Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 3 - The Pleasures Of CampingChapter 24: Home Sweet Home, For A While free porn video

Three hours after Lana's sudden terror attack, everyone was gathered in the Recreation room looking horrid, they had finally gotten some words out of Lana, and what she said was, "Get out of the BED room, leave me alone please!"
Joyce had tried talking to her but she said, "Later, when he arrives, not now!"
"What did she mean, 'when he arrives'," Ana asked, "Who's he?"
Just then, however, they heard a noise nearby, and it was getting louder and seemed to be passing right over them.
"Hey is that a—" Melissa began to ask.
"—helicopter!" Stan finished as the noise suddenly died down. "I didn't know they had a heliport at this resort, I would have loved a ride."
"We still have tomorrow morning, Dad," John said, "that's if we aren't still trying to get Lana to talk to us."
"I'll talk to her," someone said from the door going to section one, "Joyce she wants you there too."
Everyone turned suddenly, startled by the fact that anyone new was in the bus.
"Randy!" Katrina said running up to Dr. Lewis and kissing him.
"Hi Katy," he said kissing her back, "and whether she wants to or not, you should be in there with us too."
"Dr. Lewis, do you know what is going on," Stan asked.
"Not completely, when Lana called me to come pick her up immediately she didn't give much detail of what has happened, but seeing as she wants me to take her as fast as possible to my hospital, it's not hard to assume what she's afraid of. I'm pretty sure you all know what that is. I better go into her now and get some details. In the meantime, since there was room, I brought two people with me, why don't they stay with you. Joyce and Katy, come with me." As he passed through the door to the BED room two people entered the Recreation room from section one.
"PATTY!" Ana screamed running over and pulling the totally naked Patty to the ground and diving between her legs.
"DOLLY!" Melissa said excited as one equally naked Dolly ran to her. Patty and Dolly had obviously stripped in section one as everyone doubted they'd been naked the whole trip over. When Dolly got to Melissa she threw her on the ground and instantly fell into a '69' with her.
Taking the hint that it was time to get the family more to themselves, Ron said to Hannah, "Weren't you supposed to be the other girl in the center of the action tonight?" And then, dropping to the ground and pulling Hannah with him, he buried his cock deep in her cunt; signaling his brothers to help him out; John came around to Hannah's rear and kneeling at her butt hole drove right in; Don in the meantime was already kneeling with his cock at Hannah's mouth.
Robert, who loved butts, got a bit excited watching John work on Hannah's ass, and needing to find a butt fast, went over to where Dolly was on top of Melissa and used a butt fuck to introduce himself to this stranger to most of the family.
It wasn't long before the rest of the family decided that if the choices were to worry of to fuck; only one activity had true merit. Soon they were all blissful and cumming strongly.
"So she cut you while you were shaving her with the very razor you were using, however at that point you had not yet reached her cunt lips and are therefore unsure if there was cunt juice on it." Dr. Lewis repeated trying to fully analyze the situation as he studied the swollen scar on Lana's finger. "You also know several fingers ended up in her cunt and well juiced but you can't recall if this was one of them?"
"No," Lana said sadly, "but what are the chances that it wasn't, I mean that was her plan all along."
"Lana," Joyce said, "the chances that she could have infected you in such an indirect manner through such a slight cut are nearly non-existent. If she had really wanted to infect you she would have been much more successful cutting her own finger before she spent almost an hour or two pumping her hand in your cunt."
"She infected DP with just a slight cut," Lana said almost in tears again. "Look at that finger, it's infected I tell you." She now totally broke into tears.
"Oh 'Queen'," Katrina said trying to hug her.
"No!" Lana screamed. "Don't come near me, you shouldn't be here, not without protection!"
"Lana," Dr. Lewis said in his calmest voice and wearing a smile, "Joyce is right. And you are right, that finger is badly infected, we better get you to the hospital fast and drain the infection before it gets worse and spreads."
"She is infected," Katrina said almost in tears also."
"Well a regular bacterial infection yes. A tip my 'Queen', next time you get cut use alcohol and hydrogen peroxide immediately. As to any other kind of infection, I strongly doubt it but we'll run some full tests at the hospital to be sure. Both of you get dressed we'll leave right now."
As they quickly dressed Lana said, "I don't want to talk to anybody, not yet, so Joyce, when we're gone can you tell them everything? Starting with how you both think I'm fine." Then smiling Lana said, "and tell them they are not to leave here until they have had another boat race tomorrow; in those one man boats; tell them that the prize will be waiting."
"And what should I tell them the prize is," Joyce asked smiling back.
"If I am really fine, the winner gets me as their slave the whole time we're in summer camp; if for any reason I can't do it," she pulled Katrina to her and gave her a passionate kiss (but close mouthed), "they can have my favorite toy during that time." Pulling up Katrina's skirt, she gave her magnificent clit a tug. "Come on," she said directing Katrina and Dr. Lewis to the Kitchen and Bath, "we'll go out the back quietly. Joyce wait until 5 minutes after you hear the helicopter take off to go in." Joyce continued smiling after them, but as soon as the door closed she frowned and looked very sad.
Five minutes after hearing the helicopter in the air she walked into the next room and found everybody in groups having sex all around, they were so into it they hadn't heard her enter the room.
"Excuse me," she said, "sorry to disturb but I just wanted to let you know they're gone."
"Gone," Laura said from the top of Stan where she'd been riding his cock.
"What do you mean, gone? What is it, what's wrong?"
"Well we don't think that there is anything seriously wrong. Most of what needs to be done is precautionary." Joyce then told them the full story including Lana's final orders.
Smiling Ron said, "Oh I am going to make her so sorry she ever offered to be my slave for a whole month-and-a-half."
"What do you mean you're slave," Ana said, "she's going to be mine, and we'll see who'll be feeling who's wrath," she said laughing.
"Excuse me, but no one is beating me," Debbie said, "especially if there's a chance I can end up with Katrina obeying me for once."
"Fine," Jenny said, "it looks like we really have a prize everyone will work to win. This should be an awesome final race."
"Hey," Dolly said, "Patty just told me today that she's taking me to summer camp," throwing Melissa a look she said, "and Lissa, you're coming with us. Dr. Lewis left me something for you." She ran quickly into the next room and came back with a large manila envelope, obviously full of papers.
Opening it and pulling out a document Melissa's eyes flashed and she screamed, "My Emancipation Papers! I'm Free!"
"So what I was saying," Dolly continued, "since we're going to be at summer camp too, any chance we can join that race and try to win the 'Queen' as a slave?"

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