Earth s CoreChapter 13 Hendar s Binder Formation
- 4 years ago
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On a Sunday night, the girls are watching Disney on TV after a carefree afternoon visiting some of the state museums near the Capitol building. Although the exhibits were interesting, they didn't go to look at the exhibits. They went to look at other women.
Now that they have pads to give them a female-looking figure, they venture out more and more dressed as girls. As they walked around, they watched what the other women were doing. From a distance, they studied what they were wearing, how they walked, how they stood, and how they interacted around the people around them.
They had fun, but their feet are tired from walking around in new pumps that haven't been broken in yet. They're halfway finished smoking a joint when the phone rings, and Allie gets up to answer it.
"Hello?" she answers.
A nervous male voice she doesn't recognize says, "Hello... ummm... Is this Jill?"
"No, this is Allie. Jill's right here... just a sec."
Putting her hand over the receiver, Allie says, "It's for you, Jill. It's a guy."
Puzzled, Jill takes the phone. "This is Jill."
"Hi, Jill. Ummm... This is Terry Givens. You might not remember me, we talked at the Club a few weeks ago?"
Jill thinks for a moment... "Terry... Terry... Oh yeah, I remember you. You have some kind of packaging business?"
"Yeah, that's me. You have a good memory. I hope you don't mind me calling on a Sunday night. We talked about maybe getting together in private?"
"You mean a private date?"
"Yeah, I was wondering if we could set something up?"
"We sure can. I'm free every night this week."
"Terrific! How does Wednesday night sound?"
"Wednesday night sounds good."
Actually, Wednesday night doesn't sound good at all. Jill likes spending Wednesday nights with Rosy. But a whore has to fuck when her customers want to fuck, so she accepts.
"Let me ask you," Terry says, "how much do you usually get for a night like that?"
"Two hundred, upfront." Jill says, with authority, "That's after you take me to dinner. Most of the time, if it's really good... and it usually is... they give me another hundred, but that's up to you."
"That much, huh?"
"It's not that much, considering you get me all to yourself. I'll let do whatever you want, for as long as you want. I'm a lot more fun in private."
"I bet you are... OK, let's set it up for Wednesday."
After they work out the details, Jill hangs up and tells Allie, "Looks like I'm working Wednesday."
"I heard. You sounded like a professional whore, the way you told him it was gonna cost him two hundred."
"All whores are professional whores." Jill says, "If we didn't charge money, we'd just be sluts."
"That's true" Allie laughs.
Jill's feeling good Wednesday when she gets home from work. The girls have had a few days to rest and replenish their bodies. Fucking twenty-plus guys at the gang bang and going on two private dates last week takes its toll, even on young bodies like theirs.
Getting ready for her date, she wears her light-blue casual dress and white thigh-high socks. As she's putting on her makeup, she notices how much easier and faster it is, now that she's been doing it a while.
The restaurant they agreed to meet turns out to be a slightly above-average steak house. Terry's waiting in the parking lot when she arrives and greets her as she gets out of her car.
"Hi Terry," Jill says. He looks older than she remembers and more overweight than she noticed when they talked at the Club.
Terry's nervous about meeting like this, and not knowing anything else to say, he asks, "Are you hungry?"
"Yeah," Jill says, "I just got off work, like you. I bet I'm as hungry as you are."
Inside the restaurant, the waitress takes them to a table in the middle of the room, and Jill suddenly feels vulnerable. She's not used to being exposed like this in public. As they eat an average steak dinner, she's careful how she eats and only speaks when she has to. She's really glad she and Allie have been spending time studying other women.
Terry's not as refined and distinguished as the classy guys she's used to dating, but he seems nice and it's interesting hearing him talk about his business. Jill mostly listens as he tells her how he started his business twenty-five years ago in a small rented building. She's impressed hearing about how he's grown it into a large company that packages products for companies all over the country.
She makes it through dinner OK, and when they get up to leave, she notices he leaves the waitress a very small tip. She figures she's not going to be getting an extra hundred when the date is over.
Terry tells her he has a motel room rented, so she follows him four miles through town. The motel, like the restaurant, is only slightly above average. The room is cold and a musty odor fills her nostrils as they walk into the room.
'This is going to be 'different,' she thinks to herself. Since there's only one chair in the small room, she sits next to Terry on the bed as he reaches for his billfold.
"You said two hundred, right?"
"Yes, that's what we agreed."
Jill feels like a cashier when he hands her ten $20 bills and says, "Make sure you count it."
With his money in her purse, she puts her hand inside his thigh and asks, "So... what turns you on?
"Pretty much anything," he says.
"Have you been on many dates like this?" she asks.
"No, this is the first time I've ever paid for it." he nervously says, "I wouldn't have even asked you, but it's been a long time since I've had a man, and I really liked talking with you at the Club.
"I was watching you on the bed with other guys, but I didn't want to do it in front of everyone. It really turned me on seeing you in women's clothes and acting like a girl."
"I might have a male body," she tells him, "but inside, I'm a real girl. I'm not putting on an act. When's the last time you were with a girl like me?"
He tells her he's never been with a 'girl' like her, but he's been with a couple of men. He had a thing going with a guy in the Club, until he moved to the East Coast. He doesn't get much sex from his wife anymore and hasn't been with a man for three years. He tells her he basically wants his cock sucked and wants to fuck her ass.
"I think I can make you happy," she says, "Why don't you just lie back and let me turn you on."
After pulling his pants off, she does a little strip-tease for him as she lets her dress drop to the floor. The room has only warmed up slightly, and she shivers when the cold air hits her skin. She tries to ignore it and she's glad she wore her long socks, at least her legs are warm.
Her knees sink deep into the soft, well-used mattress as she crawls between his legs. She plays with his balls to warm him up before lowering her head to lick the end of his prick. He's already halfway hard when she wraps her lips around his average-sized cock, and it doesn't take much to give him a full-blown hard-on.
He starts moaning softly and holds her head as she gives him the blow job he's paid for. He's getting turned on, but she's just sucking him like she's sucked so many others. She lets out some fake 'mmmm's' as she sucks, but it's nothing special, she's just turning a trick.
After ten minutes of performing the fellatio part of the date, she asks, "Are you ready to fuck, baby?"
He doesn't say much, only nodding his head yes. She gets off the bed and wiggles her ass as she takes off her panties. As she gets the lube from her purse, she sees he's still very nervous and figures she's going to have to drive this train home by herself.
She guides his lubed cock to her opening, and he starts smiling as he feels his cock going up her ass.
"Oh yeah, this is what I wanted," he says.
He's been pretty dead up till now, but as she moves her ass up and down his cock, he comes alive. He pushes his cock up into her every time she lowers her ass, and they get into a nice little rhythm as they fuck.
