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My Vengeance Synopsis:Gene loses a challenge and his entire world turns upside down. As punishment he must dress as a girl. In school, he attracts attention and is attacked, causing unwanted changes with which he must cope. Only after his parents seek his forgiveness is he able to seek out his attackers and exact his revenge. [-][+][-] My name is Gene Andrew Nelson, but as a girl, I am Jean Drusilla Nelson.As both, I am a computer geek, like my dad, but as Dru, I soon became very popular with the guys. Daddy is Jackson Arnold Nelson, Jackie to his friends. He is a small powerhouse thanks to his being an avid athlete all through school. He earned his degree in teaching as well as Computer Sciences during his tour in the Army. He is now coach at Central High School where he is also the R.O.T.C. sponsor. Momma is Annie Marie Nelson. She is a former Homecoming Queen and Beauty Queen at my school. She now teaches Home Economics and helps the school by making the uniforms for the cheerleaders, and the band. [-][+][-] It all started when I went to the Central Grammar School's Halloween Party as Daphne of the Scooby Doo cartoon. Me and my friends chose that show and since my cousin had a purple dress, and I have red hair,, I got drafted to be her. Daddy thought that it was funny me being a girl, but was surprised when I admitted to him and Ma that I liked being a girl. We went to see a child psychiatrist who assured them that I was simply exploring who I was and that if I wanted to be a girl, that they should let me. I told them that I liked being a girl, at times, but that I also liked being a boy, too. So, I got to be a girl for Halloween and on one weekend a month and I could try out for any girl's role in the school's theatre. Ma taught me how to be a girl and Daddy even got me a bodysuit so that I could actually be a girl whenever I dressed as a girl. But little did I know it, I would become a girl thanks to a very stupid bet and only my parents love and understanding helped me to overcome and become whole, again. [-][+][-] I had become quite the computer hacker and my friends knew it, too. They knew better than to squeal on me because I had the skills, but I had also promised Daddy to not hack. Daddy was a graduate from M.I.T. and knew more about computers than Bill Gates. I learned from him and was even better at computers than he was, which is why I made my promise to him, but I didn't think about Chad and his cronies, or how he'd get me into trouble by challenging me. [-][+][-] "Hey, Gene! Wait up! I need to speak to you!" "What are you after now, Chad? Has your latest scheme fallen through?" I asked as I shut my locker door. "Me? Scheme? Why do you say that?" "You've got to be kidding me! I work in the office, so I 'know' about your cons just like the faculty does. It's only because your dad is the Mayor that you haven't been expelled from Central High School." Chad Farnsworth Junior was the only son of Chad Angus Farnsworth Senior; our 'esteemed' mayor. Mayor Farnsworth was an excellent mayor who ran an honest government whose only slight was its mollycoddling of his bratty son. "Okay, if I do admit to being a conman, will you hear me out?" "Sure!" I said as I turned to walk to the lunchroom. "You know all about computers, right?" "Enough to know not to confirm anything to you, so DON'T make me an offer that I'll have to tell Principal Matthews about," I huffed. "Okay, but you'll be sorry that you didn't even hear me out," he threatened as he knocked the books out of my arm. I karate chopped him in the stomach as he sauntered by, causing him to double over, "LISTEN HERE, CHAD! I AM 'NOT' ONE OF THOSE THAT YOU CAN INTIMIDATE! GO AHEAD AND TRY ANYTHING AND I WILL STOP ANY HACKING!" I stomped off, not seeing the feral grin, nor his promise, "Oh, don't worry, Gene. You and your parents will feel my sting from my latest con," he leered as he slithered away. I didn't know it, but he already had access to the school's computer. But he wanted my access codes in order to gain access to the security camera. [-][+][-] It was a stupid challenge on my part and I knew it, too. But my justifiable ego simply wouldn't let me consider that anybody was a better hacker than I was. I was the only student trusted with access to the school's computer. All of the faculty were computer literate, but I was there in my capacity as an office worker to maintain the system against viruses. Chad kept an eye on me so that he'd know when I'd be in the office. One day, it was just before school and I was in the office to update student files when he struck. Chad had snuck into Principal Farley's office and changed his grades to show that he was an '+A student, deleting his few lower grades. Chad had a genius intellect, but didn't apply it to boring subjects. [-][+][-] My joy lasted until Thursday. I was called into Farley's office. As I walked in I saw the Principal and my parents! "Mom, what's going on?" Dad spoke up, "Son, it seems that somebody has hacked into the computer." "It wasn't me, Dad." Principal Farley sighed, "I want to believe you, but you were the only one in the office when it happened. "Sir, I've never abused my access. Was it my computer that was used?" "No, it was mine." "I've never entered your office unless you were in there to avoid this problem. By the way, have you fixed the security lock on your outer door?" "I didn't know that it was broken." "I told you last week and sent a memo." "I forgot." Momma spoke up, "What are you going to do now that you know that your door could have been opened?" "Unfortunately, Annie, all that I CAN do is go by what evidence I do have. But instead of expelling Gene, I have another idea." "What's that?" I ask. "Petticoat Punishment." "YOU WANT GENE TO DRESS AS A GIRL?" exclaimed Daddy. "That's the only way that he can stay in school, Jackie. Instead of Gene Andrew Nelson, as a girl, she will be Jean Drusilla Nelson." "Why should I agree to that? The school's girl's uniforms are all cheerleader length! And what about Gym?" "Jackie, I hate to put Gene through this, but if he does agree, he will be helping to find the real culprit." "What about gym, Sir?" "We can get you a bodysuit that'll let you present yourself as a girl and you will use the teacher's lounge by the gym to change clothes." [-][+][-] As we headed to the store with the bodysuit, I wondered who'd hacked the files and if I could actually be the girl that I needed to be. Growing up, I'd dressed as a girl for fun with my parents approval, but