Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 6 - Across The Pond Of SexChapter 11: Fin De Contrat free porn video

"What time is it there Honey," DD asked glad to see Lizzy looking so calm and happy (then again the fact that Tommy Reyes was pumping his protected cock in her pussy plus the fact that Tammy Bradson and Carmen Reyes were each connected to one of her boobs could be helping with that).
"It's 5 PM, what time is it there," Lizzy asked blissfully as she watched DD's cock traveling in and out of the nicely trimmed brown haired pregnant girl's cunt called Heather and imagined that it was the cock she was feeling thrusting in and out of her own twat.
"11 PM in just an hour it will be tomorrow for us," DD said smiling, and bending over Heather (who was sitting side-saddle on his lap as she was fucked by him) to capture one of her tits in his mouth he sucked a bit of milk and releasing the nipple he squeezed it a bit saying, "Look Honey, I've Got Milk!" and he reconnected his mouth to Heather's boob.
Lizzy frowned and suddenly looked depressed a second; seeing it DD frowned also and said, "What's wrong Honey?"
"That's not funny DD," Lizzy said suddenly, "you know I can't give you any milk," she said this sadly and DD almost kicked himself for bringing up the subject of lactating boobs. Trying to fix things he said smiling, "So have you looked at those pictures I sent you yet?"
"Have I," Lizzy suddenly said glowing, "why do you think I had to beg Tammy to CUM here with her cock and cunt!?! God that Monica Dumas is some dessert, I just imagine myself over and over again eating the ice cream off her boobs and cunt sucking her arms, legs, and—oh, Oh, OH, OHHHH—"
DD and Heather watched as Lizzy started shaking with another orgasm (her third or fourth since they had started talking to her and all triggered by memories of the pictures she had seen). As DD saw Lizzy's current orgasm subsiding he said, "Well Monica thinks you're something also, as a matter a fact she considers you her hero and inspiration."
"She doesn't just consider me hot and sexy," Lizzy asked feigning disappointment.
"Well I'm sure she does but aren't you happy that she also recognizes all the work you did this past year with JOHPF?"
"Considering that all the work we did was underground it actually shocks me that anyone would know about it; less give me recognition for it," Lizzy said puzzled and then added, "and someone in Paris, France less."
"Well that's a bit of a very long story how she knows about all of us and it starts with the fact that Dad has a daughter none of us knew about; I'll tell you all that when it's just you and me; for now I really wanted Heather to meet you and understand that it's worth the fight to keep her baby."
"It is," Lizzy said looking at Heather who was now starting to cum all over DD's cock; Lizzy licked her lips as she watched the cunt juice leaking from around the cock, "Damn that looks good!"
Suddenly Tammy released the Lizzy boob in her mouth and pulling off her skirt climbed on the hospital bed with Lizzy and squatted above her mouth presenting her own flowing pussy to Lizzy's mouth, a little shocked DD screamed, "TAMMY you're in a public hospital for God's Sake; you're not even in a private room!"
Looking at him a little annoyed Tammy said, "Hey you think I'm not smart enough to lock the door; and as to it not being a private room, what do you think our neighbor is doing?" She suddenly grabbed the camera off the laptop and turning it around showed Maria sitting on Rita's face with Aaron Brown's protected cock plunging in and out of her pussy Roberto Reyes, Henry Wise and Jerry Clinton were all lined up behind Aaron waiting their turn at her cunt and Wei-Lu Ce and Le-Ann Peng were both connected to a Rita boob.
DD looked on shocked and when the camera was returned to the laptop he suddenly said, "I see what you mean umm—interesting place for an OHPF party."
"Well Rita was still very upset about Josh and the guys have been passing by to keep her happy from time to time, but since they all leave in two weeks for Summer Camp they want to make sure they leave Rita feeling good." As Tammy talked DD noticed she was cumming also and that Lizzy was happily savoring the juices.
Smiling DD said, "Oh I'm sure Rita is happy, and listen Tammy, thanks for helping to keep Liz happy. Keep it up and I promise that when I get back I'll pay you back with a whole month of daily private fucks okay?"
Tammy's eyes flashed and she said grinning wryly, "I'm going to hold you to that deal you know!"
