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20 minutes before…

She felt him before she saw him. Since childhood she had always been able to tell when he was looking at her. In all of their pictures growing up in he had looked at her with a yearning that at first glance seemed like innocent devotion to his big sister. But upon further examination his gaze held an intensity that was unsettling in one so young.

Michael leaned against the brick building and just stared at his gorgeous older sister. Gabriella was still the prettiest woman he had ever seen. From her radiant long red and gold hair to her big fragile looking baby blue eyes, she looked like an angel in need of a protector. She must have felt him staring because just then she started to search around the street with her eyes. They were set to meet at the café close to their mom’s home and go to the family reunion later in the afternoon. By meeting this way they could catch up without the chaos of the family swirling around them.

When their eyes met, Michael felt the gut punch of something he couldn’t quite name but it felt perilously close to intense desire. To his alarm, his cock twitched in his pants as she stood and he could see her perfect body in full view.

Growing up they had been the closest in age of all their siblings. Their mother had a busy year in 1991. They were only eleven months apart and as a result they had done everything together. He developed faster because he was always trying to catch up with her. By the time they were four years old people would think they were twins because he copied and perfected everything she did. He loved her with such intensity it was almost like pain.

Gabriella waved and felt her smile stretch across her face. She was so happy to see him she knew she was grinning like an idiot. She waved and walked halfway to him and when he finally reached her she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist. For a few blissful moments she just breathed him in. He was HER Michael, they had always belonged to each other and it felt as natural as breathing to be in his arms again.
Michael noticed that her hair smelled like flowers and he loved the tickle of her breath as she whispered how much she had missed him. He kissed her neck in response and let his lips linger and then kissed her cheek a little closer to her dark pink pouty mouth. While he was still holding her in the air she leaned back and stared into his hazel green eyes and kissed his mouth. She pressed her lips to his a bit longer than proper and then pulled completely away so he could let her down. She grabbed his hand in hers and led him to their table where she started pummeling him with questions.


Michael and Gabriella laughed all the way through lunch. He told her hilarious stories about the pranks his friends pulled in the dorms at college and she told him stories about her bad dates and how much better she liked the college atmosphere than she had high school.

They went to separate colleges at their mother’s insistence but secretly still wished they went to the same one. Once lunch was over Michael paid the bill and they gathered their things and began walking to their mother’s house. They cut through familiar alleyways and because their hometown was so small and familiar they didn’t think to be wary of their surroundings.

Michael saw a flash of black at the side of his vision. Before he could even raise his voice in alarm he felt the piercing pain of a dart being shot into his back. He reached for it but couldn’t reach it before feeling the world start to spin wildly and the edges of his vision went dark. The only word he could get out before falling face forward was a slurred, “Gabriella”.

Gabriella squealed in surprise as she saw Michael fall forward. She hadn’t seen the flash of black so she assumed he’d fainted. She immediately bent down to turn him over and then she saw the dart in his back. She whipped her head around and was surprised when she saw a handsome familiar face before her own vision went to black. She went down fast with nothing more than a grunt.
The violent bouncing of the SUV was what finally made Gabriella come to. She couldn’t see anything because she was blind folded and she couldn’t move out of her current position because she was hog tied and packed in tight with her brother. She was still extremely groggy but was awake enough to realize with surprise that she wasn’t gagged. She immediately started screaming as loud as she could.

“HEY!” she heard someone roar from the front seat. This one word pronouncement proved to be even louder than her scream and it startled her into silence.

“Shut the fuck up!” he still yelled but slightly softer this time. “No one can hear you. We’re way too far from any people and your gonna irritate the shit outta me if you keep that up.”

Gabriella heard the unspoken threat in the familiar tenor of the man’s voice. She knew instinctively that irritating him would not be to her benefit. She was going to have to think her way out of this. She breathed and calmed herself as best she could and when she felt a little more composed she choked out, “Richard, what the hell is going on and where the fuck are you taking me and my brother?”

