Divine_(0) free porn video

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I jammed my fingers in my mouth and let out a shrill whistle as The Divine finished off their last song with a blistering guitar riff from Kara Devine. She caught my eye and grinned, aiming the head of her guitar towards the ceiling of the auditorium and tearing out the last notes like a professional rock star. Her brother, Adam Devine, had just put the microphone back in its stand after singing the final verse, and was nodding his head to his younger sister’s finale. The drummer, Adam’s lifelong friend Brett, pounded his drums along with her in perfect concert. The crowd cheered, jumping to their feet and cheering like they had witnessed god. Adam and Brett wore simple jeans and band t-shirts, but Kara, Kara always liked to dress up. She was decked out in nearly knee-high black leather boots (the thick ones), a mid-thigh length black skirt, one of those white school girl type tops that exposed her flat stomach and a little red tie. Her inky black hair fell around her pixy face in sheer perfection, obscuring everything but one pale blue eye, encircled by dark eyeliner, and dark red lips. She finished with a flourish as the stage lights dimmed before changing to an altogether different lighting.

Adam approached the mic stand and grabbed it, beaming and panting with exertion. “Thank you! Thank you! CD’s for sale at the door! Have a good year and take care of my baby sister, class of twenty twelve!” The crowd screamed its approval one last time before quieting down and beginning the slow process of exiting the auditorium. I sat back down and waited for the crowd to thin before standing once more and making my way towards the stage. Adam, Brett and Kara were sitting on the edge talking with fans and staff, even signing a few autographs. The Divine weren’t well known outside of the local towns, but they were on the fast track to success in my opinion. They had been huge in their home town, my home town, and I had been close to all of them from the beginning, Kara especially. Kara and I had been neighbors from an early age, almost always ending up in classes together throughout school.

We had tried dating each other once in junior high school, but it had been awkward for some reason. When we started high school however, we had tested the dating scene and found it very disagreeable. I didn’t like it because I just couldn’t find the right person. Kara, on the other hand, was nearly raped by her second boyfriend and ran back to me because she knew I was safe. After that, for some inexplicable reason, we had clicked, finding that we were more or less perfect together. Because we had grown up together, we knew the subtle little nuances of each other’s behavior and how we operated. This meant that we rarely fought and when we did it was because of things we generally didn’t have control over. We were very easy going, mellow people and this meant that it took something huge to get us going.

When Adam had proposed starting a band ‘just for fun’, Kara had jumped at the opportunity. She could play guitar like other people could breathe and Adam, forgive me if I sound a little gay for saying this, had the voice of some kind of earth-bound angel. Brett was a solid drummer and Adam’s best friend, therefore a natural choice.

As I approached the stage Kara spotted me and beamed, revealing brilliantly white teeth and a perfect, captivating smile.

“Ohmigod! Kara Devine, I’m your biggest fan!” I cried in an overly girly voice, clapping my hands to my cheeks.

“Oh jeez,” Adam sniggered, “its that groupie again.”

“He wants you bad, Kara,” Brett chuckled.

“That’s alright,” Kara purred, “he is kinda sexy.”

“Ohmigod! Kara Devine called me sexy!” I squealed, jumping up and down and fanning my face in a very feminine manner.

She giggled girlishly, flicking the hair from her face to reveal her other eye. This was one of the things that I could not get enough of about her; her eyes were heterochromatic, the left eye was pale blue and the right was a slightly darker shade of green. I adored her eyes and she knew it.

“As always guys, a fantastic show,” I congratulated, walking right up to the stage between Kara’s knees. Tall as I was at six foot two, she was sitting on the stage and could look down at me, which she proceeded to do with an impish little smile.

“And now you have a famous girlfriend, Danny,” Brett put in, elbowing Adam.

“Yeah, yeah,” he admitted. Adam approved of Kara and me, but he still liked to be the protective older brother.

“I know,” I said, blowing a kiss at her as I played with her boots, “I can be as lazy as I want and she’ll take care of me with her rock star money.”

“You don’t get to be lazy with me, Daniel,” she said sternly, a smile desperately trying to force its way onto her lips. Something in the way she said it made my mind flash to something a little different than being lazy. Suddenly there was an urge to rush her back to my dorm room right then and there. This was the last day of orientation and I planned on making the best of it.

“You don’t mind if I steal your star, do you Adam?” I asked, looking from Kara to her brother. He looked behind him at the school staff beginning to pack up the speakers and wires.

“I suppose. We only have our instruments anyways,” he replied. I smiled then turned to Kara, my eyes bright, holding my arms out for her to jump into.

