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My heart pounding, I tore through the wrapping paper and lifted the lid of the box.

"Daddy!" I shrieked. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" I stared across the living room at my daddy, in shock. "Seriously? But I thought... I thought you said they were too expensive?"

Daddy chuckled, no doubt pleased by my reaction. He loved to surprise me like this. Nearly forty-five, he still acted like a wild teenager sometimes, and his unpredictable behavior constantly kept me on my toes. "Well, Princess," he said, his eyes twinkling, "I guess I changed my mind." He crossed the room and sat down next to me on the love seat. "And you've worked so hard this year, what with cheerleading and softball and acing all of your classes... You deserve them."

He tricked me. That's what he did. I fingered the soft leather of the six hundred dollar pair of boots that Daddy bought me for my eighteenth birthday and shook my head. Last month when I'd asked him for the money for these and he'd said no - practically shouted that no teenage girl without a job deserved a pair of six hundred dollar shoes - I'd believe him. Even though my dad could afford the boots - he was a partner at a high powered law firm - he had his principles. And that meant that six hundred dollars was a ridiculous price to pay for something that could easily be bought at Target for twenty.

But Daddy also liked to play dirty - and as much as I loved him, admired and respected him, I never really knew if I could trust him.

Unable to wipe the giddy grin from my face, I reached over and threw my arms around his neck. "Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you!" I chanted into his chest. Taking a deep breath, I inhaled his masculine scent of Giorgio Armani cologne and cigars. It was how he always smelled - his usual spicy fragrance - and smelling it always gave me a warm feeling inside. Now, I felt that same warm feeling pool in my chest. That warm sensation of security and well-being that I only ever had around my daddy. I shivered pleasantly before reaching up and peppering his cheek with kisses. "You're the best" smooch "daddy" smooch "in the whole" smooch "world." I pulled away and smiled shyly. "I love you so much, daddy. You make me so happy." I clutched my birthday present to me tightly. "I just hope I make you happy, too."

He threw his head back and laughed. "Oh, Princess. You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that." He reached over and patted my knee. "And you do make Daddy happy, baby girl. You do."


Sexy. That's what they were.

Standing in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom, I couldn't take my eyes off of myself. I'm not usually vain - I mean, at 5'7 with a curvy figure and long blonde hair that falls straight to my waist, I'm pretty okay looking. But now, well... I was a knockout.

Except for my sexy new boots, I was naked. My tan - creamy and golden from hours spent in our backyard pool - was smooth, blemished only by three small white triangles - two over my breasts (which were now in D cups) and one teeny tiny one over my shaved-bare pussy. The soft black leather of the boots rode almost halfway up my thighs and felt deliciously sleek against my skin.

Preening in front of the mirror, I felt like a goddess. A sex kitten.

A slut.

Pouting my lips, I leaned forward and pushed my tits together with my right arm. In my left hand I held my cell phone, set to camera mode. I took a shaky breath. Just do it, I chided myself. Giving my mirror image my best come-hither stare, I snapped the photo. The light flashed briefly in the reflection, and then it was done.

My first naked picture.

I studied the image and smiled proudly. Travis, my boyfriend of three months and the one I was almost pretty much sure I was going to give my virginity to, would love this. It would, I decided, hold him over until I was completely ready to fuck him, anyway.

Just then, I noticed a flash in the mirror. A dark figure, shifting just out of my line of site. Oh, no, I prayed, turning slowly. Please, no. Please, please no.

I heard his roar before I saw him, standing just inside the door to my bedroom. "What the HELL?" Daddy's face was red; he was furious. I'd never seen him look so angry. He took another step into the room, closer to me. "What the FUCK are you doing?"

Cringing, I looked around desperately for something to cover up with. There I was, totally naked in front of my own father. Well, totally naked except for the six hundred dollar pair of boots he'd just bought me. "Da-daddy, I'm... I'm so-sorry!" I spluttered, yanking my bathrobe off the chair by my desk. Trembling, I tried to find the sleeves. Maybe it was because I was so scared, but try as I might I couldn't find the arm holes. My mind whirled, frantic. God! I was still naked! Naked, naked, naked!

