I, Jennifer Chapter Three free porn video

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I, Jennifer By Michele Nylons Chapter Three: Love Your Suit Mark hurriedly got dressed and left the cell to meet with Simon while Christina sat down on the lounge and sneered at Jennifer as she dressed. Jennifer stepped into a pair of sheer-to-the-waist pantyhose and then a pair of hipster satin panties and a matching brassiere. She tucked her genitals between her legs and pulled up the gusset of the flesh-toned translucent garment using the gusset to hold her genitalia in place. "You sex bots are ingenious and sneaky fuckers aren't you? You aren't happy unless some male human is poking you." "You're programmed to fuck anything with a penis," Christina scoffed. "Oh not just anything with a penis! Because of my unique fabrication I can service you too, should you so desire. I have the right equipment," Jennifer taunted. "Should I not get dressed?" Jennifer stopped pulling up her skirt and looked at Christina brazenly. "Don't get impudent with me, I'll short circuit your brain you overblown toaster!" Christina shot back. Jennifer pulled up her tight pencil skirt and put on a mauve satin blouse, tucking the tails of the blouse into the skirt and then zipped the skirt closed. She slipped into the black, patent leather high heels she had taken from the recycle bin on Level Seven at Cybertronics. She stepped into the ensuite bathroom and applied makeup and put on her jewellery. She came out of the ensuite to find Christina toying with her phaser; she aimed it at Jennifer and closed one eye. "If I blasted you now, not one person would mourn you. You have no family, no friends, and no real purpose. You are an aberration; all of you skin jobs are aberrations," Christina taunted Jennifer. She was satisfied when she saw the look of bewilderment and sadness on Jennifer's face. "Why do you hate me so much?" Jennifer asked. "Oh you're not special. I hate all you skin jobs; and Binominals especially. I'd like to splatter your flesh and nuts and bolts across the room with this phaser." Christina waved her phaser around in a lazy circle. "You know that I have basically the same physiology as you, but haters gotta hate I suppose." Jennifer shrugged her shoulders and made to walk away. Christina sprang at Jennifer and spun her around and pushed her onto the lounge. She pressed the muzzle of her phaser against Jennifer's forehead; her hand was shaking, her eyes were full of hatred and her breathing was ragged. "Hate! I'll tell you about hate, you fucking clunky sperm-bucket!" Christina seethed. "There are three moons orbiting Epsilon Eridani. All three moons are inhabited by mining colonies consisting of about forty humans and about a hundred Hominoids per colony. The mining company, a subsidiary of Cybertronics by the way, pays lousy wages and refused to provide the proper resources so that the miners could maintain the colonies in a condition conducive for a reasonable standard of living." "So the colonists went on strike." "The Company probably could have starved the colonists into submission once their food supplies ran out, but they were impatient and time is money." "They dropped a platoon of ten Combat Hominoids on Epsilon Eridani b." "The Combat Hominoids rounded up the colonist's Hominoids, mostly low intellect worker models, and locked them in a warehouse and then rounded up the human colonists." "The Battle bots repeatedly raped the wives and daughters of the colonists in front of the men until the bots simply couldn't perform any longer, then they killed the women and girls. Then they bought in the remaining children and slaughtered them. By then the men were begging to die." "The whole atrocity was recorded. The Leaders of the two remaining colonies were summoned to their control rooms and shown the imagery. They were advised that their colonies were next unless they capitulated and returned to work on reduced wages. Needless to say the other two colonies returned to work and began production at maximum capacity." "My brother, his wife, and their sixteen year old daughter were on Epsilon Eridani b." The venom in Christina's voice was palpable. Jennifer was crying softly, tears running down her cheeks. "But how could that happen? Hominoids are pre-programmed not to harm a human being or commit a crime! It's impossible!" Jennifer cried. "Not Binominal Hominoids; their core programming can be altered and then they are capable of anything," Christina replied, her voice icy. "But it's illegal to Binominal a Hominoid. I'm an aberration, a fault in the manufacturing process and should have been recycled," Jennifer replied. "You heard Simon! Cybertronics has been producing Binominals to order for special clients and for their own use. You can bet you are some sort of special order for some sex-freak weirdo Elite." Christina whipped her phaser away from Jennifer and holstered it. Jennifer paled as realisation dawned on her. She wasn't a mistake in the manufacturing process; she was deliberately made the way she was. Made to order. That explained why Cybertronics needed to eliminate her. She sat on the lounge stunned. "Come on you junker; let's join Simon and Mark and see what we are going to do about William Faraday." Christina dragged Jennifer up off the lounge. Simon and Mark were looking at a large screen, Mark had his Omni connected to it and they were looking at plans of the Cybertronics building. Mark was pointing something out to Simon when Christina and Jennifer entered the room. Both Simon and Mark gave Jennifer an appreciative once over that was not lost Christina. "Why do men always think with the little head in their pants instead of the one mounted on their shoulders?" she huffed. "Actually I was thinking about how we might use Jennifer to infiltrate Cybertronics," Mark replied. "She was incubated there and actually escaped from there; none of us have been anywhere near the place for obvious reasons," he elaborated. "What makes you think miss 'dick in panties' will do anything to assist us?" Christina challenged. "Because she has no choice! Cybertronics are coming after her, they've sent their best Operative to find her and dispose of her," Mark replied. "It knows we are going to dispose of it in any event. So why should it help us." Christina looked at Jennifer scornfully. "Because while I'm helping you I at least get to live. If this William Faraday is the heartless killing machine you say he is then my demise is imminent. I've researched him on my Omni and he is a formidable fellow indeed, although there is surprisingly little information about him that has been made public," Jennifer interrupted them. "Jennifer will serve two purposes for us. One; we will use her to infiltrate Cybertronics and two; she will lead William Faraday away from our base of operations here," Simon explained. "But how do we know it will do what we want it to once we release it? It could try to strike up a deal with its lords and masters at fuck-bot HQ. I dunno...maybe it tells them where we are and in exchange they reprogram it and sell it to the perv who originally ordered it," Christina countered. Jennifer was about to reply when Simon interjected. "Because she is going to have one of us with her to make sure that she does no such thing," Simon replied. "They'll be onto Mark as soon as he enters the building," Christina quipped. "Oh it won't be Mark. That would be suicide. No, Jennifer will be in the company of her Elite owner." "You." Simon raised his brow to emphasise his point. "Oh no! You are not dressing me up like a fuck-bot and sending me into the lion's den with 'Blowjob Betty' here." Christina poked Jennifer in the ribs. Mark passed his Omni over his wrist and blinked, concentrating on projecting his thoughts onto the large screen. A picture of Christina appeared, dressed in her usual black t-shirt, tight black leather pants and matching long tailed coat and scuffed engineer boots. Her makeup was almost non-existent and her hair was worn in a ponytail. He began to manipulate the image, pulling down concept wardrobe ensembles and applying them to Christina's cloud effigy. A series of vignettes flashed across the screen with Christina dressed in provocative attire. Miniskirts, tight blouses, cocktail dresses, black and flesh-toned hosiery, high-heels, even a tight business suit. Her hair changed colour and style to complement each ensemble as did her accessories and makeup. Mark and Simon nodded their approval and Jennifer twittered and clapped her hands. "No-fucking-way you are you dressing me like that!" Christina howled. "Christina! You are a soldier in this war just like the rest of us. We obey our orders and do what is necessary!" Simon countered. "We are still working the details but the basis of our plan is that you are returning Jennifer to Cybertronics to have some minor defects repaired and improvements made," Simon elaborated. "Minor defects! The thing is a woman with a dick!" Christina screeched. Mark scowled at Christina and she took the hint and shut up. "Mason Livingston used a similar ruse to get the Jennifer out of Cybertronics so no reason why it shouldn't work to get her in. Of course it's always easier to get out of a building like that than it is to get in," Simon continued. "And