“Noo,” she giggled, “I reek.”

“She is kinda ripe,” Brett chuckled. Kara scowled and smacked him in the stomach.

“I don’t care, c’mon,” I prompted, opening and closing my hands.

“But, Danny,” she whined.

I gave her a look and she sighed, slipping off the stage into my arms, her legs instinctively wrapping around my middle. In my opinion she smelled like water, if anything at all.

“Later fellas,” I grinned over her shoulder before turning around to carry her out of the auditorium.

“Don’t forget your guitar!” Adam reminded her.

“Oh!” she said, making to get out of my arms and go back for it. Instead, I backed up to the stage so she could grab the case her bother held out for her.

“Anything else?” I asked as she made eye contact while adjusting herself to compensate for the case.

“No,” she smiled sheepishly.

I smiled, carrying her up and out of the auditorium and through the campus center towards the road. I made it halfway down the sidewalk towards the freshman quad, before I had to put her down. Mostly this was because I was out of shape from a lack of proper exercise, and partly because she could only stand being carried for so long before she started to fidget.

“What’s the matter, Daniel, out of breath already?” she teased.

“Shh, don’t tease. That freshman fifteen is coming on fast.”

“How do you expect to keep up with me if you’re already this tired?”

“Who said anything about keeping up with you?” I countered, smacking at her butt. Narrowly dodging my hand, she bounced around on the tips of her booted toes, still blatantly full of energy.

“Well, what are we going to do now then?” she shot back, jabbing at me with her guitar case.

“I don’t know,” I sighed, “I’m kinda tired.”

She sighed disappointedly, “Oh well then, I was gonna let you fuck me, but if you’re so tired I guess I can wait.” She stopped and gave me an expectant look, waiting for my reply.

I narrowed my eyes, “Damn you, it’s not fair that you can do this kind of thing to me.”

“Oh stop whining, Daniel. Now, we’re gonna go back to my dorm so I can shower and then we’ll kick Eric out of your room.” She was openly talking about this while we were walking through the quad, surrounded by fellow students, many of whom were already drunk. It was only ten o’clock the night before classes, and the after hour activities were already in full swing. There were four freshman dorm buildings situated in a rough square with the large quad in the middle. Kara lived in the far building while I lived in the one closest to the academic center.

I smiled, wrapping an arm around her middle and pulling our hips together, “What’s the point in taking a shower now when you’re just going to get all dirty again?” I, unlike Kara, was more self-conscious about what I said in public so I spoke in a low voice.

She grinned, pleased by the thought of getting ‘dirty’. “Because, I like smelling good.”

I stopped her and gave her an incredulous look, “Are you serious?”

She pursed her lips in an effort not to smile, but couldn’t hold it, “Shut up.” We burst into a fit of giggles as she pulled me into her building and signed me in. She lived on the fourth floor, something I bitched about nonstop.

“Stop being such a baby,” she admonished for the hundredth time, as she opened her door. The lights were off and it was quiet; her reaction to which was a moment of shock before I grabbed her around the waist and picked her up again.

“Danny, no! Just because they aren’t here doesn’t mean…mmff,” she protested before I could silence her by planting my lips over hers. Her struggles were halfhearted and purely for show, because as soon as my lips locked with hers, she melted into me. Her guitar case thumped onto one of her roommate’s beds as she clung to my head, pulling it harder against her own. Kara was really big into working out, be it running, kickboxing, dancing, Pilates and all kinds of other activities. As a result, her well toned legs nearly crushed the breath out of me.

“Uhhn, fuck the shower,” she groaned, breaking away and biting at my lower lip. She went zero to sixty like that very easily.

“That’s what I thought,” I smiled, staggering up to her bed and trying to toss her onto it. She didn’t go; her legs remaining tightly wrapped around my midsection so only the top half of her flopped onto the pink sheets. She was squeezing me hard, grinning as I pulled my shirt off and tossed it at her. Her legs tightened dramatically as my shirt landed on her face.

“Uhg, you’re like that bitch from Goldeneye,” I groaned.

“You callin’ me a bitch, baby?” she purred, pulling me harder into her and digging the heels of her boots into me.

“A hot bitch?” I squeaked.

“That’s right,” she grinned, letting up a little bit enough for me to unlock her legs from around my waist and toss her completely on the bed.

She giggled as I followed; climbing on top of her and kissing her again as I struggled to get her little white shirt off.

“When are you going to learn how to take my clothes off properly?” She pushed me over and pulled her shirt off, tossing it away. She then rolled onto her side and started to take her boots off.

