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Inspired by the painting "La Charmeuse" (1868) by Charles Gleyre, as it inspired Mat Twassel to ask people to write about it. The story will be more meaningful if you first look at the painting. It's a full-figure nude woman seen from the rear. If that gives offense, or anything else in this story gives offense, your remedy is obvious. Stop reading, and gradually, over the years, try to forget. Charmed by Vickie Tern In those days paintings were often stillpoints in time, illustrated moments implying whole narratives, tableaus suggesting how things got that way and what might happen next. Mostly they portrayed the sad or sentimental evidence of lost possibilities, characters forever caught in an unalterable predicament for the viewer to contemplate. In those days paintings required viewers with imaginative sympathy. Even faith, because such paintings present the evidence of things not seen. For instance, Arthur Hughes's "The Long Engagement" merely pictures a man and a woman in the woods, an impoverished, threadbare Curate and a modestly but but respectably dressed member of his parish. They are holding hands tightly while they both together stare yearning at initials inside a pierced heart once carved into the bark of a young tree, but now seen on a trunk now almost overgrown with ivy and moss. That's all we see. But as we read the narrative implied by the painting's title we notice things. Small lines in their faces declare that the hopefulness and bloom of their first love are gone, to be replaced only by unrelieved yearning.. The picture portrays for the viewer an intensely dramatic moment, the pitiable waste of erotic desire frustrated by respectability. I myself think Hughes went over the top with it. It's a hoot. I've never let respectability interfere with my own pleasures. But then, I'm no penniless Curate. I'm rich, and I go wherever desire takes me. Even so, I can feel what that painting wants me to feel. The characters in those narrative paintings are always recognizable, drawn from our own world. We surmise their predicaments and we feel for them and with them. We become them in fact, in an act of empathic identification no paintings these days require. In those days that's what paintings were for, whether of Rossetti's entrapping tangles of women's hair or Holman Hunt's sun-struck but still- garlanded sacrificial "Scapegoat." Such paintings bind a spectator into the events implied as the people portrayed, and as themselves observant, feeling what they feel. They can become whole worlds possessed by the viewer, possessing the viewer. At first, when what looked like an Irish colleen answered Gleyre's advertisement for a model, I thought he'd reject her out of hand. She was short -- he wanted someone tall and willowy. She was red-headed -- he wanted black hair, to imply passionate intensity, or silvery blonde, to imply virginal innocence. His commission was from some new-rich manufacturing magnate, to create a "Nymph Seduced by Satyrs" to hang in a dining room of his mansion, to embarrass his too-proper wife and to inflame the appetites of lustful friends. Gleyre explained this to me as we went through a bottle of his best sherry while awaiting her arrival at his studio. Then another. She was late. "I want to do an Odalisque this time," he said. "A woman with impossibly long legs and thin curved hips, and tits that offer themselves to your mouth eagerly uplifted, like wine glasses filled to the brim with drugged wine you can't resist." He glanced at our second empty wine bottle, then at me. "You know many such women I suppose." I pride myself I've known a few, among the thousands of women I've seduced. My fortune was inherited, and ample, and that is what I chose to do with it, Bring women to bed for my own gratification. I nodded. "Wouldn't that be a little racy for middle class tastes, a seductive nude in a dining room?" I asked him? "This Iron and Steel Baron wants to part with all that money in order to look at dirty pictures while he chokes on his roast beef?" "No, nouveau riche industrialists will accept scenes even of the most vile brothel activities, as long as we painters can present them as classical mythology or allegories. That's what Titian and Giorgione and Botticelli taught us when they painted all those nudes to hang in the chambers of all those horny Italian bankers. Call a picture of a raw fucking 'Truth Seduced by Error' and it's no longer salacious, it's educational and uplifting. If you know what I mean." I did. I'd stopped by his studio for only a moment, on my way to an assignation in the park, my third that morning. But Gleyre had urged me to stay at least long enough to help him interview this new model he was expecting. "I know nothing about models," I'd told him. But he explained that the only questions asked would be by our eyes, and the only answers