A Little Present
- 2 years ago
- 22
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Monday morning, Jennifer arrived at work. There was a note on her desk. “You made fun of me. You’ll regret it.” She immediately knocked on her boss’s door and asked for a minute. She said there may be a problem. Mr. Reynolds knew that if there was an issue, it needed to be quelled. Jennifer showed him the note. He questioned her. The only person she ever had a crossways word with was Barry, in shipping. The note was hand written. That was the young man’s downfall. He wasn’t the sharpest knife in the block.
Mr. Reynolds called shipping and asked them for the last 4 days of shipping documents, so he could check some numbers against production. Once he got them, he called Human Resources. The manager, Mrs. Bailey, was a wonderful person unless you were a problem. Those people called her the Bitch of Bakersfield. A play on the Sherlock Holmes thing. She was proud to have grown up in Bakersfield and lived through it.
“Miss Brock, cover your ears, please. Mr. Reynolds, thank you for this. Between management, and management only, you need to know that this is his third strike. He’s gone. Harry will just have to replace him with a real person. You can uncover your ears now, Miss Brock.”
“Yes, ma’am.” All three of them laughed, but they also knew it wasn’t really all that funny, could be quite serious, actually, and it probably wasn’t over.
“Miss Brock, if he so much as looks at you sideways, you tell Mr. Reynolds, myself, or your amore’, and get the police on the line. He will be advised what will happen if he retaliates, and we’re talking years, here. This is a documented threat. He’s not a smart cookie. He may be a stud muffin, but he’s a dumb one.”
“My amore’, ma’am?”
“Yes, hon. Mizz Tolson has resources, too, and we may not be around. It’s not a secret, hon, your relationship with Miss Tolson. We just don’t want to lose you. That’s our big problem with your relationship. She’s a wonderful customer, but you’re the best thing that ever happened to Production. Ask this guy. He’d chain you to your desk and ask you to marry him if his wife and kids would allow it. Never mind. Kidding. I’ll make myself go watch a harassment prevention movie.” She giggled and walked out.
Once she had the note, the shipping documents, and about five minutes of video showing him in the production office that morning in her possession, she called Barry into the office and gave him three choices. He could resign with today being his last day, he could be fired, as of eight o’clock that morning, or she could call the cops.
He chose to resign, but screwed up royally, because on his way out the back door, he flipped off the building and said, “Fuck you all, and if I ever see that little bitch again, she’s dead meat!” Just over the door was a high definition security camera with an audio feed. Not to mention the receptionist watched the tirade in person. She called Mrs. Bailey and told her what she saw.
That video and the file, along with the note, and the other clip, went to the police, who were more than happy to get it. Strike three downtown, too. Two domestic abuse cases and now a threat of violence in the workplace. Civil rights violation. Nope, not the brightest light on the tree. Not by a long shot.
That week was spent at Marcie’s house. All three of them, and Wednesday night the parents came over. Jennifer helped Marcie make a nice meal. Marie served them drinks and dinner, then once they were all seated, Mr. Tolson said, “So this is how it’s going to be?”
Marcie nodded. “Yes, Daddy. She’s happy. I’m happy. I have Jennifer. Life has never been better, and I, for one, am sincerely satisfied. I’ve never felt like this before. It’s not euphoria. It’s pleasant. Not a rollercoaster anymore, but a train. Steady. Loving. Strong. Sure. Nothing like I’ve ever felt.”
Anna Maria spoke up. “You’re in love. Love is often soft, not boring, but without event, comfortable, but then it can be exciting, rich in feelings, and fulfilling. You don’t need to be bouncing off the walls to feel passion, child. Does the little one know what happens to the bodies of those that hurt you?”
Jennifer laughed and ran to the couch. She kissed Mamma and crawled up in Daddy’s lap. “Never happen. She’s my rock. If she beats me, though, can I come tattle? I have no one. Not a whine, Mamma, just a fact.”
“Yes, little one. If my baby beats you, I will have Daddy spank her.”
“NOOOOOOO!” Marcie cried. The room pealed with laughter. Jennifer kissed Mr. Tolson under the chin and thanked him for accepting her into the family. She kissed and hugged Mamma again, with the same thanks, then sat by her fiancée. “Mamma. Daddy. I’ve asked Jennifer to marry me. I did it last night. It’s soon, yes, but we’re going to have a long engagement, and we need to get a lot done. We wanted you to know, though. We are engaged.”
Mr. Tolson stood, walked to the other side of the room, pulled both girls up to him and hugged them together. “Mamma, help me here. I think they either want our blessing or a spanking. Three weeks is a bit quick, but as long as the engagement runs a bit and you have a chance to find your center, that should be okay. Blessings. You good with that, Anna?”
“Yes. Jennifer, we know your heart. It shows. We know you love them both. Take care of our Marie and let our Marcie take care of you, and for God’s sake, take care of yourself, little one. You can’t do anyone any good unless you are whole and in control of your own life.”
“Thank you, Mamma. Thank you, Daddy. I will. I will take care and be taken care of, just as you say.” Congratulations were spread, with hugs and kisses, then the ‘rents headed out. “That went well, I think.”
Marcie and Marie laughed. “Yes, it did. You have him wrapped around your finger,” Marcie shared. “Me, too, by the way. I love you, Jennifer. Sis! Towels. Hot tub. Dishes later.”
“Yes, ma’am. Go on. I’ll be right out.”
Suits were no longer a requirement, or even desired. Any minute of any day, in any part of the house, someone might need a kiss, or a hug, or a squeeze. They may find the giver, or the receiver, without benefit of clothing. Sunning, swimming, hot tubbing, all that, without suits. Orgy? No. Comfortable with nudity and soft loving caresses? Yes.
Marie was trying to teach Jennifer about the art of sex. Sensual giving. Guiding during receiving. How to make love. Marcie was the recipient of the lessons, often there as the model to be used during the demonstrations. She assisted with the teaching at times but was very happy being the crash-test dummy.
