Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 3 - The Pleasures Of CampingChapter 16: Cumming Around The Mountain free porn video

"I'm really glad you're feeling better Dolor—Dolly," Ana said, "but I also understand what you mean about not knowing if you'll find true love again." She looked on the screen as Amy knelt between Dolly's legs sucking her pussy while Dolly sat on Patty's lap who was pumping her strap-on dildo non-stop into Dolly's ass. "During the first three weeks after I first met Patty, I was feeling pretty much the same way, especially when all my efforts to find her again were proving hopeless. My brothers non-stop fuck therapy was the only thing keeping me sane, but it didn't take Patty out of my mind."
"I just wish I could talk to her," Dolly said, looking suddenly sad again even though she was obviously cumming, "just confirm that she's at least okay. The only bad thing about being here in your house is that if she ever managed to sneak away and mail me a letter, I'll never get it."
"What was Melissa's last name," Ana said suddenly as the vibrator she was pumping in her pussy started doing its job.
"Robbins," Dolly said still sadly, "Melissa Robbins, my beautiful Lissa."
"Well don't look sad," Ana said, "like my sister told me (in a somewhat wrathful way) during that time I was searching for Patty. If Melissa is your soul mate you will come together again! In the meantime enjoy every orgasm that everyone else in the house lovingly gives you. Lana was right when she told that to me, and I know I'm right telling it to you." She smiled and was glad to see Dolly smile back.
"Thanks," Dolly said, "and thanks for letting Patty bring me to cum with you again."
"It's always a pleasure, cum again and don't stop cumming."
"I won't," Dolly said happily. "Bye again and I'm still looking forward to that drink we're supposed to share."
"If Amy leaves anything to drink that is," Ana giggled, "Bye again Patty, remember to send me what I asked for right now. Bye Amy," Amy waved as she continued working between Dolly's legs.
As Ana entered the BED room she saw her brothers once more totally connected to Dr. Livingston, she noticed Hannah looking strangely at them and going over to her said, "Are you looking at them like that because Ron seems to be enjoying her cunt too much or because she hasn't connected with the three of us like that in days?"
"Probably both," Hannah said smiling. She still hadn't said anything to anyone about what she knew, and she needed to talk to someone soon or she'd explode. Since Lana and Ana weren't even aware that Joyce was in any way being investigated, they had no need to suspect that she herself might have been the person Lana was reading about; how was she supposed to tell Lana, "You know how much you love Joyce's cunt juice, well I think she's our Dad."
"I need a favor," Ana said, "It can help get your mind off this," she said looking once more at the boys and Joyce.
"Something to do, yes" Hannah thought, "that is exactly what I need," out loud she said, "What do you need, I'll get right on it."
Ana gave her a piece of paper and said, "Melissa Robbins, 16 years old, she left Honolulu on either the 20th or the 21st, can you find our where she ended up?"
Hannah took the paper looking a bit disappointed and Ana asked, "What's wrong, can't you do it?"
"No," Hannah said, "it's not that, it's just that this is too easy, I should have this info for you in less than half-an-hour." Then looking back at the boys and Joyce said, "I very much doubt they'll have finished by then." She walked out of the BED room and headed for the Recreation room.
Getting very hot and bothered watching the boys and Joyce in action, Ana cast an eye up to one of the private berths and smiling went over and opened it up. Inside Katrina was fucking Lana, rubbing her clit and pussy with Lana's non-stop.
When Lana saw her she said angrily, "there's a reason they call it a private berth!"
"I know," Ana said, "I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't able to talk to Randy. Patty said there was another emergency at the hospital, connected somehow with that original one. She said he may not be able to get away for a day or two."
"And you couldn't have told me this later," Lana said still very mad.
"Well," Ana said mischievously, "I was also hoping to convince you two to end the private session, you two have been in there for almost two hours, this is supposed to be a family trip you know," she smiled at them and Katrina and Lana smiled back, quickly abandoning the berth they threw Ana on her back where Lana sat on her face and Katrina fell between her legs.
"CondorVillage?" Ana was looking at a map as she said this and suddenly added, "You mean she is not only still in the country she is actually 3 days away on route to our next stop?"
"As soon as we come around the mountain we're in Condor Village," Hannah said.
"But if she's here, why hasn't she tried to contact anybody, where exactly do they have her?"
"I traced the flight she was on to a local airport there, and a rented car that picked them up to 'St. Susan's School for Troubled Girls'; it's part of the local abbey and monastery."
Ana squinted her eyes angrily and said, "They sent her to a school for troubled girls because she confessed she was lesbian!?!"
"Probably for some reprogramming session," Hannah said calmly.
"You mean BRAINWASHING! We have to do something."
"Apparently there's only one telephone in the whole place and no one is allowed near it except the Dean of Admissions. Being of old-fashioned beliefs, electric lights is the most they allow anyone else to sample of modern technology."
