Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 6 - Across The Pond Of SexChapter 17: Austria's Little Warrior Princess free porn video

Dr. Randolph Lewis woke up suddenly believing he had just heard someone. He sat up quickly in his sleeping bag but could not see anyone in the cave he had used as his home for the passed two weeks. Since separating from his daughter Jen and climbing the mountains that bordered Switzerland and Austria he had been alone and not seen another human being. He was sure if he finished the trip and crossed over into Austria he'd see a lot of people, however, it would be close to 2 1⁄2 months before the TXLT2 tour reached Austria, during that time the less he saw of other people, the better. Noticing the sun shining into the cave he picked up the calendar he'd kept with him to check daily and thought to himself as he saw the date, "Well the kids must be on their way to the Carters' ship by now," he then frowned remembering the time difference between Europe and America and thought again, "or rather they will be later today." He put a cross in the date to make sure he didn't loose track of the days; he scanned the other labeled dates on the month and thought, "In just two weeks they should be docking in Spain and then the time will be a lot easier to compare."
The doctor wanted to get up and find some food, the rations he'd brought with him had started to dwindle and he'd have to start hunting some animals as well as gathering some wild nuts and fruits; these mountains had a large forest area and near this cave there was even a fresh water spring which he had claimed as his personal bathtub and water fountain; however the Doctor realized immediately on trying to get up that he had a problem (a big one) between his legs (10 inches to be exact).
"Oh bother," the Doctor thought. He had spent every day for a month or more before escaping to the mountains in daily fuckfests (at time 2 or 3 a day) with his daughter Jen while she prepared the tour arrangements and other projects; on climbing the mountain and finding himself alone then these 2 weeks he had begun to suffer a bit of blue balls. Up to this point he had been able to ignore it but this morning his balls were truly aching for some relief. "Maybe I should give them some relief," the doctor thought, "as a matter a fact if I want to catch anything, I better give them relief." He pulled his bag over to him and digging in the pocket he pulled out some pictures; the first one was of his wife Esther, the second featured his kids (the Non-Children), the third picture was of his daughter Jen and the fourth and final picture featured Lana Anderson and Katrina Wilson whom he once considered his Orgasm Queen and his Wild Kat. All the subjects in the pictures were totally nude and the picture with the Non-Children had the two boys fucking the girls from behind while the picture of Lana and Katrina had them in a 69. "If these pictures don't help me get some relief," Dr. Lewis thought, "nothing will." He then pulled completely out of his sleeping bag and laying on it pulled out his cock and started masturbating slowly. He once more thought he heard something and stopping a second looked around again suspiciously. Still unable to see anyone he thought it might be some of the wild birds that passed by every morning looking for him to throw them some leftovers and tried to return his concentration to the job at hand (or is that in hand). Anyway he closed his eyes and began moving his hand up and down over his cock.
With his eyes closed he failed to see when the young girl that had been watching him curiously stepped out from the rock she'd squeezed behind to better observe him. As the girl saw the doctor working his 10 inch shaft she instantly felt a moistness between her legs and a heat beyond any she'd felt for a while. She didn't know why she was suddenly feeling so horny; she'd been having daily sex since she was 6 so what she was seeing right now was nothing new. Then again she hadn't seen a cock that big since her Dad had died a year before; Richard's 7 1⁄2 inches was satisfying and Janet's beautiful cunt was beyond delicious but neither compared to something like this cock. The girl decided that she just had to cum with this stranger and silently pulling off her clothes she sat on the rock nude and started to plunge two then three fingers in and out of her wet hot hole as with her other hand she grabbed one of her boobs and kneaded it softly while pinching the nipple from time to time. She tried to pump her fingers in her auburn haired twat to the same rhythm that the man was pumping that marvelous tool of his back and forth. As she pumped her fingers in and out she watched the doctor's cock intensely; not to mention hungrily. She knew that a cock like that had to be filled with delicious cock cream and the more she watched the doctor's glans being covered with pre-cum, the more hungry she got. Finally as she saw the doctor start to tense up a little she couldn't take it any more and she got off the rock quietly and sneaked up to where the marvelous rod was about to blow just as it started to spurt she bent down and captured it in her mouth locking her lips softly around it but also letting the doctor feel her teeth.
