Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 4 - Sex CampChapter 24: Cumming Home free porn video

"Be sure to have all your things packed up and in the tour mobile by this evening," Ron told the girls, "we want to leave first thing tomorrow morning and we want to have a super GOING HOME FUCKABRATION tonight."
"Won't we have the three day ride home to do that," Lana asked.
"Those three days are just for OHPF, tonight we'll have a few guests that want to celebrate going home as well," John said.
"Such as," Debbie said with a questioning glance.
"Well the Navahos will be with us," Ron said, and then on catching Lana's hateful look quickly added, "Minus one of the girls that knows never to come near us."
"Has Trixie said how Jea-" Ana caught Lana's wrathful stare also and quickly said, "-how this girl that shall remain nameless is doing?"
Smiling Don said, "Well according to Trixie and the other Navahos this girl is still having a recurring nightmare about being chased by an overflowing toilet full of shit, but besides that she's been fine and has definitely not had any thoughts or needs of returning to any old habits."
"Well I'm glad you were able to help her," Katrina said boldly, going up to Lana and kissing her, "you really know you're meant to be great in the world when you can be a great help to those that don't deserve your help."
Lana smiled at her and said, "So do you have everything packed up?"
"Just about," Katrina said, "We brought a lot of toys to camp with us, I'm just checking under some mattresses to make sure we haven't left any lying around."
"Talking about toys," she said looking at Rita, "You have all of yours sealed in the named box we got you right?"
"Got them right hear," Rita said pointing to a box.
"And mine are right here," Maria said pointing to a separate box.
"And you have that carton of condoms OHPF got for you," Lana said in a 'you can never be too cautious' tone.
"Already packed in my suitcase on the tour mobile," then going over to Lana Rita gave her a very passionate kiss and said, "thanks for all your help this summer."
Smiling Ana went over and gave Rita a passionate kiss as well saying, "It's been our joy to help you." Then giggling she said, "Especially when we wanted to do nothing but kill you at the start of this trip." On saying that she leaned over and after biting one of Rita's boobs leaned up and gave her another passionate kiss.
"What about you," Ron said going over to Hannah and putting his arms around her to kiss her, "you ready to go home?"
"All three of me," Hannah said smiling. And smiling back Ron gave her three kisses: one for Honey, one for the Mistress, and a very long and passionate one for Hannah.
"So are you going to see Sarah later," Ron asked pulling Hannah into her bunk and inserting his cock in her twat.
"She asked Trixie, Amanda, Sandy and me to go by before dinner; she said she has a special gift for us." Hannah started kissing him strongly and pushing her cunt in rhythm with his thrusts to get her Master as deep in her as possible.
Lana and Ana rolled their eyes and Ana said, "Didn't he say we'd have all night and the next three days to dedicate to that?"
"Still," Debbie said going over to John and leading him to her bunk, "like my future mother-in-law always says, 'there's always time for one more orgasm'." She then lay down pulling John onto her and kissing him.
"Well that's not fair," Ana said, "I don't have my Patty here to give me a little something."
"I don't have my Jay, either," Don said, "so why don't we just get together for old times sake sis?"
Smiling at him Ana said, "Absolutely brother, I mean we still need each other to find an understanding of ourselves." She giggled a little and led Don to her bunk leaving Lana with her arms crossed and a frown on her face. That is until Katrina pulled her forcefully to her bunk threw her on it and jumped her to use her clit in Lana's favorite activity, pumping her cunt.
Looking around and feeling left out Melissa, Dolly, Jenny, Sandy, Rita, and Maria all shrugged and instantly got into 69s. The last Riverdale girl, by the way, Le-Ann had hardly been seen in the Riverdale bunk house since Harry and Susan's wedding almost two weeks earlier. It was believed and was actually true that she was spending most of her days and nights attached to Dir. Green and her daughter Trixie.
After a while of moans, groans and cums from this latest fuckfest someone said angrily. "I can't believe that after a whole month-and-a-half at this camp you have still not learned to use the lock when-umm-occupied!"
Looking up, Ana said joyfully, "Patty, great timing, get over here now!"
"Can't Sugar, I'm here to talk to those two," she pointed toward Melissa and Dolly, "that's if I can get them to separate long enough to listen to me."
