole 'young athletic blonde' image was certainly not hindered by the white cowboy boots and wearing her long golden hair in a magnificent pony tail that sprouted almost from her crown.

Smiling, Karen replied. "I don't think too much is the phrase anyone would use looking at you."

"You'll catch your death of cold!" Emily said as she finally joined the other two. Karen raised her eyes to the roof, for it was a constant battle to control the temperature in the house between the southern blonde and the northern brunette with Karen trying to keep out of with an 'I'm okay' whenever one of the others tried to get her to agree that it was boiling hot or freezing cold.

Janet glanced at Emily who, like Karen, had gone for white trousers but with a pink silk camisole top and matching cardigan, and said. "I'll go and get changed."

As if following a script, Karen and Emily chorused. "Oh no you don't!"

"We're late as it is." Karen continued as she stood up. "And if we have to wait for you to not only decide what to wear but then actually get dressed, restyle your hair and redo your makeup the fair will have packed up and gone!"

The crestfallen look on Janet's face was enough to break Karen's heart. To soften her words she looped Janet's arm through hers and said. "And anyway if I looked like you I think I'd dress like that."

"But you're gorgeous." Emily retorted.

"Yeah, right." Karen scoffed. "Every woman's dream, that's why I get to spend so much time here alone, while you two are out nearly every night."

As they left the house, Emily linked her arm with Karen's free one and they decided that they would walk the mile and a half to the fairground, for despite what Emily had said, the evening was quite balmy, a warm breeze blowing softly and carrying with it the scent of scorched sand from the dessert.

They could hear and smell the fair before they could see it, loud music seasoned with screams of delight or fear and the heavenly aroma of burning sugar, frying onions and barbecued meat that set their taste buds watering.

When they finally turned into the field it took a little while for their eyes to adjust to the glaring neon and coloured bulbs that flashed and spun with rides.

"Yeah!" Emily cried. "They have got a waltzer. Come on."

Emily pulled Karen along with her but Janet let her arm fall from the redhead's as she said. "Look I said I can't cope with rides like that, especially with all these foody smells around."

Nodding to a bench she said. "You go, I'll wait here for you."

"You sure?" Karen asked, stopping and forcing Emily to hold up.

With a smile Janet said. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'll be fine, and anyway my feet are killing me, I knew I should have changed these boots."

Janet sat and watched her two friends climb into one of the swinging carriages until the ride started, at which point she found that just watching was enough to turn her stomach. She glanced up a couple of times, certain she was being watched and caught a quick glimpse of Karen's fiery red hair as a young well muscled man sent the car her friends were in spinning, but she couldn't see anyone spying on her.

After what seemed like an hour to Janet, and two to Karen and Emily, but was in reality only ten minutes, the ride finally slowed to a halt. The young man who had been spinning their car helped the two young women out and tried to make a pass at Karen, much to Emily's disgust. But they were laughing about it by the time they reached Janet, their legs still wobbling as they held on to each other for support like a couple of drunks.

"You should have come with us." Emily said as she slumped down beside the blonde. "If you had been there, no way would that Adonis have wasted his time hitting on someone who bats for the other side."

"Emily!" Janet said in mock shock. "Anyway, I doubt he'd have been very impressed as I'd more than likely have puked up all over his six pack."

After allowing her friends a few minutes to get their land legs back, Janet said "My turn to choose now," as she stood and hauled her still dizzy friends to their feet. "How about some hot dogs, with lashings of red sauce and onions." She added, grinning at the yellowing faces before her.

"Okay," she conceded. "Lets just have a look at the booths."

They pushed their way through the crowded stalls, attracting several whistles as they went and not a few lurid suggestions until Karen was fed up of it and said. "Lets find somewhere a bit quieter."

Finally they worked their way to the edge of the fairground where the booths were further apart, the music much softer and the light dimmer. "Ahhh." Karen breathed a sigh of relief. "That's better. I wonder where all these people have come from!"

Away from the booths, under a large chestnut tree stood a huge wooden Romany caravan, complete with poles for attaching a shire horse, although from the size of the vehicle it would have required a giant of an animal to pull it. It rested on two wooden cartwheels about two thirds of the way down and on poles at the front. As the girls approached, they saw a large poster propped up on an easel at its side that looked like an advert for a 1940's film. Emblazoned across the top in gilt theatrical script the sign pronounced that this was the caravan of 'The Great Ariana. Seer and Sorceress' When they saw the picture beneath the words all three girls gasped in unison.

"Is that dark eyed and dusky enough for you?" Emily enquired, playfully banging her shoulder into Karen's upper arm.

They were looking at an image of an olive skinned woman who appeared to be a few years older than they were. She was dressed in typical 'gypsy' fashion with a white chiffon, cropped top, which was worn off the shoulder and displayed a perfect midriff. Her long, jet-black, wavy hair flowed out from beneath a kerchief tied tightly at the back of her head, and around her bare shoulders and wide hips she wore matching shawls. A long tiered skirt looked as if it would spin out in a full circle if she danced, and she looked like she would be a very good dancer.