of course as soon as this Jennifer's identity chip is scanned at Cybertronics, alarms will go off everywhere so we will need to do a little re-programming," Mark joined in the conversation. Jennifer frowned. "Are you going to re-program me? Please don't." She looked despondent. "We can't do that even if we wanted to; we need you to keep the memories and the experiences you have gathered up so far so that you remain committed to our cause." Mark comforted Jennifer, stroking her upper arm. The gesture was not lost on Simon and Christina. "We have the identity chip from another Jennifer that we, err, disposed of. We will take the identity code from that chip and implant it into yours; everything else will remain as is," Mark said. "So I'll effectively be a dead Jennifer." Jennifer looked sad. "There is no such thing as a dead skin job, just a terminated one. You were never alive. You were incubated and activated; pre-programmed with a fabricated cognisance and made self-aware." Christina delighted in reminding Jennifer of her heritage. "We don't have time for this bullshit! Mark, take the Jennifer to our mainframe and have our techs make the programming adjustments on it. Then return here and we will refine our plans," Simon ordered. Mark led Jennifer through a maze of corridors and passageways below the derelict building site. Everything was clean and modern and functioning in contrast the wrecked building above them. Perfect camouflage. Whenever they passed other members of The Movement, Jennifer received insults and in one instance, Mark had to restrain a hotheaded young man from assaulting her. Jennifer looked as human as anyone else, but her clothing and countenance gave away her purpose to the black leather uniformed members of The Movement. Besides, it was easy for anyone to bring up the Cybertronics Product Catalogue on their Omni and browse the Companion model Hominoids until you found the Model Fours. There may have been fifty different types of Model Fours but using facial recognition software they would find her listed in the catalogue and confirm she was Hominoid. Most members of The Movement assigned to the disposal of Hominoids regularly used the Cybertronics Product Catalogue as a tool to determine if a suspect was Hominoid. It wasn't foolproof but it was a great product to use as a start. Once they had identified a suspected Hominoid using the catalogue, they had plenty of other tools at their disposal to verify their prey was in fact really a Hominoid. Most Hominoids were easy to spot especially the cheaper models. Companion and 'pedigree' models were harder to spot due to their advanced anthropological design and temporal programming. Jennifer clung to Mark who held her hand and pulled her behind him to shield her as they ran the gauntlet of discordant Movement personnel. They entered a cavernous room that was immaculately clean and almost frosty. Behind a plexiglass window a huge mainframe computer occupied the whole space. It was a matt-black quadrilateral box with a row of tiny red LEDs running along the front panel. There were no wires or physical connections; those personnel with the appropriate access codes could connect to it using their Omnis. Four people sat before large screens projecting information on them using their Omnis. Someone had set a large padded chair covered in black Naugahyde in the centre of the room. Beside it was a metal instrument table on which was a programmable Omni and in a silver specimen tray, an identity chip that had been incised from the wrist of a Companion Hominoid; a Jennifer. The chip had been connected to the central nervous system of its host by unique mitochondrial synapses and in this case there were still skerricks of tissue clinging to the connectors. "Ah! Our subject has arrived." A cadaverous balding man dressed in a lab coat held out a hand and gestured at the chair. Jennifer attached herself to Mark; visibly shivering with fear. "Don't worry my pretty manufactured poppet; there will be no pain. I will simply upload the data from the donor chip to the mainframe, and the supercomputer will find the unique identification programming contained in the donor's mitochondrial DNA and then download it into you." The man's smile was sinister. "Well...there shouldn't be any pain." His teeth glittered in harsh light. "But will I inherit anything else from the Jennifer? The donor? Will I inherit or acquire any of her memories or personality?" Jennifer murmured softly. "Well you shouldn't. You should just have your identification data altered in your identity chip to match hers. You will still be you, just when any interrogation device scans your chip, you will be identified as a different model Jennifer. We will upload your features into the cloud to replace those of the terminated Hominoid whose identity you are taking," the doctor replied. "Or...I might have totally fucked up my hypothesis and conclusions and you could just end up a gibbering piece of insane and useless flesh, fit for nothing but disposal." He grinned mirthlessly. "Gak!" Jennifer fell to her knees shaking. "For fuck sake Doc; cut the shit will you!" Mark chastised the grinning doctor. "High functioning Hominoids fascinate me. They have no fear of their approaching expiration date, but they are terrified of being reduced to a vegetative state," the doctor smirked. "Well we need her for this mission so if you fuck this up, it's you who will be reduced to a vegetative state!" Mark pushed the doctor out of the way. He helped Jennifer to her feet and hugged her as she clung to him. He kissed her softly. "You will be fine. The doctor is just teasing you." Mark stroked her cheek. "Stay with me...please!" Jennifer begged. "I can't Jennifer; I'll be back as soon as the procedure is complete. I'll get the doctor to take you offline, I mean put you to sleep, during the procedure." He gave the doctor a ferocious stare and the doctor nodded his compliance. Mark helped Jennifer into the elevated chair and soothed her and then he summoned the four techs over to him out of earshot of Jennifer. "Look; I know you think I'm insane treating the skin job like she's human but we need her! I need her to trust me and for her to honestly believe that I have feelings for her whilst everyone else here wants her disposed of." "Don't you fuck around with her any more than you have to. I need her coherent and cooperative. Ok?" he growled at the two men and two women on the team. "Ok Mark. So be it." The doctor nodded and the rest followed suit. Jennifer awoke feeling in no way different. She was back in her cell, lying on the bed. Mark hovered over her, dressed in in his usual black garb but Christina was dressed in a business suit, her hair coiffured, her makeup perfect. She looked elegant, like a well-heeled Elite. "Gak!" Jennifer felt nauseous. "Take it easy Jennifer; you're just feeling sick from the procedure. Here drink this." Mark offered her a glass of chilled water. "You understand what your role is here right? You accompany Christina to Cybertronics Headquarters for some minor adjustments. You behave just like any Companion Hominoid would, just follow your programming," Mark said. Jennifer nodded. "If there are any problems or you are recognised just do what Christina says; follow her lead. Christina knows the details of the mission, you just need to accompany her and do what she says ok?" Jennifer nodded again. "Ok my transsexual pleasure bot, just remember that I am in charge and that you are expendable. If you so much as look like you're going to run or defect I'll blast you into a million pieces," Christina hissed. "Ok I get it!" Jennifer was exasperated. Mark and Simon escorted Christina and Jennifer to the upper level of the derelict building where an expensive automobile waited for them. Christina was given a final briefing by Mark and Simon and they were ready to roll. "Ok fuck-bot-Fanny; I'm going to get into character so we can carry out this charade but remember I'm packing heat and my distain and disgust for you hasn't gone away, I just need to treat you like I own you." Christina patted her handbag. "And I will behave exactly like I am your devoted companion, Christina; I understand my role exactly," Jennifer replied grimly and opened the door for Christina. Christina slid into the driver's seat; her tight business suit skirt rode up her thighs exposing her shapely gossamer-glad legs. Simon and Mark couldn't help but stare; they hadn't seen Christina dressed this way for so long that they had forgotten that she had a stunning body and beautiful face. "Love your suit by the way Christina." Jennifer smiled innocently as she closed the door. Christina's expletive riddled response was lost on them as Jennifer slammed the door shut and made her way around to the other side of the car. "Christina's gonna shoot that smartass fuck-bot before they even get there," Simon grimaced. "Nah...Jennifer has a way of growing on you; that's what she's programmed to do," Mark grinned. "Yeah...you've already demonstrated that," Simon said sarcastically. "You'd fuck her too given half a chance." Mark blushed. "Come on. Let's get down to the Control Room and watch the show from there. I hope Christina pulls this off." Simon turned away as the limousine drove off. Jennifer appraised