When she holds her ass still to let him pump his cock into her, she would normally lay on her lover's chest so he could put his arms around her. But she can't do it with Terry. His big flabby belly and hairy chest just don't appeal to her.
After a few minutes of fucking, she asks, "Do you want to get on top?"
Still a little shy, he answers, "Oh, yeah... I was just about to ask you. I'd rather be on top."
"Well, don't be shy, baby." she tells him, "Just tell me what you want. We're here for your pleasure. My ass is all yours, I'll do whatever you want."
He timidly answers, "I just wanna fuck the shit out of you."
"Oh, you do, do you?" she says, "Well go ahead and fuck the shit out of me then. I wanna give you your money's worth."
She rolls over and grabs her knees, giving Terry easy entry when he sticks his cock back in her. He starts fucking her hard, and the springs on the old bed squeak as they bounce on the soft mattress. When he starts slowing down, she rolls over on her hands and knees so he can fuck her from behind.
He's really turned on now, grunting and moaning as he pummels her paid-for hole. He's turned on, but Jill's bored. She closes her eyes and rests her head on the mattress. Her cock hasn't been hard all night. She can't get turned on by his average cock and below-average skills.
She could go to sleep, but she wants to be a good whore. She fakes all kinds of moans and pleasurable sounds as he gets what he paid for. He's been fucking her over a half-hour, and she figures that's about enough. She starts working her ass muscles to milk his cock.
He only survives a few more strokes when she applies her milking technique. He lets out a few cave-man grunts and dumps his load into her ass. She lets him fuck her as he goes soft, and when he pulls out, she fake-collapses onto the bed.
"Oh my God, Terry!" she lies, "You're really a good fucker. Not very many men can fuck like you can."
"Yeah..." he boasts, "it takes me a while to get going, but when I do, oh boy... watch out."
He reaches for the lube bottle and looks at the label. "What kind of lube is this?" he asks, "It's the best I've ever used."
"Oh, it's just some lube I made at home. I just put it in that empty lube bottle because I didn't have anything else to put it in."
"It's really good," Terry says, "it's really slippery and didn't get sticky."
"I know," says Jill, "I fuckin' hate that sticky shit. That's why I make my own."
She doesn't think anything of it as they start getting dressed, then Terry asks, "Have you ever thought about selling it?"
"You mean my lube?"
"Yeah, your lube," he says, "I think it would sell."
"Shit, I've never even thought about it... I wouldn't even know where to start if I did want to sell it."
"It's easy. You just buy some empty bottles and get some labels printed up."
"Yeah, but who would I sell it to? I mean, how many people in Des Moines use butt lube?"
"Not just Des Moines," Terry says, "All over the country. If I was going to do it, I'd go down to the porn shop and buy a copy of every fuck book they have. I'd put an ad in every one, and thousands of people know you're selling lube and where to buy it."
"Hmmm... I never even thought about something like that." Jill says, "but it sounds interesting, it really does. I bet it's expensive to get it all going."
"Not really," Terry says, "You could probably get everything set up for under a grand. A lot of my customers started out that way. They started small, and when they grew, they hired my company to package their products because we have all the equipment they can't afford to buy.
"I bet a lot of people would rather buy lube through the mail. They get embarrassed going into a porn shop and don't want to risk being seen."
The more she hears Terry talk about it, the more interested she becomes. When they're just about ready to go, Jill asks, "How do you know where to buy everything to get started?"
"I'll write my home number on my business card. I can give you all the information you need. You can call me at home, but if my wife answers, DON'T tell her your name is Jill. I'd get fuckin' killed if she knew I was doing this."
"Don't worry. My boy name is Jerry. I'll tell her it's Jerry. I'm really interested. Can I call you tomorrow night?"
"Yeah, call me after seven. I'll look up the numbers for you at work."
As they leave the room, Terry says, "Thanks Jill, that was a great fuck. I really needed it."
She gives him a hug, but can't bring herself to kiss him. "You were great, Terry." she says, "You really know what you're doing in bed."
As she's driving home, she can't stop thinking about what he told her. Terry might have been a boring fuck, but he's given her a great idea. The words she's been hearing in her meditations come into her mind.
Look for subtle signs... Listen to yourself... and the answers will come.
She thinks about what Norm told her about when you have a positive attitude, opportunities come looking for you. Something else Norm said comes into her mind.
Think BIG, Jill. Think BIG!
Could this be a subtle sign? Could this be one of the answers she's been waiting for? She intends to find out.
When she gets home, Allie gives her a kiss and asks, "How was your date?"
"Well... it was different... Now I know what it's like to get fucked in a cheap motel."
"Was it bad?" Allie asks.
"No, it wasn't that 'bad'... it just wasn't that good. As far as fucking goes, the guy was a complete dud. I didn't get hard the whole time. But he's really a nice guy, if I didn't have to fuck him. He gave me a really cool idea."
"What kind of idea?"
"I'll tell you after I get changed. I really need to get into my nightgown and relax."
As they're smoking a joint, she tells Allie about the idea he gave her selling lube by mail order. The more she talks about it, the more excited she gets. She tells Allie she's going to call him tomorrow night to get more information.
Allie's not that interested, figuring it's just a suggestion and doesn't think anything will come of it. Jill, on the other hand, can see the potential. She doesn't know if it'll work or not, but knows she won't find out if she doesn't do anything.
Jill's been thinking about it all day at work. The more she thinks about it, the more she likes it, depending on what's involved in setting it up. After they finish dinner, she calls Terry's number.
When his wife answers, she's careful to say it's Jerry calling. When Terry comes to the phone, she says, "Hi Terry, it's Jill."
"Yes... Hello, um... 'Jerry'. I've got a lot of names and numbers for you. Do you have a pen ready?"
"I sure do. I'm ready to write it all down."
Terry gives her the names of companies where she can buy bottles, printers that specialize in labels, mailing companies, and so many other things she would ever have thought about. He gives her the names of several artists his company uses to design labels for his customers' products.
He tells her other things she needs to do, like getting a business license, sales tax permit, and post office box. When she gets off the phone, her hand is sore from writing so much.
"Damn... that's a lot of shit," she tells Allie.
"I thought it would be," Allie says, "It's probably more trouble than it's worth."
"It's a lot of things to do," Jill says, "but each thing isn't that hard to do. I mean, other people have done it, why can't I?"
"Yeah, but is it worth it?" Allie wonders, "How do we know it's even that good? We're the only ones who've used it."
"Terry thought it was good. We could let other people try it and see what they think."
"Like who? We don't know that many people."