Great golden hoops hung from her ears, but above all else, what held their attention, especially Karen's, was the pair of coal-black eyes that stared out from the poster.

"If she really looks like that you must be psychic!" Janet said to Karen with the slightest hint of awe in her voice as all three remembered their earlier conversation.

"Most redheads are." A soft, low voice with a hint of an east European accent said from behind them.

The three friends jumped as one, spinning around to see the woman in the poster made flesh and blood, and what beautiful flesh it was! Her dark eyes glinted as a smile touched her wine dark lips. Karen thought her heart would burst out of her chest and she felt her cheeks redden under the gypsy's steady gaze.

"So who will be first to have their futures shown to them?" The gypsy asked in a lyrical voice that hinted at a beautiful singing voice.

"I thought you would have known that." Emily giggled, pleased with her own wit.

Ariana's smile touched her lips, if not her eyes as she stared at the young brunette, who, despite her stubborn nature, found herself unable to hold the exotic woman's stare.

Apparently satisfied with her little victory Ariana laughed, a sound that to Karen's ear at least, seemed to come from heaven, for only angels should have such clarity to their timbre she thought to herself.

"You are right, my northern friend. This young lady will be first." The fortuneteller said as she nodded towards Janet.

"Ariana will reveal the future to this one, while you two go and enjoy your ride on the 'magic carpet'." Without waiting for a reply she had taken Janet's elbow in her hand and was leading her towards the rear of the caravan where a small flight of wooden steps allowed entry.

Karen and Emily stood motionless, watching the pair of them walk off into the deepening gloom. "Run along girls," Ariana said just before she followed Janet into her wooden mobile home. "Come back in half of one hour and we shall see what we shall have seen."

"Looks like we get to ride the magic carpet after all." Emily said as she turned and headed back towards the music and lights. They had suggested it as they walked along, but Janet had once again demurred and, as they had agreed to stay together, that meant no flying through the air for the two adrenalin junkies.

"She was way weird!" Karen said. "Sexy as hell, but weird, I mean how did she know we liked rides and Janet didn't, and that you were from the north?"

"I'll take your word for the sexy as hell, but the weird bit is just part of the act." Emily commented. "She could have seen us arrive, me and you waltzing and Janet sitting it out, and as for the northerner bit, have you listened to my accent lately."

"Okay, okay I get the idea. But what about the magic carpet, go on, explain that one away."

Emily could only shrug her shoulders and offer a feeble. "Good guess?" whilst thinking 'She could have heard us talking, but I'm damn sure Karen would have seen her if she had been close enough to overhear our conversation!' and a tiny seed of doubt was sown.

Janet dipped her head to pass through the thick velvet curtains that were swagged back with twisted silk cords across the caravan's entrance and, as she straightened, her hair brushed against something that tinkled, she turned just as Ariana followed her through the door and saw a wind chime made from crystals of varying size, shape and colour. Janet was about to speak but was silenced as Ariana lifted a long slender finger with a long red nail to her lips.

The gypsy stood motionless, her head cocked to one side as if listening intently. Then she reached out and took hold of a clear crystal, holding it by the thin wire from which it hung. "This is the one." She announced as she flicked it with her varnished nail, bringing forth a wonderfully clear tone.

"Did you not hear? This one sang much longer than the others, this one is tuned to resonate to the same frequency as your own energy, you know of resonance of course being a physics major." The seeress informed the now dumb founded girl, who had indeed noticed that the crystal that Ariana was now detaching from the others had continued to sound long after the others had died away. Not that she gave any credence to the gypsy's explanation.

"Crystals are very special, they hold great power, and this is your crystal, you will wear it always to resonate and refresh you." Ariana said as she threaded a fine gold chain through the small golden hoop at the top of the quartz

'Here we go, the sales pitch' Janet thought as she turned and looked more closely at the inside of the caravan.

Even though the caravan had seemed large from the outside, Janet was still amazed at how roomy it felt inside, in spite of the fact that half the interior was screened off with heavy velvet curtains that Janet assumed, quite correctly, was to shield the sleeping quarters from Ariana's 'office'.

The only light was provided by a pair of large scented candles that flickered softly atop tall, black, wrought iron stands that were positioned on either side of the van, just in front of the dividing curtain and cast shadows that danced on the walls and the polished oak floor. The major reason for its apparent spaciousness was the design. The need for chairs was reduced by having hinged benches along each side beneath the small quarter paned windows that were covered by café curtain nets, and above which ran a row of small cupboards.

For the sake of her art, Ariana had placed a small circular table in the centre of the room that was covered to the floor with a white linen cloth and on top of the table sat a large crystal ball on a golden tripod and a deck of tarot cards spread out in fan shape. On either side of the table were two large box seats with upholstered lids that acted as both chairs and extra storage space.

