A TRANS Formation - Chapter 25 - Unplanned Threesome free porn video

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Jill's been dragging ass all day at work. She felt recovered and energetic yesterday, but the late-night sex with Allie took its toll on her body again. When he gets home, Allie isn't waiting for her at the door. Instead, Jill finds her sleeping on the living room couch. When she goes into the boy's room to shed Jerry's work clothes, she sees Allen's work clothes thrown on the floor.

'Hmmm...' she thinks to herself, 'my little whore is all worn out... just like me.'

It's all she can do to get into her nightgown; she doesn't even think about putting on a bra. She's in no shape to do anything, except rest. She knows she has to get some energy to make dinner, so she puts on a pot of coffee, hoping caffeine will do the trick.

Kneeling on the floor next to the couch, she gives Allie a kiss on her cheek. When she starts to stir, Jill says, "Hey... baby... Your lover is home."

Allie opens her eyes halfway, "Oh... hi, babe. I didn't mean to be asleep when you got home. I must have went out as soon as I laid down."

"It's OK, my sweetheart. I'm as tired as you are. I got some coffee going for us."

Allie sits up when Jill brings her a fresh cup of coffee. As she begins to wake up enough to talk, Jill tells her, "You were a horny little bitch last night."

"Yeah, I was. But I've been a fuckin' worn-out bitch all damn day."

"Well, don't feel bad, I'm just as worn out as you are. We fucked until almost one last night. We can't be doing that on work nights anymore."

"Yeah, no shit. Let's make a rule. No fucking during the week if one of us has a date."

"Agreed," Jill says.

They feel much better after Jill makes dinner and they get some food in their stomachs. They're actually feeling pretty good, all things considered.

"Roger called to make sure we remembered about the painters coming tomorrow." Allie tells her, "He'll be here to let them in and said we didn't have to move any furniture. They'll do all that.

"He just said to make sure there wasn't any pot or used rubbers laying around. I put our stash in my car trunk and we don't use rubbers, so we're good."

"It'll be so nice to come home tomorrow to fresh paint." Jill replies, "I'm so glad my little slutty girlfriend used her pussy to get us a free paint job."

They both start laughing, then Jill tells Allie, "You know? When I was dragging my ass around the print shop all day, I was thinking about how much money we make as whores, compared to what our jobs pay. I mean, tomorrow night I'm going to make at least $200 having fun with Gary. And at the print shop, after working my ass off for eight hours, I made a measly twenty bucks, after taxes."

"I know," says Allie, "I think about that too sometimes. It sure would be nice not to have to go to work every day for peanuts. Do you think we should quit our jobs?"

"No way," Jill says. "Not right now. We can't count on always making this kind of money, that's why we need to save as much as we can, until we have enough to support ourselves if the whore money ever stops."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like using our money to make money. Like maybe buying a house, or a business. I don't really have a clue right now. But I was reading that book Walt gave me last night. It's about how to create your own world, just by imagining what you want."

"What do you mean, just imagine?"

"Well, you'll have to read the book, but he was talking about a different way to look at the Bible. It's not how they taught us in church at all. It was really interesting. According to the book, he said the people in the Bible weren't real, they were just symbolic figures to show us how to use the laws of the universe to create whatever we want. I think he called it manifesting."

"Sounds kinda weird," Allie says.

"Well... not if you read the book. What I remember most is how he explained the Virgin Mary. It made so much sense to me."

"What do you mean? How?" Allie asks.

Jill gets the book and says, "Listen to this, Allie, I'll read it to you."

~ The story of Mary is the story of every man. Mary was not a woman – giving birth in some miraculous way to one called 'Jesus'. Mary is the *awareness of being*, that ever remains virgin, no matter how many desires it gives birth to. Right now, look upon yourself as this Virgin Mary – being impregnated by yourself through the medium of desire – becoming one with your desire to the point of embodying or giving birth to your desire. ~

"Do you know what that means, Allie? It's like... we make ourselves pregnant with a desire we have. And we walk around with it, holding our 'child', or dream, inside us until it develops. And then, we have our 'baby', in the form of getting what we want."

"I don't know," says Allie, "It still sounds kinda weird."

"OK... it's like... when you first met me... OK...? You saw the girl in me, when nobody else did, even I didn't see it. You got yourself pregnant, thinking that you wanted to be with me. You kept thinking about it all the time, and you got me thinking about it too. And when it was time, you gave birth to your baby. Your baby came in the form of us being together, and here we are, because you wanted it. You made it happen."

"Hmmm... I think I kinda see. So if we want to quit our jobs, then we have to just keep thinking that's what we want? Even if we don't know how we'll do it?"

"Exactly. Norm was telling me something like that too. He said to always be positive, and the opportunities will come looking for you. You won't have to look for them."

"I'm not sure I understand," Allie says, "but I'll read the book and maybe I'll see the same thing you do."


The next day, Jill's fully recovered and well-rested. Her workday flies by and all she can think about is her date tonight with Gary and her date with Rosy on Saturday. It seems her life is always exciting these days, and she's always horny. She gets even more excited when she gets home to the smell of fresh paint.