Getting out of the bunk Dolly said, "Patty is everything OK?"
Going over and hugging her sister and then leaning down and giving her sister-in-law a kiss Patty said seriously, "You have a visitor, or rather all of us have a visitor," at the last minute she turned to Ana and said, "and you know what Sugar I want you there too."
"A visitor," Dolly said confused.
"It's Mom and Dad; they've come to take the two of you back to Hawaii."
"What," Dolly said a little scared, "Patty No!"
"Why do you say you want me there," Ana said a little upset.
"Because they asked to meet you," she said smiling, "they said they have a right to know their daughter-in-law," turning to Melissa she said, "both of their daughters-in-law to be exact."
"They really said that," Ana said smiling, "and they didn't seem, you know resentful or anything."
"Actually they seemed very happy," turning back to Melissa and Dolly she said, "they want the two of you back in Hawaii, close to them, they say if you prefer to live somewhere other than with them it's okay, but they just want you near them."
"It's a trick," Melissa said "to get Dolly away from me; I know parents, well parents like mine and Dolly's."
"Parents can be taught to respect their children," Patty said and she then took out a large envelope and passed it to Dolly, "As proof that they've changed they send this; they say you can use it however you want, but they hope you'll use it as an incentive to go home, where your friends, your school and your parents are."
Taking the envelope Dolly looked over the papers in them a little shocked. A little dazed she passed them to Melissa who on studying them said, "Dolly these are emancipation papers just like mine. You're free to do whatever you want and your parents can't stop you. We can go home and live together in Granddad's house like I planned! They can't stop us!"
"Live where," Patty said confused.
"Melissa owns a house in Hawaii," Dolly said suddenly excited, "and enough money for us to start a real life together!"
"It was an inheritance from my Grandfather. It was supposed to come to me when I turned adult at 18, but I checked with my lawyers," Melissa said, "and on becoming emancipated I became legally adult enough to claim it now."
"Melissa that's great," Patty said, "so will you be leaving today with my parents, they have tickets for you to Hawaii for tonight if you want them."
"We'll meet them," Dolly said, "we'll tell them our plans and if they agree we'll accept their tickets and I'll accept still having a relationship with them. They won't have me in the house, but like you said, I'll at least be on the same island with them."
Ana had gotten up and dressed and standing next to Patty said, "I'll go with you to meet them also, if they're serious about changing their old beliefs, we at least owe them the chance to try," leaning over and kissing Patty she said, "plus I owe them a big thanks for bringing you into this world for me."
Patty smiled and giving Ana a kiss back waited for Melissa and Dolly to dress so they could leave together for Patty's Art activities bunk where Patty's parents were waiting to escort Melissa and Dolly home.
"So you kept your promise last month to Debbie and Katrina about fixing things at the camp," Pam said to Charley as she rode him, "but you know there's another promise you made them that same day, are you going to keep it?"
"Can't you just fuck me without talking for once," Charley said looking lovingly at Pam but with a tone of annoyance in his voice.
"She's only saying what you and I are afraid to talk about alone Charley." Cathy said, "We'll be back in Riverdale in between 3 to 4 days and Pam is right, the kids will be expecting us to keep our promise to them." To Pam she said, "But the question isn't if we'll keep it, we made them the promise and WE WILL KEEP IT." Cathy had turned her head to look Charley straight in the eyes as she said this, "the real question is, therefore, how we go about doing it?"
Stan (who was fucking the Mayor in the ass) and Laura (who was sucking her pussy) locked eyes and nodding Stan said, "If you need a good plan for getting sex then there's one person you should talk to."
"Umm," Charley moaned a bit as Pam's incredibly tight pussy continued squeezing his cock beyond belief, milking it for all it was worth. "Yes, a master plan would help."
"Do you really think that Ron can come up with a plan to keep us away from the paparazzi long enough to keep our promise to the kids," Cathy asked.
"If anyone can," Laura said lifting her head from Cathy's twat for a minute, "he can."
"We're supposed to meet with him tomorrow morning," Stan said, "before they leave the Summer Camp, you want to be there and talk to him?"
"Oh yes that's good," Charley said as he filled Pam's pussy to the brink with his cum.