"Look, as you seem to know, I'm a student." Janet stated as Ariana pushed passed her to stand beside the table. "I don't have much money." She added feebly.

"Has Ariana mentioned money?" The gypsy asked; sounding offended. "My gift to see the future belongs freely to the world, if my subjects care to leave me a small token of their appreciation then I will not resist, for even a great seeress needs to put food on her table."

"How much is a small token?" Janet asked, still sceptical.

"I leave that to you, but the crystal I give as a gift, it is a long time since I heard one resonate so hard to its owner, it would be a crime to deny you the crystal, and it, you." Ariana explained in her lilting way, her hips swivelling slightly, causing her voluminous skirt to flow out slightly, revealing a shapely ankle above what looked like red dancing pumps.

"It's very warm in here." Janet said, suddenly aware of the closeness of the room and the gypsy, whose heady perfume was filling the small space.

"Turn around and let me introduce you to the crystal." The seeress sang softly, at least it sounded to Janet like singing. Without thinking the young student turned her back on the predator and missed Ariana's leer of success.

Janet expected the gypsy to hang the bauble around her neck, but she didn't. She sidled up close, her mouth next to Janet's ear, her left arm snaked around pinning Janet's to her side, Ariana's hand resting on the young blonde's shoulder, her forearm brushing against firm breast flesh so inadequately covered by the tight cotton vest.

With the chain weaved through the fingers of her right hand, Ariana held the jewel in front of Janet's face and whispered. "See how the crystal shines for you, Janet. If you listen you can hear it sing to you."

Janet was all too aware of the gypsy's close presence, her breasts squashing against Janet's back, her heady, sweet perfume filling Janet's mind, even her breath seemed scented. With small movements of her fingers, like the puppeteer she was, Ariana made the crystal swing and swirl in front of the young girl's eyes.

'Karen will love this!' Janet thought to herself. It was only a fleeting thought, but she missed what Ariana was saying, at least her conscious mind did, her subconscious heard and understood and the war, let alone the battle, was over. Her eyelids fluttered, like a butterfly taking to the wing, and then closed. She would have fallen to the floor had Ariana not put her right arm around her waist, the cheap crystal, its purpose served, falling unheeded to the wooden floor.

"I thought you would be more of a challenge." Ariana said with a hint of regret, and no trace of an accent. But she didn't let the disappointment affect her as she dragged the unconscious girl through the curtains to lie on Ariana's huge bed that just about filled the other half of the caravan, the heels of Janet's sexy leather cowboy boots squeaking against the oaken floor.

She propped the unconscious girl up on pillows and settled herself at her side and started to tell the pretty blonde exactly what her future would hold as she let her expert fingers explore the girl's nubile body. Eventually she allowed her captive to open her vacant eyes and stand so that Ariana could dress her for the next act of her night's performance.

As soon as Ariana had seen Janet sitting all alone on the bench while her two friends enjoyed a spin on the waltzer, she had known that Janet would become her Golden Jeanie, her honeyed skin and ice blue eyes like sapphires from Ceylon, just cried out to be transformed, and that is exactly what Ariana started to do.

With the blonde's skimpy clothes removed, the gypsy wiped away the green eyeshadow and replaced it with a yellow flecked with gold, her eyelashes too were teased and filled with glistening mascara. Layer upon layer of deep red was applied to her full kissable lips and her cheeks were lightly rouged. Whilst she worked, the enchantress kept talking softly to her enraptured victim, taking her ever deeper into her mistress's desire. More gold flecks were showered over Jeanie's naked flesh and hair, which was still in a ponytail, although now a golden ribbon secured it.

Ariana knew that time was not on her side, even allowing for her brother extending the length of each ride on the magic carpet as she had asked, and there almost being a guarantee that the girls would have to queue to get on it, they would be back in less than an hour. So with her rapid painting complete, Ariana started to dress her brand new Jeanie.

Adriana took a narrow, sheer chiffon scarf with golden threads running through it and laid it over the top of Jeanie's head, she tied it beneath her sprouting ponytail and teased out her fringe so that it exploded over her forehead. Her wonderful breasts, that Ariana had so enjoyed fondling when she had the young blonde on her bed being told her future, were encased in a gold lace bra, trimmed along the band with small gilded bells that tinkled softly as they brushed against her soft skin.

Little gilt bells, hanging from thin threads, also adorned the gold leather armlet she wore on her right upper arm, mirroring the band around her left ankle. Her perfectly flat midriff was bare save for a light blue stone in her navel that matched her sparkling eyes.

The gold leather waistband of her full length chiffon silk skirt that hung in deep folds when she was still was hung low on hips that were made for swaying, and when they did the skirt came alive and flowed in soft whispering waves, the sheer fabric offering enticing glimpses of her long naked legs and her moist, bare pussy.

"Perfect." Ariana said out loud as she admired her latest creation before leading the docile creature to the bed, laying her down to sleep until she was needed.