“Leave ‘em on,” I said quietly, sitting up and looking her over. Kara was a small girl at five foot three; and she looked stunning with her big black boots, plaid skirt hiked up to reveal a white pair of panties, and her little white bra containing her small breasts.

“Mmm, kinky,” she purred lustily.

“No, what we did before school was kinky. This is just cool.”

“I suppose,” she grinned, remembering that night. Linking her arms around my neck, she drew me close and lightly kissed my lips. I felt her legs wrap around my waist once more and slowly lowered myself on top of her.

“So, my little rock star…” I trailed off as she slipped a hand down my shorts, making it quite obvious what was on her mind.

“Mm babe, I want to be on top this time,” she mumbled, squeezing my rapidly stiffening cock, hard. This tended to happen after her shows while the adrenaline was still pumping. She gave me an expectant look, as if she was waiting for an objection.

“Knock yourself out, babydoll; I love just laying there,” I smiled, rolling off to the side and helping her slide on top of me.

An impish grin revealed perfect, white teeth, “Yeah, just lay there and take it, little bitch.”

Scowling, I reached up and pinched her side.

“Ow!” she squeaked, slapping my hand away. Her knees jabbed into my sides, nearly crushing the breath out of me once again. A wild grin on her lips, she grabbed my hands and intertwined our fingers, pushing them above my head and leaning down to kiss me hard. You may think less of me for letting her take control like this, but in the heat of the moment it was unbelievably hot. This also tended to happen after her performances and it was a bad scene when I tried to get in her way. So, through harsh experience, I learned to go with the flow. I could feel the intense heat radiating from between her legs on my crotch.

She broke away and we lay gasping for a moment before she said, “Why aren’t your pants off yet?”

“I got distracted,” I panted, now trying desperately to undo my shorts. She scooted up a little so I could work behind her and grinned down at me, running her hands through my short hair. As I struggled, she took her hands from my head and reached behind her back, unhooking her bra. My eyes tracked up her body, taking in the slight curves of her petite breasts as my hands gradually stopped working.

“Mm, baby, did I say stop?” she purred, taking great pleasure in my attention.

“But…” My hand slowly came from behind her back and headed towards her bare tits.

“Ah ah,” she tutted, grabbing my hand, “after those pants are gone.” I was starting to breathe hard; I couldn’t handle it when she teased me like this. I couldn’t focus on one thing over another; I couldn’t make a decision on anything.

“Baby, stay with it.” Kara’s voice resounded sternly through my addled mind.

“Huh, wah?”

Her gorgeous eyes softened and she leaned down, wrapping her arms around my neck and hugging me tightly. “Oh, sweetheart….” I could already tell her performance high was wearing off, but trust me that would not affect her near insatiable sex drive.

“Mm, its okay baby,” she purred as she realized my full attention was back on her. Slender arms cradled my head as tender lips met with my own in a passionate kiss. Her hips rocking on my waist told me she was still good to go, and I went back to trying to squirm out of my shorts.

“You know, you’re not helping by sitting on me like that,” I said with a little smile.

“I’m merely providing…motivation,” she replied impishly. “And I know its working.” I had gotten my shorts down and her delicate hands disappeared once more beneath my boxers.

“Uh, fuck it,” I groaned, grabbing her head between my hands and pulling her down to kiss her roughly. She giggled into my mouth as her hands roamed my body. I took a hand away from her head and flipped her little skirt out of the way so I could squeeze a panty covered cheek. Her small breasts squashed against my chest as she ground her crotch against the neat tent in my boxers. She was breathing rapidly and her pupils were huge as we attempted to eat the other’s face.

“Oh god, I’m gonna explode,” she mumbled with a slightly embarrassed smile. I grinned, taking my hand away from her rear and slipping it under her, sliding it along her perfect stomach and into the front of her panties. She gasped, a shocked expression in her eyes, before being replaced by an utterly contented look. She was practically purring as I coaxed her off of my stomach onto the bed between the wall and me. My fingers slowly worked small circles over her moist outer lips, occasionally venturing a knuckle or two into her body.

Suddenly there was a burst of giggling from outside the room. Kara swore the air blue, instantly snapping out of her euphoric state and scrabbling for her bra. I was still reaching for my shorts as her roommates burst into the room, one giggling uncontrollably and the other trying to keep the first from falling on her face. I turned onto my side, using my bare back as a shield so Kara could pull her clothes back on.

“Well lookie here, Cynthia, our little Kara got lucky,” the bigger of the two slurred, lurching to her bed and leaning heavily against the frame.