provided would be by the woman's naked body. "I'll want to see how you respond to her nudity," he said. "If that's not too great a sacrifice to make for a friend." So I stayed. The young woman arrived apologizing about horse carriages running late even while unpinning her hat and setting it on a divan on the corner of the studio. "Or will you want me to lie down on that thing? It's a little ratty. Are you sure there are no fleas in it? I bathed before coming, you know! At least this place is warm!" Her apologies sounded defiant, as if she were merely filling the air with words while there was something more substantial on her mind. "Yes, I'm sure," Gleyre said. He glanced at the note in his hand, "Ahhh, yes, Miss Circe. I'm pleased that your flesh tones will be unsullied, flesh colored, so please don't feel the bath was wasted. For this I'll want you unclothed and standing up. You'll represent a nymph attracting satyrs out of the woods, ready to be ravished." "I don't do being ravished," she said. She stared steadily at her potential employer, but then her eyes flicked onto me. It was electrifying, that glance from those eyes! It seemed so casual, yet so powerful! "Not even by satyrs, though there's something to be said for them!" she added, this time directly to me. Then she added, "You're M. Teste, aren't you?" Did I know her? She may have heard something of my reputation. At the last Social Cotillion the women's gossip had voted me 'Most likely to Succeed" in my seductions of other women -- understandibly, since I'd already seduced most of them, and they'd not one of them found reason to complain until afterward. Except to me about their husbands. "Guilty," I replied gallantly. "So I've heard," she replied. She was as strangely cool as she was intense. "Shall we begin?" "This is only an interview, Miss Circe," Gleyre said. "To see if you're suitable for the painting I have in mind." "Oh, I'm suitable for what I have in mind," she said somewhat enigmatically. "Look!" We couldn't either of us not look. She unbuttoned her blouse, then pulled it off with her chemise, then stood confronting us with a slight smile. Her breasts were disappointing. Small. Chaste. Pink- tipped Obviously she wouldn't do. I waited for Gleyre to tell her to clothe herself again and move on elsewhere somewhere. He didn't. He merely waited while she unbuttoned her skirt and let it collapse like a waterfall at her feet, then her overskirt, then her hoop, then her pantaloons, and finally she stepped out of her slippers. Now the effect was quite different. She stood stark naked before us, feet apart, elbows upraised, her breasts spread up and wide apart as she reached behind her head to undo her hair. It tumbled freely down her back. She grasped that honey-red mane and twisted it into a single knot. I realized that not once had she stopped looking at me. "You're a dancer, aren't you?" Gleyre said into the silence. "I see you stand comfortably in first position. A little less extreme please." She responded by going splay-footed. She stood like a kitchen maid. Yet the effect was unspeakably fetching. I glanced at Gleyre, and caught him studying not the model but my reaction to her! My eyes began to swallow this woman. I was impressed. She was no Odalisque. Her legs were relatively short and her hips large and elongated to a high, narrow waist. The effect was of massive weight belied by the smallness of her breasts and her face. Above the waist she was a delicate creature, a young girl. Below she was a mature woman. She looked mature enough, fit enough to take on and screw a battalion of Guards, in fact, even to bear all of their children simultaneously. Her long, powerful haunches framed a honey-red triangular patch of hair at her crotch. I found I couldn't look away from it. "Look up, please." I became aware that she'd said it to me. "Look at my eyes." I did. I heard Gleyre's voice. "A real woman, Teste, wouldn't you say so?" My mouth, I realized, was dry. I tried to say "Undeniably!" but nothing came out. Because her eyes now seemed to be swallowing me. I was getting lost in them. "I think we're ready," Gleyre said to her. "Why don't you stand over by that theatrical flat, in the sun from that skylight. By the painted tree trunk. Drape your blouse on your left shoulder, to emphasize that you aren't merely nude, a classical figure of a woman, you're undressed, naked, a real woman. I don't want the spectator of this painting ever to forget that. Then turn and face into the painted woods on that flat." For an out-of-work model she was arrogant! "First," she said, "give me something to do besides look at this blurred and blotted painting you seem to think represents woods." She had me transfixed. And she knew it. She no longer looked at me, but now through me, as if I were a table or chair sharing the room with her, furniture of no interest. Gleyre handed her some pan pipes of