Marcie made the purchase of a Feeldoe, a strapless dildo that was partly inserted into her own vagina, providing an anchor for the instrument, the other end of which was a slim phallus shaped shaft. After watching a couple of movies about using one, Marie helped her don a pair of substantial support pantyhose to help hold the device in place. One evening, Jennifer came home from work to a beautifully set table, a gorgeous maid in a cute little sexy uniform waiting on her hand and foot, while her fiancée spoke to her about their future and their lives together as a couple, and as a family. Jennifer felt loved, cherished, and above all, a sense of true belonging.
After dinner, the maid in the sexy little uniform took her upstairs to the master bath, undressed her, advising her to just allow it, as it was her duty to prepare her mistress’s lover for their enjoyment. Marie took great pains in making it a sensuous shower, leaving no part of Jennifer uncleansed. When finished, she was dried and led to the bed, the now naked maid helping her relax and she was pampered with massage oil, soft hands, and soothing words of love.
Marcie entered the room, wearing a business suit with a fairly short skirt, one of Jennifer’s favorite outfits her lover wore. She spoke to Jennifer in a commanding, dominant way, yet the love and caring was there at all times. Jennifer didn’t feel dominated as much as she felt directed. “I’m going to make love to you tonight, my dear Jennifer. You left it to me as to when, and how, this would happen.” The jacket came off, then the blouse. In her bra, skirt, hose and heels, Jennifer’s Goddess was in complete control of the little woman. Complete. Jennifer would do anything for this woman in charge of her life. Marcie unfastened and unzipped the skirt, pulling it down to reveal the pantyhose with the erect penis inside. Jennifer gasped. “You are about to receive this in your pussy, my love. I’ll be firm, yet as gentle as I can, but it will hurt. When we’re done, you will know, with no doubt left, that you are mine. Pet, come. Prepare my cock for my little love.”
Marie rose from the bed, grabbed a small pair of scissors off the dresser, and turned Marcie away from Jennifer’s view. She cut a small hole in the reinforced crotch panel in the pantyhose and fed the long slender semi soft cock through it. It protruded menacingly, just like the cock of a well-endowed man, yet it was slender. Marcie turned. Jennifer gasped again. “Pet, hold her. Touch her. Love her. Comfort her. Her mate is taking her now. Jennifer, this is your last chance. If I penetrate your body with this cock, you are mine. Forever. No question. If I do this, I also give you my pet. To use and enjoy as you wish. Your sacrifice will be rewarded. Know that. I ask you now, Jennifer, may I have your body? May I make love to you now? Completely?”
“Yes, Marcie. Come. Do it. Love me. Oh, God, I can’t believe I’m saying this. Marcie, fuck me, please, my love, fuck me. Do it!” Marcie rubbed a bit of K-Y jelly on the shaft with her hand, exaggerating the motion of a man jacking off as she walked toward her victim. “Fuck me, honey. Hold me, kiss me, and fuck me.”
Marcie eased the tip of the phallus into her lover, then as the obstruction was encountered, she said, “Now, Pet, now.” Marie reached in and pinched Jennifer’s clitoris between her thumb and forefinger, setting the little girl to writhing and moaning, then with a smack on the side of her hip with Marcie’s hand to distract Jennifer from the pain, she lurched forward, burying the cock into her little lover.
“Awkkk. SHIT! FUCK! OWWWW!” Jennifer screamed into Marcie’s neck. She relaxed, then bit, softly. “Yours, my love. All yours. Forever. Fuck me, Marcie. Pet, play with my clittie. Momma’s gonna make me cum. Oh, God, this feels good now. The bad part is over. This is heaven.” She hunched up, fucking back up into her woman’s cock, meeting each thrust. “Coming, honey. Coming. Soon. Yes. Fuck me, Marcie, COMING!! Agghhhh! YES!” She slumped back, now into Marie’s arms. Marcie slowly pumping still. Jennifer did a crunch, pulled herself up on one elbow and pinched her lover’s clit.
“YESSSS!” Marcie cried as she came and collapsed onto the other two women. “Yessss. I love you, Jennifer. I love you, Marie. Thank you. Thank you both.” Jennifer whimpered as Marcie pulled her cock out of the girl. Marie reached down with a washcloth, catching the pink frothy mess as it oozed out of Jennifer’s newly ravaged vagina. She was a woman. A well fucked woman, in her mind. They laid there in each other’s arms for half an hour before any of them wanted to move. Not a word was spoken. None needed be.
A month and a half into their relationship, it was decided that they had put it off long enough. Marie’s house went up for sale, and Jennifer’s apartment complex was given notice. Another decision was made, as well. Jennifer did not want to quit her job yet. She had a position at Tolson at any point she wanted, and it was a cushy job, too. PA to the COO. Personal Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer. Girl Friday for her fiancée. She wanted the job, and she wanted it soon. They could travel together, and she could help out in any number of ways, but her employer had to find a replacement and be happy with everything first. She owed them that. And more, but at least that. They had hired her, inexperienced, from a job fair, and let her thrive. She was good for them, yes, but they were good for her, too.
Her new family and her old employer thought that was a noble gesture, so they all went along with it. Mrs. Bailey found a replacement three months later.
Downtown, one afternoon, Marie and Jennifer were leaving Macy’s, each carrying two bags of goodies. They had just raided the Shoe, Lingerie, and Hosiery Departments, setting up an evening of fashion and fun for Marcie’s upcoming birthday. As they walked to Marie’s car, a figure popped out from between two SUVs and grabbed Marie, an arm around her neck, and a knife against her cheek. Marie screamed.
“Barry, let her go. It’s me you want. Let her go, and you can take me instead. You can hurt me and punish me for making fun of you last year. You can fuck me, rape me, have your thrills, even kiss me, if you want, and dump me, but let her go.” Jennifer put her bags down behind the next vehicle. She raised her hands and walked toward them. Barry let his arm from around Marie’s neck and reached out for Jennifer’s arm. The knife left Marie’s cheek as Jennifer pulled her away from him and pushed her to safety. That was the third stupid act Barry had pulled in regard to Jennifer. She kicked him square in the nuts, used a pressure point in his wrist to take him to the ground, and when he resisted, she pushed his survival knife through his shoulder muscles into his rotator cuff. He didn’t know it then, but that arm would never work quite the same again.