On feeling a mouth on his exploding cock the doctor opened his eyes wide and on seeing the beautiful naked auburn and hazel-eyed girl connected to him the doctor felt strong worry; he thought of pulling away but he could feel her teeth positioned in a way that made pulling away impossible; plus her adorable hazel eyes showed a hint of a strong dark side behind the girl's gentle and soft exterior; a dark side that was clearly saying, "try to stop me from finishing my drink and I bite it off!" The doctor instantly thought of Lana.
Unsure what to do the doctor tried joking with the girl saying, "What I don't get something to drink?" To the doctor's surprise, since he didn't even think the girl understood English, she turned around and pulled her nicely trimmed cunt over his head and started grounding the pussy into his face. The doctor never let any female take control of a fuck session the very first time they had sex, but the truth was that this girl was obviously incredibly experienced for her age (which could not be more than 13 or 14) and he was suffering from 2 weeks of blue balls; so he let her have her fun; he didn't know why but he had a strong feeling the girl was safe to fuck (though first chance he got he would definitely update his test results and he would never mention this to Lana). The doctor then started fishing in the girl's lovely cunt for some morning juices, twirling his tongue deep in her hole and pumping it rapidly; looking to make the girl cum before he finished spurting, the girl had obviously been masturbating for a while and was already near an orgasm. As he continued pumping his tongue in her love hole the doctor brought one of his hands to her clit and the other around to her butt; he then started to rub her clit between two fingers while finding her rosebud and pumping the index finger of the other hand rapidly through it. The girl shrieked around his cock as she started gushing strongly, her fluids running down into Dr. Lewis' mouth. The doctor got a good taste of her sweet as honey juices and one name came to his head, "Hannah," he thought, "if only this girl were clean shaven I would never be able to tell them apart."
As the doctor felt his cock finally stop shooting its copious load in the girl's mouth he realized that the girl wasn't through with him yet. She was still sucking frantically at his cock and she obviously had no intention of letting it out of her mouth until it had either given her another full load or until it was ready to do something else. The doctor gave a small sigh into the girl's still flowing pussy and thought, "Well at least I definitely won't have blue balls again for a while."
As the girl felt the doctor's cock once more at full size she suddenly got up, turned around and directed the tip of the glans to her still flowing opening and used the fact that she was still so wet to quickly bury the large tool in her little tool box. She then sat very still on the doctor's cock for a minute or two just locking eyes with the doctor. After two minutes she just smiled at him and he smiled back. The girl didn't know why but she truly trusted this man. Maybe it was because he reminded her so much of her Dad; he the same size and general build of her dad and like she had already pointed out to herself, his cock was definitely Dad-sized. She felt a little happy. She hadn't really thought when she set out to take her usual 'Get Lost In The Mountains' vacation that she would be able to enjoy it; not since for the very first time her Dad wouldn't be there. She looked over to a wall on the cave where the word 'Kitten' had been scratched into the wall with large letters, and under it was vertical line from the word to the ground; throughout the vertical lines there were them small marks scratched in with a year going back 6 years when her father and her had first discovered the cave and claimed it as their yearly get-away spot; she would have to remember to ask this guy if he could do her a favor and add the mark for that year.
After looking at the girl for the same few minutes the doctor finally said in French (the most international language he knew; though he had a feeling German was more the girls official language) "So are you just going to sit on me all day or are you going to do something?"
Once more smiling back the girl instantly started to bounce up and down on the doctor's cock at times letting it almost completely pop out of her red juice filled cunt before plunging back down onto it to feel it once more totally fill her. She looked at the doctor and said in German, "Do you talk German; I talk French very well, and I understand Italian and Spanish but German and English are the two languages I'm most comfortable with."
"English," the doctor said looking at her shocked, "you speak English?" He had said this last part in English and the girl's eyes brightened.