Daddy strode toward me and ripped the robe so hard from my hands that it tore. The sound of the fabric pulling apart was like fingernails on a chalkboard. I scurried over toward my bed but, before I could reach it, Daddy grabbed me by the waist. "Oh, no you don't, you little slut!" he raged. "You goddamned little fucking slut!"

I was crying now. Fat tears sprang from my eyes, blurring my vision and staining my cheeks. His arms encircled me tighter, cutting into my stomach and sides. My breath hitched. "Daddy, daddy..." I gulped. "Please..."

Flinging me down on my bed, he towered over me. "Is this what you wanted those fucking boots for?" I tried to shrink away, but he grabbed my wrist and, in one fell swoop, sat down on the bed and pulled me over his lap. "To look like a slut? To take slutty pictures of yourself like some common street whore?"

"No daddy, no. It's not like that... I... I swear!" I cried into my comforter. I could feel the rough material of his pants on my thighs - my bare, naked thighs - and tried to squirm away.

"Oh, no you don't!" Daddy said, grabbing me roughly around the waist again and re-settling me against his lap. "Am I going to have to teach you a lesson?" he threatened, his voice harsh. "Is that what I'm going to have to do? Teach my eighteen year old daughter how to respect her father?" And with that, I felt a sharp thwack on my ass.

"Daddy!" I shrieked, shocked not only by the sudden flash of pain, but also by the fact that my daddy had spanked me. Spanked me, of all things! I hadn't been spanked since I was in the first grade and threw a fit at one of Daddy's dinner parties.

Again I felt the flat palm of Daddy's hand as it landed on my ass. I sobbed freely, garbled words of apology spilling from my mouth. Again, again, again... Ten slaps - ten stinging, painful slaps - rained down hard on my ass cheeks. I screamed and hollered. It was immature, and I sounded like a little k**, but I couldn't help it.

Daddy's breathing changed. It became heavier, faster. "That's it, baby. Scream for me. Scream for your daddy!" His voice was deeper and had a rough edge to it, like sandpaper.

Then, the blows grew softer. And between each one, he started to rub my ass. It was an alternating rhythm... Whack - rub. Smack - rub. Pretty soon even those strikes became softer, more like little quick taps all over my ass. And the slow rubs turned to squeezes. Tap - long squeeze. Tap - hard squeeze.

Suddenly I realized that I wasn't crying anymore. Instead, I was still. And very, very aware.

I was aware of Daddy's scent - his special, yummy scent. But this time, the warmth that usually pooled in my chest sprang farther down, burning hot in my lower belly. I could still feel the rough fabric of his dress pants, but now I could also feel a hard bulge trying to rip up and through it. It nudged my stomach, pressing up against my belly button.

"Daddy," I breathed. I was scared, but it was a different type of scared than what I had felt just moments before. Heat billowed out from my lower body, reaching up, up, up - all the way to the very tips of my nipples. I shivered. I'd only ever felt this way once, the one time I let Travis touch me down there, in my most private spot. And even that feeling wasn't nearly as intense as this one.

"Spread your legs, Princess," Daddy commanded. Not wanting to make him any angrier, I did. "Good girl," he murmured, trailing his fingers down my ass crack and towards my pussy. His touch was electric, and I shivered involuntarily. Daddy chuckled. "You like that, hmmm?" And then, without warning, he plunged a thick finger deep inside my pussy.

"Oh, god!" I blurted out, my lips scr****g against my scratchy comforter. I'd never had anything other than a slim little tampon in my pussy before, and this felt... vastly different. Hotter. Bigger.

"Such a dirty little girl, already so wet." Daddy sighed and shifted beneath me. "My little Princess likes being fingered like a slut, doesn't she?" When I didn't say anything, Daddy pulled his finger out and smacked me hard across the ass. "I asked you a question, baby girl. And when I ask a question, I expect to be answered." Grabbing my arm, he flipped me around so that my sore ass pressed painfully against his erection. My tits wobbled, drawing Daddy's attention. Staring at my big chest, he licked his lips. Absently he began to rub my clit - circling first left, then right. "Now," he said, eyes still glued to my tits, "what do you do when I ask you something?"

I was having trouble catching my breath. Daddy's fingers on my clit were sending sparks of electricity through my pussy, making it almost impossible to think straight. "I, I an-answer you," I gasped.