"I'm sure you will, now if you're finished feeding Liz can I say goodbye to her," DD asked a little amused. With Carmen's help (who had finally separated from Liz's other boob) Tammy got down and DD said, "Hey love, I'll see you soon okay, and I promise to send you some more pictures from here tomorrow, you'll love the one of us at the Eiffel Tower."
"Hey," Liz said suddenly looking annoyed, "you can't leave yet you haven't cum for me yet."
"Oh right," DD said suddenly pulling out of Heather's twat and getting her to kneel before him with her mouth open; he noticed that Tommy had pulled his cock out of Liz's pussy and was unwrapping the condoms so he could move quickly to Lizzy's mouth; DD wanted to time this perfectly so he said, "On three Tommy," and as Tommy positioned himself properly at Lizzy's mouth DD started to squeeze his balls and masturbate his already beyond ready to blow cock and counting "one, Two, THREE," he and Tommy came almost in perfect harmony into the mouths before them.
Lizzy watched DD filling Heather's mouth as her own was filled and she imagined the seed filling her mouth at the moment CUMMING from the cock she had her eyes locked too on the screen, she was so entranced that she almost forgot to swallow when her mouth was full, she however finally did swallow only to open her mouth and let it start being filled again.
When they had all finished cumming DD said, "Okay Love, I really have to go now; Take care of yourself and take care of our babies Okay?"
"I promise Lover, CUM again as soon as possible okay, and I'll be waiting for those pictures," as she said this DD noticed Carmen (the only one on Lizzy's side of the screen that hadn't actually cum yet start to moan and shake and taking a better look he noticed that several fingers of one of Lizzy's hands had been at work in her twat, he was about to say something else but the screen went blank and he figured Lizzy had finally cut the connection.
Looking down at the girl whose mouth he had just filled over and over again with his own seed he said, "So are you okay?"
Heather got up and locking lips with him said, "More than okay; God your family is fantastic, and so is Monica's, I wish I could stay with all of you forever!"
DD pulled her back on his lap and instantly reconnected his mouth to one of her flowing boobs to drink some more; he was loving his milk when someone said, "Hmm those must be the milk filled jugs the other kids were complaining about."
"Separating his mouth from the Heather boob he said, "WOW, I don't believe it; it's my MOM! So you and Molly finally came out of her room ehhh?" He then frowned and said, "What do you mean the kids were complaining about Heather's boobs?"
"Well they weren't complaining about her boobs as much as about the fact that a certain someone has been hogging up the milk in them and refused to share it."
Heather giggled a little and Esther went over to the bed and sitting next to DD got Heather to move over to her lap where she instantly connected her own mouth to Heather's milk filled tits and started drinking for a few minutes before disconnecting her mouth and giving Heather a deep passionate kiss that Heather didn't fail to return (DD noticed she was definitely a lot more open to contact with others than when he first fucked her); Esther then said, "If you really want to be a part of either Molly's of my family you'll remember that equal sharing is always a must."
"I'll remember that," Heather said smiling blissfully.
Esther then said, "So where are the rest of the kids; I saw—or rather I heard—Jack and Vixen in his room but I can't find any of the other kids."
"They were in Monica's room when we left them," DD said pulling Heather back to his lap and on to his suddenly once more very erect cock. He then asked, "Where's Molly, did you leave her with any juice to share?"
"Molly is on the phone actually," Esther said this with a worried look and DD suddenly got serious.
"Is everything okay?"
"I don't know; the call seems to be upsetting her a lot; after the first few words she got up and left to continue the call in her private office."
"I hope everything's okay," DD said now also worried, then said suddenly, "if the other kids aren't around they probably hit the Voyeur Trail after we left; don't worry they should be safe."