Moving over and pulling Pam down so she could suck the cream out of her pussy Laura said, "Oh yes that is good."
"So Melissa and Dolly are really going back to Hawaii with Dolly's parents," Ms. Parks asked as she watched her four favorite girls getting fucked by their chosen dogs. She herself was lying in front of Hannah so that Hannah could suck her pussy as Butch plowed his bitch.
Lifting her head from Ms. Parks' cunt Hannah looked at her with glazed eyes and said, "Well yes and no, they accepted the tickets but they changed the flight date and departure location to four days from now at Riverdale; we'll drop them off at the airport; we'll be passing it on our way home."
"So they get to participate in these final FUCKABRATIONS of yours ehhh?"
"Something like that," Hannah said burying her head back in Ms. Parks' cunt.
"So Sarah," Trixie said, "when do you tell us what the surprise you have for us is?"
"Is it really still a surprise," Ms. Parks said, "I'm pretty sure the majority of you already know what I want; you," she said looking at Hannah, "especially."
"I know what you want," Hannah said, "I'm not sure why."
"I got a little summons brought about by some of my loving neighbors demanding I get rid of at least 4 of my 6 babies, I was given 2 months to find them good loving homes myself or they would be removed from me and placed in the first home that they found if not destroyed."
"They may kill my Buster," Sandy said totally upset even though she was in the middle of a massive orgasm.
"Well not if you take him and save his life," Ms. Parks said smiling.
"What did my Master and Dominatrix say about it," Hannah asked.
"They leave it to you, if you want them they give you permission to have them," Ms. Parks said happily.
"You're giving me Pile Driver," Trixie said excitedly, "because if that's what you are saying I am definitely saying yes I'll take him!"
"What about you Amanda," Ms. Parks said noticing her very quiet and a little upset, "don't you want to keep Screwball?"
Amanda gave a sad cry saying, "Yes, I love him, but we can't have animals where I live at all, so even if Mom and Dad gave me permission to take him I can't." She broke down into tears. And turning to hug the dog that had just finished cumming in her she said, "Screwball, I'm so sorry, I want you so much really, but it can't be."
Ms. Parks looked a little sad too but then Hannah raised her head again as Butch finished cumming in her pussy and said, "Don't worry about Screwball I have a home for him, one where he will get the proper loving he deserves, we'll have to buy him an airplane ticket but he'll be happy, I know."
Ms. Parks smiled and leaning up pulled Hannah onto her and kissing her fervently began rubbing Hannah's canine cum filled pussy into her own as Trixie, Sandy and Amanda formed a daisy chain of tongues in twats to clean each other out.
"So I was telling Ron that I know how Sandy can easily get her parents permission to keep Buster, but any idea exactly what line you'll use on yours to get them to let you keep Butch?"
"Oh I'll just let my friend the Mistress of Pain ask them, they wouldn't want to upset her by saying no." As she said this Hannah turned to assume a 69 with Ms. Parks and as she plastered her cunt on Sarah's face, she started licking clean Ms. Parks which had been totally painted with the doggy seed leaking from Hannah's cunt.
"You want me to take the job as the new nanny in the Anderson household," Betty said shocked but overjoyed. She was in Pietro's room and Sallie was looking a little hurt.
"So Laura gave you the job of finding the new nanny and you're asking Betty," Sallie said trying to understand if this meant what she believed it meant.
"Yes," Pietro said pulling Sallie to him and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "I chose Betty, just like you did."
Betty threw her best friend a confused look and asked, "What does that mean?"
"Betty," Pietro tried to explain, as much to Sallie as to Betty.
"Sallie never really wanted my cock as much as she wanted your cunt. She was just having a little difficulty confessing it to herself. But now that both her younger sisters have been brave enough to publicly come out, I think she should confess the truth, to herself first and then to us."
"Maybe it does sort of run in families," Sallie said slowly, "I mean look at Lisa and Martha: Patty and Dolly (not to mention their eldest sister)."
"But Sallie," Betty said a little upset, "why didn't you say anything, to me?"
"Because I know you're not like that and I didn't want you to hate me and I didn't want to stop being close to you," Sallie said.