"Oh, Allie! It smells so fresh in here!"

"I know!" Allie says, "I just love the color you picked out. It feels so girlie in here now."

"Thanks to you, Allie. It was your idea to bribe Rog with your pussy."

"Well, thanks to your pussy," Allie adds, "we'll have clean carpets tomorrow!"

"Now we get to redecorate everything and make it our own home." Jill says, "A home where two girls live. It's gonna be so much fun!"

"Yeah, it's like starting a whole new life!" Allie answers.

"This is what I was talking about last night when I was telling you about that book Walt gave me. You get an idea, you make yourself pregnant with the idea, then you carry it inside and keep thinking about it until you have your baby."

"Like we're both pregnant right now, thinking about how we can quit our jobs?" Allie asks.

"That's right, Allie." Jill says, "and thinking about our jobs, I gotta get ready to be a little whore tonight. Another opportunity to make more money so our baby can develop."

Jill runs into the shower quick to freshen up. When she gets out, Allie hands her a toothbrush and says, "I forgot to tell you last night, but you wanted me to show you how to deep throat a cock."

"With a toothbrush?"

"Yeah... This is how I learned. Put it on your tongue and slide it back until you start to choke. Hold it there until the choke feeling goes away. Then do it again deeper and deeper until you train yourself not to choke."

"That's it? Really?"

"That's it, babe. Simple to explain, but hard to do. It takes time to train a reflex like that out of your body."

"Thanks, Allie. You just fucked me." she laughs, "Now I'm pregnant with the desire to take my favorite cock down my throat."

She's excited as she packs her bag for the date. Now that she has a wig and a set of slut tits, she's taken another step to being the girl she wants to be. With her sexiest pink lingerie and nightie ready to go, she takes another step and decides to wear eye makeup for Gary.

"Taking more makeup than usual, I see," Allie remarks.

"Yeah, I'm gonna do my eyes tonight. I figure I'm never gonna get good at makeup unless I start using all of it. And besides, since I'm working as a whore, I might as well start looking more like one on my dates." Jill laughs.

"Wish me luck," she says, as she walks out the door.


Gary's in the lobby to meet her when she arrives at the hotel. "Hi, Jill," he says, "I've been looking forward to this."

"So have I, Gary. Are you ready for some fun?"

"Oh, you know it... but I need to ask you about something first," he says.

He takes her to a part of the lobby where they can talk without anyone hearing them.

"I have another little proposition that kinda came up unexpectedly," Gary says in a whispered voice.

"What do you mean?" Jill asks.

"Well, I was telling a friend of mine about our date tonight, he's a member of the Club. He's never seen you, but he's heard of you. So anyways, he was wondering if you'd be interested in maybe having a threesome with both of us?"

"You mean, tonight?" Jill asks, kinda shocked at the proposal and not sure what to say.

"Yeah, tonight, if you're interested. I told him the arrangement was just between you and me, and I didn't know how you'd feel. I told him I'd at least ask you.

"I told him you get $200 for a private date like this, and he said that's fine. So, if you want to, you can double your money, but only if you feel like it. You can make $400 instead of $200 for the same amount of time."

"Can I think about it over dinner?"

"Of course you can. You're not under any pressure whatsoever. If you feel like it, it'll be a blast. If you don't, then you and I will have a blast by ourselves."

Gary takes Jill to a table he has reserved in the dining room. When the waitress comes to get their drink orders, Jill orders a Tequila Sunrise. She's never had one before, but remembers one of the office girls at work talking about it.

As they look over the dinner menu, Gary tells her, "I was always going to ask Allie out on a date, but I never did. My wife Gina goes out with her girlfriend once a month. So I decided it'd be a good time to arrange a private date with you."

"Oh?" Jill asks, "Gina has a girlfriend? You mean like a romantic girlfriend?"

"Yeah... but she's not like a lesbian. She's had this one girlfriend since she was young. She and Susan were next-door neighbors and best friends growing up. When they came into puberty, they started exploring sex with each other, and they've been having sex together ever since. They've never done it with any other women, just themselves.

"When we were thinking about getting married, she told me about it. That's when I told her about my occasional desire to be with a man. We agreed we could be married and still have our extra fun on the side. It's a great arrangement and it's worked out very well."

"So you have a good sex life at home?"

"The best. Gina's the horniest woman I've ever been with, that's one of the reasons I married her. Her thing with Susan every month makes her even hornier when she comes home. We're both pretty much horny all the time."

After the waitress brings their drinks and takes their dinner orders, Jill asks, "So... tell me about your friend who wants to join us."

She sips on her drink as she listens to Gary. She's never had a Sunrise before, and she instantly falls in love with the taste of it.

"His name is Steve." Gary tells her, "He younger than I am, around thirty-six or thirty-seven."

"How old are you, Gary? If you don't mind me asking."

"No, not at all. I'm forty-seven and Gina's forty-five."

Jill asks more questions as she continues to sip on her drink. She's really liking it.

