Prize Pig
- 3 years ago
- 37
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Bradford House
"Edward, Ellen, come into the kitchen for a minute. I just got a call from a Phillip Meyer. He asked to come over and see us. Is this the same one that's the father of one of your college classmates, Edward?"
"Yes, that's him. His daughter, Cindy, is the one that had to stay over with Nicole and me during the storm. He's also the one that I called Ted about. But, if you're asking what the visit is about, I have no idea."
"Well, they'll be here in about 20 minutes, so hang around, both of you."
It was Sunday and we had all returned from church and just enjoyed a light lunch. Right on time the door bell rang and I opened the door. Phillip had a big smile on his face so I didn't think anything was seriously wrong. I welcomed both him and Cindy into our home. I introduced them both to Ellen and my mother, Elizabeth.
Mom took over as our social director and asked them to be seated in the front room.
"Edward, play bartender for us. Would anyone else like a drink of any kind. I let my own children drink what they want at home, Phillip. I find that taking the novelty out of it reduces the chances they will over-drink when they're out on dates and, hopefully won't drink at all if they are driving. So, would you and Cindy like something?"
"Whiskey, if you have it, straight with one ice cube. Cindy, have whatever you like."
The expression on Cindy's face showed that she didn't drink a home. She turned to me and said, "Do you have a light wine or something?"
"Mom? Ellen? Manhattans?" They both nodded.
"What is it made with, Edward?" Cindy asked.
"Whiskey, sweet vermouth, bitters."
"Could I have that, too."
"Sure." I put four glasses in the freezer and made a large pitcher of Manhattans. I brought it all in and served everyone. I gave Phillip his whiskey.
"Mrs. Bradford," Phillip announced raising his glass in a toast, "this is a celebration, of sorts. I just signed an employment contract with
Corp. for the next three years to develop control devices for them in my own home lab. And, they bought the rights to my other working devices for quite a lot of money. Elizabeth, I owe my successful job to your son, Edward. Thank you, Edward, for your advice and in getting them to take a look."
"Actually, Phillip, Mom being on the board of Directors is the real reason that he listened to me at all. And, since Mom, Ellen and I own a few shares of stock in the company, I was just making sure we will profit from all of your good work. So, thank you, for working for us." We all laughed. I freshened everyone's drink.
Ellen made an excuse about homework that was due Monday and left for her room. Mom and Phillip drifted into the kitchen, leaving Cindy and me alone. I put on some soft, low music. We relaxed and naturally shifted to french. Cindy was making progress with her accent.
"I was a little embarrassed about Wednesday evening," she said.
"I really was only trying to warm you up, but I got overly excited. I hope you'll forgive me. The good part, if there is any, is that your curiosity should be satisfied."
"And, that's the only thing you did with those two, uh, other types of girls?"
"I'm sorry, I never talk about my dates or the girls I go out with. And I never said I did anything with them."
"Ever think about dating an even older girl? Like a senior, for example."
"Yes. I know one very nice girl that I would love to take out. But, I'm already over my head. It will be about a year until I can even drive a car. It is embarrassing to have a girl pick me up and drive me around. I also have a very nice, freshman girl friend. I'm actually thinking of asking her to go steady with me, even though she can't date until she is sixteen. That would mean stopping going out on dates entirely until then. I know that isn't what you asked, and I didn't mean to even tell anyone about this. But it has been on my mind a lot lately."
"I see. But if you're only thinking about it, maybe you can date me once at least as a good-will gesture. I suspect that there are a couple of other things you can think of if you try real hard. But I'll understand if you want to stay faithful to a non-dating girl. Call me if you change your mind. Nothing permanent, like I said. I'll be starting college this next summer. It would give me a better feel for the kind of guy I'd like to date there. I really haven't dated much in high school. I'm sure you noticed that last Wednesday."
"Talking about not dating. My father hasn't dated in so long, I can't even remember the last one's name. And, he certainly hasn't laughed as much as he has tonight. Listen to them in there."