Jill thinks for a minute. "I know! The Mixx! We could give samples to people at The Mixx! You wanna take me out dancing Saturday night? I could dress up real sexy for you. I'll wear my mini and you could get me all horny so I'll want you to fuck me when we get home. While we're there, we can pass out lube samples.
What do you think? Wanna take me out? Huh? Huh? Huh?"
"I'm not sure your idea will work, babe. But I'd love to take you out Saturday night. I don't know that many guys down there, cuz I've never been interested in fucking them. But I know a lot of faces. I'll help you pass out samples."
"Thanks, Allie. The place to buy bottles is near my work, I'll pick some up tomorrow. I don't know if it will work either, but I know it won't work if I don't find out."
"Hi, babe," Allie says when Jill gets home Friday night. "What's in the box?"
"The empty lube bottles, silly." Jill says, "I told you I was going to pick some up today."
"Oh yeah, now I remember." she says, "I'm sorry I forgot. I didn't mean to."
Jill's a little pissed at Allie's attitude. She's been thinking she had Allie's support. Now it looks like she doesn't really care if this happens or not. Jill knows she has to let Allie know how she feels.
As they relax later with a joint, Jill says, "I know you don't think this is going to work, Allie, but something inside me is saying go for it."
"I'm sorry, babe." Allie says, "I didn't mean to sound negative. I just don't see things like you do. I really do hope it works. I wanna support you in this. I wanna see what you see."
"You wanna see what I see...? Remember last week when we were talking about refocusing on getting pregnant with our idea?"
"Yeah, I've been thinking about it all week," Allie says.
"I know you have." Jill tells her, "I have too. And since we've both been thinking about it, I think maybe... just maybe, that's why the universe is sending us this opportunity.
"We have to get pregnant with THIS baby to see if it's real or not. No one's gonna hand it to us. We have to actually do something if we want to see if it's a real baby or not. That's what I see."
Allie gives Jill a hug and says, "I think I see what you mean. I just don't see things as fast as you do. What can I do right now to help you?"
Jill gives her a kiss and says, "I know it's hard to see right now, but I know when we think together, we're a lot stronger. I think we can do anything when we think together. So... what can you do to help right now?
"Well, it would be nice not to have to cook tonight. Could you go out and buy us some food for dinner while I make up batches of lube?" Jill asks.
"I can do that." Allie says, "How about a bucket of chicken?"
While Allie's out getting dinner, Jill strips down to her panties and goes to work in the kitchen. She makes three batches with different amounts of corn starch, writing down everything she does. By the time Allie gets back, she's got the batches cooling on the stove.
"Hey babe," Allie says, walking in with the food, "Take a break, I got dinner."
"Thanks for doing this Allie. It saved me a lot of time. I've got all my batches done now."
"I really admire you, Jill. I don't know where you get the drive."
"I've always been like this, Allie. When I get excited about something, I can't stop. I have to keep going. Something inside tells me I need to see this through."
"I'll see it through with you, babe."
"I need your help on the next part." Jill says, "You'll like it."
"What's the next part?"
"We have to try it out. We have to fuck each other with the three batches to see which one feels the best!"
"Oh yeah, I'm gonna like this part."
"I knew you would." Jill laughs.
After they finish eating, they smoke a joint and get themselves in the mood to test their lube. As they kiss, Allie asks, "Which one of us is gonna get fucked?"
"We both are, baby." Jill laughs. "We have to know how it feels on both ends, don't you think? All we have to do is decide who gets fucked first."
"Well, since it's your lube, I think you should get fucked first."
"Well..." Jill teases, "I guess that means I'm gonna have to suck your cock first."
"Hmmm... I guess it does, but just thinking about your tight ass gives me a hard-on every time."
As they start playfully making out, Jill feels better about having Allie's support. It seems like she's getting back on board with her idea, but will she stay on board?
"Why don't you get out of those boy clothes off while I get the lube ready," Jill says.
She puts the three batches in bowls and labels them while Allie gets naked. Allie lies back in a beanbag chair and Jill gets between her legs to suck.
Once she gets her hard, she practices her deep throating, taking Allie into her throat. There's still a small urge to choke, but doesn't last too long. Jill's almost trained the gag reflex out of her body, and it won't be long until it's completely gone.
"You're getting a lot better at deep throating, babe." Allie compliments.
"I know, it gets easier every time I do it. Are you ready to start fucking?"
"I'm always ready to start fucking." Allie laughs.
When they get each other lubed up, Jill says, "Push it in fast, baby. We need to see how it works with a tight ass."
"Are you sure?" Allie asks, "I don't want to hurt you."
Jill starts laughing. "Shit baby, we've been fucked so many times I don't think anyone can hurt us anymore. When I first started fucking, yeah, it woulda hurt. But now? My ass has turned into a pussy. I love having a big cock like yours stretching my hole."
Allie shoves her cock into Jill's pussy with one long stroke, just like she wanted it. "Oh God!" Jill cries as her pussy-hole tingles. The more she's turned into a girl, the more she craves having a cock up her ass.
She loves being fucked so much, she almost forgets they're supposed to be testing the lube. "You better stop, baby." she tells Allie, "I'd love to keep fucking, but we need to test the next batch."
"Oh yeah," Allie laughs, "This is a scientific fuck, we're not supposed to be having fun."
They both laugh as Allie washes off the lube and puts the next batch on her cock. Jill enjoys getting fucked again with the next batch, which seems more slippery than the first one they tested. By the time they fuck with the third batch, they're so turned on, they have to keep fucking until Allie cums in her ass.
"Damn, that was good," Allie says.
"I just love getting fucked by you, Allie. Of all the men who've fucked me, you're still the best."
"That's cuz we're in love. All those other guys are fun to fuck, but we're not in love with any of 'em. That's why it's better when we get fucked by each other."
After saying that, Allie goes down on Jill, sucking her cock until it's throbbing hard and ready to fuck. Allie's always loved being fucked, and she enjoys Jill's cock as they test the batches all over again.
Jill's doing the fucking this time, and on the last batch, she lets it go and pounds Allie's ass. "Fuck me, babe!" Allie cries, "Fuck me hard!" Jill gets a burst of energy and pummels Allie's girl-hole until her cum shoots hard into the deepest depths of her cavity.
When it's all over, they clean up the mess and catch their breath. As they smoke an after-fuck-joint, they both decide the second batch was definitely the best recipe. Allie suggests that since corn starch is odorless, it would be nice if they could put something in it to make it smell nice.
Jill remembers when she used to watch her mom make cookies, she loved to sniff the bottle of vanilla extract, and how the aroma made her feel so good. She decides to buy some tomorrow and add it to her final batch.