sorts. "Here, pretend to play these. Pretend to entice some satyrs from that background painting." "I've got the satyr I want," she said. "You do your part. Never mind about me." She turned, and the sunlight gleamed off her shoulders, then onto her back. As her rear came into full sunlight, I suddenly felt clubbed! Blinded! Unawares, I fell to my knees! "Oh, God!" I cried out. "Heavenly God!" There in the sun's divine radiance shone those perfect globes, her buttocks, plump, gorgeous, tender, ravishing, glowing with a brilliant inner lumininescence! I felt an overwhelming urge to abase myself before them, worship them, shower them with kisses! "God!" I cried out again. I was amazed now to find I was indeed on my knees. But I couldn't stand up again! She looked over her shoulder at me. "You'd love to kiss my ass right now, wouldn't you?" she said. Incredible! She knew? "Yes!" I cried out. Tears sprang out of my eyes and diffused the effulgent reflected light pouring from her naked derriere. Rich tones of color I wanted to eat! I tried hobbling forward on my knees. "Stay where you are!" she said commandingly. "Gleyre, do what you said you'd do!" Now I couldn't see at all clearly. The light glowing from the globes of her buttocks glistened through my tears, from God's sun to her divinely curved ass into the center of my brain. But I did as she asked me. Inexpressible ecstasy overwhelmed me! Behind me, Gleyre began sketching and painting furiously. I sensed dimly that he was completing from life a painting he'd earlier begun from memory, in a way. But he was now in his own inspired frenzy! Ms. Circe held up the pan pipes, if that's what they were, and pretended to play. "You must be wondering what's happening now, M. Teste, and I'm inclined now to tell you. Whatever I say, you'll adore it, won't you. It will make you the happiest man on earth, won't it?" "Oh, yes! Yes, yes!" "Do you still feel an irresistible urge, my dear?" "Yes, please!" "You may tell me about it." "Please! Let me worship your precious rear! Those ripe melons! I want to make love to them. To bury my face in them and never rise up from my knees ever again! Please!" "I know, honey! That's what I want you to want. That's why you want it." I've often felt a desire to make love to women, to plunge into their various openings and bring them shrieking to a state of rapturous devotion to me, and then when they want more, to require that they perform some humiliating act in token of my superiority over them. Many women have swallowed their pride and kissed my ass, or worse, in order to enjoy my embraces one more time. Then they resent what they've had to do, but by then I couldn't care less. I move on to others. Now I was myself enslaved by desire! I was the one now being humiliated! Worse, I knew that I'd want to perform any act this woman requested! It would bring me transcendant joy! I was eager to kiss her ass! There was no knowing what more I'd be willing to do if she'd let me! This was not normal for me. She looked back over her shoulder at me, now amused. "I can see by the bewilderment on your face that you've suddenly come aware that you don't usually want to kiss every woman's ass, nor any at all, but that you would die to kiss mine if I asked you to. Shall I?" "Please! I beg you!" "No, sweetheart. I have something better for you to do. To live to kiss my ass! You're wondering how I do this? You haven't noticed? Gleyre, explain me to my new slave." Gleyre's brush was working feverishly. Like all academy artists, he was well trained to paint the human figure in the manner of many of his predecessors, all the way back to the Greeks. Like many of them he preferred the classical hip shot position, all body weight thrusting up from one leg while the other leg curves down in submission, the human figure seen to be dynamic yet yielding. His own small originality was in his defects, an uncertain palate and too little technique to attempt chiarescuro. But such is fashion that some lamentable younger painters thought his smeared colors brilliantly original, even inspirational. There was no accounting for the overpraise young men like Monet and Degas had lavished on him. He was doing his usual mediocre daubing here. But so concentratedly he seemed half mad! "Teste," he said. "I deceived you. You know I paint classical subjects, allegories, myths, and so on, in modern dress, using models because I'm not very good at imagining them. But you should know. In this case I am painting Circe herself, the mythical Enchantress Ulysses encountered in Homer, the woman with a strange power to convert men into pigs. Into the pigs they already are. Or into anything else they may wish to become in order to satisfy her. I prayed to paint her from the life just once, and she answered my prayer. But she demanded in return that I produce you and then paint you in a rapt, eternal longing for her. For her ass. To