this was different by a long shot. I'd worn breast forms and gaffs to wear different skimpy costumes, but never as a student. "Mom, Dad, you do believe me, don't you?" Daddy smiled at me, "Son, I've taught you perhaps too well about computers. But I also taught you about integrity. I know that you're innocent. Question is, have you pissed somebody off who could pull this off?" Then I remembered my encounter with Chad, "DAMN IT! I KNOW WHO DID IT, NOW!" I exclaimed. "Who?' asked Mom, who was driving. "Chad Prescott!" "Need say no more! He's trouble, just like his old man," Daddy fumed. "Glad that you believe me." We went to the mall, and I went into the unisex bathroom and locked the door on my cubicle. I stripped, pulled on the bodysuit and marveled at how it redistributed my body fat to give me hips and breasts as it tucked away my testicles, leaving only the tip of my penis out for urinating. Once closed, I looked like the girl that I could have been born as. I started to cry, because for years, I'd wanted to be this girl before me that I was tricked into being.I got over my pity party and donned my taupe sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose, then my beige bra and panty. Next, I donned my red rose blouse and matching skort and sandals. Then I spritzed on some perfume, brushed my hair and grabbed my purse and gathered up my belongings in my carryall bag and left. "Jean Drusilla Nelson, you look beautiful! Are you my Princess?" asked Daddy. I rushed into his strong, firm arms, "Yes, Daddy! Thanks for being my daddy," I wept. He's just made my plight bearable by accepting me as his daughter. Momma sighed, "Now you're going to spoil her rotten. Aren't you?" "Well, you spoiled our son, Marge," chuckled Daddy. "Come on, you two! We still need to get Drew her uniforms and other stuff," she giggled. We gathered my school uniforms and other stuff except for intimates and hosiery from the Consignment Shop where students would sell their old uniforms. We were able to get me five sets of summer and winter uniforms in skirts, skorts, capris, and shorts as well as uniform socks. Unfortunately, girls didn't have any pants uniforms. Then we went to the intimates section and got m e several sets of bras, panties, pajamas and night gowns along with pantyhose since I preferred them to stockings. [-][+][-] We got home and stopped at the mailbox to get the mail. Then we gathered my stuff together and went to my room where Mom and I spent the afternoon transferring my boy's clothes to the attic so that I could have room for my girl's wardrobe. While we were doing that, Daddy took our recyclables down to the bins. [The mailbox is at the end of the driveway next to the recycle bins.] Then he went to the backyard to fire up the grill for a barbecue dinner. He loved to grill and we let him, when he had the time, since it was always so delicious. I was on the home computer, doing my history homework for Mister Greene when the doorbell rang, next thing I knew, I was engulfed in a hug, "I heard about your punishment, What does your best friend call you now that you're a girl?" asked Grant Morrison. We were best friends ever since Central Grammar School where we met in the sand box. We were both avid 'Joe' fans, together, we had every G.I.Joe and Cobra action figure and toy vehicle. "Just call me Dru, Grant," I blushed. "Aren't you the prettiest little thing," he asked with humor in his eyes. "Thanks, I blushed. "Why are you in drag?" Momma came up, "Drew has been unfairly convicted of hacking into the school's computer. Luckily, the principal chose 'petticoat punishment' as an alternative to expulsion." "Any idea of who it is?"If it's that Chad, it'll be damned hard to prove. "No idea, Grant. That's why for the time being, we ask that you treat Drew as a girl," sighed Momma.Those two are so close that he can help Drew by being her girlfriend. "How long?" "Until the real culprit is caught." "I hope that I can, but I still see 'HIM' in a dress, not a girl," he admitted. Dad came in and stood by Grant, "We know, son. I know how close you two are. Me, as Drew's father, I have accepted Dru as my daughter. Tell me, does Dru 'NOT' make a pretty girl?" Grant looked into Daddy's eyes and saw the pain he felt in having to go along with the charade, "Drew, you make a most pretty girl. Need a boyfriend?" he asked as he looked at me. I'll be damned if I let Drew down! Besides, I still remember what a cute girl he made for Halloween. "Sorry,but I can't let you risk yourself for me. Whoever the culprit is will be after me. If you got hurt, it'd break my heart," I sighed. "No, I'm gonna be there for you in school, even if we don't date. But what if you like it? Can you go back to being a boy?" "Grant, you've been there when Drew dressed as a girl for Halloween. Do you think that he'll want to stay a girl?" asked Daddy. "Drew is a girl at Heart. I've known that for years. This is giving him a chance to live his Dream. Ask him how he feels about becoming a guy again." I smiled at Grant, "Thanks, Buddy for letting me know that you see the girl in me and like her." "Anytime, Dru." I turn to Momma, "Mom, I want to become your daughter." She hugged me, "Your father and I knew this day was coming. Welcome home Daughter!" she wept. Daddy came up, "May I have a hug from my Princess?" I hugged him, "Any time, Daddy. And thanks for accepting me." "Dru, I accepted you as my Princess, long ago," [-][+][-] The next day, I got up, showered, and dressed in a pink sports bra, t- shirt and gym shorts with white hose and sneakers. I would have worn panties, but the shorts would show them, so I went commando. Heading into the kitchen, I made us some breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits, gravy with orange juice and Daddy's one vice: coffee. Daddy loved getting the different flavored coffees and creamers at Warehouse Groceries and making his own blends. Only thing was that his coffee tended to be extra strong, so Momma and I cut it half way filling our cups with creamers and sweetener, much to his amusement. "Dru, thanks for breakfast." "Welcome, Daddy." "Do you want to tell your friends about this?" "What, me making breakfast?" I kidded him. He gently slapped my butt, "No, Silly, about your being a girl for the foreseeable future." "Honey, are you sure that Dru can trust them?" asked Momma as she came in. "Marie, Connie and Joy have been Drew's friends as long as Chad has been. She'll need their help in fitting in at school." "I trust them, Momma. They know about my wanting to be a girl." "They do?" my