He tried to grab her again and found that a woman in four-inch stiletto heels was a dangerous event waiting to happen. As Marie was gaining her composure, calling 911, and waving down a mall security truck, Jennifer punched a three-eighths inch hole just below Barry’s solar plexus. The ankle straps, coming in handy mostly for dancing, kept Barry’s chest from gaining purchase and ownership of her shoe. Possession is nine points of the law and all that, but Jennifer had no intention of letting him keep her good black kidskin sandals. He fell back, grasping at his chest and trying to breathe.
Mall security was on the radio with their office, which was on the phone with the local police, and within four minutes, two police officers were on the scene. They saw two women, one quite small and quite young, comforting each other, standing over a large man with a knife in his shoulder and his hands over his lower chest.
As the EMS guys took over caring for Barry’s wounded body, the officers approached the women.
“Ma’am,” one of them said to the obviously older woman, “can you tell me what happened here?”
“Yes, officer, my sister’s fiancée saved my life when that asshole grabbed me and put a knife to my face. I thought he was going to cut me to get even for what happened last year.”
“OK, ma’am. Where is this guy now? The fiancée?”
“Oh, officer. Sorry. She’s right here. Jennifer saved me from that monster. This is my sister’s fiancée.”
“Uhhhh,” the officer mumbled. The two of them looked at each other. “You, did that?” Jennifer nodded. One of the officers took Barry’s wallet and went to his cruiser to call in the incident.
She looked up at Marie, holding her around her middle, as Marie held her. “I told you and your sister I wasn’t a wallflower and I doubted you could take me. We never got a chance to discuss that and then I forgot about it. Oh, well. I hope I’m not in any trouble.”
The officer approaching them overheard then and told then, “No, ma’am, if that’s not your knife, you aren’t in any trouble, and may get a reward. Old Barry there is on probation for something that happened last year. He just got out of jail and is now in a heap of trouble. No joke. I’m going to assume you don’t carry a K-bar, a survival knife, and if you’ll confirm that, I’ll give you two a case number and let you know if we need you. Please fill these cards out, and you can be on your way.”
The two ladies filled the cards out, got a card from the officer with the case number on it, and after thanking the officers for getting there so quickly, left and went home.
Marcie had a fit and was beside herself hearing the story, but they settled her down, snuggled and calmed her, and everything went back to normal in a few days. They were able to have the birthday fashion show that the shopping trip was supposed to provide the scenery for, and after the visual treats and heated exchange of bodily fluids and such, the trip was deemed a success. All except for the Barry thing, that is.
They were summoned to court but didn’t have to testify. A parking lot camera caught the whole thing. The young man just had a knack for being photogenic. The judge sentenced him to eighteen years, with an absolute minimum of twelve served, eligible to be released then only after successful psychiatric treatment. She told Jennifer she was proud of her bravery and quick thinking. The whole thing, thankfully, was behind them.
Marcie had been considering getting security for them for a while, just because of things like that being possible, but decided instead to give her fiancée a raise ... An additional title of Director of Executive Personnel Security ... And a wedding date. Marie took full responsibility as the wedding planner. And that night, once the date was set, Jennifer showed her spouse-to-be just how happy she was to be hers. They made love until the wee hours of the morning, then were cleaned up and cared for by their pet, maid, lover, and companion. After the cleanup was complete, the two looked at each other, Jennifer nodded, and the two of them used every sexual trick they knew, in every place they could on Marie’s lovely body to show her how much they loved her, too.
The next morning, in front of the mirror, she saw the damage. “Mistress Jennifer, how am I supposed to explain those,” she asked, pointing to two hickeys on either side of her pudenda, “to my gynecologist tomorrow morning?” The marks on her skin where her sister and her mistress sucked on her in a frenzy of sexual excitement were large, dark and similar, but not identical. Two different sets of lips made them ... At the same time, while fingers were playing in her spasming, jerking, orgasming body.
“Well, if you don’t want a spanking, you’ll tell her the truth. Your sluttiness caused your owners to mark you, knowing full well you had an appointment in the morning. Who do you think keeps track of these things, girl?” Jennifer laughed at Marie’s discomfort. “Trust me, my beautiful dear slut. You won’t be the first girl to ever spread their legs in front of that woman with evidence of a tryst with voracious lovers. If I’m not mistaken, she saw one on me that your sister put there a few months ago. Marie, remember ... The truth. Always. Without fail. Always the truth. Unless you lie about a Christmas gift surprise or something. That’s different.” They both laughed. Jennifer rose from the stool, wiped a drop of pee, flushed, and hugged her pet. They kissed, and with broad smiles left to go down to fix breakfast for the woman of the house.
“I’ll send your strumpet up with coffee in a bit, love. Stay in bed, please. We need to talk.”
“OK, Jennifer. Uhmm, Jennifer?”
“Yes, love?”
“I do love you so very much. Thank you. For everything.” Jennifer smiled at her, blew her a kiss and walked out. Marcie loved watching her walking away. Such a pretty girl.
Marcie thought about what she had. She had pretty much everything she wanted. And a good living. It was through hard work, but it was a good living. What she was thinking mostly about, though was the happiness that her decision to ask Jennifer out had brought. She was so glad that she overcame her shyness, her fear of rejection and asked. It could not have turned out better. It just couldn’t have.
Then for Jennifer to take on the role as her sister’s mistress, treating her famously and loving her to death while still keeping her grounded. A ‘slut’ here, a ‘tramp’ there, being referred to as a ‘strumpet’, ‘fuck toy’, ‘Momma’s plaything’, and once, just at the right time, a ‘dizzy cunt’, kept her feeling a bit out of control. Exactly where she wanted to be. She knew Jennifer loved her endlessly and that Marcie would die for her. She just wanted to be their little toy slut fuck puppy sex kitten. That made her happy.
