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Daniel slouched through the mall, bored out of his mind. He was only here because his mom was punishing him for his poor grades by forcing him to serve as chauffeur to his sister and her friends. Ordinarily, he'd much rather have been sitting in his room playing video games. Or surfing the Internet for porn, like any other red-blooded American boy in his final year of high school. Instead, he was "helping" his fourteen-year-old sister find a Halloween costume. Which really meant he'd driven three giggling girls to the mall and was now following along behind them carrying several bags and listening to loud, angry music through the ear buds tucked under the hood of his Texas A&M hoodie. He was in such a pissy mood he wasn't even checking out girls. Which is probably why he didn't even notice the one he barged right into. One moment he was walking along, lost in his own dark musings, and the next he was tripping over the girl he'd just knocked to the tiled floor. Bags went everywhere as he tried--unsuccessfully--not to land squarely on top of her. Daniel opened his mouth and drew breath to apologize, but never got a word out before the stranger let loose with a string of invective and profanity that would have made a sailor blush. He sprawled backwards on his ass, aided by the girl's forceful shoves, and gaped,impressed by the inventiveness and venom of her cursing. When he got a good look at her, he was impressed for different reasons. This was about the hottest girl he'd ever seen in person. She was incredibly, over the top Goth, but the black makeup and artfully torn clothing did nothing to disguise the fact that she looked like a lingerie model. She had the face of an movie star, and the body of a porn actress. He stared, of course. It's possible he even drooled a little. When his victim saw the look on his face and saw that he was ogling her breasts, she let loose with another string of profanity even more colorful than the last, and Daniel was shocked into a profound tactical error: he burst out laughing. The girl cut off her angry outburst, but not because she'd run out of steam. She was simply too angry to speak. Not being a complete idiot, Daniel took the girl's purpling face and silently working jaw as his cue to beat a hasty retreat. STOP. The word resonated in Daniel's bones and he froze. GET BACK HERE. Was it even out loud? The voice? Was he hearing it in his ears, or in his head? Regardless, his body turned without his willing it, and he hurried back to where the girl still sat on the tiled floor. Wordlessly, she extended her hand. Her face had recovered from purple to merely red, but she still seemed to vibrate with tension. All thought of laughter fled from him. He hurried to grasp the outstretched hand, and pulled the girl to her feet. It was amazingly easy. He had taken in her beauty and amazing figure in the first seconds after knocking her down, but hadn't registered how petite the total package was. Daniel himself was six feet tall, or near enough as to make no difference. The girl came up to his chest. No wonder he'd run her over: from his height, she was easy to miss. For a moment, she said nothing, and Daniel began to think again of escape. The girl took a deep breath, and some of the tension left her. "You may apologize," she said. What a weird thing to say! As if Daniel needed her permission to speak! Yet speak he did, and genuinely meant it: "I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to knock you down. I just didn't see you..." The words died in his throat. The girl's expression had started to mellow, but at the last had darkened alarmingly again. When she replied, it was with more than a trace of bitterness. With a sneer, she asked, "You didn't see me? Because I'm so short. Is that it?" Daniel tried to get a word in edgewise, but his vocal cords locked up when she said, SILENCE. Except she didn't say it. Her lips never moved. Daniel heard the voice in his head as clearly--and loudly--as if she had shouted it. The girl was vibrating again. He had the good sense to begin to be frightened. "Hey, Dan! Where'd you get to? Ooh! Who's your girlfriend?" Now Daniel was frightened for another reason. Something inexplicable and dangerous was going on, right here in the middle of the mall, and his annoying little sister was stepping right into the middle of it. He tried with every ounce of his rarely exercised will power to turn, to shout, to warn his sister and her two giggling sidekicks. It was no good. He stayed as still and silent as one of the mannequins in the nearby display windows. The girl didn't. She pivoted in a really weird way towards Haley and her friends, but her feet never moved. He could hear the soles of her sneakers squeak on the tiles. This time, the mental speech wasn't directed at him, but he could still hear it, like listening to someone on the other end of a very poor telephone connection. SILENCE. And the three girls' giggling cut off in mid gig-. COME HERE. And all three stepped close enough to reach out and touch. "Daniel and I are having a private, grown-up conversation," the girl said aloud. She continued, "You three are intruding. I normally keep my hatred of vapid little twits like yourselves to a very dull roar, but I'm afraid you've stepped on my last nerve this afternoon." The girl turned so slightly that Daniel couldn't have said what he'd noticed that even made him think she'd moved, but he somehow knew she was addressing herself to Haley's friend Emma, the quietest and shyest of the three. "You're quite the little mouse, aren't you? Not any more." The girl placed the tip of her index finger in the center of Emma's forehead, and Daniel heard, YOU ARE AN ADRENALINE JUNKIE, A RISK TAKER, A WILD CHILD. YOU'LL TRY ANYTHING, AS LONG AS IT'S LOUD AND EXTREME. Emma shuddered as her tame, hand-me-down take on Haley's pop tart ensemble morphed and twisted from the ground up, becoming rainbow Vans, ripped and graffitied jeans, an oversize Cerebral Ballzy concert t-shirt, and a Dakine beanie. One side of her long hair was buzzed short, the other side was corn-rowed, and the loose hair on top and hanging down her back looked like it had been dyed every color of the rainbow at some point. Her makeup and accessories followed suit, right down to the safety pin piercing her left eyebrow. Again a turn, too slight to quantify, and Sarah had the girl's undivided attention while the other three looked on helplessly. "Well, well, little miss future preacher's wife. I think not." The girl leaned ever so slightly forward and grabbed Sarah obscenely below the waist. Daniel heard, YOU ARE A SHAMELESS SLUT. A DAY WITHOUT SEX IS A DAY