Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 4 - Sex CampChapter 22: The Queen's Rage And The Master's Ride free porn video

Charley was able to immediately keep his promise to his daughters regarding the Summer Camp, and by the next afternoon, (a Sunday) all bunk house superintendents were passing out revised activity schedules to all the bunk houses, and at that evening's dinner, the kids enjoyed sitting with their friends, family and selected companions for the first time since camp started. With all co-gender programs up and running again, you might think that the Riverdale bunk house toll bridge would be a little less needed, but it actually started making more money than ever as the girls started truly mixing with the guys and could set up pre-arranged meetings themselves.
The Riverdale bunkhouse (boys and girls) were paired for most activities except two. Horse riding lessons was one that they got to share and Ron was able to be there when his pet got her first real lesson in riding a horse. Sandy wanted to ride the horses also, but Dominatrix refused to give her permission, Dominatrix did let her go with Hannah constantly to get doggy provided anals.
One special daily activity had been added during the rescheduling: "The Life Goes On" activity led by Rita Mars and Maria Ramos; you might think that the 31 students that found out they were HIV positive at the testing would have packed up and left instantly, but on meeting with Rita they all decided to stay for her talks with them on Sundays and those Sunday talks soon became so popular and important to them that two hours on Sunday just wasn't enough and Dir. Green gave permission for it to be extended.
For the most part the next two to three weeks after the activity rescheduling was just wild crazy fun topped each Friday night by an awesome party led by TXLT2. Laura had confirmed what they already knew, that she was pregnant; Susan and Harry had gotten the blessing from the Loving Cousins for the wedding at sea, and they were having multiple non-stop orgasms each day, who could find anything to be upset about? Well now that I think of it there were two people a little upset.
With just two weeks left to go at Summer Camp Lana thought strongly as she lay in her bunk looking up at the ceiling. She had skipped the latest painting session with Patty out of fear of not being able to control her rage. As she continued to try to calm down (via a body load of vibrators as usual) someone popped their head out of the trap door and he looked as angry as she did.
"So what's pissing off the Master two days before Aunt Susan and Uncle Harry's wedding?"
"Probably the same thing that has an entire sex toy store on your body," he said suddenly a bit amused.
"I'm telling you brother, I've tried to be as patient as possible, for one whole month I have tolerated that slutty bitch making passes and advances at Katy, but this is the last straw. You saw what she did at breakfast, coming right up to our table and switching Katy's water glass with a glass full of her cunt juice. If it weren't because I'm very much trying to honor our deal with the Navahos and that (pain in the ass bitches that most of them are) I really like most of them and don't want to lose all of them as friends I would declare war right now!"
"Trixie told me Jeanette has done nothing but spend her nights crying over the fact that Katy won't give her a second look; unlike my problem," he suddenly added bitterly."
"What are you talking about," Lana asked.
"She's in love with her and she's trying to steal her from me too, do you think I'm stupid," Ron said.
"Who's in love with who," Lana said surprised, "I mean besides that whore that wants my clit."
"Ms. Parks," Ron said hatefully.
"Sarah," Lana said doubtfully, "Ron, Sarah will never fall in love with anything that doesn't walk on four legs."
"Have you forgotten that my Honey can often be found running around on all fours," Ron said, "lately more than ever before?" Ron gave a yell and said, "I should never have let her fuck that horse! Something as painful as that could only have sealed the inseparability of my pain loving psycho and the person responsible for providing the pain."
"Ron," Lana said a little annoyed, "for the last time Sara has as much interest in Hannah as Katy has in Jeanette."
"Yeah," Ron said, "then why has she had Hannah over with her every single day for almost 3 weeks now?
"She's had Sandy there with her also," Lana said, "and I don't see Dominatrix in here making accusations as to why."
"I am telling you she has an alternative reason for wanting to get so close to Hannah, and what could that reason possibly be if it's not that she's in love with her? I mean they share the same sexual orientation for God's sake."
"So do I, but you don't see her trying to get extra close to me," Lana said angrily.
"Why are you protecting her," Ron said angrily, "you're supposed to be on my side. Would you like it if I started talking on Jeanette's behalf?"
"Jeanette has made her intentions towards Katy very clear for a whole month and it's time she learned a true lesson," Lana said, "then added wickedly, so are you going to help me figure out how to teach her that lesson?"