Christina as they drove quietly and effortlessly in the electric car. "You can easily pass as Elite the way you're dressed and with your sophisticated demeanour," Jennifer said. "What makes you think that I'm not Elite?" Christina turned to Jennifer and raised her brows. "Gak! What is an Elite doing being a member of The Movement? The Movement have no time for the Elite because they are the most prevalent owners of Hominoids." Jennifer was confused. "Not that it's any of your business clunky-tits but my brother, obviously also Elite, decided to abandon his elevated position in society and go colonizing. He had some harebrained ideological idea that he could give back to society instead of just take. He was the Leader of the colony on Epsilon Eridani b and led the strike against Cybertronics Incorporated that cost him, my sister-in-law, and my niece their lives," Christina explained. "Cybertronics lied to me and the families of the other colonists and told us there had been a catastrophic accident that wiped out the colony. A militant colonist from one of the other Epsilon moons smuggled me a copy of video shown to the other Epsilon moon colonial Leaders." "Oh my god! You actually saw..." Jennifer couldn't finish the sentence. "Yes. I watched those overly muscular, huge phallused monsters rape my sister-in-law and my niece and then strangle them and then my brother shoot himself in the head knowing he couldn't live with the disaster he had set in motion." "The first time I saw that video I took my ion phaser and shot the three Hominoids I had on my household staff. I joined The Movement and I've been shooting skin-jobs ever since." Christina gripped the steering wheel and glared at the road ahead. Jennifer had been bought to tears again and she reached out and stroked Christina's arm, attempting to comfort her. Without taking her eyes off the road Christina gripped Jennifer's wrist. She put the car into autopilot and with her other hand she bent back the fingers on Jennifer's hand until two of them broke; sticking out awkwardly from her hand. "There! Now we have something to fix." Christina grinned viciously over Jennifer's screams of pain. Jennifer's hand was throbbing with pain and she had to nurse her injured fingers as she alighted from the car when it stopped in the Cybertronics car park. Christina remained seated until Jennifer came around and opened the door for her. She was playing the role of a sadistic Companion Hominoid owner perfectly. There were no laws to protect Hominoids because they were not considered human. The lower order 'worker bee' Hominoids felt no pleasure or pain but the higher functioning models, particularly the Companion models felt the full gamut of human senses, sensations, and emotions and were therefore prone to suffer any physical and mental abuse inflicted on them by their owners. Getting into the Cybertronics Incorporated building was easier than they had anticipated. Jennifer and Christina waved their wrists over the scanners and the huge glass doors opened. No alarms activated nor guards came running. Christina strode up to the security desk and began to rage at the clerk who asked her if she had an appointment. "Look at this fucking thing! It's useless to me like this! Fuck the appointment! Do you know who I am?" she held up Jennifer's broken fingers and wailed at the attendant. The attendant punched some soft keys and talked into her headset whilst Christina fumed and Jennifer looked forlorn and in pain. Jennifer didn't have to act. Before long a besuited young executive arrived and began to grovel. "Miz Formosa! Welcome back to Cybertronics, what can we possibly do for you today?" the man toadied up to Christina. When Christina had scanned her wrist at the entrance her biometric data had registered in the Cybertronics network. There was no need for The Movement to alter or falsify Christina's identity credentials in the Cloud; she was in fact a mega-wealthy Elite. The only data that had been manipulated had been to reflect her ownership of the recently terminated Companion Hominoid whose unique identification programming had been transferred to Jennifer. "Fix this!" she held up Jennifer's broken hand. "This clumsy junker fell over this morning," Christina whined. The young executive raised a speculative brow but he smiled at Christina. "An easy fix Madam! I'll take her to the fast repair station on Level Twenty Three and bring her back good as new in a few minutes," the executive grinned. "I'm coming with her. Since I bought her I've not had her out of my sight; I think of her as my sister." Christina returned his grin. 'Yeah, with her head stuck between your legs when you want it and then break her hand when she pisses you off,' the young executive thought. Lesbianism was illegal, but the Elite could do as they wished of course. The woman had probably justified to her friends that she had bought the Jennifer as a companion, but he bet they played scissor- sisters every night. The thought of the two beautiful women in flagrante delicto was getting him quite aroused. Simon and Mark watched the exchange on the large screen in The Movement's Control Room. They had hacked into Cybertronics video surveillance system. "So far so good," Simon commented. Mark was nodding his head in agreement when they heard muffled sounds that they immediately recognised as an ion cannon discharging, followed by repetitive phaser blasts. They looked at each other in shock but they soon registered the significance of the cacophony; their headquarters was under attack. The raucous alarm that began to emanate from the speakers verified their conclusion. 'Code red. Code red. Multiple hostile incursions on level one, level two, level three,' the robotic voice announced. 'All personnel to their battle stations,' it continued. Simon switched the main screen to the base's security cameras and was horrified to see a platoon of Combat Hominoids engaging The Movement's base security forces. They were using an ion cannon with devastating effect against the defending forces and picking off individuals with phasers. He caught a glimpse of Will Faraday wearing full protective armour walking behind the Battle bots, shooting randomly at the defenders. Behind Will Faraday the Cybertronics Tactical Response Squad followed the Hominoids, mopping up survivors; and then the screen went blank. The executive led Christina and Jennifer through the security checkpoints to an elevator and they ascended to Cybertronics fast repair station on Level Twenty Three. Christina engaged the young man in inane conversation until they arrived at the repair facility. Jennifer was rushed into a small diagnostic medical cubicle where an efficient young Intern looked at her injuries. "This will be an easy fix," he concluded after glancing superficially at the injury to her hand. He made no inquiry as to how the injury had occurred. Christina was given a cup of coffee and settled into the small waiting room. She bought up her Omni and began to scan the building layout, reviewing and revising how she would gain access to the Special Products Division some thirty floors above where they were currently located. "I'm going to anaethesise you while I repair your hand Jennifer. Do you understand?" the Intern explained. Jennifer nodded. Her role was to be submissive and supplicant to Christina but her hand was causing her considerable pain which she wanted alleviated as soon as possible. She lay Jennifer down on one of the two of the examination couches in the cubicle and an overhead scanning device passed over her body as the Intern injected an anaesthetic into her vein. Unbeknown to Christina and Jennifer, this was to be their downfall. They were totally unaware that The Movement's headquarters was under attack, neither Mark nor Simon were able to get the massage through before they lost all communications connectivity. When the scanning device passed over Jennifer's body it initially found nothing untoward but then the program found an anomaly. The identification codes of the Jennifer lying on the couch matched the code of the Jennifer owned by Miz Christina Formosa but Christina had made a mistake when she broke Jennifer's fingers. The scanner also identified that the mitochondrial tissue used in the manufacture of this Jennifer was two years younger than that of the Jennifer model on the couch. The scanner interfaced into the Cybernetics main computer and began a search. The two Jennifers were identical in appearance, but there was no doubt that the Jennifer lying on the couch was a newly manufactured model. The computer ran a security routine and immediately identified that this Jennifer was model number J47347 and was the highest priority target of Cybernetics Special Operations Unit. A subroutine program sent immediate but priority alerts to the head of Special Products, Max Middleton and Will Faraday, Head of the Special Operations Unit. Allan Woking, the young executive currently smoozing up to Christina Formosa while her Companion Hominoid was being repaired also received the alert on his Omni. He managed to hide his surprise at the content of the alert that appeared on his Omni screen. "Excuse me." He patted Christina on the knee as he arose which she found to be quite forward by the young man. Allan