NORA - An Emma Prequal free porn video

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Chapter 1 -

We had been lead to this place. A domed room that could hold a least a thousand of us poor wenches although currently I would guess there was a hundred of us.

We all stood, half understanding out fate and dreading it. Cursing and praying to the very Gods who brought us here. More than a few cried and sobbed. Those monsters paid no attention. They were used to this spectacle I was sure.

One hundred women of various ages, sizes, colors, creeds all bound together by a common destiny. All bound physically by ropes and chains. Each of us now no more than a mere animal, mere slaves but that reality had not set in yet. We each considered ourselves free and independent women to be sure.

“Quiet down Ladies” the strong female voice boomed across the hall.

And we obeyed.

It took me a moment to pinpoint the voice, the dome being designed in such that she didn’t need to shout and her voice could be heard everywhere, and we each heard her clearly. She stood on a small dais in the center of the room.

“My name is not important, I am a slave just as you are” she stated but in a voice that was full of command and confidence. “That is the first lesson you will learn. That you are just property, and that not even your name belongs to you now.”

She let that sink in for a moment. “I am to be your trainer. I am to be your mother, your father, your worst nightmare and your best friend in the coming months until you are ready to be sold. Yes, months. You may think you can cook now, or sew…or even dance. You will learn how to please a man and a woman. If you can do any of those skills, then they will be improved upon. If not, you will learn the rudimentary elements of these things. You will learn new skills and things that you may have never thought of. Most importantly, you will learn your place. “

I could see her now as the tall woman in front of me moved slightly to the left. The commending voice came from a raven haired girl who stood as tall as any man, her facial features were a bit harsh and her nose seemed to have been broken at one time and never heeled correctly. She wore a black dress that went to the floor and didn’t really show her figure, the silver collar she wore shone in the light. Her eyes were amber and contained a coldness and weariness to them.

Some girls murmured and cried out after that as the raven haired women paused. They were quickly quieted by guards that meandered through the crowd, and those who shouted and cried out were quickly silenced with a gag. Each of us was still bound in the ropes and chains that the various slavers had gathered us in. As I looked about we were all in various stages of dress although nearly all of us were nude.

She continued to talk to us in that stern lecturing tone which commanded the room after that brief disruption. “Obedience is not only expected” she paused for dramatic effect, “it is mandatory. If a free person gives you a commend, you will obey it without question. If one of your trainers gives an order, you will obey it without question. Honestly girls, the more you behave from here on in, the less likely you will have problems in the future.”

She paused and looked across the room. “Let me make this perfectly clear to each and every one of you. Your lives are not your own from this moment on. Under the laws of Ish and the laws of nearly every other place you may find your poor sorry ass in…you are animals. You are property. Your Master or Mistress may whip you, beat you, and kill you without question or remorse. You are slaves; you are animals, nothing more.”

“My name from here on out is Head Trainer. You will address me as that or even Mistress if you prefer. You will address the others as Trainer. I’m sure you will refer to us as worse in private. That will quickly stop. Again, the success you have as slaves will depend on you. Choose to cooperate and accept your fate and things can be simple, pleasant even. Refuse…while the fate is the same, it will just take longer and be more painful both physically and mentally.”

Again she paused letting that sink in. “You will now be separated into groups of ten. If one of your group fails, you all fail.” She again was quiet for a moment but no one dare say a word, then she continued. “If one of you is to be punished then you will all be punished. There will be no mercy shown.”

The guards jumped into action then. We three were quickly linked to a group of four girls than another two were added. There was little resistance as the guards went about their business. A girl was dragged across the hall by her hair thrashing about. I noticed she was gagged and added to the back of our chain.

The young guardsmen waited a moment and then the trainer came to the front of the line, bowing her head gently to the guard with a soft “Thank you Master.” She took the leash from him; she was in her mid thirties I guessed. Her hair was red like mine only brighter and curled on top. She wore a similar dress as the head trainer did but hers was shorter, only going down to her knees. She was barefoot and did not say a word to us but jerked the chain roughly. I followed, having the luck to be the first in line and the rest of the miserable sister wenches followed behind.