While Allie slept last night, Jill was wide awake, enthused about making her final batch of lube. It took her a couple of hours before she finally nodded off to sleep. She's just as enthused when she wakes up a few hours later, anxious to get started.
She's so alert she doesn't even need coffee. While Allie sleeps, she gets dressed in her jeans and puts on her slut tits. Not wanting to wake Allie, she takes some makeup into the bathroom to get her face ready to go out in public.
She's at the grocery store when they open at six a.m. to get the vanilla extract she needs. Since there's hardly anyone else shopping, while she's in the spice section, she secretly opens bottles of different extracts to smell them. She really likes the almond and peppermint extracts and buys a bottle of each to try on future batches.
Not knowing how much she's going to need, she puts six bottles of vanilla extract in her cart and heads to the checkout. Her intuition guides her to walk down the tool aisle. As she's walking by, her intuition leads her eyes to a selection of plastic funnels. She realizes they'll need a funnel to fill the bottles, so she puts a small one in her cart.
When she gets home, Allie's up and asks her where she's been. "I woke up early," Jill explains, "and I didn't want to wake you. Since I was already up, I went to the store to get the vanilla. I got us some fresh sweet rolls from the bakery so I won't have to make breakfast."
"Damn, babe," Allie says, "you're amazing. Just watching you gets me excited about this."
"I can't help it Allie, something inside is driving me. I have to keep going to see where this leads."
After they've had their coffee and sweet rolls, Jill gets to work on her final batch. As it warms on the stove, the vanilla gives it an erotic aroma that stimulates her senses when she smells and tastes it. She and Allie work together the next few hours filling fifty bottles half full for the samples they'll pass out tonight.
When they get everything done just before noon, they go into the bathroom to shave each other while the tub fills with hot water. As they soak in the warm water, the hours of sleep she missed catch up with Jill, and she starts nodding off when she rests her head on Allie's shoulder.
Allie gets her out of the tub and takes her into the bedroom, laying her on her tummy on the bed. As she rests, Allie rubs sweet-smelling body lotion into her skin, using some of the massage techniques she's learned.
"Oh Allie, that feels so good. I'm soooooo tired." Jill mumbles.
"I want my baby smelling like the sensuous woman she is when we go out tonight," Allie tells her.
Before she's finished, Jill is fast asleep. Allie finishes with the lotion and goes into the kitchen to clean up their mess before watching TV as Jill gets the rest she needs.
When Jill awakes around five o'clock, she's feeling awake and refreshed. As she snuggles up to Allie, she tells her, "Thanks for helping me this morning. It went faster than I thought it would because we're so much better when we're thinking as one person."
"It was fun. I'm starting to get more excited about this. I hope it works out."
"I don't know if it's gonna work out or not." Jill says, "but even if it doesn't, I want to be able to honestly say I gave it my best shot... Look at the clock, it's almost six. I better start getting ready. I want to look good for my man tonight."
"You always look good to me," Allie assures her.
Putting on her makeup, Jill looks at herself in the mirror and gets excited at who she sees. Rosy's been teaching her well, and she knows enough about it now to be creative. She wants to attract men tonight, so she makes up her face to look slutty, while still looking classy.
Her darker eye shadow and pink cheeks compliment the red lipstick she uses to finish herself off. When she pulls her black mini over her thickest pair of pads, she admires herself in the mirror. That dress was made to fit tight, and the big ass and wide hips of her pads look sexier than ever.
"Damn, girl!" Allie says when she sees her, "I've never seen you more beautiful."
"I love dressing like this." Jill says, "I know I turn men on when I look like this, and it turns me on when I know a man wants to fuck me. It turns me on to be with you when you're dressed like a man, cuz I know we're turning each other on to fuck when we get home... Are we about ready to go?"
"I think we're ready. You got the lube?"
"Yeah, I got twenty-five bottles in my purse."
Allie takes Jill to dinner at a fancy restaurant and feels so proud to be with her when she sees all the men turning their heads to get a look at her when they walk by their tables. They gaze at each other as they enjoy another wonderful night out looking like a normal boy-girl couple.
When they get to The Mixx, the place is crowded like they hoped it would be. Staying focused on their purpose to pass out lube samples, they sit at the bar and Allie gets a beer, while Jill orders the only drink she knows, tequila sunrise. Allie goes to the other end of the bar to talk with some guys she recognizes, leaving Jill by herself, sipping her tequila.
It isn't long before Jill's surrounded by men, complimenting her on the sexy way she looks. She loves flirting with them all and making sure she talks about lube and giving them all a sample. She laughs every time a guy asks her if he can use the lube on her.
She finishes her first drink and one of the guys buys her another. By the time Allie's finished talking with the guys she knows and joins her again, Jill's feeling rather tipsy from the tequila.
"How ya doing babe?" Allie asks.
"I'm feeling great! I gave out ten samples already. How many have you given out?"
"I got rid of eight so far... Do you want to head over to the dance floor?"
"Oh yeah, I'd love to. I got a good buzz going and I feel like dancing."
When they find a table near the dance floor and order another round of drinks, a guy dressed in girl clothes comes up to their table.
"Excuse me," he says to Jill, "Are you the lady passing out lube?"
"I sure am," Jill says, "Would you like one?"
"Yeah," he says, "A guy I was talking to at the bar told me about it. He put some on my finger and it felt good and slick. He said to look for a hot chick in a black mini-dress. I was hoping that was you."
"Yup... that's me," Jill proudly says, "Do me a favor, if you like the lube, would you give me a call? My number's on the label."
"I hope I get lucky enough to try it tonight," he says, "I'll call you for sure."
As he walks away, Allie tells Jill, "Man... that dude has a lot to learn about cross-dressing. He just looks like a guy wearing a dress."
"I hope he gets laid," Jill says, "but you're right. He didn't look feminine at all."
When they get up to dance, Jill's really feeling the tequila. She's having a blast shaking her sexy little body to the music like she's been a girl all her life. Allie's amazed at how well she moves. She looks so sexy dancing in her black mini and her 'fuck-me' boots. She's easily the best-looking girl on the floor, and Allie's so proud to be in love with her.
As they take a break from dancing, four more people come up to get a sample of lube. Jill's halfway through her third drink when the band plays a slow song and Allie asks her if she's ready to go back out on the floor.
"In a minute," Jill says, " I need to pee. I'll be right back."
Allie notices she's not walking straight as she heads to the ladies' room, so she gets up to make sure she's OK. She catches up with her just as she's going in, so Allie waits at the door for her to come out.
There's a line of girls waiting for an empty stall in the crowded ladies' room. As she waits, the girl next to her compliments her on her dress, and it's obvious the girl is not a girl. They have a good time talking and when Jill offers her some lube, she not only accepts it, but calls three of her friends over to get a sample too.