“Alexis, we should leave them alone,” Cynthia suggested, trying to take Alexis’ arm and lead her back out of the room. She tossed me an embarrassed smile as she struggled with her roommate. Kara had finally struggled into her bra and managed to pull her shirt on, but not button it.

“No, don’t bother,” Kara said, her annoyance clearly obvious to everyone but Alexis. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed as Kara squeezed past and thudded to the floor, still in her big boots. After pinning her inebriated roommate with a withering stare, she couldn’t quite get out of her boots fast enough. Cynthia meanwhile, had sidled up next to me, watching Kara struggle in frustration.

“Sorry we kinda cock-blocked you, Danny,” she apologized quietly.

I chuckled softly, “It’s not me you’re going to have to worry about.” She giggled and flicked a lock of blond hair out of her eyes. I wasn’t afraid to say that she was a looker, slightly taller than Kara with slightly more curvature to her frame. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t give up Kara for the world but I did like to push her buttons every now and again. Although, it probably wasn’t such a good idea right about now.

“Daniel,” I heard Kara say slowly, “stop looking at Cynd’s rack and hand me my shower stuff.”


“Yeah, don’t even try,” she cut me off, pointing to a plastic basket thing that held all kinds of bathroom products. I smiled at Cynthia and grabbed the basket, handing it to my less than amused girlfriend. Alexis had flopped onto her bed by now and looked to be passed out. Somehow in the split second I’d taken my eyes off of Kara, she’d wrapped herself in a towel and was for all intents and purposes naked underneath.

“Right, so I guess this means I’ll see you tomorrow morning for class?” I ventured cautiously, wary of the look in her eyes.

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, looking exhausted, “Yeah, babe, I’ll meet you outside your building at nine-thirty.”

“Ok,” I said, leaning in and kissing her gently, “Sorry about this by the way.”

“Not your fault,” she replied, kissing me back. I walked her out of the room after giving Cynthia a wave goodbye, to which Kara smacked my arm and glared at her roommate.

“Don’t encourage him!” she shouted back into the room, slamming the door behind us. I couldn’t help but laugh. She gave me her crazy eyes, something she did when she wasn’t exactly thrilled with me but she wasn’t completely pissed, and poked me in the chest with a finger.

“Better watch yourself, buster brown.”

I just chuckled and kissed her again, turning to go.

“Morning sunshine,” I snickered the next day, favoring the shuffling Kara with a sympathetic smile. She looked gorgeous as always, but you could see in the way she walked that she was dead tired. She responded with a very unladylike grunt and continued walking towards the academic circle, forcing me to follow along behind her.

“Aww, what’s the matter?” I asked.

“I didn’t sleep very well.”

“How come, do you know?”

As a response she stopped, glared up at me for a moment, and then kept on walking.

“Oh come on! It’s not my fault, you can’t blame that on me!” I cried, hurrying to catch up with her.

“No, but you’re an easy target,” she forced through a smile. I pouted and was relieved when she chuckled, linking her arm with mine. “So, what class do we have first again?”

“Um, World Civs 103 in 115.”

“Where the hell is that?”

I frowned, thinking, and gestured towards one of the buildings, “Somewhere in there.”

“All hail the navigator!” she teased.

“Quiet, munchkin,” I smiled, giving her a little shove. We playfully smacked at each other all the way to the classroom, which we had little difficulty finding. I picked out a seat towards the back and sat down, Kara hurrying to sit next to me before someone else did. The room filled up quickly before the professor arrived.

Now when you think about college professors, this guy was the image that should come to mind. Crazy salt and pepper hair, thick glasses, a well worn sweater vest, corduroy pants and a beat up black briefcase, assured me that no matter what he taught us, I would find this class amusing.

“Oh my god,” Kara sniggered, hiding a smile behind her hand. I smirked as well.

“My name is Professor Whitfield,” the man said in a surprisingly resonating voice, “I have a few requests to make of you before we begin the semester.” It seemed he made eye contact with every one of us before continuing. “First off, no texting please. I find it very disrespectful. Second, I would like to have you sit in alphabetical order.” He smiled apologetically, “It’s something I can’t seem to drop from my high school teaching days and it will help me learn your names faster.” I stole a quick glance at Kara and couldn’t help but grin. Her smirk had turned to full blown horror.

The professor proceeded to call roll and organized us into our new seats accordingly. I couldn’t help but smirk as Kara was seated directly across from me, but on the other side of the room. She was seated next to a very attractive girl who she said hi to and appeared to hit it off with. The girl had golden blond hair with brown highlights, quite the contrast to Kara’s inky black locks. When she looked over at me though, she pouted sullenly; I gave her a little wave and a fake pout of my own. I turned my attention to the professor who was now passing around the syllabus.