We entered a stone tunnel that was off to the side and which twisted this way and that, sometimes it was completely pitch black and other times the tunnel blazed with torchlight. Sometimes we passed doors where we could here moaning and screaming. Male and female voices intermixed from behind these doors and often it was not a pleasurable sound. I tried to count the turns, tried to remember the path out because if given the chance I had plans to run. It was hopeless though I realized as we came to yet another turn in the cavernous building.

Again we were walking in pitch blackness, and then suddenly we were in the great hall again. I blinked as I got used to the light.

Our trainer led us to the dais. A single guard stood there. He was an older man with stern eyes and a brown moustache that seemed out of place on his face somehow. He carried a black coiled belt in his hands.

“First lesson sluts!” our trainer bellowed. We all stopped and had they lined us up in front of her straight. She stepped in front of me, and then asked me my name.

“My name is” was all I managed to get out before the slap snapped my head around.

“You are a slave. A slave has no name unless given to her by her owner. Now again, what is your name?”

“No…” again my head was slapped and I could taste blood.

“The correct response is “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the owner pleases.” She hissed, not only at me but to all of us. “Now we will try it again.”

I hesitated. “My name is…”

Again I was slapped. She smiled at me. “The head trainer said that if one was punished, all were to be punished. So I will ask you again. What is your name?”

I answered and again I tasted blood in my mouth as her slap echoed in the hall.

“Guard,” she said quietly, “if you would.”

He stepped in front of the girl on my right, the black girl and I had shared the ships hold together. The slap echoed through the hall. He moved to the next, and the next. The tears and cries of the girls filled the hall.

When he was finished he returned to his spot quietly and stood next to the trainer.

She sighed and looked at me. Her eyes were cold and dark and I knew that if I didn’t answer correctly then each girl in line would be slapped by the guard again. My cheek and eyes burned with hatred and frustration.

“Slave, “she said lazily as if bored with our conversation, “what is your name?”

I hesitated, hearing the other girl’s quiet sobs. I wanted to look at them but the trainer held my gaze. She waited and so did I, she must of seen the wheels turning.

“This slave…” I stated.


“A slave girl may be called by whatever name the owner pleases.” I spat it out and my gaze fell to the floor.

“Again. Say it again.”

“I’ve already said it you bitch.” I cursed.

The guard struck me then across my ass with the belt and it burned. It burned worse than anything I had ever felt before. I howled like an animal for a moment and then glared at the trainer. She just studied her nails nonchalantly.

The guard moved to the girl beside me.

“A slave girl may be called by whatever name the owner pleases!” I shouted out before he could strike the other girl.

“Again.” The bitch in front of me stated.

I repeated it. I repeated it twenty times for her.

She stepped to the next girl in line. This girl had been on the boat with me, another girl from the River Lands and she stood their shaking in her fear. I thought for sure she would piss herself when the trainer lifted her head.

“And your name little slave” the woman said.

“A slave girl….” She parroted back to her. Again and again she repeated that phrase till the red head bitch was satisfied. “Good girl.” She stated and moved on to the next.

When a girl resisted we were all slapped, the girl that resisted was slapped by the red headed bitch, the others the guard. Another wrong answer and we all received the belt.

It was a quick and easy lesson to learn. Just swallow your pride and say the words. Say them twenty times and the whore moved on to the next girl…the next slave.

We all held our breath when she got to the end of the line. She smiled at the girl with the gag in her mouth.

“Now you are a special case. If I think you are resisting me, or if you resist me…then the guard will whip you five times. It’s very simple for you to say the words. Be a good girl.”

She removed the gag and the girl said nothing. The guard beat her with the belt five times and the girl still never cried out.

The guard returned to the front of the line and raised his belt….then I screamed. I screamed again and continued to scream as the guard whipped me. When he finished with me he quietly moved down the line. Delivering the blows to each girl till he reached the end.

The red headed bitch stifled a yawn. “Say the words or it will be ten strokes for each of your new friends .”

