Prize WinnerChapter 7 free porn video

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Bradford House

The door opened even before I could get my key to the lock.

"Welcome home, Edward, Ellen and I waited up."

"Thanks, Mom. You wouldn't have a cup of coffee in there would you?"

"For you, sailor, anything, anytime."

"You've made a weary traveler feel right at home."

Ellen was right there as always. Her and mom were as thick as ever. I couldn't help but notice, even in my completely run-down condition, that both were bra-less. Probably panty-less too. I had realized over the last three months, just how desirable they both were. It must be because of my pre-occupation with the sex that was promised at the end of this prize winner crap. Well, at least that was over with.

They hadn't changed during that three month period, but I certainly had. I personally thought that I was more mature in the way I looked at women. But was I really. Willy popped into my mind and it suggested he had the same mental set as I did. To him it was still a fantasy, but to me it all seemed possible if not probable.

"Well, Edward, how did it go? Not that you would be honest or forthcoming or anything."

"Thanks for the faith, Ellen. This morning I will tell you anything you want to know."


"You bet, I'm too tired to dodge or evade."

"Have you ever lusted for my body, Edward?"

I laughed, then said. "From the first day I saw you naked."

"What? When was that?"

"The day you left the door to the bathroom open, and you knew I was home."

"I was just careless."



"OK, you two. Here is your coffee, Edward."

There was silence for a few minutes as I gathered courage from the cup of coffee.

"Tell us all that you're comfortable with, Son?"

"I think I was able to cover my butt so that they won't be able to give me a thumbs down. But you never really know."


"Jennifer wanted Crystal there as an impartial observer and a guarantee for her happiness."

"Well, you were told that they were unnaturally close. With that to deal with, it had to be an uphill battle. So, you're not sure how it will come out?"

"True. But You and Ellen have been marvelous through-out this whole thing. You can't be faulted at all. Only I may have failed you by not trying hard enough. But, physically, I did get done what was expected of me."

"If you're not too tired, Edward, we'd like to talk to you about something."

"Sure, right now is fine. I feel too wired to sleep for a while yet."

"This whole endeavor, that Ellen and I have been more than happy to help with has been fairly costly. We are certainly not broke as you know, but your father's money will not be used for any of this. You know how I feel about that. But the dates and dinners as well as dance lessons and etceteras have taken their toll. So, maybe your activities for a while should be a little closer to home, so to speak."

"The other thing is that even though you've had to deal with some nasty seventeen-year-olds for a while, don't give up on that age group. In fact, maybe you should expand your horizons a little to other groups."

"You know Mom, I did see a very cute freshman just the other day at school."

"Son, I was thinking of older age groups when I said that."

"Well, I really don't know many older women, Mom. But now that you mention it, I think I'll look around. I know of at least one widow right here in our neighborhood. And, there must be others. I'll keep an eye out for them."

"Think about what I've said, and maybe some other options may occur to you. I think now what you need is a good night's sleep, Edward."

"Thanks, Mom, and you too, Ellen. I love you both, probably more than you ever want to know about."

After Edward had made his way up the stairs, Elizabeth turned to Ellen. "He has no idea how true we want those words to be. But seriously, Ellen, do you think he was jerking us around a little."

"He certainly was. He has got to be able to feel our interest in him. Yet, he keeps trying to tip-toe around the 'I' word. Anyway, now that he's home and safe, we can go back to bed too and quit worrying about him."

Jefferson High

I was completely wired on Monday. I didn't hear anything, either good or bad. I wouldn't be able to relax until I knew for sure what Jennifer was going to do. The agony lasted all the way to Friday morning. I was in the science building when I heard the commotion at the other end of the hall. I saw Jennifer enter. Someone called out, "What's the verdict on Edward?"

I watched while standing in a doorway, out of her sight. With a slight upward twitch of her mouth, which may be loosely called a smile, she gave a thumbs-up signal. There were a few freshman in the mob who clapped at the verdict. I was immensely relieved. I definitely didn't want to post any pictures of anyone. Actually, if it had come down to it, I would have just taken the result close-mouth. But I was happy not to be subjected to that.

When the bell rang for the last class of the day, I walked down the row of book lockers reserved for juniors. When she opened her locker, I walked up to her and handed her the unopened postal package.