Evidence of that was after the vulgar bathroom discussion, Jennifer told her, “Here, doll. Take Marcie some coffee. Then if you could, I’d like some help getting toast ready for breakfast in bed for her.” Jennifer kissed her, patted her bottom and sent her on the way. “Love you, doll.”
“I love you, too, hon,” and off Marie went to take Marcie her coffee.
They had breakfast in bed, the three of them. Jennifer started the discussion. “The pre-nup. We need to talk about it now, because I know it’s part of the deal. I understand it, and don’t care. Marcie, I’ve worked for you for almost a year. I clear about a thousand dollars a week, and except for presents for you two and your parents, I still have it all. I have demands, though. I demand you don’t kick me to the curb for no reason. There. That’s it. Now, let’s get this over with tomorrow. The wedding is a month off, and I don’t want to be thinking about anything but the wedding. I made an appointment with the company attorney for tomorrow afternoon, after sourpusspants here gets off the hickey examining table so we can get it done. Is that OK with both of you?”
“Yes, it’s fine with me. I was, and am, having second thoughts, and have already contacted Daddy, and legal, about an addendum. It’s a small one, and you might as well know about it now, as tomorrow. We’ve put a couple of riders on the prenup. If we fall apart, two million. It’s yours. We go our separate ways. If something happens to me, you keep your slut puppy sex kitten and four million. If after ten years, you and I are still happy, and that one is still dusting the living room after our board meetings, I want to make you a minor principal of the company. Depending on our parents, that is fluid at this point. Jennifer, I don’t see the prenup being used. Believe it or not, after Daddy warned me, I did see it being used before. Self-fulfilling prophecy? Maybe, but notwithstanding that, it happened. I don’t feel that way about this relationship. I just don’t. I also want to talk about children, since you called this meeting, why don’t we discuss that for a few minutes.”
“I’m all for it. I’d like to wait a couple years for mine. I want to enjoy your love, Marcie, and abuse my sex kitten a little longer, but I’m flexible. We just need to find donors. There is no man in this universe that is going to do it the natural way, so either you buy a turkey baster dildo, or get me to a fertility clinic. You two can pick out the father. I don’t care, one way or the other. If either or both of you two want kids, I can help with that, I guess, but I’d like for you to pick for me.”
“That was easy. Marie?”
“Yes. One. I want to give you a son, Marcie.” Marcie reached over, pulled her sister to her and kissed her gently.
“Thank you, sweetie. Really. Thank you.” It was a very sweetly emotional moment between them.
The month went slower than cold molasses; Jennifer felt the day would never arrive. Two days before the event, her handmaiden took her to the dressmaker’s to get a final fitting. The dress was an extraordinarily amazing work of art. Lace, over silk. Delicate. Beautiful. An above the knee length wonder with an organza train just a bit longer, falling to the backs of her knees. A delicate lace and mesh veil to be moved at just the right moment when the redheaded goddess would be told she could kiss the woman she desired to marry, and then did so. Everything but the stockings would be the exact same shade of pure white. Sandals, stilettos with five-inch heels and a small platform. White leather straps in a delicate pattern complementing the array of lace over the silk. It was all an absolute work of art.
“She’ll love you in this, Jennifer. Your lady, your woman, at that point, your wife will adore and cherish you in that outfit. You are beautiful beyond words.”
“Thank you, Marie. Let’s get it packed up. I need to stop and get a pair of stockings.”
“No, ma’am, please use a pair of mine. I have the other things you’ll need as well. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in your shoe. I don’t have sixpence handy, so I’m going to tape a dime in there, love. Your blue lingerie ensemble will be perfect. Come. Let’s go home. God, you’re gorgeous.”
The wedding went off without a hitch. They found a bakery that would make a cake for them, four layers, with a couple on top. A woman in a tuxedo with a short skirt and heels, and a girl in a short white dress holding the flowers. It was so accurate, that the woman had red hair and the girl was blonde. If it hadn’t been for the beauty of the brides and the maid of honor, the cake would have been the center of attention. Or maybe the man that gave the bride away. The handsome mountain of a man, Mr. Raymond Tolson asked for that honor and was of course immediately given it. There was no ‘best man’, but instead Marie filled in as both maid of honor, and best person (that got some giggles), standing up for each of them.
The pictures in the wedding album centered on the couple, of course, Marcie, as the cake doll suggested, in a tuxedo, trimmed with light green accoutrement, a miniskirt and black patent four-inch pumps, and Jennifer in her beautiful short white wedding gown. Marie was in a light green dress similar to Jennifer’s, without the lace, as was their mother, and Mr. Tolson’s tuxedo was a traditional version of the one Marcie was wearing complete with the matching green accessories. They looked like a bridal magazine picture of how do dress a family for a wedding. It was perfect, and most of the guests commented on that, after they mentioned the cake.
Being well known in town, as an employer and as philanthropists, the Tolsons drew a crowd. City officials, members of charity fundraising boards, corporate leaders, all types of people attended. Many of Jennifer’s friends and co-workers from the manufacturing plant came to wish her well, also, so there were well over a hundred guests at the ceremony and twice that at the reception looking for a free drink and a dance with the bride. Or brides, as the case really was. There were few breaks for the newlyweds. They got the first dance, one or two in the middle, and at the end when Daddy Tolson announced he was getting them out of the country club so they could run off and be together to celebrate their wedding, he asked them to dance together again, kiss him and their mother goodbye, wave to all the wonderful people who shared their joy, grab their best person, (to raucous laughter) and get the hell out of Dodge!! As the master of ceremonies, he was a hoot. The crowd cheered and clapped, the girls hearing well wishes and congratulations as they left and headed home. They were catching a chartered plane to Cancun, then a boat to Isla Mujeres, in the morning.
Once home, Marcie unwrapped her present of all the white coverings, leaving her bride in her blue lingerie, light teak stockings and high heeled sandals. Jennifer told Marie to undress the woman of the house and hang their finery. They’d get it taken care of and have them cleaned and preserved when they got back from Mexico. Then the fun began. They didn’t have a lot of time, as the morning would come early, and they needed to finish packing, but...
