Gypsy Pride
- 4 years ago
- 26
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"What do you mean; you're breaking up with me??" Fairuza cried. Fairuza was an attractive, slim and physically fit green-eyed Brunette who stood 5'11. Her complexion tended to shift from pale to tanned, at the moment she was more tanned, and many people have commented how she resembled that famous Afghan girl on that particular National Geographic cover. She had even been mistaken for a Caucasian North Indian, a Slavic East European or a Pashtu. She was dressed in her Goth attire, meaning in all-black.
"I am breaking up with you because of your bitchy attitude. You're bossy, mean to the other students and make fun of my friends. You curse and swear all the time, always want things done your way and everything has to go your way. You have no respect for the law or for other people. I don't know if it is because of your gypsy background but I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. I don't want to see you or go out with you," Brian said. Brian was a heavy-shouldered, muscular jock-type with pale blue-eyes Blond hair and stood 6'4, betraying some Norwegian Viking ancestry, be it from the early Viking raiders or from the Normans. He was dressed in a football fan jersey, as he supported Manchester United or England during the World Cup or Euro Cup.
"I'm tired of you disliking anyone who isn't of gypsy descent," Brian said. They had been going out together but now Brain had decided that he was no longer comfortable with her, did not love her and that he had the balls to tell her that he wanted to break up. They were alone in the hallway of one of the campus buildings where the only things near them were some empty classrooms. Fairuza looked as if she was about to cry.
"Brian I love you. Please don't break up with me. Look I'll change," Fairuza begged.
"Fairuza this is already the second time you've said that and I gave you your chance the first time. You had your chance but you blew it. Please don't call me anymore and if you have any stuff at my place, I would be more than happy to bring it to you, but that is as far as I go," he sighed.
"If any of your stuff is at my place you better come and pick it up yourself, you asshole," she shouted at him. She started crying, covering her face for she was ashamed to be breaking down like this.
"I'm so sorry Brian. I didn't mean to shout," she cried. Brian felt guilty. She then let go of her covered face and cried,
"Is it because I'm a gypsy? Is it because you found out and I never told you? That's it isn't it, you think I am not just a bitch but I am the way I am because of my background. I am only part gypsy. Brian for fuck's sake I still love you." Fairuza was trying every tactic to convince him not to get through this. Brian had heard stories and read reports about gypsies and in Britain as well as the rest of Europe everything he heard and read was negative, like they were dirty thieves who stole from gadjes, who are non gypsies, and committed other sorts of crimes.
"No, I can see it in your eyes. You think I'm evil don't you? That I can't be trusted and I am just a gypsy bitch that you want to avoid." Fairuza turned and slowly walked away from him. Brian realized that he was starting to feel scared of Fairuza. The way she walked and spoke to him made it clear that he was going to regret this and that from now on he'd better watch his back. He then shouted, because he did not want her getting back at him,
"Look if you have anything that is still at my place, just call me, and I'll be more than happy to bring it to you." She didn't reply, which he took as a real bad sign.
Brian was in his bedroom watching you tube videos on his laptop. He lived in a student accommodation with some other university students. There was a knock on his door.
"Come in," Brian shouted. The door opened and he saw Sharon, his Chinese housemate. "Hey Sharon what's up?"
"You have a visitor," Sharon said as she moved away from the door to allow the visitor in to the bedroom.
"Hey Tom what's up?" Brian asked. Tom was a good friend of Brian although they didn't take the same courses. Tom was a short, pale and skinny guy with dark hair and dark eyes.
"I stopped by because, listen I don't mean to be a dick, but I remembered I lent you my DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean Two and I was wanting to watch it again. Could I have it back?" Tom asked. Brian realized that he did have it, but not here. He had watched it with Fairuza when they were still going out and that it was in her DVD player.
"Tom, I just realized something and I think I left it at my ex's," Brian sounded as if he had made a careless mistake.
"Well could you get it back. No rush, take your time," Tom sounded uncomfortable.
"Let's go over to her place now because I am sure she would be more than happy to give it to us since it would remind her of me," Brian suggested.
"You mean Fairuza? Did you know that she was a gypsy? I didn't know that they allowed them in our universities. Well, anyways you go ahead, she gives me the creeps," Tom said as he headed off.