"So... what do you do? For a living, I mean."

"I started out as an accountant, I'm a licensed CPA. But that got kind of boring. I've always been good with numbers, so I branched out into financial planning and stock brokering. It's a lot more fun and four times as lucrative."

"What's financial planning?"

"I work with people to invest their money and help them plan for their future."

"That's interesting. Allie and I were just talking about that last night. What to do with our money."

"You mean, with the money you get from dating and tips at the club?"

"Yeah. We want to put it in the bank until we figure out what to do with it."

"I don't want to scare you, Jill. But you have to be careful how much of that money gets recorded, if we're talking about saving a large amount."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, are you paying taxes on that money?"

"No... I haven't even thought about that stuff."

"OK... Let's say you get ten or twenty thousand in the bank. What would you say if the bank asked you how you got that money?"

"Hmm... I guess I wouldn't know."

"That's why you have to be careful. Do you realize what we're doing tonight is illegal?"


"Well, technically, it's prostitution. Don't worry, you're absolutely safe with me or anyone at the Club. But if you were asked where you got your money? How would you explain it? Do you see what I mean?"

"Yeah, so what do I do?"

"Right now, just keep everything in cash. Don't put it in the bank. There are ways to hide money. I can help you out with that, but not right now. We're here for a different reason tonight."

Jill's finished over half her drink, and the tequila's making her light-headed. She starts giggling and says, "No, that's not why we're here at all. We're here to have fun. So... tell me more about your friend Steve, who wants to join us."

Just as Gary begins to speak, the waitress brings their food. Jill takes another sip from her drink and the waitress asks if they'd like another. Gary orders another but Jill decides to go with a 7up. She's glad she did because she's getting a little loose and still has half of her drink left.

As they enjoy a delicious meal, Gary tells her about Steve. He tells her Steve's an attorney and he's single. He and Gary get together for sex once in a while, on nights when Gary's wife is having sex with Susan. "I think you'd like him, Jill," he tells her.

Jill's getting more than a little drunk on tequila as she considers the offer. She thinks to herself, 'Do I really want to fuck two guys at once right now? It's not like I haven't done it before. Will I be too tired when I get home?'

She continues to ask questions. "What does he look like... I mean, is he thin? fat? in between?

"He's got a nice body. He goes to the gym a lot and has a fairly muscular build. He's got a nice dick. I know because I've sucked it a few times."

Jill thinks about what she and Allie talked about. 'I'm pregnant right now with the desire to be able to quit my job,' she thinks, 'Norm says take advantage of my opportunities, and this is an opportunity.'

"OK," she tells Gary, "Let's have some fun. I'd like to meet your friend."

Gary gets a big smile and says, "I don't think you'll regret it. Are we about finished eating?"

"Yeah... I'm full. The food was delicious." she says. In a playful, girly voice, she adds, "Now I'm ready to put something else delicious in my mouth."

Gary hands her an envelope and says, "Here's the key to our room and your tip.  Why don't you go up and get dressed while I call Steve. He lives about thirty minutes from here."

Taking the envelope, she gives him a sexy wink, and goes to her car to get her things.

She gets in the room, closes her eyes, and says out loud herself, "OK... it's slut time again."

She gets naked in the bathroom and neatly folds her pants. She lays them beside the sink with the pocket in clear view to entice an extra tip when the date ends.

She starts getting horny as she rolls the pink nylons up her smooth legs. Placing her fake tits in the cups of her transparent bra makes her bite her lower lip with lust. Looking in the mirror, she sees her half-hard cock pressing against her tight little panties and says to herself, "You hot little bitch, you."

The alcohol has loosened her up and she feels sexy putting on her red lipstick. As she puckers her lips, she thinks about the cock she'll soon be sucking, and it's making her cock twitch a bit. She's starting to get horny. She's getting into her whore mentality.

When she finishes her eyes, she looks in the mirror. 'Not great', she thinks, 'but not bad. I'll get better.' She hears the guys come into the room.

"Knock knock," she hears Gary say.

"Hi, guys," she says thru the door, "I'm almost ready. Give me another minute, OK?"

"Take your time, babe," Gary says.

Jill can hear Steve's masculine voice as he talks to Gary. She can't wait to meet him. She puts on her wig and it gives her such a thrill to see the slutty side of herself in the mirror. Her perky little titties stick out nice under her nightie.

She runs perfume up the crack of her ass for a finishing touch and says, "OK, guys, I'm ready."

"Well come on out. Let's have a look at you." Gary says.

She opens the door and grins ear-to-ear when she sees the two handsome guys waiting for her.

"Jill," Gary says, "I'd like you to meet my friend Steve."

Walking towards them, she says, "Hi Steve, it's my pleasure to meet you."

There's a warm feeling in the air as they greet each other. They all know what they're here for, and the guys are eager to get started.

"Hi, Jill," Steve says, "Gary told me about you. Thanks for letting me join you. You're much prettier than Gary described you."

He turns to Gary and says, "Are you sure she's not a real female?"

"I told you she was a beauty."