Suddenly my pocket began to vibrate and I sighed, shooting a look across at Kara who responded with a guilty smile.

Kara: This is going to kill me! =(

I rolled my eyes and replied with: Poor baby

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Chapter 1 Capture Completed He was sick of it…just plain sick and tired of it. He knew his young wife had expensive tastes. And it wasn’t like he couldn’t afford to indulge them, he was certainly ‘comfortable’ when it came to their financial well-being. But there was no reason he could possibly fathom for her to continue with her blatant excesses, and no matter how many times he warned her, no matter how many times he threatened to put her on a budget and restrict her access to the credit...

2 years ago
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My Cousin Jacqui

I worked during the summers, usually doing farm or ranch work. One day, I arrived home after everyone else had already eaten and had scattered doing their own thing. I heated leftovers and ate alone in the kitchen, wondering why it was so quite in the house. I assumed the family had taken Jacqui to visit a neighbor or something and decided to shower and change before they returned. Living in the desert, I prefer to shower outdoors, weather permitting and tonight the situation was perfect....

3 years ago
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Hotel Bar Room

Hotel Bar & Room ( full story)Gill had recently told me about her 10 year liaison with Larry. And a few more that she had met with. To say I was shocked, surprised and a little jealous was an understatement. We had planned a night away at a hotel, Gill mentioned that it was near her Physio, a guy called Gus who she fancied, he was a stocky rugby type, good looking with a beard and nice eyes and teeth. I said wouldn’t it be strange if he was in the bar having a drink when you walked in. Gill...

3 years ago
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7 Clan Amir The U MAMA WarChapter 05

Gerry’s extra staff start arriving with Wendy Paul as the first to arrive at 10:00 a.m., followed around 10:30 a.m. by Daniel Jackson and Anna, his sixteen year old sister is going with him. 11:15 a.m. sees the arrival of Felicity and Brenda Waters with Albert Jones ten minutes later. Gerry greets them when they arrive and he introduces them to everyone. He has his ‘Gopher Gang,’ as he calls it, set up in the Port Hull cabins. Each has their own cabin. Patrick and Shauna have the two rooms...

3 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 19

Having summoned the two negro assistants, Quentin put on a quilted dressing gown and seated himself in one of the armchairs. Julia remained kneeling, contemplating what was ow to happen. She had always known it would. One day. Now this was the day. And it was all Quentin Osman’s doing.There came a knock on the door.“Enter,” said Quentin.The door opened and in came Ahmed and Jason. They were two magnificent specimens of the negro race. Tall, muscular, carrying no fat. Each was coal black, skin...

2 years ago
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The Beginning

I always had a feeling I enjoyed sex more than I probably should, that inside me was this raging slut who loved being dirty and experiencing everything that came her way. Perhaps I didn't really come to admit it until my older next door neighbour started playing with me, like I was his own personal toy. The thought still makes me instantly wet to this day. I have never been a shy girl, and have always enjoyed pushing my limits and trying new things, even when I was younger and more constrained...

2 years ago
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Not too long ago I met a guy I used to work with. He was a nice guy and fairly well built. Exercise and diet is how he maintained his shape. Me, not so much. But we quickly hit it off so he invited me to have supper with his wife. He cooked outside and the steaks were great. She made the “fixins” and they were tasty too! But the surprise came after supper. He had the outdoors hot tub warming up while we ate so after supper, in the twilight, he announced it was time for a dip and a drink. I...

2 years ago
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Ill Fall in Love AgainChapter 3

I was and wasn’t really interested in what Larissa might offer me. But to be safe and to maintain my personal beliefs in my vows, I handed the remote to Marky. “Take care of this for me. See if there is something on that your sister would like to watch. OK?” “Yes, sir, Uncle Paul.” “Larissa, stay with the kids. I have some work to do,” I instructed the beautiful woman. I got up and walked over to my computer and went back to my emails. I found answers from both my former company and from...

3 years ago
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These Toes Were Made For Teasing

There was an elder woman I had been seeing, and although we were no longer together in any way, we remained good friends. When visiting, it wasn't unusual for her to end the visit by seducing me.At the time of this story, she was in her mid to late sixties, and I was in my late forties, or early fifties; we had been friends for two or three years. Although we knew, shared, and had delighted each other's body many times before, we were always learning. There always seemed to be something 'new'...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 13 Irsquom something of an Esobe myself

When Asim and I came home, it was as if nothing had ever happened. I examined the lock, but that was only because my instructors had told me it’s a good habit to see if you can spot the scratches most lock-pickers leave. This guy was good: there were no scratches at all. I also reviewed the footage from my spy-cam, but learned nothing more. I also had no idea what prince Omar had been doing in other parts of the house, because I only had enough gear to monitor my own room. By the looks of...