She heard a sinister laugh and felt a chill start in her stomach and run the course of her body. She had never heard a laugh like that come from anyone. While she waited for him to stop cackling and answer the question her puzzled mind raced to figure out what could be happening. Richard Benniton had been her mother’s rich ex boyfriend. Her mom, ever the lovely free spirit had dated many different kinds men over the course of Gabriella’s life but Richard had been, by far, the most well off and he was handsome too. Not in the way Gabriella liked but in a way that most women probably found irresistible. But Richard had given Gabriella the creeps. She couldn’t put her finger on the problem, maybe the way he leered at her, but she’d been relieved when their mom had dumped him abruptly last spring. When she had asked her mother what happened, her mom just said that he wasn’t the man she thought he was. Well that was for damn sure, Gabriella thought miserably.

She was so caught up in her train of thoughts she was almost startled when Richard answered her. “Look little girl all I’m going to tell you is that when I get started doing what I’m gonna do to you and your prayin to God to make it stop, just think of your bitch mother because she’ll be the blame for all your misery.”

Gabriella felt fear surge through her. She started to breathe rapidly and was trying not to hyperventilate.
The threat and sadistic meaning in his tone were pretty clear and Gabriella was never one to waste her breathe with stupid questions. She wouldn’t bother to ask what he meant because she was sure she would find out soon enough if she couldn’t think her way out of this. She began focusing on her situation and trying to wriggle out of the expertly tied knots. But before she could even get them slightly loosened the car stopped and she heard the front door slam.

Her heart was thumping wildly as she heard gravel crunching footsteps that seemed to be getting further away from the truck. She took this opportunity to struggle ferociously against the ropes. She felt the ropes starting to cut through the tender skin of her wrist and she yelped in pain but kept struggling. She still hadn’t gotten any loosening when she heard him coming back. With each thudding footstep her dread grew.
Finally he flung open the back and Richard looked hard at her and her brother. Even in the dim light he noticed her bleeding wrist and made a “tsk tsk” sound under his breath.

“I’m gonna have to watch you like a hawk.” he said with cold detachment. He sighed and heaved her up over his shoulder like she was a sack of sugar. “Damn, you are light as a feather little bird. You’re almost as light as my own teen daughter.”

For some reason this statement sounded odd to Gabriella and she thought back to the one and only time she had met his daughter. His daughter was named Dorothy (a name so out of place for such a young modern girl that it was hard not to remember it) and she had been a beautiful, strange, quiet girl. She was willowy and small and had long blond hair in waves down her back. Her eyes had been the most striking though because they had been the most gorgeous shade of green with blue striations running through them. They’d reminded Gabriella of beautiful nebulas. They hadn’t spoken much and she had never seen the girl again so she hadn’t crossed her mind again.

Now she didn’t have time to ponder why his statement bothered her and so she focused on everything she could hear and smell. She was still blindfolded but her survival instincts were well honed and she began listening for doors, locks and clocking how many steps it took him to get her where he wanted her. This might eventually help her to escape back outside. The place smelled clean and new and very clinical, like a hospital. He finally set her down on a hard cold floor and for some reason she was sure she was in a bathroom.

“Be right back little bird.” He said with a tone bordering on excited amusement. A few minutes later he returned and she felt Michael’s dead weight being dropped next to her. She was getting very worried that he hadn’t awoken yet and she asked with a frightened tremble, “You didn’t kill him did you?”

“Of course not he’s just as much a part of this plan as you are! He’s just a heavy sleeper. But I think it’s time we woke him, don’t you?” he asked but didn’t really want an answer.

Gabriella suddenly smelled the faint but pungent odor of smelling salts and she heard Michael start groaning. She sighed with relief. Michael sounded like he was in pain and started to say groggily, “what the hell…” but before he could finish Richard shouted,

“Shut up! I already dealt with your sisters shit and I’m not gonna deal with yours. You and your sister are my prisoners and if I hear one peep out of either of you for next hour I swear to Christ I will take this gun I have to your sister’s head and put a bullet right through her brain. It’s what I call plan B. Trust me, plan A is more fun.”