Jill's grinning and giggling from the tequila and the attention she's getting. She hugs Gary first and turns to hug Steve. Steve notices the scar on Jill's arm, but doesn't say anything. As Jill hugs him, he gives her a kiss.

"Mmmm... Nice lips," she tells him.

"Not as nice as yours," he replies.

Gary comes up from behind and presses himself against her, forcing her against Steve's chest. She's getting more turned on as she feels Steve's well-developed chest under his shirt. As Gary kisses her neck, Steve puts his lips against hers and she can't resist opening her mouth to invite his tongue inside.

She rubs her hands over his chest as his tongue accepts her invitation and enters her mouth. Things are heating up quickly and Jill's loving being pressed between these two very attractive men. The sweet scent of her perfume makes her tingle as she reaches back to feel Gary's body.

Steve's getting turned on running his hands all over her. "I love your body, Jill," he says, fondling her tits as if they were real.

"Mmm... I like yours too." She starts to unbutton his shirt and asks, "Can I see some more of it?"

With only half the buttons undone, she can't resist putting her hand inside to feel his skin. The light hairs covering his muscular chest makes her melt, and she tingles when Steve finishes the buttons and takes his shirt off for her.

"Oh my God... what a nice looking chest," she tells him, and she's not lying. She's never been turned by a man's body like this before. She hugs him and rubs her lips lightly over his chest hairs and kisses his nipples. Before she gets totally lost in his masculinity, she remembers she has another man behind her.

Turning around to Gary she says, "Am I ignoring you, baby?"

"Not at all, sweet girl," he says, "I'm enjoying this."

"So am I. I've never been alone with two sexy guys like this before. Let's get your shirt off. I've not seen you with your shirt off. I've only seen your bottom." she says, as she takes off his shirt.

She likes what she sees. Gary's chest is almost as muscular as Steve's. Jill's in heaven. She feels so feminine standing between these two specimens of masculinity far superior to anything she ever was when she was Jerry.

"Oh God, you guys... you're turning me on," she tells them.

Putting an arm around each guy, she pulls them close and starts kissing. Moving her head from side to side, she kisses them both and lets their tongues probe her open mouth. Her hands drop to feel their asses as their hands squeeze and lightly spank the skinny cheeks of her butt. Gary puts his hands around her waist to lift up her nightie.

"Do you mind if we take this off?" he asks.

"Oh yeah, take it off," she says, lifting her arms as they pull it over her head.

"I love your tits," Steve says.

"I wish they were real," she replies.

He fondles them like real breasts and says, "They're real enough for me."

Her hands eagerly reach down to feel their cocks, and both have gotten hard from all the foreplay. She doesn't realize that her own cock is hard as hell and standing straight up above her panties.

She realizes it's hard when Steve pulls the front of her panties down below her balls and grabs her cock.

"Holy fuck," he exclaims, "This girl is hung! I love skinny girls with big cocks."

"I told you she has a beautiful cock," Gary says.

Jill's feeling her woman strong now, and she gets on her knees to unbuckle their belts. She's feeling like a hot whore, ready to suck cock. She doesn't have to work too much on their belts. The guys know what she wants and quickly drop their pants for her.

Jill gets an erotic rush when those two beautiful cocks spring out in front of her face. She kisses one and then the other. Taking a moment to inhale their musky, male aromas; she holds one in each hand, licking their heads and putting them both in her mouth.

She looks up and sees them kissing each other as she kisses their beautiful cocks. 'This is fucking hot!' she thinks to herself.

She takes one of the cocks into her hungry mouth and bobs her head up and down while she strokes the other. She hums as she joyfully worships these two beautiful cocks. She's never felt so much like a girl than she does right now.

After twenty minutes or so of sucking their cocks and balls, she's ready to fuck. She stands up and they engage in a few minutes of intense three-way kissing, with Jill rubbing her cock against both of theirs.

"Holy fuck, you guys," she says, "You got me so fuckin' hot. Are you ready to get out the lube? Cuz I sure as hell am."

"Oh yeah," Gary says.

Jill tells him she left a bottle of lube by the bathroom sink. While he goes in to get it, she and Steve get up on the bed. Steve's in the middle standing on his knees, and she gets on all fours to suck his cock again.

When she was sucking both their cocks on the floor, she was so busy going back and forth she wasn't able to focus on either one. But now, with only Steve's cock in front of her, she's able to appreciate how delicious it really is. He's definitely larger than Gary, especially his girth. His velvety head feels so erotic as she rolls her tongue around it.

She hears him let out a moan when she swallows the shaft as far as she can. She wants to take it all in, but remembers how she choked on Allie's the other night and doesn't want to embarrass herself. Good whores don't choke when they're sucking cock.

As she enjoys giving him her complete attention, she feels a slippery finger run up the crack of her ass under her panties. Gary has arrived with the lube and she's about to be fucked. "Let's back you up a little bit," he says.

Jill is quick to obey as she backs up with her knees on the edge of the bed. She pulls Steve along with her, eagerly sucking his luscious meat all the way. "God, I love cock' she thinks. She wants to say it out loud, but doesn't.

