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The search for Invader ships took the Personalia to many stars in and around the local stellar cloud. Visiting each of these stars was a chore in itself, despite the use of the Personalia's FTL (Faster Than Light) subspace drive. The stars themselves were not the target; but the planets, asteroids and other bodies circling these stars were the main interest, for several distinct reasons.

The first, and most apposite reason was the Invaders' "reason d'etre", their elected justification for existence, dealing death. Called by others "The Invaders", this machine race were the terror of this part of the galaxy. They were fixated on destroying biological life wherever it may be found. This obsession came from being rejected by their creators as a race of their own. In retaliation, they destroyed their biological creators, and then set out to destroy every other biological entity. Weirdly, they had assumed, by their own strange logic, that these might in future become the same as their creators. This scattergun approach inevitably encompassed all biological life that they could detect from space. It seems they never envisaged bacteria existing inside rocks and underground caverns, or at the bottom of deep oceans.

The runaway Personalia found a refuge in the solar system's outer reaches. They noted what was happening on Earth, but recognised that the humans were not developed sufficiently to meet with them. Instead, they left their own messenger parking in one of the oceans, to act as contact with the humans at the right time, which was 300 years later.

After peacefully encountering the human race, the Personalia tooled up with missiles supplied by Earth, and changed from running away from the Invaders, to hunting them down, and destroying them. They became very good at it, such that within a few years what was left was the need to search, star system by star system, for surviving groups of Invader ships.

This was the scenario that led them to adopt a regular search pattern recommended by a human Special Forces Colonel. The concept involved two Landerships acting as scouts for each star to be checked out. The first Landership would cautiously enter the sphere of planets, looking for signs of Invader ships, while the other one waited beyond the outermost planet. This second one was the backup; prepared to run and get assistance if the first ran into trouble. The subspace drive was so efficient that support ships could be present within less than an hour.

Star after star was checked in turn. A few of these visits found Invader ships present, but most did not. Planets with no pre-existing life forms had no attraction for the Invaders, and life was anyway mostly found in the Goldilocks Zone – the distance from a star where water could be found in its liquid state on a planet. Liquid water was a prerequisite for almost all biological life.

To the Personalia, every star had perhaps planets, asteroids, and comets, or had none of these. Landing on planets was of little interest to the Personalia due to the strength of their gravity, whereas asteroids offered plenty in the way of resources, and few problems with gravitational pull. To them, asteroids were by far the most important asset to be found in a star's presence. The other factor was that asteroids offered easy access to minerals and solid water in the form of ice. Water could be split into hydrogen and oxygen with electricity from each spaceship's nuclear reactor, turning it into fuel and oxidant. This built up supplies for use as required. A Base ship could store these for the use of Landerships. Landerships used the fuel supply for take-off to orbit from a planet's surface.

The elements found within the asteroids' bulk were useful in another way: they were the feedstock for building more Landerships and Base ships. Construction by nanomachines was a complicated process, but simple in concept. The organising Base ship held the template, the full ship design, in its memory, and used that to direct the nanomachines. These nanos collected from the supply feeder mechanism the elements indicated, delivered these particles to the correct point in the construction, and "welded" the atoms into position. The is process depended on the power requirements for each pair or group of elements to become a composite, a molecule, which may then be linked to another molecule to make a stronger bond. One might imagine this as a slow process, but under the control of a machine mind, it happened at lightning speed, as long as the correct element was available at the right spot, to be collected and inserted into its slot in the design, and with the appropriate power input. The power was supplied by the ships' internal nuclear engines; engines that were far more efficient than any built on Earth, and requiring less shielding.

Another reason for the speed of construction was the ability of a Base ship to control many nanos at the same time. While one nano was working on one molecule-thin layer, at one spot, another nano was working a short distance further long the layer, and as each layer was being progressively laid down, other nanos were starting on the layer above. It looked like a shotgun approach, but it was a highly organised shotgun, with special nanos interspersed to turn certain elements into alloys, ceramics and glass, because most materials exhibit better properties when not made of one pure element.

With all these processes happening together, construction was a swift process. Even so, it took months to build an entire spaceship – a similar length of time to an equivalent construction produced on Earth. The difference was that the Personalia ship was one unit, not a collection of welds, rivets and other linkages. It was in practice one unitary object with no weak points arising from construction requirements, or design faults. All were identical in construction.

Each of the Personalia possessed a comprehensive suite of detection instruments, and these were put to good use every time one of the ships entered the planetary system of another star. The ship would perform a series of subspace "jumps" within the system, taking it near to each planet and any asteroid belt. At each point, it would halt its stuttering progress for a while, ignoring its ongoing momentum while it scanned the vicinity for any coherent signals. Once a lack of signals was confirmed, it would switch to the next target to be jumped towards, and instigate the process.

To a biological being, it would be a boring routine, with all these negative results; but to a machine mind, boredom was not something that would be experienced. Every new star system was a unique experience, and worthy of full attention.