Woking entered the medical cubicle where the Intern had just completed treating Jennifer's injuries. "She's good as new," the Intern beamed. "Never mind about that. Check this out." Allan held his Omni up to the young Intern. The Intern accessed the Cloud and was amazed and disturbed at the data scrolling across his Omni presence. "Gak! It says we are directed to incapacitate the Hominoid Jennifer and the human Christina Formosa and await the arrival of SOU officers. Any attempt by them to escape is to be met with termination using deadly force!" "I'm not paid to be soldier!" the Intern whined. Allan looked at Jennifer lying on the examination couch. She was beautiful. She looked serene and his eyes roamed over her pretty face, her pert breasts, her slim hips and her long legs. She had taken off her high heels and he ran his fingertips across her stocking-clad toes. "We have plenty of time. Have you ever fucked a Model Four pleasure bot?" the question was rhetorical. "And the haughty Elite bitch out there...I'd like to hear her whine while I fucked her." Alan grinned evilly. "Are you fucking crazy? If Mister Faraday finds we've been fucking around with these women or even worse if they escape, it will be us he blasts not them," the Intern replied, but he too was gazing at the Jennifer lying on the couch and thinking lustful thoughts. "Look. You give me something to knock out the bitch outside. We get the two bitches in here and have some fun with them; then we either terminate them or hand them over to Faraday. Either way, mission accomplished and we get to fuck two beautiful women who are way out of our league," Allan smirked, patting the small phaser holstered on his hip. The Intern swiped his Omni and held it up to Allan Woking. "The Jennifer is Binominal. She's a special order. A transsexual for fuck sake, check this out." He pointed to the screen of his Omni. "Gak! A chick with a dick! I've heard of such abnormalities but never thought I'd see one. Still look at those full lips and those hips; I bet she's got a great ass." "You know what? It only makes me wanna fuck her even more. Fix me a sedative and I'll take care of vinegar-tits outside and we'll have a couple of hours fun before we hand them over; dead or alive, I don't care," Allan grinned. The Intern thought about it for only a few moments and then he rummaged around in a drawer of the medical cart and produced a sedative gun which he slapped into Allan's hand. "Just press it anywhere against her body, the gun will fire the anaesthetic into her bloodstream, even through four layers of clothing, and she'll be comatose in milliseconds," he chuckled, his eyes bright in anticipation. "And here; take these." He mooched around in his rucksack lying under the medical cart and produced a small elaborately etched pillbox. He dropped two yellow pills into Allan's hand. "Performance enhancers; believe me these things are the bomb," he grinned, swallowing two of the pills himself. As soon as Jennifer came out of the sedative she knew that something was wrong. The pain in her hand had completely disappeared and she looked down and saw that her damaged fingers were now healed. But why was Allan Woking standing nearly naked at the bottom of the couch holding a small phaser in his hand. She turned her head sideways and was alarmed to see Christina lying on the other examination couch beside her. Christina was wide awake, her eyes filled with anger but also trepidation. Then Jennifer noticed that Christina had been stripped down to her underwear and her legs were spread and manacled to the frame of the couch. "What?" Jennifer never got to finish the sentence. "We know who you are and can guess why you are here. It makes no difference to us if we hand you over to the SOU alive or dead." Allan Woking, now dressed only in his underpants waved his phaser. "If you behave yourselves and remain compliant you get to live a little longer. Maybe the SOU guys will hand you over to Special Products for reprogramming. As for your friend, she's human and Elite so she is likely to just be charged and imprisoned or fined; but how you two behave for the next hour or two will determine your fate," Allan explained. Jennifer saw that the Intern was also undressed down to his briefs and both men were sporting erections. She knew what they intended. "I'll give you both anything you want. As you know I'm a Model Four Companion and I know how to please a man any number of ways," Jennifer replied. "Gak! Even now you can't help yourself but behave like a whore!" Christina spat at Jennifer. Jennifer accepted the rebuke without response. She knew that Christina was too angry and scared to realise that Jennifer was trying to sacrifice herself to spare Christina any indignity. "Yeah we know that. We also know that you aren't what you seem and that you have been genetically altered, but I find that kinda kinky. Unfortunately for your girlfriend here my colleague has always wanted to fuck an Elite so while I accept your offer; you aren't going to prevent your girlfriend from getting fucked," Allan replied, an evil smirk on his lips. "I'd rather you just shoot me," Christina hissed. "Oh we definitely will if you give us grief. But you're getting fucked first so you might as well resign yourself to your fate," the Intern joined in. The Intern was excited, he ran his hand along Christina's leg. She was wearing holdup stockings and he caressed the dark welt at the top of her thigh and then lightly ran his fingers into the cleft between her legs, pushing the gusset of her soft satin panties into the folds of her sex while she writhed on the couch, staining at her bonds. Jennifer had not been restrained and she began to formulate a crude escape plan but it would involve distracting the men the only way she knew how. "Come on then; let's get this over with." She opened her arms invitingly to Allan. "Jesus these pleasure bots have no morals," he chuckled and put the phaser down on the medical cart. Allan knew that Hominoids were programmed not to harm humans so he saw no need to restrain Jennifer as he dropped his underpants and climbed on the cart. Jennifer embraced him and pressed her lips his, slipping her tongue into his mouth as she felt his erection press against her belly through her skirt. "I knew you'd defect you slut-bot!" Christina spat. The Intern watched Jennifer and Allan embrace and kiss and saw Allan slide his hand under Jennifer's skirt, his fingers sliding up her nyloned thigh. The Intern's penis sprang to full attention and he dropped his shorts and sidled up closer to Christina lying bound on the couch. "You put that thing anywhere near my mouth and I'll bite it off!" Christina growled. "That's ok darling, I'll take my pleasure anyway I can get it," he grinned as he climbed on top of Christina as she writhed beneath him. "Here; I have something to help you." His grin widened as he pressed the pneumatic sedative gun he had concealed in his other hand against her flesh. This time he injected a powerful aphrodisiac into Christina's bloodstream. The expensive narcotic was available over the counter to those Elite who could afford it, but working in the medical department, the Intern had unfettered access to the pharmacy and had stolen plenty of recreational drugs for his personal use. He had loaded the gun from a stash he kept secreted in his rucksack. "Just relax and enjoy the ride honey," he said soothingly as Christina went limp beneath him, her eyes rolling back in her head. Christina felt a rush of excitement surge through her body. Her nipples hardened and became extremely sensitive, her sex began to excrete vaginal juices, soaking into her panties, and her clitoris hardened and began to radiate extreme sexual sensations. It was a strange and bewildering feeling; she was highly aroused and craved release but at the same time she felt nothing but hatred for the man lying on top of her. When the Intern began to kiss her she desperately wanted to bite off his tongue, to rake her nails down his back and beat him with her fists but instead she responded to his kisses and slid her tongue into his mouth. Christina lifted her hips, grinding her pubis against his erection. "God I hate you so much you fucking animal but I desperately want you to fuck me," she gasped into his mouth. Christina was briefly able to turn her head and saw that Allan Woking had climbed off Jennifer and he was standing beside the couch while Jennifer suckled him; he had opened her blouse and extricated her breasts from her brassiere and was sucking on one nipple whilst tweaking the other between his fingers. Jennifer was groaning with lust as she worked her lips up and down his cock, using the tip of her tongue on his fraenulum. Allan was moaning too; waves of intense pleasure emanated from his penis. He would climax soon if he let her keep fellating him. But Allan wanted to fuck Jennifer. He was fascinated that she had male genitalia but she was such a beautiful and sensual woman. He imagined his cock invading her anus and watching her gasp as his engorged member filled her back passage. Jennifer too was surprised at how soon she had succumbed to Allan's ministrations. She shouldn't have been. She suspected that Cybertronics had likely encoded her with a hyperactive sex drive