kiss her ass! As an implied part of her portrait. As her eternal spectator. That is what I am now doing. It seems that when you surpassed the numbers of both Casanova's and Don Juan's seductions of women taken together you offended something very deep in all women, and many prayed for you to get your comeuppance. Circe heard, and this moment is the result. There, I'm done!" He turned the portrait toward me. There she was, the colors, brushwork, and hipshot pose as inept as ever, but with a delicacy and yet corporeal grossness caught from the life! There was that glorious glowing ass yet again! I hungered after this woman in his painting, and leaned far forward to kiss her. "No!" Circe said. "What I wish is that you will wish eternally to kiss my ass, and spend eternity on your knees in front of this painting, staring at it, devoted, desiring, forever frustrated. You are already the spirit of an ideal spectator for this painting. Gleyre has painted your desire perfectly, even your angle of vision on your knees as you gaze up at a desireable rear end you will never ever touch with your lips in the flesh." I was bewildered. "Where?" I asked. "You are the spectator constructed by the image itself, the viewer for whom this painting was created. You are now in the picture, an implication of the picture, and you will never escape this fate as long as the portrait exists." "What?" I asked. All this was then beyond me. I am not an art theorist, only a spectacular seducer of women. But she was right in one respect. My eyes were transfixed by that portrait! Gleyre spoke gently but firmly. "I have now painted you out of existence except as the implied, devoted viewer of this portrait of Circe. The man who would love to kiss ass, and has never been allowed. The seducer of women become now their ultimate brown noser." "What?" I repeated, stupefied even as I looked to find Miss Circe again, and found only her portrait, and yet felt this terrible urge to kiss her buttocks on paint that wasn't even yet dry." "She's gone," Gleyre assured me. "She comes and goes in men's imaginations. I can tell you though that there's one additional way you may relieve yourself of this compulsion. A little. By doing what all spectators of narrative paintings do. By imagining yourself into the scene as its chief character. By exercising your sympathies, for once. Imagine yourself this innocent maiden piping into a dark wilderness to see what she may call out of it. Or imagine yourself to be Circe herself, piping into the woods as if a mere nymph seeking a satyr's fucking, all to seduce you as you've seduced so many others." The desire to embrace the woman in the painting and press my lips to her lower cheeks was now overwhelming. I tried to imagine myself that frail flower of a woman, the most powerful sex goddess on earth, and failed. I had never felt sympathy for a woman. I tried again. This time I felt some of the fragility of those fingers. A timid hesitancy. It was a beginning. And this was how I was now doomed to spend eternity? "But before you disappear into the painting, as its viewer or it's subject," said Gleyre, "I must warn you!" Warn me? Still, now, better late than never! "What?" I said, my eyes intent upon that naked woman, eager to be absorbed into her. "Even if you do succeed in achieving full sypathetic identity with the woman in this painting, even if you become that woman, you will still feel the same urge as before." "What?" I asked. 'What urge?' is what I meant to say, but I wanted to concentrate on this new identity, to feel the woman's fingertips as my own, to become that which I so devoutly desired and so relieve myself of that desire, to achieve a perfect union with that woman portrayed in the painting. Gleyre understood me even so. "Then, my friend, you will feel a desire to kiss your own ass. If that is your bent, and I suspect that it is. And then the portrait will change. The woman in it will then seem to be a self-absorbed lesbian eager to kiss her own ass. As she is not now." I nodded. Rapt, I no longer cared. All this occurred long ago, on the day the portrait was painted. Decades have replaced each other, and now a millenium is ending, and I am still implied by that painting, and I still seek to read its states of mind and feeling as my own. Study the painting closely yourself. Does the young woman in it seem to be someone who wishes to be raped by satyrs? To kiss her own ass? What is she really doing? Seducing you? Is she you? But be careful, because while feeling your way through this labyrinth, you will certainly feel an uncontrollable urge to become like me a voyeur in love with his own imagined desires. And then like me, *as* me, you will be unable to tear your eyes away. Circe can enchant anyone, of any sex or gender. Her body is the most powerfully seductive, the most potent in the world. No one possesses it. END (c) 1999 by Vickie Tern