One of the girls asks, "Could I get two samples? I'm having a busy night."
"Oh, you are... are you?" Jill teases.
"Trixi's the busiest whore at The Mixx." one of the other girls jokes, "That's why we call her Trixi. She's always turning tricks."
"So you're a busy little whore?" Jill continues to tease, "I bet you're raking in the big bucks."
"Not bad," Trixi says, "At twenty-five a pop, it doesn't take long to get a hundred."
"Twenty-five for a blow job?" Jill asks.
"Twenty-five for a fuck, blow jobs are ten," Trixi tells her.
"Where do you do it?"
"The parking lot, where else? It's faster that way. Already I've done four bj's and a fuck."
"Ooooo..." Jill says, "Sixty-five bucks already! Here, I'll give you another sample, sounds like you're gonna be needing it. Would ya do me a favor though? Give me a call and tell me how you like it? I'd like to get the opinion of a real 'professional' girl like you."
When Jill finally gets in a stall, she has a hard time keeping herself from laughing out loud. Trixi thinks she's making big bucks doing ten-dollar blow jobs and twenty-five-dollar fucks. And she's probably had the clap a bunch of times too. 'I could never be a cheap whore like that' Jill thinks.
As she sits on the toilet letting the pee flow from her bloated bladder, her head starts spinning as the tequila starts hitting her heavily. She almost falls when she stands to pull her tight-fitting pads up around her waist. She's having trouble walking as she leaves the bathroom and is so glad to see Allie waiting for her when she comes out.
"What took you so long?" Allie asks.
"There was a long line, and I was talking with some of the girls and passing out lube. I'll have to tell you about it, you'll die laughing.
"Are you ready to go home? I'm starting to feel weird, I don't think I can dance anymore."
Allie can tell she's drunk on her ass and puts her arm around her as they walk towards the door. Jill's really having trouble walking now, and if Allie wasn't holding her up, she'd fall flat on her face.
As they're driving home, Jill tells Allie how Trixi was bragging about the money she makes turning tricks in the parking lot. They both laugh, and at the same time appreciate how good they have it being whores for the rich guys at the Club.
"That's why I'd never fuck anyone at The Mixx," Allie says, "you just don't know who they've been with."
"Trixi said she's been with five guys tonight already, and she thinks she's rich cuz she made sixty-five bucks," Jill tells her.
"No telling how many times she's had the clap," Allie adds.
"Shit..." Jill says, "Good chance she has it right now. As many dudes as she sucks and fucks...? The odds are not on her side."
When they get home, Allie has to help Jill out of the car, she can't do it by herself. She barely makes it to the bathroom with Allie's help before she pees her pants. Allie's with her as she sits on the pot, keeping her from falling off.
"You still wanna fuck me?" Jill asks in a very slurred voice.
"You're in no shape to fuck." Allie says.
"I might be drunk," Jill says, "but I can still fuck."
"We'll see what happens when I get you in bed," Allie says.
In the bedroom, Allie has a hard time getting her clothes off. When lays her on the bed, Jill can barely lift her ass enough for Allie to pull her tight pads down her legs. Wearing only her nylons, Allie gets her head on the pillow, and Jill tells her she still wants to fuck.
"I'll j-just lieeeee heeeere and let you f-fuuuuck me." Jill slurs, "C-c-c'mon babe, I'm hooorneeeeee."
"Sure babe," Allie says, "I gotta pee first. I'll be right back."
As she figured, Jill's passed out when Allie gets back from the bathroom. She gets in bed, covers her up, and puts her arm around her.
"My baby's been hitting it hard," she says to her unconscious lover, "I love you so much and I admire what you've done. I wish I could see what you see, and hope someday I'll learn to do the things you do. Sleep well, my love... sleep well."
Trans-Atlantic love Susanna Says: - There are so many reasons why I love being a transvestite. It's the feeling of dressing up, becoming a girl or a woman. But it isn't only the wearing of the clothes, although that is wonderful, or the lingerie - ladies need I say more! It is also the feeling of becoming you, of putting on the make-up, the Chanel no. 5 and saying this is who I am! There are other things, like hearing an admiring wolf whistle or tasting a man for the first time....
"This is the past of our household, the reason for our seclusion and the source of our conflict". Kartius said to Zax. Zax nodded his head as a sign that he understood everything. The past of his Master and elders in the household, the great power of their enemies and the gravity of the position he placed himself when he joined the household. "Recently, Martial son, the condition of our household met a looming calamity. In the next step of big brother's bodily refinement technique there...
TRANS-ATLANTIC part 1 DEPARTURE FROM ROME Jack Masterson arrived at the cruise terminal in the port of Civitavecchia, near Rome, Italy. He was a travel writer who owned and operated a travel website that reviews luxury resorts, hotels, cruise ships and destinations. He'd been in Europe for a month; traveling and posting articles on his site about his adventures. Tonight he began his trip home to the United States, but he wasn't flying. A Trans-Atlantic cruise on the Holland...
“Thank you ... Zax”. A middle aged woman with a combed black hair and a bit of weight around her waist walked toward him with hands down and holding one another. “You shouldn’t, Mrs. Inoki “. Zax shook his head. The woman was the mother of his childhood friends, Weysey Inoki. Mrs. Inoki came to stand beside him, but her view was on the large group of children having the time of their life fighting the living snowmen. “Our home is at the periphery of us, newcomers’ huts. The hut next to us...
I’ve been on Testosterone for a couple of years now, during that time I’ve gone from being a ‘cis gendered woman’, to a ‘trans man’. Taking testosterone makes you hairier, puts on a shit load of muscle mass, trims your waist and thighs, makes your tits smaller but your pectoral muscles way bigger, changes your hands and feet - makes them way more veiny, and (my fave part) makes your clit turn into a dick. Now, I was never a ‘girly’ girl, but always loved women, was never really interested in...
Trans Bukkake By Felicia Trans [email protected] I stood up in front of the large vinyl bean bag chair I'd spent the last few hours in, and for the first time really noticed the cameras surrounding me. My 'assistant' came over in front of me with a very tall beaker, an inch and a half round and a little under three feet tall, and was marked off in red, with the top line reading 2000ml. I took it with both hands and saw that it was about 3/4 filled, a little above the 1500ml...
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TransSharing a story of my first time, with a masculine man.I was 19, and had recently moved to Vancouver, Canada. I was living with a friend and 3 other roommates in a large shared house. My room came partially furnished which was great, I was particularly happy about the large mirrored dresser that I could use to privately practice my makeup and try on outfits.By this time I'd been privately dressing and doing makeup for many years, I had also been shaving my body for a long time, I really hated...