“Marie, put your mistress sitting on the corner of the bed.” She sat Jennifer at an angle sitting on the corner. “Take your mistress’s panties off, pet. Smell them if you like. You’ll get more in a minute.” She eased Jennifer’s panties down, over her hips, and down her legs and off. She held them to her face and inhaled.
“Wonderful, ma’am. Absolutely wonderful.”
“Good. Get behind her and hold her head in your lap.” Marie positioned herself while Marcie took an ankle in each hand, pulled them up and over her wife’s head and handed them to Marie. “Hold those.” She got out the Feeldoe, inserted it, and proceeded to make love to her wife with it. She took the ankles back. “Pet, rub her clitty for me. Ooooh, mine too. YES! DAMN!” both of them came together, Marcie collapsing on her lover, then both of them putting their arms around Marie and thanking her for being with them. “Pet. Wash my treasure. Wash her well. I want you to lick her ass until she comes again. I’m going to watch while I pack a bit.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She came around, licked Jennifer’s pussy clean, then finished undressing her, took her to the shower and returned several minutes later. Jennifer went to Marcie, pulled her face down and kissed her.
“Thank you, my wonderful woman. Thank you for everything, but really, really, thank you for today. I love you more than you will ever know.” Another kiss then she went to the bed, pulled Marie’s hair in a display of dominance and control and told her, “Eat my ass, wench. Lick me and suck me. Your prime wants to see me come on the end of your tongue. Do well, my little toy and I will make sure you get yours.” Not too many minutes later, Jennifer was in convulsions, Marcie holding her hand, as Marie licked and probed her anus with her tongue, using fingers in and around her pussy, tweaking every last nerve the little girl had between her belly button and her tailbone. One last scream into Marcie’s mouth during a final kiss, and after her fourth orgasm, she passed out.
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Booby Day! My favorite day! I’ve seen many sites during my porn review career, but I have to say that this is something completely different. Today we’re taking a look at BoobyDay.com, and I’ve gotta say it’s something amazing and unique. This website is free, that’s the first thing you need to know about it, but there’s a VIP pass which will let you get certain features as well. We’ll talk more about those later. Right now, we should check this pace out and talk a little bit about what makes...
Free Porn Tube Sites"Oh Shit! I am going to be late for my doctor's appointment," Emma thought to herself in a panic, as she slipped on her panties. The next thought through her mind as she fastened her bra, was how in the heck she was even going to be able to go through with the appointment? Emma had been on her way to her annual gynecological exam, when she stopped by her friend's house to drop something off for the upcoming charity auction. But somehow, Emma had ended up in a wild and exhilarating...
She swung around the pole, hiked her knee and then paused. Wearing nothing but a leather miniskirt and black high heels, she noticed with pleasure that all of the men in the room were watching, enraptured. The normal club patrons were up front hooting and hollering while the more well-to-do men were sitting in the reclining chairs in the back. She could barely see through the thick cigarette smoke, but she could tell that none of the chairs were reclined; every man, be they in business suit or...
Erotic FictionThe next morning, Kirstin awoke slowly, her mind slowly remembering where she was. As she tried to roll out of bed, she found her feet twisted in the sheets, and she remembered that Brian had kept her in heels all night while she slept. That was all it took for everything that had happened over the last few days, and weeks, to come back to her. She lay back on her bed, idly running her hand over her bare stomach, and remembered everything. The way she had felt standing naked in the basement...
I woke up to find Rachel beside me in bed, curled up nicely in the sheets. Rachel’s shiny long black hair was all tangled up and she was sound asleep. I could see that she was nude under the sheets. Actually we both were, because we were so tired after last night’s love making that we collapsed into the bed, drifting off into a sound dreamless sleep, the type that comes only when everything is just perfect. ‘This weekend is turning out to be really exhausting,’ I smiled. Teasingly I started...
My pussy throbbed with excitement and I felt my wetness grow as I read the message detailing exactly what he wanted to do with me when we met. I felt a stab of excitement and then shook my head, trying to clear my head of thoughts, and that made my long blonde hair glisten in the sun.It all started innocently enough when we agreed to meet up for a coffee date. A couple of hours together and obviously just enough time for a chat.The day before, I was so nervous and thought several times of...
CheatingThe search for Invader ships took the Personalia to many stars in and around the local stellar cloud. Visiting each of these stars was a chore in itself, despite the use of the Personalia's FTL (Faster Than Light) subspace drive. The stars themselves were not the target; but the planets, asteroids and other bodies circling these stars were the main interest, for several distinct reasons. The first, and most apposite reason was the Invaders' "reason d'etre", their elected justification for...
Introduction: First part is fact, the violent parts are fiction. Characters: Me-Daniel, 17 years old(at the time) Denise-My one year old daughter. When I was 15, me and my current girlfriend at the time were stupid. We decided to have sex with out a condom. (Those stories are coming soon.) Well out of the stupidity she had gotten pregnant. And 9 months later, our beautiful daughter was born. We named her Denise. When Denise was about 2 months old, I was changing her diaper, and for some...
A Supermodel's Downfall (East Coast Slavers Organization Story III) by: Desert Dog (Desertlickingdog at yahoo dot com) Prologue – Introductions (or What's E.C.S.O.) Credits : The story that follows is my own work. However, for the energy and inspirationto craft this story, I would like to thank two readers who responded with timelye-mails containing simple story suggestions. One reader's recommendation (whoserequest ended up being mirrored in a number of responses) was to subject...
At seven we met the fuel company on the airport access road. We had four jets that would hold all the fuel that was on the refueling truck and there were several refills needed on the tarmac. Several more were scheduled to return today; that would finish out the first tanker. Lorrie had shifted around planes to make flights - with no fuel at the island - a complicated matter and all of our planes were nearly empty. We had an audience as soon as the fuel truck rolled through the opened gate,...
by Cindi Barton with Holly Rennick GHOSTWRITER’S NOTES My friend Cindy Barton, supporting character in my fledgling “Writer’s Notebook” may have usurped my role as leading lady. Her science-teacher flippant friendliness was, I’ll admit, sometimes a challenge to transcribe. But readers seem to appreciate frank advice. At the request of the critics (plural being a possible inflation), I’ve collected her “Notebook” insights on brotherly love and added what didn’t make...
