Triplet X Love Times 2 - Book 4 - Sex CampChapter 11: The Mistress' Tunnel To Pain free porn video

Over the next few days Hannah missed one meal each day and skipped one two hour activity on each of those days. After breakfast on Saturday morning the boys returned to their bunk house and John and Don went to speak to Ron whom they had noticed looked extremely depressed and worried.
"Come on brother, I very much miss my supply of Debbie juice, but even I don't look like you do right now," John said jokingly.
"It's not just that I miss my Hannah juice," he said, "I think there's something wrong with my pet and she won't tell what it is."
Don cast him a serious glance and said, "What do you mean by something wrong?" Don shot Jason, who was sitting on the next bunk listening, a knowing stare.
"Come on you've noticed she's missed several meals these days, and seeing as meal time is her only chance to actually see me face-to-face there has to be a serious reason for her to skip them. I talked to Lana about it just now; seeing as Hannah missed breakfast, and she confessed that Ana and she have been worried also since she's missed a major activity every day since they started. On top of all that, when she is with me she's been acting strange, having very sudden mood swings and acting secretive."
"Isn't Hannah always acting strange," John asked. "There's a reason we nicknamed her the Erotic Psycho you know."
"Well I still think there is something seriously wrong, "Lana told me that the other day she asked Le-Ann to switch bunks with her because she claimed she was nauseas and needed to be sleeping nearer the windows and front door."
On hearing this Don shot Jason a more noticeable glance and Jason gave him a clear 'it has to be' nod. Ron caught it and said, "You two know something don't you?"
"Ron, I don't know what you're talking about," John said.
"Not you, them," Ron said looking back and forth from Don to Jason.
"Ron it may be nothing—" Don started.
"—and it may be something, and if it's something involving my pet's health I have the right to know, so tell me?"
Don shot Jason a 'what should I do' look and frowning he gave a nod getting up from his bunk and digging in the pocket of his suit case.
As Jason came over to Ron's bunk he said, "I found something while on our trip to the last resort. You might remember that was right after that whole 'we want to prove our love' incident with Debbie and Hannah, they had both just been testing themselves and I didn't know who it belonged to." Jason passed Ron the test strip for him to examine.
After a few minutes of looking at the word 'yes' Ron said, "But we filled them both with spermicide and overdosed them with morning after pills, we then held off cumming in their cunts for more than a week, she can't be pregnant."
Where Ron was looking perplexed, John was flashing a bit of anger in his eyes. "This could just as easily have been Debbie's; you should have told us immediately."
"We didn't want to worry anyone needlessly," Don said, "by the time I found out about this almost 2 weeks had past and neither was showing signs of being pregnant. It could easily have been a false result or not belong to one of them at all, you might remember we had a lot of female visitors pass through our rest room in those last few days."
"I need to talk to her about this," Ron said, "find out for sure, one way or another." He then frowned and added, "But sitting across from her at the meal table isn't exactly the place to discuss this."
"That may be exactly what she's been thinking," Don said.
"Maybe we should talk to Dr. Lewis," John said seriously.
"Dr. Lewis," Jason said, "why would you talk to him?"
With understanding Ron said, "because if either of them were pregnant, who do you think their obstetrician would be?"
"You know," Debbie said to Ana and Lana, "I don't feel right sneaking through Hannah's things like this."
"We just want to see if there's anything that will indicate what's wrong with her," Ana said.
"We don't feel right about it either," Lana said, "but if she won't tell us what's wrong then we have to hunt for the answer ourselves."
"Hey," Ana said pulling out a container of pills and reading 'Clomiphene' on the front, "What's this?"
"Oh," Debbie said recognizing the container, "those are the fertility pills we were using when we were trying to get pregnant a few weeks back. I don't know why she's still carrying it around."
Ana opened the container and studied the pills instantly breaking into giggles as she passed one for Lana to study.
Lana also began to giggle and she said, "So for the time you were off the pill Hannah had you on these 'fertility pills' to enhance your chance of getting pregnant." Lana seemed to be fighting the urge to break out into a hysterical laugh.
Debbie, however, didn't seem to notice Ana and Lana's amused attitude and said, "We'd take one each morning and one each night, it didn't work though, we didn't get pregnant. But as Hannah told me, the plan as a whole worked though, I mean Ron and John got the message we wanted to send them."
"Oh yeah," Lana said, "Her plan worked perfectly."
This time Debbie did pick up on Lana's amused attitude and said, "Is something wrong?"
Answering quickly Ana said, "Oh we were just contemplating what a child conceived by the Master of Love and the Erotic Psycho would be like."
"Hey, here she comes," Katrina suddenly said from the door."