"You talk English, except for my ser—umm except for my mistress and my co-worker I don't really have anyone to practice it with."
"Your mistress," the Doctor said puzzled; he doubted the girl was a sexual submissive talking about her dominator; if anything this girl had the makings of a pure dominator herself.
"Yes—umm Mistress Natalia Dumont; I work for her as her security guard."
The doctor threw the thirteen year old girl on his cock an amused look and said, "You're a security guard?"
"Yes," the girl said a little annoyed at the skepticism in the doctor's voice, "are you familiar with the Dumont family?"
"One of Austria's richest families aren't they," he said then added, "didn't the father have some sort of an accident earlier this year."
The girl put on a sad face and said, "It was more like the end of last summer; his car crashed on a bridge and fell into the river both he and his chauffer were drowned."
Dr. Lewis noticed some tears in the girl's eyes and knew at once that these were more than tears for an old boss or even an old friend, "Were you and Mr. Dumont close?"
"Umm—yes of course, I mean he was Natalia's father but actually I was thinking of the chauffer; you see he was my father."
"Oh," Dr. Lewis said a little doubtful he was getting the full story behind these tears; but then the girl started squeezing his cock violently with her cunt muscles and grinding her pussy into his groin area as she continued bouncing on him and the doctor suddenly found it a little hard to think anymore.
"Do you have a name," the girl suddenly said obviously wanting to change the subject.
"Randolph," the Dr. said in a bit of a bliss; not even Lana, Hannah or Katrina every demonstrated control like this girl had over her vaginal muscles; he did however think of one 13 year old girl he was reminded of, Elizabeth Baxter. He remembered that before he was kidnapped (the last time he was allowed to talk to his family) David had told him Lizzy was his official girlfriend and he had thought David damn lucky because he remembered Elizabeth having just this type of vaginal muscle control. As the doctor returned from his blissful memories he continued the introduction saying, "Dr. Randolph Lewis actually; what about you, do you have a name?"
"You can call me Lara," the girl said, "or Ms. Croft if you want to be more formal."
"Lara Croft," the doctor said almost breaking out laughing.
"Is something wrong," the girl asked angrily and sent an incredible boost of pressure to his cock with her cunt muscles.
The doctor's eyes almost popped out of his head and he said, "No, no; nothing is wrong, it's just that you don't look like a tomb raider." Then deciding to finally show the girl how only a sexologist should be in control of a sex session he suddenly said, "Mind if I take control a while," and suddenly sitting up he pinched both her clit and a nipple simultaneously and when she started to cum strongly he took advantage of her dazed condition to turn the two of them around without extracting his cock and ended up on top doing the thrusting. Before the girl could try to fight to regain control ("oh yes, she is definitely a true dominator and doesn't like anyone in control but her", the doctor thought) the doctor started petting her hair and scalp, ears, neck, soft spots from her under arms to her waist and finally her boobs, and clit; this attack on the majority of her erogenous zones kept 'Lara' under control as the doctor pumped strongly into her cunt and made sure to constantly rub her G-spot with the tip of his glans.
Lara gave a series of screams as she had several aftershocks that all seemed to be part of one very long and powerful orgasm, she suddenly went very limp but she didn't pass out, she just seemed to have been very weakened by her multiple orgasms. The doctor quickly pulled out of her and moving forward presented his once more ready to blow cock at the girl's mouth. She could hardly lift her head and she just opened it and let the doctor know with her eyes to stick it in. Dr. Lewis did just that and she closed her mouth around his cock as he started to blow again. The doctor noticed with the first load the girl had taken from him that she was a true cum whore and if she could help it no drop of cum in the world would ever be lost. "She's definitely been doing this for years," the doctor thought as Lara once more drunk every bit of his offering without even bothering to breath (she was breathing through her nose actually like a true experienced cock-sucker should). When she was finished the doctor let his cock slip out of her mouth and asked, "Are you okay?"
After resting a minute or two the girl said, "Do you even have to ask; that was great thanks, I haven't had someone fuck me like since—" the girl suddenly stopped talking as once more a tear crept into her eye.