"Yeah, my mom too. She's a very nice person but she doesn't date very often either. It wouldn't hurt if we encouraged them a little. They do make an attractive couple."
"Tell you what, Edward. I'll encourage my father to ask your mother out, if you will work on this end to see that she accepts. OK?
"It's a deal."
Weller Residence
"You know, Edward, that study hall thing is working out pretty good for us. We're keeping ahead of it except the studying for tests stuff. I does give us some extra time on Thursdays. I've been thinking about that nothing, something-in-between, or everything-else comment you made a few weeks ago. You said it was all up to me but I don't know what the choices are. Well, some, of course I can guess or imagine. Like, I was in a certain shortcut one day."
"Want a list?"
"Oh, no. That would give me nightmares and I'd wear it out looking at it. Keep it general if you can."
"Now, that's interesting. But it is difficult to confine anything to just one area. And, you'd be surprised how one thing naturally leads to another. That's always the danger if you really want to stop short."
"Well, weak-willed-boy, there will be two of us to say 'no'."
"Ok, imagine lines being drawn on your body. Make a circle around your neck, ankles and waist. And, then just draw lines vertically to separate the torso into front and back parts."
"Hummm, six parts. But interesting things aren't very evenly distributed are they? I can understand the head and neck, the bottom front, and for dirty old men, the bottom back. But you'll have to explain what you get out of the feet part, for instance."
"Well, I only do feet if the girl is wearing a dress or skirt."
"Oh, yes. A voyeuristic tendency explains that. Ok, how about the top front. Since I'm so light there, maybe we could move the belly button up to that section."
"No," I said. "bad idea. Sticking my tongue in the belly button makes the legs pop open."
"No it doesn't. I don't believe that for a second," Cybil said, laughing.
"You'd be surprised, little girl."
"I know you're playing with me, but let me finish this discussion before Bill and Mary get home. I know the upper back is a massage or kissing it or both. But, what do you get out of that?"
"I plan to be straddling your derriere during the massage."
"You really are a pervert, aren't you, Edward?"
"I thought we had already established that."
This, my first year of high school, was winding down very fast and I was endeavoring to untie the knots created by the prize winning thing before the school year ended. Every good and bad thing seemed connected somehow to that event. But I wanted to shed those ties or links, especially the non-productive ones.
Jennifer and Crystal were the obvious ties. I had enjoyed making love to both of them, but the last time I saw each of them I made it clear that I intended to settle my affections on one girl and date no others. Both had wanted me to continue as things were. I think I finally convinced them that my hanging around would only delay the inevitable decisions that they needed to make.
Nicole was the easiest of the lot. She had known from the beginning that once I had learned what she was able to teach me, I would be gone. It was typical french thinking. So when the finals of her classes were taken, we would part and with it she would have my eternal gratitude for everything she had done for me.
My mother, I loved in all ways and always would. She had so much to give a good man, and I wanted her to re-marry. I sensed that it would take care of itself now that she had become a whole sexual being again. I hoped Phillip was that good man.
Ellen was basically too lazy to hunt. If I slid into her bed once or twice a week, she was content to ignore other men. She could easily turn into a delicious and lovable sloth. So her and I had a long talk after the last time we made love. I did convince her that it was for her own good and not because I didn't love her. She needed to find that person that was smart enough to go through college with her and provide all that she needed.
Things were going so well towards my goal of changing my life back to what it should have been, that I was blind-sided by temptation.
Bradford House
"Sis, are you interested in looking over this new program that
Corp. sent to me last week? I've finished proofing the instruction manual. It's pretty interesting."
"I'd like to, Edward, but I can't tonight, I'm studying for finals with William Meese."
"Isn't this the third or fourth time this month? Are you getting serious about him? He seemed like a pretty nice guy to me."
"Well, he plans to go to the community college and his intended major just happens to coincide with mine. Quit looking at me like that. Yes, I like him a lot. I've grown accustomed to nerds and this guy happens to be a little on the sexy side."
"Good, I'm glad to see you getting interested in some guy for a change. By the way, isn't tonight the fourth date that Mom has had with Phillip in as many weeks?"