WITHOUT SUNSHINE. YOU'LL OPEN YOUR LEGS FOR ANYONE AND EVERYONE WHO ASKS. Like Emma's before her, Sarah's clothes and look twisted and changed from the ground up, forming into five-inch stripper stilettos, black lace stockings, and a corset dress so short, skimpy, and strategically translucent that she risked arrest just wearing it in public. Her shoulder length brown hair shifted into an unnatural, garish red color and exploded in a mass of teased and tousled curls that cascaded all the way to the poor girl's half-exposed backside. Her makeup and jewelry were so cheap and tawdry looking that she'd fit right in walking the streets with the cheapest of whores. Daniel's heart rate spiked as the girl turned her attention to his sister. He renewed his efforts to move, to speak, to do anything at all. This was all his fault! He was the one who hadn't watched where he'd been going. And now his little sister and her friends were paying the price. "What have we here? You look like you stepped right out of a TV show about teen girls. Allow me to fix that for you." The girl's hand darted out and touched Haley's chest between her breasts. Daniel wanted to weep as he heard, YOU ARE OLD, TIRED, DRIED UP. YOUR THOUGHTS AND DESIRES ARE THOSE OF A SEVENTY YEAR OLD WOMAN. Haley's shoes became plain orthotics. Her pants changed into support hose and her Girrrl Power! top morphed into an ugly, grey, knee-length dress. Her hair turned white as snow, and shortened into the sort of curly, slightly teased style worn by little old ladies. Her makeup and jewelry changed to match. Granny glasses on a loop of beaded chain hung down onto her chest, and hearing aids appeared in her ears. Her hand came up from her side, and slid full dentures into her toothless mouth. An odd motion below her waist showed when the adult diaper formed there. Her body didn't change, and her face remained as youthful as ever, but one would have to look closely to notice it. "That'll do," the girl smirked. "Shoo, you three. Daniel and I still have things to discuss." Sarah's eyes went to a group of boys further down the mall, and she made a beeline for them with a hungry look in her eyes. Emma slipped earbuds into her ears and bounced off in the direction of the skateboard shop. Haley just turned and shuffled away. Daniel's heart went out to all three transformed girls, but especially to his once vibrant, irrepressible sister. The girl turned around to face him, and said, YOU MAY MOVE, BUT NO RUNNING AWAY. YOU MAY SPEAK IN A WHISPER ONLY. The last thing on Daniel's mind was running away. His outrage over the events of the last few minutes blazed up into righteous anger in the blink of an eye. Before the girl could react, shopping bags scattered across the floor to free the young man's hands, which shot forward, wrapped around her swan-like neck, and squeezed. He whispered as loud as he could, "You evil bitch!" The Goth girl didn't even wince. She just stood there with Daniel's hands on her neck. It took him several seconds to realize his hands weren't actively squeezing. Instead, they were simply resting on the girl's cool skin and velour choker. He tried to force his fingers to clench, to squeeze the life out of this... person?... who had just casually twisted the lives of three young girls into something unrecognizable. And one of those girls was his sister! He raged internally and strained every bit of his will, but couldn't move. When he tried to jump back, he discovered that he couldn't even do that. Smiling, the girl reached up and repositioned his hands so that they were clasped behind her neck, as if he were embracing her. The move pulled them even closer together, but Daniel couldn't tell which of them had moved. Softly, as if they were lovers having an intimate conversation in the middle of a mall, she said, "'Evil bitch,' is it? Oh, Daniel, you say the most darling things. I know you meant that as an insult, but you can't insult someone with the truth. I am a bitch, it's true. And evil? By your standards, I imagine I am." She stepped even closer, and her ample breasts pressed into his abdomen. Daniel felt a shiver of involuntary arousal, which the girl clearly felt. She smirked up at him. In a voice dripping with sarcasm, she asked, "Oh, does little Danny like that? I'm sure you've felt a girl's breasts before, right?" She slight upward tick of an eyebrow let him know the question was rhetorical. The girl moved back a couple of inches. "Ugh!" she exclaimed. "I'm getting a crick in my neck staring up at you. Time to fix that." For a second or two, Daniel thought the girl was making herself taller. Only for a second or two, though. The feeling of his clothing moving against his skin gave it away: he was shrinking. In a matter of maybe eight seconds, he was staring straight even into her eyes. Then he was looking up at her. When he finally stopped shrinking, he figured he stood maybe five feet tall in his tennis shoes, and the girl had three inches on him. All he could see of himself was his arms reaching up behind her neck, but if they were any indication he had shrunk proportionally. They still looked like his arms, but smaller. If he could have moved, Daniel would have run. If he could have made any noise louder than a whisper, he would have screamed while he ran. He only thought he was scared at seeing his sister and his friends twisted by this strange girl. Now that he was the one in her crosshairs, his terror knew no bounds. A strangled whimper was all that he could get out, and even that went silent when she reached up and touched him in the center of his forehead like she had the girls. BE CALM, she said in his mind. His fear evaporated. He took a deep, calming breath. He hadn't realized he had been about to hyperventilate until she stopped him. His arms dropped to his side, and he was able to just stand there and look at his tormentor. I WANT YOU TO SEE WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO. COME WITH ME. So saying, the girl turned and walked into a nearby clothing store. Daniel followed close behind her through no will or intention of his own. The calm she'd forced on him allowed him to coolly assess the situation, but he couldn't see any way out of it. All he could see, in fact, was the hypnotic sway of his captor's ass as SHE proceeded to the back of the store. A scant few minutes before, the sight would have stirred his libido mightily; now, it was just an ass. The two of them walked right by a couple of store employees, but they didn't even glance their way. Daniel knew he must have presented a comical sight, struggling along in clothes many times too big for him. He could only assume that the only reason he hadn't walked right out