Emma Disciplines Three Naughty Women Together
- 2 years ago
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Emma Kemp was eighteen-years-old and at sixth form college, but hated it, and so sent a message to the college saying she was ill. However, far from being ill, she went to the seaside and intended spending the day on the beach.
Miss June Johnson was the fifty-three-year-old headmistress at the sixth form college. She also wanted to get away from the college for a few days and spend some time by the beach, so she told them that she had badly damaged her ankle and had to convalesce. She embroidered her story by saying that she was going to stay with her sister who lived quite a long way away.
Emma was aware that Miss Johnson was supposedly going to be away for some weeks, and was therefore very surprised to see her playing volleyball on the beach. She had to admit to having had a schoolgirl crush on her headmistress and happily watched her playing especially as Miss Johnson was young-looking and was wearing a bikini which showed off her curvy slightly fleshy but certainly desirable figure.
Feeling rather happy that she might be able to spend some private time with Miss Johnson, she waited for her to finish playing, and then saw that she went to a coffee bar and ordered a coffee. Emma went up to her and sat down and smiled at her.
Miss Johnson panicked when she saw Emma and was quite stern when she demanded to know, “I saw your message on the site, and you are supposed to be sick. Why are you here?”
Emma was quite taken aback by the reproach but was calm enough to respond in her own stern tone of voice, “Well, I thought that you had damaged your ankle and was on sick leave. However, that didn’t seem to affect your playing volleyball, did it, miss?”
Miss Johnson suddenly realised that she had been caught out by one of her own pupils and she became immediately concerned that Emma would report her to the school and that would lead to her being sacked. She, therefore, made the threat, “Well, what you have done could get you expelled, young lady,“ in the officious tone that she normally used when speaking to naughty girls at the college. However, what didn’t help, was that out of all of the girls at the college she actually liked and fancied Emma especially as she was herself in a halter-neck bikini emphasising her very well-toned teenager's body figure with well-toned arms and legs, a flat tummy, and full breasts. Those feelings didn’t help her maintain her position of authority over Emma.
Emma could see that Miss Johnson was having second thoughts and was on the back foot. However, she needed to show Miss Johnson that she wasn’t scared of her threats, and said, “Well, actually, Miss, I don’t like it at college and can’t wait to leave. Expelling me would do me a favour. On the other hand, I rather think that if the governors discovered that you had thrown a sickie like this you are more likely to get the sack. So, I suppose, it comes down to how much you want your job.”
Miss Johnson was thrown even more by the very sound argument that Emma was making because she was right in that she certainly didn’t want to lose her job.
The two women were now thinking about who was going to accept that they were in the wrong first. However, as they watched each other’s body language both thought how attractive the other was. Emma had only seen Miss Johnson in her school outfit and even in that knew that she had a nice figure, but now that she was looking at her in a bikini her crush became even firmer. Miss Johnson also looked longingly at Emma in her skimpy bikini and would have happily bedded her there and then.
Miss Johnson was now very sorry that she had started threatening Emma because she did look a very attractive young lady, and, here at the seaside, no one would have said anything if they had gone around together as though they were a couple. Maybe they should do that anyway, Miss Johnson told herself, forgetting she was already expecting a visitor who just happened to be Emma’s mum’s girlfriend and soon to be wife.
So, as it turned out, it was Miss Johnson who conceded first, and said, “Why don’t we just agree that we have both done wrong, and call it a day?”
Emma was happy enough to forget the discussion but certainly didn’t want to call it a day. She saw the opportunity of hanging out with Miss Johnson, and replied, with a smirk, “Well, I rather think that if it was just me in the wrong then you would have given me a double detention and that would have meant a spanking and the cane. Bearing in mind that you are far more in the wrong than I am, I think that I should take the upper hand and deal with you in that way.” After a moment she added as an incentive, “If I deal with you I won’t have to tell the governor’s either.” Of course, she never expected Miss Johnson to submit to her, and would even be happy enough if it was she who was disciplined as she fantasised so often about being spanked by Miss Johnson before making out in bed together.
Miss Johnson gasped at the suggestion being made that she should submit to one of her college girls. However, as the threat was made, she didn’t understand why, but she was suddenly feeling flutters flying around her vagina as though she was getting aroused. She seriously questioned herself, but the flutters continued and she had to ask herself whether she was actually getting aroused at being threatened by her pupil.
Emma was enjoying herself as she realised that Miss Johnson didn’t just snap back at her, which she certainly would have done had they been at college. Was she too relaxed here on the beach, or, unbelievably, was she thinking about accepting a spanking and the cane from her?
Miss Johnson was still getting more and more aroused as she looked at Emma’s teenage well-toned body and couldn’t get it out of her head that she had one of those young but authoritative tones of voice which she played over in her mind quite often when masturbating. So, given that she was in the wrong, and she was getting stronger and stronger feelings of submission, she asked tentatively, “I’ve been in detention but have never been caned before.”
Emma wanted to smile at Miss Johnson’s acceptance that she was going to be caned, but managed to stay calm and replied, “Well I do think, Johnson, that both will teach you a good and well-deserved lesson.”
Miss Johnson realised that Emma had used her surname only, just as she would do with one of the college girls sent to her study, but instead of getting annoyed it only increased her sense of submission. So, no longer taking the upper hand but acting more like a naughty schoolgirl, she replied, “I am sorry, Emma, and I do know that I need to be disciplined so please do what you must to teach me a lesson.” Of course, she was also desperate to ensure that Emma didn’t tell the governors of her lie.
Still surprised but increasingly delighted by Miss Johnson’s submissive attitude, Emma said in a demanding tone, “For starters, you will address me as Miss.”
Miss Johnson caught her breath and she replied, “Yes, Miss.“ She really couldn’t understand why she was getting more and more aroused by Emma’s dominant attitude, but then wondered whether she was discovering for the first time her own submissive demeanour was what was making it erotic. She did think about some of the college girls who seemed to be always coming to her to be either spanked or caned, and, although they left her study in tears, she knew that some went straight to the toilets and were heard to masturbate. She had been told about this but always took the view that the punishment was what was important, and if it was earned then had to be given. If it also happened to lead the girls to masturbate then that was no real difference to rubbing their bottoms and doing the spanking dance. Now, however, she was wondering whether she had got that wrong.