"Chicken," Brian thought. He knew that Tom was intimidated, like some other students, by Fairuza's gaze. After Tom left, Brian checked the time on his PC and saw it was just after 8PM. He didn't live far from Fairuza as her house was only a half-hour walk so He got changed then headed out and walked over to her place. Brian rang the doorbell and was glad he hadn't called her, since he didn't think she would answer since their break-up. Two minutes later someone came and opened the front door, a Goth Blonde with a pierced eyebrow.
"Hey Cassie, is Fairuza in? I need to see her." Brian knew all of her housemates and they were all female Goths. He suspected that Fairuza had told the rest of the housemates about their break-up as Cassie continued to give him a cold look.
"Wait out here while I tell her that you are here to see her," Cassie slammed the front door. Brian felt as if he had just been slapped in the face. Three minutes later the front door opened and Cassie smiled at him,
"You can go upstairs." She said as she allowed him through the door.
"Thanks," Brian smiled. He climbed up the stairs until he was on the upper floor. Fairuza's bedroom was on the end and he walked to it, seeing that her bedroom door was open. He reached the entrance to her bedroom and knocked on the door. Fairuza sat by her desk, dressed all in Goth black.
"You could have called. Afraid that I was going to hang up on you?" Fairuza laughed.
"Well yeah, kind of, how are you?" Brian asked.
"I'm fine Brian. Why are you here?" she was being straightforward and to the point.
"Tom was at my place and wanted his DVD back but I remembered that I had left it here," Brian said. She pointed to a small table that was stacked with DVDs.
"Feel free to come in and check for yourself. I think some are also yours," she said. Brian walked into her bedroom and over to the table. He was checking and he found not just Tom's DVD but some that were his. He heard Fairuza walk to one of her lamps and switch it on. He felt her hand on his hair, fondling it lovingly.
"She remembers that we broke up, right?" He asked himself. She turns off her normal lights and the bedroom now had just a red light from the lamp. She then slams the door as Brian picked up the DVDs that were his and Tom's and was puzzled over what she was up to. He turned around and saw her standing at the door.
"Hey what gives?" Brian asked.
"Nothing. It's not like I see my ex every day, or rather night, Brian it is good to see you again," Fairuza began walking towards him. He didn't feel comfortable and sensed that she was up to something, he actually felt scared of her.
"Fairuza, it's late. Perhaps we should hook up some other time," Brian said, wanting to get out of there. He noticed that she was holding onto a pendant around her neck. As she moved closer to him, he saw that it looked like a pentagram and He also saw that she held some locks of his yellow hair in her hand. She pressed the yellow hair locks against the pentagram and began chanting the words,
"Now is the time, make him mine. Now is the time, make him mine." Brian dropped the DVDs and realized that he could not speak nor move. She had cast a spell on him.
"Brian this is payback for dumping someone who is madly in love with you because she's a gypsy. That's right, this is a gypsy curse and now you are mine." Fairuza's eyes looked wicked.
"I am giving you permission to speak," Fairuza said as she put her arms around his neck.
"What ... what have you done to me?" he cried.
"Would you really want to know Brian? Your mind and soul are now mine. You are under my power, my control. You belong to me now, you are my slave," she sounded emotional. This was her revenge for their break-up. She let go of him.
"From now on you shall address me as mistress. We are not equals Brian, I am your Gypsy mistress and you are just my Blond Viking slave. Now I want you to go down on all fours," she ordered him.
"Yes ... Mistress," Brian dropped to his knees and then he went down on all fours, like a dog. She then climbed on his back.
"I love having my own dog. Now bark doggy," Fairuza ordered, purposely humiliating him.
"Yes Mistress. Arf, Arf," he complied. Fairuza laughed at Brian, got off him and went back to sit on her desk chair. She didn't have any shoes on, just her bare feet as she picked up her cell phone.
"Slave come here," she commanded him.
"Yes Mistress," Brian began crawling to her and looked up at her. She saw the fear in his eyes as he saw arrogance and pride in hers.
"I remember when you had conversations with your friends about what a strong heritage you have. That you have Viking heritage and that the Vikings had the best genes and that is why they ruled England, France, Russia and how they shaped the world. Do you remember that I had a conversation with some of the other girls once about how I looked like I could come from Afghanistan and looked like the Pashtu's living there and how the Pashtu's were so feared by all who came to fight them whether it was Alexander or Genghis Khan? That one should never ever mess with a Pashtu. Do you remember that?" she asked him. He nodded as he answered,
"Yes, mistress.