The doctor understood what she had been about to say and decided to change the subject again, "so tell me Lara, do you regularly walk in on guys when they are—umm—relieving themselves in the morning. I ask because I happen to be an STD specialist and I take the subject of sexually transmitted diseases very seriously!"
"A servant in our house—the house I work in I mean—got syphilis last year and D—Mr. Dumont ordered everyone in his house tested to make sure no one put his daughter in danger. They tested me too and I was clean; that was right before the accident and I haven't been with anyone but Natalia and Richard since then; they were both clean also."
"Richard," the doctor said curiously, "who's that?"
"Natalia's other personal servant, he's sort of her butler I guess you'd say, but he provides us both with a good amount of daily cock cream."
"Ahh yes, your English speaking co-worker. Just out of curiosity, how old are he and Natalia?"
"Richard is 14 and Natalia's 14th birthday is in around two months and a half. Mr. Dumont always threw a big public party but I doubt they'll be doing anything this year." Lara suddenly said angrily, "and by the way, this is my cave you're in," she then smiled wryly and added, "but I think we can CUM to an agreement by which we would be able to share it."
"You're cave," Dr. Lewis said feigning anger, "I've been here for weeks!"
Pointing at the growth line Lara said, "But I've been coming here every summer for years."
"You're 'Kitten', ' the doctor said amused.
"Don't use that name; only my Father had the right to call me that; it was his special name for me since I was crawling around the floor as a baby!"
"Your father spoke English," the doctor said looking at her, trying to picture an Austrian chauffer with the time to learn English.
"Actually the name is in German;" Lara said, "but it means the same in both languages."
"Right," Dr. Lewis agreed and getting up he said, "I was going to go find something to eat; any suggestions?"
"A wild boar or a red deer would be good and it could last us a few days," she said, "mind if I come along."
"Do you know anything about hunting?"
Lara threw the doctor a 'that is such a dumb question' look and getting up went over to her clothes and after putting them on pulled a large hiking bag out from behind the rock she'd been hidden and from that pulled a holster with two guns a hunting knife and she then pulled out a rifle and on loading it said, "I know a little."
"Do you really know how to use one of those things?"
"Why don't we go hunting and find out," she said in a challenging tone.
That afternoon they were eating the wild boar Lara had hunted and cooked and as Dr. Lewis watched the girl he tried to understand what her true secret was. She still hadn't told him her real name and though her skills with guns and knives made him think that she might truly be a security officer, he doubted anyone would hire a 13 year old to guard their child.
"I have to admit Lara, you're skills with those weapons are pretty impressive; did you're father teach you to use them?"
"Yes, every year when we'd come up here he'd let me go hunting with him."
"That might explain your skills with that hunting rifle and knife, but what about those pistols, I mean you are a true Lara Croft with them," he gave a chuckle as he suddenly realized where 'Lara' had gotten her pseudo-name.
"My father always wanted me to be able to take care of myself; as soon as I was old enough to hold a gun and knife he started training me with them; as well as with some other things."
"Other things," Dr. Lewis said curiously, "what other things?"
"Swords and oriental weapons mostly," Lara said, "I'm a black belt in karate; I'm also familiar with kung-fu and jiu-jitsu."
The doctor looked at the girl once more as she passed him some more of the well cooked meat and said, "How old did you say you were?" For some reason he didn't believe she was lying about these skills.
"I'll be 14 in two months and a half," Lara said quickly with a smile.
"Isn't that the same time you said the Dumont girl turns 14?"
"Umm—yeah, we were actually born in the same month; almost to the day actually. Well my parents had been more than employees to Natalia's parents for years, I think they all just went on some let's make babies trip together one year and Natalia and I are the result."
Giving her a doubtful look the doctor simply said, "This is good," and he took another bite of his food, "I take it your father also taught you how to survive alone in the mountains."
"Do you give anals," the girl asked suddenly, totally ignoring the doctor's question and letting him know with her action that she didn't want to talk about her father anymore. "I love getting fucked in the ass; Richard however doesn't really like to give anals so I don't force him to; Natalia enjoys fucking me in the ass with a strap-on but it is not the same as a true cock pumping in there."