Smiling Ron said, "You help me with my problem and I'll help you with yours. You say Ms. Parks is not in love with Hannah, okay, I'll believe you; I trust your instincts, but you have to believe me that there is then some other motive for her over attachment to my pet, help me find out what that reason is and I'll help you teach Jeanette a lesson she'll never forget and cure her of another dirty habit she has once and for all as well."
"Okay," Lana said, "it's a deal. Why don't we shake on it?"
Ron dropped his clothes and said, "if by shaking you mean in a mind-altering orgasm, I'm all for it Sis, now get rid of those vibrators and get ready to feel something warm, hot, hard and real in that lovely little hole of yours."
"Those Apache bunk house girls are hot," John said, "but I don't know why we can't be hiking with our own girls. When they rescheduled all the activities after week two and made everything co-gender again they paired us with the girls for every activity of every day except for today. Why do you suppose that is?"
"I don't suppose," Don said, smiling, "I know; Trixie talked to her mother and demanded that the Navahos not be separated from the Riverdale girls for Patty's Art activity."
"Oh," John said, "Ana is actually still sharing Patty with Trixie and Joan?"
"Not every week, but every now and then Trixie and Joan still crash Patty and Ana's private party."
"Can you believe how angry Ron looked when Ms. Parks asked Hannah to meet her later," John said.
"About as mad as Lana when Jeanette offered Katrina that special drink," Jason giggled.
"Well we only have two more weeks here," John said, "so let's pray the Master of Love and the Orgasm Queen can control their emotions that long so that we have no problems."
"To tell you the truth," Don said, "how Lana has been able to hold off from going full wrath mode on Jeanette up to now is beyond me; the girl just can't take a hint!"
"Can we," Jason asked smiling.
"What do you mean, Jay," Don asked.
Jason looked up at the next cliff of the mountain trail they were hiking on and John and Don saw that three of the Apache girls had totally stripped and were now giving the boys a full view of their open pussies; the girls were smiling at them in a 'come and get it' fashion.
"Sure," Don said, "we can take a hint."
Quickly climbing to the next cliff they didn't see the girls anywhere. "Where did they go," Don asked.
"They didn't leave this level, we would have seen them," Jason said.
Studying the cliff before them it seemed to end in a dead drop off the mountain, with apparently no caves around.
They must have gone around us somehow," John thought.
"No," Jason said, "I'm telling you it's not possible without us seeing them." Walking all the way out to the end of the cliff Jason saw absolutely no one around and deciding finally that John must have been right turned to walk back but then stopping he smiled and waved John and Don to come forward.
"What is it Jay," Don asked, "Did you find something?"
Pointing back in the direction they had just come from Jason said, "I think so." John and Don saw that a rather pushed out boulder which from the other side seemed to be completely part of the mountain wall, on this side was actually separated from the mountain enough for a person to squeeze behind it. Going and doing so the guys found that behind this stone there was-
"-a cave," Don said smiling.
"Well hello," one of the girls said, "we thought your cocks would never get here."
"Well now that they are finally here," another of the girls said, "how about sticking them where they'll do the most good and she bent over a boulder to open her pussy."
"You don't believe in foreplay do you," Jason said amused.
"That's just a waste of valuable fucking time," the third girl said, "and we don't exactly have much time left on this hike do we, so fuck us already."
Smiling the boys shrugged and releasing their cocks instantly inserted them in the moist hot pussies they were offered and started fucking furiously.
"Man you have a tight pussy," John said to the girl he was fucking. "Are you even going to tell us your names?"
"Is a name really as important as a pussy or an ass," the girl Jason was fucking asked.
"I'm telling you Apache sisters, this is why I love their Wall of Glory, all you have to do is feel their glorious cocks pumping in and out of you and you don't even have to see their faces."
"Okay," Don said giving in, "we get it; you want orgasms not conversations, okay girls get ready to flow!"
Pushing all three girls a bit lower the guys started to really pound their pussies, hard, fast and for a very, very long time before moving over to their asses where they fucked them just as hard until they finally came in the girls asses after the girls had cum multiple times themselves and when they all finally finished the girls said, "Bye strangers, thanks for CUMMING for us." And with that, they all went their separate ways.
"So where is your Queen," someone asked Katrina.