of his shoes and pants was that SHE didn't want that to happen. STAND FACING THE MIRROR, he heard, and he squared himself up in front of the door-sized mirror outside the dressing rooms. Now that he could see his reflection, he realized his assessment out in the mall concourse was correct. SHE had shrunk him proportionally. He looked like a five-foot- tall doll of his former self. He gasped when his clothes atomized all at once and blew away in every direction, and he was left standing there naked. Still there were no cries of alarm or anger. It was like no one could see them, because SHE didn't want them to be seen. "Now, what to do," SHE mused. "Should I just leave you like this? You certainly won't be running anyone over now that you're a more reasonable size." SHE laughed harshly. "Shit, you're going to get plowed over all the time yourself. Still, you also tried to strangle me, and called me an evil bitch. True or not, you very much meant it to hurt, and would very possibly have killed me if you could." Daniel couldn't answer, of course. In his state of enforced calm, he could see that SHE wasn't really angry any longer, but rather had adopted a tone he associated with an artist sizing up a project. His attention sharpened when SHE continued, "So, I guess it's only fair that I kill you, and hurt you along the way, like you wanted to do to me." Daniel saw and felt the blood drain from his face. He'd never actually seen that before, only read about it, and was fascinated in spite of himself. Would he have fainted, he wondered, if magic weren't holding him rigidly upright in front of the mirror? It hardly mattered. SHE was going to kill him, and there was nothing he could do to stop her. He sighed. He wished he could close his eyes at least. "Yes, that's it! Perfect!" SHE exclaimed. "Daniel, my boy, I've just had the most brilliant idea! "I'm going to kill you quickly and hurt you for a very long time." That made no sense. How could SHE... Daniel had no more time to wonder what SHE meant, as his body started to change in front of his eyes. His whole body became paler. It wasn't just that the tan on his arms and legs faded, though it did, but rather that his whole body became a very pale pink. All his hair turned snow white just as quickly, and his eyes became a pale violet. Suddenly, he could see very little. Not only did the harsh overhead lighting of the dressing area hurt his eyes abominably, but the whole world turned blurry on him. He could only barely make out his surroundings. "Whoops!" SHE said, and giggled a bit. "I forgot about albinism messing with the vision. Can't have you not able to see what I'm doing to you. I guess you'll be the one unique albino in the world with perfect vision. In fact, let's make it preternaturally acute!" Everything sprang back into horrible focus. He could see the pores in the skin of his nose from several feet away, his vision was so sharp. His irises had become a slightly darker violet, with a ring of pale blue around the outside edge. Then he couldn't see those pores any more as they shrank away to nothing. No freckles or sun spots. No moles. No hair anywhere on him below the eyes and the hair of his scalp, which suddenly thickened to the point that it stood up all over his head. His brows formed perfectly tapered arches, and his eyelashes grew in so long and thick they were practically fur. Daniel's face shifted, slimmed, his nose and mouth both shrinking, and stopped at a perfect androgyny. "There," she said, "now I've killed you. Daniel Morris is no more. Your poor sister is now an only child. Your parents, relatives, and friends have never heard of you. There's no official record of your existence anywhere unless I create one for you." His heart skipped a beat as that sank in. He was completely friendless and alone. He looked like no one. SHE was the only person in the world who even knew his na--... what was his name? He didn't have one anymore, unless SHE named him. Just like that, SHE became the most important person in the world to him. SHE had damned him, and only SHE could save him. And SHE wasn't finished. "And now I'll take your manhood." The nameless man's eyes flew to his genitals. They'd shrunk proportionally with the rest of him when he'd been miniaturized, and that had already left him a bit underwhelming in the penis department. As he watched his reflection in the unforgiving glare of the halogen store lights, his meager cock came fully erect to maybe four thin inches. His ball sack tightened up against his body as if he were about to ejaculate, but then they just kept tightening, and he watched in horror as the now empty sack pulled up flush with the flesh of his groin and smoothed to match it. There was nothing there any longer, not even a wrinkle to show where his testicles had been moments before. The little ridge of flesh that normally ran front to back from a man's penis to anus was even gone. As his erection receded, his penis shrank even further, until it was left about as big around as his pinky finger but only two-thirds as long. "Just like a little doll," SHE crooned. "All smooth and perfect, but with a tiny little willie to remind you of what you've lost. Yes, that's going to hurt for a long time, isn't it? You know, you're actually very pretty like this. Let's make you even more of a freak and make you perfectly bilaterally symmetrical." The nameless person--it couldn't be called a "man" any longer, or even a "boy"--watched as the two halves of its body became perfect mirror images of each other. Normal humans are approximately symmetrical from one side to the other, and most standards of beauty prize greater degrees of symmetry, but PERFECT symmetry is disconcerting to look at. It was beautiful but inhuman. And just like that, something shifted in the heart and mind of the raven- haired girl. Something ineffable changed in a heartbeat as her revenge had taken an unexpected turn into a weird beauty she hadn't known she was seeking. "Wow. Just. Wow. I mean, I've really outdone myself. You're a work of art, honey. I think I might just keep you." Keep it? What did SHE mean? Hadn't SHE done enough? SHE had killed it, unmanned it, and stripped away most visible indicators of its humanity. Now SHE wanted to keep it? As what, a pet? Even paralyzed as it was by magic, and compelled to calmness, it felt a fresh frisson of terror. SHE came up behind it and hugged it around the waist. The contrast in the mirror image was shocking. SHE was all darkness and blood red power, and it was angelically white and sexlessly perfect. SHE smiled wickedly, and purred, "Holy fuck, will you look at us? We're a matched fucking set! That's what I must have been aiming for