1 year ago
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TimepieceChapter 28

The burgers were meaty and juicy, the lettuce fresh and crisp, the onion potent and sweet, the pickle very dill and briny, the bacon thick and smokey, the two cheeses in juxtaposition ... one sharp, one mild, the bun toasted and seeded; they thoroughly enjoyed every bite ... food for the gods, just ask her. The fries were deep brown and salty crisp. There is nothing quite like Canadian fries ... the vinegar had a different flavor than malt. The group spent some time filling up the corners...

3 years ago
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Encounter Part 1

Raquel boarded the bus, put her money into the coin box, and looked to see if there was an empty seat available. To her surprise and delight, this was her lucky night, there were only a few people on the bus. “This will be a good ride”, she thought and made her way to the back of the bus. She was tired. Her job took a lot out of her and then having to go to school afterwards didn’t help. All she wanted to do was sleep. She plopped into an empty seat, set her knapsack next to her, straightened...

3 years ago
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Taboo Road Trip

Word came around that my grandfather wasn’t doing real well and I also caught wind that my cousin was going to drive out to visit him. Now this particular cousin I’ve had a crush on for as long as I can remember but being four years younger he never looked at me that way which is understandable. But now in my young twenties and he in his mid I figured if nothing else now he’d stop calling me little Cuz. It’s been about five years since we were in the same room as each other but photos back and...

4 years ago
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Building a Better PastChapter 7

I suppose for some people that first kiss would be all about fireworks and breathless passion. Ours was about love, friendship and caring. That’s not to say it wasn’t pretty special! We both put a lot into that kiss, I know that I tried to draw on all of my experience from my original timeline to convey the depth of my feelings for my wonderful stepsister in that kiss. We found our places, heads slightly tilted with noses out of the way, quickly and held it for some time, not crushing our...

1 year ago
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Trannies come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, but there’s something special about Asian shemales. Whether we’re talking about Thai ladyboys or the big-dicked futanari of a neckbeard’s favorite hentai, the tgirls of the orient have a natural mystique you don’t always get elsewhere. Oh, and they tend to be passable as hell! The trans sluts at TranSexJapan sure are.TranSexJapan.com calls themselves “the finest Japanese transsexual site”. It’s the typical brag of any premium porn site, right?...

Premium Shemale Porn Sites
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Tory DaughterChapter 18

Anne said, "Come," when there was a tap at her bedroom door. Aunt Amelia's cook stood in the doorway, looking unhappy, wringing her apron. "Dere's a man down in the kitchen. Was on d'back porch when I ah lit d'stove fire. Wants to see Mr. Fields, he says." "What kind of man, a soldier?" Anne asked as her toes found her slippers. "Is he British?" "Just a man, great big man. He ain't old." "Be right down," Anne said, shrugging into her quilted robe. She hurried along the...

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The Advent

Aidan knew this was a stupid idea. Completely irrational. His mother would be completely aghast at him for this, every scientific and parenting instinct screaming at her that this was not the way to fully test himself. She’d always encouraged him to push his limits, find where his strengths lay. But that had been when he was still debating what he was going to go to college for, when he had still thought his life was going to be. But then again, he argued to himself, she had left him her notes...

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The Ride Of Her Life Male Multiple Orgasms

As I waited for my friend Lisa to finish up her tennis match, I straightened out my short black tennis skirt and gray spandex top. I could see the guys waiting for their lesson staring at me as I flipped my head over to put my hair up in a ponytail. I must say, I did look pretty hot in my tennis outfit. The short skirt complimented my long legs, and the tight top accentuated my 34b breasts. I saw Lisa finish up and I called to her to hurry up.We jumped into Lisa's convertible and began talking...

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Conservative Indian Girl8217s Unexpected Roadside Encounter 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, kindly share your feedback for the story at “All guys are the same, I am never ever gonna trust someone anymore,” said Anoosha to Simran. “But sweety, you got to give them a chance. You got cheated twice, maybe that is your bad luck, but you never know you might strike gold the next time”. Anoosha was a bit irritated by this comment from her best friend, “You are supposed to agree with me.” “Don’t worry baby, you will get over him and maybe you will find someone who is way better...