Emma was starting to think that Miss Johnson would actually accept whatever punishment she decided upon. Emma did have a dominant character, and always wanted to be in charge of any relationship she was in, and so taking charge now seemed almost natural. What helped was Miss Johnson‘s submissive attitude and she realised that this was turning her on as much as kissing cuddling and making out with her girlfriends. She knew that she was naturally attracted to other girls, although up until now they had always been at or about her own age. This would be quite different, and whilst she had often wondered what it might be like to have a chummy mummy who would be much more experienced than her at making out, she now saw the opportunity of something quite different, which was the role reversal of her, the college girl, having the dominant role in a partnership, albeit briefly, with her headmistress. She realised that was sending flutters around her vagina, and that her nipples were now pushing out her bikini bra, and she decided to treat this almost like role-play in order to enforce her position of authority.
Emma glared at Miss Johnson and ordered, “Where are you staying, Johnson?”
Miss Johnson felt compelled to answer truthfully and replied, “I have a house just across the road, Miss.”
Emma was delighted as she thought Miss Johnson would be in a hotel and so the privacy of a house was just great. Emma then demanded, “Do you have a cane and a paddle in the house, Johnson?”
Miss Johnson swallowed hard as she replied, quietly whilst blushing, “Yes, Miss.”
Happy with that answer as well, Emma ordered, “Then we will go to your house so I can deal with your naughtiness.”
Miss Johnson swallowed as she felt more flutters flying around her vagina and immediately got up and went to pay for her coffee. A minute later she and Emma were walking across the beach to the road, crossed it, and went a few houses up a side road and along the path to the front door. Miss Johnson let them both in and closed the door and pointed toward the living room. “In there, please, Miss,” she said with a respectful tone she just wasn’t used to using when talking to one of her college students.
Emma went first and Miss Johnson followed and then stood looking at Emma, still thinking how gorgeous she looked in her bikini, and waited for her instruction.
Emma looked around the living room and saw at the far end the dining table surrounded by high-backed armless chairs. She went over to the table and turned one of the chairs into the room. She then glared at Miss Johnson and ordered, “Right then, Johnson, go and fetch me the paddle and a senior cane.”
Miss Johnson gasped at the realisation that she was going to be disciplined by a college girl that she fancied, but didn’t move quickly enough. She gasped again as she heard Emma command, “Just to be clear, Johnson, if you take more than one minute to fetch me both items I will be increasing the number of cane strokes the longer you take.“
The threat made Miss Johnson jump and made her quickly turn and walk out of the living room and up the stairs to her bedroom. She quickly opened a drawer and picked up one of the several wooden-backed paddle hairbrushes she stored there, and then went to her cupboard, opened the door, and took out a hook-ended senior cane that was hanging there. Closing the cupboard door she then quickly walked out of the bedroom, back down the stairs and into the living room, and went over to where she saw Emma was now sitting. She said a hurried, “Here they are, Miss.”
Emma had listened to the hurried footsteps of Miss Johnson almost running up the stairs and then scrabbling around in her bedroom before coming back down. She loved the way that her newfound power gave her the ability to make her headmistress so worried that she readily did do as she was told. However, she kept a stern look on her face as she ordered, “Put the hairbrush on the floor by the side of the chair, and the cane on the table.“ She pointed to both areas and watched with delight as Miss Johnson did as she was told once again.
Emma waited for Miss Johnson to stand to attention before ordering, “I know that you are in a bikini, but I do think you should be fully naked whilst I discipline you, Johnson. So, undress and then get across my lap.”
Miss Johnson was again thrown because, whilst she fully expected her bikini trunks to be lowered, she certainly did not expect to have to remove the whole of her bikini and stand naked in front of the college girl. However, she was now well and truly in being obedient mode and so put her hands behind her back, unclipped her bikini, let the very thin straps slide down her arms, caught it, and put her bikini bra on the table. She then eased her thumbs inside the elastic of her very brief bikini pants, pushed them down towards the floor, stepped out of them, scooped them up, and put them with her bikini bra. She then stood, looking down at Emma’s bare lap, thinking how, once again, she was turned on by the thought of her bare tummy lying across Emma’s bare thighs. She even thought that, now, the added humiliation of being naked only added to her arousal. Clearly, as she lowered herself across Emma’s lap she knew that she was about to suffer more pain than she had suffered in decades, but that didn’t take away the erotic feelings she felt as she lowered her tummy onto Emma’s bare thighs.
Once across Emma’s lap, Miss Johnson was increasingly aroused by the closeness of Emma’s upside-down legs and her painted toenails, as well as the sight of her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair. She also gasped when she realised that the thick wooden-backed paddle hairbrush was just inches away from her face, and could almost kick herself that she hadn’t realised that this was what she was going see when she had to put it on the floor at exactly the spot that Emma had pointed at. Equally, now that she was across Emma’s lap, it reminded her that she had often thought how humiliating that was for the girls at college who she spanked, but now she knew that there were different feelings as well. Having said that, she had now discovered that humiliation itself could be erotic as evidenced by the flutters flying around her vagina as she looked even more closely at Emma’s upside-down legs.
Emma kept a stern look on her face but was thrilled by the way that Miss Johnson was obeying her to the letter. She loved watching her take off her bikini bra allowing her full breasts to be released and sway so freely. It was also a thrill to watch her step out of her bikini pants because she saw how her hair mound showed off her stretched pussy lips.
Once Miss Johnson was across her lap Emma put her hand on her fleshy bottom cheeks and rubbed in circles enjoying the feel of the soft skin that was now unprotected and almost begging to be spanked. As she rubbed Miss Johnson‘s bottom in circles she looked at the back of her head and saw that she was staying obediently in place, just as she knew she would have expected any of the college girls to do when across her lap and about to be spanked.
Emma couldn’t actually believe that she was raising her hand above her head but when she landed her palm on Miss Johnson‘s far bottom cheek and saw it surrender to her hand, and then bounce back as she raised her hand again allowing the bottom cheek to swirl around so sexily, and heard the quiet gasp that Miss Johnson made, she had no qualms about spanking the headmistress and felt that as she was the one now in authority she needed to make sure that Miss Johnson fully understood what it was like to have to obey another person in authority. So, she proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks enjoying how each cheek surrendered, bounced back, and then cascaded around, as she listened to Miss Johnson‘s increasingly loud gasps, as well as seeing, after about a minute or so, that she was starting to squirm around on her lap.
Although Emma had never been allowed to watch anyone else being spanked she had often pictured a spanking when in bed alone and was delighted to know how close her imagination had been to what actually did happen.
