Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 6 - Across The Pond Of SexChapter 5: Spanish Seduction free porn video

"Jennifer Lewis that is ridiculous," Jen's best friend and roommate of the past two years Pamela Baker said angrily, "how can you seriously believe that they won't love you?"
"Dad hasn't even told them about me," Jen said nervously, "I'm still not sure I even have a right to meet them until he's had a talk with them."
"You said you don't mind them finding out," putting an arm around Jen Pam added, "You need to decide what you want to do before they get here."
"Whether I tell them or not they will eventually figure it out; I've heard Hannah is pretty much a genius at finding things out; I just want a little time for them to get to know me before saying 'by the way I'm your sister-in-law/step-daughter/niece' to Esther or 'I'm your aunt/sister/cousin to the kids."
"Is that why you made yourself look so different, so they won't instantly see a family resemblance?"
Jen stared at herself in a mirror on the door in front of her; her normally golden yellow hair was now a deep crimson red and her normally blue eyes were now (thanks to the contact lenses she was wearing) a bright green.
"The change isn't so much for them as for anybody else that might be watching us. Instantly meeting with Dad's only trusted connection here in Europe could raise some red flags."
"Is that why you got us these fake IDs?"
"Yeah, so don't forget your name is Shirley!"
"Got you Carol," Pam said then added, "so how long before you ask Ana permission to get in bed with Prof. Clark?"
Jen suddenly looked extra nervous again as well as worried; she said quickly, "that's Ms. Clark; she doesn't like being called Professor. I hope she doesn't instantly recognize me; I was her Teacher's Pet—I mean Assistant—for four years straight before going to college."
"Girlfriend I wouldn't recognize you and I've been your lover for the past two years."
"Roommate," Jen corrected casting an annoyed look at Pam, but at the same time smiling, "we've been roommates; use the word lover and people will think we're gay."
"And that would be a bad thing," Pam asked smiling.
Jen looked at her watch and said quickly, "We still have over an hour and I'm starting to get nervous again."
"Want me to calm you down a little," Pam gave Jen a seductive smile as she asked this.
Jen smiled back at her and looking back to the mirror on the door shifted her eyes down to a sign under it that read "Authorized Personnel Only"; grabbing the sign she turned it around to show that the back said, "NO CLOTHES ALLOWED" and dropping her micro-skirt and pulling off her halter top she said, "I guess I can use a little calming; plus, what else can we do for an hour." She opened the door and quickly stepped through it. Pam, who had been wearing the exact same thing as Jen, also stripped and followed Pam into the adjoining room.
Inside the room Jen quickly went over to a desk by the door and powering on a laptop on it waited for an image to clear up on the plasma TV above the desk.
"The camera is working fine and all the batteries (laptop, plasma TV and camera are fully charged); we'll know when it's time." Jen then sat on the corner of the desk and bringing her legs up spread them saying, "now what did you say about calming me down?"
Pam giggled and grabbing a very thin vibrator from the top of the desk she bent between Jen's legs and started teasing Jen's slit with her tongue; moving it up and down the slit like a cat. After a while of this she spread Jen's pussy lips and finding her swollen clit began rimming it with her tongue, drawing soft circles around it, and at times totally butterflying it; at times she would keep it between her lips and start sucking strongly. Jen arched her back and gave low moans and sighs of joy; she then gave a small jump as she felt Pam's lips and tongue replaced with the thin vibrator. As Pam began drawing tight (yet soft) circles around Jen's clit, at times connecting the tip of the vibrator to the tip of Jen's clit and holding it there, she grabbed a thicker and larger vibrator in her other hand and brought it to Jen's fuck hole inserting it and pumping gently. Standing as she continued working the two vibrators in Jen, Pam leaned over and began sucking Jen's tongue for a while before moving her head down a bit and sucking first one, then the other, of Jen's fully erect nipples.
"Oh, oh that feels good lover," Jen said between moans.
Smiling Pam said, "I thought we weren't supposed to use that word."
"Hell; let them think we're gay," Jen answered, "as long as you keep me CCCUUUMMMIIINNNGGG!"