"Do you know that some scholars believe that the Gypsy is of the same stock as the Pashtu, and that is why we are so feared by Europeans? Are you familiar with that idea?" she asked him.
"I think I have ... Mistress," he nodded. The Pashtu's had become a hot topic in Britain because of the War on Terror and with British troops, along with other NATO troops, being stationed over there to fight the Taliban, Al Qaeda and the drug trade affecting the west.
"Now my slave, I am going to prove to those that I might send this video to, which is truly stronger. We Gypsies or you Vikings," she teased him cruelly. She turned her cell phone video recorder on.
"Now lick my feet," she commanded him.
"Yes mistress," Brian started lapping her right foot. "You have just demonstrated that we Gypsies can beat you Vikings. Not so strong now are you? You are scared of us just like everybody else, and now that I come to think of it, we have been looked down on by all Europeans while you are looked up to. This video will be a slap in all your fucking faces," Fairuza was getting carried away with her humiliation of him and started making fun of his ordeal. He just licked her right foot until she said to him,
"Don't forget my left one." He continued licking as she recorded it all so she could send the video to people. Brian wished that this night never happened. He was scared and upset that she was humiliating him like this, as part of her revenge. She reminded him of Fairuza Balk's character in the teenage horror film, The Craft. He was starting his life as her slave and she was laughing at him.
"Your days as a free person are over. Welcome to slavery," he heard her say.
That night Brian slept on his mistress's bed tied naked and spread-eagled on his face with his wrists and ankles tied to the four bed posts. The red light was still on and his mouth had a ball-gag on it to prevent him from screaming loud and only allowing him to make moaning sounds and breathe. He was in agony from the candle wax his mistress had dropped into his asshole. His moaning and body helplessly trying to free itself, was amusing to Fairuza. His buttocks were really red and bruised as tears flowed from his blue eyes.
"That was so much fun," Fairuza giggled. She opened one of her drawers and took out a strap-on dildo. She was already naked and put the dildo on and climbed on the bed, positioning her body over his.
"You're not going to enjoy this slave. I am going to make you wish you never even thought of breaking up with me," she said hysterically. With one thrust she buried the strap-on in his ass. Brian's body shook, his moaning grew louder and more tears flowed from his Norwegian-descended blue eyes. He wanted to beg her to stop as she was really hurting him, but the ball gag prevented that. She kept on hammering his asshole with the strap-on dildo as the candle wax drippings made his ass sensitive to physical buggery.
"You like that huh? I said you like that," Fairuza said, as she abused her Blond male slave. She finally left the strap-on deep in his ass and started biting, hard and aggressively, on his back. Brian made a very painful moan, with his head shaking frantically back and forth as Fairuza sent him to a mental state of Hell.
"Wake up sleepy head." Fairuza said as she wakes Brian by whacking his ass really hard with a ruler. Brian slowly blinks his eyes and realizes that last night did happen and was not some nightmare.
"You missed your classes I think. It's one in the afternoon," Fairuza said as she was untying his ankles. She had just returned from the university, she didn't miss her classes. When she finished untying him, she ordered him,
"I want you to continue to lay face down slave."
"Yes ... Mistress," Brian stammered in fear. Fairuza opened her closet and looked for something. She saw what she wanted and tossed it on the bed,
"Slave, go and put these on," she laughed. Brian turned around and saw what she wanted him to wear and his heart sank. This was going to be really embarrassing but he still had to put it on, saying,
"Yes ... Mistress."
"And don't forget to put your underwear on. Don't want any of the girls to see my man's big cock," she giggled. When Brian finished dressing he looked a joke. He had on nothing but black panties and other large sized lingerie. He realized she had been planning this for a long time because the lingerie was too large for his Mistress. She giggled
"You look like a male whore. Hey wait, I think I want to make some more adjustments, on your knees," she pointed her finger down.
"Yes Mistress," Brian dropped down to his knees. She went to her drawer and took out a dog collar. She walked up to him and placed it around his neck and then took a leash and placed it on his manacle.