As Hustler caught up to Monica in the small tunnel that was the Central Heating System he looked down at what she was pointing and instantly felt hot as he saw the large cock that was pumping in and out of a woman's ass. A cock pumping in an ass was suddenly his most favorite thing in the world; he instantly pulled the clamps of Monica's suit above her groin area and instantly lost himself sucking Monica's rosebud. Behind him he felt someone (Andrew no doubt since he was following him) release the clamps above his own suit's groin area and instantly felt a warm mouth wrapped around his cock, rimming the head and giving long licks up and down the shaft. He didn't doubt that Harlot was by now doing the same to Andrew and that Gabby in the end was feasting on Harlot's pussy. Hustler imagined poor Gabby in the end having to service herself with her fingers pumping in and out of her pussy as they watched the fantastic anal fucking below for inspiration. For now his eyes had been locked on the cock and ass below and he hadn't really bothered to even study the faces of their owners; he now decided to see what they looked like and as he looked at the woman lying on a table in a bedside bravado position he suddenly felt a hinge of familiarity on seeing her face. He couldn't really see the guys face. He kept studying the woman suspiciously and suddenly let out an audible "Ohhh!" Luckily, the sound was muffled by the fact his tongue was still plunging furiously in and out of Monica's ass as well as the fact that the woman below had let out a scream demanding the guy fucking her go "Deeper," a guy she called, Crawford.
"Tanya you are as horny as that Jennifer Lewis," Crawford said pointing at one of several windows on a larger computer screen before him, "she just can't get enough, now she's with that room mate of hers and just look at them go."
This last statement made not only Hustler's eyes pop (as he realized for the first time the computer monitoring system being used) but he felt the tension shoot through all of them. He doubted the Dumas kids understood what was truly going on, but Hustler knew that even they had to feel worried and upset that someone was watching Jen (a friend of them for the past two years).
Hustler was trying to make out what Crawford was saying but since Harris had just cum and he had kneeled to drink up her juices, Hustler's own cock had reacted by blowing it's own load in Andrew's mouth and Monica was flowing strongly in his mouth while fighting to keep her cum as silent as possible. When he was finally completely back Hustler noticed that Crawford had gone over to the wall and pinned up a poster, a poster of his Dad, and he returned to where he had been previously (behind the table Harris was still lying on catching her breath) Hustler almost screamed when he saw Crawford aim what looked like a gun at the poster and fire. As a dart hit his father's heart he tried to listen to the conversation below.
"Soon Doctor Lewis, very soon," Crawford said with a wry grin.
Harris finally got up and grabbing the gun said, "You're not wasting the actual tranquilizer darts are you?"
"These are blank," Crawford said as Harris aimed the gun; suddenly, as if she saw something, she looked up towards the heating system and said angrily, "I see you!"
When Hustler saw Harris looking up at them with the gun pointed he didn't know what to do, he was about to scream to her not to shoot but just as quickly as she talked Crawford grabbed her arm.
"Leave that fly alone Harris, and stop trying to show off, I know you can hit a bug on the wall but right now we better get to the room and at least get some robes on, that Pizza you ordered should be here soon." He then added a little peeved, "seriously we're in Paris you couldn't have ordered escargot not to mention that it is almost midnight; who orders Pizza at this hour?"
"I've told you a hundred times it is almost 6 PM and I always have Pizza at 6 PM!"
"Right," Crawford said rolling his eyes, "Come on let's just get those robes."
As they vanished into another room Hustler felt a lot of activity behind him and looking back saw that the others had started backing out on their way back to the elevator. He tapped Monica and tried to get him to follow her but she seemed paralyzed, he kept trying to get her to move and when she still seemed rooted with fear he plunged three fingers up her twat and bit one of her ass cheeks, she gave a small shriek and Hustler felt hot fluid flowing on his hand.
"Did you hear something," they heard someone say from another room just as the door bell started chiming loudly. Monica suddenly came to herself and giving a nod let Hustler know he should start backing up.
As quickly as possible they returned to the elevator and Hustler studied his wet hand, he smelled it curiously and licking it a bit smiled and (in and attempt to lighten the tense mood everyone was obviously in) said, "Damn Monica, you peed all over my hand; not that your golden juices aren't good," he licked his hand again and said, "I don't believe it but I think I finally found a brand of golden juice that tops Lana golden juice!"
"You're kidding," Harlot said excitedly, "well don't tell DD yet," she said angrily, "he hasn't been sharing his milk so we don't have to share our golden juice!"