Gabriella felt new waves of terror rip through her and she started to tremble in response. She felt Richard’s large hand start to stroke her hair then. He did it almost tenderly and he leaned close to her ear and whispered, “Don’t be scared little bird. This is the easy part. You’ll really be shaking when you see what I have planned for you.” He laughed a little and licked her ear with moist sloppiness. Then he stepped away and Gabriella heard him say on an intercom, “Get down here Dot, I need your help.”

Two minutes later the door opened and barely audible footsteps entered the room. Gabriella smelled Dorothy’s sweet apple like smell and remembered it from last time. She was confused and horrified that this young little girl was being made a part of this.

“What do you want me to do Daddy?” Dorothy said in a tiny sing song little voice. “I need you to cut the girls clothes off and her ropes and lead her to the shower over there. Now remember little bird, I will have this gun cocked at your brother’s head this whole time so if you try anything funny I will shoot him.” Just for confirmation Gabriella heard him cock the gun.

“Leave her hands tied behind her back and leave her blindfolded Dot.”

Gabriella felt Dot’s little soft hands begin to go to work on her body. She heard the metallic snips and felt the sweet relief of the ropes being cut. Her legs were free and now and she could feel a numbness that she hadn’t even registered start to wear off resulting in painful pins and needles sensations. Dorothy’s hands expertly and quickly began slicing through the fabric of Gabriella’s shorts and shirt. Once these items fell away the uncomfortable chill of the room made her start to tremble again. Finally she felt those small hands slice through her panties and bra and in shame she realized her naked flesh was exposed for this little girl and her horrible father. She had never felt so vulnerable and violated in her life. For the first time, she felt tears welling in her eyes but they never fell as they got absorbed into the blindfold.

“Stand up now please.” Dorothy said in her sweet voice. Dorothy grabbed her by the arm and helped Gabriella to her feet awkwardly but successfully. She led her a few steps further into the room and then turned on the overhead shower jets. To Gabriella the water was surprisingly warm and the jet spray was soft but forceful.

“Now clean her up Dot.” Richard said with a voice that seemed thick with desire. “And do it all the way like I taught you.” “OK daddy.” Dorothy said evenly but sounded a little excited too.

“Please stand still and spread your legs wide.”

Gabriella felt fury rip through her. Not so much for herself but for her brother and this child, but she did what Dorothy said because she couldn’t see a solution right now. In an instant she felt Dorothy’s soft hands on her wet skin. She could smell the perfume scented soap as the little girl moved it in slow circles around her stomach first and then moved to her back, neck, face and hair. Dorothy soaped her legs and finally moved up to her pussy. Gabriella cried out in shame.

“Not a peep.” Richard threatened from the corner. Gabriella felt Dorothy’s hand spread her pink lips apart and gently soap all the folds. She then went around to the back and pulled Gabriella’s round butt cheeks apart and started rubbing her soapy hands up and down in the crack and even stuck her finger into her puckered hole. It was all Gabriella could do to keep from screaming.

From the corner Richard said quietly, “Good baby now rinse it off and clean it our special way.” Michael, who had been quiet up until this point, couldn’t hold himself any longer and shouted, “You son of a bitch, stop this right now!” Gabriella heard a hard thump and then heard Michael’s body fall the floor in what she assumed was an unconscious heap. She figured that Richard had smacked him with the gun on the head and knocked him out cold again.

“Oh damn, I didn’t mean to knock him out again. Keep going baby, I’ll take care of this one.”

Dorothy resumed her “work” and unhooked the showerhead and rinsed Gabriella off thoroughly. Gabriella had an idea of what came next and was still horrified but not shocked when she felt those soft hands parting her pussy lips again. Gabriella whimpered in revulsion as she felt the little girl’s cool tongue make first contact with her clit. Dorothy’s slowly slid two fingers into Gabriella’s slippery hole and began to make slow circles with her tongue on Gabriella’s labia. She opened her up wider and latched onto her so she could begin sucking at her swollen clit. Gabriella was repulsed but was even more disgusted when her body started to unwillingly respond to the girl’s touch. She felt the first unnatural stir of desire when the girl’s fingers started rhythmically sliding in and out of her pussy. Gabriella’s breath was becoming ragged and her face was hot and flushed. Her pussy began to spasm and she felt her cum begin to coat those nimble, skilled fingers. Gabriella was intensely fighting the feelings taking over her body when she heard Dorothy whisper in a husky but still sweet voice, “Oh daddy, I can feel her cumming on my fingers. She’s getting so wet and so am I.”