“Say the words damn it” I heard myself scream at the slave at the end of our chain.

Still the girl stood silent. Then she said quietly “I am not a slave.”

The guard merely shrugged and went about his duty starting again with me at the beginning of the line. My ass was on fire now, bitter tears filled my eyes. I looked at the other girls and could see a mixture of pain; anger and even betrayal fill their eyes. “Why she we suffer do to her insolence!” one of the other girls cried out.

The trainer smiled and picked up the chin of the last women in line. “It is a good question. Why should they suffer for you? Just say the words and this torment ends, not only for you but for them as well. Or do you think that somehow you are better than them? That your will is stronger?”

The trainer goaded that woman. I didn’t care what her name was, or what her pride was, I just wanted her to say the damn words.

“Fifteen strokes for each girl this time I think. Unless you say the words, now what is your name slave?”

She finally said what the trainer wanted to hear after we all had felt a total of thirty strokes on our ass. The red head bitch had us all repeat the phrase “A slave girl may be called by whatever name the Owner pleases” an additional twenty times in unison.

We were all dragged off then, thrown into a small room that was barely big enough to hold the ten of us. A single bucket in the corner was all we had to relieve ourselves in and the walls were stone and cold. When the guard shut the door there was no light.

More than one of us cried ourselves to sleep but not before the last girl in line was kicked and beaten out of anger.

It was our first night out of many I feared where we would be naked, cold and beaten.

Nora – an Emma Prequel

Chapter 2

“This is how you kneel.” Our trainer stood in front of us and with her back straight as possible and never taking her eyes off of us, slowly lowered herself into a kneeling position, her legs were open wide and her hands rested comfortably on her knees.

“Do this twenty times in a row to our satisfaction and you will receive some bread and hummus to eat. The first time you do not do it to our satisfaction then you will start all over again at zero. This applies to the group as a whole”

The red headed trainer whom I decided to call “bitch” under my breath eased out of her kneeling position simply and easily. We started to practice like we were shown. She walked along us, her riding crop correcting us with light taps or sometimes a sharp strike on the inner thigh.

She added another task to our practice. “What are your names slaves?”

“A slave girl may be called by whatever name the owner pleases” we shouted in unison.


We repeated it twenty times as she walked among us. “Good girls, very good. There may be some hope for your sorry asses yet!”

I had no idea how long it took each of us to kneel in unison before we managed to do twenty correctly as a group to her satisfaction. Somehow we managed to do it and my thighs were burning.

Then as promised to us we were fed, some stale bread and hummus to dip the bread in. “At the end of your meal you will thank the guard for providing it to you. If one of you fails to thank the guard then you will all go three days without food.”

Without a word we all stared hard at the last girl in line. I didn’t care about her one damn yesterday, but now I just wanted her to cooperate. She sat on her hunches and nibbles on her bread, like us all, she had trouble sleeping the previous night and the angry welts from the whipping yesterday showed.

I realized that this was the first time since I had been thrown together with these girls that I could look them over. The last girl in line, the one that had caused our little group so much trouble was a dirty blond girl; her eyes were a honey brown color that matched her skin. She seemed to have a haunted aura about her. I did not know her name.

The two girls I did know were from the River Lands like me, they were twins with dark cocoa skin, hair and eyes. They were taller than me and had fuller breasts and bodies. One was named Kasha and the other Keisha. Personality wise Kasha was a mouse as compared to her sister. They were from the village of La’ura which was upriver from my small fishing village on the coast. They were chained directly to me.

Next to Keisha was Elizabeth, whose name was whispered to me in the middle of the night, she was from Ish and had fallen on rough times. After her training she would most likely be sold to the North East Kingdoms she simply stated. It was rare for a son or daughter of Ish to actually be enslaved within its city walls. She was older than us all I thought as I looked at her. She had the belly of a woman that had once given birth and a slight slouch.

April was next. Another Ish girl with sandy hair and bright searching eyes. She was short like me and had slightly smaller breasts. Her skin was like porcelain and I doubted that she was barely of legal age to be a slave.