"I think Janet had the right idea." Karen said as she let her feet find terra firma once more, although it didn't at that moment feel that firm, and the hint of terror was still in her chest.

"That was awesome!" Emily said, although she too had feared she would see her dinner once again as the big dipper had lurched and thrown them this way and that

"I'm not surprised there was such a queue!" She added as she glanced at her watch and exclaiming. "Oh crikey! We've been gone the best part of an hour!"

"Janet won't be pleased." Karen said as they headed off as fast as they could across the fairground to Ariana's home on wheels.

When they arrived, a little breathless, Ariana was leaning nonchalantly against the side of the caravan. "Did your friend not find you?" She asked in a voice that made Karen's recovering legs feel less than stable again.

"That, I must admit, young miss, I did not see." She allowed, nodding towards a slightly smiling Emily

"Has she been gone long?" Karen asked, a hint of apprehension colouring her tone.

"No more than five minutes. She said she would get something to eat and return here if she didn't find you at the magic carpet. Do not worry, I have seen her future and know she is safe." Ariana informed them with such conviction that Janet's friends actually believed her.

"Now I foresee." Ariana intoned as her dark eyes met Karen's soft green ones, sending a shiver of desire or fear or both down the pretty redhead's spine and a rosy glow to her cheeks. "I will show our dark haired sister her fate, whilst you, my psychic friend, will go and satisfy that secret sweet tooth of yours, candy floss I believe is your favourite."

"Look, lady." Emily said putting her hands on her hips and her feet apart in classic 'I'm the boss around here' pose. "Why do you think I would want to have my fortune told? Why don't you do Karen instead."

Without any sign of tension or annoyance, Ariana stared down the stroppy student in no time flat. "Oh I will, as you put it, do you're redheaded friend, but not just yet.

"How," Ariana enquired. "Will you be able to debunk all I have told your friends if you have not experienced my, shall we say for your benefit, act?"

The argument was compelling and as Karen encouraged. "Go on, Em. I really would like some cotton candy before I hear what the future will hold for me."

"Oh alright." Emily surrendered. "But you know I don't believe a word of this hocus-pocus, it's just like she says I want to prove she's a fake."

"All I ask." The gypsy said as she guided a still reluctant Emily towards her lair. "Is that you have an open mind." Whilst she added to herself "Open and empty."

Like an action replay but with a different subject, Emily's hair brushed the crystal wind chime as she entered. But this time, Ariana ignored it, even as the sound triggered a response in the slumbering Jeanie behind the velvet curtains that now were partially drawn; but as the candelabra had been moved nearer to the door, the space behind the curtain was like a black void.

With a flourish of her arm, the fortune maker guided the still sulky brunette to the box seat that faced away from the door whilst she seated herself opposite.

"Let me see." Ariana mused as she regarded her client come victim. "Should I read your palm or have you shuffle and deal the tarot cards?"

A smile lifted the corner of the gypsy's bee stung lips as she explained why neither was appropriate. "No, not those, they are too open to my interpretation, I could say I had seen anything in them. For you, my little cynic, I think I need to ask my genie to let you see your future for yourself."

"You're genie!" Emily laughed.

"Be careful at what you scoff, if you doubt my powers, so be it, but I warn you not to question those of my genie."

"Ohhh, I'm scared. Beware the genie, what will he do enchant me?" Emily said in a mocking tone.

The gypsy ignored the young woman's sarcasm. "She may well do just that."

With flourish she whipped the gold cloth off the crystal ball and said. "Yes, you shall see it for yourself."

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The setting is medieval Romania. You are a young gypsy woman, the most beautiful one in your tribe. I am a stranger from some distant who has wandered here from my travels. I offer my services as a bodyguard protecting caravans that need defending from roving bandits. Returning from a previous job I happened upon a group of bandits attacking your caravan. Unsheathing my sword I charge in with my horse. The bandit leader and those who face me quickly fall under my ferocious onslaught. The rest...

3 years ago
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Charmed Dauphin To contact dauphin, send an e-mail to [email protected] If you want to chat with Dauphin, add him on msn: [email protected] Dauphins Homepage: Sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I do my best, but I am not perfect. I hope you like the story despite these. Based on a TV series. My family is famous in the world of magic. The Halliwell sisters were famous for defeating evil wizards and warlocks. My two aunts are...

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MCTV Charmed

Part 1 With a flash of light, Trent appeared on the front porch of the house he sought. He looked around and quickly tossed out a mental shield to cloak his presence. He scanned the house and verified it was empty. Trent was not alone on this excursion. He had Sabrina Spellmen with him. He had ensnared the girl on a previous jaunt and had enlisted her into his service. "No one is home. Let's go inside." he said. "I'm right behind you Master." Sabrina replied as she followed him into...