Katrina didn't have to look to know who it was that was talking to her. She wished Lana hadn't left; she didn't like having to confront Jeanette alone.
"Jeanette," she said, "I am telling you leave me alone before you push Lana too far."
"Did you like my present this morning," Jeanette asked.
Someone suddenly crashed into Jeanette knocking her over, the person had been carrying a tray full of open paints, the entire supply of which now ended up all over Jeanette.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Hannah said with true concern and almost tearfully, "I'm such a klutz, not that I expected anyone to be standing by my easel." Turning her face from Jeanette the look of concern was instantly replaced by a purely wicked grin. "Are you alright Katrina; I'm glad to see no paint fell on you."
"Hasn't it been almost a month since that visit from the Mistress," Katrina asked smiling.
"Katrina, I think Ana and Patty can use some help planning that next class," Hannah said, "why don't you go in and stay with them for the rest of the class, tell them I sent you to help them."
Smiling at her, Katrina hurried; she was in no way about to disobey a direct order from the Mistress of Pain.
Inside Patty's office she found Ana and Patty in their regular fucking activity and quickly went around to Ana's ass to suck it.
"Trixie," Ana said opening her eyes which until now had remained closed. "We had a deal no interruptions today!"
Looking around and seeing Katrina Patty said a little annoyed, "Katrina what are you doing here?"
"The Mistress of Pain ordered me to come in and stay with you guys," Katrina said, "Jeanette was trying to take advantage of the fact that Lana's not here."
A little nervous Patty said, "Umm, Katy what exactly did Hannah do with Jeanette?"
"Nothing," Katrina said, "I mean she did have a small accident where she sort of crashed into Jeanette and bathed her with all the colors of the rainbow, but that was just an accident."
"Right," Ana said smiling, "well if you're going to be in here," she added, "let's start putting that clit of yours to good use. Fuck Patty while I feed her." With that Ana climbed to straddle Patty's head; Patty instantly exploring every millimeter of Ana's cunt with her tongue, tongue fucking the twat she'd fallen in love with a year earlier and still loved dearly. At the same time Katrina positioned her clit at the opening of Patty's own twat and started to pump in and out, in and out forcing her clit between Patty's pussy lips and into her hole. Every now and then Katrina would lean over and either suck Patty's boobs or suck Ana's ass; they remained this way until they had all had multiple orgasms, and until it was time for Patty to return to class.
When the girls returned to their bunk house they found the Master of Love and the Orgasm Queen asleep in her bunk, they had obviously fucked each other to exhaustion and were now passed out.
Hannah and Katrina didn't look very happy with the joyous smiles on Ron and Lana's faces but then Ana said, "Hey at least she's definitely calmed down and so has he."
"She might not stay so calm when she finds out Jeanette made another pass at Katrina," Debbie said angrily.
"Oh, oh," Katrina said throwing Debbie a 'you are so stupid' look. "Love," she then said to a suddenly no longer very calm looking Lana. Smiling and sitting by the bed she said, "We thought you were asleep."
"What did she do," Lana said coldly.
"She really didn't do anything Lana," Ana said going to stand by the bed, "The Mist-that is Hannah had a small accident were she sort of bathed Jeanette with every color paint in the art bunk and she didn't get a chance to do or say much. After that the Mist-I mean Hannah suggested to Katy that she might like helping Patty and me out in the planning of the final session next week."
"What did she say to you," Lana asked Katy in a 'tell me the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth' tone.
A little nervous (more for what would happen to Lana if she non-accidentally killed Jeanette, than for anything that might actually happen to Jeanette) she said, "She just asked me where you were, and then she umm," Katy tried to stall but Lana gave her a piercing look and she said quickly, "she asked me if I liked her present this morning, you know, that little drink she sent me?"
"Umm, Queen, love maybe you should spend a little more quiet time with Ron," Katrina said, noticing Ron awake and somewhat amused.
"Actually," Hannah said, "I think a little quiet time with you would do her a lot more good."
"Actually Honey," Ron said, "You stay and have a little quiet time with Katrina, Lana and I are going to help out Ms. Parks today. You're to stay here and get rid of some of that aggression I see in the back of your eyes." To Katrina he said, "You wouldn't mind paying back the favor my pet did you today by being her butt monkey for a few hours would you,"
"I'll do it if she doesn't want to," Sandy, Melissa and Dolly all said at once.