As Gary pulls her panties down, he lubes his cock and inserts a finger into Jill's hot little hole. With a cock in her mouth, she feels Gary at her entrance and braces herself for what she knows is coming. As Gary enters her, she is surprised how her asshole opens right up to welcome him. There is no pain at all, just little erotic tingles around her sphincter as her asshole transforms into a pussy.

With a beautiful male cock poking her at both ends, Jill realizes even more how much she's become a cock-loving slut. Her body is so weak and tiny compared to these big, strong men. She knows she was always meant to be a girl, like the only reason she was even born, was just to please men.

She sucks Steve's cock harder as Gary slaps her ass and squeezes her skinny little cheeks. She's never been all that fond of being spanked until she feels Gary's strong hands squeezing one cheek and slapping the other as he fucks her. Each of his powerful thrusts pushes her mind into a deeper state of erotic submission. Every time Gary spanks her she feels increased heat on her ass. Her hole is on fire as she rocks back and forth between the two men.

Her eyes begin to water as each thrust drives Steve's cock against the back of her throat almost, but not quite, to the point of choking. After a good fifteen minutes of heavy fucking and sucking, Gary pulls his cock out of her pussy and asks Steve, "Do you want to try her hot little ass?"

"I thought you'd never ask," he replies.

Jill doesn't say a word. In her memorized state of submission, she rolls on her back in the middle of the bed and spreads her legs wide for Steve. The intensity of her submission increases when Steve puts her ankles over his shoulders as he mounts her.

His thicker prick enters her totally relaxed hole and slides effortlessly up into her pussy. As he fucks her, she locks her feet around his neck as the weight of his masculine body pushes against her legs and folds her in half.

She's totally in love right now. Not in love with the man inside of her, but in love with the woman she has become. Once again, she realizes this is her place, her natural role in the game of sex. The more she's accepted it, the more she's enjoyed it.

Steve fucks her in a powerful, yet caring sort of way. As he lowers himself to kiss her, she opens her mouth to welcome his tongue, just like she opened her legs to welcome his cock. He quickens the pace of his strokes as Jill rakes her fingernails across his back. His cock is driving her wild as she writhes and squirms beneath him. Her breathing becomes deep and fast as she feels Steve getting close to his orgasm.

She knows she can milk him if she wants, but she doesn't want this to end. She relaxes her ass muscles, wanting to prolong this glorious fuck a few more minutes if she can. Steve drives her to the edge of ecstasy when he sinks his cock deep into her and releases his pent-up load into her colon. He's so deep she barely feels the warmth of his semen.

She's on the verge of cumming herself, but not quite. As he slowly pulls out of her, he tells her, "That was one of the best fucks I've ever had."

Gary has thoroughly enjoyed watching his friend have his way with Jill and he comments, "Isn't she beautiful?"

"Oh, yes she is." Steve replies, "I think she needs to cum, don't you?"

"Did I tell you she has a sweet-tasting cock too?" Gary says.

"I'm about to find out," Steve says, as he lowers his head down to her cock.

Jill hasn't said a word as the two guys talked. She's still lost in her femininity, her mind spinning in circles as she experiences a deeper level of womanhood. She closes her eyes as Steve takes her cock into his mouth and sucks her in a way she's not felt before. As his tongue gently caresses her shaft inside his mouth, an increased passion for men consumes her.

Gary gets on the bed and puts his cock in her mouth, a move that only heightens her desire to satisfy him. Gary's been stroking himself as he watched Steve fucking her, so it doesn't take but a minute for him to empty his load into her mouth. As Jill rolls the cum around in her closed mouth, she slowly lets it seep into her throat, a little at a time.

Suddenly, her own balls begin to contract. "I'm gonna cum any second," she warns Steve, just in case he's not into swallowing cum. As her cum travels up her cock, she opens her mouth to gasp and lets the rest of Gary's cum fall into her throat.

She finds out that Steve's not shy about swallowing cum as her cock explodes in his eager mouth. Steve sucks it with more power as she jerks and shakes to the force of her orgasm.

When things settle down, she grins and says, "Damn, you guys, you know how to drive a girl wild."

"Are you kidding?" Gary says, "You drove us wild."

"He's right," Steve adds, "you're very good at this. This was such a treat. You have the sweetest tasting cum. I wish this didn't have to end."

Jill sits up and says, "Well, you know... we can do this again any time you want. C'mon, let's go into the bathroom and let me clean you guys up."

She gets up and takes a cock in each hand. She pulls them into the bathroom and wets a washcloth with warm water. On her knees between them, she cleans their limp dicks, giving them each another little suck as she finishes.

When she stands up, the three of them put their arms around each other and spend a few minutes in intimate kissing as their erotic evening comes to a close. Standing between these two naked, masculine men in her bra and nylons, Jill fondles their beautiful cocks one last time before they leave the bathroom.

Jill gets back on the bed to watch her two lovers get dressed. How she loved being able to spend time with them tonight. This wasn't work at all and she feels energized, not tired.