I knew this was wrong. All of this. From the spanking to the touching to the looking - all of it. Daddies weren't supposed to touch their little girls like this. And, if their Daddies did touch them like this, little girls certainly weren't supposed to like it.

But me? I liked it. I started to rotate my hips against Daddy's palm. Oh my god - I loved it.

"Daddy," I whimpered, arching my hips up. Arch, rotate, arch, rotate.

Daddy glanced down at my pussy, flicking my clit. "What, Princess?"

I closed my eyes, ashamed. "Why... Why does this feel so good?"

Daddy laughed, a deep sinister chuckle. "Because," he said, "my baby girl is a horny little slut." He slapped my pussy and I jerked. Daddy growled. "And this horny little slut needs her daddy to fuck her, doesn't she?"

"Yes, Daddy!" The answer flew from my lips before I could even think about it.

Daddy pushed himself off the bed. Peering up at him through my lashes, I watched as he undressed. I sighed as I took in Daddy's chiseled chest and the light smattering of hair that trailed down past his belly button. Hooking his thumbs in his silk boxers, he pulled them off and tossed them with the rest of his clothing. My breath caught at the sight of his cock. Hard and long, thick and red, it bobbed blindly between his legs - almost like it was searching for my pussy. Like a metal detector searching for treasure, it throbbed only for a fresh, young cunt.

Now my daddy was naked, like me. Well, except for my boots. Reaching down, I grabbed the zipper.

"No, Princess," Daddy said, placing a knee onto the bed. I felt the mattress dip slightly. "Daddy wants to fuck you with your boots on." Climbing on top of me, he settled his cock between my wet pussy lips and ground his hips lightly. "After all," he murmured, "if my baby girl wants to be a slut, she's going to have to look like one." Bending down, his lips hovering just above mine, Daddy smiled wickedly. "Has anyone ever fucked you before, baby?"

Mesmerized by both the closeness of my daddy's face and the hard pressure of his cock on my pussy, I could only shake my head.

Daddy closed his eyes and exhaled. "Mmmm... Yesss," he hissed. He nuzzled my neck, sending thrilling shocks through my body. "You're Daddy's good little slut, then, aren't you?"

"Yes, Daddy," I whispered, finding my voice. I wanted to please him so bad. Make him so happy.

I wanted to be his good little slut.

"I have to apologize in advance, Princess," he said as he reached down and tweaked a nipple. I arched my back and cried out. "This time is going to be fairly quick because you've got Daddy all riled up." He brushed a butterfly kiss over my lips. "And Daddy wants to fuck you so much." Another quick kiss. "Daddy wants to stick his big dick in your pussy and make you cum. But next time..." Another nipple pinch. "Next time we're going to play some games, okay baby girl?" And with that he thrust his cock into my virgin hole.

The pain was unbearable. "Daddy!" I cried. I flattened my palms against his chest and tried desperately to push him off. "It hurts! Daddy, it's too big! Too big!"

But Daddy just sank in deeper. "Relax, Princess," he cooed, kissing away the tears that were now streaming freely down my cheeks. "Just relax and give it a minute." He pushed in a little deeper and I felt the worst pain yet. "Take it like a good girl. Take Daddy's cock, baby."

Whimpering, defeated, I lay pinned beneath him and cried like a little girl. Thankfully, Daddy was patient with me, and after awhile the fire burned away and the pain subsided. Daddy, who was busily suckling on my tits, moved his hips ever so slightly. Releasing my nipple with a loud "pop", he peered up at me and raised his eyebrows. "Better now, baby girl?"

"Yeah... Yes, Daddy." In fact, it was so much better. I couldn't believe it - from pain to pleasure in a mere matter of seconds.

Daddy smiled and began to move his hips faster, pushing his cock even deeper inside of me. I pumped my hips up and down, matching his rhythm. Daddy grunted his approval. "That's it, baby. Fuck your daddy. Fuck your daddy's big dick..."

The friction between Daddy's cock and the walls of my pussy was almost more than I could take. The heat - Daddy's cock was so HOT. And the pressure - I felt so FULL. With every push, his coarse pubic hair grazed my clit, pushing me more and more over the edge. Much too soon, my insides turned to jelly. I felt a small flutter somewhere deep down inside of me and with each of Daddy's thrusts it grew.

"Daddy, something's happening... I feel weird... I think I'm cu... Ooh..."