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Ye kahani teen doston ki hai, jo ki friends with benefits the. Is kahani ka har part alag hoga, aur apne aap mein poora hoga. Ek kahani padhne ke liye doosri kahani padhne ki zaroorat nahi padegi. Har kahani mein khoob chut lund ka khel hoga, aur jam kar chudai hogi. Prerna, Sana aur Ankit(main) ab pakke dost the. Hum sab kuch share karte the, aur hamari sari fantasies bhi, aur unko poori karne ki koshish karte the. Ye kahani wahi ek fantasy ko poora karne ke baare mein hai. Prerna aur Sana ne...

3 years ago
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Aphrodites RevengeChapter 3

The port bustled with activity. Merchants argued with tax collectors. Venders haggled with customers. Slaves were busy loading and unloading goods into the ships. The merchant ships, filled primarily with goods from China and Persia, were heading west to Athens or south to Alexandria in Egypt. Only a few would likely have room for passengers. First she would have to locate the Port Master to find out which ships where heading towards Athens. She strutted along the port towards the Port...

2 years ago
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A surprised assfucking in panties

I have been 'mildly' crossdressing for over a year now. I say 'mildly' because I am not into full feminization, I just love the feel and look of lace panties when they are hugging a good looking cock, not to mention the taboo. I have taken to wearing stockings too which feel amazing, it's like having your whole lower half caressed persistently. I have thought of wearing a bra but, although I can almost imagine how amazing it would feel, I don't think men look as good in them as women,...

1 year ago
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Cheating With My Asian Neighbor

Married man finally fulfills fantasy of having sex with an Asian woman. I couldn’t help but feel my Asian neighbor across the street is sexy! I’ve never had the opportunity of tasting the pleasure of an Asian woman. You could say it’s been on my bucket list but thought it would never happen. I was wrong. Dreams do come true. Prologue - How It Started With Her… We lived across from each other for years. We never talked until one day when I picked up a piece of trash off...

Cheating Wife
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Who Knew Part 2

I can't wait until the day when I can wake and have my magic man at will. I just hope I can fully 100%. Maybe some of you can help. Here is: Who Knew Part II It was a Friday night at my home in Griffith Park CA. Memories of Ron were as vivid as a flag against a cloudy December sky. My thoughts raced as I helped my wife pack an overnight bag in preparation of her trip to see an old friend in Malibu that same evening. She would stay the night this time. MMMMMM, finally......I would be on...

2 years ago
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Oh Doctor

Everyone has their so called “home” doctor, the one that they always go to when they need an MC or when they are legitimately sick. I have mine too. But recently, they expanded, and now I have a new doctor - Dr Jillian (not her real name). The first time I saw Dr Jillian was when my “home” doctor was unavailable and I was automatically queued to see the new doctor instead. I was down with a flu and thus dropped by to get some meds. As I walked into room for the first time, a beautiful,...

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Jackie was an accountant and major share holder at the high-end Audio/Video store where I worked as a sales rep. In her late forties, well proportioned, extremely well dressed, and aloof, she was hands-off to the sales staff who mentally fucked her as she walked down the aisle towards her office every day. I was no different. The woman carried herself like royalty and had a gold-medal ass she showed off when she walked in heels and clinging skirts. Over the course of a few months after I hired...

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Love train

I sat on the train with my girl friend's head nestling against my chest. It was mid-summer and the air conditioning was faulty, so most people were subdued and lazy in the heat. Lots of exposed flesh and sweaty bodies were lounging about; some of the bodies were very easy to look at. I was in a pair of green knee length combats and a tight white vest top showing my toned arms and chest. Kay wore a little blue summer dress, low cut with straps over her shoulders nicely showing the shape of her...

Quickie Sex
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 2 RelationshipsChapter 18 Hello to Sadie and goodbye to Pippa

I got to Pippa's house early as requested on the 16th. I still had her front door key and as I let myself in I heard music coming from the kitchen. It was in there that I met Sadie the Sluttish Sexpot, the only one of Pippa's alter egos I hadn't yet come across. "Hi Des" she said "My name's Sadie. Pippa has told me all about you; I've got your Bacardi and bitter lemon all ready." She spoke in a West Country accent which was not far removed from Wurzel's Somerset burr, but I...