"How are we supposed to help her if we can't even contact her?" Ana asked helplessly.
"I'm sorry Ana, I can't help you there, what you really need is—"
"A 'Master' plan," Ana finished smiling as she saw Ron exit the BED room and walk through the Recreation room they were in towards section one.
Joyce was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee with Laura and catching her breath after the long session she had just had with the Anderson boys. Laura kept throwing suspicious looks at her and she was getting nervous, as well as annoyed.
"Lorrie for heavens sake what's wrong! Have I grown an extra nose or something?"
Laura sighed and smiling said, "No Hank, but it is certainly different from the last time you asked that."
Joyce froze in the middle of gulping her coffee and almost choked. After coughing a few times she said, "Excuse me Laura, what did you call me?"
"So you finally did it," Laura said looking her over, "it's so amazing, not to mention your cunt juice is an incredible improvement on what I remember your cum was."
"Lorrie I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't you," She then looked him over again and said, "I'm not mad, the deal we had was my idea. I know you didn't know who the girls were until after you had made that deal with Lana. But you should know that your eldest daughter Hannah is a bit of a genius and if she doesn't already know who you are, she will soon enough, so you should be prepared to talk to them."
"You don't want me to go," Joyce said confused.
"Ha—Joyce you were my best friend for years, when we parted we were still best friends, why would I instantly want to get rid of a dear old friend?" She bent over and hugging her gave her a 'so glad to see you old friend' kiss.
"You want us to what," Stan said looking curiously and suspiciously at his middle son.
"I want us to stop for two days in this village just around the mountain, Condor Village. I heard you and Mom talking before about not having had much chance of really being alone and you're right. This village connects to a mountain trail that you and Mom can use to vanish for two days. You both love hiking in the mountains."
"Have you forgotten that we have to be at the next resort in—"
"—six days," Ron finished, "at the speed we're going we'll be there in four days. We can't get there two days early so we have to do something to kill the time."
Stan was starting to like the idea, even though he knew there was some sort of 'Master' plan afoot.
Laura, however, said "have you forgotten that the reason we haven't had any private time is because we are the only two adults to supervise you kids?"
"Joyce will be with us if we need an adult representative for anything, besides that, do you really see us needing adult supervision?"
Stan looked at him frowning and said, "You're not going to tell us what you kids are up to; are you?"
Putting an arm around his Mom and Dad he said truthfully, "we are up to getting two people that belong together, together," and he pushed his parents into one another so they were kissing.
Two days later Ron drove the tour mobile off the main road and into a clearing at the beginning of a mountain trail; finding a good place to park and set up camp he stopped and said, "this is a perfect spot, and I doubt you'll get lost, just keep your eyes on that Abbey over there and you'll always find your way."
"Listen Ron, whatever you kids are up to, be careful, and remember we're not in Riverdale. The only reason I'm agreeing to this is because we do have 2 days to kill." Stan said.
"And the idea of 2 days alone in the mountains with Mom has nothing to do with it." Ron smiled at his Dad as he said this.
Stan smiled back at his son and after saying goodbye to everyone left for a mini get away to the mountains.
"God," Stan said after three or four hours climbing up the mountain trail, "I'd forgotten how heavy camping equipment could be."
"You know Stan you don't have to carry everything alone," Laura said, "I should be helping."
"No, no, everything packs fantastically in this giant pack on my back and to start separating the stuff couldn't help any."
"Maybe we should rest a while then," Laura said worriedly.
Looking up Stan said, "There's a cave on the next ledge. We'll pitch camp there for a few hours." He then started humming as he continued walking.
Hearing him Laura said, "Oh Stan, that's a great idea, we should be singing!"
"Well you'd have to learn the words first," Stan said smiling.
"I think I know the words to the song you're humming."
"I don't think so," Stan said, then suddenly breaking into song he sang:
"She'll be cumming around the mountain when she cums
She'll be cumming around the mountain when she cums
She'll be cumming around the mountain
She'll be cumming around the mountain
She'll be cumming around the mountain when she cums
She'll be riding my fat cock when she cums
She'll be riding my fat cock when she cums
She'll be riding my fat cock
She'll be riding my fat cock
She'll be riding my fat cock when she cums"
Laura broke into laughter and said, "Well come on, let's get to that cave and make it true!"
"Those two," Ron told Jenny next to him; he pointed down from the hill they were on at two would be nuns from the abbey, "they're our ticket in."
Jenny took the binoculars Ron passed him and she watched the nuns-in-training with interest and nodded.
Lana, Ana and John who were also watching gave confused looks and Lana said, "What's so special about them?"
"Don't you see," Jenny said, "they're whipping themselves."
"So are several others," John said, "It's called Self-Flagellation or something."
"Oh no," Ron said, "These two aren't looking to punish themselves, take a good look at their faces."
After watching intensely for several minutes Lana smiled and said, "I think they're cumming."