September 1915 - 'Somewhere in France' Phillip could never quite get used to the transition from peace to war. One minute you were walking along a dusty lane with crops growing in the fields on either side, the next instant you entered the war. You turned a corner and there it was, waiting for you. The crops vanished, the earth turned from russet brown to grey. Artillery muttered personal threats and the stench rose from the fractured land. The placid scenes of threshing machines pulled by...
Last Tuesday night, Sam decided to pick me up in school after my 8:30 classes. We’re going to celebrate his promotion in his job over dinner. While having dinner at the Illustrado, I teasingly rubbed my foot to his crotch, he is already hard. He winked at me knowing I want to get naughty with him. I stood up and went to the ladies room and gave him a call saying I’m ready. After a few minutes, he knocked at the door, as he entered the room, he started kissing me and took my uniform off sucked...
Marcia Ingram glanced out the window from her living room and then checked her watch for the tenth time in the last five minutes, "Where is he," she said softly, "he's fifteen minutes late!?!" She continued paging through her magazine and was startled when the doorbell chimed indicating someone was at the front door, she jumped up and quickly covered the twenty some blonde haired young man into her parlor!!! "Good afternoon, Peter," she said graciously, "and how are you today!?!" "Just fine,...
EroticWarmth of the fire was a welcomed sight. Immediately she freed Ghost of his bridle, saddle started rubbing him down. There was some grain and corn he ate while Raven allowed her mind to travel. The days travel had gotten to her in many emotions. Being raised as a runner, was all she knew. Crossing the lines of time. Trying to capture information that the Council so eagerly wanted. Her brother had shared that the council was getting more, adamant. Something was up. Whispered in her ear just...
In the end, neither one of them remembered what the argument was about. They just knew that is was serious enough to have both of them at opposite ends of their apartment. It was beyond venting now, just casual stares of wonderment and disbelief. However, time is of the essence and of course, and still being in love they continued their routine of dinner, dessert, and dishes. They feigned politeness as she washed and he dried, barely cracking a glance in the others direction....
Love StoriesAugust 21, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “Unbelievable,” I said when I read the headline from the Chicago Tribune. “It says here that Solidarity activist Tadeusz Mazowiecki was nominated to be Prime Minister of Poland.” I hadn’t had a chance to read the paper on Sunday because it hadn’t been delivered before we left for the race track in Michigan. “So now what?” Kara asked. “We’re in totally uncharted territory. Your guess is as good as anyone’s right about now.” “Steve, do you have a minute?”...
Edited By Barney R. Further messed with by me. All errors and omissions are mine. I arrived at the party late, but it was just in time. Author’s note: This is a flash story that kept me awake one night. I am Gregory (Greg) Wilson, 28, and I am a control systems design engineer for a family owned machine tool manufacturing company. The company, Mathews Machine Tool, is a leading edge producer of CNC Machines for the plastics industry. I am not one of the higher ups, although I am...
Hi to ever one this is Uma Saha for all of you I was 32 years old a married woman with having a sexy finger 34 32 36 now I want to share my experience to all after from last tow year I realized that my husband’s interest in me getting down we are not doing sex 2-3 weak whenever I ask him about sex he just doing it and got sleep he does not take any interests in me. I am getting in a depressed mode soon and in between these days and I get attracted towards a young boy which I meet me in a my...
Detective Inspector Gina Alfredi looks in disbelief at the CCTV images. She should be used to the absurd indulgences that surround the Milan Shoe Fair each year, but this takes the biscotti. The stiletto heeled shoe that she can see on the screen must be 4 metres high. It's perfect in every detail, from the tip of the heel, the replicated stitching, the shaping of the toe and the sole. Heaven only knows what the leather that's covering it must have cost. But that's what you find with the...
Madeline brushed her long black hair away from her face, as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her round face, button nose, rose colored lips, and sapphire blue eyes were the envy of many women, half her age. At forty-five, she still considered her five foot five, body voluptuous, with all the curves in the right places. She applied just enough make-up to be alluring. Straighten her blouse; that contained her well endowed breasts, and checked her skirt. After that she donned four inch...
As is often the case any meet ups tend to be a few weeks apart, thats no bad thing as sometimes things can become a bit stale, so imagine my surprise when i got a text message from ally asking was i free the coming weekend and if i wanted " bring a toothbrush " which i took to mean an over night stay,Of course i accepted the invitation, she went onto say that roy was away on business that weekend and she did not want to be alone, on reading that my mind was racing with the possibilities , so we...
Hello to all sexy females having desire for more n more sex. Main vikas ludhiana se hoon aur main aap sab ke saath apni sachi story share karne ja raha hoon. Meri height 5.11 hai aur age 29 yrs hai, mujhe sex bohat accha lagta hai. To koi bhi ladki lady Punjab se ya aas pados se secret relations ke liye kabhi bhi mail karein Ye baat takreeban 4 saal pehle ki hai main us time chandigarh mein apni MCA complete kar raha tha. Computer profession hone ke karan main laptop se aks ar chatting karta...
Moke-san had often accused me of having unspoken feelings for Ishtaaru-san. She was undeniably lovely and I had played the roll of her husband often enough. I found it a comfortable role to play; she seemed to find it equally acceptable. If there was a woman that I could - that I would want - to take as a wife... Then, I was younger, more rash. The life of a mercenary suited my nature. My only commitment was to my current contract. My only loyalty was to myself. I went where 'now' took me,...
FLAT MATES - Part 2 Chapter 8 - The Christmas Holidays Note to Readers: It had been my intention to call a pause in this story after Chapter 7. I had, I thought, written a story that ended with a "cliff-hanger" that would enable readers to imagine their own, and different, outcomes. However, Reviewers were kind enough to say they liked what I had written so far and to encourage me to continue; so I have! I hope you enjoy. For new readers discovering "Flat Mates" for the first time;...