and made her pleasure receptors hypersensitive; probably made to order by the man who had paid Cybertronics to build her. The Intern guided his penis between Christina's legs and pressed it against her panty-clad mound; he could feel the heat of her sex as he rubbed his penis on her secretion soaked panties. He groaned deep down in his thorax as Christina began to grind and thrum against him. "I hate you scumbag but I want your cock inside me. Ride me you skinny runt! Make me come!" Christina moaned. "Oh god baby suck my cock!" Allan was now upright and holding Jennifers face while he fucked her mouth. Jennifer slathered at the member invading her mouth; she felt her own penis becoming erect and she lifted her skirt and put her hand inside her panties and pantyhose and freed her member from between her legs and stroked it through the layers of panty and hosiery, improving her erection. Allan witnessed her do so and was fascinated. "I wanna see it," he groaned. "Me too." The Intern was watching Jennifer intently whilst he dry- humped Christina. "And so do I," Christina admitted. Lying underneath the Intern Christina was pushing up to meet his thrusts, trying to get his cock to press on her clitoris as he rode her. The aphrodisiac had not only turned her into a wonton whore, it had loosened her inhibitions. Allan lifted Jennifer's skirt higher and he gazed at the outline of her erection bulging the front of her panties. Allan tentatively traced her hard cock through the layers of satin and nylon and Jennifer shuddered with lust. She kept suckling Allan's penis as he explored her underwear. The Intern and Christina watched too; fascinated by the sight of the beautiful woman with the erect penis filling her panties. "Oh for god sake fuck me!" Christina begged. Whilst still watching Allan fondle Jennifer, the Intern reached down and tugged the gusset of Christina's panties aside and slid his hard cock into her buttery cunt. They both moaned as his throbbing cock slammed into her, right up to hilt; he ground his pubis against hers, stimulating her clitoris and enjoying the sensation as her tight, sleek, passage gripped his cock. Allan began to pull down Jennifer's panties and she wriggled to allow him to do so. He left them dangling from one ankle and stared at her sleek pink shaft and purple glans encased in the sheer gusset of her pantyhose. Pre-ejaculate had soaked into the flesh-toned the gossamer fabric, darkening in. Allan pulled his cock from Jennifer's mouth with an audible plop. Jennifer was dismayed that the object of her desire had been taken out of her mouth but she began to smile as Allan climbed onto the couch, straddling her. He pressed his cock to hers, enjoying the feel of her erection encased in the sheer nylon as he rubbed his cock on hers. Christina and the Intern were still watching Allan and Jennifer and Christina began to buck harder underneath him, stimulated by the sight of the transsexual being molested and teased. "Fuck me! Fuck me you asshole!" Christina hissed. The Intern reached down and unbuckled the bonds holding Christina's ankles and wrists to the couch; he wanted her stocking-sheathed legs wrapped around him and she did exactly that with little encouragement. She gripped his waist as she rode beneath him, guiding his penis to her pleasure centres. She gripped the naked Intern with her legs and encouraged him to ride her as her first orgasm began to erupt. The orgasm came out of nowhere; she was riding a plateaux of pleasure when suddenly intense sensations of utter sexual gratification began to radiate from her clitoris, spreading through her vagina and then all through her body. Her nipples became intensely sensitive and they too radiated pleasure; her body was on fire with lust and she lifted her head, seeking the Intern's mouth which he duly placed on hers and began to kiss her passionately as she bucked underneath him, grinding her crotch into his, gripping him with her stocking-sheathed legs. Christina's cunt gripped the Intern's penis, rippling and pulsing, causing him to ejaculate. He jackhammered his cock in and out Christina's sopping quivering vagina, his tongue slavering in her mouth as they crushed their lips together. This display of wonton pleasure encouraged Allan and Jennifer; she writhed beneath him rubbing her nylon-clad cock against his. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me like that whore over there." Jennifer pointed at Christina. Allan need no further encouragement and began to paw at Jennifer's pantyhose, trying to pull them down. "Let me," she moaned and slid a red-painted manicured fingernail into the gusset of her pantyhose and after a couple of vain attempts finally snagged the sheer fabric. She enlarged the hole just enough so that she could guide Allan's cock to her puckered sphincter. Her fingers flailed frantically at the instrument table beside the couch until they located a tube of gel used for ultrasound scanning and she quickly squeezed a gobbet of the clear viscous gel onto her hand and began to slather it on Allan's erection. "Oh god be careful honey; I'm so close," he moaned. Allan thrust forward and Jennifer mewed as his penis penetrated her sphincter and slid inside her anus right up to the hilt. "Oh my!" Jennifer squealed as Allan's glans pressed on her prostate, she pulled down the front of her pantyhose so that she could stroke her cock. Jennifer's cock quivered and began to leak copious amounts of pre- seminal fluid, a thin rope of the clear viscous liquid exuded from the eye of her glans. Allan leaned down and kissed her as he began to slowly fuck her. They were both on a knife's edge, their orgasms imminent. Jennifer lifted her legs and wrapped them around Allan's torso, encouraging him to fuck her as her tongue explored his mouth. Allan was feeling intense waves of pleasure as Jennifer's anus contracted around the shaft of his penis. Christina witnessed Jennifer lying on her back, her pantyhose-clad legs locked around Allan, encouraging him to fuck her, the look of sheer lust on Jennifer's and Allan's face initiated her second orgasm which wracked her body. She literally began to shake and quiver on the couch as the Intern fucked her harder, ejaculating inside her. He had to hold onto her as she bucked underneath him, her tongue rolling around inside his mouth. Jennifer orgasmed in concert with Allan, his cock pulsed and quivered as he fucked her hard and fast, his hot semen filled her anal cavity and Jennifer felt the scalding issue inside her and ejaculated over her trim taught belly. Allan saw her come and kissed her passionately driving himself deep inside her anus as the last of his spend spurted from his throbbing penis. He threw back his head and roared with pleasure. Jennifer gasped as the final throes of her climax wracked her body and then she began to feel respite from the intense feelings of lust and debauchery. Now was the time for Jennifer to enact her plan. She encouraged Allan to roll underneath her so that she was straddling him. His penis was still erect and lazily plunging in and out of her anus. She rode him cowgirl and felt his cock begin to quiver once more. He was ready to come again, the performance enhancing drug in full effect, and she lowered her face and kissed him as her buttocks rode up and down on his shaft. Christina and the Intern were still fucking, both enjoying the effects of the performance enhancing medications surging through their systems, alternately watching Jennifer and Allan fucking and then becoming intimately involved in their own gratification. Jennifer waited until Christina and the Intern were concentrating on fucking each other and when she was certain that nothing would distract them she acted. Jennifer rolled off Allan's erection and scrambled for the medical cart. She scooped up Allan's small ion phaser and waved it at the occupants of the couches, putting her best 'don't fuck with me' scowl on her face. "Ok you two; you've had your fun. You, Intern guy, get off Christina and put your hands up. You too Allan; put your hands up and get over into the corner." Jennifer waved the weapon around dangerously. The Intern stopped fucking Christine, immediately alarmed. He extricated himself from her and climbed down off the couch. "Watch what you are doing with that thing you dopey fuck-bot!" he wheezed, out of breath from his exertions. Allan lazily got off his couch. "Don't worry brother; the dizzy cooze is a pleasure-bot; she can't hurt anyone. Her program won't let her," he grinned confidently. Christina was still coming down from her multiple orgasms but she grasped the situation and she too dropped to the floor. "Give me the phaser you loopy cunt!" Allan made to grab the gun from Jennifer's grip. At the same time Christina leapt across the gap and the three of them struggled for control of the weapon. Allan elbowed Christina in the throat and she skittered across the floor and ended up sprawled in the corner. He snatched the phaser from Jennifer's grip, knowing full well she couldn't use it. He took a bead on Christina and pulled the trigger. "No!" Jennifer cried and dived in front of Christina, shielding Christina with her body. Jennifer took the full force of the phaser blast and fell lifeless on top of Christina. To be continued...