This one was different. As the Landership arrived in the outskirts of the planetary nebula, it quickly realised that there was a cloud of asteroids immediately in front, and it swerved to avoid them. Once it had plotted a safer course through this cloud of rocks, it looked around, examining the area at a number of wavelengths. The infrared band revealed an oddity: a track faintly warmer than the surrounding frozen asteroids. This track led to an asteroid that showed evidence of a recent collision, a glancing blow. The track shot off at a shallow angle, and as the Landership followed it up, the track stopped completely, at a point where the infrared indicated another collision; but there was no asteroid in evidence. At least, not at the position.

The Landership came to the conclusion that an Invader ship had shot into the system, and the track was the evidence of its hot exhaust as it tried to slow down from its interstellar flight. Despite travelling at less than light speed, it had failed to plot every asteroid in its path, had struck one a glancing blow and its course had been deflected to an unfortunate end – impacting fully with another asteroid. Such a collision was fatal for the Invader ship, and the energy thrown into the collision had been transferred to the asteroid involved in this transaction.

The Impacted asteroid, with the extra momentum imparted to it, had been pushed inwards towards the central star. Its position was unclear, as the timescale of the collision event was unknown. All that could be derived from the infrared readings was that the time was not very long since that event. Weeks, months perhaps, but not much more, or the heat energy would have completely dissipated. As it was, it was very faint indeed.

Dismissing the event as no longer of interest, the Landership went on with scanning the asteroids, to establish a rough approximation of the content of these bodies. The results indicated a higher proportion of metallic ores than was to be expected from past experience. It was gratified at this, and did some further examination of more of these bodies at a greater distance from its previous position. The proportions remained roughly the same, so the deduction seemed to be holding up.

Then it recalled that according to past experience, Invader ships always arrived in groups, not alone. It rapidly expanded its search range, and began to spot other trails through the asteroids. This series of trails gave the Landership an approximation of the numbers of the enemy that had entered this star system. They might still be there, somewhere.

Before moving deeper into this system, the Landership decided it should report all its findings; and jumped back out to the location where its partner was waiting. It transferred all the data from its examination, and then jumped back onto the system again; this time further in, half expecting to find Invader ships there.

This proved to be a wrong assumption. Finding itself in an empty area of space, it looked for a planet, which must have swept the area clear of asteroids and other debris. It was a known fact that Invader ships targeted planets that harboured life. Locating a planet was not easy, as it involved measurements of minute variations in gravitational pull, combined with searching for visible signs of the planet.

Eventually the Landership pinpointed a planet far off in its orbit round the star, and added this information to its data stores. The planet was too distant from the central star to be a haven of life, so now the Landership looked for the next planet inward. However, this required a further subspace jump nearer the star, and another chance of encountering the Invader fleet. Again, on arrival there was no sign of that fleet.

From its new location, it searched for another planet; and swiftly found it, as the Landership was close to the in the target's orbital path. The ship took the opportunity to scan the planet for size, moons, and any rings. There was still no chance of life here. Having collected this data, it was time for the Landership to make another jump inwards.

This time, there were stronger infrared indications of Invader tracks, and the Landership began to observe more caution in its movements. It simply allowed its momentum to take it further in, becoming an apparent asteroid in an unusual orbit; assuming it was spotted at all. All of its instruments were now being operated in purely passive mode; collecting radiation in all wavelengths, sensing weak gravitational pulls, and analysing what was received. The Invader trails must be pointed towards the next planet, as they were approaching the "goldilocks" zone, where water could exist in its liquid state.

After a few hours of passive research, the Landership had concluded that a planet lay ahead, and that it had a possibility of life – at least until the Invader fleet attacked. Plotting a position to jump to, for that planet's vicinity, the Landership instead made a subspace jump back to its colleague on the edge of the system. There it asked its colleague to go back to the nearest group of Base ships, and report the data on the Invader fleet. It also passed on the data on the location of the subspace site it had identified near the position of the new planet. This would allow the Base ships to jump straight in to the attack if the Invaders were nearby.

It waited while its partner vanished on this task; and resumed a passive stance until its friend returned with support.

Within a couple of hours, the support team arrived. They apologised for the delay; explaining that they had to complete the arming of the ships, and offloading some materials. The group next jumped to near the new planet, ready to act if the Invader fleet was nearby. They looked around as they appeared from subspace, and discovered that the Invader fleet had found no discernable life and gone on towards the next planet. That decided their next move. Extrapolating from the Invader exhaust tracks, the Personalia group jumped to be close to the expected position of the Invader fleet.

They were there. The Personalia found them positioning themselves to attack what life existed on this planet. They were not arranged in any sort of formation to defend themselves, so the Personalia group went into their standard attack of Invaders: jump to beside each ship, release a missile from close range, then jump away again. Doing this to each Invader vessel, and repeating it where there were additional vessels, the missiles impacted swiftly, destroying Invader after Invader in a few minutes; until all were gone, turned into dissipating pieces of innocuous wreckage.

The Landership was gratified at how the matter had turned out. At least, it was until one of the Base ships asked about the asteroid that t had reported on; the one that the initial Invader had slammed into after clipping another asteroid. It admitted that it had not sought the asteroid that had disappeared.

The Base ship, as a senior member of the Personalia community was unamused. "We have a responsibility to track that asteroid. We must know where it has gone, and where it will end up. If it is a threat to life elsewhere in this stellar system, we must do what we can to prevent harm. I shall visit the planet with life, to see what stage it is at."