parents chorused. "Yes, they've helped me to become a girl for Halloween. Remember?" Momma hugged me, "I remember. I was the one who helped you by buying you those flesh colored gaffes so that you could wear a panty." "Oh, so that's why Drew looked so girly! When he was a Hooter Girl last time, I wondered where he got the girl's groin from," he chuckled. Now to wind her up. I saw Mother smile, "Bet you weren't ready for that." "No, nor to have a daughter that weekend." I looked at Daddy, "Daddy, were you disappointed that I was a girl all weekend?" Daddy hugged me, "No, Child. I saw how happy you were being able to wear swimsuits with no bulge and pantyhose like your mother wears all the time." "That first time, I finally felt that I was a girl and hated to go back to boy mode," I sighed. Momma hugged me, "Yes, and I know that you wore pantyhose under your thermals, too." "So does Daddy in the winter." "Ah! But I don't wear ladies thermals like you do," he pointed out. "Daddy, I only do it because Momma has so many colors to choose from." "Dru, we know that. It's just that the way that things stand now, you might stay a girl until after graduation. And you might not want to become a boy again. How do you feel about being tricked into being a girl?" "Daddy, as much as I like to dress as a girl at times, I want to trounce the one responsible! Being forced to be a girl is no fun, even if I enjoy it!" [-][+][-] That afternoon, Connie and Joy came over at Momma's request, wondering why the formal invitation. Connie was the Head Cheerleader and came over wearing her cheer practice red and blue tennis dress and taupe hose and Joy was the Head Majorette. She wore her red and blue practice sailor dress and white hose. "Mrs. Morris, where's Drew?" asked Connie. "Yeah! He hasn't been in school since Thursday. Is he sick?" "Please sit down and I'll let Dru tell you." I sat by them, wearing a blue sailor girl mini dress and white pantyhose, "Girls I bet that you're wondering why I'm dressed as I am," I said as I sat. They looked at me in amazement until Momma broke the stalemate, "You haven't heard the news, have you?" she asked while setting down a tray of sweet tea. "What news?" asked Connie. "Yeah! What's happened?" asked Joy. "I have been accused of hacking into the school's computer and this is my punishment." "But how can they punish you without a conviction?" asked Joy. "This way, it stays off of my record and I can still attend school." "Just how can we help you?" "Easy, Joy. Don't let the rumors spread." "What rumors?" asked Connie. "That I'm doing this because I want to be a girl. I need for you to tell the truth." "Looking the way you do, there'll be a lot of rumors for a while, then the guys will start hitting on you," observed Joy. "Knowing who I really am? I doubt that. I don't have a choice, and all I can do is try my best to fit in, and hopefully, they'll leave me alone." [-][+][-] Tomorrow would be my first day attending school as a girl and I was terrified. There was a gang that extorted PROTECTION MONEY from the students but had yet to be stopped because the police and faculty couldn't discover the ring leader. As if that wasn't bad enough, they took evil delight in bashing gays and geeks when they could find them and when they saw me, I'd be a prime target. Luckily Dad had trained me in the fighting skills that the Army had taught him. Currently, I held a FIRST DEGREE black belt in Tae Kwan Do and knew how to use the equipment used by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Momma, Connie and Joy had spent last night grilling me on girl etiquette from makeup, to manners. I already knew how to act like a girl, so I got a crash course in fashion. [-][+][-] Mom, Dad and I went straight to the office the next day to await Assembly. In our school, the first thirty minutes is devoted to assembling in the auditorium for announcements, then we head out to class. I was wearing a dress like Traci Partridge wore when the Partridge Family performed. The office was across the hallway from the Assembly Hall where the school put on beauty pageants, concerts, plays, pep rallies, as well as morning assembly. Like Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books, we meet first thing in the morning and students are in one of four houses named after the seasons: Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall. When the bell rang, Principal Farley led us up to the podium which was how new students were introduced. I wasn't worried even though I did garner quite a few whistles, especially from the front rows I walked over to my seat, showing my bloomer. He announced to the assembly about my being caught hacking into the school's computer and that my punishment was to dress enfemme until graduation in place of expulsion and jail time. That led to a very heated debate over allowing cross- dressing which led to the School Policy On Transsexuals. Basically, the school had to provide a safe environment for any student wanting lo like as the opposite gender. [-][+][-] By the time school was over for the day I was more than ready to trounce Chad for what he'd done. Connie, Joy and Grant ate lunch with me, but otherwise, I was alone because I had become a pariah and unclean to most. Unfortunately, most of the students adhered to the ultra conservative dogma spouted out by Linden Avery who had an especially hate-filled view of one Kelly Lee Woods ended with him in prison. He led an ongoing hate campaign of violence against her because she was a pre- op girl who is now a happily married woman. Me, I hope that I am as lucky as she was, but she only had a demented pastor after her, NOT what seemed to be most every student being led by what was in reality the school's MAFIA Nothing happened until Labor Day Weekend. I had gone to the store with Daddy to get everything for our Labor Day feast when they struck. I was coming out of the restroom when I saw a bunch of goons in black stalking me. I turned and attacked when I saw them pull out knives. I was able to defend myself and disarm them, breaking their arms, but they were still able to overwhelm me by kicking me in the groin, causing me to pass out from the pain. [-][+][-] I woke up feeling groggy, "You feeling Okay?' asked Dad as he wept. If I had stayed with Drew, this wouldn't have happened. "Where am I?" I slurred as a paramedic wiped my brow. "You're in an ambulance on your way to Metro Hospital," answered the paramedic. "What happened, Daddy?" "You were attacked by Tank and his Mafia stooges." Drew sure did a number on them