Daddy grunted and thrust faster. Pushed deeper. "Yeah, baby... That's it, Princess. Cum for Daddy. Daddy wants your cum, baby girl... Do it," he commanded, his eyes wild and crazy. "Do it, baby girl! Cum on Daddy's big dick!"

My insides exploded and I came so hard I thought I was going to pass out. "Daddy!" I screamed, clamping the walls of my quivering pussy around his cock. Wave after wave of headiness washed over me, and with each wave my pussy contracted, sucking in Daddy's cock deeper and squeezing it tighter and tighter.

"Oh, god baby - yes, yes! That's it! That's a good little slut! Such a dirty little girl - coming on her Daddy's cock! Such a nasty little whore!" As I was spiraling down from my high, Daddy was just reaching his. He rambled almost incoherently. "So tight. Fucking love my baby girl's tight little pussy, her big fucking titties... Such a dirty whore. Fucking my baby girl, my little Princess... Oh, god, oh god, oh god..."

I took a cue from Daddy, and urged him on. "Do it... Cum for me, Daddy. Cum in my pussy. Fill my little girl pussy up with your hot man cum!" I didn't even know where the words came from, or how I knew they would get my Daddy off. But I kept spewing them, anyway. "Fill me up, Daddy! Cum in your baby girl! Give me your daddy juice!"

Hearing this, Daddy began humping me faster, faster. His cock was a machine, pounding my pussy with such a force that the headboard above us smacked hard against the wall - bang, bang, BANG.

Daddy ground me into the mattress, his breathing coming in short bursts. "Gonna fill you up, baby girl," he muttered over and over. "Gonna fill you full..."

Daddy's words pushed me over the edge again, and I cried out as I came. The sound of sucking wet flesh filled the air as Daddy hoisted my legs over his shoulders. "That's it, that's it, that's it... God, so fucking wet... You want your daddy's cum, huh, baby girl? You want your daddy to fill up your little cunt?"

And - this time without waiting for an answer - he pushed his cock in deeper than he'd ever gone. I could feel his stiff prick bottoming out against my womb as he trembled above me. His cocked jerked once, twice, six times - each twitch releasing a gooey hot stream of cum deep inside my pussy. "Aghhhhh!" he roared, biting down on the heel of my boot. "Fuuckkk!" Giving one final push, he fell on me, spent.

"Oh, baby," he sighed. He slowly pulled his cock out and rolled onto his side, spooning me against his chest. "That," he said, absently fondling my tits, "was fucking amazing." He kissed my shoulder. "Who knew my baby girl was such a good fuck?"

I sighed, snuggling closer to Daddy. I'd finally lost it - my virginity - and to my daddy, of all people. I knew then that Travis was history and that Daddy would be the one that I would send my first naked picture to. "Did I make you happy, Daddy?" I asked shyly. I could feel his cock hardening again, and I shamelessly ground my butt against it.

"Oh, yes, Princess. You made Daddy very happy." He pushed his cock against my ass - a sign that he was probably ready for round two. "Daddy's so happy that I bought you these boots, Princess." Lifting my leg up over his, he reached for my pussy. "What should Daddy buy his little girl next?"

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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 30

Ann called out our new names like they tasted bad in her mouth. “Sugar, Honey, and Candy? Those names are a crock of shit. If it had been up to me, I would have called you Jugs, Smugs and Bughs!” she looked amused. She called Honey “Jugs” because of her big tits. She called Candy “Smugs” because like me she looked like a first-class stuck up bitch. Ann called me “Bughs” because I was obviously the one she liked the least. Ann told me it was because I was pretty on the outside but butt ugly on...

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PetiteHDPorn Emma Scarlett Jessica Rex Lesbian Toy Play

Jessica Rex is wearing just a bra and thong as she takes some naughty selfies. Her bra has just come off as her girlfriend Emma Scarlett returns home and before Jessica can actually send the pictures. Emma has a gift for Jessica, which turns out to be a big strap on. The girls waste no time in getting ready to try out their new toy. Kissing their way all over one another’s tight little bodies, they slowly get undressed. Emma is the first to try the toy on while Jessica reaps the sensual...