Mary and Jamie were next in line. Holding each other tight for mutual support and comfort, they were sisters who were stolen in the middle of the night from a caravan on the trade roads by raiders. Jamie was the older one by a year.

The last three girls we did not know yet. The girls that were eighth and ninth on the chain had taken their frustrations and anger out on the last girl in line the previous night. We were all naked, dirty and wore out.

We were command to stand and as told thanked the guard for providing us with bread and hummus, I held my breath as they moved down the line and each girl thanked the guard in turn. It seemed we would have food again soon at least.

With a tug on the leash we were told to be quiet and marched down yet another hall, they were looking the same to me. Then at a bend there stood several guards and a few trainers. They were all women and all dressed more or less the same as our trainer was. We were separated and I was half lead half dragged into a chamber, chained to a post and then left alone. The door, which was the only light in the room, was closed.

I listened as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, but could hear nothing. I waited, and shivered. The room was cool but not cold and I could feel the stones beneath my feet. I waited, and still nothing. No sounds at all. I worried if they had separated Mary and Jamie as well. They were sisters and Jamie seemed to be the stronger of the two. I worried for Mary. I worried about the girls from the River Lands.

I worried for myself.

Suddenly the door opened in a blaze of light and I was quickly hooded and carried, yes carried, upside down over the shoulder of a guard. I yelled at him but a sharp spank silenced me as it amplified the pain from the whippings yesterday.

Again we moved through countless corridors and twisting turns till finally I was laid, much like a sack of potatoes would be, on some sort of table. My arms were quickly tied down and then strong hands pulled my legs apart despite my attempt to resist. My ankles were cuffed in padded leather and pulled up and away from my body and I realized that I lay naked and exposed to whatever they wished to do next.

A dispassionate male voice asked me “Slave, have you been with a man?”

“What?” I asked him, my cheeks burning with shame and I was glad he could not see the embarrassment in my face.

He simply took one of my nipples in his hand and twisted it hard, I howled in pain.

“I am a free man, you will address me as Master and I asked you a question slut.”

“No, I’m a virgin Master!” I sputtered out.

He released my nipple. “Very good.”

He then started to exam me on the table, as he took my pulse and spoke to someone else in the room who never said a world by took notes. He asked my age and about my medical history and when my last period was. I answered to the best of my knowledge and it seemed all rather odd and routine at the same time. It seemed odd to me that I should still blush after everything I had gone through.

Then I felt his hands exam my vagina, my womanhood! He was not rough as he poked and probed me, but I still felt a little violated. Again he spoke to the unknown person in the room and he pointed out some things to them using words I did not know. He seemed disappointed in that I did not have something called a hymen but then explained why he believed I was a virgin.

Then I felt something cold and metal pushed into me and a pinch or two as it pulled my pussy apart. It did not hurt but I did feel some pressure. Then I felt two fingers enter me and I blushed again, he pressed down on my belly for some reason and again I blushed under the hood.

Then a young boy’s fingers probed me in the same why he’s did. They spoke a bit and then something cool and grease like was applied to my bum hole.

“No Master, Please!” I begged.

They ignored me and I felt fingers probe me there as well. I cried out and struggled to no avail.

What happened next was worse.

They inserted something into me, I could not see what it was but they called it an “IUD” and they PUSHED it deep into me. I felt a sharp pain and some cramps…but thankfully it lasted only for a moment or two. I breathed quietly and only half listened to something about leaving the strings in place.

The young boy took my right breast I his hand and I struggled at this new violation.

“What you’re looking for is anything that feels like a lump or bump.” The older man told the silent boy, “If you feel anything that does not seem right, let me know.”

The boy’s hands moved on to my left breast and the tissue under my arms.

“Very good John, very good work indeed. Now if you would be so kind to get the dental gag ready we will check her eyes and teeth.”

In one practiced movement the hood was removed and before I could react, I felt something slipped into my mouth and bucked behind my head.

My jaw was forced open; I winced at the brief pain and realized that I could not shut my jaw. A bright light was shown my eyes and again I could feel the fingers of the doctor probe my mouth. I tried to use my tongue to force it out.