4 years ago
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SRU Charmed

SRU: Charmed Synopsis: A young man is a bit obsessed with his girlfriend's body. In order to 'improve' her, he gets a magical charm from the SRU wizard. However, the plan backfires when older memories return - with a vengeance. [email protected] ********************************************************************** SRU: Charmed Joe glanced up, peering between Kim's breasts to see the expression on her face. With renewed determination, he continued to...

3 years ago
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Master PC Child of the ProgramChapter 2 Charmed

I made my way home as quickly as possible without drawing attention. It wasn't like other people watched me walk by any more than they would anyone else, but after that encounter with the Professor, I was in a mood that might have an undesired effect on anyone I passed. I had worked for months to keep my Charm under control. Going to classes, I sat away from other students when available. I made no direct contact with anyone, especially anything that allowed my skin to touch another's....

3 years ago
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There seems to be a lack of Charmed so lets see how this develops. Pick your scenario involving the trio of gorgeous San Francisco white witches as they battle demons in sexy outfits. Add whatever you want as the sisters engage in whatever sexual scenarios you can think of, fall victim to evil demonic plots anything goes. Choose to set during the first three seasons with Prue, processing the power of telekinesis and later astral projection, Piper with the power to freeze time and blow things...

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Inspired by the painting "La Charmeuse" (1868) by Charles Gleyre, as it inspired Mat Twassel to ask people to write about it. The story will be more meaningful if you first look at the painting. It's a full-figure nude woman seen from the rear. If that gives offense, or anything else in this story gives offense, your remedy is obvious. Stop reading, and gradually, over the years, try to forget. Charmed by Vickie Tern In those days paintings were often stillpoints...

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Gypsy soul 21

The soft rhythm of rain woke me. Steadily beating in the outside of the camper van. I opened my eyes and seen the blonde hair that was Miranda's, confirming last night wasn't a dream. Me laying on my side, she had nestled her head on my chest, face pointing down as if she was looking at our feet. Then I felt the warmth of her naked body against mine.  I suddenly felt awkward laying there with her bare body on mine. I knew I shouldn't feel so shy after last night, but I couldn't help but...

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Gypsy soul0

My name is Scott and tonight is the night. Tonight, I put everything behind me. Tonight, I start a new life. Where no one knows me. Where I can be anyone. Tonight, I set myself free. I don't want to go too far back in my past. But I will tell you the important parts. The why and the how. It truly began in high school. Being a small kid, I was always the target for bully's. Their play thing. Something insignificant in their eyes. There where times I went to my parents. But the end result...

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Gypsy SailorChapter 2

"Jerry, Winter Harbour, Thursday night. Be there! Brandy" I must have read that note thirty times before the message sank into my head. Brandy had left without so much as a "Good-bye". Even just a hint of why she'd sailed out of the cove so early in the morning would have made me feel better. Winter Harbour. Shit, how I hated that place. With the draft of my 32-foot sloop, the only way that I could safely enter or leave that harbour was at high tide, just as it turned. At any other...

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Important Notice: On my vacation just now, I found out that I lost some of my fun at writing ever since posting what I created, because I always thought about what would be good for the readers. Something I never did in the years before. I wrote a story just as it came to my mind once again and can tell, that it does far more to relax me than what I did in the last months. As a consequence, I will not post anymore in the foreseeable future and go back to write just to relax without...

2 years ago
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Harem of the Charmed

Piper emerged from the mist and sighed. She’d spent what seemed like forever wandering into the mist, trying to find a way out of this... wherever she was. No matter what direction she had gone she had always come right back to this place. The space was about 250 feet square, a large bed dominated the center of the area. Soft red carpet covered the entire floor, a table covered in fine food, drinks and a large book, was off to the side. On the other end of the room was a small walled...

2 years ago
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Phoebe loses control in this parody of the TV series Charmed

It was coming. The dark, evil presence loomed ominously in the air like storm clouds gathering on the horizon, slowly creeping in, moving closer… closer… prowling through night, existing in shadow. Phoebe could feel it approaching, the sense of dread, so real that she thought if she reached out she could touch it just as surely as she could reach out and touch her reflection in the full length mirror in front of her. Her face was mask of deep concern, the lines of worry etched into...

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Harry Potter Gets Charmed

This is a fanfic of 'Charmed' and Harry Potter, the characters are owned by their respective owners. Harry Potter gets 'Charmed' By Eric Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were trapped in Snape's Office after hours. Snape was at the door blocking their escape! "I know you're in there, Potter!" he said happily, gloating. "At last I have you red handed, Mr. Perfect Porter! This time not even Dumbledore will keep me from punishing you all!" He started to open the...

2 years ago
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Gypsies and their Gadje Masters

The Gypsies and their Gadje MastersBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:The Beginning:It was a Gypsy Community,  somewhere in Canada.  The Canadian Government took in many gypsies from Europe,  back in the late 1990s.  Many of these gypsies were living in Vancouver?s outskirts.  But like how they lived in Europe,  they lived the same way in Canada:  caravans and tents.The Gypsies still scared  a lot of people, especially the fact that Canadians are well read in news and media...