By now Andrew had gotten the elevator moving again, he realized that the Lewis kids were trying to shift attention from what they had just witnessed, and for now he was fine with that, but once they all had a chance to calm down again, someone had a lot of explaining to do.
As Crawford paid for the pizza and Harris re-entered the room he noticed the ceiling leaking. Handing the pizza to Harris he went over to study the leak and on getting a whiff of something he positioned a table so he could climb up and investigate the Central Heating System better.
"What is it Crawford, did one of the pipes come loose?"
After more closely observing the flowing golden juice and on finding samples of both cock cream and cunt juice he said a little angrily, "More than one has definitely CUM and yes they are loose; pack up quick, we need to move now!"
Andrew, Hustler, Harlot, Gabrielle and Monica burst into the back room DD had taken Heather to and froze as they saw Heather lying back in the bed with a glazed look in her eyes; Jack and Vixen were each connected to one of Heather's milk filled jugs, Esther was kneeling between Heather's legs getting a good sample of Heather juice and DD was once more pumping his cock in Heather's mouth.
Finally giggling Harlot said, "Well I'm glad you're finally sharing brother; I guess we won't have to hold back the incredible Golden Juice we discovered after all."
Everyone in the room looked over to the group that had just come in and Esther noticed that though they all seemed amused, they were obviously all a bit scared.
"Kids," she said getting up, "What's wrong, what happened?"
"Oh," Hustler suddenly said remembering the reason they were looking for DD so urgently, "listen, they're here in the building; and what's more, they're watching everyone and they know that Carol is Jen!"
"What are you talking about," DD asked suddenly a little worried also.
"Crawford and Harris, they're in an apartment on the 13th floor and they're monitoring everyone at the Inn from there!"
Everyone now disconnected from Heather and Jack looked curiously at Vixen and asked, "Who are Crawford and Harris?"
"That's a good question," Andrew said suspiciously, "who were they Hustler, and why were they using a poster of your Dad for target practice?"
"They were what," Esther said horrified.
"Listen everyone," Hustler said, "it's a long story so we'll fill all of you in at once; first though we have to let TXLT2 know they're being watched and get them over here for a meeting."
Picking up the remote control computer keyboard that was still by the bed and pointing it at the computer which was still on and open to his IM ID account DD said, "I'll send a high priority message to all their PC Cell Phones; they'll know not to ignore it."
With that said he quickly opened an email program and typed: "YOU'RE BEING WATCHED! All of you come over to the Dumas Penthouse ASAP, remember to get Jen and Pam they don't have PC cell phones."
After listing the message as high priority and sending it he said, "Okay they should be here soon, why don't we take the Dumases to the family room and fill them in on some things before they get here."
Less than half an hour later all of TXLT2, the Wilsons, Patty, Jen and Pam were sitting with the Dumas family, the Lewis family and Heather in the large Dumas family room. The room might have been large and spacey but most everyone was still sitting with someone on their lap; most had been interrupted in the middle of their midnight exercises and none liked to be cheated of their time together: even in the middle of an emergency meeting.
The Lewises had already filled the Dumases in on some facts; they were surprised to find out that the Dumases already knew a little about their mission. They then remembered that Jen and Molly were friends and apparently when Jen had gotten back from her meeting with Dr. Lewis, Molly had sought to console Jen over the 'death' of her father. Jen apparently hadn't been able to lie to Molly and had told her a good part of the story, though not everything; they therefore just filled in the blanks.
Now with everyone waiting to find out what was going on Hustler and Harlot got up and told the story of how they had stumbled onto Crawford and Harris, how they had seen the monitoring devices they were using and how they had heard Crawford talking about Jen and her room mate while clearly pointing at Carol on the screen.
After everything was explained Ron asked, "Wait so you're saying that they were practicing with a dart gun and that they mentioned tranquilizer darts?"
"Yeah," Andrew said, "even though I knew they weren't bullets I still almost barfed when that lady aimed it up at us," giggling he added, "and Monica was so scared she took a leak."
"Aimed it at you," Molly said horrified, "what do you mean they aimed it at you?"
"Well it turns out it wasn't really at us," Hustler said looking to quickly calm Molly and Esther (who he now saw about to say something also) down, "it turns out she was aiming at a bug on the wall, they never saw us."