without even realizing it." "The only problem is I'm only attracted to women, and you... well, you're nothing." With a pensive expression, SHE stepped away, and it could see HER pace back and forth. SHE stopped, suddenly, and turned to face it again. Two perfectly smooth, very small silicone breast forms appeared in the air in front of its chest, looking every bit like the "chicken cutlets" they were sometimes named, but without the customary nipples and colored to match its translucent skin tone. Soundlessly, the forms sucked up to its chest and sealed themselves there. The demarcation between skin and silicone was slight but clearly visible to its hyper-acute vision. With barely audible puffs of air, two much larger silicone forms appeared and sealed themselves to its hips. Two more, larger yet, attached themselves to its butt cheeks. SHE checked over its shoulder from both sides in the reflection to make sure the placement of the six pads was perfect. It had the shape of a petite, slender woman, the face of an androgyne, and the substance of neither sex. Even its nipples were now hidden from view by the pale, smooth silicone of the prosthetic breasts. The only traces of its normal humanity left visible from its neck down were its inhumanly symmetrical navel and tiny limp cock. All the hair on its scalp suddenly stood straight up and grew like a stop motion film of a flower blooming until it reached well beyond the limits of the mirror, both straight up and out to both sides. The individual strands whipped into motion, and it could feel the sharp tugs all over its scalp as its hair twisted itself into a hundred thick strands of perfect, silky, snow-white yarn. When this simultaneous twisting ended, shiny pin k latex enclosed the end of each twist like the aglets on a shoelace. Its hair, once more subject to gravity, fell down all around it to its knees. SHE tapped an ebony nail against her lips and murmured, "Bangs. Definitely needs bangs." The strands at the front of its scalp cut themselves off to fall in a perfect line across its forehead, and the ends of each were once more sealed in pink latex. The rest of the braids gathered themselves up at her neck and, with more supernaturally fast braiding the strands twisted into a rope nearly as thick as one of its thighs, wrapped with a ribbon of pink latex like the stripes on a barber's pole. A tingling at its fingertips drew its attention, and its nails grew out into curved, three-inch talons painted a pearlescent pink to match its toenails. The same shiny, pearlescent pink appeared on its lips. White eyeliner and pink eye shadow followed, but no blush accented its cheeks. "Smile," SHE commanded, and it watched as its perfectly even and symmetrical teeth became blindingly white. Its eye teeth extended just enough to draw attention to themselves, but not enough to disturb the overall perfection of its smile. "Stick out your tongue," she ordered, and it watched as its tongue extended nearly twice as far as it had before, and three gold balls caught its eye as its tongue became pierced in a line down the center. A matching gold ring pierced its septum. Seven gold hoops marched up the other edge of each ear, the ones at the top delicate and thin, hugging the cartilage closely, and each ring growing larger with each piercing to the ones at the bottom that were thick, heavy, and three inches across. All were seamlessly sealed in place. A gold bar and ball appeared as its navel was pierced, with a rhinestone heart depending from it to dangle in front of the opening. A delicate, lacy, pastel pink thong appeared to hide its cock and pulled up between its ass cheeks. A bra was completely unnecessary. White fishnet stockings encased its legs to midthight. Pink leather booty shorts formed, skintight. A matching bustier edged with white lace encased its upper body, artfully hiding the seams of the breast forms at the top while leaving several inches of perfect midriff and its navel piercing on enticing display. Fingerless, white, fishnet gloves extended to its elbows. To complete the dressing, a pair of shiny, white ankle boots with four-inch, spiked heels encased its feet, lifting it back up to the same height as its tormentor. SHE licked her lips and moaned in apparent delight, coming forward to embrace HER creation. "By all the gods in Heaven and all the devils in Hell, you're fucking perfect." It looked itself over from braided hair to towering heels. Where a few minutes before a doll-like miniature man had stood, now a delicate vision in heavy gold, hot pink, and snow white was reflected. It couldn't deny that SHE had created of the former him a vision of unearthly beauty. SHE reached around and touched the tip of a finger to its forehead, and spoke directly to its mind, and it was reborn, remade a person once again. YOUR NAME IS ANGEL. NO LAST NAME, JUST ANGEL. YOU WERE BORN A MALE, BUT YOU HAVE INTENTIONALLY MADE YOURSELF AS YOU ARE NOW IN SEARCH OF AN IMPOSSIBLE IDEAL OF BEAUTY AND PERFECTION. YOU MADE ALL OF THESE CHANGES TO YOURSELF. THE WAY YOU ARE DRESSED AND MADE UP AND ADORNED IS YOUR IDEA. YOU ARE BLISSFULLY HAPPY TO LOOK THIS WAY. Angel admired itself in the mirror. After years of work and struggle, it had attained its long-sought ideal appearance. SHE turned Angel around to face HER, and once again placed a finger against its forehead. THE ONE THING MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU IN THIS WORLD THAN ATTAINING YOUR OWN PHYSICAL PERFECTION IS YOUR UNDYING, LIMITLESS LOVE FOR ME. Angel cried a little with happiness, its face split by an enormous smile at finding itself in the arms of Madlen Lewis, the love of its life. It would gladly have gone on smiling like that forever, but as it threw its arms around Maddie's neck, it found a much better use for its mouth: kissing its mate with more passion than most people get to feel in a lifetime. Angel and Maddie kissed for several minutes before coming up for air. With more than a little giggling and a score of touches by turns playful and passionate, they straightened their clothes, touched up their makeup, gathered up their purses, and strode back out of the clothing store and into the mall. As they made their way to the food court for lunch, they passed a redheaded girl frantically jerking off a teenage boy behind one of the decorative trees. Another girl ran screaming with laughter down the concourse with a stolen skateboard under her arm and a security guard trying desperately to chase her down. Sitting on a bench, looking lost and bewildered, a teenage girl with the hair, clothing, and demeanor of an elderly woman didn't even merit a glance from the happy lovers. They only had eyes for each other.