4 years ago
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A friend in need is a THREESOME

Once he began to fuck her it became all to real and the jealousy she thought she may have never manifested. This scene before her actually made her hot and wet. She kneeled beside them having a clear view of her husbands cock moving in and out of her friends pussy, her only friend. Moving up to her husbands side she placed one hand on his lower back and the other on his arm. She felt the tightened muscles in his arm, which was tight because of the grip he had on her friends hip. His buttock...

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Holiday with mom

For years I have been fantasising about my own mother. From sexual thoughts in bed to masturbating over pictures of her to masturbating with her panties. My mother is by no means a super model nor is she ugly. She has got 36G breasts and she wears size 14 panties and I know this from looking at her bras and panties. Usually woman with that size of breasts would be rather on the plump or fat side but my mom isnÂ’t. She has a fairly slim tummy and beautiful curvy hips and a gorgeous round ass. To...

3 years ago
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Mothers Milk Part 2

Jason’s heart was pounding as he walked towards her room. She was standing just outside her door, looking much as she had the first time - flustered, desperate and with a wild look in her eyes.“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll help you” Jason said, drinking in the scene before him. Where last night she had been wearing her maternity pyjamas, this time she was wearing matching black bra and panties. Her breasts strained against the fine silky material. This was no maternity bra, it was sheer and sensual....

1 year ago
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Katherine Heigelss Close Encounter of the Wolf KindChapter 7

In Katherine Heigel's bedroom, the young blonde actress lolled lazily on her bed, the golden fingers of the late afternoon sun streaking across her tanned body as she reached one arm up above her head and stretched. Her firmly uptilted breasts jiggled with voluptuous resilience on her chest.She had fallen asleep, and was thankful for that, for after an orgasm with Kaizer's tongue and cock up inside of her, she was no better than a whimpering dummy for the longest time until her body floated...

3 years ago
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Fuck You Eros

Eros’ unnamed replacement original concept by Rubyswallows, everything else is the product of my own boredom. Chapter 1 I fucking hate Valentine’s day. Valentine was an alter-boy-loving… Emotions… control… That’s better. Where was I? Today is the day boys run to Safeway at the last minute and buy whatever their month’s allowance can get to tide angry girlfriends away until sexy season, spring. Here at Svensworth University, I get the unique pleasure of seeing the worst of them. Everyone’s...

2 years ago
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Saras Journey Ch 03

Rico answered by pulling me tighter to him by running his hands up my back and kissing me again. I couldn’t believe the sensations running through my body as it reacted to the feel of his firm musculature and the musky aroma of his clean, sexy sweat. I reached down between us and stroked over the lump in his shorts causing a low moan to escape his throat. I could feel a flow of wet warmth as his thigh pressed into my pussy and I had the uncontrollable desire to wrap myself around him and absorb...

2 years ago
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A walk along the promenade

The morning sun was hot and sultry that moring back in 1951 as I walked along the promanade, the holiday makers were sat taking in the sun, in front of me was a woman in her mid forties, she wore a fashionable skirt of the day a tan coloured front button which reached down to her calfs, she also wore a white blouse with ruffled neck and cuffs, as the sun caught her I could see what appared to be a wide bra strap through the material, suddenly as I watched her walk in her black botties with high...

4 years ago
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Neighbor wife

Welcome readers into living through my wildest experience with a married woman. Specially, married and mature women reading this experience, please break free if you want and mail me if you like my experience, would be pleased to satisfy your desires and take you on long trip of sexual fantasies. Getting back to the story, I am Anurag 28, living in an appartment in Bangalore . My neighbor is a working class gentelman living with his old parents, charming man but a lot on the heavier side, i...

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Trish Kathy and JeffChapter 3

Jeff had been horny all day. After his encounter with his wife and Kathy that morning, he and Trish had taken separate showers, gotten dressed, and went on their normal Saturday errands. Even though it was explicitly detailed how Trish and Kathy got together, the question of why still lingered in his mind. For twenty-five years, he had fantasized about her with another woman. He had asked her several times if there was ever a possibility of it and was always told that it would happen when the...