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Isabelle listened to the sounds of the birds in the trees as she made her way to the river in the early morning light. The air was crisp and cold, the late spring bringing a fine silver mist that seemed to chill her straight to the bone. She shivered and clutched the vessel tighter in her hand. She was never much of an early riser, but if she expected to learn anything about cooking, she had to help Loridana, the camp cook in her daily tasks. She reached the river and hiked up her skirt,...

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by Gail Holmes Gypsy was a girl that most men would give their eyetooth to date but she was a loner. She carried her name well, with her trim figure and lusty long dark hair and her dress sense was admirable, trouble was she didn’t appreciate the effect it had on the male population, off the shoulder blouses, flared skirts. Her mother had died when she was but eight years old, as an only child she’d been brought up by...

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by Gail Holmes Gypsy was a girl that most men would give their eyetooth to date but she was a loner. She carried her name well, with her trim figure and lusty long dark hair and her dress sense was admirable, trouble was she didn’t appreciate the effect it had on the male population, off the shoulder blouses, flared skirts. Her mother had died when she was but eight years old, as an only child she’d been brought up by...

4 years ago
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Gypsies Tramps and MDs

An involuntary gasp whispered from my lips as I watched Doc pull down his jockey shorts and kicked them away exposing the huge semi-hard cock swinging between his legs. I wanted to look away but I couldn’t take my eyes off it, I couldn’t believe it was so big. The thing was only partially erect but even now it was, at least, seven to eight inches in length and about half as big around, plus he was clean shaven which I’m sure helped to make it look even bigger and it appeared to be still...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
5 years ago
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SRU The Lust Charm

This story is a sequel to my story Envy Charm, written to the specifications of Robyn as a prize for my second story contest. SRU: The Lust Charm By Morpheus An incredibly hot looking blonde slowly walked down the corridor, her whole body swaying erotically with every step. She couldn't have been more than 20 at most, dressed in a tight skirt and halter top that left very little to the imagination. The faint tapping from her high heels echoed loudly, in spite of all the people that...

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Gypsies Tramps and MDs

An involuntary gasp whispered from my lips as I watched Doc pull down his jockey shorts and kicked them away exposing the huge semi-hard cock swinging between his legs. I wanted to look away but I couldn’t take my eyes off it, I couldn’t believe it was so big. The thing was only partially erect but even now it was, at least, seven to eight inches in length and about half as big around, plus he was clean shaven which I’m sure helped to make it look even bigger and it appeared to be still...

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The Charm

He sat on the bench and stared into the park, his spirit crushed and his heart broken...When he had first appeared at the club he was naive and clueless but he was bold and full of ego...The women of the club had seen right thu him.."Are you a Dom?" they asked, his ego and selfpride would not let him answer anything but "Yes"...They had made short work of him...ripping away the facade that he had made for himself, in no time he was beaten and kneeling on the floor....the women had tricked him...

4 years ago
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SRU The Envy Charm

SRU: The Envy Charm By Morpheus Sean watched the gorgeous redhead in the cheerleader uniform intently. Heather Hodson, one of the prettiest, and most popular girls in school, was the center of his attention, and at the moment, his daydreams. Sean licked his lips, barely able to take his eyes off of her. She was a frequent guest in his wet dreams, as well as in nearly every other male's in that college. Forcing himself to take a deep breath, Sean stood up, carefully tossing...

3 years ago
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A Womans Charms

Rich is not all too happy about having to move back home. It will really be the first time, since summers in college, that he’s relied on his parents for food and shelter. His five years since graduation have been spent in the city, getting his MBA and then a stint at a software firm that recently tanked. So, unable to afford living in the city for more than a couple months without an income, he's moved back, living in his parent's place where they stay now only through the summer. They spend...

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Fifth Times the Charm

‘Hi, Jan.’ ‘Oh, Alex! Just a sec… Okay, so I see you’ve signed up to bring a dessert-y thing to the company picnic. How many family members will be coming, too?’ ‘None. I don’t have any family.’ Jan blinked. ‘Girlfriends are okay, too.’ ‘None of those, either.’ ‘Okayyyyy…’ Jan’s look must have implied mental gears shifting. ‘I’m not gay, either,’ Alex said with a little chuckle. ‘I didn’t think I could be that far wrong about you, but… If not that, well, it makes you not having a...

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Engorgement Charm

Harry was laying on the spare bed in Ron's room at the burrow and was staring up at the ceiling. It's finally over, he thought. Voldemort is finally gone, maybe now Ginny and I could be together, forever Harry began to think of her naked body, which he had actually seen during his sixth year and immediatley got a hard on. Harry tried to jerk off, but he just didn't have the feel to do it. Lately, he noticed, his boners just weren't very large. He had, unfortunatley, seen other guys...