before they got to him. "So, now we know some of them," I sighed. "Chad, I'm still coming after you." "You think that Chad is the ring leader?" "Yes, he's the only student that's not afraid of them and has way too much money to spend with both of his parents on disability and food stamps." The paramedic looked at me, tears flowing from his eyes, "Are you talking about Chad Everett?" "Yes, why do you want to know?" "That bastard forced my daughter and her family to move away to keep my granddaughter safe." "Brandy Nelson who used to be Brandon?" "Yes. I thought that nobody cared." "What's your name?" asked Daddy. "Leon Nelson, sir." "Leon, everybody is scared of them. Look what they did to my son, here." "Your son?" "Sir, my name is Drew. The reason that I'm dressed like this is that I was framed and in order to avoid a criminal record, I dress as a girl." "What did you do to piss him off?" "I refused to do what he wanted me to do, so he framed me for it." "Drew, we don't know that Chad is involved with the mafia, warned Daddy. "I know, I refused to hack the school computers for him, next thing we know, I was framed for it." "Well, we're at the E.R. You two can discuss this later," advised Leon Nelson as we stopped. [-][+][-] Next thing I knew, I woke up to a darkened room, "Welcome back to the land of the living, Dru," wept Momma as she wiped my brow. "Where's Daddy?" "He's talking to the police about the attack." "Good! those ruffians deserve to go to prison for attacking me." "Believe it or not, they're turning State's Evidence against their parents who've been sponsoring their activities." "WOW! That means that there's gonna be quite a stir up once the shit hits the fan." "But there's also bad news." "What?" "Chad is still in the clear, so your punishment still stands." "YOU MEAN THAT FARLEY STILL REFUSES TO BELIEVE?" "He wants to end the punishment, but he has to protect his job from those wolves on the Board of Education." "Okay. Can't blame him for that What about me?" "The attack crushed your gonads. So Doctor Langley removed them. But that's not all." "What else could go wrong?" "Dru, if you could, would you want to be born a girl?" "More than anything, that's why this is a mixed blessing." "If you had a choice, would you leave the hospital as a girl?" "Yes, why do you ask?" "During the surgery, Doctor Langley discovered an anomaly." "Oh?" "So he did a blood test and MRI scan and discovered something that changes everything for you." "What? do I have a spare set of gonads?" "No, quite the opposite, in fact." "Do you mean....?" "Doctor Langley found that you are intersexed." "WHAT?" "Dru, you are now truly a woman." Next thing I knew, I passed out in shock. [-][+][-] I awoke o find Daddy with me, "Hello, Princess. How do you feel?" "Lousy! Did I hear right?" Am I really a woman?" Daddy sighed, "Unfortunately, yes. It only confirms the suspicions that we've had about you staying so small. Your mom and I were hoping that you were a late bloomer like I was," he admitted. "YOU a late bloomer?" Daddy chuckled, "Princess, I was your size until my senior year. I had quite a growth spurt and added on muscles to my tall and thin frame. Until then, I could easily pass as a tall, willowy girl if I wanted too," GOD, it's been years since I've dredged up those memories. But she needs to know. "I wish that you had pics," I sighed. Daddy brought out a laptop, "Got them here on disk. Ready to see?" "Yes, Daddy." I saw a tall, lean, younger Daddy go from a boy to a willowy girl always wearing shorts or shirts with pantyhose. The hem was as short as they were today, but were from the time when go go boots were the rage. "You look like you could'a been in the Brady Bunch." "Well, that is a bit before my time since I was a baby when the show was new, but those boots were from your mother." "Huh?" "She was a cheerleader and majorette in high school." "But you were taller than she was." "Taller yes, but same waist and shoe size," he smirked. Being so tall and lean made wearing those clothes so much fun. "Is that why you're able to accept me as a girl?" "Yes. Even though I may want for you to be my son, I also see you as my Princess," he affirmed as he hugged me. This is what I've been searching for ever since this fiasco began. Daddy was a man who believed in keeping his word and had very defined views of gender roles. He treated Mother with respect, but believed that he should be the bread winner in the family while she kept house. But lately, he'd started modifying his view as Mother became happier as her career took off. Now, Momma worked from home, fulfilling her dream and couldn't be happier. [-][+][-] The next day, Mom and Dad showed up with Principal Farley and a cop. Farley was concerned about me attending school as a girl. Well, I shot down his argument right quick. "Farley, YOU chose this damned punishment that got me hospitalized! Now! After being castrated in the attack, you want for me to attend as a boy? FAT CHANCE! You and your stupidity made me what I am! Deal with it! You made me a girl! A girl I am!" "But what about my job? I can lose it over this!" "You know who attacked me, press charges." "If I do, it's political suicide!" "Not my fault that you got involved with Chad and his corrupt dad," I sneered. "If you need any help, I just happen to have a few friends that can help," announced Daddy as he passed over a card. "But that means leaving my old life behind!" exclaimed Farley after reading the card. "Why didn't you do something earlier?" asked Momma. "Believe me, I would have if I'd known that Dru would have been hurt," he sighed. I hugged him, "I know, Daddy. I don't blame you." "I'll get back with you," said Farley as he simpered away. I heard the cop chuckling deeply, OK, Howie, stop sounding like a bear with gas, smirked Momma. "Huh?" Dad and I chorused. He stepped forward, Detective Howard Langley, at your service." He was a six foot eleven bald powerhouse wearing a tailored blue police uniform. It was easy to see that he could handle himself from the way that Daddy was sizing him up. "I remember you, You joined the Marines after school," admitted Daddy as he proffered his hand. He shook Daddy's hand, "Yes Sir, served one tour, then returned to head up the City's S.W.A.T. Division. Now I'm detective in charge of the case against Chad Farnsworth." "You should know that his real last name is Everett." "Damn! We thought that they were two different kids," he fumed. "No Sir. Chad's father never married his mother for political reasons, but has been sending alimony to Chad's