So, as the spanks continued to land on alternate bottom cheeks, Emma continued to be delighted at being able to turn her headmistresses’ bottom darker and darker shades of red, whilst Miss Johnson knew that she was experiencing pretty much what she imposed on so many of the college girls who were sent to her to be disciplined. The feelings were almost opposite to each other, although there was one combined thought which was that both were experiencing something new.
Miss Johnson had thought that she was handling the spanking reasonably well until Emma started to spank the same bottom cheek time and again. She hadn’t realised just how much more intense spanking the same bottom cheek numerous times was, compared to spanking alternate bottom cheeks. She knew that the girls she spanked tended to squirm around on her lap or tense their legs and arms rather more when they were spanked continuously on the same bottom cheek, but she had assumed that was because the spanking had been going on for quite a while already. Now she knew that spanking the same bottom cheek time and again increased the stinging by multiples which was something she would certainly remind herself of when back at college and it would be her turn again to spank the girls there. Of course, she also reminded herself that Emma would still be a potential thorn in her side and risk to her job and so she would have to make sure that she did obey everything that she was told to do, and hope that Emma would keep to her word and not disclose her lie to the governors.
It didn’t take long for Miss Johnson to stop thinking about later on because the pain was starting to overtake all of her other thoughts. She had to admit that, whilst it really did hurt, the feeling of submission and humiliation was still turning her on. It wasn’t the flutters flying around her vagina but the thought of being spanked by a teenager and so a girl so much younger than herself. Not just that, she realised, but as she had feelings of attraction towards Emma she was also looking on this as, potentially, foreplay to making out. She didn’t actually expect to make out with Emma, because she didn’t think that Emma would have the same feelings for her that she had for Emma, but that didn’t stop her thinking about making out with her.
Emma continued to enjoy landing spank after spank on Miss Johnson‘s bottom cheeks and continued to do so as she turned them deeper and deeper shades of red. When she thought they were red enough, for the time being, she then started to land spank after spank on the backs of both of Miss Johnson‘s legs. She knew that spanking legs this way was much more painful than just smacking them when a naughty girl was standing up in class, but because Miss Johnson was still across her lap she knew that she could actually land harder smacks this way as well. She could also tell from Miss Johnson‘s reaction, both in terms of her louder and louder gasps and her squirming around on her lap, that Miss Johnson was clearly struggling to cope with her legs being spanked. However, Emma rather liked spanking her legs because, just like her bottom cheeks, she was almost caressing Miss Johnson’s bare skin, albeit turning everything she spanked darker and darker shades of red.
Miss Johnson had half-expected her legs to be smacked but didn’t expect at all for it to hurt anywhere near as much as it actually did. She knew that she did smack the girls legs at college, but more because it stopped the girls wearing their college dresses as short as they liked. She always found it funny when watching a girl whose legs had been smacked continually yanking the hem of her dress down to make sure that the redness of her legs was not seen by anyone else.
Once Emma was happy that she had turned both legs as red as both bottom cheeks she stopped spanking, rubbed Miss Johnson‘s bottom cheeks and the tops of my legs, glared at the back of her head, and ordered, “Now pick up the hairbrush and give it to me, Johnson.”
Miss Johnson scrabbled around and picked up the brush and handed it up to Emma knowing that this was going to be a far more painful part of the spanking.
Emma took hold of the hairbrush, tapped each bottom cheek twice, focused, raised the hairbrush, and then spanked it down on Miss Johnson‘s far bottom cheek with a loud thwack. She watched the fleshy bottom cheeks surrender even more than when spanked with her hand and then bounce back and cascade around even more intensely than whilst spanked with her hand. It also left her bottom even redder, just with one spank. Nevertheless, she then continued to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks knowing from the reaction that she was getting from Miss Johnson that it was certainly hurting her and therefore teaching her a lesson. That lesson, of course, was both not to lie, but, also that she was no longer the one very much in charge but was answerable to a teenage student of her own college.
Miss Johnson was struggling more and more as the spanks landed with the hairbrush. She was even getting to the point of thinking that it was hurting so much that she might force herself up and then just threaten Emma with expulsion again. However, she managed to override that thought and remind herself about the girls who she spanked at college but who ended up going to the toilets to masturbate. She knew that she was thinking more like that than she ever expected to, and told herself that she must suffer the whole punishment because only then would she know whether she, too, was of a like-mind with those submissive college girls. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to be a submissive, but as she had already suffered from both the hand spanking and now the paddle hairbrush she reckoned that she was better off seeing that through.
Emma continued to land spanks with the hairbrush repeating what she did with her hand and landed spank after spank on the same bottom cheek six or more times before spanking the other bottom cheek several times in a row. She loved the way that she was turning Miss Johnson’s bottom a glowing red and now bruised blue, and didn’t have any particular sympathy for her because she knew that she had spanked so many girls over the years herself. Maybe every headmistress should experience being disciplined themselves from time to time to more fully understand the impact, she even thought to herself.
Once Miss Johnson’s bottom was almost totally covered in blue bruises Emma decided that she had spanked her for long enough, and well enough. She, therefore, put down the hairbrush and started to rub Miss Johnson’s bottom in circles. It was then that she realised that Miss Johnson was actually crying but that only delighted her rather than upset her. What an experience, she told herself. As she continued to rub Miss Johnson‘s bottom and then the backs of her legs she realised that Miss Johnson had actually parted her legs. That shocked Emma, although it then struck her that, maybe, it was an indication that Miss Johnson was, unbelievably, aroused by being spanked. Emma knew that a number of the girls at college got aroused by being spanked, and a few even got into trouble on purpose knowing that they would be sent to the headmistress for a spanking. Those girls ended up in the toilets masturbating, and then telling their friends what an erotic experience it was, so, wanting to check that out, Emma started to rub the inside of Miss Johnson‘s thighs only to find that she moved her legs even further apart, and even raised her bottom. Encouraged, Emma then quickly ran her fingers along Miss Johnson‘s pussy lips and realised that they were as damp as they would be if she was edging towards an orgasm. Of course, Emma knew what that meant from the number of times that she masturbated in bed, and, excited by the discovery, she decided to continue to run her fingers up and down Miss Johnson’s wet pussy lips, and it only took a few seconds for the headmistress to cum. This was getting better and better, Emma told herself.