"There, you look lovely. Now let's go and have some brunch." She led him by the dog leash and he started to stand.
"No slave. Crawl on all fours because you don't have the right of a human being," she yelled at him. He dropped down on all fours and she smirked seeing how upset and humiliated he looked. She led him down the stairs and into the lounge where her three housemates were sitting, watching television.
"Well well well, what do we have here?" Cassie smirked. The other two female Goth housemates were also smirking.
"My slave and I are joining you ladies but we won't be here for long," Fairuza said walking to the sofa. She pointed to the side,
"Slave, stay put there."
"Yes ... Mistress," he answered meekly. The girls all laughed as they had hated him from when they first went out, and given that they must have known that he broke up with her, they found his predicament something to poke fun at and hurt him with.
"I am gonna make us something to eat. Don't you bitches feed my dog, ya hear?" she walked away.
"Oh we hear," said all three girls, breaking up with cruel chuckles. She cooked something for her and her slave-dog to eat. When she returned, she put her plate on the table.
"Don't worry, I'll bring you food too," she assured him as she patted him on his Blond head. She went back into the kitchen and returned, placing a plate on the floor, below Brian's face. Brian saw the raw meat and wanted to puke, this was below his dignity.
"What's the matter honey? You don't like it?" she asked and then picked up the plate, spits on it and placed it back on the floor.
"Now shut up, don't try complaining and eat your food," she told him, pulling hard on his Blond hair.
"Yes ... Mistress," he replied meekly, slowly eating his food like a dog.
"Wow! You have become a very cruel dominatrix," Cassie said.
"He wanted to get back with me last night, said he was sorry that he broke up with me. I told him I would take him back, but as my slave, and if he wanted to prove how he wants to atone for what he has done, he must endure humiliation and be my personal slave," Fairuza lied. The other girls laughed, making fun of Brian. As Brian ate he wanted to cry for the type of treatment he was getting. Fairuza turned to her food, asking the rest,
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Your head is finally clearing and you're finally ready to move on. Betty Jean. Name makes you want to puke. You loved her, hell, you still do. She said she loved you. And this is what she does? Early that spring, a few days after your 23th birthday, you met and hit it off. Within days this 19 year-old was saying she loved you and within a month you felt it back. Another few weeks and you asked her out. She said yes, you were happy. She had a muscular condition since birth, was unable to walk,...
Asmodai howled in impotent rage. The Slayer had bested him! She and her pathetic friends had destroyed the Crystal of Agnathi, breaking his thrall over those that were to be the implements of his rise to power. The Slayer and her pet vampire had shattered it between them, and to add further insult the witches had cast him from the dimension! Asmodai snarled at the images that swirled in the mist before him. They had defeated and insulted him and he would not stand for it. They believed...
Megan stepped out of the shower and dried herself off and as she walked into the bedroom she stopped by the full length mirror she turned to admire the same figure she had when she graduated college six years ago.She just turned twenty-eight and still had the same figure when her husband Rick had started dating the first year in college. Megan kept looking at the mirror and at five foot six inches tall and her slim figure, she could have been a model but had an interest in business and wanted...
I had just gotten off of work pulling up fast to my sister in laws driveway not knowing what to expect. She sounded really flustered and knew my workplace was just around the corner. Perfect timing. I guess you can say? I hear the sounds of boxed memories and goodies being thrown to the side and I creep way my inside. I've always been fond of my sister in law. She's centuries older than me but the lust is most definitely there for me for some odd reason. I glance over into the room knowing she...
My wife and I had been married for six years. Earlier in our marriage and before we got married, our love life was amazing. We would have sex 2, 3, 4, or on special occasions we would go all day. A couple of times we actually skipped work just because the morning sex was so amazing. That ofcourse began to change as her sexual urges began to drop. We tried everything and it didn't matter what it was she was just never in the mood. I used to eat her out from time to time and would drive her nuts...
Chapter 13 – Cheerleader Cheryl Puts Out Two months later, Cheryl was two months pregnant. The once proud co-ed vomitedfrom the deepest pit of her cramped up stomach. The pretty cheerleader wascertain that it was the wart-faced rapist's child. Her tiny perfect toes curledas she knelt over the basin and spewed long and hard into it. A slave in highheels and stockings wiped the puke dribble from Cheryl's chin and then carriedaway the basin of vomit to be used as a delightful sauce to help...