"Hey," Betty said pulling Sallie over to her and giving her as passionate a kiss as ever, "me hate my best friend, never going to happen; however, you are right about me not leaning in that direction, it doesn't mean that my pussy won't always be here for you, until you find a true soul mate of your own that is, now suck my pussy and leave Pietro's cock to me."
As Sallie fell between Betty's knees to start sucking the pussy she'd loved since junior high school, Pietro straddled Betty's head and before inserting his cock in her mouth he said, "So I take it you'll accept the job."
"Absolutely," Betty said smiling as she swallowed his cock with true love and passion in her eyes, feeling more joyous than she'd ever felt in her entire life.
"Umm, Le-Ann," Lana said nervously, "umm, hi we haven't seen you much lately; umm what are you doing here tonight?" As Lana said this she cast an eye over her shoulder at where Dir. Green was standing, "We sort of have plans tonight; remember?"
"I invited Amelia, you don't mind right," Le-Ann said smiling.
"Umm," Ana who was standing next to Lana said, "invited her to what exactly?"
"Why to your Fuckabration in the cellar," Dir. Green said smiling, as she came over and hugged Le-Ann from the back. "Le-Ann is a true doll, if she didn't belong to my sister I would just keep her myself." She kissed her on the head.
"Director Green," Lana said, "what do you mean fuckabration? I'm sure that's not a word you find in any dictionary."
Smiling at her, Dir. Green said, "Oh young lady, please do not play dumb, it doesn't suit such incredible smart girls like you. I have to admit when Irma told me that TXLT2 would solve all my problems I had doubt, but she was right."
"Solve all your problems," Ana said a little confused, "what problems exactly?"
"Why, getting all the extra last moment additions from Riverdale here and back for one thing, and of course the problem of organizing and preparing those weekly parties, not to mention the problem of the new total segregation laws at the start of this summer's session (they were a drag) and oh yeah a little personal problem I was having with one of the girls on my squad."
"Wait a minute so you're telling us that everything we've done during our time here in summer camp was part of your plan," Lana said a little annoyed.
"Well really you didn't think I gave the six of you a free stay at summer camp just to run a party one Friday a week and to drive from your home and back with mostly your family and friends did you," Dir. Green said smiling mischievously, "Now what say we visit that cellar I haven't been down there since me and my sister stayed in the camp years ago." As she said, this she squeezed Le-Ann's boobs and added, "Plus I'm dying for another drink of china juice."
Walking toward the trap door Ana said, "So out of curiosity, why do you and your sister love china juice so much?"
"Irma never told you," Dir. Green said amused, "we were adopted as very young girls by a Chinese family, we grew up with 10 Chinese sisters; you can't have that much china juice around you and not grow a fondness to it." She gave Le-Ann another kiss before disappearing down the trap door.
In the cellar John, Ron and Don were each fucking one of the Apache bunk house girls from the recent hike. Roberto, Aaron, Josh, and Jerry were making four of the Navahos very happy, while Peter Vangrave and Trixie Green were screwing on one of the bunks.
Several of the cellar's occupants looked nervous when the Camp Director walked down to the cellar and stood before them, but when she stripped and got in a 69 with Le-Ann (who had also instantly stripped) they felt a little more at ease. As Hannah, Ana and Lana went down, they were instantly met by three of the Navaho boy who all offered the Anderson girls their cocks to suck, the girls looked at each other and shrugging their shoulders got to work sucking.
Katrina and Debbie were being speared by Navaho boys also Jason however was fucking Sandy in the ass while Dei-Shau was once more in her cunt. Robert and Lenny walked over to where Dir. Green and Le-Ann were sucking each other and Lenny stuck his cock in Le-Ann's ass while Robert went around and speared Dir. Green's twat as Le-Ann shifted to sucking her clit. Toward the center of the cellar there was a daisy chain of tongues in twats made up of Dolly who was sucking Melissa who was sucking Maria who was sucking Rita. One of the strangest pairings at the start of this final fuckabration was that of junior to be Jenny with freshman to be Jack, yet they seemed to be truly enjoying each others company as Jack drove his cock furiously into Jenny's moist hot love hole.
This was how this final fuckabration at the camp began; by the time it ended there wasn't a single person that hadn't spent time with every one of the others.