"Yeah, something like that. It's getting pretty hot and heavy but Mom isn't talking much about it. Usually, we talk about everything. She's really mum on this. It sounds serious, doesn't it?"
"Well, it does to me too. But, I'm happy about it. Phillip is a real nice guy. What time is he picking up Mom?"
"Any time now, I think."
I headed for the door when the binger went off. "Hi, Phillip, and hello, Cindy. Come on in."
We exchanged greeting but I hadn't expected Cindy to be going out with Phillip and Mom. "Uh, Edward, my hard drive started acting up this afternoon. I brought my latest backup disc and I was wondering if I could use your computer for a few hours. I have a final report due Monday and your mom said you weren't planning on going out tonight. OK?"
"Sure. Even Ellen is going out tonight. I was beginning to feel like an abandoned child."
"Poor baby," Cindy said, laughing.
Fifteen minutes later Ellen and Mom and Phillip were out the door. I took Cindy into the den and showed her everything she needed to know about our computer to do her work.
I was watching TV out of boredom when Cindy came back into the living room. "Edward, I hate to bother you, but could you fix me a drink?"
"Sure, what would you like?"
"Whatever you'll have one of with me. I really need to talk to you. It's very important."
"Neither of us are driving, so what about a Manhattan?"
"That's exactly what I need, for courage."
After I made a small pitcher and served them on the couch. I sipped mine and waited. She downed hers and filled her glass again. "I know, Edward, that you realize I am a senior and that I graduate next week. And, that Wednesday of the big storm, when you sort of introduced me to some sex, you must have noticed that I was not very knowledgeable about it." I knew she was struggling but since I didn't know where she was headed, I couldn't help. I just waited.
"I started acting snobby in my freshman year because I was embarrassed about Dad's reduced finances. I didn't want people to come over to the house. I mean, we had a big house and all, but the inside was not being repaired or fixed up anymore. Dad even had to let two of the maids go. We only have one part-time now. Later, Dad had to start selling furniture to pay the taxes. So I stayed snobby as a defense. It really wasn't Dad's fault but I couldn't handle it."
"I never went to dances or dated. I hadn't even kissed a boy since Junior High. So here I am, a senior and I'm starting college classes this summer. Do you know how embarrassed I would be on a date. I don't know anything. I've been thinking about that Wednesday ever since it happened. I was shocked that it could feel so good and so dirty at the same time. The things everyone learns in high school I don't know. You have no idea how hard this is," she stopped and gulped half of her drink, "but I need a crash course in sex education. I don't want to be ignorant or a virgin anymore. You already know about me and you seem to know what you're doing. Could you catch me up tonight. We have several hours."
"What about your report?"
"That was a ruse. You said you wouldn't date me."
"I mentioned that I was going to ask a girl to go steady with me the last time we talked. I haven't yet so we could do it once, I suppose. Anything specific you want to know about."
"Everything sexual, Edward. Please. I even cleaned up extra well in anticipation of you being a considerate person."
I wasn't even tempted to say no and I was ashamed of myself. "Better finish off the pitcher, you're going to need it. I don't think you fully realize all of the things I can and will show you and you won't have the option of saying no to any of it. Are you prepared for that?"
"I-I-I think so."
I reached over and took her hand and walked her to my bedroom. She appeared both nervous and excited. My own excitement was rising also. I had seen very little of her body and what little we had done was in complete darkness the night of the storm.
I wanted to re-assure her that I thought her body was beautiful and was willing to lie a little if needed. I doubted she was comfortable with her own nudity. I stood her in front of the full-length mirror.
"I'm going to slowly take your clothes off. I want to see your body and can hardly wait to touch it." I heard her breath catch. I got down on my knees and took off her sandals first, then surprised her by reaching under her skirt and pulling her panties down and off. Her face turned pink as she watched me smell them.
"They're c-clean," she said.
"I know, but they're wet, too. I love the smell of a beautiful woman."