It was some six weeks since Johnny had attended the clinic with Wendy and now he found himself wanting to go there more and more. He could not get DR. Francine out of his mind, he desperately wanted to have her hard cock in him again as he fantasized about leaning forward and sucking on her delectable tits. The thought of his cock rubbing against her body as she fucked him up the arse was almost too much. He called Wendy at work and asked if she could and would book another appointment at the...
She MalesIt's a cold, rainy northern Iowa afternoon in 1973. Twenty-three-year-old Jerry Jansen sits in the living room of his parents' house. There was sad apprehension in the room as he sits there with his mom, dad, brothers and sisters. He was leaving soon to start a new life in Des Moines.Jerry was discharged from the Army three months earlier. He planned to come back to his hometown and finally begin his life like everyone else did. After three months of unsuccessfully searching for a job, Jerry...
TransThe Mystical Formation of an Odd Triadic Marriage The Day Things Changed. Magic has entered the world & two eFlirters Becca and Peter happen to be in the same space, her blue eyed blonde 4'11'' frame locks eyes with his 5'10' dark ponytailed blue eyed being with his winged goatee proudly displayed, she's wearing wedge Roman sandals covering her fishnet stockings, they head up & under her schoolgirl skirt, her 34c breasts are nearly choked with a visible bra matching her...
I lay naked on the freshly washed bed sheet and tried to get comfortable. There was the faintest aroma of lavender still prevalent in the air. Outside the open bedroom window, crickets chattered relentlessly in the trees and bushes. The air was deliciously cool. Unable to get back to sleep, I sat up in the bed and reached for the remote control. Whilst channel surfing, I happened upon a channel that offered live horoscope readings by day, and soft-core pornography after midnight. Accompanying...
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Trans-fer Agency By Ku-GoWorking at a Transfer Agency was a boring job, at least it was until I met … her? The job in itself wasn’t boring just very repetitive, having to enter the same information up to 4 times in 4 separate locations just to get things done. I would constantly find myself dozing off in the middle of work. Many-a-time my coworker would have to shake me out of a day dream about some kind of sexually explicit encounter with one of the office’s rather good looking receptionist,...
When I graduated high school my mom remarried. It took some adjusting when we moved in with them. John was my new step dad he was kind of a hippie guy. His daughter was transgender. Kate .She was a tiny thing very petite 5’3 pale skin and skinny. She would walk around in her bikini. She had little boobs and as much as I looked I never seen a dick in her bottom. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. Actually she’s very cute. We got along fine and I was her protection when she needed it. It...
I went to Brazil for the Olympics, a hot wild and sexually liberated country. You can see things there that you would not see in many other places, including transsexuals. The transsexual culture there is huge. On many beaches, girls in bikinis do little to hide their "packages" and walk around like a normal woman. For all intents and purposes, they are woman, and very sexy ones at that. My name is Nigel and I am 26 years old, I have long dark hair and a close trimmed face, I have dark eyes,...
TransIt all started with Debbie. I'd met Debbie through work as she was our account manager. We slowly developed a friendship over our mutual love of music, movies and girls. We'd catch up after work over a drink and gossip about various things but Debbie would always bring up her charity work. She was constantly working for Lbgt charities and the latest project was raising money for a gay bar to stay open. I agreed to go to offer my support. The night came and I arrived with Debbie at the bar early...
All characters are over 18Béa was sexy a femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She raised him and together they grew up into beautiful transvestites. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect girl life together until zombies attack the city. The girls discovered that people could be cured by having sex. They just rescued the news star announcer Jim J.J Johns so he can tell the whole world how to cure zombies. One last thing remains to be...
Trans-SeXXual By Missy Crystal Hi. You're from the magazine right? Do you want to take some pictures of me? I mean, like I'm really hot! See these boobs. Nice, huh? All mine. Not bad for a boy. Want to feel them? What? 'Forbes' doesn't do pictures? No photographer? Bummer. You want me to tell you about my daddy, because he's the richest man in the world? Well doh! Did I tell you I'm really hot! Well, okay, so like I already told you. But I'm really hot. And rich. I mean daddy did...
HumorTRANS-ATLANTIC: PART 2 - MONTE CARLO The next morning the ship entered the harbor at Monte Carlo. At 7am Veronika, Max, Mark, Anne, Jean and Jack met for breakfast. The first tender for Monte Carlo would leave at 8 am and everyone wanted to be ready. "Jean, have you been to Monte Carlo?" Veronika asked. "No, but I've heard about it," replied Jean. "Playground of the rich and famous." "That's true, and so beautiful too. My uncle will spend the day in the Casino, so I am free...
Andrea and I had been working closely together on a work project for close to a week, often spending time together after work so that we could get it done on time. As the week went on, I had grown more and more attracted to her, but I tried to keep things professional in order to get the task at hand completed. One night, we were both standing side-by side, leaning over the desk to look at the completed project when Andrea asked me a question. I turned to respond, not realizing how close we...
TransOne night I said hello to a couple who were talking. He was a big guy and she was a small Filipina woman. They quickly invited me into the conversation. The talk turned sexy, and we decided to head to one of the rooms. She would kiss him and then me and then back as she rubbed our cocks. He pulled his cock out and she went down on her knees. I joined her and we shared sucking his big hard cock. He pulled the rest of his clothes off as we sucked him. He began pulling her top off. She...
I was walking near the corner of Polk and Post Streets past an adult bookstore when I noticed an attractive transgender standing on the corner. I walked up and struck up a conversation. I told her she was attractive. She asked me if I wanted a date. I smiled and I asked her if she was functional. Then I asked her if she would accompany me to the adult bookstore so I could suck her cock. She thought about it for a moment. Looked a little puzzled and then said yes. I gave her $40 plus some money...
She MalesJill can't imagine how she could feel better than she does right now. For the first time in her life, she does not feel poor. The tips she earned getting gang banged at the Club have made it possible for her to have the things she's been wanting. Driving to the mall after work this Tuesday evening, she smiles. The reality of her new financial situation fills her heart with joy.She opened a savings account today, and deposited $1500 of her tip money into it. With money in the bank, and money in...
TransShe heard the steps telling her that her master was arriving. She hoped he would be pleased with her she had done as he had instructed and held the vibrating monstrosity in her cunt not allowing it to fall out during her many orgasms. “Hello my pet. Ah I see you have made a mess. We will have to deal with that later. For now you have some visitors.” She looked at him but new not to speak yet. He had harsh punishments for when she disobeyed that order. “Let’s see how much of a mess my little...