"Back to my question," Ron said a little peeved and looking at Jen he said angrily, "don't you think it's time you really tell us what they're after. If they just want to eliminate Dr. Lewis why are they preparing tranquilizer darts as if they want to kidnap him first?"
Jen didn't say anything and everyone now, even Pam turned angry 'what haven't you been telling us' eyes at Jen. "Okay, okay, so they may be after something else as well; I really don't know anything guys."
"But what do you know," Hannah asked frighteningly intimidating.
Jen looked down for a while and finally said, "Dad has a disk with him; I don't know what it's about but since Dad said it's the key to guaranteeing we all have normal lives again when he gets back and talks to Homeland Security it's probably something that belongs to these guys and that they might want back."
Getting up John said, "I think we should end this right now; I think we should go down there and face them right now!"
"And the fact that they have weapons doesn't make you nervous," Lana asked angrily.
"I don't want you to go," Hannah who was sitting on Ron's lap suddenly said breaking out in tears, a definite contrast to the intimidating character that had just been interrogating Jen.
"Look we can surprise them," Ron said, and added, "if they're still there that is."
"What do you mean," John asked confused.
To Andrew Ron said, "Did you say your sister took a leak in their Heating System?"
"Yeah," Andrew said laughing again, "it's a good thing they had gone into the other room or they would have seen the flow of piss easily."
Catching on John said, "But they would have had to return to the other room eventually and when they did—"
"—it would still be flowing," DD said, "they know there was somewhere there watching them!"
"If I'm not mistaken they're already well gone," Ron said, "why don't we go down and see if they left anything useful."
A few minutes later TXLT2, Jen and Pam were investigating the 13th floor furnished apartment. Studying some papers on the center table Hannah said, "Well it looks like they had sublet the furnished apartment for a week but I guess they cut their stay short."
"There's nothing that looks out of place," Ron said, and studying a large damp spot on the floor and suddenly feeling a drop of liquid fall on his head he added, "well except for this piss stain on the carpet and the drops of golden juice that are still dropping from time to time."
Looking in a garbage can Lana pulled out some crumbled papers and said angrily, "Copies of our tour map, they have exes, question marks and they have three of our stops circled," reading the circled stops she said, "Switzerland, Austria and Germany are the ones circled."
"They're trying to figure out where you're going to meet Dad and they have those three countries pegged as the most possible spots," Jen said.
"They're going to be sticking to us like glue in those countries, how are we supposed to meet Dr. Lewis," Don said.
"Hannah what does all this gibberish mean to you," Lana asked handing Hannah another of the papers she had pulled from the trash can.
Hannah looked it over and after a few moments smiled and said, "IP and Network address, camera model and frequency codes; well it won't be hard to track down the cameras in our rooms knowing these," she then said to Pam, "and if these cameras are what I think they are, you may not have to bother your Dad for equipment after all. If I can find all these tonight and get them to work by tomorrow, we'll be ready to gather evidence at the orphanage by the time we have to sing our first song at tomorrow's concert." She gave a very confident smile but suddenly broke in to tears saying, "I hope we can perform okay, this isn't really the best time of the month for us."
Ron put his arm around her as she started crying more strongly and said, "Hey don't worry, you're going to be fine, just like you always are."
After returning to the penthouse and giving a report of what they had found TXLT2 discussed what to do and it was agreed that Hannah, John and Jen (the three computer experts among them) would go back to the inn alone and gather all the cameras. Hannah had quickly prepared John's, Ron's and her PC cell phones with the IP and Network information from the scrap of paper Lana had found and giving Ron's phone to Jen they had then gone on a camera hunt. While they were away Heather (who was tired and remember pregnant) went to the room she had been in with DD and went to bed. The Dumas and Lewis kids had all gone to Monica's room for some much needed calming and the rest of the TXLT2 tour group tried to calm down in the large family room.
Three people however escaped to Molly Dumas' room where Esther said quickly, "Something's wrong, what is it?"
Molly gave her a, 'you're kidding right' look and said, "You're entire tour group is being spied on, rogue agents are pointing weapons at our kids and you're asking me what's wrong?"