Pam pulled the vibrator out of Jen's twat while bending and replacing it with her tongue to lovingly suck and lick at the explosion of juices found there. Pam savored both the taste and ripe smell (which quickly filled the room) of Jen's cunt juices and when the well finally went dry and Jen's breathing started normalizing Pam asked, "So how do you feel?"
Grinning wryly as she stood (with Pam's help as she was still a little shaky) Jen answered, "Starting to get calm," she then threw a look at the plasma screen and not seeing anything of interest added, "but I can still get much calmer." Walking past a large day bed in front of the desk Jen led Pam to the row of mattresses lining the floor; she cast a quick eye at the two portable toilets against the back wall and satisfied they were ready, lay down on a mattress pulling Pam onto her in a 69; before digging in she said nervously, "I hope they like their substitute tour mobile; I mean it isn't as big as their real one, but I think it's comfy—OHHH," as Jen felt Pam munching at her cunt once more, she stopped thinking of anything but the pleasure shooting through her body; she did cast another quick look at the plasma screen to ensure that the ship bringing the TXLT2 tour party was not yet near; on seeing she still had plenty of time, she dug right into her best friend's sweet pussy licking, sucking and drinking everything she could find!
Katrina bent close to where Cassandra Stanford's tongue was rolling gently around Ana's rosebud and snapped a few pictures being sure to get a few shots as Cassandra's tongue broke through Ana's asshole and started pumping feverishly making Ana scream and squirm in delight. Katrina was trying to focus all her thoughts on her new job as official tour photographer but concentrating on anything other than the joy shooting through her own cunt and clit was starting to get hard; she looked down before her and snapped a few pictures of Maribel Stanford's naked body (she was currently sitting on Maribel's face as Maribel's tongue worked it's wonders in her pussy). Katrina suddenly felt a little guilty about enjoying another girl without Lana being present, but quickly remembered that it had been Lana that had asked her to stay with Ana while Lana visited Ru-Shen and Jia-Li Chang. "I think the Green sisters' obsession with China juice is contagious," Katrina thought while out loud saying, "I think I have enough pictures." She then put down the camera and bent over to attack Maribel's pussy as Maribel continued attacking hers.
Ana, in the meantime, pulled away from the torturous joy of the tongue in her ass and turned around to lie flat on her back and try to control her breathing. Cassandra instantly jumped on her in a cunt, boob, and lip locking position and began sucking Ana's tongue; making it dance with hers. Ana was also feeling a little guilty about enjoying another female so much outside of Patty's presence, but accepted that this was just a polite goodbye. After this morning Ana would probably never see any of these people again in her life (except no doubt the Carters). As a matter-a-fact, except for Esther and the Non-Children she knew that not one member of the tour party had spent this last night at sea in their own cabin; Patty herself had spent the night with several of the older women.
As Ana remembered that last fact she allowed the last pangs of guilt to wash away as she let her lips (both mouth and cunt) more intimately rub against Cassandra's. After a while Cassandra finally broke off the kiss and said, "I'm going to miss you most of all when you leave; I mean I'll miss all of you, but none like I'll miss you and Hannah after you."
Smiling Ana said, "Your slave and your master?"
Not commenting Cassandra simply smiled and kissed her again. As they heard Katrina and Maribel starting to cum in each others mouths, Cassandra broke off kissing Ana again to say, "and of course there is one other thing I'll miss—" suddenly rolling off Ana and pulling Katrina onto her in a face-to-face position she kissed her and after a few minutes said, "fuck me with that incredible clit of yours honey, let me feel it in me one last time." Katrina smiled (actually a bit shyly) and then started rubbing her pussy lips into Cassandra making sure her over-sized super-swollen clit constantly penetrated Cassandra's pussy lips as she humped away.
Maribel, in the meantime, moved over to claim Ana's abandoned lips for herself and as she lay next to her kissing her Maribel allowed her hand to rub up and down Ana's extremely moist pussy lips until finally allowing two fingers to penetrate it and start pumping away.
"You're beautiful," Maribel said breaking off the kiss, "and it's weird because you look exactly like your sisters and I've fucked them a lot these two weeks, but I never noticed they were beautiful."
"They might look the same," Cassandra said between grunts, "but they're very different, and their characters have something to do with the way we see them." To Katrina she said, "I'm sure to you Lana is the most beautiful girl on earth, and you've never given a thought that her sisters look just like her."