Just then Dorothy’s suckling became even more intense. She alternated between licking and sucking the clit and began to give off little moans in between licks. “She taste so good, Daddy. Her pussy juice is coming out now and it’s so yummy.” She moaned.

Gabriella felt her legs starting to shake from the intensity of the sensations ripping through her. Over and over in her mind one phrase just kept surfacing, “Oh God please no…” “Oh God please no…” Her whole body was on fire now. Even the girl’s perverted whispers to her dad were adding to Gabriella’s building orgasm. Dorothy seemed to sense the rising tide and started sucking more frantically. Her fingers thrust deeply into Gabriella’s slick hole. She hadn’t realized it, but Gabriella was suddenly was aware of her own moaning and heavy breathing. “Oh Daddy she’s almost there, I can feel it. Please come and fuck my ass daddy. I’m so wet for you.”

Distantly, almost like he was underwater, Gabriella heard Richard say to his daughter in a desire soaked voice, “Not now baby but soon. You’re doing so good and I’m gonna reward you later.”

The heat that was traveling at the speed of light all over Gabriella’s body was overwhelming. Her legs were trembling uncontrollably as she felt the first crest of her orgasm. “OH ….OH …OH!” was all she was able to get out as Dorothy gripped her leg to steady her and licked her throbbing, hot clit even faster. All the blood was rushing from Gabriella’s head and she felt the pleasure wash in waves all through her as her cum dripped from the little girls still thrusting fingers. Finally Gabriella collapsed in exhaustion and Dorothy quickly moved to avoid being fallen on.

Gabriella lay half on her side on the floor and was surprised but too exhausted to protest when she felt Dorothy parting her legs again and she heard her softly say, “Let me get all that sticky cum off.” And she slowly, gently licked Gabriella’s pussy hole and clit clean. Gabriella sighed in pleasure and fat tears of disgust welled in her eyes. She was disgusted with herself and with Richard for whatever he had done to create this little girl’s sick pleasures. She didn’t even feel when Dorothy rolled away and said quietly to her Dad, “what do I do next, daddy?”

To Be Continued…


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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 5 Bonds of Brotherhood

There is no vacation at the Academy. You are there until the Instructors decide you know what you need to know. No weekends off, no vacations or holiday trips back home. Oh sure, now and then a cadet goes home to attend an important function, a wedding, a funeral, a coronation, but those are the rare exceptions. Even the seasons barely seem to pass here in these central climes. But we are able to mark the passing of the years with the passing of our fellows. Eight months after my arrival,...

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Gigs tubing trip

Hey, I’m Gigi. This is the story of how my husband and I, but especially me, set aside our useless Catholic taboos and now live a much happier life. We began when I was 20 and had been married about a month to Jerry who was 27. We’re both 4’11” and have had many people ask if we were siblings. We aren’t. I am a 95-pound, dark brunette with a 35C-23-35 figure. Jerry is heavier 135-pounds and very strong. His hair is sandy blonde and he has a permanent tan, since he is a landscape contractor....

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My Wife Fucks My Best Friend True Story

For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to watch my wife get fucked by another man. The simple thought of her taking another man's cock in her mouth or pussy is enough to set me up with a raging hard-on and my pulse pounding. However, my wife is decidedly prudish. While she can be wild in bed, she's also very strait-laced, sticking to usual positions and activities. This has long driven me crazy, as I crave more. As it happened, my wife and I got into a massive fight (nothing to do with my...

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What do you think of when you hear the word Soundgasm? An orgasm with the help of sound? An orgasm for your ears? Hardcore ejaculation to female ASMR? Whatever your association is, it’s probable that you’re not wrong. Today we’re looking at a website called, though there’s a twist. You can’t really use the site through that website domain. Instead, we will be using to access it and search through it. That is as far as Flaru goes, however, and all the file hosting and...