4 years ago
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Friends and Lovers

Friends and Lovers Charlese Le’Push July 2010 Ben and I have been friends now for three years. I have been avoiding him for a few days because of my inner turmoil about him. Over time the line of friendship for me has become blurred. I am absolutely in love with his mind. We talk about everything from the cosmos to the depths of the sea, politics, sports, and science. We don’t always agree but we have a respectful acceptance for our differing points of view. When we started in college we lived...

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Waiting Here I am again. It’s just about 7 p.m., a Friday, and I’m waiting for you to get to my apartment. I absolutely adore these times that we can get together and spend time just laying around. You’re supposed to bring over some movies soon. We’ll spend the weekend together. Actually you’ll be here any minute. Seconds seem like hours when you’re away, love. I’m going crazy thinking of all the things that might happen when midnight draws near. I usually do this. I drive myself mad with...

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The Artist

I have three siblings. My name is Adam and I'm the 2nd child. My eldest sister is currently studying abroad, the apple of my parents' eyes. Personally I thought she was too up herself. It's nice that she’s abroad in France. She would fit in there. My little brother was wild even with our family being relatively well off. He chose to hang about with the local wannabe gangsters. Hopefully he gets out of that phase before he ends up dead or in prison. My little sister Alana, is easily my...

4 years ago
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Jailhouse Spades

It was a quiet Friday evening at the Prescott County Jail. The inmates had already been fed dinner and were in the rec area watching TV, playing cards or dominoes, conversing, or just relaxing. At one table a group of Blacks was playing spades. The game was close and this final hand would determine the winning team of this round – even though they’d probably rematch right after this. All of them arrived due to various Class-A misdemeanor offenses. On one team was Errol, known as ‘E’, and...

2 years ago
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A Fathers RevengeChapter 3 One True Passion

September 2, 2010; 6pm: Sammy Johnson squirmed on the leather seats of her vintage sports car, a graduation gift from her parents. She loved the swept-back body and sleek design. The new leather seats stuck to the back of her damp things, causing her no end of aggravation. The A/C and top of the line car stereo were the most welcomed additions to an otherwise ‘cherry’ 1956 Jaguar Roadster. Sammy had seen one like it at a car show with her dad about 5 years ago. She told him at the time,...

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I was married off to the town's mayor when I was twenty-three. My well to do parents thought it was a good idea; who, for them, so they could climb the social ladder, or me? Peter was a decent person but he was nineteen years older and we were living on different planets. At first, it was quite exciting attending all the different civic functions and meeting only ever so nice people all hoping to find favour with my husband.   After two years of marriage, Peter's only real interest was his...

1 year ago
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Healers TouchChapter 8

Kat opened her eyes then next morning with a smile. Every muscle in her body still was filled with pleasure. Rolling onto her side, she stared down at the sleeping man next to her. Even sleeping his attractiveness was still apparent. The pleasure that she had experienced the night before was more than she could have ever imagined. Surely he had given her the same pleasure in the past! Why couldn't she remember! "Good Morning, Katrina." She glanced up quickly to see his eyes open....

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Robin and the Catwoman

“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...

1 year ago
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Adjustment Struggles

"Allow me to refresh your memory this once. The rule states that when urges threaten to overwhelm, the afflicted shall report the condition to the mistress - that means me - and the situation shall then be addressed. The degree your lustful seepage stains your underthings makes no difference. As I said, when I scented the scent on your hands, I had to suspect that you took a matter into your own hands. This means you violated a rule. Did you violate a rule?" She met my defiant glare with a face...

2 years ago
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A Life Long Journey Part 7

A Life Long Journey, Part 7 This is the story of my journey into the life of womanhood. It is the result of my own memories and the stories told to me by Momma and other relatives about my growing up. Some of this may not be accurate as my memories of certain events might be colored by my feelings or my age at the time. Still I have tried to be honest about them. As the next two weeks past, I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I had a date with a college man. Yes,...

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9 into 1 The Destruction Of A Bitch Pt2

Mark climbs on to the table straddling Dawn's shoulders with his knees pinning her down allowing the ones holding he arms down to enjoy her "Lets punish this cunt now" Gary has a full tube of KY Jelly he asked Dave and Matt to hold he fanny open for him they oblige stretching her hole with two fingers each Gary squeezes the lube into her making a fist he punches it deep inside she screams in delight his arm deeper than anybody else had managed so far working it in with a twist Dawn's moans grow...