Smiling Katrina said, "Well when Lana isn't around and I need a Lana substitute I remember."
"I can see why Marlene hates you so much," Maribel said in an amused voice as she prepared to kiss Ana again.
Ana was also preparing to kiss her when she suddenly stopped and said somewhat confused, "Marlene; who's Marlene and why does she hate me?"
"Marlene Winters," Cassandra answered before Maribel could respond, "an old friend of ours from Riverdale, she's been in most of your classes for the past two years now."
"Well why does she hate me," Ana asked still confused, "I've never even noticed her?"
"Hence the reason for hating you," Maribel said as she pumped her fingers more rapidly in Ana's twat and locked her mouth around one of Ana's lovely orbs.
Cassandra gave a small yell as Katrina's clit pumping in her twat made Katrina cum strongly and she felt Katrina's hot juices run down Katy's pussy and into her own open hole; she started trembling with her own orgasm and as it passed Cassandra remembered the conversation they were having and in further explanation said, "Marlene has been in love with you—and I do mean IN LOVE—since we all first saw you at your first Riverdale concert. The problem is that Marlene will never admit it; she's a closet lesbian. She's had around a thousand boy friends since junior high school but it never works because she won't let a guy get near 1st base with her; that's how much she hates cocks."
"So you're saying she's a true lesbian and not a bi-sexual one," Ana asked, "I don't think I've met a single one like that in Riverdale. What does this Marlene look like; she must be pretty plain looking for me not to have noticed her."
Maribel released the Ana boob she was sucking and said, "Marlene has always been pretty nice looking; well super hot actually. It's the fact that she's so shy that makes her unnoticeable."
"Wait a minute," Katrina suddenly said jumping into the conversation, "you're saying that a girl that has had around a thousand boy friends is shy?"
"She's shy around other girls," Cassandra explained, "remember she doesn't want to admit even to herself she's gay."
"Yet she's been trying to get me to notice her for two years," Ana said as confused as when the conversation started.
"Yeah," Maribel said, "she's full of contradictions, but we love her, she's really a fantastic friend."
"When I get back I think I'll have a long talk with her," Ana said genuinely concerned, "I'm the new co-president of the Gay and Lesbian Society and she sounds like a girl that can use some serious advice."
Giggling Cassandra said, "Start by advising her to choose one hair color."
Both Ana and Katrina once more gave puzzled looks and Maribel gave a giggle also as she explained, "Marlene has a habit of changing her hair color every two or three months; her hair has been every color of the rainbow, plus!"
"She's been the normal colors: blonde, brunette, red-head etc." Cassandra added, "but she loves the extreme colors more: blue, green, purple etc. She even painted her hair part pink, brown and white once in honor of Neapolitan ice cream."
"And this is a girl that's been in my classes for two years and I've never noticed her," Ana said unbelieving, "so what is her real hair color?"
"No one remembers," Cassandra answered with a smile, "she's been shaving her pussy since hair first started growing so no one has ever seen the true color."
"Plus she's adopted so knowing her parents hair color doesn't help," Maribel added.
Just then a message came over the intercom, "We will be docking at Santiago de Compestela, Spain in 15 minutes, everyone should be on deck to give Europe a hello wave and oh yeah, it might help to start putting on clothes."
"Did you hear that," Ana said suddenly forgetting all about this mystery girl that hated her because she loved her, "we're almost there!"
"We better start getting back," Katrina said, "We need to get into our clothes."
"Umm, there's still time to clean up and for one last orgasm," Cassandra said smiling wickedly.
Ana smiled at her and said, "My Mom's motto exactly," and getting on her hands and knees began a daisy chain of tongues in cunts and as they all licked and sucked the room was once more filled with groans, moans and sighs alone.
As Jen continued showering Pam's back with kisses she pumped her ass gently with the strap-on dildo she wore; every few minutes pulling out one of the large anal beads she now had in her own rear. Looking up at the plasma screen she suddenly stopped her pumping and said nervously, "They're here!"
Pam looked up blissfully at the screen and saw the ship that had come into view. "They're still at least fifteen minutes away; plus they'll probably be between thirty minutes to an hour docked as they go through the normal paperwork and cargo checks before they start disembarking; so don't you dare pull out of me yet lover!"