A 'Power Broker' Story Part 1: Release The large steel door clanged shut with a bang that could be heard in the next street. As the sunlight speared from a clear blue sky into his eyes, the old man raised a hand to provide shade. Across the street, a long, sleek limousine gleamed blackly against the brick wall. The rear door opened, and a tall, elegant man, fortyish, and dressed in a smart dark blue suit climbed languidly out of the back. Hi Dad he shouted, running at a canter across the...
He loved the sight of her face twisted in ecstasy, and her big tits bouncing as he pounded into her. She screamed, her head lashing back and forth on the pillows, her red hair flashing in the dim light. With a final thrust, and a loud, growling scream, Will emptied his seed into her. Collapsing down onto his hands, he grinned at her, receiving a smile in return. "Lord, William, you know what a woman needs," she panted. Will sighed, "Lass, you squeeze tighter than the taxman." Offering a...
I reached out to grasp my love's hand, the only connection I had to him now was here, in this enchanted lake. They would all pay for our separation, after I was finished no one would ever stand between us again. Laughing I delighted in the dark power as I felt it flow through me. Ummm it felt so deliciously wicked! To think that I had denied the darkness all these years, now I embraced it as if a lover with love starved senses. Soon this world would feel the power of denying me my happiness,...
Stares and silence confronted me as I stepped out of the gravcar. The Director said Operatives got used to it; I disliked raising my voice so the silence was useful. "Sir," a young police officer said, coming to attention what he must have thought was a safe distance from me. "I'm not in your chain of command," I told him. "Relax." "Yes, sir," he replied, ignoring what I said. I shook my head and studied the expensive hotel behind him. "Is she up there?" I asked...
Martine had trained me by explaining things, waiting patiently through my questions, giving examples, showing me, and then if necessary, touching my mind to actually demonstrate. Loris was not like Martine. Loris didn't teach, per-se. One survived Loris, or didn't. On the 20th, Martine returned to town, and Marco and I were alone for the first time with Loris. Martine hadn't raised any fuss at all about Loris, my training, his motivations, nothing. I knew that she'd been enthralled by...
Jewel opened her eyes, brushing a soggy leaf from her cheek with fingers that trembled. He head ached! Where was Neal? And Amy? Why was she so cold? Something scurried away as she stirred. A shower of water droplets cascaded down on her from the branches of a low bush. It was still dark, but the cloudy sky was beginning to lighten in the east. Slowly, painfully, the events of the night came back to her. Memories of fear, of waves of panic that had sprung from nowhere. She trembled at the...
I drove round with Yvonne to collect Jilly and Sue. They looked different with their clothes on, I grinned to myself. But they were happy and smiling, with no outward sign of being traumatised or anything. Still, I was going to make sure. They were lovely anyway, innocently pretty and sexy and nice to be with. Yvonne was happy and laughing with them; you’d never have guessed what had been going on. Evidently it was only at home that the effort of acting or blocking out the forced sex became...
"He is dead Troy. I saw him fall," Brynar said sadly, as he hung his head. "We will organize warriors and go recover the bodies at first light. If we go now the night life will just kill more of us." "But I saw the Jeg carry him away!" Troy shouted. "You saw the Jeg carry away a dead body," said Brynar. Troy was finally convinced as Kathy and Suzie agreed, to go into the jungle that night would only be suicide, and just to recover a body if it could even be found. They all went in...
THE COLONEL’S NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY drew more people to our house than the Christmas party had. I constantly expected protesters to show up in front of the house because so many people knew Jack, Evelyn, and Lily were in residence there. But while it was common knowledge in the neighborhood, it seemed to be a tacit secret elsewhere. By the end of the party, there was another stack of gifts for Lily under the Christmas tree. It was like the entire community was bringing gifts to the manger...
The mage was asleep in the bathtub when Anders and I found her. I woke her gently, and the two of us helped her out of the tub and into some clean robes we’d brought from her room. Anders was obviously reluctant to touch her, but Solona showed no signs of nervousness around him, not even worrying about covering herself as she stepped naked out of the tub. I resolved to have a discussion with Anders about allowing her to determine how much contact she wanted – not to assume. She’d already...