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As Jack and Susan passed through the school gates they were approached by the girl that had been speaking to them earlier before they got on the bus. She was walking just ahead of the naked pair when she abruptly stopped mid-stride and turned around. Jack and Susan slowed their own pace down as the girl approached them. “What you just did in the bus was awesome!” she said boldly to Jack. After a brief pause she continued with, “And oh, I am sorry, I haven’t introduced myself. Isn’t it funny,...

2 years ago
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Most Awaited Night With My Sister 8211 Part 2

I am 6’2 tall having a 6 inch tool and lots of stamina :d. And my sister who has milky white thighs with little small boobs and a lovely ass which will torn apart. Before going to the shower I was fingering her with 3 of my fingers inside her.She was kissing me and started stroking my penis.Her juices were flowing and all I could hear was her moaning and breathing.We then went for the 69 position.She started sucking my balls and took my entire dick and gave a deep throat.I sucked her pussy and...

3 years ago
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Nikki 1

Nikki finished the counter and sighed. She would probably get some food at least. Something collided with Nikki's face. Nikki hadn't heard the door open, so she had let her guard down. Joan, Drake and Juliette had returned from shopping and now Joan and Juliete stood above Nikki. "You little pack of scum!" Joan yelled. "Who told you, you could take a break?" "I-I," Nikki stammerd. "I finished my chores and just-" "Finished? You did the laundry, put it away, mopped the floor,...

4 years ago
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Rain and a Lonely milf in India1

The name’s Akshay. Most of the story I am about to tell you is true, especially the sex. This story happened during a lazy afternoon in May, at the shop where I was working part time. The temperature outside was 48. It was no better inside as my ass-hole boss doesn’t let me turn on the air conditioner. He says it’s either half my salary or the ac. I was looking out the store hoping for an earthquake which could kill my boss when Babita walked in. Since I was looking at the strong afternoon...

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The BDSM Monthly Club Social Part Seven Final

The BDSM Monthly Club Social - Part Seven - The Final ChapterKathy showered and then laid down next to her husband on the bed and he took her in his arms and told her how hot she was and how happy she made him and what a fantastic new chapter in their marriage this weekend was opening up for them.She agreed and told him, "Before we met Mark and DeAnn I had fantasies but I've actually surprised myself by doing things that were way beyond my erotic thoughts and I am so turned on being your slave...

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We are pretty busy for the next couple of weeks but the three of us do manage to get in a threesome once in a while. One night though, I awaken and find Les and Travis 69ing. For some reason, jealousy perhaps, my eyes start to tear and I have to bury my face in the pillow because I am bawling like a babe. When I stop, I feign sleep so they are none the wiser. I think about that often in the classroom that day, suddenly I realize, jeez get over it, get a grip, grow up for chrissakes.At supper...

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Island Royale The Report Chapter One

____________________________ You will not find the place marked on any published map, and no one you know can provide you directions to it. No commercial airlines schedule flights there, and even global satellite images of the area reveal nothing but seemingly endless blue waters. There are no fancy internet websites maintained to allow you to book a vacation there, and no ordinary travel agent can make a reservation for you. On the shelves and kiosks of the World’s travel...

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The clock struck twelve as John Doe sat in the coffee shop, anxiously waiting for someone. This wasn’t something he was used to and found many different emotions fighting for control, mostly excited and anxiety. John took a quick sip of his latte hoping to calm his nerves. ‘They should be here soon,’ he thought to himself, ‘I hope they’re just as their ad describes.’ Thinking about it, he wanted to make sure that he got every detail down before meeting them. Grabbing his phone, he search for...

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Laundry Wali

Filmy Hi, this is Azhar from Gujarat . The incident I am about to narrate took place a few years back. A middle aged lady used to come and collect the laundry clothes for washing/ironing from our house every day. One day however she fell from the stairs and fractured her leg. Her son and daughter-in-law were summoned from the village to take care of her and her business till such time that she could resume her duties. Initially her son came to collect the clothes for a few days, but later it...