"If you really want it I guess I can give you one tonight; my daughter, Lana and Katrina all loved anals also."
"Did you just say your daughter," the girl said smiling wryly.
Dr. Lewis actually felt his cheeks get a little red but decided to shake the feeling off and bond a little more intimately with the girl. He was actually very glad to have someone to talk to; the past two weeks might have been restful, but isolation was not for him. He got up and went over to gather the pictures he had pulled out that morning (he had instantly hidden them under the sleeping bag when he first realized he wasn't alone) and brought them to Lara. "This is my daughter Jen; and these are my four other children David, Eric, Erica and that's Toni."
"She likes it in the ass also," Lara said giggling as she noted DoubleD's cock was pumping in Vixen's butt.
"Well all my kids, and a good portion of my friends back in Riverdale for that matter, love it everywhere."
"Riverdale," Lara said questionably, "where is that?"
"It's in the United States; that's where I'm from."
Lara's eyes flashed and she said excitedly, "You're an American? I so want to go to America some day to study! Dad had promised to let me go to high school or at least college there."
Dr. Lewis chuckled and said, "My daughter made me promise her that I'd let her study here in Europe; she's been attending college in France for two years. When she was studying at the high school I teach at she told me—"
"—high school you teach at," the girl said suspiciously, "I thought you said you were a doctor?"
"I am; I also teach sex education in high school; one of my specialties besides STD's is sexology."
"So you're a registered teacher," the girl said with interest.
"Yes," the doctor said unsure why that news seemed to excite the girl so much, "is something wrong?"
"Do you know how to do algebraic word problems," Lara asked.
"Well yes they're quite simple actually."
"Well don't say a word about them during this trip," Lara said strongly, "they give me a headache?"
"Why did you mention them then?"
"They just came to my mind when you said you were a teacher; let's finish eating I have to towel myself down and get cleaned."
"Towel yourself down," the doctor asked confused, "aren't you going in for a swim; the spring, as I'm sure you know after years of visiting here, is beautiful."
"A cleaning with a wet towel will be fine," was the doctor mistaken or had this girl that seemed a true warrior princess just demonstrated terror in the back of her eyes at the thought of taking a swim?
Later that evening the girl stripped and said, "You think I can get that anal now? I've really been looking forward to it?"
Dr. Lewis pulled down his pants and pointing at his semi-erect cock said, "how about some help?" The girl went over and kneeling before the doctor's limp tool sucked it into her mouth and started rimming the glans head and fishing in the pee hole with her tongue as soon as she started to taste the pre-cum that began leaking from it.
"You know," the girl said releasing the cock from her mouth as soon as she felt it nice and hard and just masturbating it with her soft hands (she was obviously afraid if she tasted any more of that delicious pre-cum she wouldn't be able to stop sucking until the doctor's full load was in her mouth), "I never asked you, what's an American doctor like you doing in a place like this? Don't Americans prefer visiting the large cities of Europe?"
"I enjoy the mountains," the doctor said, not really wanting to get into any discussion that might reveal too much of how he ended up in Europe, "I was in Switzerland with my daughter arranging a tour for TXLT2 and when we finished I decided to spend a little time up here." He then quickly said, "Now turn around and let me get that ass."
The girl smiled happily and turning to present her ass to him she parted her ass cheeks and let him study her pale rosebud. "Did you say you were arranging a tour for someone?"
Since Lara still had the pictures the doctor had passed her in her hand he said as he positioned the tip of his cock at her butt hole and started to apply pressure. "Do you see the blond in a 69 with the brunette?" As Lara turned to the picture and studied it the doctor said, "she's part of a musical group Triplet X Love Times 2 and they're touring Europe this summer, they're on their way now as a matter a fact; they should already be on the ship."