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Shaynas LifeChapter 2 In Mikes Room

I have always been interested in boys and sex, but afraid at the same time. My mom, who is liberal in most of her beliefs but conservative when it comes to sex, drummed into me at an early age all the bad things that can happen to girls when they are sexually active. Sometimes I think that something bad must have happened to her when she was younger, but I have never talked to her about it. She made me very paranoid about sex with all of her horror stories of unwanted pregnancies and STDs. I...

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Rent A Wife

Rent A Wife My boss invited me to a party and said, “Bring your wife.” He caught me off guard. It took me a moment to remember that I had let everyone believe that I was married. That way I had an excuse not to go out with the guys after work and the women were not trying to play matchmaker. I mentioned my problem to my neighbor and he said, “Take my wife. I’m sure she’ll do it. Sylvia likes you and she could use a night out.” When he told Sylvia about it she came right over...

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Her Petals and Three Men

Rose Button finished her encore performance with a flourish. She left the stage while the crowd surged, cheering for her.Today’s performance had been so intense, more so than usual. She rolled her shoulders, feeling the knots in her back strain. Her tendons pulled taut.She needed to vent. She needed to do something to relieve this tension and stress. Rose had been feeling this way for some time--this desire to have her body worked over. She had considered a massage, but … that just wouldn’t cut...

Group Sex
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Chronicles Of Sexy Saritha 8211 Part 2

Hello All! Rudra here again. I’m so happy with all your feedback for my last story. Those who didn’t read can go and read the first part. As I said I’m here to share another incident how I and Saritha fucked our brains out in my cousin’s wedding. So coming to the story. After that incident, I used to go to her home daily and we used to fuck each other like mad dogs. The intensity kept on increasing with each session. We tried so many different positions also. It was quite fun fucking her daily....

2 years ago
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Self Torture

I crawled on top of his rigid hard cock making sure to squeeze my dripping wet pussy all the way down to the base of his shaft. He moans as he grabs my ass squeezing it as he pumps up into me. I can feel my pussy juices dripping down and completely covering both him and myself. He smacks my ass and then reaches down to play with my erect clit. He rapidly runs it with his right hand while holding my hips and thrusting up into me. I grab his shoulders and bite his shoulder to muffle my moans. He...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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The New Yorker

I have been married to my husband for a bit over three years and a while ago he brought up the idea of us being in a threesome with another woman. I know the idea sprang from a talk we had while making love, I had told him that I found the female body attractive and on occasion had wondered what it would be like to be with some very attractive women I had seen from time to time. Now my husband thinks I am beautiful, me I’m not so sure about beautiful but I do know the opposite sex finds me very...

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SurprisesChapter 13 Jerry

I woke up the next morning alone in bed but otherwise feeling fine from the night before. I wasn’t the only one feeling fine, though. I could hear fun and games through the open doors between my bedroom and the hall and the hall and my parent’s bedroom. I pulled my robe from the closet and wandered down the hall. Once inside their bedroom, I could clearly hear my mother crying out, “Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass!” She and Daddy were screwing in the shower. I waited for them to finish and then...

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ExhibitionismThey had been at a rather fancy restaurant for dinner, and all through dinner, she had one high-heeled shoe off on the floor. She had spent her time at the restaurant amusing herself by keeping him hard with her stocking toes. He was not quite sure what he was supposed to do about this as he suspected that she might dive under the table at any minute, take down his zipper and begin to suck on his by then throbbing hard cock. He was not wrong. As soon as desert came, and she knew...

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Meeting Michelle

Living in a college town, I've learned there's always plenty of eye candy, but also a general lack of experience to go with those young hard bodies. However, there's nothing I enjoy more than a young girl that seems so innocent until you've pulled their panties off, and then realize you've unleashed a monster... It was May, just a couple months ago, when I was out for a run by the beach. At the end of a 5 mile stretch, my mind was on a hot shower and a post-workout snack as I made my...

4 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 84 Tau Conference Center Day 23

Steve Tau Miller looked around at his assembled guests, and pronounced the party a success. Humanity had successfully survived the first synchronized menstrual cycle in human history, when all of the non-pregnant women (aside from the four women from the submarine crews) started their periods within forty-eight hours of each other. Steve's families had gotten off lucky, since most of his women were in fact pregnant, but it had gotten a bit dicey in some households. They'd weathered that...