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Arrow Forbidden Desires

Author’s note: Incest one-shot involving characters from the CW TV show ‘Arrow,’ based on DC Comics. All characters involved belong to their respective owners. All characters are over 18 years of age. Continuity wise, I suppose this is set after episode 1.14, ‘The Odyssey’ as it references events occurring in that episode. However, I have no choice but to completely ignore the fact that the vigilante confronted Moira and this story pretends that never happened, as that development would throw...

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InLaw LoveChapter 3

To say I was a bit shocked is to make a great understatement. My cock went soft and I wondered if I would ever get a hard on again. Ruth greeted her sister and husband as if nothing was wrong. I stood there a moment wondering if I was the one seeing things then suddenly it all became clear. This whole weekend was a setup, Peggy had been the one who insisted I visit her sister. I grabbed my wife and began to strip her as my cock began to get hard again. I pulled off her blouse and practically...

2 years ago
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Mardi Gras Catrina

Josh wanted to go to this year's Mardi Gras celebration in New Orleans. He had been several times while he was in college and had a real blast. The difference this time is that he was married. Married and had two children. Two boys, ages three and five. His wife of seven years, Catrina, didn't want to go but also didn't want her husband to go by himself as she had heard about all the wild and crazy parties that went on in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Josh and Catrina decided to leave the...

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Franks Gee Spot

There's something about Gerard that makes people want to touch him. He has this... magnetism that draws people to him like he's some kind of magic healing stone or something. Like touching him will somehow dissolve all their worries, and everything will be butterflies and bunny-rabbits from that moment on. The problem is it doesn't happen that way. The problem is, once you touch Gerard, you realize he's more than just magnetic, and you want to just keep on touching him. Forever. At least...

4 years ago
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Loving Mom In Difficult Times Part 6

The next day, knowing that dad was not undergoing an operation and the burden of being at the hospital before dawn was not on us. Nor did we need to meet dad. Lying unconscious in the ICCU, he would hardly be able to talk to us nor could we be of any use. So I did not set any alarm. I slept in my room and mom in hers because having fucked continuously for two days, our genitals needed some respite. Not that we needed a long respite but just one night of good sleep and one good meal to get back...

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Reginalds DisasterChapter 6

“It all seemed to happen so fast. Can you tell me if things are normal, or should I be worried? She concentrated on getting her car ready and started before answering. “Normal, but with complications. A bit too much marginal bleeding for my liking. Post-partum bleeding can be dangerous after the baby arrives, but with this patient I think I got the initial bleeding halted temporarily. I told the hospital what I had done and her blood group, as she may need a transfusion if there is a lot of...

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Wedding BetChapter 16 Retribution

The chimes went off in the ranch’s foyer. Whenever somebody had driven more than a hundred feet inside the main gate they went off. The nice thing about that is that it gave those at the house about a five-minute warning before someone would come through the front door from the nicely bricked turnaround in front of the house. There were no cars showing that night; I’d put my large Mercedes in the garage when I arrived in mid-afternoon with Blake, Kim, and Connie. Mindy surreptitiously sent...

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Massaging in Summers

It was the onset of summers , my second semester in engineering just ended and it was time for some silly summer workshops. These workshops were just 3 hours a day , and the rest of the time i really had nothing to do.Moreover , my family was holidaying because they had vacations. So, here i was all alone at my house , getting bored. There was no way i could drive my boredom away , if these workshops wouldn't had been there , i would have been with my family, holidaying with them. But due to...

Erotic Fiction
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BrattySis Harley Haze Scarlet Skies Some Dick Would Make You Less Stuck Up Stepsister

Juan Loco walks in on his stepsister Harley Haze and her friend Scarlet Skies having an interesting chat. He tries to insert himself into the conversation, but it just annoys the girls. They dismissively tell Juan that they were talking about how easy it is to get a guy off. Harley looks Juan in the eye and tells him she could get him off in two minutes, which is scandalous to Scarlet but in a really titillating way. It’s not long before Scarlet gets Harley to admit that she has sex...

1 year ago
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Watching TreyChapter 4

On Thursday morning, Robbie's alarm went off and he got up to find Trey was already in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal and a piece of buttered toast with just a little bit of grape jelly. "Wow! You're up bright and early, Munchkin! How'd you sleep?" "Great, Robbie! I think that our wrestling matches really wear me out so I can sleep all night long! And now I'll be ready whenever you are, to drop me off at school." "Oh, are you in that much of a hurry to leave?" "Nuh-uh! But, I...

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Mia ran away from home and got off the bus looking lost. She was just what Dane looked for. He went to her and asked if she was all right. She smiled and said "I am not sure." He told her "Let's go get a burger and coffee." Mia was so pretty and sexy. Nice big firm tits and a great round ass. Dane knew she would be a money maker for his stable. They had a burger and talked and Mia got very comfortable with him. They ended up walking back to his apartment with his arm around her waist holding...

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Travel Trouble

Travel Trouble My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and boughta motor home. We disposed of everything we couldn't carry with us andsaid goodby to our friends. We decided to use our new freedom to see someof this great country and become full timers. Along the way we took inCivil War battlefields and other interesting places. A month into ourjourney, I stopped to fill up with diesel fuel...