She felt it, gingerly, knowing what it had to be. Then she looked at me.

"You could have kept it and continued to blackmail me into going out with you. Crystal too, I suppose."

"I know. But, I don't think I'd ever be able to trust you."

"I can see why you'd think that. You may even be right. Crystal dumped me. Did you

know that?"

"No, I didn't."

"Well, good luck. And thanks for prodding the school into setting up the college credits program. It's in the school paper today."

"Thanks, Jennifer. And I'm sorry about Crystal if she's what you really wanted."

Bradford House

I walked into the kitchen. Both Mom and Ellen were reading the school paper. I sat down, almost collapsing. I hadn't realized how tense I had been all week. Week, hell, I had been tense for the last three months.

"Interesting stuff in the paper today, Son. You are prominently mentioned in several different places."

"I haven't read it yet. I did hear the credits program had been set up, from Jennifer."

They both looked at me. "Well, thumbs up or down? I heard that today was her and Crystal's first day back at school. Some day you'll have to tell us what you do to young girls. Five days to recuperate?" Ellen said.

"I guess she gave me passing marks. I didn't expect wild praise. I just wanted to survive the experience. Come to think of it though, I really am the winner out of this thing. I can sing and dance and do just about everything." They could see that I was smiling when I said that.

"Don't start singing on my account, Brother Dear, but I like the sound of the 'everything'. What are your plans for tonight? It's Friday, you know."

"I think I'll stay at home for a change and just read the student paper. What's interesting in there?"

"Well, the credits program. It's going to be tough getting in though. You either have to complete all the prerequisites with passing grades or demonstrate proficiency to the instructor who's teaching the class. That makes it a little subjective, doesn't it? I think they're laying for you. At least the Dean is for sure."

"And, let's see. There is an election Monday for Freshman class president. Someone named Phillips is running for that. Big splashy ad in the paper telling everyone what he can do for them. He even promises to keep the credits program on track. Imagine that."

"And then, you're mentioned on the Editorial page. It seems that someone over there at the paper thinks you might make a good write-in choice for class president. And that, mind you, is even before we all found out about Jennifer's vote on you. So, that is praise indeed. But, by now, the word is out. I'd say you have a fair to middling chance, even if you're not campaigning for it."

"Quit waving your hand, Edward, I won't go away just yet. There is another notice here that might as well have your name on it, it's that pointed. It seems that as part of the credits program they are having two instructors a week come to the High School on Saturdays to talk to people who

want to attend their college classes. And, guess what the first two subjects are?"

"Computer Science and French?"

"Right on. Do you see the school board or the Dean in this picture anywhere?"

"Pure Coincidence," I said laughing. "But, I have to go tomorrow after making a big deal out of it and pushing the school board. I just hope I pass their requirements."

Jefferson High

"Well, Mr. Bradford, it's so good to see you here. And bright and early too. I couldn't imagine you missing this since I intentionally selected your subjects first. Mr. Morse, the head of the Computer Science Department is here now, and I understand that the head of the french language department will be along shortly. We're hoping that some of the others from Jefferson High who actually took and passed French 1 and Computer Basics will also show up today. So why don't you go right over and see Mr. Morse. You're first on both appointment schedules. Good luck, Mr. Bradford."

"Thank you, Sir. I knew you weren't the type to hold a grudge."

I walked over and introduced myself to Mr. Morse. We shook hands.

"What did you do to piss off your Dean?"

"I asked that this credits program be started."

"That will do it. So what computer classes have you taken that makes you think you are qualified to start taking Computer Science classes at the college level? You know that you are supposed to come up short, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir, I know that. Well, I'm taking computer basics now just to meet one of the prerequisites required by your college. I don't need it and it is a waste of time. I can program in BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, assembly language and C. I'm fairly well-versed on PC, Mac and Unix operating systems. I'm also fairly well-versed on a lot of the current application programs."

"OK, then you should have heard of Trevix. It's one of the programs I worked on when I worked for****corp."

"Yes, Sir. But that is a server operating system program. Unless I worked for an ISP, I wouldn't normally run into that one. However, I did proof the operating manual for that two years ago. I work part-time for****corp."