"After that, we can split up into groups to accomplish our tasks," Aedan continued. "We need to check in with Brother Genitivi, deal with Marjolaine, maybe find some work to make a bit of coin, and Sierra wants to talk to a dwarf in the market district. Did I miss anything?" He looked around expectantly. No one spoke. He nodded. "Alright. I'd rather not come to Loghain's attention, if we can avoid it. Helmets for everyone at all times. Be careful! Now let's eat, and then get some...
Your name is Blair Underhill. Your 18 and entering your last year of high school, and for the past 4 years you've had no luck with women. You've often wondered why this is and you've figured out that it's because you haven't (taken initiative). This year will be different. As you got out of bed you can feel the new rush go through your brains as you know it's gonna be a fun year. You feel your 7" inch penis start to stiffen as you walk through the hall toward the bathroom. As you approach the...
It was still in the middle of the afternoon when Susan got back to Spearfish Lake, but she didn't go by the paper to tell her parents the news. It was paper day, and all her life she'd known that Tuesday afternoon was the time that things were nuts around the Record-Herald. It was always very busy around the paper on paper day, and not the time to bother them unless something really important happened, like, say, the house was on fire. It hadn't caught fire yet, but if it did they'd be...
Tom looked at his water-proof watch again as he very cautiously advanced towards the water then quietly slipped in for his truly first ever swim as a ‘real’ nudist! The water was still quite cold and made Tom’s penis shrivel up to a small lifeless ball of flesh that looked quite pathetic and totally non-threatening. All the same, the whole experience felt just wonderful. The water flowing over his bare skin had a very sensuous feel to it and made Tom feel quite frisky despite the ridiculous...
I take off everything, completely undress, my cock is already standing, you are naked on the torso.I wrap my arms around you, caressing your arms, shoulders, stomach, pressing my body against yours.We kiss on the lips - passionately, deeply, sucking each other's tongue and saliva.After enjoying the kiss, I reach down, unbutton my belt, and pull out your cock.He's excited, too. I swallow the head whole, feeling the amazing taste of lubricant and sperm. This is my favorite taste, the taste of a...
Andy and I, as part of our training mandated by Uncle Bert and given by Madame Delilah who ran the best call girl service in the country, had been playing whore-john on the streets of San Francisco. Andy was dressed like a street whore, not a classy call girl which is training we did with Rebecca, but a cheap whore: tank top, super high heels, super short skirt, way too much makeup, and chewing gum popping like machine gun fire. When she was propositioned by a movie star (no, I will not...
Growing up a gay girl in a small Bible Belt town was not easy, trust me. I tried it and cannot recommend it to anyone. In fairness, that was almost 20 years ago and it was harder then.(Sorry, I lapsed into "Get off my lawn" mode.)These days, lesbianism has attained a certain cachet. It's nearly impossible now to watch a movie orTV program without a lesbian (always an attractive one, I must add). Hell, we've replaced the wacky neighbor on sitcoms.(Suck it, Mr. Roper!) In my day, the closest...
LesbianThe phone rang; "Oh shit." muttered Alison without taking her eyes off the screen. " Can't you ignore it?" She implored of her best friend, Elaine. "It's getting to a really hot scene." Elaine chuckled and shook her head. "No way! It might be my mum. Just pause the tape." Alison pouted and turned the volume up instead; "Oh yes, yes, right there, don't stop!" A girlish voice moaned, distracting them from the shrill tones of the phone. "For God's sake Ali, don't! Think of the...
We both watched the guard lead the tailor out of the room. As soon as the door shut, Warden Kobe turned to me and said, “Now, about you and your commando fetish.” “It’s not a fetish...” I started, but her finger shushed me across my lips. She traced it down my chin, over my neck, and then back on my shoulder again. “I need you to relieve me of some stress I have, thanks to you.” “Really” I replied, a little confused, “I didn’t do anything.” “You and I have something in common.” she mused,...
The small town in the mountains stood quietly in the blizzard. It was not just the snow that made people uneasy. They had been hearing rumors, terrible news about a powerful force from the east, destroying everything in its path, showing no mercy to anyone. In the inn, people were scarce, and very quiet. Then, the doors opened, and a man wrapped in skins walked in. Without a word, he approached the fireplace and began to take off his coat and hood, revealing a man in his forties. As he sat...
In the darkness and dense nothing, Lynn put her hand to her face but she could not even see her palm. ‘Not again!’ She felt her body and became instantly aware of her nakedness. ‘Why does that keep happening?’ Her feet were bare as she shuffled a foot over the ground slowly. It seemed to be sand, dirt and gravel mixed. A dry sandy crust surface broke when her weight pressed toward the ground. ‘At least this time there is a ground.’ She scoffed. Lynn looked upward for the stars. ‘If there...
Hi guys.. Hope you all enjoyed my previous sex stories. If you wanna read those search for “Am I an angel or a devil”. Okay coming back to the story. After he left my dad came to the room. Dad: I am sorry dear. I never wanna do this to you. But I was in a situation that I can’t avoid. Me: its okay dad. I even enjoyed it. So please don’t worry. While talking to me my dad’a phone rang… after he attended the call.. Dad: you know who called dear? Me: who dad? Dad: the owner’s P.A. he said the...
IncestWhen the real estate market tanked in the early 80’s I bought a two bedroom condo for $89,000. I put $3000 down and rented the extra bedroom to a friend from work. We worked long hours and had different start times, he also usually stayed at his girlfriend’s place on weekends, so we rarely saw each other. Four years later the place was nearly paid off, and my boarder was about to get married. I agreed to move out and he agreed to sign a three year lease on the condo. Real estate had heated up...
Hi Readers, My name is Luther from Bengaluru. I am Back with my second story to my readers who took the time to share their feedback about my first story“Dream Of Every Teenager Queen Of Bangalore” This encouraged me to share my next real experience, It’s been long to find time to pen down the incident finally managed to do it. I hope my fellow readers who can relive the moments which I cherish. About Me: I am 6’1 and 80 kg. Very active in sports as it keeps me fully fit & fine. Fun loving,...