Putting her arms around Pam and grabbing her clit with one hand and the nipple of one of her tits with the other Jen rubbed, squeezed and pulled them tightly saying, "I'll keep fucking your ass for now love, but as soon as the ship docks we start cleaning each other up," she then added smiling mischievously, "of course cleaning up can take a good while also." She pinched Pam's clit strongly and, starting to scream in ecstasy, Pam reached between her own legs and found the recovery leash of the beads still in Jen's ass, giving it a giant pull as she started to cum, Pam heard Jen scream as the remaining beads in her ass where extracted violently and she too shook in orgasm.
"Oh yeah," Pam thought, "clean up will take a while!"
Around forty minutes later Jen and Pam were standing outside waiting for the TXLT2 tour party which was followed by the Harris kids who were wheeling the groups' band equipment and luggage off the ship.
Ana caught sight of the two young ladies standing in front of what appeared to be a school bus that had been painted black and said, "Can that be out ride?"
"I wouldn't mind riding them—I mean that," Ron said and he threw Hannah a nervous look only to find her checking out every last inch of the two girls even more closely than he had; smiling he said, "See something you like, Honey?"
"I think it is definitely good for riding," she answered, her eyes locked on Jen and not the bus.
"It looks so small compared to our tour mobile," Don said showing little interest in the girls.
"Well we won't have to live in it," John said, "we just have to stay in it between Inn and hotel stops."
"Aren't the sometimes 1 to 2 days between some of those stops," Katrina asked as the group finally reached the vehicle. Jason instantly pulled out his video camera and Katrina reached for her digital camera as Debbie spoke with one of the girls.
"Hi," Debbie said to Jen, "my name is Debbie Wilson and I'm the tour coordinator of TXLT2 and the Non-Children." As she shook Jen's hand she added, "That's my brother Jason with the video camera and my sister Katrina snapping photos; they're the official tour Videoographer and Photographer; I HOPE THEY WON'T ANNOY YOU!" Debbie said this last part strongly as Katrina kneeled and started taking upshots into Jen and Pam's pantiless micro-skirts.
"It won't bother us," Jen said and quickly added, "My name is Carol Lane, by the way; I'm your tour guide and my companion," she pointed to where Pam was leading the Harris kids to the back of the bus to store the equipment, "Shirley Marshal is your official driver; we come with the bus, where it goes, we go."
"Excuse me," Hannah asked, her eyes locked on Jen, "I missed that last part; did you say you come with the bus, or you CUM IN the bus?"
Jen didn't answer her but gave her a quick wink and pulling out a paper said, "I understand you have 15 people in your party," she read down the list of names so as to get to know everyone; she seemed to take special interest in Esther and the Non-Children, more so than in the two sets of identical triplets which was a change. When Pam finally joined them she introduced Pam to them all by name and when she finished the introductions she noticed TXLT2 looking at her strangely and asked, "It something wrong?"
"How did you know our names," Ron asked.
"Well they're on this list, and I had already read it once," she said passing it to him.
"But when you read the names the first time you didn't bother looking to see who was who," Lana said suspiciously, "how could you tell?"
Realizing her error Jen quickly said, "Well I figured those letters on your tops are there for a reason. As for the boys I figured red and Ron would be paired together; as for the other two it was just a guess; I take it I got it right?"
"You're too young to be a sexologist," Lana said amazed.
To that Jen said smiling, "Oh I'm still several years away from my Masters in Sexology diploma."
"So you're a student," Lana said smiling.
"Yes," Jen said nervously, not wanting to reveal too much at once, "me and Shirley both are; this is just a summer job." Noticing Patty throwing her strange looks Jen then said, "Maybe we should go in now," and she pointed to the bus door, "It's a good ride to our first stop in Madrid."
Several agreed and they quickly piled into the first section of the bus and all took seats.
"Well this first section looks a bit like our tour mobile," Lana said to Katy who had sat down next to her.
Katy looked at the wall and door separating this section from the rest of the bus and said, "I wonder what it is like back there." She then caught sight of the sign on the door and asked, "Are we authorized to go back there?"