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Crossing The Line

He walked into the meeting as if he owned the place, scanning the room before sitting down. Everything about him bespoke a sexual being, nothing held back, up close and personal - take me or leave me. He glanced at me when the boss introduced, acknowledging me with a slight nod. I was instantly attracted to him, right to my core; my body tensed and my heart began pounding inside my chest. My reaction came as a shock to me. Why? I am not gay or even bisexual, and had never been attracted to...

First Time
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A Closeup of My Fanny

I'm not a virgin. But I haven't had a lot of boyfriends either. And no one would ever pay me to model, especially naked. A few years ago I convinced my then current boyfriend to use his new digital camera to take pictures of me. No one other than the two of us would ever see them, since they wouldn't have to be sent out for processing like 35mm. I wasn't so worried about someone seeing my naked body as much as just being seen. I'm not photogenic. I practically had to...

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XSFGCChapter 5 The Nightly Visit

After checking on the carnal activities going on in the West Wing Common Room, Emma went to bed naked with a smile on her face. Her examination of Phillip went better than expected. He was an inquisitive young man and she knew she could have fun with that. She had thought about bringing one of her very willing students to her bedroom for some personal satisfaction, but decided sleep is what she needed. Besides, while she was in the Common Room, Sally again tried to put a damper on everyone's...

4 years ago
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Mary Ellen Jakowski sat in her kitchen with her good friend Dana Carter having their usual morning coffee. The two women had been friends since the Carters moved into the neighborhood five years ago. Their husbands, Richard and Drew, had become buddies as well. They were "backyard" friends, as their privacy fences were connected. In fact, they rarely went to one another's house through the front door. It was a one-block walk around the neighborhood to get to the front door. The two women...

2 years ago
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Betrayed Chapter Four

Betrayed By Cherysse St. Claire (c) Chapter 4: Let The Games Begin I really wasn't surprised when Dianna directed me into the parking lot at Ringers. It was only a few blocks across town from my new home; a five-minute drive, if the traffic wasn't killing at the time. Consciously, it had not been a factor in my decision to take the new place. Sub-consciously... well, who knows? "Pop the trunk," she instructed as I shifted into Park. I complied. She didn't wait for me to get her...

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Seduced on the Beach

This story is written from the viewpoint of my ex-wife, Karen, when she was 31 years old. As we were sitting in the airport on the way back to Chicago after our vacation in Cancun, I said to Sarah, my friend from work, “I can tell you REALLY liked that waiter guy. Hell, you’re single, why didn’t you invite back to your room? I know that you haven’t gotten any in a while since you haven’t been dating anybody. Heck, you were on vacation. You’d probably never see him again so at least you could...

Wife Lovers
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“Can we have both at the same time baby?,” I tease half jokingly. “Of course baby, you know what I like. Now fuck me while we discuss the details, an extra turn on for both of us,” Sarah tells me. We are a professional couple in our early forties. Sarah is of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from me, bi-sexual, though she didn’t need a great deal of prompting. She has a very strong sex drive and one of her...

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First College Romance Part 1

This is my first story. The characters and story are fictional. Hope you like it! Thomas and I had been friends for a while. We met in my first ever college class, physics. We were randomly selected as lab partners and hit it off quickly. We talked for hours that night and soon became inseparable, especially when we found out we lived in the same apartment complex, neither of us wanted to live in the dorms because we were focused on school. Most of our friends thought we were dating, but we...

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Fun with my mom accidentally

This is another freaking day of my life which I can never forget. It was a warm afternoon of mid-spring season. My dad was on official tour and my brother and his wife went to our native place to attend a friend’s wedding. I was studying in my bedroom and my mother was cleaning house with our maid. It was almost lunch time and our maid left for other work. Suddenly, I heard a loud scream “Aaaahhhhh” and I rushed to the living area. I saw my mom was lying on the floor and asked her what...

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The Taylor family 7

Well, a temporary end, anyway.Kristen hadn't had her turn at this with mom yet, after all.* * *It was the sort of scene that normally only happens in pornography, certainly not the kind of thing anyone would expect to find occurring in a quiet suburban neighborhood in real life, but the fact remained that it actually was happening in this one.And it was a scene that no reasonably objective observer could have possibly described as anything less than delicious, beautiful, and erotic.Lying...

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TangentChapter 8 A Battle

It was late afternoon when Judy finally woke up all the way. She hadn't dreamed again, which, considering the dream she'd had before, was a good thing. But she was also aware she'd woken up every few minutes. Several times she'd moved slightly, twice she'd gotten up and moved her sleeping bag as the shade moved with the sun. She knew she wasn't going back to sleep, even if it was the heat of the afternoon. Tuck was off talking to Gamelin again, her friends were awake, sitting under the...