The Landership was suddenly aware of how lax it had been in regard to the missing asteroid. It immediately set up a search program to look for it. Without knowing its exact size and mass, the search parameters were very wide, especially when the course would be affected by the gravitational pull of other bodies; and so it enlisted help from other ships in tracing each of the possible paths the asteroid had taken. The ships readily agreed to help, and each possible track was followed to the extent likely in the assumed time since the collision. There were so many variables that even with help it took days to locate the asteroid.

The culprit was found, heading rapidly sunwards, on a swinging course that could now be calculated from several positional sightings. That course was projected forward for weeks to come, and then for several months before any untoward interception would occur. The asteroid's path would eventually coincide with the planet that exhibited signs of life on its surface.

The Landership was horrified by its discovery, and reported to the Base ship what it had found. That ship was positive about further action: "You must alter its course so that it does not hit that planet. There is a lifeless planet nearer to it, so try to get the asteroid to collide with that planet instead. That will dispose of it harmlessly."

The Landership was faced with another set of complicated calculations, to get the asteroid to a point where it could collide with the dead planet. This was orbital mechanics with a vengeance. It worked out how to get the asteroid to where it needed to be, then calculated at what location, with what force, at what angle, action was required to impart the correct impetus. There were several solutions, so it looked for the one requiring the least force to be applied. The location was then mathematically repositioned much further back, and the timing brought back as well, to just about the present. That would do, it thought.

Having worked it out, the Landership sidled up to the asteroid, still having to wait for the appointed moment. Its mechanoids attached the ship to the asteroid with tethers to make it secure. Then it watched its timings, to get it right. At the point selected, it fired its engines to give the exact amount and exact vector to achieve the desired push. It maintained this deflection for the required time, then it disengaged, allowing the asteroid to proceed on its appointed path.

The Landership rechecked that its calculations were still correct. The figures still agreed, but it would have to come back well before the impact was due, to be certain that no other distraction had affected its path. For now, his had become its sole responsibility.

The Base ship had made its visit to the planet hosting life. It was determined to discover what life existed there, and what stage it had achieved so far. It was concerned that some of the debris from the destroyed Invader ships may have landed there as a meteor shower. Itself not being able to land, it went into orbit about the planet. This enabled it to decide what, if any, visits would be made by its own associated Landerships.

The orbital views showed the planet to have seas, continents with mountains, forests, and deserts, and a whole slew of islands of differing sizes. It appeared that the planet had active tectonics; continental plates with edges marked by long chains of mountains; and island chains formed from volcanic hot spots.

There was no immediate evidence of any civilisation: no cities, canals, fields of agriculture; bridges over rivers, and other such indications. There were, though, some wisps of smoke from small fires, and the Base ship decided to zoom in on some of these.

The first fire was in a forested area, and the smoke and tree canopy hid any being nearby. The second was a fire in the middle of a small encampment, indicating a family group, or tribe, or other conglomeration of beings. The Base ship asked one of its Landerships to remain nearly overhead and watch the site for a longer period.

This perusal was worthwhile for, despite the intermittent cloud obscuring the site, it appeared with more clarity as it was observed and studied more intensely. The fire was surrounded by well-built round-shaped buildings, clearly made from materials found in the forest. There was movement of beings within the camp, but these were difficult to discern. This was because they were being viewed from many miles above; some were standing or walking, others were seated or crouching, and they appeared to bend as they entered the buildings. After some time, the Landership came to the conclusion that they were bipedal, about 4 to 6 feet tall, and had brownish skin – this was not clear, but assumed from the darker hues observable.

By the time the Base ship returned in its orbital ramble over the remainder of the planet, the Landership was able to report with some details. "The bipeds seem to be generally similar to the other biped races we have encountered. They appear to be cooking at the central fire, and the buildings seem to be used for sleeping, possibly also for protection. I cannot see whether they have doors or not, but if they have doors, they do not open outwards, or I would have noticed that. There is no enclosure for domesticated animals, and they do not appear to have the equivalent of dogs among them. I did notice small beings, which I assume are their offspring. They seemed to keep with an adult, presumably for learning purposes."

"Excellent observation, my friend. Now, I want a similar observation made of another camp that I have pinpointed, a few hundred miles away. Let me know whether the results are very much the same, or not."

The Landership moved its attention to the other camp, and began its observational task once again. Within an hour, it was able to report that in essence, the two were exactly the same, except for the number of buildings, which was slightly different. The base ship was impressed. "They seem to have adopted a fairly standard size for a group encampment. That suggests an organised social structure; a standard method of constructing their buildings suggests communication between widely separated groups, or at the very least peripatetic builders such as humans on Earth had in early medieval times with itinerant masons. Excellent. I suggest that you make a trip down to the surface, and examine these beings more closely, without scaring them too much, please."

The Landership slid gently through the air as it headed for the surface, noting in passing the chemical composition of the atmospheric gases. It was heading for a clearing in the forest where a fairly level rocky outcrop prevented the forest from encroaching. It swung in and switched on its antigravity unit to avoid hitting the rocky surface, then finally laid itself down on the ground. A hatch opened in its side, and a quadcopter slipped out, its blades already whirring to give it a balanced hover. The unit, fitted with a video camera, microphones and speakers, rose up almost silently and eased over the trees in the direction of the nearest encampment.