ASMR Porn Sites
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A Tight Fit

There you are, standing in the guard tower of Castillo de San Marcos, looking out a view port at the sailboats on the bay. I step close behind you, knowing you are wearing nothing under that soft, delicate and diaphanous calf length skirt. There is nowhere for you to go, especially as you hear a zipper. You quiver in anticipation, knowing you will give yourself to me here and now. You sense the slow lifting of your skirt by the sides, tenderly gliding up the back of your thighs. Once over the...

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I was raped1

I smoothed on scented lotion, sprayed perfume, applied makeup, styled my hair, and strapped on a pair of black heels. I was somewhat dissapointed to find that after all the time I spent, I looked no better than a cheap prostitute. But ohwell, it was to late to change it. Randy was already waiting outside. The drive to Bakersfield was pleasant. The food was exactly what I wanted. And after the meal we discussed where we wanted to go to look for our new toy As it was we didn't know...

3 years ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book II Darkness on the Edge of SpaceChapter 2 Repairs and Revelations

If it wasn't so sad, Malcolm would have laughed out loud in cynical amusement. Not even a month had gone by since he had left Salem One to take Buran out on her maiden voyage and now he was back already with a ship that looked very second-hand. Granted, in between the two events he had killed about six hundred Romulans and saved about three times as many Betazoids from annihilation, but no captain in the universe liked to see his ship in the state his new ship was in. Thankfully Starfleet...

2 years ago
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TeamSkeetLabs Baby Nicols Unusual Clock

ALERT: We need your help! These TS Labs updates are our way of putting out new stuff for you. Your feedback drives everything, so if you love it, please tell us. If you hate it, please let us know what we can do better. We’re counting on you so please tell us! On that note, here’s the latest scene. When Baby Nicols got together with Jesus Reyes to work on a science project, she wasn’t expecting to be shown such an unusual clock. Turns out that Jesus’ special clock can control time...

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Seduced for my cock

I opened the gate. It was a fairly big house with goats & chickens roaming about in the garden. I knocked the door. Door was opened. Karen was standing at the door. She must be in her late twenties. With long blonde hair big blue eyes. She was shorter than me. Her bosoms were pointing me. They were so huge and pushing against her tight fitting t shirt. I immediately go my eyes off her tits and looked at her pretty face. her smile was inviting. She was the prettiest woman i ve ever seen. I was...

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Lost Princess Of Buya RewardChapter 10

At my insistence we used Alladin's young friends to get past the regular guards around Senshi; somehow I was uncomfortable using Morgan. The King agreed to give us a brief audience in his sitting room. Actually, he was sitting; Blaster, Alladin and I were standing. We had brought with us an agreeable Priest, who seemed to be enjoying the Royal audience quite a bit. "Thank you for agreeing to see us, Your Majesty," I began, bowing. "We hope this will not be a waste of your time. It is...

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The Prescription Fill Generically or Dispense as WrittenChapter 16

Working Sunday morning wasn't new to me; I just hadn't done the short shift in a long while. I had done the iron day last Sunday, but the 3 hour shift was a different animal. You really spent the whole time watching the clock hoping each time you looked at it the hands would jump ahead. I had gotten up late figuring I need only shave because I would shower before going over to Dianna's. So I was fresh and had gotten a good night's sleep, despite staying at her house until 11:30. We...

5 years ago
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My girlfriend made me a cockslut

First time getting anal from a girl and where it leads... (to getting anal from a guy, clearly).This is a stand-alone story, not part of a series. If you like it, click 'like'. I crave validation! If you don't like it, click 'like' anyway. I'm not proud. The first girlfriend I had after I finally got a place of my own was the one who helped me realize how much I like to get fucked up the bum. I'd never given it any thought. Always considered my ass was just there and not anything to do with...