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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 03

The long days of the next week blurred into a sameness for Constance. She fell into a melancholy of the spirit, losing interest in reading and painting and all the other activities that had delighted her only a short while before. She slept late, and frequently napped her way through much of the afternoon, and the rest of the time was passed in absently wandering the garden or just sitting, sitting on her balcony and staring out at the distant line of the horizon. Nana Eva finally became...

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I only wanted a job Chapter 3 Its showtime

I ONLY WANTED A JOB Chapter 3 - It's Show-time! Finally the night came when both Simone and Annie declared that I was ready to perform en-femme. Annie helped me get dressed and finished off putting on my makeup - my hands were shaking too much. "You will be fine," she told me severely. "You know the music backwards and have practiced playing in heels, so there is nothing to worry about!" Easy for her to say; harder for me to believe! But there I was; standing behind the stage...

1 year ago
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Red and VictorChapter 5

Shelly came back to us after about fifteen minutes. Sarah got her in between us and we just cuddled her between us and talked sweet to her and loved all over her for a while. Every now and then we could hear sounds from the other bedroom. Once in a while we'd hear a really loud groan or scream. Jackie had been right about 'the trick'. It didn't do much for me and it really was tiring, but I had one more to do and I knew it. Shelly rolled over Red and she ended up between me and Shelly....

3 years ago
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Fantasy Mature Woman Part Three

I let you subside before coming up for air, the heat and your juices have soaked my face and the cool air is welcoming as I escape the blankets..No sooner have I emerged than a mouth fastens on to mine.... no.. no.. NO... this isn't the deal!.... No emotions... Just physical.. OK!I push you away and lie back, hoping you understand, not wishing to upset. As if in answer a hand closes round my erection, experience showing as it starts moving, pumping the loose flesh firmly but not too...

3 years ago
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The Labors of Jasper Episode 16

20Jas0016, The Labors of Jasper Episode 16; 2363 words Icky got seasick. The imps grew bored. Jas entertained imps in the same way she had entertained red caps. It passed the time. She studied magic and manufactured pylon parts. Her first two attempts at remaking the bow failed. "Fold me in," Icky pleaded. She was leaning over the rail, dry-heaving over the side. "I can't. I don't want to make it easy for that bastard to find me." Icky showed her fangs. "I will...

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Andersonville 27 What if

It was way too early for someone to be calling. Somewhere in the darkness of my room I could hear my cell phone ringing. Looking at the clock on my dresser I cursed - it was 3:30 in the morning. Moving my hand in the direction of the annoying sound, I found the phone and turned it on. "Hello," I said in a curt fashion. I wanted the person to know I wasn't happy about this early morning wake up call. "Good morning, Linda," Dennis Butz replied crisply. "I'm sorry to call you at...

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How it really is for hubby when wife has a lover

I just wanted to share this with the guys, as what you think you want may not be what you want. I’ve been very lucky in my marriages – been married more than once and each of my wives liked to play, although at different levels. My wife and I are older now, but both of us have experienced threesomes with extra males in our bed and we found we preferred longer term relationships with an extra male for her – it kept her feeling good and kept me horny. Speaking only of my current wife of 30 years,...

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Subjugation of a Siren Pt 1 The Business Lunch

Minidevilette© 2012 It was supposed to be one of ‘our’ days. Plans had been made, a rendezvous arranged, the countdown of hours dragging by until the appointed time. As I was dressing to be undressed he had called. Something had come up, an important last minute thing with colleagues. A business lunch. Cases hung in the balance and it couldn’t be put off. We’d have to reschedule. I honestly thought I’d be physically ill from anticipation if I had to wait another day to finally crawl under his...

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Best Friends with benefits

We walk out of the house and i couldn’t help but stare at what Annabelle was wearing. She wore a red flannel shirt, the sleeves neatly tucked up to her elbow, firmly tied up under her 36DD breasts to expose her tight little waist. A short pair of cut off jeans, highlighting the thickness of her thighs. Her dark red hair flopped in the light breeze, and wore matching snakeskin leather boots. I slow down, and lost a trance tracing my eyes around her firm round wide bottom. An ass so perfectly...