"I see. Then your name is not an extraordinary coincidence. You have to be Edward Bradford Jr. I worked for your father. You are most certainly qualified to start at this or any other college in Computer Science. The hard part will be determining which classes you can safely skip. Do you want to start at mid-year or wait until next year?"

"I'd rather start mid-year, Sir."

"OK, at sign-up, come and see me personally and I'll try to put you in classes where you won't be bored. Come with me and I'll introduce you to the school's new french professor."

I turned around and looked where Mr.Morse was heading. That was a shock. It was Nicole. "If that's her standing over by the Dean, I know her. She worked for my father translating instruction manuals into French."

This was not good. The Dean watched as the CS head of department hugged the kid's shoulders and patted him on the back. Then the kid walks up and hugs the foxy-looking, sexy, french professor. Well, son of a bitch, he's gotten me again. The school board won't be happy either. They fully expected the boy, being a freshman this year, to fail miserably in qualifications. That, and a low turnout of other students would be a justification for them not setting the thing up when they should have. Their only hope left now is a low turnout.

"Oh, Edward, you have gotten so big. I hoped it was you when I saw the name on the list."

"I couldn't believe it when I saw you as the head of this college's French department."

"And, why not, my friend, how often do you find real french women with my talent for teaching our language outside of France? They offered me only what was my due."

"I am pleased to see you, Nicole. I hope I am qualified for college french."

"I will not make you repeat everything that I have already taught you. Forget French 1,2, or 3. You must take French composition and a class in French poetry and literature. I must talk to your mother and soon. We have so much in common with each other. Give me your address and phone number, I will call her."

Others had arrived and were waiting to talk to her, so I left her, after writing down the information. I was slightly bemused. Had she meant that I had grown taller by her initial remark, or had she felt my embarrassing and uncontrolled hard on when we hugged. I hoped she hadn't felt it. I had been hopelessly in love with her since I first saw her when I was 10-years-old. She is still very sexy and very attractive.

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Between Friends

“Shit! This wasn’t supposed to happen.”“What?”“Us together. Alone. You know my wife’s always been jealous of you.” You open your mouth to protest, but I cut you off.  “Yeah, I know, I know. It’s not like anything is really going on between us, but she’s just kinda… insecure I guess.”“What for?” you ask, straightening your back. “We’re just colleagues.”“I know. I never thought we were more than that, but… I mean, I don’t know if I should tell you this, but she put on some weight the last couple...

3 years ago
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The Walking Dead Clementine

Clementine has survived on her own for a while now. She is a girl in the midst of a zombie apocalypse who has now turned 18 and has matured. When she turned 18, she then starts to think about ideas of going out with a boy, only to be heartbroken since that cant happen in this world she lives in. She checks out an abandoned warehouse full of supplies and proceeds to collect some for herself. However she hears a door open and she jumps. Before she can react the man walks through the door and...

2 years ago
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Ashley lashes out

Even through the headphones blaring music I could hear the uproar between my step-mom and step-sister of two years downstairs... Being a 17 year old guy, one does not generally care about the estrogen fueled shouting matches between a girl who just turned 16 a few days ago and her mother. But since the shouting was so loud I could not help but over hear the gist of the argument between the two... "WHERE WERE YOU ALL NIGHT!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING! I AM LATE FOR WORK! I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!"...

2 years ago
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Dianes Birthday by loyalsock

Diane was definitely hot. I first saw her at the annual flea market.Honestly, it wasn't intentional but I kept running into her. I knowthat I was checking her out and was fairly certain that she was doingthe same. Her eyes and smile hinted at a nasty streak which had methinking of her in a whole new way- basically, naked.Her body was made to be seen, perfect curves filling out tightjeans which only made my imagination go wild.She knew exactly what she was doing. When I came by, she wouldcast a...

3 years ago
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Im Not From Around Here

I've been bushwhacked, mind-wiped, sabotaged, driven underground and damned near murdered. My race has been wiped out and my goddamned AI has been subverted. I'm pissed and about to chew steel and spit quarters. I'm a belligerent alien son-of-a-bitch and I'm looking for a fight. It all happened like this. There I was, cruising along at just a bit over light speed, staying closely linked with the local metric so nothing weird could zing me off to the center of nowhere. Scouting new super-C...