3 years ago
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An Incest BirthdayChapter 26

This chapter has a lot of talking, so it might be a little boring to some, but all the talking is necessary to set up for the finale. I spent another two weeks in the hospital after the doctor told me of my miraculous recovery, two more weeks of rank food, boring days, and lonely nights in that room. The only upside besides visiting hours was that I had my phone, so I could video chat Rita every day. Ashley even came in after visiting hours on some days to keep me company, she most likely...

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My son wanted his mother 3

I drove around for about an hour then went home. Nothing more happened that night except for Debbie and I fucking the night away. We did the same thing a few more times and both of us really enjoyed the excitement of our son getting off watching his mother. I was in hopes things would go a little further. Like him being able to somehow touch her or something like that. She told me even though she did get very excited from what our son was doing that she was satisfied with the two of us getting...

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Deer Me

In my 64 years, I thought I had done just about everything sexually that a man could do. I started at an early age and by now, I had fucked and sucked just about every way that you can think of. When I was young, I took a few cherries from both girls and boys. I loved sex and learned the proper way to do it from very good teachers, my parents. I learned to eat a woman to orgasm, take a cock into my mouth and suck it until it filled my throat with hot cum, fuck a hot and juicy cunt while a...

4 years ago
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D Returns

Introduction: D is always welcome! D Returns D returned again today and what a lovely day it is and how lovely it turned out . We welcomed D and had him get comfortable. He got nude and immediately shot up his cock. He had already pumped his cock up with his cock pump so it was already larger than normal so once the prostaglandin took effect, it was huge! Not much longer but very big in diameter, at least 2, and with uncircumcised foreskin it appeared even larger . Using the pump pulls more...

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A Changing ScriptChapter 3

I had been up since just before seven o'clock this morning, beating my alarm clock by the usual two to three minutes. It was not something I planned but rather something that had just happened almost every day of my adult life. It didn't matter what time the alarm was set to go off; my internal alarm seemed to be set for minutes before. During my 24 years in the military, I had usually had to roll out of my rack by 5:00 or 5:30 but sometimes earlier than that, and my internal alarm failed...

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The Van 3 First Timer

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...The Van 3: First Timer        I was driving home from work...

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Double Delight ndash Pt 1 Mom Seduces Son On His Birt

This happened when I was eighteen and my mother was around forty. From c***dhood, I never called my mother ‘mom’ or ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’. I always used to call her by her name Neetu (her name is Neeta). That was because she was youngest in the family at her generation and I was used to listening to everyone calling her ‘Neetu’.Now, coming to the actual story.As my eighteenth birthday was approaching, I could observe a distinct change in the behaviour of mom, especially with me. These days, she used...

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My only mistress A true story

The following is a true story, so forgive me if it isn’t as unbelievable as many of the stories in here. Years ago I married the woman I loved. The passion I had in previous relationships was never there but we got along fantastically otherwise. Despite the lack off passion, I still of course wanted sex with her whenever I could, even though she was about as into it as a cadaver. Still, I knew that being married, she was the only option for a sexual partner that my culture would allow....

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GND 30Chapter 6

Thursday was a late day; I took a stroll around the hospital to see how the evening clinics were running. They’re surprisingly popular with people needing routine monitoring or annual healthchecks, but either not wanting their boss or work colleagues to know about it, or too busy making money to take an hour or two off work. All was well, so I headed for home. Even better, Max wasn’t too upset with me that I was home late. He’s a lot more forgiving than Marsha ever was. Okay, so I fed him...

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Aditi The Beautiful Housewife

It’s incredible to get an overwhelming response to my previous experience. Thank you, beautiful ladies, for the compliments and sex chats. Aditi was one of those lucky ladies who emailed me and complimented me. It was 1:20 am in the night (morning to be precise!) when I was trying to check my work emails and got a chat request on hangouts. It was Aditi who pinged me said “loved your experience with Priyanka. She is so lucky!” I am Rohit, well-travelled (about 17 countries), well-read guy. I...

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Oh No Not Dorothy 2

chapter #2 Ricky had just seen Lynn holding an arm full of frilly girly dresses. Plus she was still going through her closet. He figured it was time to get the heck out of there, while the going was good. Especially before Lynn got the idea to have him try on one of her frilly dresses right then & there. So while Lynn was still looking through her closet he told Lynn's mom, (Mrs. Miller) that his mom was getting supper ready, and he only came over to tell Lynn the news about the...

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Showing herself to this young guy

but this time, this exhibitionesm sex story was veeery hot Im 31 my girlfriend is 33, she is a hot blonde beautiful boobs, and a tight ass. She loves running so her body is in very good shape. She is a very open minded woman, sexually we have really had fun. but this time, this exhibitionesm sex story was veeery hot, We decided to travel for 4 hours to this city close to the beach, we have never been in that place before.We decided to stay in this small lodge Managed by this cool old man and...

2 years ago
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BBWSuperstar XXX dominates

Porn star beat down- bbwsuperstarxxxBy [email protected] beats up guy who a lies about running a porn studio.Author Note- Like the rest I don’t own the character of superstar XXX. This is a fanfic. I no way do I suggest this woman behaves this way in real life or she would be arrested for various face smashing crimesSteven was a skinny upper class black male. He was slim and a bit of a weakling but he always like to act tough and go after tough girls. Mostly he struck out and ended up...