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My Bitchy Sisters Hidden Charms

Big cities are not adequate places for raising children. This is one thing that I will remember all my life; they are my mother's words and I agree with her. Why should I think like my mother on that matter? I know she is right since I have lived in both places. I was raised in a small town on the East Coast, and most of my life - up until I reached sixteen - was spent in the same small town situated in the middle of the Adirondack Mountains. Well to understand why I agree with my mother,...

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A Lucky Charm

"Excuse me," the tall redhead in the light green leisure suit and matching skirt said as she stepped up to the small desk just inside the restaurant entrance. "May I help you?" the hostess asked with a smile as she looked up from her seating chart. "My name is Gabrielle Adams, I'm meeting Julia Logan for lunch," the thirty-seven year old replied with an equally warm smile. "Has she arrived yet?" "Oh yes, Mrs. Logan arrived just a few minutes ago," the younger hostess said as she...

2 years ago
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Second Times A Charm

GraceHe’d said the views were stunning and he was right. Only an hour up the trail, Grace had a picture-postcard vista spread before her. Majestic, jagged peaks, a patchwork of forest and meadow green, the still water of Llyn Elsi, sunlight dancing on its glassy surface. It was beautiful, tranquil yet wild. An unspoiled wilderness on civilization’s doorstep, accessed via walking trails even a novice hiker could tackle.But he’d also been right about the weather. The air was stirred by a sudden...

Love Stories
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Third Time Its a Charm

DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...

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Whos a Fairy 34 Charming

Who's a Fairy? 3-4: Charming By Ron Dow75 Chapter Three: Princess Charming The made-up Alfred was dressed in his sister's clothes, brown wedge sandals, black tights, a short black-and-white plaid skirt, a green blouse, costume bracelets and necklaces, and gold earrings, and night makeup. There was even a brunet extension attached to his hair. At 12, he knew he made a fairly convincing girl. He looked at Clover, the green haired fairy who looked his age. The way she was...

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King Charming

Note to readers: This single volume tale is a follow up to the Prince Charming series, that detailed how a young, arrogant Prince behaved as King following the untimely death of his father. It will probably help a bit to have read the original series, but if not, it’s not exactly Shakespeare so I’m sure you’ll pick up the plot as you go. PROLOGUE(KING NOTHING) Thomas trudged through the forest, stumbling on a tree-root and stubbing his bare toe painfully. “Ah shit!” he swore, limping slightly...

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Third Times The Messy Charm

"You're a Trekkie?""I haven't seen all the episodes or films, but I can tell you how all the characters and plot lines intersect. You could call me Trekcurious.”“When I was little, I watched the animated series when nothing else was on.” My fingers were sandwiched between Kevin’s as we walked into his one-bedroom apartment on a Sunday afternoon. We removed our shoes, and he guided me to the couch.“Welcome to my humble abode, Jax.” He handed me a water bottle from the refrigerator.“Thank...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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My prince charming

This is how I wish things would of turned out but I'm realistic enought to know if we hooked up it would be all bout the sex and nothing more. Either way, Ethan is my the prince charming I would give it up all for. I love you. July 10 2007 Dear Diary, I'm sure the whole online diary is a stupid idea, but it's slightly better than keeping a tangible one in the house for my husband to find. But here goes. Today I went to Wal-Mart with my best friend and as we entered the guy I let get...

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Princess Charming

I will always remember the first time we kissed. The photography of that moment is bright and clear. Her lips tasted of sweet warm wine, cheeks rosy with the heat of the fire. It amused me, how tentative and shy she was, unable to make the first move herself. Instead, I was left to make bold progress. Did she know then how little I cared what others knew? While she found such advances brave, I didn’t look at it quite the same. My thoughts drifted to scenes of touching her the entire night. I...

3 years ago
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Good Luck Charm

Tammy was having a hard time sitting still. She was sitting in the passenger seat of Carter's car, a place she had become well acquainted with in the past three months they'd been dating. But this was different. She glanced sideways at him. He kept a complete poker face, staring straight at the road ahead, one hand on the wheel, even remembering to check his mirrors. She, on the other hand, was just hoping no passers-by could see her face through the completely non-tinted windows. She had a...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Farm Charm

Farm Charm By Gingerfred Man It was a dark and stormy night. The kind in which travelling salesmen's cars break down outside remote farm houses. Which was exactly what travelling salesman Fuller Brushman was thinking as he stood in the incessant rain that miserable evening, trying in vain to start his car's engine. Such breakdowns were an occupational hazard for the travelling salesman. And most unpleasant. Though, in Fuller's experience, they inevitably occurred outside a...

2 years ago
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Second times a charm

I can’t believe I’m doing this... She knocked the brown wood door and waited... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 months earlier. Matt walked around the apartment displaying all the mod-cons he installed almost smugly, mentioning how much they retailed for. If he wasn’t so attractive I so would have opted out of the guided tour thought Jo.Jo and Matt met at the orientation meeting for graduate students a few hours ago through mutual friends and there was an instant...

