Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 4 - Sex CampChapter 2: The CampBus free porn video

That evening there were 21 people sitting at the 12 person dinner table in the dining room. Besides the Andersons, Irvings and Wilsons, Patty (with Dolly and Melissa) were still in the house as well as Dr. Lewis.
As usual in these situations, most of those at the table doubled up in the expected couplings, the only different couples were Lenny and Melissa, as well as Robert and Dolly; both Melissa and Dolly agreed that they wanted to feel real cocks plunging in and out of their twats as they ate. The only other unusual coupling (or maybe tripling is a better word) was that of Dr. Lewis, Lana and Katrina; Lana didn't want to make either of her two lovers feel bad by choosing one lap over the other to sit on (they were both urging her to come to them) so she had them put their seats right next to one another and was now sitting half on Dr. Lewis and half on Katrina. Both her lovers had claimed one of her boobs and a side of her face and neck to be kissing and fondling between bites of food. Every now and then as both Dr. Lewis and Katrina kissed their side of Lana's neck they would end up meeting in the middle and give each other a quick 'no matter what, we're still friends' kiss.
"So how did everyone spend this first full day back?"
"FUCKING!" Pretty much everyone screamed.
Stan actually turned a little red and said, "I guess that was a stupid question."
"Lana," Robert said, "We met some future members of your club and were helping initiate them."
"Future members," Lana questioned, "prospective members have to pass through a review board."
"Well these two have older sisters in the club already and they had their documentation. One was the brother of a Le-Ann Ching and the other the sister of a Jennifer Ramos," Lenny explained.
"Oh," Lana said, "The Younger Sibling Understanding Pact, that's okay then, but what did Robert mean by 'initiate them'?"
"They were both pretty unused and totally new to the bi- world. Their older sisters asked us to help remedy that situation before they headed for Summer Camp," Robert explained, "all their holes are now fully ready for any OHPF activities."
Lana smiled and said, "Well thanks for the help guys."
Hannah and Sandy both suddenly started to cum violently and everyone watched them as Ron and Jenny respectively worked to rub their pets' ass cheeks and try to bring them under control.
"Are you sure they'll be ready by the time you have to board the camp bus," Laura asked a little worried, "I mean they're just sitting on you're laps right now and they are constantly having cum attacks."
"Don't worry Mom," Ron said as Hannah began to come down from her sexual high. "Since we're all sharing the studio tonight, everyone is going to help me and Jenny by taking shifts licking and sucking their butt cheeks and assholes for the next 24 hours. They'll be ready for the trip."
"Man that was good," Hannah said.
"Oh yes," Sandy said blissfully finally having returned also.
Amy and Pietro came in with the next course and Amy said, "I take it you're not talking about my soup."
"Oh that was good too," Hannah said smiling.
"Talking about the camp bus," Dr. Lewis said, "I've been waiting for all of us to be together to let you in on what Director Green of the Sun View Hill Summer Camp wanted to meet me for today." He let his hand drop to Lana's lap and stuck a finger up her pussy, he began finger-fucking her as he spoke. Seeing this Katrina dropped her own hand and inserted a finger of her own in Lana's twat to join the one Dr. Lewis had working there, Katrina then sucked the Lana tit she considered hers into her mouth and bit the nipple.
"So what did she want Randy," Patty asked, "Everything is okay right?"
"Maybe better than okay," Dr. Lewis said, "it seems that they received a lot more applications than usual this year at Sun View Hill, the majority of the new applications coming from here in Riverdale. He felt Lana starting to cum and gave her a minute of two to return before continuing, "To accommodate everyone they've added a new bunk house this year."
"A new bunk house," Debbie and Katrina said together.
"How can one new bunk house help," Jason said, "a bunk house only holds six people."
"Actually, this one holds 24," Dr. Lewis said, "12 male and 12 female, there's a solid wall that keeps the two groups separate with entrances on both sides of the building."
"A 24 person bunk house," Hannah questioned, "that would have to be huge."
"Or very small and overcrowded," John said, "I'd hate to be stuck in there."
"Actually it is very roomy, and since they just fixed it up over this past year, it's actually the best bunk house there." Dr. Lewis said.
"Wait a minute," Debbie said in horror, "Did you say it will be half girls and half boys? Wouldn't that mean that the building itself would have to be half on the boys side of the camp and half on the girls side?"
"That's exactly where it is," Dr. Lewis said smiling.
"Oh NO," Debbie screamed, "It can't be true; they can't do that to us!"
Disgusted Katrina said, "Did you say that they put a wall in that makes it impossible to get from one side to the other?"
"This is horrible," Jason said a little depressed, though not as upset as his sisters.
"Guys," Ron said, "what's wrong?"