Jen heard her question and said, "All members of the tour party are authorized to go back there, but you have to read the back of the sign and follow its instructions before entering."
"What's back there," Ron asked.
"Just more room to stretch," Jen said and as the bus began moving, Pam behind the wheel, Jen added, "and talking about stretching—" she stretched up as if trying to loosen her bones and her micro-skirt climbed well above her bare pubic area; she then turned and stretched bending down giving all a good view of her wide open moist cunt (Patty also took great interest in the star shaped mole on her left cheek—ass cheek that is) and as she stood she looked at all the shocked faces and said naively, "What's wrong, I've been sitting for some time, my bones needed a little loosening up?"
Ron smiled at Hannah next to him and answering her previously unanswered question whispered, "It was CUM IN, not come with."
"Definitely," Hannah whispered back smiling.
After 20 minutes on the road in which Jen reviewed the tour route, concert stops and additional overnight stops with the group she sat in the front row behind the driver's seat saying, "We still have around 4 hours before reaching our stop in Madrid, if anyone would like to stretch a bit you're free to go to the back." She then started talking to Pam about such things as the need to stop for gas, and the best route to Madrid which was not necessarily the fasted route.
Hannah and Lana got up almost at the same time and headed for the back door, remembering at the last minute to look at the back of the sign Lana gave a giggle and turned it around, she then started to strip. Before opening the door and passing through she took a moment to study two other papers pasted on the wall and gave another chuckle when she realized they were updated STD reports, she pointed them out to Hannah before going in. Hannah studied the sign that now read, "NO CLOTHES ALLOWED" as well as the documented proof the two new girls among them were safe and stripping followed Lana and was soon joined by all the rest except Esther and the Non-Children who still seemed a little tired from the long night.
Once they were all through the door John said, "Wow, this may not be our tour mobile but it sure smells like it!"
"God the scent of this place is making me horny," Katrina said throwing Lana some suggestive looks.
"Girl you were born horny," Jason said amused.
"I most certainly was not," Katrina defended, "my clit was pretty normal sized until I was 3 or 4, I didn't get extra-horny until it started getting bigger!"
"Talking about your clit," Lana said as she grabbed Katrina and led her to the row of mattresses where she instantly pushed Katrina down and started sucking her beloved clit. Patty, Ana and Debbie instantly joined them on the mattresses but Don steered Jason to the day bed where he sat him down and presented Jason with his cock to suck; Jason instantly absorbed it.
John, Hannah and Ron went over to the desk where Hannah sat to study the laptop on it. After a few minutes she said to John and Ron, "It's online; it also has a lot of cool music as well as one movie."
"A movie," Ron said surprised, "what movie?"
"It doesn't have a title," John said studying the file Hannah pointed out, "it's just labeled 'movie.avi'."
Hannah noticed the wire connecting the laptop to the plasma screen on the wall above and, after turning the screen on with a remote control she found next to the laptop, double-clicked the movie file automatically opening the media program; the introduction to the Sound of Music was then seen on the screen.
"Oh," Ana screamed, "leave it on please!" Ana then returned her attention to the pussy sucking she was giving Patty. Patty, by the way, was sucking Debbie's pussy and Debbie had gotten Lana to shift her position enough as she continued sucking Katy so that Debbie was able to suck Lana's pussy.
Ron studied the suck chain and said, "Come on Honey, we'll be the last ones eating if we don't hurry."
Quickly obeying her master's call Hannah got up and said to John, "I was going to enter all our accounts in the IM program; can you take care of it?"
"Sure I'll do it," John said, "it shouldn't take long; I'm getting a bit hungry myself." As John took over the desk seat to work at the laptop Hannah went over and sat on Katrina's face while Ron presented his cock to her mouth.
When John finished what he was doing he got up and noticing Don and Jason still alone on the day bed said, "Come on you two let's join the chain; it's time to fuckabrate our arrival in Europe together!"
John then went over and attached his mouth to Ana's twat at the end of the chain; Don then sucked John's cock as Jason continued sucking his. They continued the chain through two male orgasms and an uncounted number of female orgasms before breaking into separate fuck couples and groups.
In the first section of the bus Jen moved to the last row after finishing her talk with Pam; she apparently wanted to study a map quietly, however, she actually wanted to study her new family.