Same as I, Jennifer Chapter Three Videos

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 5

Chapter 5“I want you to fuck me.”Mark lifted his sticky face from his mother's loins and looked at her, seeing her look back at him, the lustful stare of her brown eyes piercing his.Jennifer wanted to make sure her son knew what she had said, so she curled her upper lip in such a manner that her grimace betrayed how nasty the thoughts made her feel and how nasty she wanted Mark to see her be. She curled her upper lip as she rasped the words again while looking her son right in the eyes.“I want...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 3

Chapter 3As Jennifer’s tongue circled and slithered around the head of her son’s cock, she kept eye contact with him, connecting with her offspring in a place forbidden, a place where the minds of mother and son meet, not in the form of mother-son love, but in the form of pure, depraved, i****tuous lust. A place where the boundaries of family vaporize, where the walls of taboo are broken down by a mother who wants nothing more than to fuck her own son and a son who wants to fuck his own mother....

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Jennifer Chapter Two

Less than twenty four hours later, Jennifer Salvatore checked her mail on the computer in her bedroom at home. She maintained a couple of hotmail accounts, but the one that was of most interest to her just now was the account which she used primarily for her growing relationship with Rotter, or Jeff as she increasingly thought of him. It was also the address she had written on the mirror in the charity shop, hoping to hear from the guy who had watched her so intently the day before when she was...

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JenniferChapter 2

Monday morning, Jennifer arrived at work. There was a note on her desk. “You made fun of me. You’ll regret it.” She immediately knocked on her boss’s door and asked for a minute. She said there may be a problem. Mr. Reynolds knew that if there was an issue, it needed to be quelled. Jennifer showed him the note. He questioned her. The only person she ever had a crossways word with was Barry, in shipping. The note was hand written. That was the young man’s downfall. He wasn’t the sharpest knife...

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JenniferChapter 6 Learning Things

Jennifer's fifteenth birthday fell on a Saturday. Frank was pleasantly surprised how many friends Jennifer had. The weather was good, and almost twenty teenagers filled Frank's living room, kitchen and the small backyard. Frank did not even attempt to make a surprise party. Jennifer enjoyed organizing her own celebration, inviting her friends and coordinating transportation. Jeremy, Mary and their kids came for a brief visit. Mary had no problems talking to the high school students, and...

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JenniferChapter 5 Freshman Year

"So, do you like what I bought?" Frank was working on his computer, outlining major transaction elements for his next day's meeting. He finished a sentence and looked up at Jennifer. He was glad he put down his cup of tea first, because he nearly choked on nothing but air. Jennifer was wearing a translucent camisole that was, in Frank's somewhat stunned opinion, far too mature for her. While he was searching for a proper response, he did notice that it fit her developing body perfectly,...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 4

Chapter 4Mark’s balls may have been drained for now, but they were already stirring as he looked at his mother lying on the bed. She was looking right at him with her brown eyes through those librarian’s glasses. That mousy look gave her natural good looks something wildly erotic to him, aside from her body and position of course. Jennifer, mousy or not, was lying on the bed looking like a wanton slut, just the way she wanted to be, and with the people she wanted to be a slut with. Her son...

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Jennifer Chapter One

Jennifer Salvatore breathed in and stood up on tip toe and strained to pull up the too-tight denim shorts over her pert little ass. Her blond hair was still damp from the shower, and hung over her shoulders in a tangled wet mess, and her bouncing figure, still struggling into the shorts, caused a droplet of water to drip from the straggly ends of her hair and to roll coolly down her back until it was absorbed in the waistband of the shorts, just as she closed the stud in front. She breathed a...

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JenniferChapter 2 Jennifers Arrival

Angela spent nearly two weeks wrapping things up. Most days, Frank and Angela talked long on the phone, and Frank helped her through the estate and funeral legalities, remembering his own experience when his parents died. Frank flew out for two days to attend Terrence's funeral and help with packing. The funeral was one of the most depressing events Frank had ever attended. The weather was cold and damp. Angela was red-eyed. Jennifer was completely silent and stone-faced as she huddled in...

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JenniferChapter 7 Sweet Sixteen

Jennifer's sixteenth birthday was a bit more subdued than her fifteenth. A number of the teenagers were now paired up, and there was less flirting and posturing going on. What was there was more relaxed, as though they were doing it more for fun than extreme horniness. There was also less stratification into social cliques. Frank recognized most of Jennifer's guests. In addition to her classmates, there were a few from the karate classes, and Frank enjoyed talking about upcoming...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 5 Just Playing

The 'big deal' was that the thin cotton panties didn't hide much when dry, but when wet, it was like they didn't even exist. From the backside, the view was also spectacular. Had Jennifer been wearing a thong, her butt could not have looked any better. "Come on ... lets play," she said from the middle of the pool. "Okay ... but you first," Billy said as he tossed her the ball. Jennifer pushed the ball under the water and sat on it. It provided her with just enough extra height so...

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Jennifers Surprise Chapter 2

Chapter 2“Remember that night that you confessed to me you had those fantasies about Mark? Well, honey, here is your surprise. You wanted your son, and I’m giving him to you.”Tim’s words registered in Jennifer’s brain, but they seemed to come from a distance. It all seemed hazy. She had indeed confessed her i****tuous desires to Tim one night, and it had turned him on immensely and they fucked like rabbits for the rest of the night.But of all the fantasies she had, this surely had to be the one...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 4 Showtime

Jennifer was still in the bathroom when the doorbell rang around eleven. 'That should be Donnie and his friends, ' she thought. She went to the intercom and looked at the video from the front door. Yes, it was them, alright, and on time. "Coming," she said into the intercom. Jennifer opened the door wide, presenting the guys with an unobstructed view of herself. They knew, especially Donnie, that Jennifer was a bit of a showoff, but none of them was expecting what they saw. Jennifer...

1 year ago
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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 6 Brother and Sister

"That was rough, I'm sure," said Jennifer. "Yeah ... well it's been brewing ever since Dad and I moved out," Donnie said. "I just wasn't ready to admit it." "Uh huh ... me too ... I mean ... uh ... You were talking about us weren't you." "Of course," Donnie said emphatically. "Can we go in the house?" Jennifer looked into Donnie's eyes. "Kiss me first ... like you did when you took the ball away." Donnie took a step toward Jennifer, narrowing the distance between them....

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JenniferChapter 4 A New Parent

"Hi, Zack, do you have a few minutes to talk?" Frank asked his boss. Zack was a partner, and a pretty good boss, although he was as driven as anybody in the firm. "Sure, Frank, come over," said Zack, pointing to a guest chair in his office. "How are you getting on? And how is Jennifer doing?" Zack had attended Angela's funeral, and had told Frank to take as much time as he needed before returning to work. "That's actually what I wanted to discuss. Jennifer gets home at about two...

2 years ago
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JenniferChapter 3 Another Change

Neither Angela nor Frank held an elaborate Thanksgiving celebration. They didn't have family nearby, and were used to living alone. Even during the years they lived together, they didn't feel it necessary to prepare a festive meal, especially for two people. However, Jennifer mentioned wistfully that her dad always had one. So it was that Angela bought the smallest turkey she could find in the store, and Frank looked for traditional recipes. Mary, his assistant, proved an invaluable...

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JenniferChapter 12

Rocky came into the weight room, still drying his hair with a towel, and went straight to a bench. He was wearing only a pair of swimming trunks, and Jennifer thought he looked like a Greek god. Before he had a chance to do any presses, Jennifer walked over and looked down at him. “I didn’t get a chance to thank you for what you did the other day. I’m sorry. I guess I was a little shaken up.” “My pleasure,” said the smiling young man. He looked up at her and liked what he saw. She was...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 1 The Brother

For the second time in two days, the doorbell rang as Jennifer was stepping out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her body and went to the intercom. The video from the front door wasn't all that clear but Jennifer was able to tell it was her brother Donnie. She pressed the 'talk' button. "Just a minute," she said. Jennifer ran a comb through her wet hair as she looked at herself in the mirror. The towel she was wearing was big enough to cover from the tops of her breasts to...