mother and has made sure that his son went to the best schools and had every opportunity while his mother married a drifter and both became addicted to drugs." "What about the Mayor?" "Chad is political suicide for him if the connection is ever made. Which is why Chad is a hot potato secret that he wants to keep buried." "Langley, Is there any way that you can use Dru's evidence?" asked Momma. "Drew's alone will only net us Tank and his gang of thugs. We need Farley's testimony to bring in Chad," he sighed. "What if Mayor Prescott was to turn State's evidence on his son?" asked Daddy. "The, the mayor could salvage his political career at his son's expense. But it'd be a costly one as well." "Meaning that he might lose the next election," I observed. "Not if you campaigned for him," added Daddy." "Other than not stopping his son's criminal activities the Mayor has been a good leader. Could he be ignorant of what Chad is doing?" "You're right Daddy. Chad is so smart that he could be keeping him in the dark and keeping his mother and his step father doped to the gills so that he can do what he does." "Very interesting young lady, I'll get right on it." "Sir, Chad is why our child is here now," fumed Momma. "I know, Ma'am. I'll be looking into that, too." [-][+][-] After lunch, Doctor Gail Abernathy paid me a visit as I was in hospital's spa relaxing in the tub in order to release all of the strain that I'd been through. My parents were both in the pool with me since they also needed tension relief. Daddy was wearing black Speedos that emphasized his Mister Universe physique while Momma wore a black swim dress that made her look like a figure skating princess. Me, I wore a red version of Momma's outfit with pantyhose. "Greetings, I am Doctor Gail Abernathy. I was the attending physician when a Drew Nelson came through the Emergency Room," she announced. "I am Dru, Miss." She looked at her notes, "According to my notes, you were wearing a bodysuit to help you pass as a female. I see that you are still dressed as a female." "Are you prejudiced against my child?" asked Momma. "Absolutely not! I am simply going over the facts." "Doctor our son was forced to dress as a girl and because of that, he was attacked, causing him to be sent to you," explained Momma. "Oh, THAT, I did not know. I thought that your son was a transsexual who was in her Real Life Test. I've seen a few in the E.R. as well as my practice." "Practice?" I asked. "Yes, I a psychiatrist, specializing in helping the transgendered community." "Why?" "My best friend is a transgendered woman. I saw her grow up and become the woman that she wanted to be, her name as a male was Brian, as a woman is now Debbie." "Is she happy now?" "Very much so. In fact, she is married and she and Mark have adopted the children from his first marriage after his first wife died in child birth." "And you believe that you can help my daughter?" asked Momma. "I can help Dru, and BOTH of you to help deal with Drew's new gender." "Mom, Dad, I know that I have issues, do you two?" "Yes, Honey, I do," admitted Momma. "I do too," admitted Daddy with a sigh. "Well, Doc. Now that that's settled, Why are you here?" "Dru, I have the test results from the lab," she offered. "Daddy already told me, ma'am," I replied as I frowned. Could there be more to it than we know? "Those were preliminary, What I have here are confirmed." "Does that mean that Dru might be able to become a boy again?" asked Daddy. "No, Sir. You must want your son back, sir." "Ma'am, I love my daughter, but I also want my son back," he admitted, weeping. "That cannot be, but I do have good news about your daughter Dru. Want to come to the table?" We got out and when she saw my pantyhose and the slippers, she looked at me in astonishment, "WHY ARE YOU WEARING PANTYHOSE?" "It just feels right Doc. Ever since I became Dru, I love wearing pantyhose." "Okay, we can discuss that in our sessions. As for you, yourself, the attack did a number of things to you," she stated as she placed a lap top on the table. "What is your information, Doc?" "When you were attacked, the crushing of your genitals caused the bodysuit to absorb your male genitalia and cause your body to start producing natural estrogen while it formed your female plumbing." "What if I hadn't been wearing the bodysuit?" "Then, we'd have had to remove your crushed gonads, leaving you with the option of a sex change or taking steroids for the rest of your life." "So, no matter what, Drew could never father children," concluded Daddy. Momma hugged him, "That may be, Love. But now our daughter can have children." Doctor Abernathy spent the rest of the day with us, helping us to come to grips with what happened to me. Momma got over her guilt about not getting me clothes with a lower hem, which I forgave her for.Daddy finally put to rest his dream of having a son to carry on his name and embrace me as his daughter, which made me cry tears of joy and I finally embraced being a girl. [-][+][-] The next day, Grant came to visit me in the hospital. I was still having blood work done to determine if I was completely healthy. Even though the bodysuit had begun the process of transforming me into a woman, the brutal attack had forced an emergency safety system to save my life.The bodysuit was even now transforming my body into that of a genetic woman, realigning my skeletal structure into a more feminine shape as well as purging my body of any kind of genetic defects, turning me into a poster child for perfect health.I was wearing a red leotard and white tights as I was working out on the weight machines to keep up my strength when I saw him approaching me with a bouquet of red roses. "Hello, Dru. How's my best friend doing?" "None too good, Grant," I sighed as I sat at the nearby table where my soda resided. Why do I feel so giddy around him? Could I possibly be in love with him? Is he in love with me? "Funny, you look great to me," he blushed as he placed the roses on a nearby table and sat down. "Thanks, Buddy, but it's not physically that I'm talking about." "Chad and his bullshit." "Exactly." "That is why I brought you these flowers." "Oh?" "Dru, you are like the Rose. And I Love you." "Love? How can you love me?" Grant began to sing: Some say love, it is a river That drowns the tender reed Some say love, it is a razor That leaves your soul to bleed Some say love, it is a hunger An endless aching need I say love, it is a flower And you, its only seed It's the heart, afraid of breaking That never learns to dance It's the dream, afraid of waking