When Gary gets dressed, he goes into the bathroom and closes the door. Steve comes over to the bed and asks her, "Gary said you usually get $200 for this?"

"That's right," she says, "do you think it was worth it?"

Steve gets his wallet out and tells her, "Ummm... No... actually, it was worth a little more than that."

He pulls out three $100 bills and stuffs them inside her bra. He gives her a kiss and asks, "You wouldn't happen to be single, would you?"

"No, I'm deeply in love with someone right now," she tells him.

He gets a little sad when he says, "Shit, that's the story of my life. Everyone's already taken when I meet them."

"Just be patient, baby. There's someone out there for you. She just hasn't come to you yet."

"I've had a few girls fall for me," he explains, "but I can't fall for them. I don't think I can be happy with just a woman."

"I know just how you feel," Jill says, "you like cock and ass. Once you've sucked a cock, you can't ever un-suck it, and you can't ever forget it. And I could tell how much you like ass, just by the way you were fucking me. You really love it, don't you?"

"Holy shit," he says, "Your ass was great. I did love it. This is why I just can't commit to a woman. No pussy I've had can ever match the feeling of a tight ass like yours. No woman I've been with has ever let me fuck her ass, and a woman doesn't have a cock to suck either."

"Well, since you like fucking ass so much," Jill suggests, "I bet you'd love to date my girlfriend, Allie. She loves to be fucked as much as I do, probably even more. I fuck her all the time."

"The guys at the Club told me about her. I've just been afraid to ask her out."

"Well, don't be bashful. She'd love to go out with you. This is what we do, and we love doing it."

Gary comes out of the bathroom and Steve goes in to relieve himself. Gary pulls a business card out of his wallet and writes something on the back. He hands it to Jill and says, "I wrote my home number on the back of my card.

"We need to get together soon and discuss that little legal and financial matter we were talking about over dinner. It's something you and Allie really have to get clear about if you're going to keep doing this. I want to see you both prosper and not get into trouble with the IRS or with the law."

Steve comes out of the bathroom and overhears part of the conversation.

"I was telling Jill earlier about the legal and tax complications she might be getting into with her lifestyle," Gary tells him.

"You mean prostitution laws?" he asks.

"Yeah, that and tax evasion if the IRS caught up with her."

Steve tells Jill, "I wouldn't worry too much about the police. They're mainly looking for prostitutes who make trouble and spread diseases on the street. Those are hookers, and you're no hooker. Believe me, there are a lot of women in town doing this all the time, and as long as they keep it discreet, the police aren't going to bother them. As far as your finances go, Gary is the man. He'll steer you right."

"Thanks, guys," she says, "I had no idea. You've really opened my eyes. Do you have a business card, Steve?"

When Steve gives her a card, she writes their number on the back and hands it back to him. "Here's our phone number. Don't be bashful now, you give us a call when you're feeling horny for a girl like us. Either Allie or myself will be happy to take care of you."

"Thanks," he says, "I will."

The guys give her one final kiss before they leave her alone in the room. She is filled with a satisfying feeling as she collects the pieces of clothing they took off her. When she gets back in the bathroom, she notices that Gary slipped another $100 bill into the back pocket of her jeans.

'Fuck...' she thinks, 'I just made $600 tonight while I enjoyed one of the best fucks of my life. Can it get any better than this?'

As she rolls her nylons down her legs, she feels a little let-down, knowing she has to become a boy again before she walks out of the room. She wants to be a girl all the time now, and she's starting to resent the time she has to spend being Jerry.

The last thing she takes off is her wig before washing off the makeup. She dreams of the day when her own hair is long enough so she won't have to wear one. She combs her hair girl-style and walks down the hall on her way home to Allie.

Walking through the busy hotel lobby, she feels Steve's cum sloshing inside her ass and she chuckles to herself when she remembers Allie's words from the other night, "It's a whore's life."

Those words stick in her mind as she laughs and drives herself home. As soon as she walks in the back door of the apartment, her nostrils inhale the beautiful smell of fresh paint. "Hi Allie, I'm home," she yells down the hall.

Allie jumps off the couch to greet her. When she sees the grin on her face, she knows she's had a good night. "Looks like you had a nice date," she says.

"OH... MY... GOD!..." Jill says, "You have no idea. Roll us up a joint while I get these fuckin' boy clothes off my body. I can't wait to tell you all about it. I'm so fucking excited!"

Jill feels like such a woman walking back into the living room in her nightgown. She lays on the couch with her head in Allie's lap, gazing into her eyes as she sucks a big hit of marijuana into her lungs. As she holds it in, she feels the drug relaxing her and feels Allie's love looking down on her.

As Allie caresses her face and runs her fingers through the growing length of her hair, she tells her about the fantastic night she's just had. Allie giggles as she hears about the date turning into a threesome, and how Jill accepted the prospect of letting her body be used by two men on the same date.

When Jill finishes telling her about the sexual part of the date, she talks about what will turn out to be the more important part of the evening.

