Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 6 - Across The Pond Of SexEpilogue free porn video

As she felt the bus tilting Jackie screamed, "Stay firm against those mattresses on the wall!" She herself braced herself for the crash and as she stayed firm against the seat she closed her eyes a second until she was certain the first part was over. She quickly opened them again to find herself on her side and grabbing at the seat belt release she screamed back, "Someone open the emergency escape door in the back!" and standing and jumping for the pole right next to the still open door she leapt up and with the help of the pole climbed out the door; as she ran across the side of the bus she thought, "I guess those gymnastics class were good for something after all." Not even turning her head to check what was going on anywhere else she continued towards the end. On reaching the end of the bus she found that someone, at least, had listened to her and the emergency door was open. She instantly went to it and started helping the younger kids climb down as someone pushed them out of the bus. "I guess it helps that they were all so blissfully calm," Jackie thought. She then realized that they were also all naked and screamed, "someone grab a couple of suitcases when the kids are out, we don't want to have to explain why they're naked!"
"Jackie," PC screamed as she looked around the bus, "it's on fire."
"Oh shit," Jackie thought becoming aware of the heat for the first time. "Faster everyone and someone grab the fire extinguisher also!"
In a record time everyone was out and the last person out, Aaron, had passed forward some suitcases and the extinguisher.
"Jackie there's someone on fire on the ground!" Ellen screamed.
Roberto grabbed the extinguisher and running around to see what could be done with Jerry Clinton and Henry Wise close behind tried not to pay any mind to the roaring inferno around him and getting behind the body on the ground was able to grab a leg and pull strongly; as the other two caught up to him they also helped pull until the burning body was out of the fire. Roberto the used the fire extinguisher to douse the flames as much as possible and Henry and Jerry grabbed the man and rolled him on the ground; it was obvious to all of them that he was dead, but they felt they should try to save something for his family to bury. When the fire on the body was completely out they took a second to really look at the roaring blaze that was now consuming the entire bus as well as the ground under it.
"How could the road have caught fire like that so fast," Henry asked shocked.
Jerry who had gone a little farther back to view the seen even more was the first to catch sight of what was behind them, "It wasn't an accident," he said solemnly.
Roberto turned surprised and said, "What do you mean it wasn't an accident?"
Jerry pointed at what he was looking at and Roberto and Henry both joined him giving looks ranging from confusion, to fear, to anger at them message on the Ana dummy.
"Come on," Roberto said, "let's make sure everyone is getting dressed and hopefully there was a charged cell phone in one of those suitcases we salvaged."
As several deputies' vehicles, ambulances, and fire vehicles worked at the scene Carol Cox studied the message on the Ana dummy with interest as a coroner's vehicle drove up and the men in it were instantly directed to the body on the ground.
Looking at the totally burned bus one of the coroner's said, "This is the only victim?"
"Luckily," Fire Marshall Cox said, "those in the bus somehow managed to get off with nothing more than some scratches and scrapes. I don't know how though. We had a bus of our own take them all back to town."
"So this guy wasn't in the bus," the coroner asked.
"No we believe he's the guy that set the fire," Deputy Stein said coming over and observing the body, "That's Parks we've been looking for him for some time."
"I just talked to the harbor patrol," another deputy said, "They say that the Aphrodite's Pleasure is about 2 hours away?"
Looking at Stein, Cox said, "The helicopter should get us to the docks in plenty of time, why don't we go tell them it's over?"
"According to this sign," Carol said stepping next to her Dad, "it's not over."
Cox looked down at the badly burned body as it was being placed in a body bag and said, "Believe me this guy won't be setting any more fires."
"How did he get here," Carol asked.
"What," Cox said a little annoyed at his daughter, "Honey I've let you study the facts of this case since you got back but now its over and let's just leave it like that."
"But we're still a ways off from town," Carol explained, "I was just wondering where his car was; I doubt he walked way out here carrying that dummy."
"Oh," both Deputy Stein and Fire Marshall Cox said as they heard a helicopter approaching.
Looking up at the helicopter Carol said, "Can you drop me off at home, I was going to see Marly?"
Jen opened the door of Marlene's house and a very hot young lady walked in. Carol looked over Jen's naked body and smiling said, "Hi, you're Jen Ramos right, Marly talks about you all the time. Is she in her room?"
"Yes," Jen scrutinized the young girl and actually felt a pang of jealousy as she pictured the girl naked.
"Are you a long time friend of Marly's?"
"I live across the street come on; we better get to Marly's room before Mrs. Winters sees you."
Suddenly realizing that she was naked Jen said, "Oh my," and rushed to Marlene's room followed by Carol.
As Carol entered the room she walked over to where Marlene was stuffing a large dildo in and out of her pussy and giving her a kiss on the cheek said, "Hi Marly."
"Carol," Marlene said a little surprised, "I wasn't expecting you today."
"I wanted to see if I could borrow the book of cheers, mine seems to have been misplaced while I was away."
Jen, who had been waiting for Carol to take her clothes off, suddenly said, "Don't you know the rules of this room young lady?"
"Don't worry Jen," Marlene said smiling, "the rules don't apply to Carol."
A little shocked Jen said, "Really, who are you again?"
"Carol Cox, I go to your school; I'm the President of the Christian Club there; I took over when Mary Milner decided to give more time to another club."
"The Christian Club," Jen said suddenly realizing who Carol Cox was and why she looked so familiar, "wait, you're a friend of Marly's and you're a cheerleader?"
"Is there something wrong with that," Carol asked truly confused.
"But I've heard that you're—umm—you're—" Jen couldn't even say the word.
"—a virgin," Carol question. "Yes I am." Trying to avoid any long explanation of her religious beliefs Carol said, "I just came from the scene of the Summer Camp bus fire, the road there is a real mess."
"Summer Camp bus fire," Jen said her eyes popping, "What do you mean; is everybody alright?"
"The only person hurt was that Parks fellow, he's dead; " Carol said, "there was another Ana dummy there and everyone thinks he was the one causing all the trouble this month, they actually still even think that this was some sort of attack on the girl named Ana."

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