"I'm not talking about that Molly," she pushed Molly to the bed and kneeling between her legs began rubbing her clit while pumping three fingers in her pussy and finding Molly's G-spot to rub. Pam who was the third person with them went over to the bed and sitting next to Molly attached her mouth to one of Molly's breasts and starting massaging the other. "You've been upset ever since you got that call while we were in bed together; well before the kids told us anything about what happened downstairs."
Feeling suddenly calm and in a 'need to share' mode she said, "Yeah, I guess so; I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do in a few days."
"What do you mean what you're going to do," Esther asked clearly confused.
"What I'm going to do with the kids I mean," Molly said and to quickly explained added, "the call was from my sister in L.A., apparently she's not expected to live past this week and she wants me to go as soon as possible. I'd leave right now if it weren't for the concert tomorrow and the fact that I still have to decide what to do with the kids since they're not supposed to leave Europe for another 7 years."
"Don't you mean France," Esther asked.
"Well they have to live in France but they are allowed to travel around the rest of Europe during vacation times; though they are not supposed to stay away from France for more than 2 months at any one time."
Pam removed her lips from Molly's boob and said, "Molly if you're sister is dying you should go now; don't worry about the Concert; Jen and I will handle it and I'm sure Lana and Debbie will be more that happy to help out."
"Hey," Esther said a little annoyed, "don't forget me; not to mention Patty, we're both music teachers, we should be able to help out with a musical concert."
"That's great guys but I would still have the problem of what to do with the kids, I mean the only long time friends I trust to leave my kids with are away from France for a good while," she smiled at Pam as she said this and it was clear she was referring to Jen and Pam; she then smiled at Esther and added, "and the only new friends I know I could trust my kids with are with them."
"Are the kids scheduled for any appearances over the rest of the summer," Pam asked quickly.
"Well there's a wedding or two but since they've mostly been accompanying Jen of late and Jen hasn't scheduled anything since she's on this tour with you guys; the kids are pretty free. Why do you ask?"
"Can the weddings be cancelled," Pam asked.
"Well yeah, I guess, there's still plenty of time for the Wedding Planners to get replacements; but why would they want to cancel?"
Pam smiled at Esther and smiling back Esther said, "Because the Dumas Family String Quartet is joining a tour of Europe for the rest of the summer."
Molly looked shocked but then quickly smiling said, "Well everyone I trust to take care of my kids will be on that tour," and then added frowning, "even with rogue agents tailing them."
"Don't worry about them," Esther said and then added worriedly, "they're only interested in one person."
Suddenly getting up Molly said, "I guess I better start packing."
Pulling her back down and preparing to dive into Molly's twat Esther said, "That can come later, you on the other hand need to cum now," and she locked her lips around Molly's clit giving it a gentle bite and triggering an orgasm in Molly.
"Wait a second," Monica said almost fainting, "please say that again because I know I must be dreaming!"
Esther and Molly had gone to talk to their kids and found them all sharing every last inch of Heather (who had not been able to get to sleep after all and had gone to join the other kids).
"I said," Molly repeated, "that the four of you are joining the TXLT2 tour group for the rest of the summer."
"I don't believe this," DD said smiling, "I may not need to hunt for any more non-children in other countries after all."
"Oh we'll always hunt for new ones," Andrew said smiling and then frowning added, "but what about you Mom; aren't you coming?"
Looking between Molly's legs Monica said grinning wickedly, "I think she just finished cumming."
"Very funny," Molly said pulling her daughter over to her and pushing her down between her legs to clean up the cunt juice that was still dripping out of her pussy. She then said seriously, "Actually kids the reason I'm letting you join the tour is because I have to go to L.A. and I don't know how long I'll be away," she then added preparing herself for the barrage of questions she knew would follow, "I leave tonight as a matter-of-fact."
"Tonight? What do you mean tonight? L.A. you're going home are you going to see our all old friends? Why don't you know how long you'll be gone? Mom, what's happened?"
All the kids were throwing questions at once and Molly finally had to say: "Okay that's enough, I'm getting dizzy with all the questions let me explain."

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