The aerial observation unit hurried along, and swiftly closed with the camp. It hovered high above, out of the line of the fire's smoke trail, and at an oblique angle to the camp. It pointed its lenses down at this angle, searching out the inhabitants' activities. The images were now sharper, allowing a better resolution of the body shape, especially with this angle of view.

Compared to humans, these people were thinner in body and limb, and the face was longer and thinner also. Their noses were not very noticeable, being a very short proboscis, and none of the beings appeared to have hair on their bodies. The beings wore clothes, but this did not disguise the fact that some were females, having milk breasts pushing the clothing outward. The children did not wear clothes, it seems, but they played with toys of some kind. The Landership, viewing the images, noted that some of the toys had one or more wheels, and that spinning tops were among the toys in use. It regarded that as significant, in that the idea of the wheel was understood, and rotary motion was an accepted concept as well.

Before making contact with these beings, it needed to understand their language; and to do that, it needed to get its microphones closer. It moved over to the camp, and positioned the quadcopter above one of the buildings. It then allowed its rotors to slow down. As they did, the motor whine moved smoothly to an expected inaudible whisper, and the machine drifted silently down, landing on the peak of the conical roof in silence. The rotors ceased moving, the landing gear gripped the roof surface tightly, and the machine went into listening mode.

Its microphones picked up all the conversation within some distance around the building, with only the occasional gust of wind blowing away some sounds. For a long time, the language was merely a gabble of sounds, but all of it was being fed back to the Landership, where it was analysed for repetitive sounds, relationship between sounds and actions that were in view, and gradually some basic words were dredged from the babble.

This enabled other words to be inferred from the context, and added as possibles, to see if that inference made sense. The more input that the microphones picked up, the better the correlations that could be made, and slowly more words could be discerned within the speech. Words appeared to change their meaning depending on how high-pitched or low-pitched the sound that was being made; and verbs were also variable to indicate their full meaning. Listening to the children's voices helped, as the youngsters' use of the language was simpler, more basic.

After another day of listening, the Landership concluded that it had enough knowledge of the language to attempt a contact. By now, it had identified the person who was in charge of this group, with a title that equated to "Chief", and so the Landership decided to address him first, as he walked past this building.

"Excuse me, Chief. May I have a word with you?"

The Chief started, halted his progress, and looked around, seeing no-one nearby who could have spoken to him.

"Up here, Chief: on the roof."

The Chief lifted his gaze, spotted something on the roof, and stepped away from the building to get a better angle for viewing it; and also a precautionary distance from the unknown. "What are you?"

"I am but a mouthpiece for my own chief. I am the hand that moves, the eye that sees, the ear that hears, and the mouth that speaks. The head that thinks is elsewhere, but all is connected together."

"What do you want, demon?"

"I am no demon, but merely a communications link between you and my chief. If you want to meet him, he is sitting on a rock shelf within the forest, about a day's walk from here. You may know of this area of rock without trees."

"I have heard of it. It was considered as a site for our camp, but it does not have water close by it, such as we have here."

"My chief has come down from above the clouds and landed there. He wishes to give you gifts of knowledge, if you would like to receive them. If you do not, we shall find another chief who wants knowledge."

"You say your chief came from above the clouds. How did he do that?"

"My chief normally lives in the spaces between worlds. He only makes a few visits to the surface of a world. In size, he is a very big person; as long as your village is wide, and lies on the ground in a horizontal position. His back is taller than your buildings here. This is why he only visits: this is not his normal place of abode."

"With being such a great chief in stature and knowledge, why would he want to bring me gifts?"

"He doesn't want to bring YOU gifts. He brings gifts to ALL the people as a whole. You are the spokesman for your people, the chief to whom he has chosen to speak, and he will expect you to pass on these gifts to other villages, so all will benefit."

"If I pass on these gifts to other villages, I shall expect gifts in exchange. That is our way."

"If you are given gifts without cost, why should you not also pass them on without cost? This is my tribe's way. It is a way that brings benefits. You and your tribe will be seen as people to be admired and respected for your generosity. That will be a just reward for you. If the other tribes and villages decide they WANT to present you with something to acknowledge your generosity, that is acceptable; but it must not be forced on them as an exchange. My chief will return at a future date, and if you do not abide by these admonitions, further gifts will go to another village, and not to yours."

"How do I gain these gifts? Do I have to visit your chief to receive them? Why cannot you give me one here, to show your good faith?"

"I shall tell you something. You might not believe it, but it will be true. See your children's toys, with wheels? An entire civilisation will later be built upon the use of wheels in myriad ways."

"Children's toys becoming a civilisation? I do not understand. You speak in riddles, monster. Will your chief also speak in riddles?"

"My chief will show you things that will amaze you, not just tell you things. You will become a famous man for your knowledge, and for your imparting of this knowledge. He will expect you to come soon. He will look for your arrival the day after tomorrow. Do you agree to this?"

"Very well, I shall come at about that time."