4 years ago
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Through the Days

Through the Days: By Coops I was 18. Exuberant, brash, and had respectively a lot of charm, I was not like normal kids. In fact that my dad was a pilot, and that my mother was a Toxicologist at Niimo University in Japan, you see, because my father was a pilot, he loved to fly, and he could never settle in one place for too long. My sister and I had been living in 8 different countries before that present. And we had moved 16 times in between cities and I had 8 different...

3 years ago
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The LottoChapter 19 Foundation

Mary called me on Sunday afternoon. "Jake, I'd like to talk to you sometime, soon." I hadn't heard from her in a month, since Sandi and I had held a party announcing our new non-profit for young women who wanted to straighten themselves out after realizing they were 'Young'n'Dum!', so to speak. Since Sandi was now a wealthy ... well-fixed, anyway ... woman, and I no longer needed my lottery based trust income, it made sense to fund something for a tax write-off. And unlike other...

1 year ago
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Gender Role Reversal Happy Anniversary

I parked my car in the parking lot and entered the building where I worked. I smiled at the receptionist as I passed him to the elevator, pressing the button for my floor as I got in. Reaching my floor I got out and headed towards my desk, stopping to chat with a few colleagues along the way. Once I was at my desk. I took off my coat, put my handbag down, smoothed my skirt and then sat down. I then booted up my computer and as I waited for it to start up I checked to make sure that my...

1 year ago
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A Royals Lust 2

“I didn’t bring you here to stand in silence Dominic” “Please spare Prince Allen sir, it was me who seduced him, I’m prepared to be stripped of my rank and of my life but please don’t hurt him” I rambled, trying not to tremble as I got glared at by ice-cold eyes, we really fucked up. “Sire Dominic, you know the one thing I will not tolerate is my own men lying to me” he snapped and it was hard not to flinch “although the villagers along the road did not hear you that’s about as far as that...

2 years ago
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Subba Laksmi Aunty Fucked

Dear folks, I went to the bank and was standing in the queue waiting for my turn. Then came a woman and asked me for a pen to fill the form. Let me describe her beauty. She seems to be a mallu aunty. She is 5’4 feet in height and her BRA size was 34′ for sure, you got to believe my observation. She directly came from her bath tub without tying her hair for sure. I could smell the aroma of her fresh bath. When she came to ask me for a pen I directly asked her if you need any help and said “you...

3 years ago
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From a shy virgin college boy to makeup and heels

So I’d been away at college for about a month, didn’t have many friends, or any confidence to speak of. Not long after starting classes I started dating this older girl, she was cute, but a real bitch, she wouldn’t fuck me, she’d treat me terrible, and make me wear her panties while I ate her pussy, and after she came, she would watch me cum on my stomach, and then run her fingers through it, and stuff them in my mouth. While this would turn me on to a point, I knew this girl had to go, after a...

3 years ago
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The Good Neighbor

Summer! For someone still in school this is a magical time!You get to sleep in and stay up as late as you like. You can go with your friends or stay home. Mom and Dad would be at work all day so I could look forward to surfing the net watching some porn and jacking off to my heart’s content. Yes, summer vacation was going to be the best!Then reality hit.“Jason, get down here!” I heard my mom yellDamn it what the hell does she want now? I strolled down the stairs waiting to hear what my mom...

3 years ago
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even more crossdressing fantasy

frannie again and i am still lusting with wishful fantasy - i love dressing but i really crave sucking cock while wearing my womens clothing - mmmm mmmm - munching on masculine meat is a treat i always think about when i am heeled in my wig so when i heard from my reluctant friend from up north, i got real excited thinking about going down on his meaty manhood in pantyhose - third time a charm maybe ? his previous two visits were on a friday but this time he suggested a monday - ahh the window...

3 years ago
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RecruitingChapter 3

Britney walked out of the house in her slut uniform and sat on the porch as she waited for Dawn Phillips to answer. She knew she fucked her brother Tom as well as the other 3 boys because she had overheard Donna and her talking about it and Donna had been shocked. So Dawn would probably be an easy recruit and she was the girl's leader so if she came aboard, the others would probably follow. "Hey Brit, what's up girl" Dawn said after checking her caller ID. "I was going to call you."...