I stood up and reaching around to her front, slowly unbuttoned and removed her blouse. I unsnapped the bra and dropped it. Her breasts were perfectly shaped and the nipples were fully erect and bright pink. I moved my hands up over them lightly and tweaked the nipples. She had her eyes tightly closed.
I wasn't lying when I said, "You have the most perfect and lovely breasts I have ever seen." She visibly relaxed and there was just to hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth.
Her skirt dropped, revealing the exclamation mark of a bikini-cut muff. Below that tuft of hair was nothing but pink, wet, creamy skin. My pants tightened and I took a needed breath of air. She was beautiful in the nude. I wasn't going to have to exaggerate anything about her. If things worked out right, this could very well be the last time for a year that I would do whatever I wanted with a beautiful girl. Well, she did say that she wanted to experience everything sexual. I was going to try to last long enough to give her a sample of everything I had ever learned from every woman I had been with. While doing everything in one evening seemed a little inappropriate, it was what she had asked for. Usually, I would have done only what seemed to fit the girl's and my mood.
Elizabeth and Ellen both felt my tension. They were anxious too. And why not. They had bent over backwards to assist me in any way they could. Yet, even worse, they had to wait until I returned tomorrow sometime to get any hint of success or failure. Finally it was time and I was dressed. Jennifer showed up on time and came up to the door. My boutonniere was in my lapel and I had her corsage in my hand. She was wearing a formal dress but it was sleek and sexy. I couldn't complain about the...
Bradford House The door opened even before I could get my key to the lock. "Welcome home, Edward, Ellen and I waited up." "Thanks, Mom. You wouldn't have a cup of coffee in there would you?" "For you, sailor, anything, anytime." "You've made a weary traveler feel right at home." Ellen was right there as always. Her and mom were as thick as ever. I couldn't help but notice, even in my completely run-down condition, that both were bra-less. Probably panty-less too. I had...
Jefferson High Monday of this first week of school had started out strangely and it had the feel of being packed full of more than I could handle. Maybe it was intuitive or just superstitious, I didn't know for sure. I was just starting to eat lunch when Jennifer stopped at my table. The freshmen and sophomores had fourth period lunch and the juniors and seniors had fifth period lunch. If you were willing to cut classes, you could show up at either one. Apparently, Jennifer had cut...
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Friday Morning; The Way ThereIt was early morning and still dark outside, but we wanted an early start. “So, do you think you’ve got everything you need?” I asked her.“Yes, I sure do, I’m all packed and ready to go. I’m so excited that we’re finally able to have a weekend together, that we’ve been able to get both our schedules cleared for a romantic weekend away,” she replied, still a little sleepy, she never was a morning person.“Yeah, me too.” I said. “We need to make us a priority, and do...
Continue:I wiggled a bit, made it easier for my sexy wife to play with me, and focused on my dream again.---------------------------------------The young one still kept you in a tight grip while the old one started to play with your clit. Gently play, his fingers played, flickered, played with your lips, and did small pushes against your cunt.It did not take long before we all could hear soft moans from you. The moans grew stronger as his used one finger in your cunt while massaging your...
My apologies if this is too long for you, I felt it was needed for a complete story. Thanks for taking the time to read it! The sex starts at the "******" part, if you feel the need to skip ahead ;)It was going on six in the evening as I stirred the pasta sauce one more time, making sure the cheese didn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. Next I lowered the heat on the boiling rotini, making sure to cook it through, as I am no fan of al dente, as so many chefs seem to supply. It wasn’t a fancy...
Since the Great Dane had already emptied his cock and balls twice in Veronica's cunt and once in Linda's mouth, it took a long time before he shot his wad again--which pleased Linda no end. She creamed three times as that fat canine cock fucked into her pussy. They coupled dog-style first and then, seeing that the brute was going to last for a while, Linda decided to try it face to face, with her ass perched on the edge of the bed, the way that Veronica had first fucked the dumb...
Standing at 5’4” tall, nicely tanned skin (thanks to my families gym membership and the tanning booths), blue eyes, darker dirty blonde hair that graced my shoulders, 38 D well shaped breasts, with a booty and thighs that showed how intense I keep my daily squat routine; I do not think of myself as being overly pretty or sexy but I know I draw a lot of guys attention. I really enjoy when the occasional guy whistles or cat calls me. I know girls are not supposed to like it but I have...