He laughed. “Trust me girl, you will be gagged this way soon enough for training with your tongue. This is just to check for cavities and overall health. “

I relaxed somewhat….what choice did I have?

He smiled down at me and patted my head. “You’re in fine health girl. You should make an excellent slave for someone.”

I wanted him to stop, to take out the gag that was now making my jaw sore. All I wanted was this nightmare to stop. I wanted to cry and scream and kick…and couldn’t do anything of the sort.

He and the boy left, and I was alone again still tied down and exposed.

Again it could have been an hour, maybe two or maybe 10 minutes. My mouth was drying out from the damn dental gag and I wanted water.

Finally the door opened and the woman I referred to as “bitch” entered the room. The Doctor followed and they chatted about my health as if I was not even in the room. I finally got a good look at the doctor. He was an elderly man, older than my father had been before he died. His hair was gray and slicked back somehow. He eyes were blue and held no compassion for me. He seemed to respect the trainer but she referred to him as Master and kept her eyes downcast near him.

The trainer turned to me and pulled up her skirt slight. The mark of a slave was on the meaty part of her right thigh. She smiled. “You will wear one like this shortly.” She then turned and with some additional rope tied by right leg in place so no matter how I struggled it would not move.

The Doctor took a rag and rubbed it over my skin, it felt cool for a moment or so. The trainer picked up something; I wasn’t sure what it was. I moaned and screamed…then passed out.

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Emma and Hanna

By Gail Holmes Emma was a girl of twenty two, she was of Asian origins; well at least on her fathers side, a prettier girl you couldn’t have a imagined, she’d attracted many a males eye. Her lush brown hair hung about her shoulders reaching to her bottom at her rear, but it was her figure that caught the eye, her breasts were quite perky around a 34a with a narrow waist of 24, with a lovely curved bottom. She’d had her...

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Note from the author: Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. The first part of this story was written several years ago. It is my pleasure to FINALLY finish it off. Enjoy. EMMA By Jane Astin Richard gave his cigarette one last draw before he stubbed it out on the ashtray by his bed. Damn she was good he...

2 years ago
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Emma Disciplines Three Naughty Women Together

Eighteen-year-old Emma smiled as she saw fifty-three-year-old Miss Johnson, her headmistress at college, Linda, the forty-one-year-old girlfriend of her mum, and twenty-four-year-old Lucy, her own girlfriend, all standing with their hands on their heads with their noses pressed against the wall showing off their beautifully blue bruised bottoms. Emma had been in disciplinary charge of all three women for several weeks although up until now each had been spanked separately when they earned it....

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Emma Roberts is a Super Slut

Emma Roberts is a 20-year-old girl with long brown hair that is down to her shoulder blades, and she has lovely brown eyes. She was not looking forward to going to the doctor for her gynecology exam, but Aunt Julia insisted that it was time. Emma put on her red dress with blue panties, no bra, for her tits were just beginning to form. She had on white knee high nylon stockings with black Mary-Jane shoes on as she walked into the doctor's office. The nurse behind the desk looked up and saw her...

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Emma Stein

Chapitre II  S?verine et Marion  Emma songeait ? ses  12 ans. Elle ?tait alors une curieuse petite beaut? blonde au regard transper?ant,?mince comme un jeune chat, le vice la rendait affolante et tout ceux qui la rencontraient ?taient fascin?s quelque soit leur ?ge ou leur sexe. Emma avait tr?s peu quitt? le manoir familial.  Gouvernantes et pr?ceptrices veillaient sur elle depuis sa naissance tandis que son p?re et sa m?re,  loin d’elle, menaient une vie dont elle entrevoyait de temps ? autre le mouvement et le luxe. S’?tai...

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Emma Chapter 5

Emma just watched a man pay her master for the privilege of using her body for his own gratification. She also learned that she will be attending a BDSM group party soon and be passed around like a cheap party favor. We catch up with Emma in this chapter a week later just before it is time to leave for the party. Preparations Emma has earned hot showers after servicing her master well, and a few guests throughout the week. She is very thankful for this, as she lets the hot steaming water...