By my mid teens I had already sucked alot of cock, mostly in toilets within 30 miles, sometimes they would take me for a ride somewhere, or take me to where they lived and played with me there. Sometimes there was more than one cock, this mostly happened in the toilets. I like being stuck in a toilet cubicle on my knees, in my white pantys, two or more men and their cocks pressed up against me, their cocks slapping my face and forcing their way into my mouth, no room to move in such a cramped...
For years me and my husband Terry's sex life had been a bit ... lackluster. Sex rarely happened, and when it did happen, it left something to be desired. Namely me. It wasn't long before I settled for masturbating while he was at work rather than let him touch me. I often asked myself if we had reached the stage in our relationship where hot, passionate sex was impossible. But I didn't want to believe that. We were barely into our forties for crying out loud. Despite the passionless...
IncestThe time had come for the funeral service. The family gathered together and got in line, with Rebecca leading the way on Donald’s arm. Patricia was followed by George. George’s wife hadn’t been able to come under the excuse of having another pressing engagement (actually she was agoraphobic). The funeral director led them to the room where the service was now being held. Knowing that more than a thousand people were present, and being prepared for it are two different things. The whole party...
Let me explain about myself, I have often heard guys calling me a sex bomb, I have big boobs of 38D and chubby body! I love to show off my big boobs and sexy cleavage by wearing tight t-shirts and shirts. And my boobs have been fondled by men of different ages! From naughty school going boys to 60 year old men and i have enjoyed the soft touches and hard pressings. But, I never had a lesbian encounter until that day! I was returning to my home from Banglore and I booked a sleeper bus, there was...
It began in the fall of 2004. I was a junior in college. I was slightly chubby, shy, a virgin, and an otherwise completely average boy who listened to pop-punk, got decent grades, and was about to embark on a great and unexpected journey of personal and sexual discovery. I lived in an off-campus apartment, but my roommate had graduated, so I had a two-bedroom to myself. This suited my shy personality well, but eventually I needed to find a roommate. My parents were not in the picture and I had...
"All of your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them," ~ Walt Disney XXX Oscar was waiting outside of the condo building at 6:30 Sunday morning. Rose and Bebe has to be at the studio my 8:00 at the latest to be ready for The Emmy Award Show that evening, which began its red-carpet events at 3:00 in the afternoon in order to be edited and ready to go 5:00 West Coast Time - 8:00 Eastern Time. "Good morning, ladies," Oscar said with a great deal of joy in his...
For my wife's birthday I surprised her with a new car, I knew that would be hold stars in my favor. So when my birthday rolled around this pasted June my lovely little bride Leann asked me what I wanted. I said can I have anything I want ? She said just name it. I told her I'd think about it and let her know. Well Thursday was my birthday and on Monday Leann asked me if I had made up my mind what I wanted? I said yes but she may not want to give it to me. She said I owe you and you can have...
Moving On By Dee Gregory 'I should really move on, but it's so hard and so painful.' thought Douglas Rivers. I still hurt from the loss of the one an only love in my life. Deanna, as I call her or Dee, as everyone else called her, died a few months ago. Her life was taken away by a drunk driver while coming home from an evening shift at AOL. God, how she loved that place. She'd been there since the early days and the money from her stock rewards gave her the option to retire...
I was jittery, so jittery. My index finger tapped out an unknown melody to which my heavy boots provided a rumbling bass beat in the aisle of the plane, much to the dismay of the woman sitting on the other side. I smiled uneasily and turned away, trying to force myself to stop fidgeting so much. I had just finished my first tour of Afghanistan as a Marine. I had been stationed in about a million other places; South Korea, Germany, Japan, the UK and my favorite, the good old Down Under. The...
Straight SexChapter 25 – Amy’s 21st Birthday The Mardi Gras party started Wendy’s transformation to normal life about two weeks earlier than Burnside had planned. Burnside’s original intention had been that Wendy should serve in the nude. She planned to have Wendy on the floor the entire evening, forcing her to be fully exposed to the party-goers. It was to be Wendy’s ultimate act of submission and servitude, after which she would begin her slow transition to having her life back. Amy had changed those...
Abbie gives me bj while my wifes in the shower. This is a Ture story. Hope you like. View Abbies galley on my profile! Read my last story on Abbie (Hotel night with Abbie)on my profile Abbie. Well it had been 2 days since me and Abbie (my wifes s****r) fucked at the hotel We had not made contact since then. It was a Sunday and we had our Sunday dinner like always. Abbies always comes over most sunday for her dinner too. It was around half 5 and we had just finished our dinners. But...
Scott walked into the living room from the garage just as I had cleaned up in the bathroom and Amy had gone into her room to do the same. I was surprised to see Scott back so quick that he told me, “You look just like you had seen a ghost.” “Me? No, just didn’t expect you back so soon.” I blurted out. “So soon?” he asked. I’ve been gone almost two hours. “Did Amy give you a hard time?” Scott asked smiling? “Yep, I sure did. Harder than anything I have ever given you.” Amy said as she...
Rick & DiannaPart III showed up at 8pm on a Friday night as previously arranged, with a case of Corona in hand. Rick greeted me at the door with a huge grin, music playing loudly in the background. “Dianna’s in the bedroom, go on in” he said before I even had a chance to acclimate. “Woe, man. Right now?” I said. I had just walked in the damn door! “She’s ready for ya, b*o! What can I say? You want me to tell her to come out?” He asked. I thought for a nano-second, then shrugged. “No, I’ll...
“What’s the matter?” Greg had just dropped off the second from the last carpooler and he was alone in the car with Jim. Coming to a stop at the sign, Greg glanced over at his passenger and answered, “Things kind of fell apart at home last night.” Jim Green looked concerned and asked, “What happened?” “I don’t really understand what happened. The kids were in a bad mood and that seemed to infect all of us. Everything just fell apart. All of the work we’ve done to fix the marriage was going...