"Brother," John said pumping Debbie's pussy a few times to try and calm her down, "I've a feeling you're ticket to Hannah and my ticket to Debbie while at camp has just been cancelled."
"What are you talking about," Ana asked.
"I can explain," Dr. Lewis said, "it seems that in the past the building that was now renovated, because of its position on the camp, was used as the only bridge between the boys' side of the camp and the girls' side."
"Wait a minute," Lenny said finally understanding a bit, "are you saying there is no way for us to get some pussy while at camp?"
"There's always a way to get pussy," Ron said defiantly, "trust me!"
"Umm, if I might continue," Dr. Lewis said, "as I was saying, since most of these last minute applications have come from Riverdale, Director Green has decided to dedicate this new building to the town and rather than give it the name of an Indian tribe like the other bunk houses, they've named it 'Riverdale' and, at the request of her sister Principal Green, it has also been set aside for the future use of OHPF members specifically."
Lana turned and looked at him her eyes brightening (they had been very glazed since neither of her lovers had left her pussy alone, even after her last cum), "Randy are you saying that only OHPF members will be there?"
"In the future yes, this year there are still two or three non-members in it, though I noticed that some of those were definitely future members like the two Robert and Lenny mentioned."
"That's torture," Hannah screamed out suddenly, "it's cruelty to animals, someone should complain or sue or something!"
"Umm, Honey," Ron said, "my love, what are you ranting about?"
"Master, don't you see, we may end up in the same exact building, just feet or maybe even inches away from each other, and we still won't be able to be together!" Hannah burst into tears and Ron tried to calm her down.
"You know, she's right," Robert said, "can you imagine Lenny, us being in the same building with Le-Ann and Maria and not being able to revisit their holes?"
"God," Lenny suddenly thought, "that is torture." Lenny pumped Melissa's cunt furiously and she gave a little squeal as she started cumming.
Dr. Lewis rolled his eyes a second and said, "If I may continue; Patty, you and I have been made supervisors of the Riverdale bunk house. Every staff member has at least two bunk houses under their supervision, but since our halves of the Riverdale bunk house are still twice the size of a normal bunk house, we won't be assigned any others."
"Dr. Lewis," Stan suddenly said a little suspiciously, "why did Director Green come all the way to Riverdale to tell you this? I mean couldn't it all have been said on the first day of camp?"
"Well," Dr. Lewis said smiling, "this is the point I've been trying to reach. With 24 extra campers, they can't just use the regular school bus they always use to take the campers. It would be too overcrowded and exceed safety laws. Normally that would mean that they would have to rent another bus, hire a new driver, pay more insurance on an extra vehicle, etc. Director Green is offering TXLT2 half-price if they will take all the 'Riverdale' bunk house campers the majority of which are sitting at this table right now anyway."
"Wait a minute," John said excitedly, "are you saying that she's offering 3 of us a free stay?"
"Actually, since as a separate deal she is offering TXLT2 half-price if they will head up the entertainment at the weekly parties while there, you can say she's offering the 6 of you a free stay."
"I don't believe this," Ana said smiling, "can you believe our luck? First we get an almost totally free family camping trip, and now an almost totally free stay at Summer Camp."
"I think somebody up there likes you guys," Katrina said, then leaning over and kissing Lana as she started to cum again she said, "I know a lot of people down here love you."
"Guys, this is great," Debbie said, "you are taking the deal right? I mean you'd be insane not to."
"Didn't we just come off a month-and-a-half long tour," Don said, "Isn't it too early for another band job?"
"It'll only be Friday nights," Jason said smiling as he turned to kiss Don. "That's the night of the weekly camp party."
"I say we do it," Ron said, "never look a gift horse in the mouth."
"I say we do it too," Ana said, "I voted against the tour and it turned out great, so from now on I vote for anything anyone wants to throw our way."
"Well since I can't delegate my vote to Lana this time," John said looking at the lost spaced out look in Lana's eyes as her lovers refused to give up possession of her private parts, "I'm voting yes also, and with Hannah's vote that's a majority, so when do we meet the other campers that leave with us?"
Two days later, TXLT2, the Loving Cousins, and the Wilson kids, along with Dr. Lewis, Patty, Melissa and Dolly waited in the studio located at the back of the Anderson garage.
"Okay," John said, "there are nine more people still to come, Director Green contacted everyone and told them to meet us here in one hour. I'm not sure whose coming which is why I asked you all to wear clothes."
"Well I doubt anyone will be cumming if we have to wear clothes," Katrina said.
John ignored her as several of the others gave her annoyed stares, "Once we know the other people are definitely OHPF members, or at least OHPF tolerant we can decide how to spend the three day bus ride."