3 years ago
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Tie Me Up Dont Tie Me Down

Marcy and Tom checked into the hotel. Tom had a look of excitement on his face that wasn’t shared by his wife. She’d been left at home to look after the children. Marcy, his mistress, didn’t share the look of excitement either. Quite frankly, she was getting somewhat bored by Tom and his idea of a good time. She knew exactly what he had in mind for her. The stockings and suspenders, the half-cup bra, the handcuffs, the blindfold, the gag ….. How many times had they been through this scenario?...

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The Courier Ch 06

Chapter 6 — Nothing to be proud of Cecilia was awake as soon as it started to get light outside. She started breakfast for the household, roused her nephew to force him to get ready for school, and finally laid out a pressed shirt and suit for Victor Dukov. Up until late April, most of those tasks had been handled by Mrs. Dukov. Cecilia took over the household responsibilities shortly after the cancer diagnosis and had been in complete charge of the house since May. As Cecilia pulled a stack...

2 years ago
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Best Sex Experience With Facebook Friend

This is is my first story in ISS please provide me feedback in This story happened when I was in first year of engg.To say about me am 6ft tall and good athletic build having 7 inch long dick and 3 inch thick.One day evening when I was scrolling my account in fb I got request from a name called Preethi(name changed for privacy). Initially we chat a lot,exchanged our numbers. We use to chat in Whatsapp regularly one day night it is about 1 am we are doing chatting She:do you watch porn...

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A Game of InchesChapter 41

The next couple of days passed quietly, I kept busy around the house during the day, the three of us always getting together in the evenings for dinner or to go out. Since I only had one full week before training camp left, Ashley figured to fly home the same week I started camp. Finally Friday arrived, I had everything done around the house, both the pool and spa clean, we had the entire weekend to enjoy. I decided right after lunch on Friday to jump in the pool for a while to relax....

4 years ago
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Aliens and CowboysSilica

The Sentinel was to reach the asteroid field just after supper time on Atlantis, so after supper, Mark and Annabelle waited in his office so Cricket could do the virtual bridge thing again. Right on schedule, Cricket darkened the room and enabled the virtual bridge. Annabelle watched in amazement, she had, of course, been on the bridge of the Poseidon, but the virtual bridge of the Sentinel was much more immersive as it was just like looking out into space, with a couple of displays in...

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So klein ist die Welt

von Andrew_K„Wie kann man nur so peinlich sein“, war Leonies Gedanke. Sie saß auf der Rücksitzbank des grauen Kombis ihrer Eltern und wünschte sich inständig, ihr Vater hätte Geld für getönte Scheiben ausgegeben. Das war definitiv der letzte Urlaub, den sie mit ihren Eltern machte. Sie war eh schon viel zu alt dafür. Schon mit sechzehn waren ihre ehemaligen Klassenkameradinnen alleine losgezogen. Sie war anders gewesen, bisher, und hatte die Urlaube mit ihren Eltern genossen, vor allem weil die...

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Victim of Circumstance

The girl everybody's willing to screw and screw over, making "This again?" a common phrase of her's. 5'7", (about 5'9" in her boots)pale white skin covered in various tattoos, a few peircings here and there, purple contacts on her eyes, and a small stylish black and purple mohawk with a clump of bangs hanging in the front and lightly shaven sides. Big perky c-cups, a slapable ass, and a hourglass figure along with her skills maker her quite the fuck. Her tattoos are a tribal band on her right...

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Before the Civil War

Before the Civil War NOTE: The American Civil War (1861–1865) was a civil war between the United States of America (the "Union") and the Southern slave states of the newly formed Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis. The presidential election of 1860 resulted in seven Southern states declaring their secession from the Union even before Lincoln took office. The Union rejected secession, regarding it as rebellion. REMEMBER: This is just a dirty sex story and is not...

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Celebrity Fame Whores

It was to be the greatest display of wanton sexuality and utter perversion in the history of mass media, and thanks to the 24-hour news cycle and Hollywood's cult of celebrity, it was streamed live over the internet and into every household in America, even across the world! People would remember it for years afterwards, keeping it alive through blogs and word of mouth. And yet, for all of its spectacle, it began on a relatively quiet day, not unlike any other... That morning, Nadya...