Miss Johnson was pleased that the spanks with the heavy paddle hairbrush stopped, and even felt more and more relaxed as Emma rubbed her bottom in circles. Her bottom was stinging crazily, but, somehow, having her bottom rubbed even as it stung so much was arousing. When Emma started to rub the backs of her legs Miss Johnson once again felt flutters flying around her vagina and forgot that she was still across Emma‘s lap. So, as Emma rubbed the inside of her thighs she even thought she should encourage her to give her an orgasm thinking that they were already making out. It was only seconds before she was about to cum that she realised that she was still across Emma’s lap and hadn’t yet been caned and so didn’t want to cum because that would only lead to the caning being even more painful. However, it was too late, and, when she did cum, she told herself, blow it, let’s at least enjoy the moment.
Emma smiled to herself as she listened to Miss Johnson‘s erotic gasps thinking how she had thought about giving each other tongue and finger sex and told herself to make sure that the favour was returned before leaving today.
However, before then, Emma waited for Miss Johnson to relax a bit, and then ordered, “Right then, Johnson, get up and then bend over and grab the seat of this chair. You really do deserve the cane.“
Miss Johnson was momentarily feeling very pleased with the fact that she had had an orgasm with a college girl that she actually fancied. She supposed it didn’t even matter that she was now going to receive the cane from the same girl because that was going to be just one more experience that they would have together. However, as she eased herself up from Emma’s lap, she realised that her bottom and legs were stinging much more than she thought they would have and looked pleadingly at Emma as though asking whether she could rub her bottom.
Emma saw the look Miss Johnson was giving her and knew that the headmistress wanted to rub her bottom. However, that was a definite no no when it was Miss Johnson in charge, and Emma saw no reason to be lenient just because the roles were reversed. She, therefore, glared at Miss Johnson and commanded, “No rubbing, Johnson. Just bend over and grab the seat of the chair and remember that if you get up before the caning is over you will get extras. I think you know where I have got that threat from.”
Miss Johnson swallowed hard and winced as she heard Emma give her the same threat that she gave the college girls before a caning. Of course, it made sense that there should be no rubbing to help ease the pain before the punishment was over. Therefore, fully accepting both Emma was in charge and had given the right instruction, she bent over and grabbed the seat of the chair, parting her legs and dropping her tummy knowing that that would stretch her bottom cheeks and so increase the pain. She also started to get aroused again even though she knew the pain would be even worse than the paddling from the caning, which only added to her surmise that maybe she really did have a submissive tendency.
Emma watched as Miss Johnson once again obediently did as she was told and bent over and grabbed hold of the seat of the chair. She saw her manoeuver herself and would have been quite happy giving Miss Johnson some more finger sex and kissing her fleshy bottom, but told herself that that could come later in any case. She, therefore, positioned herself and rubbed the cane back and forth across Miss Johnson’s very spankable bottom, not to mention well-spanked bottom, before focusing, raising the cane, and bringing it down with a loud thwack across both bottom cheeks. As she pulled the cane away so she saw a thick red welt quickly develop on top of the blue bruising. As she listened to Miss Johnson let out a loud yelp and shake her head from side to side, proving that she was struggling with the cane, so Emma again felt flutters flying around her vagina as she got more and more aroused by the pain that she was inflicting. She wondered, momentarily, whether she had caned too hard but as Miss Johnson stayed bent over and clasping hold of the chair she reckoned that her headmistress had at least coped with it and was prepared to accept further strokes. Given that, Emma knew that she would continue to cane Miss Johnson and then deal with her crying afterwards. So, she pulled her arm back and brought the came down for a second stroke, just below the first stroke, and watched as the second red welt thickened and developed.
As the third stroke landed Miss Johnson was shaking her head much more, this time with her eyes tightly closed and hissing in and out through clenched teeth. The pain was definitely far more than she had expected and now didn’t understand how the college girls that she caned had managed to stay in position. Of course, with them, pretty much like with herself now, there was the fear of what would happen if they refused to accept the caning and Miss Johnson now realised that that was the actual reason that the college girls stayed in place, because that was also the reason that she intended staying in place as Emma landed the fourth stroke and caused even more pain than after the third stroke.
Emma really was enjoying herself as she listened to the pained cries from Miss Johnson. It actually made her feel almost maternal in terms of wanting to comfort her as she suffered from the pain but also knowing that the pain was needed because of her lying misbehaviour. So, as she landed the fifth stroke she reminded herself that this was fully earned by Miss Johnson, even as she listened to her headmistress shake her head more fiercely than before and hissed in and out through clenched teeth. The sixth stroke produced pretty much the same pain-filled reaction although this time Miss Johnson also bent her legs which showed her increasing suffering.
Miss Johnson had counted the strokes, but when the sixth landed she suddenly realised that she had not been told how many strokes she was going to get. She thought madly about how many strokes she gave the girls at college and realised there was some who received twelve strokes or even more. As she was thinking this she felt the cane bite into her bottom once again and she let out a yelp as she bent her legs and shook her head from side to side and was again hissing in and out through clenched teeth. When the eighth stroke landed seconds later she realised that Emma gave a double stroke which, she knew, really increased the intensity. Once she finished shaking her head she managed to open her eyes but realised that her vision was blurred and that she was very close to crying, perhaps uncontrollably. So, as the ninth stroke landed, so she told herself that she was likely to be in for at least twelve in total, and maybe more. With that thought, she submitted fully and just accepted that the tears would start to dribble down her face. That, together with letting out a sob, she knew would tell Emma how much she was suffering. However, she also knew that when caning the girls at college who then started to cry, it only made her cane even harder to make sure that they really did learn the lesson that she was trying to teach them.
Emma wondered what Miss Johnson was thinking about as the cane strokes continued because she knew that she hadn’t said how many she was going to give her. She wondered whether she thought she was going to get the well-known, six-of-the-best, and, now that there have already been nine strokes, was she thinking it would end with twelve? So, as Emma landed the tenth stroke and heard more sobbing and could see Miss Johnson’s knuckles turning whiter as she clasped hold tightly the seat of the chair she knew that her headmistress, and the woman that she fancied now even more than before, really was struggling to cope, but intended submitting to her authority. That boded very well for the future, Emma told herself, as she landed the eleventh stroke and saw yet another red welt quickly develop.
Emma had decided that twelve strokes would be the end of the punishment and as she landed it she made sure that the last stroke was the hardest of them all. It was rewarded with the loudest gasp and more sobbing and certainly more tears flowing down Miss Johnson‘s face as she shook her head and wiggled her bottom from side to side, and again bent her legs. They were all signs that Miss Johnson was struggling to cope with the pain, although, equally, it showed that she was also too scared to get up and face any additional punishments. Gemma knew that was a quandary that Miss Johnson would be having. Equally, it was a sign that her Miss Johnson was submitting to her authority and time would tell whether this would be the last time she spanked and caned her headmistress or whether it would just be the beginning.