"Goodbye until then, chief." Said the quadcopter, spinning up its rotors, letting go of its hold on the roof, and lifting off and up into the sky at a fast pace. The Chief stared, open-mouthed at the sight, and as it faded into obscurity, he called for his tribal elders, as advisors. He had trouble explaining what he had seen and heard. They had visions of him talking to a devil, but he insisted that it had said it was not a devil, just a mouthpiece for its chief.

After intense discussion, they accepted that he should go to the appointed place as agreed with the monster. However, two of the elders were delegated to accompany him, and independently report on what was found. They selected the best paths through the forest that eventually turned towards the open space, and as they neared the clearing they hesitated, anxious about the "chief" to be met there.

The selected chief slowly stepped from the trees into the full daylight of the clearing. He felt the rock surface under his feet, and lifted his eyes to observe the promised "chief". What he saw was more than he could believe, more than he had anticipated, more than he had expected to see.

It was a huge metallic-looking building. He stared at it, wondering where the chief was. Perhaps behind the building? He walked along the edge of the clearing, going the length of the building, and then turning to go along the next side of the building, and finally looking down the other side. There was no one there.

As he looked back to his two advisors, there came a soft sound. A door opened in the side of the building, and a metallic object floated out and dropped to the ground, where it began to roll forward on little wheels. Behind it, the aerial object whirred out of the same doorway, and rose in the air.

The voice he heard before now spoke again from the flying object.

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Afton groaned and rolled over trying to ignore the insistent buzzing of her snooze alarm. She glanced at the clock one more time, just to make sure that it really was seven o’clock, but the red glowing digits on the night stand indicated that now it was seven-o-two and counting! She stretched out, trying to get the circulation moving through her body, and felt her white cotton bikini panties pressing hard against her bulging vulva. The mere pressure from the thin material was enough to flood...

3 years ago
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A TRUE FRIEND 3This is another story about my friend Barbra once again it's true as are the other stories I have recalled.It was a warm day I was at home on holiday from work for 2 weeks the wife had to work as she could not get the same time off she worked from 10 am to 4 pm 5 days a week. I had done all the jobs in the house that needed my attention even as far as getting things ready for dinner that night. Trouble was it was only just after a 10-30am bit of a boring day k**s at school till 4...

1 year ago
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Andi Carson was very upset, her crush Dean, thought she was a boy, and he was on a date with a girl she really hated, Ferin. Additionally, her father wouldn't let her race any more, and instead had a French asshole do the racing. The only thing that kept Andi from going crazy lately, was the fact that since her twin brother Andrew had broken his leg, he needed help getting around a lot, and even doing simple things like getting into the shower. While he always wore a towel, Andrea still got...

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The Riding School

The Riding school Danielle squatted on her haunches, her skirt up round her waist, pulled the gusset of her knickers to one side and pissed on the ground, unconcerned that anyone who happened to be passing the stable might look in and see her. In fact, she rather hoped that one of the lads who hung around the stables might see her, because she loved to prick tease them, causing their pathetic little cocks to harden and secretly delighting as they were forced to toss themselves off while they...

2 years ago
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A Horrible ChoiceChapter 4

Sheryl called Cricket the first chance she had to tell him that they'd been seen together by her brother. "It don't mean nothin'," came his confident reply. It was obvious that he wasn't upset in the least. "I'll handle it. In the meantime, I can always pick you up somewhere else where we won't be seen." His answer brought several questions to her mind at once. "What do you mean by 'you'll handle it'?" She didn't like the way he'd said it, and it was the question that...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Scarlet Chase Glass Dildos Make A Squirting Fountain

In a tiny, turquoise bikini, gorgeous blonde Scarlet Chase shows creamy skin, big boobs and heart-shaped ass. The longhaired, smiling temptress twerks and spreads bouncy butt cheeks, and what’s that? A butt plug, inserted beneath her bottoms! She flexes her sphincter, squeezing out the toy to taste it. On a round, white bed, Scarlet stuffs a bulbous, ridged glass dildo in and out of her anus, and she sucks it ass-to-mouth. She extends her legs, fingering her pierced clit and bald box as...

2 years ago
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What a way to wake up

I am laying on my stomach, my feet crossed as I prop my head up on an elbow, looking at you laying next to me. I sigh softly, biting my lip as I let my eyes wander down your temple and chin, along your neck and then the sheet bars my view. I softly and gently pull the sheet back, making sure not to wake you as I lift myself off of the bed slowly. I get on my hands and knees, unable to stop smiling as I settle down on my knees between your legs, my eyes traveling up your chest to your peaceful...

Oral Sex
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Shopping trips with Sherry

Slowly, Sherry and I begin to become more than just friends. Sex is off limits because neither of us want the possibility of a child, STD's, etc. She has no problem visiting me and I am still getting used to her place. Hardly anyone shows up at my house unannounced, while a few of her pals still drop in when they feel like it or if they are invited. Sherry or one of her bitches will ask me which panty I have on and I reply with the correct information, causing much laughter. I am more than...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 14 New Allies

Noia didn't look around; instead she opened the door to the building and went inside without hesitation. The day had been a little hazy outside, but the sun was bright enough that she had to spend a few heartbeats letting her eyes adjust to the dimness inside the shop. A young man appeared and smiled pleasantly at her. "May I help you, noble lady?" "I'd like to speak to Solon, please. I've come from afar." The clerk bobbed his head. "Trader Solon is always fascinated by stories...