Putting the pill container back in the bag and leaving it as they'd found it they rushed away from her bunk.
Entering their bunk house Hannah looked suspiciously at the group of girls.
"What are you all doing," she asked.
"Talking about what might be wrong with our oldest sister that she's not telling us," Lana said truthfully.
"If there were anything wrong with me pet," Hannah said strongly, "it would be of no concern to you. There is something that concerns you though—"
"What is it Master," Lana asked.
"They ran out of toilet paper in the bathroom I was in," Hannah suddenly dropped her skirt in the very center of the room with everyone watching and said loudly, "Clean me pet, and clean me good! You know how I want you to do it."
Inside Hannah was thinking, "if this doesn't trigger the Orgasm Queen and stamp out this submissive bitch impersonating as my sister then the Mistress of Pain can have her tonight."
The whole bunk house was shocked when smiling Lana dropped to her knees behind Hannah and started wiping shit off her ass cheeks, inner cheeks and butt hole; even swirling her tongue well inside to clean her deep and completely, exactly as the Orgasm Queen had once had Ron do it.
"That is not my Queen," Katrina whispered to Ana, "Who the hell is that?"
At around 11 o'clock that evening, with the lights out and most of the girls already asleep, Hannah pulled two things from under her bed, an egg and a mini-gas mask. Putting the mask on she threw the egg to the center of the room where it cracked on the ground.
One of the two or three girls still awake said, "Hey why'd you—" and suddenly she collapsed. After 5 minutes Hannah lowered her mask and looking around chose Lana, Ana, Le-Ann, Maria and Sandy.
Thirty minutes later a trap door was quietly pushed open in the boys' side of the bunk house, just far enough for an egg to be toss out toward the center of the room.
Someone still awake saw the egg flying through the air and hitting the floor and said, "Hey where did that come—"
Five minutes later Hannah pushed the trap door open totally and chose Ron, Roberto, Aaron and Dei-Shau.
"What on earth," Maria thought as she tried to move her hands and feet and found them totally restrained. She thought of yelling out but could feel she was wearing a gag as well. "Where the hell am I," she wondered. She tried to adjust to the dim light of what appeared to be old fashioned lanterns.
The first thing she was finally able to make out was a bunk directly in front of her, there seemed to be someone chained very tightly to it; completely stretched out actually. She remembered a story her sister Jennifer had once told her of her first meeting with— "Nah," Maria thought, "that's impossible, we're not even in Riverdale. Or are we?" Maria suddenly remembered that she didn't have the faintest idea where the hell she was.
Across from her on the opposite wall she could make out several chained individuals. She was able to make out one of the Anderson girls (she couldn't tell which though), Roberto, Ron, and Le-Ann. Turning her head toward the other side Maria couldn't help giggling even in the situation she found herself in. "Now there's something Jennifer never told me about."
Suspended from the ceiling and held securely to the floor with chains were two people Dei-Shau and Sandy. Sandy had an overjoyed look in her eyes as she hung there, Dei-Shau, however, looked terrified, "I don't know why," Maria thought, "Le-Ann must have told him; she's met the Mistress before."
From his chained position between Roberto and Le-Ann Ron was studying the make-shift replication of the Mistress' lair and thinking, "Okay my little Psycho, so I see what you've been doing with your free time, enjoy yourself tonight because tomorrow you tell us how you got us together!"
Ana on the other hand was just thinking, "Please don't use the feather on me again, anything but the feather."
Suddenly Maria saw her step into view, and she wasn't alone for once. "Wow," Maria thought as she studied the infamous, Mistress of Pain and especially her costume with holes were the breasts, cunt and ass should be, "It's really her, I love that red-hair, but not as much as I love that costume, God I want to suck her!"
Maria was about to beg her to let her suck her but then she remembered something else, "What did Jen once tell me, 'Maria, if you ever meet the Mistress of Pain there are just two things you have to remember: one KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! And two JUST ENJOY YOURSELF!"
As well as the Mistress Maria saw that the Mistress had one of the Anderson girls on a leash, the girl was on all fours and sniffing around the floor like a real dog.
"Honey," Ana thought puzzled; she found it hard to accept that the Mistress of Pain and Honey the loyal bitch could be standing side by side.
"Queen," The Mistress said, "isn't this nice, we have toys."
Walking over to the toys chained on wall the Mistress began to examine the cocks of Roberto and Ron, finding them nicely erect she put her hand in the pouch that hung from her belt and brought out two cock ring vibrators and two PC muscle clamps, one of each which she quickly put on Ron and Roberto.
Queen was sniffing at the feet of the toys and on reaching Ron gave a strong growl and lifting her leg urinated on his feet.

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