3 years ago
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A Young Couples Forbidden Love

Late May 2003 a small town in Kansas 18 year old Chuck Wallace is in bed with his girlfriend 18 year old. Nancy Jones the daughter of Cornelius Jones a very rich and powerful businessman. “ Nancy that was incredible.” “You always say that after we have sex. Nancy that was incredible.” “Nancy sex with you is incredible. Now I have something I have to ask you. Will you please hand me my pants please.” Nancy got out of bed pulled on her panties and found Chuck’s pants then she handed them to...

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The Strippers Secret Ch 03

My life has changed considerably since changing my career from boring 9-5 job to spy like stripper. I’ll skip all the small details, but the good stuff, sex, info selling and escorting, that I’ll definitely tell you all about. Antonio, my guy, I call him that cause I don’t like saying boyfriend. I suspected him of being in porn, but it turns out that he’s just a really sweet guy with a body to die for and a penis that can kill. He has been really supportive of me and my career choices. More...

3 years ago
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A Reluctant Spirit

A RELUCTANT SPIRIT: SPIRIT OF THE EAST By Ingrid Halb "So, you're a genie?" Jack would have had a hard time believing this if he hadn't just seen what the little guy was capable of. "That's close enough," answered the three-foot tall man standing before him. "And you do magic on request?" Jack felt stupid asking the question but it was hard to deny the evidence before him. "It's more correct to say that I allow the magic to happen," the little man answered calmly, if not...

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Tommy gets his slave 2

Tommy woke up and smiled at the early morning sun creeping through his windows. It was Saturday and he was looking forward to a lazy day of watching television. Tommy couldn't believe his good fortune. He had a great career, a nice house, and a slave. Since it had become common knowledge he had a slave he had been seen in a different light by everyone. Since not everyone could afford to keep a slave he was seen as better than normal people. When his boss found out he was given a promotion to...

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Playing Mistress

It wasn't easy traveling on long trips away from my girlfriend, Jane. I didn't do well with not fucking every day. I rubbed my dick raw from jerking off but it was a terrible substitute to actual fucking. To make matters worse my girl absolutely refused to send me any nudes. I'd love something raunchy but would have settled for something tasteful. I begged her to let me film us in action too - but again she refused. Just being able to see her amazingly gorgeous naked body would have eased the...

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My husband had a business trip to Ghana ( Accra ) and asked me to go with him…We had a nice hotel suite in the best hotel of Accra, it was really a pleasure. On the 3rd evening we where there, i realized after dinner that i had left my glasses by the swimming pool , so i went to look, but could not see them…so i asked at reception, and they told me to go into a store located on the other side of the swinmming-pool. It was 11pm, and i went to this place and opened the door : an unexpected...

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Cuckold a real life lesson

Plain and simply put my wife fucks outside our marriage. I'm not complaining and in fact it's my fault. I introduced her to the idea after years of watching guys check her out when we where out. At first she thought it was a set up or a test but once I had convinced her that I actually wanted for her to have sex with a guy outside the marriage she gave in.Now years and many lovers later we have settled in to a true cuckold lifestyle. She has grown as a hot wife and now she has a stable of studs...

1 year ago
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Nadia agian

Note: This story is completely fictional like all any other incest stories at this site. Never try to do same things in real live!!! I can’t wait to get laid. My name is Adian I am 15. I have black hair, and I have green eyes. I play hockey and football, so I have a lot of muscle. At 6 feet 170 lbs, I’m pretty popular. All the girls in my class want me. I don’t want any of them. I mean, I like girls, but, the one who I am after is my sister, her name is Nadia. . She is so hot. We are twins. She...

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Good Son

An import for an "editthis story i am trying to revive. You are part of a rich family living in a big house. You are 19 year old Tim and the oldest son of the family. You live together with: Marcus: age 39, your father. He is a handsome businessman with short black hair. Veronica: age 37, your mother. She has short black hair, a set of nice big breasts and a nicely shaped ass. Laura: age 19, your older twin sister. She has long red hair, medium sized boobs and an ass to die for. Siri: age 18,...

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My Tale To Tell Part II

By: Naughty_kusum After the breakfast Sagar left for office and it was time for kanhu to get ready for school. Kusum: Kanhu beta aaj mummy aap ko nehlaye to chalega? Tumhe bahut der ho rahi he Kanhu: Thik he maa (some how he was horny today after the breakfast session so he agreed for the bathing session). Kusum made hot water ready to bathe her son and got set in the bathroom. She was still wearing the deep cut blouse without any bra and the petticoat. With all her fleshy curves she was...

3 years ago
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New girl next door 3

"Important family thing, maybe?" He muttered. He shook his head. 'Probably some kind of performance. His little brother always has shit going on' he thought. He walked over to the big black chair in Daves' room and began playing his guitar. He liked it, but regretted not bringing his with him. Daves' was red and was a fender. Sams' was a fender too but it was a dark forest green. It matched his eyes. His eyes always looked good when he wore that dark green. He put the guitar...

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Krissys Number One Fan

Krissy's Number One Fan by Pamela ([email protected]) "What's that show you're watching?" Mrs. Davidson said to her ten year old son Timmy. She had left the kitchen where she had been cooking to tell Timmy to wash up and get ready for dinner; they would be eating soon. "It's the Krissy show!" Timmy said without looking up. "Is she that new teen sensation that everyone's talking about?" "Yeah mom, Krissy is just the greatest." Timmy's mom watched as a cute girl...

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