Emma listened to Miss Johnson’s crying for a short while before ordering, “Okay, Johnson, get up and go into the corner. You can think about what you have done wrong with your nose pressed against the wall and your hands on your head to make sure that you don’t rub that very naughty bottom of yours.”
Once again, Miss Johnson knew that this is what she did more often than not to the girls sent to her to be disciplined. She had to admit that she did enjoy looking across at a red or welted bottom as she completed the punishment form for the particular girl involved. She knew that, at the same time, the girl would be struggling to cope with the stinging pain, and clearly wanting to rub her bottom in a bid to deal with the stinging pain.
So now it was Emma’s turn to enjoy looking at Miss Johnson’s red and blue bruised bottom, with its thick raised welts, knowing that she had been the one to punish Miss Johnson and Miss Johnson was the one who deserved to be punished.
Emma left Miss Johnson in the corner with her nose pressed against the wall for several minutes as she sat on the dining chair and just savoured the sight. As she looked, so she felt more and more aroused at the sight of an adult woman, tens of years older than herself, but who had submitted to her authority. It was then she remembered that she had already given Miss Johnson an orgasm and so commanded, “Okay, Johnson, now come here and kneel on the floor in front of me.”
Miss Johnson was actually thinking about how she wanted to finger herself when she heard the instruction that Emma gave her. She knew it meant that it was Emma who would get the next orgasm, but supposed, as she quickly walked across the room and knelt down onto the floor, that it was only right. So, as she knelt on the floor she saw Emma push her bikini pants down, scooping them up and putting them on the chair next to her. She then parted her legs and gave the instruction in her authoritative, ‘Do as I say or else,’ tone of voice, “Now make sure you give me the most wonderful orgasm, you naughty woman.”
Miss Johnson found herself with the strangest of feelings just then. She knew that her bottom was stinging much more than she had ever imagined that she would have to suffer, but, at the same time, she looked at Emma’s hair mound and stretched pussy lips and her inner thighs and knew that all she wanted to do just then was give the teenager she now knew she fancied more than ever the best of orgasms. She lent forward and started to kiss Emma’s inner thighs and loved the feel of her well-toned skin. She had, of course, given tongue sex to lots of women, and knew that she now had real feelings of love and respect towards Emma that she had thought about when daydreaming about her in the past, but was now actually kissing her inner thighs and edging herself towards those pussy lips that she had so wanted to lick and it got her so aroused. Of course, until now she had never actually seen them and could only imagine what they would look like, but they were so much lovelier and tastier than she had imagined in her daydreams. So, as she ran her tongue up and down Emma’s pussy lips, edging into her vagina, and listening to Emma’s louder and louder erotic gasps, so she knew that she wanted to repeat everything that happened today with this oh so gorgeous teenager. She forgot everything else about why she was here, and just focused on giving Emma the best orgasm that she could. She was therefore delighted when she heard Emma’s long erotic gasp and kept licking her pussy lips even as she knew that she had cum.
Emma felt more and more aroused as Miss Johnson‘s lips and tongue worked their way up her inner thighs and then along her pussy lips and into her vagina, and it was so much better than when she masturbated. She had had tongue sex with other girls her age, but she now knew that making out with her headmistress, the woman that she had a crush on, was better than all of her other experiences. She so wanted to repeat this experience but still didn’t know how Miss Johnson really would react once she was released from her control.
So, as Emma recovered from her orgasm, she took Miss Johnson’s face in her hands, smiled, leaned forward, and kissed her on her lips. This was going to be the telling moment, she told herself, and was overjoyed when Miss Johnson pressed her lips back and kissed her not just once but several times. Then, Miss Johnson parted her lips and invited Emma’s tongue into her mouth. Emma accepted the invitation and moments later their tongues were entwined as they gave each other a long and loving kiss.
Emma savoured the kiss and kept her hands on Miss Johnson’s cheeks as she pulled away slightly with her eyes inches from Miss Johnson’s, and was smiling as she said, “Have you learnt your lesson, Johnson?”
Miss Johnson loved the fact that Emma was maintaining her position of authority over her and knew that she wanted to continue to accept her authority and submit to her wishes and demands. She knew that she had found having a really stinging bottom was erotic and helped her achieve such a wonderful orgasm earlier on and was sure that she wanted Emma to repeat that time and again. Maybe that would happen before they both returned to college, she now hoped.
So, as they both were thinking about how they would love to repeat the experience they had today, they heard the front door open and shut again, and, moments later Linda entered the living room. Linda was her mum’s girlfriend after she divorced her dad, and now it was clear why she so often attended the school to discuss her college work. It was to build up a liaison with Miss Johnson. Linda, who was forty-one-years-old and loved the thought of going out with an authoritative headmistress, looked shocked as she saw the two of them in what looked like a loving hug.
Emma was the first to recover. She was furious, but demanded, “Well, Linda, so you knew that Miss Johnson was pulling a sickie?“
Linda was thrown by the direct question, but was looking at Miss Johnson’s blue bruised and welted bottom as she replied a shocked, “Yes.”
To be continued…
Chapter Five: Henrietta Buggered by the Headmistress By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “What were you and Peony doing in the bath?” Tabitha asked as she dropped her nightgown from last night into the laundry basket in our shared room. Mine followed. We stood naked in our small room, my feet dancing on the cold floorboards and my teeth chattering. It was so warm in the bath and so cold in here. It turned out that the girls of our dorm had our own Roman style bath, a large pool of piped up...
Beverley Hudson-Phillips was a very striking fifty-two-year-old woman standing at more than six feet tall but very curvy in all the right places. She was married to William who was twenty years her senior but their marriage was loveless although he liked to display Beverley at social functions.During the almost thirty-year marriage Beverley had had a number of lovers but certainly more of them female rather than male.At the moment her thoughts were turning to her schooldays some thirty-five...
LesbianMiss Hargreaves realised it had been one of her silliest decisions ever. She was forty-five-years-old and the headmistress at the local sixth form college for girls where discipline was strict, and she regularly had to cane the students. She saw caning girls, both for earning double detentions and for individual acts of misbehaviour, as very much part of her responsibility, and knew that the regime led to the girls being better behaved than in other colleges where the cane was not...