Author's Notes (please read first to get the best reading experience!): Hey everyone! I have been a long time reader of fictionmania and thought I would make a contribution since there is a particular genre of transformations that I like reading, yet see so little of. I hope this inspires more writers to write stories like this and hope that my first time isn't so bad. I know I'm not the best writer, but I'd like to think I have an imagination, and maybe someone could tighten up the...
His first week in Des Moines is behind him, Jerry is back home for the weekend feeling pretty good about things overall. He's working again and he's got a place to live. Not bad progress for his first week on his own again. His time with his family is not great, but okay. He's bored at home.Everyone is into their own individual dramas and not really concerned about what Jerry's doing at all. Saturday night, his dad is out all night drinking and he has to listen to his mom tell him how...
TransThe ringing alarm clock hits Jerry's head like a freight train. He rolls over and hits the off button. The only thing he wants to do is go back to sleep. His better judgment tells him it's a workday. Sleeping in is not an option. He drags his naked body into the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. Stumbling back to the living room, he sits down in his chair and closes his eyes, trying to catch a few more zzz's before the coffee is done.Sitting in the chair, still half asleep, he notices a...
TransJerry wakes up Saturday morning and decides to roll over and sleep a while longer. It feels good to not have to get up. This is the first weekend he's spent in Des Moines since moving here four weeks ago. He has no plans for the day and he doesn't care. Today, he doesn't have to do a damned thing.Sitting in his chair, enjoying his coffee, his mind drifts back to the past week's events. Two days ago he started listening to his body. A week ago he was in a deep depression. He feels more...
TransMorning comes gently to Jerry this Sunday morning. With thoughts of last night fresh in his mind, he walks into the kitchen to make his coffee. He pauses for a moment, thinking about the filthy kitchen he walked into yesterday morning. Today, he feels inspired by how clean it is. Cleaning his apartment yesterday is paying dividends in the way he feels. He hasn't felt this good since he got out of the Army. Walking into the living room with his coffee, he feels some moisture around his asshole....
TransJerry wakes up Saturday morning, feeling the best he has felt since moving to Des Moines. Sipping his first cup of coffee, he recalls the emotional roller coaster ride he's been through, from the depths of despair after his first sexual encounter with Roger, to the heights of ecstasy last Saturday, when he felt Roger inside of him for the first time.Cleaning his apartment last Saturday put him in the good mood he's been in ever since. He likes the clean environment and doesn't ever want to go...
TransJerry had fallen into a deep sleep after Roger left last night. His first experience at the Club exposed him to a level of sexual activity he hadn't expected. He must have dreamt about it all night, because when he starts waking up, he feels like he's still there. He doesn't want to wake up. The dreams feel good to him; he doesn't want them to end. He goes back to sleep and wakes up several times, before finally giving in to the morning light.Walking into the kitchen, he feels soreness around...
TransJerry watches the approaching storm clouds through the window of the print shop where he works. An hour before quitting time, he is finishing up a few jobs and getting his end-of-the-week clean-up duties done. His mind has not been on work this afternoon. He's meeting Allen after work, and it's all he can think about.Allen called him last night, telling him he scored the acid they will take tonight at Allen's apartment. They will meet at a restaurant to get a good meal in their stomachs, then...
TransAllen peeks his head into the bathroom. "Hello? Is anyone awake in there?""Yeah, I'm awake. I've been having some really heavy hallucinations."Allen walks over by the tub, kneeling beside it. "How are you feeling, baby? I came in here earlier, and you were crying your heart out. I thought it best to not disturb you.""Oh wow, Allen... I was talking with this girl... she's inside me... I've seen her before. It was so incredible... She told me our name is Jillian. We like to be called Jill."Allen...
Trans"Good morning, baby." Allie says, kissing Jill's cheek, "Are you going to wake up today? I've got some nice hot coffee ready for you."Jill mumbles a few sounds, but they don't resemble anything intelligible. Allie kisses her until Jill opens her eyes halfway, revealing glassy pupils that can barely focus on anything. Jill manages to mumble out a few words, "What time is it?""It's almost eleven, sweetheart.""In the morning?... What day is it?""Eleven o'clock, Saturday morning, sweetheart. How do...
TransJill wakes up with Allen's arms around her. After sleeping twelve hours, her body feels refreshed and recovered from the acid she took Friday. She turns over and looks at Allen, still sleeping soundly beside her. A soothing calmness comes over her as she recalls the surreal weekend they have shared together.She softly kisses his neck, taking care not to wake him. Brushing her lips against his skin gives her pleasure, but she is not the least bit horny this morning. She feels loving, instead of...
TransJerry thought about it all day at work. As soon as he walks into his apartment, he can't wait to get his boy clothes off, and put on a bra. Walking into the bathroom to look in the mirror, he likes the look, except for his flat chest. He thinks for a moment, then rips off a long strip of toilet paper and stuffs the cups of the bra. 'That's better,' he thinks, 'Now I'm Jill again'.After putting on the slip she wore last night, Jill walks into the living room to roll a joint and relax. She was...
TransAllie and Jill wake up early Saturday morning with their arms still around each other. Allie wakes up first, and lightly kisses Jill's face, until she gently wakes her up. "Good morning, baby," she says with a smile.Jill smiles back at her, "Good morning to you, too, big sister," she says, "It's so nice sleeping with you. I woke up earlier, and you looked so sweet, sleeping with your arms around me. It just melted me back to sleep.""I love sleeping with you too, my sweet Jill. But we can't...
TransAfter crying in Allie's arms for twenty minutes, Jill has finally stopped shaking, and her tears of joy have subsided enough to where she can focus her eyes again. Sniffling her nose, and wiping her eyes, Jill composes herself enough to be able to talk. "I'm sorry I cried so much, Allie. I just couldn't help it," she says."That's OK, my little sister. I'm here to hold you, whenever you need me."They sit up and hug each other until Jill is able to think and talk at the same time. When she's able...
TransAfter visiting her family over the weekend, Jill feels so relieved to get back to her apartment. Her life has gone through monumental changes since she last saw them. Yet, at her parents' house, everything is exactly the same as it was the last time she visited, four weeks before. In fact, it's exactly the same as it has been the whole time she was growing up there.As she gets out of Jerry's clothes and dresses as Jill again, she sees very clearly, why her life had sucked for so long. After...
TransAllie sits naked, in front of her vanity mirror, thinking about how her life has changed since she met Jill. She fondly remembers the night she and Jill got high on the psychedelic drug LSD, and went on a life-changing trip that began their journey together. A trip from which they could never return to the place from where they had started.Her hair is still wet from the shower she's just taken, and she lets her mind wander as she dries and brushes her long locks. She has never forgotten the way...