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Tasting My Best Friend

My best friend Michelle and I shared everything together. We looked alike, both curvy, voluptuous girls with large breasts and dark brown hair. We both enjoyed good sex lives- mostly one night stands with no second dates…why did we need them? We liked the thrill of no strings attached sex. We joked around for years about hooking up, if we ever hit a dry spell, but it had never actually happened. We were both straight and didn’t have any reason to venture over to the other team, but we toyed...

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Bad bad slave

Maggie did her best not to squirm, but the tip of the crop traveling slowly down her spine sent terrified little thrills along her skin. She desperately wanted to move, but… Be still, She had told her, and so Maggie was still. Be silent, She had said, so Maggie made no sound above the nervous panting of her lungs. She flexed her arms and stood a bit higher on tip toe, an attempt to restore blood flow to her hands. She hated being like this, bound by her wrists to the hook on the rafter above,...

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Lindas New SchoolChapter 6 Allies

As she walked down the hall, she noticed that the clocks in some of the classrooms disagreed with each other. In particular, the clocks in the empty classrooms displayed a later time than those in the occupied ones. She suspected that it was deliberate, yet another way to disorient and depress the students. She also noticed that the girls ranged from stark naked to fully dressed. One of the naked girls was bent over a teacher's desk, her red-striped bottom facing the class. Another stood...

5 years ago
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Sam and Jill pt 1

Sam and Jill pt 1By Way2BdgStorycodes: bound; breathplay; plastic bag; toys; threesome; XSam’s intrigueOnce, eight month ago, Jill was naked and strapped all her limbs and torso to a gynecological chair. I was fucking her tight asshole in steady pace. My left hand was pumping her wet pussy with two feet long, black, ribbed, double-headed dildo, and my right hand was stimulating her clit with the humming pink egg vibrator pressed onto her clit. She was moaning in ecstasy.Sam was standing behind...

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The Earl Maid Chapter 3

The Earl Maid By Susannah Donim The Hadleighs start to host meetings of local societies to ease their financial difficulties. Rob gets drawn in to a rather unusual demonstration at a meeting of the Pink Ladies. Chapter 3 Charlie Todd was the secretary of the Lavenden Amateur Dramatic Society. We had met him briefly the year before when I was in Romeo and Juliet, but he hadn't been involved in that show. "I can't do Shakespeare, I'm afraid," he admitted. "I...

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The Softening of Jessie Part 15

Jessie agreed to Ashley's ultimatum and headed over to her house. He didn't necessarily see the issue with the clothes he had on, but he knew how fashion conscience she was and that she didn't want to go out with someone who didn't fit her social standards. He felt he could probably use some fashion tips as well. Jason was leaving the house as they approached the front door. Jessie didn't know what to think and became very nervous at the sight of his former friend. "Hey...

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Slowly Moving On Chapter 2

I laid down on the bed to rest, thinking through the events of the day, and the memories of Jenn came flooding back as I fell asleep…“Promise me!” Jenn said with a giggle.  “Promise me you won’t show anyone these!” she continued with a little more seriousness.  I pressed the button and heard the shutter of the camera click.Jenn was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.  My god she was breathtaking.  We had come home from hanging out with a bunch of friends at the bar.  We were both drunk...

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My stepmom

I was 22 year old living with my dad and he’s new parents divorced when i was quite young,anyways,my father remarried a divorcee of 45,she was a mother of five kids who were living with their father.we lived in a 2 bedroom apartment.i was unemployed at the time and my step mom maryam was at home wife.she was nice not to bad looking with medium size breasts, a nice big ass,she was a pleasant woman who always talked about many things ,we had a good relationship ,at first i didnt pay much...

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This took place quite some time ago but I look back on it with very fond memories.I was in the car going to some shops close by where I live. Stooped at the shops and went and bought what I wanted When I came out of the shops there was an attractive late 20`s to early 30 young woman who approached me and askedif I could let her have £20-00 as she needed it disparately for her rent as her landlord was going to evict her if she didnt pay.I said no why should I give £20-00 to someone I didnt...

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