That never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken Who cannot seem to give And the soul, afraid of dying That never learns to live When the night has been too lonely And the road has been too long And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter Far beneath the bitter snow Lies the seed That with the sun's love, in the spring Becomes the rose As he sang, my Heart broke as I admitted to myself that I loved him and wanted to marry him. But I knew that I couldn't until I faced off against my enemy and fulfilled my need for vengeance. "Grant, I Love you, but I can't let myself Love you until after my vengeance is complete." "I know, that's why I'm here for you. In fact, I have evidence that shows that Chad did it." "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO SOMETHING BEFORE NOW!" I yelled as I slapped him. He rubbed his cheek, "I didn't know until after that attack," he sighed. I kissed his rapidly reddening cheek, "I'm sorry, Grant! I should have known better," I cried. "Well, THAT and not put so damned much into your slaps," he chuckled. "Guess that there's still a bit of boy in me," I giggled. "I don't know about that, Dru. Seems to me that you are all woman now." "I know, Grant. That's why Loving you is so wrong right now." "Why?" I sang Luther Ingram's- If Loving You Is Wrong If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right If being right means being without you I'd rather live a wrong doing life Your mama and daddy say it's a shame It's a downright disgrace Long as I got you by my side I don't care what your people sayYour friends tell you there's no future In loving a married man If I can't see you when I want to I'll see you when I can If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right Am I wrong to fall so deeply in love with you Knowing I got a wife and two little children Depending on me too And am I wrong to hunger for the gentleness of your touch knowing I got somebody else at home who needs me just as much And are you wrong to fall in love With a married man And am I wrong trying to hold on To the best thing I ever had If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right Are you wrong to give your love To a married man And am I wrong trying to hold on To the best thing I ever had If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right If loving you is wrong I don't wanna be right I don't wanna be right If it means sleeping alone at night I don't wanna be right If it means coming home at night I don't wanna, I don't wanna I don't wanna never, never, never be right "Dru, I want to marry you!" "And I want that more than anything! But I must put aside my happiness and joy until I see Chad and Principal Farley pay for what they did do me!" I cried bitter tears of regret. He kissed me, "Then, I will wait for you, my Princess," he promised me as he left. Then from my Heart, I sang Lee Ann Rhymes song How Do I Live With Out You? [-][+][-] How do I, Get through one night without you? If I had to live without you, What kind of life would that be? Oh, I .... I need you in my arms, need you to hold, You're my world, my heart, my soul, If you ever leave, Baby you would take away everything good in my life, And tell me now How do I live without you? I want to know, How do I breathe without you? If you ever go, How do I ever, ever survive? How do I, how do I, oh how do I live? Without you, There'd be no sun in my sky, There would be no love in my life, There'd be no world left for me. And I, Baby I don't know what I would do, I'd be lost if I lost you, If you ever leave, Baby you would take away everything real in my life, And tell me now, How do I live without you? I want to know, How do I breathe without you? If you ever go, How do I ever,(ever,)ever survive? How do I, how do I, oh how do I live? Please tell me baby, How do I go on? If you ever leave, Baby you would take away everything, I need you with me, Baby don't you know that you're everything, Good in my life? And tell me now, How do I live without you, I want to know, How do I breathe without you? If you ever go, How do I ever,(ever),ever survive? How do I, how do I, oh how do I live? How do I live without you? How do I live without you baby? How do I live? How do i live without you? Then I went to my room and cried. [-][+][-] I awoke to find Momma sitting by me, "Your Daddy is with Grant, right now. Do you Love him?" "Yes, Momma! All of this time that we've been best friends has shown me that if I had been born a girl, I'd be planning our wedding instead of going against Chad and Farley." "We know. That's why your father is with him, now. Grant needs your father's wisdom since he is an orphan." Grant Garrett's parents had died last year when the snow collapsed the roof while he was at football practice. Because Grant was already eighteen at the time, he was able to move into the garage apartment while the insurance company repaired the house. Grant and I became even closer as he gravitated towards us as his surrogate family. We unofficially adopted him as one of us, giving Daddy the opportunity to impart his wisdom to Grant. "I know, Momma. And I also know that Daddy will have fun talking to Grant about how to treat me," I giggled. I believe so too." [-][+][-] The rest of the month was taken up with our case. Farley's attorney tried to downplay his role in my attack, but thanks to Grant's evidence, it was proven that Farley knew that Chad was guilty all along and chose to frame me at Chad's behest. Chad had used the computer in Grant's parent's home using Farley's own pass word. But Chad neglected to erase signs of his activities from the computer which convicted both of conspiracy. The reason for my petticoat punishment was that Chad wanted to teach me a lesson and had Tank and his goons attack me. Further evidence revealed that Chad, tank, Farley and the goons all had attacked transgendered women in other counties, leading to their conviction. In the end, they were sentenced to life in prison without parole and the Mayor was proven innocent of any conspiracy. Me, I saw a just man who'd let his political ambitions cloud his judgment about his son, so when Daddy chose to run for mayor, I was only too happy to help, making my vengeance complete. [-][+][-] After graduating as valedictorian, I married Grant and became his wife. From being framed into being what I wanted to be all the way to paying back those responsible, my family has been there for me all the way and now being the Mayor's daughter adds sweet revenge to my vengeance. [-][+][-] Finis