TransWaking up to Allie's kisses, Jill's first words are, "Good morning, Allie, I love you."Allie, in return, says, "Good morning, Jill, I love you, too." Their heads are still swirling from the emotional end of last night's hot sex date. That moment last night, when they acknowledged that they were, indeed, in love with each other.Putting their arms around each other, they exchange little love kisses back and forth until their bodies adjust to the morning light. "Let's not get dressed for a while,...
Trans"Hey lover, are you ready to wake up?" Jill whispers, as she kisses Allie's pretty face."Mmmm... yeah baby, I'm waking up. Damn, it feels good to wake up with you." Allie starts to giggle.Jill giggles back at her, "I know... I was just thinking that. How good your skin feels against mine."She rolls over on top of Allie and kisses her as they rub their cocks against each other. "Wasn't it fun last night, Allie? Fucking all the guys on this bed? And then sleeping together in this bed?" Jill...
TransWaiting for her at the door, Allie gives Jill a kiss when she gets home from work. They're both in very good moods, still emotionally high from their incredible weekend. A week ago, who would have guessed they'd be in love and living together? But yet, here they are, following their intuitions and letting their feelings guide their next move.Jill's been looking forward to her date with Dr. Walt ever since he asked her to go out with him at the Club meeting Saturday night."You look excited about...
TransJill's first week living with Allie has been everything she hoped it would be. She loves getting up early with Allie and cooking breakfast. They love exchanging smiles and blowing kisses at each other every morning as they sit at the kitchen table. She especially likes the ninety minutes between the time Allie leaves for work and when she has to leave. It gives her plenty of time to clean the kitchen, take a shower, and still have plenty of time to write in her diary and practice her...
TransIn the shower and under the hot shower water, they embrace in a loving hug and cover each other with kisses. "Mmmmm... I've been waiting for this ever since we left the river," Jill says."Oh yeah... Me too," Allie tells her. "I got so horny for you out there. Just stand there, baby, let me wash you."They've just gotten back to their apartment a few minutes earlier, cold and muddy from a Saturday morning of fishing. The warmer weather hasn't arrived yet in Iowa, and they've been out since before...
TransIn Jill's mind, this is a very important night. She and Allie have been working together all day getting ready to entertain their lesbian friends, Carla and Rosy. Naked except for a skimpy pair of panties, Jill is busy in the kitchen cooking while Allie cleans the apartment and takes care of the laundry.Stopping now and then to grab a snack and rest a bit, they enjoy a little sucking to give each other a hard-on before getting back to work. Jill is thrilled to be using her new kitchen stuff for...
TransAfter what happened at work today, Jill can hardly wait to get home to tell Allie. As she changes into her girl clothes, she can't resist sitting in front of the mirror to brush her hair and admire herself. She loves the way Jorge styled her hair, and she feels extra feminine tonight. She feels so feminine that when puts on her bra, she decides to stuff cotton in the cups before putting on her dress. She likes pretending she has real tits.Joining Allie on the couch, she lies down with her head...
TransAllie and Jill wake up especially horny this morning. They planned to be especially horny this morning. They haven't had sex the past two nights, and only once this week. They've been letting their desire build inside them, on purpose. They want to be as horny as they can be, because today is Saturday, and tonight is 'Ladies' Night' at the Club. Jill remembers a month ago, waking up in this same bed tormenting herself, not sure if she even wanted to go down this path. But once she made her...
Trans"Hey baby... wake up, baby... baby?" Allie says, shaking Jill's shoulder. "We need to get up."Jill's brain is barely functioning. "Huh?" "It's getting late," Allie says, "It's almost ten o'clock. We need to be out of the room in an hour.""Oh, fuck... Gimme a minute," Jill mumbles. "I feel like shit.""I feel like shit too, sweetheart. But we can't stay in bed. C'mon, we'll feel better when we get in the shower," Allie coaxes.Jill drags her ass out of bed and follows Allie into the shower....
TransJill's been dragging ass all day at work. She felt recovered and energetic yesterday, but the late-night sex with Allie took its toll on her body again. When he gets home, Allie isn't waiting for her at the door. Instead, Jill finds her sleeping on the living room couch. When she goes into the boy's room to shed Jerry's work clothes, she sees Allen's work clothes thrown on the floor.'Hmmm...' she thinks to herself, 'my little whore is all worn out... just like me.'It's all she can do to get...
TransJill and Allie have been looking forward to this Saturday for a while now. Tonight they're finally going on a date with their lesbian friends, Carla and Rosy. Waking up on the couch with their morning coffee, Jill tells Allie, "I feel so good today. It's nice we don't have much to do. We need to go grocery shopping and do a little house cleaning, but that's about it.""Yeah, we needed a break, babe. We've been burning the candle at both ends, especially you.""What do you mean, especially me?"...
TransAs she begins to stir from her deep sleep, Jill rolls over to see Rosy's smiling face. "Good morning... my stud," are the first words out of Rosy's mouth."Morning, sweet Rosy. Damn, was that real last night?" Jill says. "I feel like I'm waking up from a beautiful dream.""It was real alright," Rosy sighs, "and yes, it was beautiful. You were so good, baby. You made me melt. I don't want to ever have sex with another man as long as I live, because I don't think any man could ever be as good as...
TransMonday morning finds four people waking up in states of complete joy. Saturday morning, they were just close friends looking forward to getting together and having some fun. Sunday morning, they had become lovers, especially Jill and Rosy.After giving their virginity to the opposite sex with each other, they shared things between themselves they never shared with anyone else before. They've become more than just lovers, they're sisters now. Or as Rosy defined it, girlfriends who sometimes will...
TransJill's meditation is going very well this morning. After talking about their finances with Gary last night, she woke up still thinking about what he said about creating a business at home. A business they could use to move their whore money into legitimate accounts. Sitting naked, legs crossed, and arms resting on her knees, she's deeper than she's ever been. As she sits in her meditative trance, she loses track of all time and space as she imagines herself being pregnant with the desire to...
TransThe following Tuesday, Jill has another date with Dr. Walt. She decides, for the first time, to show up wearing a dress, which pleased Walt very much. She's still a little nervous dressing like this in public, but each time she does it, she's not as nervous as the time before.When they went to the grocery store Sunday, she wore her pads under her khaki pants, one of her new blouses, and tan pumps. She simply loved being able to hold Allie's hand as they walked up and down the aisles. She really...
TransJill wakes up with warm lips around her soft cock. Allie woke up a few minutes before, still hungry for the cock she enjoyed so much last night. Saturday mornings have gone like this the past few weeks. When Allie's not sucking Jill's cock, Jill's sucking Allie's cock. The more they have each other, the more they want each other.With Allie's tongue swirling around the velvety flesh of her head, Jill feels the blood rushing into her growing shaft."Oh, yeah, Allie-girl," she softly says, "You...