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Emma 6

Several days passed after the gang bang party Ed took Emma to, to be used and abused by the many dominant patrons. Though extremely sore, Emma begged Ed to fuck her every day. Ed, knowing Emma's body needed time to heal and recover, denied her every time but allowed her to sink to her knees several times a day to service his horny hard cock and drink his cum. Each time Ed would reinforce that he was very proud of Emma's performance at the party, and promised new pleasures to be taught soon....

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Emma Watsonrsquos Horror Movie

Emma had been reading the latest movie script, and was quite interested. It involved a young woman who was making a movie where she was being terrorized by a man with a lot of hair! It would be a classic movie inside a movie project. It would also involve her first film with nudity!“So! I’m to drop my kit for everyone to see! Best that I do it now while my body is so beautiful, than later when it will not be so perfect!” Emma thought.Emma called her agent and told him she would do the movie for...

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Emma Watsonrsquos African Adventure

Emma loved the feeling of the African sun pouring down on her topless body as she suntanned on the back of their fifty foot yacht! There were only a few men on board: Jack, her guide, the yacht Captain, and two ship hands. Emma was pretty sure they were either sleeping or busy taking care of the yacht.Emma was being careful to not sunburn her titties! So she had put a liberal amount of SPF 30 sun block on her white tits! She wasn’t out to get them tanned, she just loved the heat of the sun on...

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Miss Bentner Takes Charge of Emma

This continues the Mrs Denver Prelude series, but is a spin-off. Elizabeth and Emma Carson, mum and daughter, are regularly spanked and caned under the various disciplinary systems introduced by Headmistress Mrs Denver. There is a change in who dispenses that discipline. 24-year-old Miss Hannah Bentner, a teacher at Emma’s school. This is how she takes over disciplining Emma. Elizabeth and Emma sat in the living room chatting. Miss Bentner had offered to give 17-year-old Emma private lessons at...

2 years ago
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Note from the author Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. This was my first ever story and I had a lot of fun writing this. My talents do not lie in Story writing but I thought I would have a go. Therefore I ask my readers to please be patient and if they can suggest ways to improve my writing abilities please...

3 years ago
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Emma Watsons After Party

Emma was at the final party for the Harry Potter movies. It was as boring as usual. At least Dan didn’t have a lampshade on his head! Everyone was there. Hence the boring tone.“Heh Emma! I’m the one chosen to invite you to the After Party. It’s very exclusive but really need to have you there! We can’t have the party without you. Your attendance is absolutely essential!” said Tom (Felton).“Where will it be held?” Emma asked.“Because of the number of people expected, we’ve rented an entire floor...

4 years ago
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Big events for freshman Emma

This is the second and probably last sequel to the story of Emma Smith- Abrams, a young transgendered girl {actually CAIS) from the book 'XX/XY'(originally titled 'Emma') and her adventures and experiences in her small Texas town that I will write. While there isn't much in the way of TG in this story line, none of this could have occurred if she was not. Again, credit for the original story belongs to Felicia Gabriel, who publishes her e-works exclusively for Amazon, to the best of my...

2 years ago
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Emma 7 A new Awakening

For weeks now James has been becoming more aggressive with Emma around the house and in bed. His demands more forceful, his lovemaking that used to be so sweet and caring now becoming rough. On a few occasions James has tied Emma up in several different positions using her pussy and ass as he pleased. Emma has wondered about this change in her husband, but to herself admits that she feels so much more fulfilled when he dominates her and uses her like the slave, cum slut she used to be. Emma...

3 years ago
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E064 Preparing Emma at the Salon

After a wonderful night sleeping together, Friday morning as they awoke, Donald told her to go tan again.  This is interesting to Emma as he had cut back on how much she did lay in the bed, but it seems he wants her now tanner and tanner.She follows his directions, and after, a short massage today from Julie who talks to Emma about her day as a dog, and how she liked doing it.  From each of Emma’s responses about it, she sighs deeply.  When finished, Emma moves off the bed, she now does not...