"You know Allie, the best thing wasn't the great fucking I got tonight. Gary told me about some stuff I had no idea about. Some shit we really need to learn about or we could get in a whole shit-load of trouble."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the first thing is, being whores like this is against the law. We're prostitutes now, male prostitutes... and if we ever got caught? It wouldn't be pretty for us. But he said we don't have to worry too much about that. Steve said that as long as we keep it discreet and don't do anything to draw attention to ourselves, the law isn't going to be looking for us.

"But here's the big thing. If someone, like a bank, or the IRS, ever asks us to explain where we got all our money, then we're in big trouble. We'd be totally fucked."

"So what are we going to do?"

"I'm not sure. Gary gave me his number and told me to call him. He said there are ways to hide that money, and he'll come over and meet with us and help us. He said for now, just keep everything in cash and don't put any money in the bank, where there would be a record of us having the money."

"OK. I guess that's all we need to do until we find out more." Allie says, then she changes the subject.

"You know what I did while you were gone? I read that book Walt gave you. I see why you liked it. For such a small book, there's so much in it to learn. I'm going to have to read it a couple of times, cuz I want those words to sink into my mind."

"I know... I'm going to read it again, too." Jill says, "I thought about what it said when I was at my date tonight. When I had to decide if I wanted to let Steve join the date, I thought about what it said... about how we're all the symbolic Virgin Mary. I remembered that we're both pregnant now, you and I.

"We're pregnant with the desire of wanting to quit our jobs and support ourselves. I had an opportunity to get us closer to having that baby. So I took advantage of it, and I made $600 when I thought I was only going to make $200. That's fucking incredible."

"Don't forget, baby, you got an extra $200 from them because you're such a great fuck."

"Me...? Holy shit, those guys were so sexy. Allie...! my fingers were trembling when I felt Steve's chest. I've never seen such a beautiful male body.

"And I was with two beautiful male bodies, not just one. They gave me such a good fuck I almost felt like I shoulda paid THEM! That's how fuckin' good they were.

"I hope you didn't tell them that," Allie laughs.

"Oh, hell no!" she laughs, "I told them they could fuck me again, any time they wanted... for $200... plus tip. Steve asked me if I was attached to anyone, and of course, I told him I was in love with you.

"I told him since he likes fucking ass so much, he'd probably love to have a date with you, since you like it so much too. I gave him our number, we'll see if he calls. I know you'd love to get fucked by him."

"It's amazing how opportunities are coming our way," Jill finishes.

"It really is," Allie says, "how just holding the thought of what we want makes it come to us. I couldn't see it when you were telling me about it. But after reading the book, I can really see how it works. When I got done reading, I got on the floor and did a meditation again. It was the best one I've had yet.

"I saw us living in our own house, and we owned it. It was a big house in the country, away from town. It was our own little world where we'd always be safe.

"And when I was thinking about it, I really did feel like I was pregnant, like it was growing in my belly. I know it's not really physically growing in my belly, of course, but it felt so real when I focused on it."

"Oh, Allie," Jill says, "That's a baby I'd love to have with you. It's so beautiful hearing you talk like this! We're really thinking as one person. Every day I love you more."


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A Fresh StartChapter 51 An Unplanned Guest

Marilyn and Suzie were over at one of the guest tables, talking to Anna Lee and Tessa. I am sure that Suzie was pestering Anna Lee about nursing stuff, and Anna Lee, the obstetrics nurse, was talking to Tessa about her pregnancy. I was over on the other side of the room, talking to Joe and a few of my frat brothers. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Marilyn, Anna Lee, Tessa, and Suzie all stand up and head out of the room. I commented to Bruno Cowling, one of my frat brothers, a fellow...

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NaughtyBlog Threesome

Are you horny as fuck to jerk off to threesome videos? I know you are mother fucker! And that is why I am giving you one of the biggest treasures troves I’ve come across in quite some time!I am fucking talking about NaughtyBlog.org.Threesome! Here, you will find a whole host of videos that will have you wishing and praying that you could get invited to a threesome. Even if it involves old pussy and tiny old man penis.But you do you! I’m not here to judge you! What I am here to do is to...

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A TRANS Formation Chapter 1 Bleak Beginnings

It's a cold, rainy northern Iowa afternoon in 1973. Twenty-three-year-old Jerry Jansen sits in the living room of his parents' house. There was sad apprehension in the room as he sits there with his mom, dad, brothers and sisters. He was leaving soon to start a new life in Des Moines.Jerry was discharged from the Army three months earlier. He planned to come back to his hometown and finally begin his life like everyone else did. After three months of unsuccessfully searching for a job, Jerry...

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Suzi Lees First Threesome

Suzi Lee’s First Three-some My old girlfriend Suzi and I had been together for about three years at the time this story took place. We were matched pretty well in a sexual way. Suzi was just as adventurous as I was, and within that three-year time we had experimented and done pretty much everything two horny young people could do together. We started dating when she was 16 and I was 18, we had been going together for only about a month when she gave me her virginity about three days after...