SpankingThe School and University system in Nigeria is a strange, anomaly-ridden thing. It has grown up haphazardly over centuries, subject to the caprices of tradition and political whim, baffling to the outsider. One of the anomalies is that the great medieval universities of Nsukka and Lagos select part of their student intake on the basis of special exams which take place half a year after when most pupils leave school. And, of course, most of the schools which can, practically speaking, afford to...
Emma’s business manager, James, was on the phone.“Hello James. What have you got for me now?” she asked.“Well, it’s a bit nutty, and I wouldn’t suggest it, but it could be a huge payday for you. There a small film company that is for sale. It sounds like the current owners have gotten tired of the business and want to sell. It has recently halted filming of it’s current project. If the film is finished it could make a lot of money for the new owner. It would cost about $5,000,000.00. I thought...
Emma had been reading several scripts, but they all required nudity, which she had never done in any other film. She was slowly coming to the conclusion that revealing her naked body in a well made film should be done sooner rather than later. She knew she would eventually take off her kit for some director, but the choice of which person that director would be, still eluded her. She was now in her middle twenties, and her body was in perfect form. She wanted to show herself off while she still...
She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the boys. She had shared a few drunken kisses on nights out, but that was as far as it went. Any wandering hands were quickly stopped. One unfortunate night, Emma had bumped into Sarah’s boyfriend, who noticed that she was drunk and tried to take advantage. He was very...
Chapter 1. Professor Peterson I teach at one of those fancy New England small colleges. It is a good gig, with enough money, nice scenery, no heavy lifting, etc. But, frankly, it has been a little lonely since my wife ran off with the Athletic Director. I’ll be honest, I love ogling the young female students, and I am a fan of the “less is more” trend in women’s clothing. But, you have to be careful with the students because you will get in big trouble when a student files an action...
By Gail Holmes Emma was a girl of twenty two, she was of Asian origins; well at least on her fathers side, a prettier girl you couldn’t have a imagined, she’d attracted many a males eye. Her lush brown hair hung about her shoulders reaching to her bottom at her rear, but it was her figure that caught the eye, her breasts were quite perky around a 34a with a narrow waist of 24, with a lovely curved bottom. She’d had her...
Note from the author: Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. The first part of this story was written several years ago. It is my pleasure to FINALLY finish it off. Enjoy. EMMA By Jane Astin Richard gave his cigarette one last draw before he stubbed it out on the ashtray by his bed. Damn she was good he...
Emma Roberts is a 20-year-old girl with long brown hair that is down to her shoulder blades, and she has lovely brown eyes. She was not looking forward to going to the doctor for her gynecology exam, but Aunt Julia insisted that it was time. Emma put on her red dress with blue panties, no bra, for her tits were just beginning to form. She had on white knee high nylon stockings with black Mary-Jane shoes on as she walked into the doctor's office. The nurse behind the desk looked up and saw her...
Chapitre II S?verine et Marion Emma songeait ? ses 12 ans. Elle ?tait alors une curieuse petite beaut? blonde au regard transper?ant,?mince comme un jeune chat, le vice la rendait affolante et tout ceux qui la rencontraient ?taient fascin?s quelque soit leur ?ge ou leur sexe. Emma avait tr?s peu quitt? le manoir familial. Gouvernantes et pr?ceptrices veillaient sur elle depuis sa naissance tandis que son p?re et sa m?re, loin d’elle, menaient une vie dont elle entrevoyait de temps ? autre le mouvement et le luxe. S’?tai...
Emma just watched a man pay her master for the privilege of using her body for his own gratification. She also learned that she will be attending a BDSM group party soon and be passed around like a cheap party favor. We catch up with Emma in this chapter a week later just before it is time to leave for the party. Preparations Emma has earned hot showers after servicing her master well, and a few guests throughout the week. She is very thankful for this, as she lets the hot steaming water...
Several days passed after the gang bang party Ed took Emma to, to be used and abused by the many dominant patrons. Though extremely sore, Emma begged Ed to fuck her every day. Ed, knowing Emma's body needed time to heal and recover, denied her every time but allowed her to sink to her knees several times a day to service his horny hard cock and drink his cum. Each time Ed would reinforce that he was very proud of Emma's performance at the party, and promised new pleasures to be taught soon....
Emma had been reading the latest movie script, and was quite interested. It involved a young woman who was making a movie where she was being terrorized by a man with a lot of hair! It would be a classic movie inside a movie project. It would also involve her first film with nudity!“So! I’m to drop my kit for everyone to see! Best that I do it now while my body is so beautiful, than later when it will not be so perfect!” Emma thought.Emma called her agent and told him she would do the movie for...
Emma was exhausted from playing the lead part in “The Fallen Nun.” She would leave the sexy parts to her body double. Emma had stayed to watch part of the filming where her body double gets to have all the fun stuff filmed. All it did was make Emma randy! Emma had been reading about how her fans were hoping she would finally do some nude scenes in this movie. As usual though, Emma would disappoint them again! Emma was getting tired of disappointing her fans. She was determined to show her all...
Emma loved the feeling of the African sun pouring down on her topless body as she suntanned on the back of their fifty foot yacht! There were only a few men on board: Jack, her guide, the yacht Captain, and two ship hands. Emma was pretty sure they were either sleeping or busy taking care of the yacht.Emma was being careful to not sunburn her titties! So she had put a liberal amount of SPF 30 sun block on her white tits! She wasn’t out to get them tanned, she just loved the heat of the sun on...
Note from the author Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. This was my first ever story and I had a lot of fun writing this. My talents do not lie in Story writing but I thought I would have a go. Therefore I ask my readers to please be patient and if they can suggest ways to improve my writing abilities please...
Emma was at the final party for the Harry Potter movies. It was as boring as usual. At least Dan didn’t have a lampshade on his head! Everyone was there. Hence the boring tone.“Heh Emma! I’m the one chosen to invite you to the After Party. It’s very exclusive but really need to have you there! We can’t have the party without you. Your attendance is absolutely essential!” said Tom (Felton).“Where will it be held?” Emma asked.“Because of the number of people expected, we’ve rented an entire floor...
For weeks now James has been becoming more aggressive with Emma around the house and in bed. His demands more forceful, his lovemaking that used to be so sweet and caring now becoming rough. On a few occasions James has tied Emma up in several different positions using her pussy and ass as he pleased. Emma has wondered about this change in her husband, but to herself admits that she feels so much more fulfilled when he dominates her and uses her like the slave, cum slut she used to be. Emma...
Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...