"God I hope we won't have to wear clothes for the ride," Ana said.
"No one has to leave section one," Don said, "We can be however we want in the rest of our bus!"
"Actually," John said, "since the rest rooms are in section 4, that's not true."
"We can set up scheduled times when anyone not OHPF tolerant can use the restrooms. We can just quit anything we're doing for those breaks," Ron said.
"I like that idea," Lana said.
"Yeah," Katrina said, "we'd just have a few scheduled breaks from fucking, we could use the breaks to do useless things like go to the bathroom or eat."
"That's an idea," John agreed, "Okay, if there is anyone there unfamiliar, then that's how we'll handle it."
"Hey," Katrina said, "if that's all we had to decide and we still have 45 minutes before people start arriving," she let the shorts she was wearing fall to the floor and pulled off her t-shirt, "how about a quick fuckabration to commemorate our departure to Summer Camp?"
"Great idea," several people said getting to their feet and dropping their clothes.
Katrina was looking at Lana who getting up said, "Why not," she was about to drop her clothes when Hannah said, "wait Lana, I need to show you something, come with me."
Katrina threw Hannah a sour look but then gave a loud scream as she was speared from behind by Dr. Lewis' 10 inch cock; he rammed it straight up Katrina's cunt.
"Randy," Katrina said smiling over her shoulder.
Lana smiled at the two of them and walked off with Hannah.
Once outside the studio door Hannah said, "The wardrobe has a nice mirror; we can do this right here." She put her hand in her pocket and bringing out a box that said "Best Pet" handed it to Lana. "Try it on," Hannah ordered.
Lana gave her an annoyed look and said, "I'm really going to have to wear one of these the entire time I'm at camp?"
"I am," Hannah said, looking proudly at her dog collar in the wardrobe mirror. "The Red Toy has an even nicer one than mine; Dominatrix got it for her yesterday."
Lana took the dog collar from the box and looked at the engraved plate. "You know, when you told me the other night that I would not be the Master's property for the rest of the summer I was pretty relieved, but now I'm beginning to wonder if I might as well not be his." She put on the collar and studied the engraving, "LANA Property of Hannah Anderson"
"What do you mean," Hannah asked.
"Come on, if we find a way to get to the boys at camp, do you think your Master won't constantly order you to let him play with your pet?"
"Actually he can't, he can't touch you or Ana again for two months."
"Now what are you talking about," Lana said confused.
"It's a small deal we had during the Master/slave of the year contest; my prize for winning was that I'm the only Anderson girl he can touch for 2 months."
Lana looked shocked and almost tearful.
Giving an almost wicked grin Hannah said, "Doesn't it make you very happy to know my Master can't constantly order me to let him play with my pet?" Then leaning over and kissing Lana in the mouth she said, "You're all mine at Summer Camp Queen, now come on let's go back in."
An hour later seven people had arrived at the studio: Aaron Brown, Roberto Reyes, Le-Ann Ching, Dei-Shau Ching, Jerry Clinton, Jack Clinton and Maria Ramos; all of them were current or soon to be OHPF members and the rest of the group was thrilled.
"Well," Lana said to Ana, "we may not need clothes on this trip after all."
"The last two are a little late," John said, "we have to hit the road soon."
Just then two people entered the studio.
"Josh," Ana screamed excitedly and ran over to hug and kiss Joshua Meyers. "Josh where have you been, you hadn't been to an OHPF meeting in more than two months?"
Josh returned Ana's kiss and said, "Sorry about that Sugar, there was a sort of family emergency that needed handling."
Lana, Patty and Le-Ann all came over and gave Josh special hello hugs also. Though some of the OHPF members still mistrusted Josh, feeling he had taken advantage of a bad situation to weasel his way into the club. Lana considered Josh the clubs savior, while Ana considered him his soul mates savior and both had become good friends with him.
"WHO ARE YOU," Katrina asked a little rudely to the second person that had entered.
Lana and Ana suddenly took their eyes off Josh long enough to study the other person. She was a girl, they guessed, they couldn't be sure because she was covered from head to foot in clothing resembling those of an Afghanistan woman under Taliban rule.
They gulped as they suddenly doubted they'd be able to be themselves around someone dressed like this.
"Hey everyone," Josh said, "this is a cousin of mine, she'll be at Summer Camp with us. Her name is Janice and she doesn't really talk."
"Is she a Muslim or a nun or something," Katrina asked nervously.
"No, no," Josh said quickly, "you don't have to worry about being yourselves around her, you just can't do anything with her personally; she suffers from several phobias: agraphobia (the fear of sexual abuse), coitophobia (the fear of sexual intercourse), cypridophobia (the fear of catching a venereal disease) and erotophobia (fear of expressing sexual love)."

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