"You all look like you can fall over and just end up sleeping right there," Stan said worriedly, "Are you ready to start driving home?"
"Lenny, Aaron and Roberto all have the first driving shifts," Ron said, "they all got to bed by three; we'll be going in to sleep for a while when we get under way."
"Well are you sure you're paying attention and not sleeping with your eyes open," Stan asked smiling.
"Hey," Ron said a little annoyed, "if you four can be paying attention with that beauty laying across all your laps, we can surely pay attention."
"Damn Pam," Ana said looking at the young red-head lying on Cathy, Charley, Laura and Stan's lap (in that order), "I really can't wait to get together with you!" Ana said this in such an excited and lustful way that she was instantly filled with guilt as a thought of Patty crept into her mind, she then added a little embarrassed, "you know as band leader to band leader to discuss some of our songs."
The other Andersons gave a laugh, but the truth is they had been thinking the same thing about this red-head as she lay with Cathy bending over eating her ass, Charley's cock pumping in her pussy, one of her boobs being pumped in and out of Laura's cunt and her mouth busy sucking Stan's cock enthusiastically.
"Don't worry about Pam," Laura said blissfully, "she just owed us all a morning orgasm and couldn't decide who to pay off first.
"So she decided to pay you all off at once," Lana said smiling, also full of desire.
Ron pulled his pet onto his lap and as he started pumping his cock in and out of her ass he said, "So we officially leave in 25 minutes and we should see you in around 3 days. You know we are going to be right by the docks; we're going to the airport to drop Melissa and Dolly off; why don't we pick you up?"
"Well I'll have a Limo waiting for me as well as a pack of paparazzi for my wife," Charley said, "but everyone else can use the lift."
"We've hired Betty as the new nanny and during the rest of my pregnancy my personal aid," Laura said smiling, "she'll be moving in with us."
"Really," John asked, "where exactly will she be staying? We don't have extra rooms remember?"
"Actually we do have three extra rooms; they just weren't ready for anyone to stay in because they were so full of garbage."
"The second floor garage rooms," Lana said shocked, "Mom that's not garbage in them; they're memories."
"Well the memories have been moved and the rooms fixed up nicely as the new servant's quarters," Laura said, "Lisa's crew sent us pictures and they look even better than their old ones."
"The garage was extended to add a full bathroom on the side of it," Stan said.
"Well what about the rooms they are using now," Lana asked perplexed.
"Honey," Laura said touching her stomach, "think ahead, those rooms might be needed by someone else one day."
"Oh yeah," Lana suddenly said smiling as she remembered the family itself was about to grow a little.
"Poor Pietro, Amy and Betty;" Ana suddenly said smiling a little wickedly, "they'll be sleeping over our studio; maybe we should buy them some ear plugs."
"Actually your studio has been made soundproof," Stan said, "Not even we are evil enough to torture the servants that much."
The Anderson kids suddenly saw both Charley and Stan tense up and knew they were both filling some holes with hot cream.
"Ron," Charley said groaning a little, "I need to talk to you in private, do you think you can linger a few minutes when everyone else goes?"
"Sure Sir," Ron said.
"So kids," Stan said as Pam turned over and Cathy dug into her cum filled twat, "be sure to drive safe and we'll see you at the docks, if we get there before you we'll just wait here on the boat, Josie and Henry aren't leaving Riverdale until after Pam's beach concert next week."
"Okay Dad," John said, "we'll see you there then."
As they gave some final parting words and left Ron stayed behind with Hannah and shifted his cock from her ass to her twat, "You don't mind if I keep my pet with me do Mr. Wilson, if you're looking for ideas she will be a great aid."
"Sure," Charley said as everyone on his side started to leave also; he suddenly grabbed Pam's arm and pulled her back to his semi-hard cock, "as a matter-a-fact, I think I'll keep a little inspiration around myself." And as he started pumping Pam's twat once more, he began outlining his problem to Ron.
"RUFF RUFF RUFF," John heard as he tried to get some sleep with Debbie (and for once we mean sleep. He raised his head to see sour faces on everybody else trying to sleep, (which was pretty much everyone except Roberto and Aaron (who were driving) and Hannah, Melissa and Sandy that were nowhere to be seen."