Emma has just witnessed the breaking and initial training of her bitch mother into a submissive pain slut. She enjoyed the experience oh so very much, watching her mother subjected to cruel and painful torture until the fire left her eyes, and lust replaced it. Emma could not feel more wanted and loved. Not only did her master use her fat body for his pleasure, but allowed her father to fill his very willing daughter full of his cum. Emma's mind continues to bend, and not only allow herself...
Filming of the first Deathly Hallows movie had just ended, and Emma had decided to take a beach vacation in the Canary Islands. She, with two of her ex school girlfriends and just one of their boyfriends: Daniel. Emma was a bit leery of taking Daniel along, because her girl friends had told a few stories about him. But as long as he stayed away from her, she would be OK.As part of their preparation for lounging on the beach, and walking about in the perfect warm climate, each of the girls...
Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...
Although Brown was an Ivy League school, it didn't mean the crème de la crème couldn't party hard. At least I assumed that's what they were doing on campus tonight - despite having a graduation ceremony tomorrow. I was being a bit more...constructive in my last night as an official student. Maybe some of them were too by now, but not like this. They weren't in Emma Watson's dorm room right now. They couldn't say they'd been in here, like this, at least once a year the last four years. If one of...
Emma was finally on her way to Japan! She had been invited by a very rich Japanese business man to a fete in her honor. There would be dancing, dinner, and an award show. She already knew she would be the winner of the very prestigious Emperor’s Cup for best actress of the last twenty years. She first starred in films at the age of ten and she had just turned thirty.Turning thirty had been traumatic for her. She had yet to show her beautiful body nude in any movie, and she knew gravity and the...
I was awoken again by the sound of laughter, doors shutting and a heavy trolleys being carted down the hallway. It was becoming intolerable. There were a multitude of guests moving in and out of the room next door. Gales of laughter and chatter signalled their arrival and departure. In hindsight, all the paparazzi and security downstairs should've tipped me off that something was going on in the hotel. Suddenly I heard a female voice call out rather loudly from just outside my door, "Are we...
The portly, balding main in the ill fitting suit ran as fast as his stubby legs would carry him up the hall. “Emma! Emma!” he gasped as the beautiful young star turned around and stared at him with a confused look on her face. “I’ve been trying to catch up with you all day,” he huffed as he reached the actress. “I don’t think these London streets were designed for cars,” he panted, bent over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.“They’re not. Do I know you?” Emma Watson,...
Introduction... Emma has her bags packed and ready to go in the morning, she strips down and slides into her childhood bed for the very last time. She grins as she snuggles in, remembering the events of the day, excited that her life is finally beginning outside this miserable house. Emma's ass and pussy throb from the abuse they received today, making her pussy wet and excited. She slowly rubs her swelling clit as she drifts off to a deep happy sleep. Departure The alarm sounds and...
Emma sits at her computer, completely depressed munching a bag of chips and slurping her soda. She is watching text scroll by on her screen on her favorite chat site. Look at all these happy people with lives, she thinks to herself. I wish I could be as forward as some of these ladies on here. Wow look at that one.. The lady just posted a picture to the room showing her topless, she has nice c cup tits with dark hard nipples. I wish I could bring myself to put myself out there like that, Emma...
Emma had been married to her husband for almost 5 years and had always been a dutiful wife. She often got compliments for her good looks especially about her ass which was round but firm, very unusual for a white woman. Her best friend Naomi had been living with them the past year. Naomi was a free spirit artist type who wandered from job to job and was very outgoing for someone of a Japanese heritage.Naomi had suggested a girl’s get away at a cabin she had been to before, but Emma did not know...
Emma and her boyfriend Greg were traveling a bit north for a quiet weekend together. Greg was driving a very nice sports car. There was barely enough room for luggage.“Emma! How long have we been together?” He asked.“Six months and three days. But who’s counting!” Emma answered with a big smile.“Are you enjoying our nights together? Is the sex good?” Greg asked.“Yes and Yes! After a few tries, you’ve made me enjoy sex more than I ever had. Why all the questions?” she said.“I have a two part...
Emma had just started seeing her new man friend, and thing’s were going hot and heavy! She thought this really might be the man of her life! He was handsome and polished and great in bed. He wasn’t as rich as she was, but he had a nice job and appeared to be on the way up! Then in one night everything changed. He came over to her flat late one night in a really bad way.“What’s the matter Ray? Did you have a bad day at the office?” Emma asked.“No, work is fine, but some guys discovered I was...
The College rented us a car for the three hour or so drive to Boston. A travel day, I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, total Dad look. Emma had on a sun dress with a plunging back that plunged almost to her ass crack. When the wind blew the dress up tight against her skin, I could see she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Another day, another boner for me. We made some small talk about the event, but I was totally distracted because Emma was messing with me. She smiled sweetly at me each...
It's hard to think about how much time has passed. I remember, I was about 6 years old in Oxfordshire and a divorced family moved next to me. Their oldest daughter Emma and I bonded instantly and we were practically inseparable despite going to different schools. A few years later we were still really close, we would always be exchanging books and playing hockey. Naturally, being around 10 I got really into Harry Potter, thinking the character was just like me. I remember I was trying to...
Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...
XII ‘Are you staying with Mum again tonight?’ Maisie asked Emma while they watched two of the cast of St. Denis Road making love. Maisie had become rather accustomed to seeing such sex scenes and Emma didn’t really feel at all embarrassed to be with her as the couple carried on in their enthusiastic way. But she did get a little embarrassed by Maisie’s question. ‘Why yes, of course,’ she answered. ‘Why do you ask?’ ‘Oh, no reason!’ Maisie replied. ‘Oh look at Melissa! You can see she’s...
Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...
SpankingEmma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...
SpankingEmma was meeting her new friend Camren in a few minutes at a local bar. They had met at a fashion show, and got along fabulously from the start. Cam was younger than Emma, and a lot less experienced with men. They talked about men a lot, as most women do when they’re alone and at a bar. They had graded various body parts of the men who walked by. They were somewhat hidden in a dark corner.“Wow, Emma! Look at that guy’s ass! I’ve never seen better!” Cam said.“Very nice! That would be a firm...
Emma had just finished a hard day of rehearsals for her movie that co-stared Emilia Clark and Sophie Turner. She was getting along quite well with the younger and gorgeous Sophie! Emma was less sure of the slightly older Emilia Clark!All three had decided to meet at a bar for a few drinks and get to know each other more. They found a small table in a dark corner where they all ordered drinks. They had a total of three bodyguards at a nearby table drinking non-alcoholic drinks. Emma had whiskey,...