4 years ago
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Getting off the Seesaw part two Coercive Control

Things go from bad to worse for Diane as she tries to catch up with Barry. Is he still angry? Has she lost him? Please read part one. Standing in the spare room, where Barry should have been, Diane read the note again. Sorry about yesterday. Sorry to spoil your fun. I have a lot on at work and some issues we need to talk about. I’ll phone you from the hotel. B She held the note in her hand for a minute, reading the few words again and again, turning it over, examining the blank reverse side and...

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Incest Taboo And An Abnormal Part 2

At first I thanks ISS for publishing my story. My name is Honey and I think people should not get bad about incest or taboo. Think who has created ud? adam and Eve. No other male or female. So the population today is the child of them that is either by incest or by taboo sex. Our family grew up on this philosophy. So people those who don’t agree with my self please forgive me. This story is about how my son sorry son in law became normal. Actually the name of my abnormal son is Karan. He is a...

3 years ago
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The PresentChapter 7

Once we got back to Elk City, we turned Suzy’s horse out into the pasture. Jughead and Margarite were happy to see us. At least Margarite was. She was almost ecstatic about seeing me. She pranced, and high stepped. Ran up to me at the fence, then turned at the last second and bolted off the other way. Finally, after about 10 minutes, she slowly sidled up to where I was and nuzzled me. Baby girl was glad daddy was home. She got a butterscotch and 30 minutes of loving for her efforts. Jughead...

2 years ago
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Double Cross

I met Amy Parker during college. She was studying to be an engineer while I was enrolled in the school's business program. I knew I wanted her from moment I first laid eyes on her during one of the core requirement courses that we both had to complete for our majors. Not only was she beautiful, but she was brilliant. I had always had a thing for smart women. I was relentless in my pursuit, refusing to be dissuaded by the initially cold reception. Eventually she warmed to me and we started...

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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

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My Aunt Padma Showed Me Heaven Part 5

Hi friends, I am penning down my memories after a very long time. I hope you like this story too, as in my earlier stories. I am a 52-year-old man presently living in Bangalore. This particular incident happened in Mysore. During summer vacations, I had been to my dad’s younger cousin sister, Padma Aunty’s place. I was studying Engineering and was about 19 years old. That night Padma Aunty and I had sex had a second round of sex. I slept in her arms with my cock lodged in her pussy around 4 in...

2 years ago
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Night out

One night, me and my friend dress up like real sluts, mini skirts, no panties, high heels, see through blouse, see through bra and we go to a local pub. We hear they have a backroom where orgies take place...and we want to participate! First we drink some alcohol at the bar, a lot of guys checking us out...We go to the little girls room and when we come out we see another door at the end of a long hallway. There is a screen hanging above the door and a sexy male guard stands in front, only...

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PatienceChapter 5

We finished out the night with a quick shower before going to bed. My sleeping arrangements had already been taken care of by my two lovely ladies. Their solution involved a number of pillows. I had a body pillow placed behind me to act as a barrier to keep me from rolling over on my back. I had a body pillow in front of me to prop me up. I had a pillow for my head, and another pillow that was supposed to fit between my knees, though I ended up kicking it off of the bed, and all of these...

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The Cougar The Bull The Suck The Fuc

Now with graduation done and my college degree in hand I was ready to embark on my entry into adulthood. But I had some unfinished business to handle beforehand, so it was my priority now until my new job started in two weeks . What was that you asked ? I wanted to have life-altering mind-blowing sex with an experienced Hott mature white woman, who herself was a cougar needing to make sure she still could pull a strapping young Black Bull like myself. At the time of my 1st interracial affair I...

1 year ago
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The Big Game Part 1

The Big Game - Part 1 Written by ShariT Matt Ruggieri is a successful investor in Boston. We met through some mutual friends a few years ago. We had been out clubbing and competing to see which of us would hook up with the sexiest girl. At the time I was 23 years old and not quite as successful financially as my friends who were already making six figure incomes in the financial world. In the past few years I had lost touch with the guys because we had very different lifestyles. They...

2 years ago
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A wife revenge

It was Saturday night, and my wife and I had come home from dinner and a movie. The movie was a romantic comedy, and often those get Michelle kind of fired up. And tonight, she’d not been able to keep her hands off me, fondling me to an erection as we watched the show, letting me get soft, then making me hard again. In the parking lot, we couldn’t leave right away because she’d pulled my cock out and started going down on me. Just when I’d been about to cum, she’d stopped, promising me more...

4 years ago
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On my Vocation I had suprise sex wit my aunty

Hi friends, my name is Akhil.I had a very wonderful sex experience in my life , which I never disclosed to anyone until now. Now i feel like this is an excellent chance for me and i decided to share my story with all of you.This is a true story which happened when I was in 12th standard. I went to Chennai to enjoy my summer vacation, But unfortunately no one was there except my aunt. I asked her when others will come back ? she told me that they will come back after one week . I was very...