1 year ago
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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 2 Caught by Mother

"Oh shit!" said Jennifer, as she hugged the towel around her and jumped up from the couch. "It's mother ... quick, out the back door. She can't know you've been here." By the time Jennifer's mother came in from the garage, Donnie was long gone, into the woods at the back of the house, and Jennifer was in her bathroom getting dressed. "Jennifer ... I'm home," Judy Grafton hollered. "In here Mom ... I'll be out as soon as I dry my hair," Jennifer replied. Her mother had...

2 years ago
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JenniferChapter 14

It had been several days now, and as the morning broke, Jennifer was very glad that ‘that time’ had passed. In her present environment she found herself constantly horny. As she ate her breakfast, she surreptitiously eyed both Roger and Rocky, trying to decide which one to take back upstairs with her. So, she was somewhat disappointed when Margaret came in and asked her to join her in the business office. Arriving there, Margaret immediately set Jennifer to work cleaning and straightening...

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JenniferChapter 9

The two women went back down the stairs and to the kitchen. By now, mid-morning, the house was showing some life, as people woke and began moving. Half a dozen beautiful young women were gathered around a kitchen table. Margaret introduced them to Jennifer. “Most mornings we simply have coffee and juice, fruit, some buns and pastries. You know, sort of a continental breakfast. Lunch is usually sandwiches and soup, or something else of the sort. Mrs. McMurphy prepares a nice dinner before she...

4 years ago
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JenniferChapter 13

Jennifer returned to her room and collapsed onto her bed. She knew her work in the office was caught up, and just said, “Fuck it.” Screwing Rocky would tire a team of Olympic athletes. The next several days passed quickly, with occasional fucks from Roger and Rocky, and shortly she noticed that it had been three weeks since she had arrived at the Lakehouse. It was that time of the month again, so that evening she dressed in skintight black denim jeans and a sequined black top that was half...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 8

The wakeup call at 8:00 woke only Margaret, who leaned across the space between the beds to rouse her niece. Both men snored on. Unsurprisingly, the men had collapsed into deep sleep a fuck or two after the girls had showered. Margaret motioned for Jennifer to follow and headed for the bath. “Grab a shower and get dressed,” she whispered. “I’ve got room service bringing up some coffee, juice, and croissants. Roger should be bringing the car by at nine, so we’ve got an hour.” “What about...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 16

Jennifer and Margaret lolled in hammocks on the front yard of the Lakehouse. It had been a little over a week since Jennifer had talked to her mother, and both expected her to show up sometime today. So, they had given themselves a day off and lazed the afternoon away. The manic sex drives they had felt had subsided to their normal horny levels, much to the relief of an exhausted Roger and Rocky. Margaret’s period had come and gone, and she told Jennifer that meant her mother’s had passed,...

3 years ago
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JenniferChapter 3

“Anna Maria, Mamma, will you keep a very open mind for me, just for a minute. I need to ask you a question, for a favor, if you will, but it may freak you out. Regardless, I need you to promise that you will not shun me or hate me afterwards, and God forbid, I need you to promise not to tell your daughter, your daughters, to disavow me and leave me. If you disagree, I promise never to breathe a word of it again, but I need your help and blessing.” “What, child, in the world, could be this...

1 year ago
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JenniferChapter 6

By the time Jennifer and her aunt got out of the Las Vegas airport it was late. The plane had been delayed in landing, and at baggage pickup, Jennifer had no baggage to pick up. Another hour went by before it was discovered that all her luggage was visiting Orlando and wouldn’t be back for another day. Margaret decided they would stay in town for the night and go to the Lakehouse in the morning. Margaret called the Lakehouse and spoke to a man. “Hello ... Roger ... We just got in ... They...

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JenniferChapter 11

Margaret closed for the night after the men had left. Jennifer sank onto a barstool in disbelief, as the remaining girls clustered around her and her aunt, offering support. Rocky and Roger returned shortly from the front gate. “They’re gone,” said Roger simply, as he moved back around the bar. He poured a round of brandies for the group. After several more minutes, the remaining girls left for their rooms. When the four were alone, things were quiet for a moment. Then Margaret spoke up....

4 years ago
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JenniferChapter 5

The three women slept until the early afternoon. Then they loaded up Alexandra’s car and drove to the airport. It was a silent drive, as Margaret continued to snooze, and Jennifer drowsily contemplated the events that were taking her to Nevada. She had not planned on going to work for her aunt. In fact, she had recently gotten a job as junior bookkeeper at Honest Bob’s Lincoln-Mercury-Ford. Of course, she had been wearing a very tight skirt and a not quite opaque blouse when she applied for...

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JenniferChapter 10

Finally, by the end of the week following her arrival, she felt that things were caught up enough to allow a more normal schedule and told her aunt so. “Well, that’s good. You need to learn the rest of the business as well. Don’t forget, I also need you as an assistant hostess.” “So, what do I do? And when?” quizzed Jennifer. “Well, when is evenings. Or whenever I’m busy, or away,” responded Margaret. “The hostess greets callers, takes their coats, takes payments, introduces them to the...

2 years ago
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JenniferChapter 15

The ringing phone woke Jennifer from her nap. Briefly disoriented, she looked around the room. Sitting up, she wrapped the sheer robe around herself, and walked to the phone. “Hello?” “Hi, honey. How are you?” “Mom? How are you? I’m fine!” The two women talked for several minutes, and Roger stirred and rolled over on the bed. Raising up on one elbow, he looked across the room and saw Jennifer talking animatedly on the phone. All she was wearing was the short and sheer robe and high-heeled...

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Jennifer and DonnieChapter 3 Scheming

Mrs. Grafton waited quietly while Jennifer studied the pictures. "Do you know how to delete them?" "I think so..." But then Jennifer surprised her mother, maybe herself too, "Do I have to though?" "No ... but I thought you'd want to ... you don't know what he's planning to do with them ... maybe show them around the school..." "Donnie wouldn't do that." Jennifer protested. "Maybe some close friends, but not all over school ... he wouldn't do that." "You don't know...

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JenniferChapter 7

The first order of business was to undress the two elderly clients. Starting at their sports coats and shirts, the two whores worked their way downward, kissing and licking as they went. Jennifer could sense her aunt’s surprise at finding such firm cocks as these men possessed. While both cocks were slim and average sized, Margaret had not been expecting what she saw and felt. Shortly both men were in their birthday suits. Margaret had them sit next to each other in two armchairs. Then...

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Jenniferi. The a*****ionJennifer walked slowly back to her dispatch area. When she got back to the office, all of theother runners were out. Jennifer sat down at the table and pulled out her MCAT study guideand began immersing herself in preparation for the upcoming test. Jennifer had alwayswanted to be a doctor. She had already completed a degree in Chemistry with a minor inBiology and was going to become a doctor. These few facts made her feel superior to mostof the uneducated people she...

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Jennifer was an attractive girl. She was 5’ 3" and weighed about 110 pounds. She was admiring her naked body in the mirror of her room. She had a reasonably shapely body for a 17 year old girl. Her brunette hair hung down to her shoulders. Her breasts were good sized, about a c cup. She didn’t like her legs; she felt they were a little to short. She felt her greatest asset was her ass. She turned to look at it. It was well rounded and firm. It had kind of a heart shape to it. She turned back...

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Jennifer Part 2

Michael was at the gun range close by the Sheriff’s Department. He was there to settle a bet with one of the older, more experienced officers. The bet was: who was the better shot? Several other officers, having little to do that day, decided to tag along and see who would win. Michael wanted to wrap this up fast. He was catching a plane to Colorado in a few hours, and he needed to pick up Jennifer on the way there too. They had been secretly dating for several months now. So far, they’d...

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Jennifer8217s Surprise

Jennifer Smith couldn’t wait to get home. The assistant sales-director got a phone call from her husband Tim during the day and she’d been feeling giddy ever since. It was a long working day, but Tim’s phone call really made her feel better. She loved her husband very much, but in the last couple of years they’ve had their problems. Without either of them knowing it, they were both feeling dissatisfied with their sex-life, until at one point they had an argument which...