Love Stories
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Emma Becomes a Slutwife

Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...

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Emma Chapter 4

Emma has just witnessed the breaking and initial training of her bitch mother into a submissive pain slut. She enjoyed the experience oh so very much, watching her mother subjected to cruel and painful torture until the fire left her eyes, and lust replaced it. Emma could not feel more wanted and loved. Not only did her master use her fat body for his pleasure, but allowed her father to fill his very willing daughter full of his cum. Emma's mind continues to bend, and not only allow herself...

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part One

Filming of the first Deathly Hallows movie had just ended, and Emma had decided to take a beach vacation in the Canary Islands. She, with two of her ex school girlfriends and just one of their boyfriends: Daniel. Emma was a bit leery of taking Daniel along, because her girl friends had told a few stories about him. But as long as he stayed away from her, she would be OK.As part of their preparation for lounging on the beach, and walking about in the perfect warm climate, each of the girls...

3 years ago
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Emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...

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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy Mummy

Emma was furious to see forty-one-year-old Linda, her mum’s girlfriend, come into the living room, and demanded, “So it wasn’t just me you were discussing when you went to see Miss Johnson at college?”As Linda blushed and was speechless at being caught out, Emma was more positive and incentivised by her authoritative position over Miss Johnson, and said with a sharp tone, “So you are cheating on mum, then.” It was said as a statement and not as a question. Linda knew that wasn’t totally true....

2 years ago
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Emma Watsons Graduation Night

Although Brown was an Ivy League school, it didn't mean the crème de la crème couldn't party hard. At least I assumed that's what they were doing on campus tonight - despite having a graduation ceremony tomorrow. I was being a bit more...constructive in my last night as an official student. Maybe some of them were too by now, but not like this. They weren't in Emma Watson's dorm room right now. They couldn't say they'd been in here, like this, at least once a year the last four years. If one of...

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Emma Watsonrsquos Japan Trip

Emma was finally on her way to Japan! She had been invited by a very rich Japanese business man to a fete in her honor. There would be dancing, dinner, and an award show. She already knew she would be the winner of the very prestigious Emperor’s Cup for best actress of the last twenty years. She first starred in films at the age of ten and she had just turned thirty.Turning thirty had been traumatic for her. She had yet to show her beautiful body nude in any movie, and she knew gravity and the...

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Emma Watson

I was awoken again by the sound of laughter, doors shutting and a heavy trolleys being carted down the hallway. It was becoming intolerable. There were a multitude of guests moving in and out of the room next door. Gales of laughter and chatter signalled their arrival and departure. In hindsight, all the paparazzi and security downstairs should've tipped me off that something was going on in the hotel. Suddenly I heard a female voice call out rather loudly from just outside my door, "Are we...

3 years ago
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Emma Disciplines the Headmistress

Emma Kemp was eighteen-years-old and at sixth form college, but hated it, and so sent a message to the college saying she was ill. However, far from being ill, she went to the seaside and intended spending the day on the beach.Miss June Johnson was the fifty-three-year-old headmistress at the sixth form college. She also wanted to get away from the college for a few days and spend some time by the beach, so she told them that she had badly damaged her ankle and had to convalesce. She...

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Emma Chapter 2

Introduction... Emma has her bags packed and ready to go in the morning, she strips down and slides into her childhood bed for the very last time. She grins as she snuggles in, remembering the events of the day, excited that her life is finally beginning outside this miserable house. Emma's ass and pussy throb from the abuse they received today, making her pussy wet and excited. She slowly rubs her swelling clit as she drifts off to a deep happy sleep. Departure The alarm sounds and...

2 years ago
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Emma Chapter 1

Emma sits at her computer, completely depressed munching a bag of chips and slurping her soda. She is watching text scroll by on her screen on her favorite chat site. Look at all these happy people with lives, she thinks to herself. I wish I could be as forward as some of these ladies on here. Wow look at that one.. The lady just posted a picture to the room showing her topless, she has nice c cup tits with dark hard nipples. I wish I could bring myself to put myself out there like that, Emma...