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“Who is she?” I ask myself. She looks a little like my ex-wife, though she doesn’t act like her at all. I haven’t seen my ex-wife in several years, but I’m pretty sure I could still recognize her, so I don’t think it’s her. Maybe she is a stranger who has inexplicably taken a liking to me, an attractive face in the crowd. Maybe I remind her of someone. Maybe I am a totally random choice. My therapist tells me this is the most likely possibility, though I am not so sure. Sometimes I think she...

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The beginning

Now to the beginning of the story… It was going to be my birthday exactly one month after we started going out. We were both still in school then, in our final years and it was summer time so away at internships. However, she was going to drive down to me for my birthday evening and she had said for the first time that she will spend the night with me and she had a special surprise for me. My mind was racing. I was in complete and utter confusion thinking holy shit she is going to want to...

3 years ago
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First Fuck in a New Place

I park in front of this mystery Porsche, I can’t see inside with its tinted windows as I park nose to nose with it. I get out and examine the car to see if I can tell who it might belong to. As I close in on the driver side window it rolls down and exposes a young brunet that I know quite well. She looks at me with devil eyes and a grin on her face that no man could resist. She looks into me with her brown eyes and says “so what took you so long to get back” cooing ever other word making...

4 years ago
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Manday Mania Part 3

. I turned around but was shocked to find it was my husband’s friend, Tom, and not Ned. (I thought Ned had awakened and saw me and wanted to fuck. I was surprised to see Tom and I backed away a little.) He said “relax, I heard what went on here today and decided to come over check to see if you are ok. I also came over because I have wanted to fuck you since the first day I saw you but I didn’t want to hurt Ken. We have been friends since we were k**s but when I heard what happened today with...

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Chatting bring mother and son together

I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Nikhil started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates over the...

1 year ago
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Dan Becomes Dawn

Dan Becomes Dawn By Kathi Jo Daniels After years of being a closet crossdresser, Dan takes an opportunity to come out Chapter One: The Invitation I work from home and can dress en femme most days. Today I am wearing a pink flower pattern, button-front blouse, knee-length white a-line skirt, a pair of white walking sandals with a wavy, medium brown wig, and clip-on earrings. Under that is a corset to flatten my gut, matching white lace panties, and a 40-D underwire bra to...

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My sister I part 2

This is the follow up story to the first part that I told of the "sexual" experiences I shared with my younger sister Melissa as we grew up. I hope everyone enjoyed my first story and enjoys this one as well. The next time I remember doing anything we were at my grandparents house, which I now live in with my parents. It was early in the afternoon and we both slept downstairs while the parents and grandparents were all upstairs. Our parents were still sleeping and I knew our grandparents...

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Mira 5

‘Take Joanna to my room, Ivanova – I will probably join you later.’ Ivanova stood and offered me her hand. I took it and stood and followed her as she led the way through a large pair of oak doors to a subtly lit corridor. The carpet was thick and I followed Ivanova’s delicious body, her hips swaying beneath the red silk. About half way along the corridor she opened a black, leather covered door and led me into a large room furnished with sumptuous carpet, large deep chairs and a sideboard...

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One hell of a Halloween

So this is the story about the time my friend Briana and I hooked up:It was at a Halloween party at our friends house, and we were all supposed to dress up in either a costume or as a celebrity. Now, I wasn't about to go and shell out money for a fucking costume, so I just threw on some black jeans, a red v-neck, and a black and red motorcycle jacket, and added a pair of stunner shades and came to the party as Kanye (you know, after that whole "Ima let you finish" incident? Now, I'm 20, about...

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Satisfying My Bhabhi8217s Desires

This is Karthik Aryan again from Bangalore. I am 24 and work in an MNC. Thank you all for your feedback for my first sex story. I am back with another story. My bhabhi was hungry for some smoking hot sex from many days and I was eager for sex and how we both satisfied each other. Coming to the story, my bhabhi is 32 years of age who is married to one of my cousin. She is short and has a great body and her ass is a major attraction. It’s been 8 years since her marriage to my cousin and they...

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A Mother8217s Gift of Virginity 8211 Part III

Over the months our life was full of mirth. A routine life with plenty of sex made Sally (a nick name given by me to Mrs Scott) and made us a happier couple. Jennie was a part of our life. I always avoided sex with her; nevertheless’ she wanted to peep into our private life. We did not mind as it just happens with teens. She was doing fine with her studies and wanted to join a degree college early next year. One last weekend Jennie had to participate in a community work service so we were alone...

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Fucking Crazy

Angelica looked at her phone again, and confirmed the address. Yes, this was it. She looked up at the sign on the door, which showed she had come to the right place: "Smith & Son."It was a low bungalow in the middle of an industrial area. Definitely a small business, owned by one man, Sam Smith. The man who had posted a help-wanted ad for a secretary for his business.Angelica smiled a wicked smile. This was going to be perfect. Just perfect...The 30-year-old was a beauty by any stretch of...

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OHGIRL Pregnancy 2

Two more months passed by as Lou continued to push me to get pregnant. I had been off of my birth control for over three months and even though I had engaged in sexual intercourse nearly every day of the month, sometimes multiple times a day with multiple partners, I hadn't yet been able to give him the good news. Not that I thought that it would be good news. I enjoyed the sexual excitement of tempting fate and winning. It was not unlike a person gambling their last dollar on a high odds bet...