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My Whole Family Needed Me0

My Whole Family Needed Me Hi, my name is Zachery; everyone just calls me Zack or Z. I’ve never been much of a stand-up guy. I usually just blend in with the crowd and settle for better than most. I’m a normal 15 year old guy standing at 5’9 160lbs.Working out and playing basketball keep my body in an at least somewhat athletic shape. I am one out of 3 kids that my parents had. My older sister Katie is 17; she is...

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Despicable BeautyChapter 12

It was quiet when we arrived. Belinda’s suit was noticed but no more than any other one of the residents when wearing a thong or string bikini. There were always a few worn. Grace and John were there as were Joel and his wife. Grace was wearing a very skimpy suit and Joel’s wife was wearing the bottom of a thong. I thought to myself that she needed a better set if she planned to show them off like that. I looked around further and saw Morris with the same woman! They seemed to be getting...

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Young Cum Queen part 1

PART ONE Jennifer started as she turned to look at the alarm clock. It was 8:30 am and she was going to be late for work. “Shit” she muttered to herself, knowing how much her boss hated latecomers. Normally she was on time, but after waking up earlier that morning she’d got caught up in daydreaming about her boyfriend Brett. She’d imagined him in bed with her, sucking her hard, quarter-sized nipples and fingering her pussy and clit. She lay there pinching her nipples and rubbing her little pink...

Group Sex
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Money buys everything 2

Introduction: The reluctant mother finally submits herself to her son. The repetitive, rhythmic slapping of flesh against flesh could be heard in Carls bedroom. Over his king size bed, was a naked woman, Audrey, on all fours and with legs slight opened, bending over her arms while raising her ass to grant her young lover better access to her intimacy. Her elbows were pinning the smooth fabric covering the bed while her hands, closed in fists, had a strong grip on the sheets. Her eyes were...

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Rediscovering My Stepsister

My dad divorced my mom when I was sixteen. My mom was a crazy bitch that treated him horribly. Luckily I didn't inherit anything from my mom other than my talent for writing and playing music. I inherited my good looks and charm from my dad though. My dad and I are both around five foot ten and good looking guys. I was over weight until I joined the Army. That didn't matter though. The girls always seemed to be attracted to my deep blue eyes, chiseled chin and soft blonde hair. I played guitar...

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POF Chronicles part I My first catch

So a couple weeks ago I started a POF account looking for women DTF or interested in being with me and my girlfriend. After some searching I realized that there is an untold amount of pussy waiting to be fucked. All types of women wanting all types of things. This story is the first of several involving ladies from POF. I hope that I never run out of stories... To begin with, some advise to people using the site. Never stop being yourself..but try and broaden the definition of what you are....

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My Parents Neighbors Part One

It's been a year since this little story began. It was my final year at a large university on the East Coast. My home is in a small community outside a major city in central California. I majored in sports medicine and received my M.D. I assisted the medical staff with the various teams that made up the school's sports programs; football, volleyball, swimming, track, baseball, softball, and basketball. I am a licensed masseuse as well as a physical therapist.I joined a sorority my second year...

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Across the BorderChapter 28

Lisa looked over at Steven’s office. The lights were out and the door was shut. “Good morning, Ms. Lisa. And how are you?” Lisa paused and took a deep breath. “I’m good. Thank you for asking, Jan.” “If I could have a moment of your time in your office, please?” “Sure, Jan. Whatever you say.” They went in and closed the door. “Mr. Carlson sends his regrets in not being able to meet with you this morning. A complication has arisen in matters surrounding Mr. Anderman’s death that he has...

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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K DEVASTATING AND DOMINATING Part 7

Hello, fair fans, and welcome to another one of my literary orgies of wild, unbridled sex. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. So, without further ado, let's get on with the show. THE WONDERFUL ADVENTURES OF MISS K: THE PHANTOM MENACE ? by: Brett Lynn Miss K drove down I-55...

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Charlie sisterBoy seduced by Old Fisherman

Hi, Dee. We have similar turn-ons. I was very young, when I opened up a dresser drawer and saw a small pair of white panties laying on top of everything!My Dads work friend and His daughter had just stayed the night. She was My age. It was Her panties! Daddy, His friend and the girl slept in one bed and Sharlee and Me slept together, in another room. The Men tried to keep the girl quiet, but She was Young and Willing to be taught 'special' things when Her Daddy shared Her with each of His...

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