"I'll do it," Katrina said smiling.
"Good," Ron said helping Lana out of bed. "When Ms. Parks comes to get Hannah make it clear that you are filling in for her, I'll meet you at the stable."
"What are you two up to," Jenny asked suspiciously.
"Just trying to be helpful," Ron said truthfully, "not to mention complete OHPF's mission of bringing safe sex awareness to all." He then headed to the trap door and went down.
"What's that," Ana asked suddenly noticing a paper under Lana's bed pillow.
"Oh that's nothing," Lana started to say, "just-"
Before she finished Hannah already had the paper in her hands and looking it over read:
The Dangers of Coprophelia
This is a potentially hazardous activity due to the risks of bacterial infection along with the usual factor of STDs. These people tend not to be pleased in sexual activities unless eating the feces of their partner. Note that even consuming one's own feces could have potentially harmful consequences, as the bowel bacteria are not necessarily safe to ingest.
Some coprophiliacs engage in coprophagia, the eating of feces, which is a potentially hazardous activity due to the risks of infection with diseases such as hepatitis. Note that even consuming one's own feces could have potentially harmful consequences, as the bowel bacteria are not necessarily safe to ingest, and can result in an E. coli imbalance.
"Sister," Hannah said smiling wickedly, "are you and my Master planning to 'save someone's life'?"
Smiling back just as wickedly Lana said, "It's our mission to keep sex safe for all," then frowning a bit added, "Even bitchy whores that don't deserve to live!"
As Lana started to dress, Katrina asked, "Umm Queen, how exactly are you going to, umm-SAVE-her?"
Smiling at Katrina, Lana went over to hug her and give her a kiss just as Ms. Parks arrived at the bunk house. As Lana turned to leave with Ms. Parks she turned her head and said to Katrina, "While you help Hannah out, have her tell you the story of an old friend of ours, Fran, a member of our original band in Junior High School, Triplet X; a lovely girl we nicknamed 'the French Fry Freak."
As Lana stepped out with Ms. Parks explaining she'd be helping her that day Ms. Parks called Dominatrix's Red Toy to join them, the rest of the girls were looking at Ana and Hannah with questioning stares. They were especially noting the look of horror in Ana's face as compared to the purely evil grin on Hannah.
"So Hannah, who was this Fran," Debbie asked.
"Like Lana said," Ana answered before Hannah could give any other version, "she was a member of the band. She was a French fry addict, she couldn't stop eating them and-"
"-she was getting fat," Hannah said, "and it wasn't helping the group much. To help the group we had to find a way to help her kick the habit."
"And did you 'help her'," Katrina asked.
"Oh yes," Hannah said laughing coldly, "I helped her!"
Turning to Ana for clarification Ana said, "Hannah devised a plan, 'fight fire with fire', Fran wanted fries, then we'd give her fries! We sort of grabbed her one night and fed her fries, and fed her, and fed her and fed her... the point is that by the next morning Fran couldn't even think of a French fry without wanting to throw up. Needless to say she never touched another fry again."
"Oh no," Katrina said wide eyed catching up with everyone else's thoughts, "Ron and Lana would never-"
"-we're not talking about Ron and Lana," Hannah said still smiling, "we're talking about The Master and the Orgasm Queen, and they are definitely my brother and sister." Pushing Katrina on the bed she said, "Bend over bitch, I'm going to need a very long session tonight."
When Lana, Sandy and Ms. Parks got to stable, Lana was surprised to see two other girls there as well; one was Trixie and the other was a girl she didn't personally know but was sure was from the Apache bunk house, they were both getting their pussies pumped by the dogs.
"Buster," Sandy instantly screamed stripping and getting on all fours, "Buster baby, where are you?" One of the dogs instantly came over to Sandy and after sniffing at Sandy's pussy a while and getting Sandy's juices running with some long swipes of his tongue, the dog instantly mounted Sandy and started fucking her hard and painfully. "Oh yes, Buster baby, welcome home."
Lana cast her a sorry (but maybe also envious look, due to the instant bliss and joy on her face) rolling her eyes she said to Ms. Parks., "Sarah is there any other reason you have the girls come to umm-help you-umm you know with the dogs. I ask because someone else thinks you have some alternative reason, I just think he's crazy."

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