"Is that a dog," John said confused. Like most of the others he had fallen asleep before the bus started moving and there were certainly no dogs around at that time.
"Three dogs actually," Ron said frowning a little, "don't worry I'm sure they won't always be that loud, the buses movement probably has them excited; and anyway only one is ours."
"One is ours," Ana said shocked, "and exactly who's going to be taking care of a dog, especially when we'll be taking care of multiple babies in around 8 months!"
"Who do you think," Lana said looking upset and almost in tears.
"Lana what's wrong, honey," Katrina said hugging her.
"I think Queen has been replaced," Lana said crying.
Rolling his eyes and fighting the desire to break out laughing, Ron said, "Don't be ridiculous, Butch belongs to my pet Hannah, I'm sure the Mistress will never get rid of her personal bitch Queen, if anything she'll order Hannah to let Butch breed with her Queen to try and get a nice litter."
Lana giggled at that thought and then said, "Three dogs; so if one is Hannah's, whose are the other two?"
"One belongs to my red toy," Jenny said, "though she better learn to keep him quiet."
"And the other is coming to Hawaii with me and 'Lissa," Dolly said excitedly, "'Lissa said she's going to teach me to how to be a true dog lover."
"So the Psycho isn't going to be-well you know-everyday right," Don asked a little sick.
"I already talked to her about it," Ron said, "and she told me she's no zoophiliac; which only means that she doesn't need to do it every day, not that she won't."
"What time is it," Rita suddenly asked.
Looking at a clock that had been hung above the door to the Kitchen & Bath Lana said, "Wow it's 1:00, we've been sleeping for 4 hours."
"4 hours," Katrina said horrified, "that is way too long to go without an orgasm!" Everyone looked at her with annoyed stares and she said, "Well it is!"
Laughing a little Lana said, "Yeah I guess it is," and diving between Katrina's legs she started sucking Katrina's clit to bring it to full size.
"I figure you think it is too long to go without an orgasm either," John said smiling at Debbie.
"Oh I rarely agree with my sister," Debbie said smiling back, "so for once I think I'll take her side," and pushing John down quickly began sucking his cock.
It wasn't long before everyone else in the BED room was once more having some sort of sex and when half-an-hour later Hannah, Sandy and Melissa walked in on the fuckfest they looked at each other smiling.
"And we were afraid our pets would wake everyone up," Melissa said.
"I'd say 'liven them up' is a better term," Hannah said going over to where Ron was fucking Le-Ann and saying, "Have anything left for your pet?"
"Always," Ron said abandoning Le-Ann and jumping his Erotic Psycho.
Melissa and Sandy instantly went over to their regular partners and got into 69s with them.
"So Hannah," Ana said going over to where Hannah and Ron were fucking, "Have you given any thought to where you're pet will be staying?"
"Oh I ordered a dog house for our front yard three weeks ago, it's already up. I ordered one for the Irving house also."
"Three weeks ago," Ron said surprised, "I thought Sarah didn't tell you she was giving you the dogs until yesterday?"
"She didn't but it was obvious what she wanted with us wasn't it," then in a mischievous tone she added, "I mean she certainly wasn't in love with us."
"Funny Honey," Ron said annoyed and pulling out of Hannah pulled Ana on to his cock saying, "Why don't you go feed your dog a little more."
"Master, if I've upset you, please forgive this poor slave," Hannah begged with her sad puppy dog look.
"You really are a bitch sometimes; you know that right," Ron said trying to look pissed at her but too in love to do more than frown at her a second before he had to smile.
Leaning over and kissing him she said, "I know, but only because you wouldn't want me any other way."
"Why don't you take your spot back," Ana said giggling and looking at one of the private sleeping berths added, "I want to jump into that sleeping berth with Patty, she's slept enough."
"You think the same is true for Randy and Esther," Hannah said looking at the next berth."
"Actually," Ana said, "I'd wager they haven't slept much at all."
Going over to where Patty had been sleeping she opened it up and seeing Patty open her eyes said, "Good you're awake, move over because I need some Patty juice." As she jumped in and re-closed the berth Ron pulled Hannah over his knees and started giving her a powerful spanking for being such a manipulating bitch.

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