1 year ago
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shopping at the supermarket

My husband loves me wearing very short skirts and a blouse with buttons that shows my clevage so when i go shopping the men all notice me...i have found that if i pretend that my buttons have come undone without me knowing the men get more interested in following me around so i bend down to look at goods on the shelve and they can see right down the top and seeing i dont wear bras they see everything...on the odd ocasion a few off them will stop and talk to me and i can see that they are...

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An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2Chapter 1 Moving on

AUGUST 2001, SUMMER BREAK "I certify that I am at least 18 years of age? Pshh. Of course!" Brooke clicked on the 'I agree' box and immediately the screen was filled with rapidly-downloading images of porn stars in various states of undress and position. The horny 15- year-old girl worked the computer mouse like an orchestra director's wand, zipping left and right and clicking away with rapid efficiency. Even though we had cable broadband internet, the pages took too long to load and...

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The Displaced Detective Epilogue

The Displaced Detective - Epilogue by Limbo's Mistress Three Years Later .... My leg jiggled up and down as if a tiny jackhammer had replaced the bones inside it. If the man behind the lectern, the one who'd been droning on for the past fifty minutes, didn't shut up soon, I was going to be in serious trouble. Though, it was probably my fault since I really should have had the foresight to, like, go to the bathroom before everything got started. Trying to take my mind off the...

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First Day of University Part 1

So here I was, my first proper day at university. I’m a shy person by nature and this was going to be a difficult day. My dad had helped me up to my new room and dropped off my bags. I walked with him back to the front door of the halls of residence, with a quick hug he took off in the family car with a wave goodbye, he said, “Good Luck Sam.” I had already visited the university twice the previous term. I knew where my room was and I also knew that due to a lack of accommodations, I’d be...

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Intruder Laura Vandervoort 68

Chapter 6Jan left his hand inside Laura as her breathing returned to normal. When she was fully back down to earth, he slid it out of her with a loud schlomp and lifted it up to inspect it closely. His hand was warm and practically still throbbing from her intense orgasm. Little rivulets of her cum slid thickly down his wrist, and he caught the descending drops with his tongue, savouring her salty, musky flavor. He glanced up and saw her staring at him. Smiling, he lay along side her and...

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FilthyMassage Lily Starfire Lubing Up Luscious Lily Starfire

Natural & new goddess Lily Starfire is excited to get manhandled by Jonathan Jordan today in her first dick-down massage. Jonathan oils up & jiggles her fat tits before moving on to her eager pussy. Lily gets her holes plugged as Jonathan feels around her oil-covered body. Lily worships Jonathan;s big cock, cutely caressing it before allowing him to plant it inside her. Her big boobs sway to & fro as Jonathan porks her glistening puss. He takes her from behind, her fat ass...

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Our first threesome

It all started innocently enough. I had moved to the small town where I spent my summer vacations with my grandparents and married a local girl a few years younger than myself. I had lived in the town long enough to have made a number of friends before I met and began dating my wife, Diane. One of the guys I had become friends with, Gary, had gone to school with my wife, and she couldn't stand him. Every time he came around he would make comments to me like, "you know, I almost dated her...

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Innocent Neighbour Girl Seduced And Fucked

I barely come to my home which is in a small town. I used to have a neighbour who stays opposite to my home. I used to talk to her on a regular basis ever since when I was done with my B Tech and a jobless situation came. So, I used to go to her home and she used to come to mine. We became too close within a short period. My neighbour girl got to know that I become horny so quickly. Knowing this, she used to tease and poke me. I once used it as an advantage and spanked my neighbour girl when no...

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Lisas Transformation 14

Lisa was not the average girl, not the girl next door. She always had a thing for attention. For eyes following her all over when she walked somewhere, entered the room or got on a bus. Since she turned 14, she was wearing high heels and short stuff. Mostly red which fitted her bright blonde hair really well. She was really what you call an early starter. At the age of 15 she already had a B cup which then kept growing until it reached the D she had at the moment. The moment? Yes,...

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WildOnCam Bella Blu Masturbating For You LIVE

Naughty babe Bella Blu is ready to captivate you with her big firm tits and sexy little trimmed pussy that you can see peeking through her sheer yellow lingerie. Bella is horny and needs to cum. What is a girl to do; especially when she has so many toys to play with?!? Bella wants you to tell her which dildo to masturbate with or maybe you want to stare into her eyes while she sucks on it and spits all over it. If only that was your cock. Do you think you could last an hour with Bella or would...


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