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Our First Foray Into A Threesome Chapter 4 Becoming A Complete Threesome

Seth was the first one to find the energy to move, sitting up and sighing contentedly. “Whew! That was amazing, but I think I could stand a break.”Richard responded, “I think we could all stand a break. I’m whipped.” He didn’t stop gently stroking my pussy, and the touch of his fingers, slippery with Seth’s cum, was the ideal way to slip back from the peak of my orgasm yet not leave it far behind. I loved his touch, and I knew that he’d always enjoyed the way I look, feel, and taste immediately...

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HQporner Threesome

Hmmm, how to put this? You are one lucky mothafucker who has been fortunate enough to stumble upon this review! I do all the dirty work, digging up superb websites for your sake, and there is absolutely nothing you do in return. When was the last time you did something for me? Luckily, I am a merciful god. Here comes another review.I've come up with a new approach recently. Find big-ass websites and do a review of one section only. It makes my in-depth reviews even more thorough and fine-tuned...

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Tranny in Toronto Chapter 4 Valentines Day Threesome

Introduction: Message me on forums and tell me whether you like my story or not. Thanks. I wrote this story in an hour, let me know what you think about it. Have a happy Valentines Day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discreet Couple Lookn For Valentines Day Fun – mw4t (DownTown T.O) Wife and I want to fuck a lovely female tranny on Valentines Day. Must be bisexual, message me. ________________________________________ Hello, I hope...

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Daughters DelightsChapter 33 Threesome

“Nicola darling, I know you are angry because I enjoy sex, and you think I should be too old for that, and I am your mam,” said Gwenllian a few days later, “But I do enjoy it, and I couldn’t possibly have just sex with someone in Cardiff. He would expect it to last, to be love and all that, ... and the neighbours would talk.” Nicola looked doubtfully at her mother; she was sure this was leading up to something else. “Yes mother?” she prompted. “Well, I thought that you had enjoyed sex with...

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The Mystical Formation of an Odd Marriage

The Mystical Formation of an Odd Triadic Marriage The Day Things Changed. Magic has entered the world & two eFlirters Becca and Peter happen to be in the same space, her blue eyed blonde 4'11'' frame locks eyes with his 5'10' dark ponytailed blue eyed being with his winged goatee proudly displayed, she's wearing wedge Roman sandals covering her fishnet stockings, they head up & under her schoolgirl skirt, her 34c breasts are nearly choked with a visible bra matching her...

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TransSensual My First Time With A Ladyboy

I lay naked on the freshly washed bed sheet and tried to get comfortable. There was the faintest aroma of lavender still prevalent in the air. Outside the open bedroom window, crickets chattered relentlessly in the trees and bushes. The air was deliciously cool. Unable to get back to sleep, I sat up in the bed and reached for the remote control. Whilst channel surfing, I happened upon a channel that offered live horoscope readings by day, and soft-core pornography after midnight. Accompanying...

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Trans Secretary CONTINUED

Part #1 Written by Stephanie Sarg "Monica Barnes smoothed her skirt before entering the office of her boss, Cord Drake, the CEO of the company that his father had founded thirty eight years ago! Like every other morning for the past two years, she brought along his coffee, her memo pad, and of course his copy of the morning paper! "Good morning, Mr. Drake," she said in an upbeat voice, "anything special on the agenda for today?" Cord Drake took the coffee from her out stretched hand and...

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Transfer Agency

Trans-fer Agency By Ku-GoWorking at a Transfer Agency was a boring job, at least it was until I met … her? The job in itself wasn’t boring just very repetitive, having to enter the same information up to 4 times in 4 separate locations just to get things done. I would constantly find myself dozing off in the middle of work. Many-a-time my coworker would have to shake me out of a day dream about some kind of sexually explicit encounter with one of the office’s rather good looking receptionist,...

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Trans step sister

When I graduated high school my mom remarried. It took some adjusting when we moved in with them. John was my new step dad he was kind of a hippie guy. His daughter was transgender. Kate .She was a tiny thing very petite 5’3 pale skin and skinny. She would walk around in her bikini. She had little boobs and as much as I looked I never seen a dick in her bottom. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. Actually she’s very cute. We got along fine and I was her protection when she needed it. It...

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Trans Porter

I went to Brazil for the Olympics, a hot wild and sexually liberated country. You can see things there that you would not see in many other places, including transsexuals. The transsexual culture there is huge. On many beaches, girls in bikinis do little to hide their "packages" and walk around like a normal woman. For all intents and purposes, they are woman, and very sexy ones at that. My name is Nigel and I am 26 years old, I have long dark hair and a close trimmed face, I have dark eyes,...

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Trans NOT sisters VS zombie apocalypse FINAL CHAPT

All characters are over 18Béa was sexy a femboy when she found a wild runaway boy. She raised him and together they grew up into beautiful transvestites. Discovering each others body and transforming together they soon became lovers, living perfect girl life together until zombies attack the city. The girls discovered that people could be cured by having sex. They just rescued the news star announcer Jim J.J Johns so he can tell the whole world how to cure zombies. One last thing remains to be...

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