She was studying Esther especially who seemed no more than 5 years older than her at the most. "At least she looks nice," Jen thought, "though I don't know how she'll like the thought of me as a step-daughter." Jen then shifted her eyes to study her new younger siblings and smiled when she realized the two girls were busy fingering one another; as for the boys, they younger appeared to be looking out the window (this first section was the only one with unpainted windows) though every now and then he'd turn his head and study the girls' finger action hungrily. The older boy seemed a little preoccupied in thought though.
As she studied DD, wondering what he was thinking about so intensively, Esther suddenly got up and went to the seat next to Jen. "Is everything okay," Esther asked a little suspiciously, "You seem very interested in my kids and me?"
Thinking quickly Jen said, "I was just wondering if they're all family; the younger boy and girl definitely are, but the other two look very different; did you say they are your kids?"
"Yes," Esther said suddenly smiling, "they are now anyway. As a matter-of-fact I just received the approved adoption papers last night."
"REALLY," Jen said, probably a bit too joyously.
Esther, however, did not notice Jen's extra happiness (for a supposed stranger) and simply said, "Yes, we're all Lewis now!"
Jen smiled to herself thinking, "Yes we are," out loud she said, "that's great for you all." Then after studying the girls' finger action a few more minutes said, "Wouldn't you all like to go to the back for a while; it's more comfortable for—umm—sitting and there are some portable toilets if they need to go."
"Will you be joining us," Esther asked with a bit of a smirk.
"Oh I'll definitely be in to—umm—stretch a bit in a little while."
Smiling again Esther said, "Kids why don't we go back for a while, I hear it is more comfortable there."
They all agreed and instantly getting up prepared to go through the connecting door remembering at the last minute to take their clothes off.
Once in the back they studied everyone having sex; some like Ron/Hannah and John/Debbie were in the expected pairings, but others like Jason/Patty and Don/Lana were less often seen. Katrina was taking a few pictures when the Lewis family entered and instantly putting the camera down pulled Esther to the mattresses saying, "Perfect timing, I'm getting thirsty!"
The Non-Children gave Ana, who was sitting alone in front of the plasma screen a curious look and going over to her DD said, "What are you doing?"
Ana gave him an annoyed look and said, "What does it look like I'm doing, I'm watching a movie!"
The kids turned toward the wall and realized for the first time as they saw the screen that there was music playing. "You're kidding," Vixen said seriously, "there's a family orgy behind you and you're watching singing kids climbing trees?"
"You're weird," Harlot said as she and the other kids quickly moved to the mattresses where Vixen instantly mounted Hustler cowgirl style and DD began doing Harlot doggy style.
Around twenty minutes later a naked Jennifer Lewis joined them in the second section and spotting Ana alone concentrated in the movie went over to the day bed and sitting next to her said, "Oh I love this song!" She then started singing the yodeling song along with the movie.
After a while Ana looked at her and said, "You have a beautiful voice you know."
"It's what originally brought me to Europe and the college I'm currently in."
"I thought you were studying sexology?"
"That's a second major; music is my first and original major; I also minor in computer programming."
"Wow, isn't that a lot of work?"
"Not really, I sort of inherited my father's brain; he was a bit of a genius." As she continued to talk and watch the movie with Ana, Jen didn't notice Patty eyeing her strongly as Jason pumped her ass from behind.
After a few minutes of sitting next to Jen Ana started feeling very hot as Jen had sat all the way back on the day bed bringing her legs up and knees apart opening her pussy to the fullest, it's intoxicating aroma reaching Ana's nose and taking her mind away from the movie. Finally unable to resist Ana said, "You know what else is beautifully; your pussy, which I just have to suck!"
Jen just smiled at her and said, "Well it's about time," and turning to face Ana allowed her to dig right into her cunt eventually getting Ana to swing her legs over Jen's head so that Jen could get a good sample of her sugary sweet juices at the same time.
Patty smiled as she heard the two girls on the day bed loudly and enthusiastically sucking each other and thought as Jason began filling her ass with hot cream, "Well it looks like my former TA and my present TA are really getting to know one another. I'll have to have a very long awaited one-on-one with my former TA though and find out what is really going on."

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