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Vengeance By Ellie Dauber (c) 2007 Author's note. The idea for this short came from the news of the armed gunman at NASA this past week (04/20/07). When I heard the news that the gunman and the male hostage were dead, but the female survived, I thought... well, read the story, and you'll see what I thought. Then you might write a review and say what you thought. * * * * * The last thing I remember was the sound of the gunshot. I didn't even feel it hit me. I was floating,...

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Kaise Maine Apni Mami Ko Finally Chode

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First Time With Rashmi

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The Yellow Sundress Ch 09 Laboratory One

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Fucked A Gorgeous Indian Sex Stories Reader Priya In Chennai Part 8211 2

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Teen Slumber Seduction

Kayla knocked twice on the door of her best friend's house. They were having a slumber party and so had invited a multitude of girlfriends over to stay the night. Kayla was sweaty after having ran twenty minutes from her house on the other side of the bay. She wore a tight pair of grey leggings which perfectly complimented her slim physique. In hindsight, Kayla regretted not wearing her usual pink sports-bra for running (she had noticed a considerable amount of boob "bouncing" as she ran), on...

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Lending a hand to our friend Part 1

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Taken by Surprise

They met at a hotel bar. She was across the room, sitting alone in a dimly lit section. She looked sultry enough, with a tight mini that showed off her slim, firm body. Her dark brown hair spilled across her shoulders and her lips looked inviting. He was in town for a technical conference and he was only there for a quick drink. Meeting a woman was not on his agenda. He had a young wife back home who was hoping to get pregnant. Sex was not something in short supply at home these days, so it...

3 years ago
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Dire Wolf and FangChapter 9

I kissed Aaron in return, and soon our tongues were dueling passionately. His hand rested on my knee, and I pressed my side against his chest. Both of my arms were around his neck, and my right hand was running through his hair. Shoulder length, kinda curly. I wiggled in his lap a little bit, and felt his appreciation against my bottom. But knowing we had limited time, this had to go much quicker than is usual for me. So while one hand was around my waist, I reached down and took the one...

1 year ago
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My Reward And Punishment

Part 2 of the story/ life experience "I can't stop myself, My reward and Punishment?I couldn't believe these two gorgeous guys with HUGE cocks had asked me over to their place to fuck and suck the night away! I loved my Husband, but the fact that he saw me blowing these two giant cocks in their truck was probably going to ruin my marriage, so I was going to make the best of it! As I said before, I had been faithful to him for the 5 years of our marriage, but now the real me was cummingout. I...

3 years ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 10

Riley and Justin had retired to the bedroom while Zate slept on the couch. As the morning rays filter in through the window and onto Justin’s face. He blinks them open and closed, trying to adjust to the bright light. He instantly notices that he is alone in the bed, so he takes a look around the room until his eyes settle on his sister’s form standing in the doorway talking to Zate. “Oh good,” she says turning around, a smile stretched across her face. “You’re awake.” “That I am,” Justin...

3 years ago
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My first visit while he was gone

If you have read any of my other stories, you know how this got started.It was this past wednesday, I was texting him, plotting and planning.I already had his permission to sleep with his wife when he wasn't there. He said she was off work thursday, he wouldn't be there but he wanted details. Oh and the price for me fucking her without his participation was that he gets to suck me off. Hhhmmm... Win win for me, I get pussy and a blow job. He told me to just text her in the morning and see if...