“Will! Oh, Will, I’ve missed you so much! It’s great to be back here with you, we have so much to catch up on!” Fiona wrapped her arms around me, kissed me hard on the lips. She squeezed me tight, almost as if she was trying to get my body to fuse with hers. “So much has happened; you went and got yourself shot ... when I heard, I was sick with worry, I was about to jump on a plane and fly back, just to make sure you were okay, but Lisa told me to stay there ... we must have burned through...
As we left the conference room, a siren pierced the air. Thankfully it was muffled by the closed door. Outside a fire truck was moving down the road, chains on the tires helping it to move faster than what normally would have been safe. Like Mr. Johnson and the secretary, I stepped outside to watch it pass. Over the tree line, I saw heavy black smoke. My heart fell. It was just about where my house was... Panic started pumping adrenaline through me. The fire truck slowed down and turned...
Puma sat in the lee of a rock, letting the rain run over her without paying it much heed. Shuria appeared as a dim shadow and squatted next to her. "Tomorrow, eh?" he told her. "Yes," she replied economically. "You've been quiet most of the trip." "I've been doing a lot of thinking." He grinned a bit. "I've been doing a lot of anticipating the trip back to Xipototec when it's just the two of us." "I've been thinking about that, too." A lightning bolt cut a jagged path...
Dirty Mr. Styles A Short Erotica Tale By Stacey Taylor Often Writing As Nikki Bastion Literotica Edition Dirty Mr. Styles © 2011 Stacey Taylor All Rights Reserved .One. ‘Morgan Humphrey Styles, Attorney At Law’ read the newly stenciled sign on the glass door. Though he was quickly nearing the age of retirement, Morgan Styles had no intentions of giving up his long held position as Karas Cove’s only resident defense attorney anytime soon. Recently relocated to a brand new single office, and...
"Fuck it, I'm off duty," Jeri said as the holoscreen filling one wall lit up. Her locker was third in the row, and clattered on its hinges when she slammed it open. "The Charmer has to be repaired," her supervisor, Tim, told her. His pinched, frowning face filled the screen as she unzipped her blue coveralls. "You're authorized for overtime on this, it's got highest priority in the docks." "What part of 'fuck it' did you not get, Tim?" She pulled her arms from the sleeves. Her...
The Gypsies and their Gadje MastersBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:The Beginning:It was a Gypsy Community, somewhere in Canada. The Canadian Government took in many gypsies from Europe, back in the late 1990s. Many of these gypsies were living in Vancouver?s outskirts. But like how they lived in Europe, they lived the same way in Canada: caravans and tents.The Gypsies still scared a lot of people, especially the fact that Canadians are well read in news and media...
Female Masturbation, Japanese Style Female Masturbation, Japanese StyleBy PoweroneCopyright 2006 This story is inspired by a series of Japanese videos titled ?Female Sexual Esthetique.? ??????????? Eriko had always been close to her Grandmother, who had spoken at length about her life in Japan until she died last year.? Eriko was amazed at the stories her grandmother told, things that her mother would never even mention.? During her grandmother?s life, the sexual norms in Japan...
My Mounted MistressAn Omnipotent Erotic Psalm of Doggy Style John, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist “Viking Gladiator” www.eroticpsalms.comI am the Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,A fierce barbarian, and over 300 pounds of masculine knight!I am here today to convey that doggy style is the best position ever!For to see your curvaceous ass in that pose is marvelous!To gaze at your amazing hips in that stance is wonderful,And to witness your bulging peach...
Isabelle listened to the sounds of the birds in the trees as she made her way to the river in the early morning light. The air was crisp and cold, the late spring bringing a fine silver mist that seemed to chill her straight to the bone. She shivered and clutched the vessel tighter in her hand. She was never much of an early riser, but if she expected to learn anything about cooking, she had to help Loridana, the camp cook in her daily tasks. She reached the river and hiked up her skirt,...
by Gail Holmes Gypsy was a girl that most men would give their eyetooth to date but she was a loner. She carried her name well, with her trim figure and lusty long dark hair and her dress sense was admirable, trouble was she didn’t appreciate the effect it had on the male population, off the shoulder blouses, flared skirts. Her mother had died when she was but eight years old, as an only child she’d been brought up by...