Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 3 - The Pleasures Of CampingChapter 14: Dolores Means Pain free porn video

"Patty, tell me what is wrong, I want to know the truth," Ana said strongly.
"I told you Sugar, there's nothing wrong, I just terribly, terribly miss you."
"Patty," Ana said looking real hurt, "please don't lie to me. We've always been totally honest with each other."
"Why do you think something is wrong," Patty asked trying to sound cheerful.
"Patty, you haven't talked to me in almost four days, and now that we're finally together again, well virtually anyway, you're sitting there in front of me fully clothed, and I can see that your eyes are red and puffy. You've been crying, more even than when you thought you'd lose your job last spring."
"You know Sugar, I know you too, I can see something is going on with you also, you're very upset and it's not just because of me. And by the way, you're not exactly in full Anderson dress yourself."
Ana looked down and remembered for the first time that she was in fact still wearing the large oversized t-shirt she'd been wearing for the last 24 hours. She suddenly looked very sad again and broke down again.
"Sugar, Sugar please what is it? What's going on?"
"I don't know," Ana admitted, "there's—there's something really strange going on with the 'Queen'. She hasn't been herself since we left the last resort and she won't let any of us know what's wrong."
"Why are you so sure something is wrong," Patty asked.
"Because I know her, like I know you," Ana said, "but anyway, anyone that even casually knew my sister would know. Just the fact that she hasn't had an orgasm in a day and a half would be enough to let people know she wasn't okay. But the thing is that when we got on the bus after the last resort she went to the restroom and locked herself in for almost two hours. We finally talked her out, but it wasn't her."
"What do you mean, it wasn't her," Patty asked.
"The person that stepped out was wearing long thick jeans, a long sweater, thick socks and sneakers. We all laughed and told her it was a great joke and I went to unzip the jeans and stick my finger up her twat, but I couldn't because she was wearing panties, and then I noticed she had on a bra!"
"Panties and a bra," Patty said shocked and suddenly just as worried for Lana as Ana was, "does anyone in the Anderson household even own that kind of stuff? Where did she get it?"
"We figure she got it from these two girls we were screwing at out last stop. One of them was pretty much our size. Before we left Lana was waiting for her, saying she wanted to give her a final goodbye kiss, when she finally got there she not only gave 'Queen' that kiss, but a bag as well. Lana wouldn't tell anyone what was in the bag, but we figure now it had to be those clothes."
"She hasn't explained what's wrong," Patty said, now clearly upset.
"No, when I tried to get my finger in her twat she looked at me almost terrified and ran into the BED room, she locked herself in one of the private sleeping berths and won't talk to anyone."
"And she's been there for more than 24 hours," Patty said shocked, "hasn't she even come out to use a restroom?"
"Well," Ron made a deal with her a few hours ago; he promised we'd all come to the Recreation room here for a full twenty minutes and if she wanted to do anything she had our word we wouldn't bother her. We believe she took the deal."
"Maybe you should cancel the rest of the trip, maybe the pressure of the mission is getting too much for her."
"That's what we all wanted to do, but that's the one thing she's made clear she does not want. No matter what, she keeps saying, the mission is to continue."
"Sugar, someone has to get her to talk and confess what's wrong! Something is seriously very wrong and keeping it bottled up is not what Lana should be doing!"
"That's what Joyce says, we have 2 more days before reaching the next stop. Ron says he'll give Lana half-a-day more, if she hasn't come clean he wants all of us out of the way and he's going to let the 'Master of Love' take total control."
"Well tell him I wish him luck."
"Okay," Ana then suddenly said, "you're turn; I came clean with you, now it's your turn."
"Actually," Patty said smiling, "my problem is quite similar."
"Dolores," Ana said suddenly, "what's wrong?"
"Well, after talking to you the other day she went and had a serious talk with Melissa. Melissa agreed that it was past time they both came out; she went and talked to her parents right then and there."
"So what's wrong," Ana said, believing this a good thing.
"Melissa's parents kicked Dolly out of the house and she hasn't heard from Melissa since. Finally, yesterday, she couldn't handle it anymore and she tried sneaking into Melissa's room through some secret way she and Melissa always used; she found Melissa gone."
"Gone as in not there," Ana said confused.
"Gone as if she never existed; Melissa's room was completely cleaned out, from the smallest poster on the wall to the biggest piece of furniture, everything was gone and Melissa's closets were emptied out. Dolly confronted Melissa's parents and they threatened to call the police if she didn't get out of their house. When she got here, she found that Melissa's parents had called Mom and Dad and told them everything except what they've done with Melissa. Seeing however that my parents were talking about sending Dolly to a boarding school in Switzerland for her own good, we have a theory."