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BetrayalChapter 4

"Hey bud, Mr Jones wants a word," the customer services representative at the front of the store said as Simon sauntered in. He was not late, but normally wanted to arrive around the same time as the store manager. Rhea was especially horny that morning and refused to allow him to get dressed until she was completely satisfied, which meant he had not had time for breakfast and was still fifteen minutes late. Simon wondered what had got into her, she was not normally like that? Simon's...

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[Author's Note: Thank you all for the likes and views :D Feel free to leave a comment for any suggestions. I have 2 story arcs planned and will be trying to write a chapter every couple of days. I also write many of these on my phone or right before bed, so please excuse typos - I’m trying to go through and fix them all after the fact. Thanks again for reading and enjoy :)] You're Sam. 19 years old, short brown hair and a great big smile. You're a big guy with broad shoulders and a slightly...

2 years ago
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Moral of the story

A real story with name changes to protect the parties involved. A little bit about me Right my name is Jeff and I have been married to Daphne for 24 yrs this is my 2nd marriage, my wife has a extensive f****y and to my surprise her niece only lived up the road from me when I was growing up her name is Cindy, she had 3 k**s and married to Harry. Right that’s a bit about who was involved and at the end there is a moral to the story. I had just dropped Daphne off at her s****rs and decided to come...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 46 Beti Ne Kiya PAPA Ko Fail

Narrated by Swati Hi, main Swati. Episode 43 mein aaplogo ne dekha ki kaise maine dubara apne papa ko lubhane ka khel shuru kardi. Maa se chup chup kar papa ke sath badmashiya karne mein mujhe kafi maza aa rahi thi. Mujhe ye pata chal gaya ki mujhe shorts mein dekh mere papa ko halki uttejna hui thi. Ye baat mere mann mein ghull gayi hai. Ab main aur zyada aur har maoke par apne papa ke sath masti mazaak mein lagi hui thi. Dopahar ke khane ke beech bhi kai baar meri nazar papa par thi. Par...

2 years ago
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Training Day

Training Day by NorthernWolfAs the elevator rose to the thirtieth floor, Beth watched as the city descended outside of the glass windows. She felt foolish. After all, she was a professional, and didn't have to rely on the way she looked to impress her clients. She had argued with her husband that her skirt was to short and her heels to high. After all she was going to a training session, not a dance. He had insisted that looking good was important to her professional image and she had given...

3 years ago
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Ultimatum Part 1

Three months after we moved in together, I decided I wanted to see Harriet fool around with another man.I knew she'd never go for it. She wasn't the type.She was a traditional kind of woman, wasn't overly concerned with her career, and had no grand plans for the future. She'd left school with decent grades but no desire to go into further education. At eighteen, she'd taken a quiet administration job at the local council and been there ever since. I asked her once if she ever thought about...

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The office party

Basically you are a girl who is 20 years old. You have always wanted to get to know your coworkers better. And that means on an entire different level. You have always been confused about who you are and the way to find out is by testing the water. At work you notice the little sexual hints dropped throughout the day such as an ass grab here and there or not to mention the stares with sexual tension in their eyes. You want to know where all of this could go.

Group Sex
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Superstar fun an evening to remember

Starting with a little history, let me say that I started getting into tranny fun back around 1990. I went on a visit to New York and had always been an avid reader of Screw magazine/ newspaper. Before the Internet was in full-bloom it was distributed nationally to all cities around the country and had a very extensive female escort and especially tranny escort section with pictures (it went out of business in 2003 coinciding with the explosion of the Internet). My cock would get pretty hard as...

She Males
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The Adjustment of Nicola JamesChapter 8 Corseted

Madame Genoux's promise was fulfilled in a matter of days. I had specified three garments, all had been delivered a specified. The first a simple cincher in a heavy black fabric was designed to constrict the waist severely. The second, in rose pink satin – a fabric I considered to look well against Nicola's dark hued skin – stretched from just above her sex to her upper torso where it supported, but did not cover, her breasts. The final garment, a more substantial affair in heavy cloth was...

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