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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy StepSister

Emma had known Lucy for a while. Lucy was her dad’s ex-girlfriend’s daughter and was twenty-four-years-old, so six years older than Emma. However, they had struck up a friendship, first as step-sisters to be, but then something more, and when Lucy needed a plus one to go to her friend Jackie’s party, she happily asked Emma.It was autumn and so both wore dresses with hems down to their knees but with short sleeves. It wasn’t so cold so both had bare legs. When they got to the party most of the...

4 years ago
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Nina Submits to Emma

This is the fourth story in the Nina series:   I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it...

3 years ago
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Mastering Emma Part 3

I knew that one day, I would have to meet Emma and congratulate her on being a wonderful, yet virtual, submissive. I pondered that very thought. I smiled at myself by knowing that I had one, very major advantage. If we ever did meet, Emma would probably not recognise me unless I wore a silly red rose, or something equally banal. Still, the logistics of that meeting were far, far away, and probably firmly entrenched in the land of nod. It never stopped me from making up naughty and sexual tasks...

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Mastering Emma Part 2

After that fateful event that made me Master, over Emma, we have done some pretty strange things together. Over the months, we joined a fetish website and forum. Emma was inherently kinky and she loved the domination side, being a true submissive at heart. We never pretended to be a couple, but we frequented the site together. It was not in our nature to mislead people that we were together, or a couple, or available. After all, we can’t even make the time to meet each other because of our...

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Emma Watson in Actress of the Month Club

Emma was exhausted from playing the lead part in “The Fallen Nun.” She would leave the sexy parts to her body double. Emma had stayed to watch part of the filming where her body double gets to have all the fun stuff filmed. All it did was make Emma randy! Emma had been reading about how her fans were hoping she would finally do some nude scenes in this movie. As usual though, Emma would disappoint them again! Emma was getting tired of disappointing her fans. She was determined to show her all...

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Trucker Peter and Emma

It was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...

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Emmas First Time with a Black Dick

Emma had been married to her husband for almost 5 years and had always been a dutiful wife. She often got compliments for her good looks especially about her ass which was round but firm, very unusual for a white woman. Her best friend Naomi had been living with them the past year. Naomi was a free spirit artist type who wandered from job to job and was very outgoing for someone of a Japanese heritage.Naomi had suggested a girl’s get away at a cabin she had been to before, but Emma did not know...

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy

Emma and her boyfriend Greg were traveling a bit north for a quiet weekend together. Greg was driving a very nice sports car. There was barely enough room for luggage.“Emma! How long have we been together?” He asked.“Six months and three days. But who’s counting!” Emma answered with a big smile.“Are you enjoying our nights together? Is the sex good?” Greg asked.“Yes and Yes! After a few tries, you’ve made me enjoy sex more than I ever had. Why all the questions?” she said.“I have a two part...

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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debt Part One

Emma had just started seeing her new man friend, and thing’s were going hot and heavy! She thought this really might be the man of her life! He was handsome and polished and great in bed. He wasn’t as rich as she was, but he had a nice job and appeared to be on the way up! Then in one night everything changed. He came over to her flat late one night in a really bad way.“What’s the matter Ray? Did you have a bad day at the office?” Emma asked.“No, work is fine, but some guys discovered I was...

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Emma and Prof Peterson Chapters 3 4

The College rented us a car for the three hour or so drive to Boston. A travel day, I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, total Dad look. Emma had on a sun dress with a plunging back that plunged almost to her ass crack. When the wind blew the dress up tight against her skin, I could see she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Another day, another boner for me. We made some small talk about the event, but I was totally distracted because Emma was messing with me. She smiled sweetly at me each...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Best Friend Best Actress

It's hard to think about how much time has passed. I remember, I was about 6 years old in Oxfordshire and a divorced family moved next to me. Their oldest daughter Emma and I bonded instantly and we were practically inseparable despite going to different schools. A few years later we were still really close, we would always be exchanging books and playing hockey. Naturally, being around 10 I got really into Harry Potter, thinking the character was just like me. I remember I was trying to...

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Emmas Crush

Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...

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