I'm fifty five and if I had to nominate the most memorable sex I had ever had then I wouldn't have to think very hard, the choice would be easy. Note that I said the most memorable sex ever -- not the best.It was back when I was twenty three and I went out with a girl called Karen. She was very slim, with an almost boyish figure. In a short skirt her legs looked fantastic, but given her slim build it was pretty inevitable that she was distinctly flat chested. I have always had a preference for...
The first time I heard those words was on the second date with Rosie. I’d been advised by my buddy that she was the best way to rid myself of virginity. She taken his and several others he knew. It had taken a month to get the first date with her and three weeks to schedule the second. She was obviously quite popular. Wanting to make a good impression I had splurged on an expensive dinner and theater production for our first outing. Rosie did invite me into her small apartment afterwards and...
The end-of-the-season pool party was in full swing when Tommy got there after taking care of one of his lawn-mowing customers. He had come in her twice and pocketed five twenties after they kissed in the darkened hallway, the woman’s husband visible in the den watching TV. Tommy stripped out of his clothes and tossed them into his locker. He carried his tiny Speedo in his hand as he emerged from the lockerroom to the pool area, his cock swaying before him. The lights were on in the diving...
Chapter 2—A Ray of Hope James was naked when he woke on Saturday morning. His bout of self-pleasuring the prior night filtered back into his consciousness. He had performed an act that he had vowed that he never would. It was a vow made only to himself. He had never broken his vows made to others, and to God, only this private one. As he lay in bed perusing the cracked ceiling he allowed that fact to rationalize the act, but the self-permission struck him as weak and he knew that he would...
Back home in his own bed, Seth woke up to the feel of his sister sliding up next to him. She wrapped her arms around him and looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "What?" he asked sleepily. "I was visiting with Mom," Sarah said. "So?" Seth asked, a little more gruffly than he had intended. "So - things have changed a bit around here since we went off to school," Sarah said "What kind of things?" "Things having to do with sex," Sarah expounded. Despite his...
"Mishy" Wednesday, December 20th Evening Dave stepped out of his apartment building and found his girl of the day leaning against a Prius, parked behind his car. She met him at the stairs to the building. She just stopped and waited. "I know you, don't I?" "Yeah, I used to spend quite a bit of time over at your house with Em." "Michelle, right?" "Yeah. But it's Mishy now. Nobody calls me Michelle anymore, except my parents. You call me that, it'll really put me out...
Jase washed himself quickly, since Helena didn't appear to be in any condition to do it. He turned off the water and dried both of them with one of the oversized bath towels. Helena seemed frozen in place from the sensations she had recently been put through, so Jase simply picked her up and carried her to the bed; she was obviously in no condition to appreciate the features of the recliner in her present state. Jase put her on the bed and prepared for the deflowering by putting a towel...
A Weekend Full of Fun … (cum) I was the dreaded of all weekends — “The Family Weekend.” I hated those, all of my sexually deprived siblings and close family friends together in one small area complaining about absolutely everything! The only good thing out of all these family weekends was that I got a chance to see Mario (my brother’s godfather) and if I got lucky (which I almost always did) he would rock my world. We met at Mario’s house early Saturday morning . The grill was burning,...
Tiffany Watson has been hearing rumors about her stepbrother’s dick at school. When she gets the opportunity to ask Peter Skeeter to see his hardon, Tiffany takes the opportunity. Cornering him in the laundry room, she demands to see the goods. When Peter says no, she whips out her landing strip pussy to try to entice him. When Peter’s dad John Strong walks by and sees his stepdaughter pawing at his son, he separates the two kids. John knows he has to discipline his stepdaughter. He...
xmoviesforyouI’m not surprised when Lillian starts to complain. She lies on the blended leather couch in my basement, her Passionate Pink lips pursed with frustration. Of all her problems, she worries most about the bunching of her sweater and the uneasy shifting of what I’m guessing is a monument of a bra. The way she complains is amusing, grumbling at how I’m no different than all the others. She has no idea – I’m nothing like the others. The cuffs she tried on weren’t the fake cuffs I had demonstrated...