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Jennifer Has a Plan

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Jennifer Lawrence and an old high school friend go

Dominic Bryan sat down in the log cabin hidden away in the Los Angeles countryside. His ears picked up as the sound of a car rolled up the drive, collecting gravel in its treads as it went. He stood up and moved away from the desk, peering out of the large window, Dom saw a big green SUV slow to a halt outside of the resort. Two people got out of the vehicle and walked to the back of the car. The larger woman opened the back of the car and hoisted a large bag out of the back. That must be the...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Part 4

Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn’t been masturbating in her sl**p as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn’t feel good as the book indicated. The next...

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Jennifer Part 4

Chapter 4 That night she dreamed of having a master who was having sex with her. She woke up several times only to realize that it was a dream. It was peculiar, however, that she felt a certain feeling in her vagina. She wondered if perhaps she hadn't been masturbating in her sleep as she had seen in the illustrations in the book. When she got to that section she tried what was shown and decided that she could do it if asked but that it didn't feel good as the book indicated.The next morning...

1 year ago
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Jennifer and Allison Part 3

Her breathing came in ragged gasps. She tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was really difficult with Ryan's fingers buried inside her. Ryan and Jennifer were in the high school drama room off the back of the auditorium. Jennifer was wearing a tight black tank top and a short denim skirt that only came down to mid-thigh when worn properly. Right now though, Jennifer's skirt was bunched around her waist, her lacy black thong exposed. Ryan was standing behind Jennifer, his groin...

3 years ago
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Jennifer and Allison Part 2

Jennifer gazed down at Allison, who was completely exhausted, and almost completely naked except for her bikini top pulled off to the sides of her breasts. Sweat glistened across every inch of Allison's body, and cum was dripping lazily out of her pussy. “So...” said Jennifer tentatively, after awkwardly making eye contact with Allison, “do you think he would let me try some of that with him, too?” Allison sighed, still coming down off her incredible orgasm of only a minute ago. “I...

2 years ago
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Jennifer and Allison Part 1

"I know," Jennifer hissed back when Mrs. Miller, the algebra teacher turned her back to write another problem on the board. "It's like torture having to sit here listening to her voice when we could be at your place laying out!" Allison continued at the next opportune moment. Jennifer's house had a great backyard with a pool, hot tub, and big lawn. The weather in central Florida was perfect for swimming this time of year, and the two best friends couldn't wait to get to the...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 ‘This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her,’ a man said. ‘Is that because she was a problem?’ a female voice said. ‘We don’t know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price,’ the man said. ‘Give her the standard training course,’ the woman said and walked out...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Part 2

Chapter 2 "This one is 20 years old. Purchased on Alaytia for 250 credits. As you can see she is of nominal stature for an Alaytion. From the marks here it looks like an attempt was made to train her," a man said."Is that because she was a problem?" a female voice said."We don't know. Occasionaly one of the Alaytions will train their daughter before they sell them, thinking they will get a better price," the man said."Give her the standard training course," the woman said and walked out of the...

4 years ago
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Jennifer Brings Over a Friend Club Wives 8

“Hey what’s up?” Came the text. Jennifer might be an amazing woman, but she was still a 20 something. I didn’t really care for texting all that much, but it was a necessarily evil. A week had passed since my adventure at the club with Rochelle and 2 weeks since I had seen Jennifer. I was beginning to miss her and I was happy to hear from her. “How’s it going? Things ok with the roommate?” I asked. “Yup. I’ve got news.” came the reply. “Call me.” I said. Jennifer called me. “So what’s...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Lawrence researches a sex addict for new

I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...

3 years ago
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Jennifers Need

Jennifer arranges to go and visit Katherine, but has an adventure along the wayThis is a continuation of the story in Jennifer's Shame, so if you've not already read it, I suggest you start there.As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received.When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Birthday Present from Her Mom and

This story is an actual event that happened to me a few years back. I had lost my privileges to drive a truck for a few years, so I decided I would go to work in fast foods, as a maintenance person. I worked hard enough that the franchise owner decided to send me to school to learn how to actually work on all the equipment in the stores, as well as doing my usual daily work. Now, the advantage to this position is a few things. 1) You basically work by yourself, and are not really crowded onto a...

3 years ago
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Jennifer Part 5

Chapter 5 She felt her shackles being released and she was raised up off of the rack by the mistress. As she stood she saw the maid still twitching against the wall as the dildo pulsed inider of her. The maid continued to whimper ever time a pulse hit. The pain of the enema made it difficult for Jennifer to stand fully erect. As she tried to straighten the skin of her stomach stretched around her now round tummy. It was almost impossible to stand fully erect. The mistress watched for several...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Part 5

Chapter 5 She felt her shackles being released and she was raised up off of the rack by the mistress. As she stood she saw the maid still twitching against the wall as the dildo pulsed inider of her. The maid continued to whimper ever time a pulse hit. The pain of the enema made it difficult for Jennifer to stand fully erect. As she tried to straighten the skin of her stomach stretched around her now round tummy. It was almost impossible to stand fully erect. The mistress watched for several...

2 years ago
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Jennifers Husbands Fantasy

My wife Jennifer and I have been married for nearly 15 years. We have what I consider a perfect marriage. That's not to say we never have disagreements or get crabby with each other. We do, but it's generally short-lived and due to fatigue on one of our parts. Although we don't have all the same interests, we have the same core values, and I firmly believe that's what determines a couple's compatibility. I would describe our sex life as very good and I hope Jennifer would do the same. Although...

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Jennifer Knew Something Was Missing

Like most young men, I wasted years of my life obsessed with small waists and small asses.  It wasn’t until I was in my mid-twenties that I learned to appreciate a woman with curves. Unfortunately, the woman I appreciated was off the market.Jennifer and I met online on a blogging site.  The idea seems absurd today, but this was 2004 and the whole world wasn’t on the internet yet.  It was easy for people in their twenties who shared interests to connect and develop a real relationship.It was a...

4 years ago
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Jennifers Birthday Paddling

Synopsis: Very Long story. Jennifer and her friend Linda get a paddling, and Jennifer gets her rectum pleasured by her friend.---------------------Jennifer's Birthday PaddlingJennifer was really a sweet catch, and an older woman to boot. I had been working a Real Estate office for 2 years in sales, and she joined the company in May of 89'.I immediately liked Jennifer a lot, not only because she was older but had a very sweet and kind air about her. I was 27 at the time, and Jennifer was a bit...

1 year ago
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Jennifer by Aoife Martin 1. Jennifer Jennifer stood in front of the full-length mirror in her sister's bedroom. She regarded her naked form with disdain and disgust. Oh how she hated her body! She hated its slimness, her boy-hips, her flat chest that would never bud. Most of all, she hated the thing between her legs. The thing that made her a boy. Carefully laid out on her sister's bed were the clothes Jennifer was going to wear. She quickly pulled on the pair of panties she...

1 year ago
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Jennifers Shame

Jennifer returns to her old school to see how it has changedAt the age of 37, Jennifer Carson still had it. Her face was unlined and she was fitter than she had ever been in her life. Appraising her naked body in the mirror, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. Her breasts were still pert and her bottom was round and smooth. On this sunny Monday morning, she would be visiting her old secondary school to appraise its current standards and decide if she was going to send her own...

3 years ago
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Jennifer And Her Daughters II

JENNIFER AND HER DAUGHTERS II By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 3 Steve awoke to pain. "God, I hurt!" he swore. He winced as he got out of bed. He looked down at himself and saw horrible swelling all over. His arms and legs were especially swollen. He was sure that he was swollen in every place that the hair removal gel had been applied. He touched his face and felt a sharp stab of pain. He went over and stood in front of a full-length mirror in the bedroom. He saw that his face...

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