3 years ago
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A Night Out with sister

My little sister decided it was time for her and I to take hubby on a date. There was a folk-style acoustic band playing nearby that we knew hubby was sure to like so we decided to take him there. s*s had moved in with us at the beginning of the summer, renting out her place and enjoying the all the attentions, sexual and otherwise, that hubby lavished on her. I love having her around and watching her taking care of hubby (not to mention the help with other household chores). So hubby has...

1 year ago
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Rearend RapturesChapter 4

Sue Bender knew full well that later that day, maybe in the early evening, she would have her ass plentifully supplied with hot cock. But after Jerry left to go on lifeguard duty she began to feel isolated at home in the house alone. Besides, that, the night with her husband was still a long way off. In n randy mood with a self-confessed horniness bearing heavy upon her emotions, she decided to spend what remained of the morning on the beach--in search of a healthy buttfuck. The startling...

3 years ago
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fun times i had fake story

One day in my youth I came home from school early I was only 16 years old at the time and as I opened the door knowing I would be alone I thought I would just go up to my room and rest after a bad day at school, as I stepped in I could hear voices and noises upstairs, I got worried as no one was meant to be home as I quietly walked in and closed the door and I snuck upstairs to see what the noise was as I got upstairs I found out the noise was coming from my parents room but it didn't sound...

2 years ago
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EllenChapter 32 A Turneround

After six weeks in London, Ellen was satisfied that she had seen most of her friends and acquaintances. She had quickly grown tired of relating her adventures and volunteered information only when friends asked her explicitly. What she enjoyed were the sessions with Colleen and Melissa. The three women worked together writing about the journey, with a focus on the Overland Route and with Melissa making an effort to transform Ellen’s awkward sketches into simple etchings. Every day they worked...

3 years ago
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A Fall to GraceChapter 22

The tenders for the extra garaging were submitted and Grace was able to put together her paper explaining the need for more trucks and the space to keep them. She made recommendations. She left the final draft with Peter Curzon. She had also let Anthea have a look at it. Peter was very complimentary. “You’ve done a very good job there, Grace. I can’t fault the reasoning and I didn’t spot a single typo or poor choice of words. Well done you!” Grace was unable not to blush with pleasure....

3 years ago
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One Last Look

Once upon a time my family lived in the truly idyllic town of Greenhills Ohio, just above Cincinnati. In the middle and very heart of this town was a school. The name of the school's main structure was the Community Building. I went to school there from the 1953 to '59. By the sixth grade, before we moved away, I had been literally every place in the school, except one. It took me a full fifteen years to finally see that one last place. No, it wasn't the girls' locker room; I'd seen that...

3 years ago
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A Short Story

A Short Storyin play format. (Originally written 23 Feb 2006)Interior - waiting room of surgery. A voice over the P.A announces for Mrs Allott to enter Dr. R Don’s room.Mrs Allott: Hello Dr.Dr. Don: Good morning, Mrs Allott, what can I do for you? how’s Mr Allott?Mrs Allott: He’s fine. Dr, I’m here about my pussy.Dr. Don: And what is the problem with it?Mrs Allott: It keeps itching.Dr. Don: Well, you better get it out and I’ll take a look at it.Mrs Allott gets it out and Dr. Don proceeds to...

3 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 20 Angelina Jolie

I sat across from Angelina Jolie in my office. Angelina was wearing a white "wife beater" t-shirt and a pair of tattered blue jeans as she stared at me with a sort of dissident gaze, absentmindedly flicking the ash from her cigarette onto the carpet of my just-cleaned carpets. I didn't want to bring up the issue of not being able to smoke in an office building in California, I had bigger fish to fry. I rested my head on my hand as I sat in my chair across from her in my wooden desk. We...

3 years ago
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part IV

I had shopped many times with Trish for underwear. There is something deliciously exciting about standing next to your beautiful wife as she chooses something sexy to wear just for you. Watching her holding it against her body and looking at you with that ‘Well, what do you think?’ look in her eye. She did it again that Saturday but when she held garments up against her it was a ‘Well, what do you think about this for him?’ look in her eye. It was agonising. I felt heavy in my gut but at the...

2 years ago
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Isabellas Unconventional LifeChapter 4 Dogsitting

When they got back to the stables Isabella saw it was 7 o’clock. They would have gotten there faster but she couldn’t move as fast on all fours as the dogs could. Felicity led the three of them into the den where she unleashed the three of them. Isabella got up and walked straight to the shower. Isabella sighed as the hot water cascaded down her body. She saw Barghest’s fur collecting in the drain. Felicity’s description of fucking a dog in missionary was accurate. It felt new and incredibly...

1 year ago
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several cocks are better than 1 of course

So as I've stated in earlier stories my cock cravings can get pretty intense and I find many ways of solving these urges around my every day life. A few years ago I was traveling for work in Southern Texas, just north of El Paso. I was staying in a Holiday Inn Express as hotel options were limited. It was a two story hotel with a large pool and was popular with truckers and construction and other workers who traveled from job to job, worked tons of hours then went back to the hotel with beer...

3 years ago
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my darling step son

When I met Don; my husband to be in five months I had been a widow of four years. Don had been a single father for nearly a year. I had a son age thirteen and Don had a son age f******n. So when we met I think we both were looking for a partner and welcomed the idea of marriage for the second time.Walter my son is a bright boy, not a big boy for his age but a solidly built dark haired blue eyed handsome k**. Daryl Don’s son is one year older but far wiser then Walter in the ways of the world....

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