The next morning, exhausted and satiated, Emma’ guests gone, she fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of having more sex. But then, it seemed like most of her dreams these days were sexual! When she awoke around noon, she couldn’t remember the details of her dream.“God! I can’t sleep away the whole day! Time to get showered and get down to the beach.” She thought to herself.After her shower and makeup, Emma put on her white bikini. She had been planning this night for a long time. She was going...
Tony sat a little nervously in the car awaiting the group of guys he had arranged to meet. He had been arranging this day, this meeting, this gangbang for quite some time. Emma was waiting patiently at home for him. He imagined her in the bath getting herself ready for the fun that perhaps lay ahead. Ever since Tony had mentioned to Emma that he wanted for her to have her fantasy gangbang, she had been like the cat that had got the cream! He sat their wondering what sort of sexy clothes she...
The strangest and most wonderful things can happen when you least expect them. Due to a financial shortfall I had had to take a second, part-time job as a night clerk at a local hotel. It was only two nights a week, but the extra money was helpful. There was a bit of excitement around the town at the time as there was a film crew making a movie nearby. It meant that there were a few road closures around the town every so often, impacting on my main job, but other than that I didn't really...
Emma sat down in the middle of the couch. Two new men (Henry and Jake) sat next to her. Ed, Donny and Mitch were the names of the other black men who found it within themselves to fuck Emma tonight. As she suspected, four of them were athletes: muscular, well built and good looking. Ed was the one man who wasn’t particularly muscular. He was very sure of himself though. Emma expected that he might be more experienced sexually than the others.“Ok guys! All clothes off! A girl needs to know what...
Emma: I must find shelter, or I will freeze! There was nothing around. It was an undeveloped part of land, so she decided to go searching off road. Emma: Come on, I must find something! Emma walked for several miles before she collapsed and passed out. When she awoke a herd of wild horses had gathered around her. Some had laid down next to her to keep her warm, saving her life. Emma: Horses! So many of them! There were 20. Mostly brown, some spotted, black or white. Emma pets the...
V After Charlotte’s discovery of the two girls together, Harriett and Emma no longer made even the slightest pretence that there was nothing between them. Charlotte became accustomed to finding the couple entwined around each other in the living room and elsewhere, and her sense of betrayal and frustration gradually receded in the face of a fact that couldn’t now be changed. Charlotte tried to look away from their activities, but her eyes still strayed towards them, although there was nothing...
I sat in my study reading The Times. The news from Europe was not good: Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich was threatening to engulf Europe in war once again, less than twenty years after the end of The Great War of 1914-1918. I felt that my recent retirement as Headmaster at a very exclusive girls’ boarding school was unlikely to be as quiet and restful as I had hoped if it was to be overshadowed by the horrors of war, of which I had had the most terrible personal experience in the Flanders trenches....
Spankinghttps://www.sexstories.com/story/92095/emma_at_the_beachEmma at the BeachFinally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic!Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks...
Finally, junior year was over and summer had arrived. I was officially a senior now! I had so many plans for the summer. My friends and I already had tickets to a bunch of summer concerts. We planned on spending our days at the local amusement parks and beaches, and our nights partying at one house or another. It was going to be epic! Of course, none of this could start until after my family vacation. This year, two weeks in North Carolina on the Outer Banks. Basically, one long island...
My name is not Paul, but you can call me that, anyway it’s the name I use when writing about my daughter and lover, Ruth (also not her real name). We both now live in a small village just outside of the Medway towns in Kent, and have settled, since Ruth’s arrival out of the blue on my doorstep, into a careful life of domestic bliss. The reason we’re careful of course is that Ruth is still only just fifteen and my daughter. Most people take a very dim view of the kind of activities we indulge...
Emma was just about ready for her evening stroll through her local streets. Her Flat was in a very upscale area of London, which was almost always populated by other walkers just like her. Well, not just like her, because she was one of the most beautiful women in the world!It promised to be a warm, dry night and she dressed accordingly. She wore tight black leather full length pants, an armless clinging thin ribbed top, which accentuated her tits! She wore chic running shoes which were very...
All three of them needed to take a shower; alone! Jane was still in need of a cock, so she left first to go down to the beach, towel in hand. The other two looked wistful, but avoided their hormones long enough to also go to the beach. Emma was well fucked by as large a cock as she had ever seen! So down they went also.They walked spryly to the spot where they were to make the commercials. When Erick walked up to Larry, the two of them had a short discussion where he claimed to be sick to his...
Emma has just watched her mother tortured and broken by her father. Emma sits with pussy cum drooling from her smooth cunt watching Ed approach with his hard cock swaying in front of him. Her father also with his cock out stands watching what Ed will do to his daughter, with a lustful grin on his face. Pleasure and Pain Ed stops in front of Emma, his cock inches from her nose. Precum drips at a fast pace from his excited cock head. He looks down into her doe eyes, and asks. Did you enjoy...
EMMA GOES TO COLLEGE This is another sequel to the book EMMA, by Felicia Gabriel, who actually wrote the first book, with my own poor efforts providing her further story. There's also a shoutout to N.L. Paradox, author of "Prom Changed Everything," among others. I think these two girls are great characters, and I enjoy writing fanfiction adventures for them to explore their further lives. At a rental house just off campus from Texas A&M, a pretty 18 year old girl walked...
Emma saw a very enticing view of two big black cocks about half way to being hard, just pulsing as their owners anticipated her hands and mouth making them into rock hard black staffs! She could see the heartbeats of Dread and Pete making them slowly stand up for her.She went to Pete’s cock first: opening her mouth wide and slurping his cock into her mouth. She noticed his legs flexing as she took about three inches into her mouth. Then she took hold of Dread’s cock with one small hand and...
Friday finally came! Emma had been fantasizing about her date with the blonde beauty Gabrielle! She seemed very dominant when they first met, so Emma had packed some special submissive clothing consisting of a belly dancing costume with harem pants, seven veils and a diaphomous face mask, another costume made from various pieces of lingerie. Lastly, she wore high heels, thigh high stockings and garter belt and low cut transparent panties. She wore no bra. A mid thigh length skirt and black...
XI Charlotte’s life was now spent on a cloud. Each day drifted by in a euphoric haze, waiting for the evening in which she’d either make love with Josephine or sleep with Emma. This was paradise: the two women she loved being so close. She could concentrate on Josephine and her beautiful body, her wonderful jokes and the lovely way her tongue lingered over her clitoris. Or she could fix on Emma who despite never letting Charlotte touch her groin nowadays allowed much more license than before....