Straight Sex
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you have to love that southern charm

Now I would have never thought that the people there would be so different but soon found out they were.The couple that had the park were extremely nice and had set me up with a home right next to theirs. They were an older couple in their early fifties and had only one child,a girl that was seventeen. Jackie worked offshore and Tina had a hair salon in her home, both were very welcoming and made me feel at home. Right from the beginning they would have me over for supper with the animals...

4 years ago
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Third time is the charm

Our day and night nonstop fucking had led to my wife’s pregnancy sooner than planned. She was in her 6th month. So we held a baby shower at her parents’ mansion in Kolkata. It was mostly a ladies affair, and I was secluded to my room or to the terrace. I was heading for a drink with the boys upstairs when my wife called me, “Shona, can you help with my saree.” I turned back. Coming from a traditional Bengali family, I tied my own dhoti and knew exactly how to drape a saree. So I helped my wife...

2 years ago
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Third time is the charm

Our day and night nonstop fucking had led to my wife’s pregnancy sooner than planned. She was in her 6th month. So we held a baby shower at her parents’ mansion in Kolkata. It was mostly a ladies affair, and I was secluded to my room or to the terrace. I was heading for a drink with the boys upstairs when my wife called me, “Shona, can you help with my saree.” I turned back. Coming from a traditional Bengali family, I tied my own dhoti and knew exactly how to drape a saree. So I helped my wife...

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The Third Times the Charm

Hi Folks, this one is a bit different. I've been reading a lot more DG and Hermit lately and Barney-R's influence is in there too. So in this one I wanted to concentrate more on the family aspects of the story than on revenge or action. The next one is probably going to be a bit sci fi, so for those of you who hate sci fi, here's your life preserver. I also took a break before this one. School and injuries kept me busy. The next one will be finished much more quickly. SS06 I've always...

4 years ago
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Third Time Is the Charm

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. All errors are mine. Author’s note: All references to INS (as it was called in the seventies) are from my experience with a Chilean girlfriend I had in college. Also I have changed the military experiences because the first rendition was not time correct. What ‘they’ say about the third time being the charm certainly applied to me. Before I go too far, let me introduce myself. I am Calbert (after mom’s dad) Randal Emerson, (Cal) I am 52 years old,...

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Is The Third Time a Charm

Thanks to ‘LadyCibelle’ and my editor ‘Techsan’ for reading and editing this story to make it a better read. They are two of the best. * I was at our five year class reunion. Everybody looked like they changed a little but no drastic changes. But inside who knows what changes took place. I’ve had a number of drastic changes in my life in the last five years. I really wonder what changes some of my classmates went through. Here I am watching my old classmates and thinking a few years back to...

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Prince Charming

She truly was a childhood depiction of a princess too. Willowy body, long tousled chestnut hair that had shocks of blonde from the sun exclusively in the summer time. Her lips were full and wide, curving at the edges to give her face a kind look even when she was upset. Eyes a vibrant dark jade that I had to pull myself away from before I looked too long. 

 At first she was all frills. A princess in her truest form. Puffy dresses and crowns set plastic jewels, but as we grew older her...

5 years ago
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Third is a Charm

There are sometimes times in life where life makes a decision for you. The gloves come off, the blindfold is pulled away and you realize that you yourself had little to no choice in regards to the circumstances you find yourself in. I've only really had one such instance, and though it happened two years ago I remember it clear as if it had happened yesterday. It had long been a dream of mine to see the world, see great sights and taste exotic foods - for my 21st birthday I was afforded the...

2 years ago
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Moon light charm

Why do My parents always make me come here? Samantha asked, leaning back against the bus chair, lifting her legs so her feet nestled against her butt. Samantha had been going to Camp Moon Light since she was thirteen, she was seventeen now, and a Senior in high school. Her hair was naturally a reddish brown rust like color, but she had dyed it black so her eyes could pop more. Her eyes were greenish blue, and sometimes with the mix of the two they were grey. Samantha wore a black tank top, and...

4 years ago
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Prince Charming

“Don’t ever stop being dandy, showing me you’re handsome” – Adam Ant Rainforest orchid wrapped ’round geranium, orange rind and lavender steam, pillowing all my senses as I lay soaking, gently stroking my cock basted in sensual essences. My indolent genital pondering in the water like an Oblomov splayed upon the mattress, no response as I puttied it gently from one side of my hips to the other with one thing in mind, paddling idly through the ripples of my foggy lust with five flippant...

2 years ago
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Good Luck Charm

Tammy was having a hard time sitting still. She was sitting in the passenger seat of Carter’s car, a place she had become well acquainted with in the past three months they’d been dating. But this was different. She glanced sideways at him. He kept a complete poker face, staring straight at the road ahead, one hand on the wheel, even remembering to check his mirrors. She, on the other hand, was just hoping no passers-by could see her face through the completely non-tinted windows. She had a...

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