"That's horrible," Ana said almost in tears, "How can they hope to separate two people that love each other like that!"
"Unfortunately they don't have the luck we had, both of them are still minors, and neither have Stan and Laura for parents."
"I just can't believe they would do that," Ana said.
"I'm thinking of leaving early, and if need be, I'm leaving with Dolly. My only problem of course is that I've sublet my house for the entire summer."
"Patty that's no problem, you know our house is there for you. Just like it is for Randy and Dolores is more than welcome too."
Patty smiled and said, "You know Sugar you really should get out of that t-shirt." She herself started to strip and grabbing a large vibrator on the bed said, "I think we could both use a good orgasm, don't you?"
Smiling Ana pulled off her t-shirt and grabbing a large vibrator that was always kept on the side table plunged it furiously in her cunt turning it on full blast. Patty, she saw was doing same.
"Dolly, stop that," Patty whispered, "we're in a public airport right now; you can't suck my pussy or my tits right now."
Dolores looked like she wanted to break down and start crying again and Patty said, "Okay, there's the restroom; if we were able to get away with it in that plane's restroom, I guess we can do it here too; but you have to be quick, we still need to find a cab as soon as possible."
Taking her sister in one of the stalls she quickly raised her skirt and Dolores kneeled before her pussy and started to suck and lick and slurp in Patty's cunt for a good while until she felt Patty's juices flowing into her mouth. As she drank happily a smile temporarily returned to her face. When Dolores had finished her drink, Patty sat on the bowl and removing her blouse let Dolores sit on her lap to suck her tits, at the same time Patty lifted Dolores skirt and inserting 3 fingers in her sister's twat began finger fucking her as Dolores sucked away at Patty's boob.
Patty looked sadly at her sister and said, "Come on Dolly, talk to me already, it's been almost a week and you haven't said a word. Aren't you at least happy that Mom and Dad agreed to let me have temporary custody of you? Oh come on Dolly, I know your name means pain, but it doesn't mean you are cursed to live in pain for the rest of your life."
Her sister didn't say a word, but when she felt Dolores give her tit a strong bite, she knew she was getting near so standing her up, Patty dropped to the floor between her sisters legs and gluing her mouth to Dolores pussy used her tongue to finish the job her fingers had started. Soon she was drinking up her sisters sweet young nectars and she could feel her sister reaching total calm again. She sighed and knowing she had at least another two or three hours before Dolores would need this natural anti-depressant again hurried to dress and leave the restroom.
Walking out of the airport they searched for a place to find a good cab when they heard someone calling.
"Patty, Patty is that you," the person said.
Turning Patty smiled and said, "Randy, what are you doing here? You couldn't have come to pick us up, I'm sure, because no one, not even I knew I was arriving today."
"Us," Randy said studying the younger version of Patty glued to her side and saying, "Hello, what's your name?"
Dolores dug her head into Patty's chest and tried to grab her breast again.
Dr. Lewis noticed Dolores' action as well as the look in her eyes and said to Patty, "Lana told me when I spoke to her today that you might come to stay at the Anderson house a while also, is that where you are heading?"
Patty nodded as she fought to keep Dolores away from her breast.
"Why don't the two of you get in the car, there's plenty of room, I'm just waiting for someone. I'll just make a call and confirm his arrival time." He pulled out a cellular phone and hit a speed dial number.
"Thanks Randy," Patty said and directed her sister into the back seat of Dr. Lewis' car. Once the door was closed and shaded windows hid what was happening, Patty allowed Dolores to once more glue her mouth to her tits.
Around 15 minutes later Patty saw someone heading for the car and was about to try to unglue Dolores from her breast when she recognized him and decided it was safe for Dolores to stay as she was.
After the man's suitcase was in the trunk with hers and Dolores' he got in the front seat and looking back smiled saying, "Ms. Clark, right?"
"Yes, but please call me Patty; you're practically my Uncle-in-Law you know. This, by the way, is my sister Dolores. Dolly this is Ana's Uncle—Harry, right?"
"Yes, that's right," he said smiling as Dr. Lewis got behind the drivers wheel after finally closing his cell phone.
"Are you staying at the Anderson house also," Patty asked.
"Yes, will you and your—sister did you say—be there also?"

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