"Wow, a music group;" Lara said and then gave a loud moan as the doctor rubbed her neck and clit while still applying pressure to her ass and finally popped the head through. As the doctor then started to slowly continue in and out of her ass, each time going a little deeper, Lara tried to take her mind off the beautiful pain and the feeling of being split in half by saying, "I've sung at some of the Austrian Music Festivals, but I'm a soloist."
"Really," the doctor said surprised that this apparent warrior was also a singer, "my daughter Jen is a soloist; my other four kids are a music group also: The Non-Children."
"The Non-Children," Lara said giggling as well as moaning erotically as she felt Dr. Lewis finally reach the deepest depths of her ass and she felt his pubic hairs tickling her ass cheeks, "who came up with a name like that?"
"It was Lana actually," the doctor said truly starting to fuck the girl hard and fast, "she doesn't consider my kids, or kids like them, children; neither do I actually."
"Non-children," Lara repeated blissfully, "not children;" she then giggled a little ecstatically and said, "Yeah; hey I'm a non-child also!" Lara started looking through all the pictures in her hand again and suddenly noticing something said, "Why don't any of the girls in these pictures have any hair between their legs? I mean even this older lady is totally bald down there; who is she by the way?"
"That's my wife; and the reason a lot of them are hairless is because I love a hairless cunt. My wife was already shaving when I first met her, but Lana, Katrina and Jen all started shaving when they first realized I loved a bald pussy; so did Toni and Erica."
"Wow, do you have a razor and shaving cream; I'd like to shave for you too."
The doctor giggled and just kept pile-driving the girl's ass, really feeling a connection to her (though in no way a romantic one). When he felt his balls starting to churn he said, "I'm ready to cum, where do you want it?"
"As much as I'd love to feel some hot cream swimming in my butt right now," Lara said laughing; she pulled apart from him, turned around and dropping to her knees said, "I wouldn't want to waste a good bedtime snack," and instantly swallowed his cock playing with the doctor's balls and coaxing them to surrender their prize.
As he started to blow the doctor said, "So besides martial arts, hunting and singing is there anything else you're good at?" Looking down at her between his legs he suddenly added, "Besides fucking and sucking I mean?"
As she totally finished her cocktail and left the doctor's dick completely clean Lara got up and said, "Well I'm not bad with computers and I won first prize at the ballet recital two years ago."
"Ballet," the doctor said truly shocked, "you're a ballet dancer?"
"You'd be amazed how similar some of the ballet positions are to some of the martial positions," then giggling she added, "not to mention some of my favorite sexual positions."
The doctor chuckled at that too and then said, "So is there anything you're not good at?"
"Algebraic word problems," Lara admitted, "Natalia, Richard and I all almost failed math this year because of them. Okay so maybe the real reason was because math was the only class the three of us had together this year and we weren't totally paying attention; anyway, the teacher made a deal with us, me especially, she'd advance me an 'A' allowing me to keep my straight A record and the right to the Valedictorian speech but by the end of the summer I have to take a make-up test and score at least a 93 (A average) on it before I can actually start high school next year."
"And you need some tips on solving word problems," the doctor said suspiciously.
"The three of us are going to need way more than a few tips," Lara confessed, "we're going to need a full-time tutor; but that CUMS after this vacation right now I've been holding a bit of a thank you treat for you; for that great anal so come and get it," and she pushed the doctor back on his sleeping bag and straddled his face; as she felt the doctor's tongue once more exploring her cunt she took a final look at the pictures in her hand and smiling thought, "If he does have shaving cream and a razor (which judging from his clean shaven face he does) tomorrow my cunt will like just like all these others!"
The next morning Dr. Lewis woke up to find Lara lying on top of him with his cock deep in her cunt; she had laid her sleeping bag next to his but she had obviously preferred using him as a sleeping bag. The doctor studied the girl's hair, as well as the rest of her, as she slept soundly with her head on his chest and he felt an incredible attachment to the girl (besides the one formed by their cock and cunt that is) and he leaned down a little and kissed her on the top of her head.
She woke up and smiling at him said, "Hi," then added with love (but also not romantic love) "my Dad would wake me up exactly like that every day while in this cave." She then added, "You know, you can call me Kitten if you want."

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