2 years ago
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Crash for the Night Part 3

I recommend reading the first two parts of this story. You can find them it at:"We are both hard again, so I guess we are not" He said as he walked towards me out of the bathroom. He hadn't done a very good job drying himself. His hair, both on his head and on top of his cock, was still wet and a drop of water was sitting on the edge of his nose. "You don't take long in...

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I parked my distinctly elderly Ford Fiesta illegally outside my new flat. I didn’t have much stuff but had managed to buy some furniture from the previous occupant, so I had at least a sofa and chairs, a bed to sleep in and a table to eat at. I carted my few things indoors and looked around. My own place, for the first time in my life. I was a property owner. Well, a part-owner anyway, with the mortgage company holding the majority. There was a hesitant tap on my door, and when I opened it, I...

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The Flame

This is the first thing I ever attempted to write. I never changed this one because it was my first as you would say, lol.   : The way we look at each other with a burning intensity, or the way you hold me close and kiss my lips softly at first, passion increasing to a raw burning hungry desire.  Tongues entwined with each other, tasting each other, feeling the strength of your tongue and knowing all the pleasures you can give me.  Touching my body as you bring waves of intense sensations to...

1 year ago
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MyFriendsHotGirl Candice Dare 23089

Somehow, just somehow, Candice Dare’s boyfriend forgot that she’s flying off back to school today, and he instead is playing baseball with his buddies. Wow. And somehow, just somehow, Candice miraculously isn’t crying, devastated about it. Instead, she’s dialing up her man’s friend Preston because 1) she needs a ride to the airport; and 2) she’s horny and she knows he has a big dick. Preston shows up and gives Candice the goodbye fuck she needs before she starts banging guys on campus!

2 years ago
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Rudimentary Porno Routine

“ Without shame the man I like knows and avows the deliciousness of his sex, Without shame the woman I like knows and avows hers.” Walt Whitman – A Woman Waits For Me        I’m always reaching out for some kind of foothold to what might lead to eventually a complete aesthetic erotic experience – the kind I found in my younger days when sex was somehow a brave new world and more trepid in the imagining of its possibilities .When I can feel the moths in my craw attempting mutiny,...

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Megans Mothers Milk

Megan opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling of her sunlit room. She stretched her arms out as she yawned, contemplating if she should go back to sleep. She got her answer from her growling stomach and rolled out of bed. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was 1:34 PM. She tried to think of a good excuse for why she slept in so late as she got dressed and headed downstairs to get herself a bowl of Crazy Sugar Explosion-O's™. "Hey Meg," Megan's mother Kathryn said. "Did you just wake...

4 years ago
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A Greedy Fuck

Her breath came laboured and shallow as she continued to buck her hips. She was intent on cuming, and nothing was going to stop her from having her orgasm. Her inner thighs strained with the repetitive movements, her downward thrusts being desperate and obscene in their ferocity.She leaned over his young body as she continued to ride him. Heated sweat dripped freely from her brow, nose and chin pooling in large splats on his chest. She opened her eyes briefly, glancing down at his tender...

2 years ago
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Making your Sex Better Social Distancing

During my years of escorting in Manchester and the UK, I have asked that question hundreds of times to myself.I have seen husbands who have paid me for sexual services out with their wives and thought one of two things :-1) She is a hot wife - why does he need to have have sex with me or2) She is a dog - I understand why you need to have sex with meBut is seeing a hooker, prostitute, escort cheating on the wife - especially as 99.9% are shut down now ??Lets remove the money side of things -...

3 years ago
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We Are Made of Stardust Part 4

On Thursday morning the school's lobby was more crowded and louder than normal. It was the day before the prom and everyone wanted to tell anyone else who would listen about their plans. The lobby was filled with energy of the promise of tomorrow being the time of their lives. None of Joy's classmates were hoping tomorrow night was good to be more than expected; they all believed that they knew the prom would exceed expectations. The prom was going to be magical, how could it...

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My girlfriend with another man

I love to fantasise about my girlfriend having sex with another man. Sometimes, while we're fucking, I ask her to tell me about the times she's been with previous boyfriends; I love to hear about how she's sucked their cocks, how they've fingered her, fucked her, come in her mouth, or all over her tits, or inside her pussy. I especially like it when she tells me about guys coming all over her cunt, while she rubs it in. I'd love to fuck her with another man, then both of us come on her pussy,...


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