Tara in Porn By Tara Richardson The Doll The red shiny sheath dress confines my body, only the designer slit all the way to my hip allowing my stocking clad left leg and bare thigh to escape. I stood ready for this special occasion. The only problem was I could see nothing because of my blind fold. I was dressed for dinner, but I was the meal. Hands held mine in almost human manacles, as they lead me through a door. I sensed the room was large and cavernous by the clunking sound...
With local University connections, I am able to make use of the 5 different gyms and work-out centers on campus, in addition to the 3 pools they have. I admit, that at the pools I spend way more time looking at the co-eds, than anything or anyone else. I tend to use the gyms either early in the morning, arriving well before 8am, or later after dinner, close to 8pm. I try to pick on certain days when they are less crowded. After my workouts, I always shower before going home. Of course, in...
I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter Three: Love Your Suit Mark hurriedly got dressed and left the cell to meet with Simon while Christina sat down on the lounge and sneered at Jennifer as she dressed. Jennifer stepped into a pair of sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose and then a pair of hipster satin panties and a matching brassiere. She tucked her genitals between her legs and pulled up the gusset of the flesh-toned translucent garment using the gusset to hold her genitalia in...
She was thrilled. What a perfect chance. She signed the contract with a happy rush of accomplishment and handed it back to her agent. She had been offered the lead outright. Her agent had told her they’d asked for her specifically first. No need to audition. The script was gorgeous, by a new writer she’d never heard of, and she wanted to be there when he made his mark. On her mark. She’d jumped at the chance to be a part of it. She was humming with the accomplishment and wanted to savor it. ...
ye mere ek dost ki kahani hai agar aap ko pasand aaye ya fir koi anty ya old lady, girl.women mujhse dosti karana chahe to mere mail par contect kare. aage ab stories padiye Meri Dusari Didi ka nam Radhika hai. Meri Didi Radhika ko gandi kitab padhane ki buri aadat ho gayi thi. Apni kitab me chudai ki kahaniya ki kitab chupakar padhane ke bahane chudai ki kahani padhkar apni choot me ungli dal kar chudai ke maze leti thi. Apani choot mai ungli dal kar aur pair (legs) hila hila kar khub anand...
I loved Saturdays. They were easily my favorite day of the week. There was something so great about them. Yeah, having no classes was nice. Yeah, the beer was great. Yeah, the football was pretty awesome. But my favorite thing about Saturdays was the cheerleaders. College cheerleaders. While I had a hardon for most cheerleaders from most of the nation's schools, the cheerleaders from my own school, Rasington University, were the sexiest of them all. Those firm breasts, those short skirts, those...
College SexThe day started routinely for the young mermaid. Lorelei swam towards the surface as she had done so many times before. She just loved the sound of the chirping creatures in the sky, or the big “iron whales” who carried humans around. She also loved the sound of the waves crashing. One of such waves, however, caught her off guard and launched her towards the coast behind a large boulder. This wouldn’t be a problem since she can crawl back, however… “Hey, are you alright?” Lorelei looked behind...
FantasyJune 1980, Hovås/Göteborg, Sweden The last week of school was busy with final exams and goodbyes. On Friday, there were hugs and handshakes and general well-wishes. I took quite a few pictures, and many were taken of me. Much to my surprise, at the end of the day, a cake was brought out and my classmates sang «Ja, må han leva!» to me. Nearly every girl in the class kissed me on the cheek, including Annie, which surprised me. The big surprise was the soft, gentle kiss on the lips from...
This is my second audio submission to Lush Stories. I hope you enjoy yourself, and get off in a big way. Supplies needed for this audio: Blindfold Set of restraints A camera Please feel free to send me any feedback or comments. You can also contact me via email – If you have a story you would like me to record, or an idea for one of my next stories, feel free to send it to me. I am always looking for new material.