"Wow," Ana said, "they're really getting off on it aren't they?"
"So they're submissives," John said, "how do we use that to our advantage?"
"Well the first thing is to stake temporary claim on them, Jenny you're going to have to be in charge," looking over at Lana he said, "I'll need 'the Orgasm Queen' to follow Jenny's lead."
"Me, isn't that your department," Lana said nervously.
"If I'm not mistaken, those two will be the very last to leave, but even alone making contact with them might be difficult and I've a strong feeling that, for now at least, impossible for a guy. I don't want to scare them off."
As Stan continued pumping his cock in and out of Laura she continued with some non-stop moaning that echoed off the cave walls and constantly refueled Stan's desire to hear more. He'd cum twice already but his cock was at full attention in Laura's cunt once more. As well as the moaning, Laura was also humming 'She'll be cumming around the mountain'. After two hours, Stan decided it best to give Laura's cunt a break and switched to anal for a while, seeing him relaxed and happy Laura suddenly said, "I was right about Joyce by the way, we did know each other very well as kids."
Stan suddenly slowed down his ass fucking, turned her around and inserting his cock in her butt again, now in a face-to-face position said, "Really, I thought John had found no relationship between you and her."
"Well, there isn't really, not between me and her, but there is a relationship between me and who she used to be."
Stan was looking at her very confused now. "You see," Laura said, "she didn't always look like she does now," Laura was finding it difficult to say this so she just said, "you see she used to be my next door neighbor and best friend Hank Sawyer."
Stan froze and he looked deep into her eyes as if trying to see if she was laughing inside from the hilarious joke, "Wasn't Hank Sawyer—"
"Yes he was." Laura shook her head and added, "It's very confusing."
"Do you think the kids are safe with him—I mean her—it?"
"We don't have to worry Joyce is very trustworthy, I know."
Stan looked a little worried and Laura smiled at him saying, "You should be smiling you know, you never have to worry about the girls Dad, birth dad that is, showing up and trying to claim them as his own. He's dead, you are the girls one and only father."
This brought a smile to Stan's face and he continued pumping Laura's ass furiously as she once more began to hum, "She'll be cumming around the mountain."
"You know," Jenny said, "you're doing that wrong."
The two would be nuns stopped their flagellation long enough to look up at the two strangers walking towards them. They lowered their heads unsure what to do. They really weren't supposed to have contact with anyone from outside the Abbey.
"You know," Jenny added, "if you talk to us and you're not supposed to, that only means that you'll have to punish yourselves more later."
The girls' (between 17 and 18) eyes flashed, they studied the strangers and finally one said, "What do you mean we're doing it wrong?"
"Well," Lana said, "look at those giant wet spots between your legs."
The girls looked at each other embarrassed and once more lowered their heads.
"Those wet spots mean that you are really having fun and you like what you're doing and don't want to stop. ISN'T THAT TRUE?" Jenny added this last part very strongly.
Upset, but somehow at the same time excited by how strongly Jenny spoke to them they both nodded their agreement.
"Well you're not supposed to be enjoying punishment!" Lana screamed, "And the way you're doing it everyone will know the truth, just like us! You'll never be allowed to punish yourselves again!"
The girls looked horrified at this thought and looked about to cry, one of them, an auburn haired girl with green eyes said, "Please don't tell them."
"No one will have to tell them if you keep doing it wrong so they can see the truth." Jenny said seriously.
"How—how are we supposed to do it so they don't know?" The other girl, who was olive skinned with black hair asked.
"If you want, we'll show you real fast," Lana said, "but not here, there's a cave right there on the side of the mountain, it's empty, we'll show you there."
"I don't know," the olive skinned girl said.
"Either you let us show you," Jenny said, "or we show them at the Abbey what you've been doing!"
"No please," the auburn-haired girl begged, "We'll let you teach us the right way. Won't we Minerva?"
Minerva obviously still had reservations but she finally said, "Okay Henrietta, but remember we have to be back in the Abbey by Eight, it must be 5 o'clock already."
"Don't worry," Lana said, "if you're late, just punish yourselves."
This thought brought a smile to Minerva's face and she followed Jenny and Lana to the cave along with Henrietta.
Inside the cave, from behind some boulders, Ana, Ron and John were watching what happened.
"Okay, so first of all," Jenny said, "BE SMART! If your problem is that you clothes are going to show everybody how happy you are punishing yourselves, what's the first thing you have to do?"
The girls looked confused and unsure what to answer and Lana and Jenny screamed together, "TAKE THEM OFF!" and as they screamed this they dropped their own clothes revealing their open, moist and leaking pussies to the girls.
"I SAID TAKE OFF THOSE CLOTHES!" Jenny screamed again, "do you want to be able to keep on punishing yourselves or not!"
Minerva and Henrietta gulped as they looked at each other and slowly nodding began to take off their clothes. Soon they were as naked as Jenny and Lana, though definitely not as comfortable.

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