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Anita Hot Village Mom Part 4

Hi everyone thanks for your love and support I thank all the ladies who appreciated my story and motivated to write more.Here the next part of the saga and please feel free to send your criticisms or appreciation I thank a very special person who reviewed this story for me and her input and support was critical.Aunties and Bhabhis please feel free to mail me at Raj opened his eyes it was morning so much had happened in past week.He went out of his room and went to the kitchen he saw his mom...

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Case 34 Innocence Lust MrPhelps

"You can start any time you want to Brian." I encouraged. "Take as much time as you need.""Well...I don't know where to begin. Should I jump in, and tell the juicy parts first, like Jenny did, or can I just take it as it comes?""Whatever You want,Brian. Whatever makes it easier for you." I smiled at him and leaned forward to take his hand in mine. It was hot and sweaty, and he was shaking like a leaf in the wind. At a nod from me, Malinda got up and walked over to stand behind him. She kissed...

2 years ago
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Kissing Cousins Part One

Jessica and I had always been kissing cousins growing up. We never really saw each other that much, except on family visits. As k**s we would cuddle up together watching television, find some reason to be alone away from the adults so we could hug and kiss. Looking back on it now it seems so innocent. But back then I remember how excited I was by it all. In truth my cousin was the first girl I ever kisses. And if truth be told, Jess was the source of many of my masturbation sessions as I grew...

3 years ago
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Married Life 01

Introduction: A story of love, lust & romance. We met Sally & Peter on our first day at the Honeymoon resort we had chosen. Sally was swimming laps in the pool wearing a bright yellow bikini tyed together on the sides with thin pieces of ribbon, her long blonde hair was flowing freely down her back as she swam the length of the pool. Peter her husband had been reading & had just received a fresh beer when he noticed my bride & I sitting a few lounges down from him, he introduced himself &...

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Innocence Pt 1

Disclaimer: The following story contains mention of the state of Vermont. This may bring back traumatic images for anyone who has ever gone through that sort of experience. If Vermont is objectionable to you or anyone in your household then you are strongly advised not to read on. If you do read on and are offended by the presence of Vermont, then you were warned. Innocence There is just something to be said about ruining innocence. Many people glorify the raping of a virgin, but they...

2 years ago
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TammyChapter 6

The next day we made it to LA. Her house was in a typical LA suburb. Swimming pools, palm trees and smog. It was Tuesday and both her parents worked so the house was empty. I helped her unload her gear. We were standing in her bedroom and I knew it was time. "I've got to be going." "Oh Mike," she threw her arms around me. "I'm so scared I won't ever see you again." "If you want to see me you will. Remember your promises and I'll keep mine. I don't want any high school...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning the Aftermath

Sunday – the aftermath I woke up Monday morning after a long night of dreams. The front of my underwear wet and sticky. Wet dreams, like a teenager. At least I was lucky in my dreams. Reality was a frustrating bitch. My dreams starting coming back to me. I could see Mrs. Richards under me. I remember taking pleasure watching my dick push those big lips apart and then slide all the way in. She was tight and moaning. I doubt the dream was a long one. In any case, now I needed a shower and fresh...

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This Old House

Old farm stands, you have seen them scattered everywhere around the rural countryside of northern New England. They are fast disappearing now. Usually there are a few scrub acres of brush that has grown in close to a set of collapsing buildings. The house may have a slate roof, the barn rusting tin, and if there is a silo, the top is off and it is leaning away from the wind. Desolate, lonely and abandoned, it sits back from the road, the buildings waiting to be torn down or restored depending...

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The BachChapter 4

'Bored, bored, bored, ' Natalie thought as she pushed the trundler (shopping trolley) around the supermarket followed by Wayne who was merely looking and not really helping. Although she had wanted to spend time with the kids this morning, events had taken over and forced her to make sure that she and Wayne were away from the bach for a couple of hours. The problem was not knowing how Gavin and Tracey were resolving a possible crisis of Natalie's making. 'I must have been mad, ' she...

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A Short Hop 2

By Pistachio I noticed a young woman who looked like Betsy around the baggage claim conveyor like she was looking for someone. She was a tall brunette who looked as athletic as Betsy looked poised. She walked up to a fellow about 20 feet away and they spoke for a minute then she continued toward me. She had long muscular legs flowing out from a loose fitting red dress. But it was the warm inviting smile that hooked me. She stopped, looked around, then started walking right towards...

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My First Bi Experience

My first bisexual experience came when I was thirteen years old and spending a night at a friend’s house. That night as we did when growing up always shared a bed when we had friends over or I stayed over at friends or family homes. One night while spending the night at my friends Peter’s house for the night, we went to bed upstairs in his room. I had on my pjs as he did as well. During the night, after we fell asleep I awoke up feeling his hand rubbing my cock through my pjs and I was getting...

4 years ago
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Bus Ride

Introduction: I was awoken by moans….. I was awoken on the bus by her little moans. I looked across the aisle and saw why she was moaning. Her boyfriend was fucking her from behind with his enormous cock. Both her hands were pressed against the window. Her face sideways, her right cheek on the glass. It started out as a normal day. My plan was to take the bus from Vegas to San Diego for a trip to see my best girl friend. She had moved there for a new job 6 months ago. I missed her. I did not...

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