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At one time I was a cyber hound. My first chat experiences were with the old WOW. An internet provider from CompuServe. After a while the cyber got old and I was actually beginning to feel used. There are very few good people with enough imagination to make a great cyber lover.
Well I was always interested in getting into the lesbian chatrooms. Eventually, I made up a character named Cris_sy. I couldn't believe how many proposals for cyber sex and conversation I got while I was in character. Well, I'm not gay so I never would do the cyber thing with the males. I had done quite a bit of thought on the Cris_sy character before I actually used the nickname. In general, Cris_sy was a young girl about age 14. She was a virgin and had very little sexual experience. However, she could tell one hell of a good story! And she had several. Cris_sy was not bisexual in the strict sense. She had one small experience with her best friend. She was more "curious". This is a chatroom term for someone that likes to hang out in the lesbian rooms and maybe engage in cyber sex with a woman but not in real life. This was quite a while before I had even discovered the newsgroups or the great stories they contain. Cris_sy's main thrill was masturbation and swapping stories with people. This way, I could talk to men (I was mainly interested in women)and not worry about cyber. Nobody got hurt because we wouldn't have cyber sex.
I naturally told one of my brothers about my character and he got a big kick out of it. Later on he told me about a guy at his work that was having a really great time on the internet and having cyber with all kinds of women. When my brother told the poor bastard about me and my character named Cris_sy, the fool about shit his pants! The dumass hadn't even thought that someone could or even would pose as a female.
Some of these stories that I have read are really great. Others are quite badly written. However, I do appreciate that at least they gave a contribution to the stories lovers out there like me. A little while ago, I decided that I would stop my work on my novel, and write about Cris_sy.
If you what to give me feedback, on this first story, Email me at
1 THE START OF SEXUALITYHi, My name is Crissy, I am 19 now and in college studying business and computer science. I am a small in stature but evenly proportioned for my size. At 4'10" and 90 lbs., my size has made me self-conscious and shy, until recently. I have light brown hair and a 32"-20" -28 figure. Even though I am a small person I became pubescent a trifle early. At 14, I already had a fairly decent start of a bush and breasts.
I am an only child, so I never had the experience of an older/younger sibling. My parents are pretty cool for the most part. My mother is a working professional along with my dad. They were in their early 40's when I came along. They love me a lot and I love them too. From early age I was told repeatedly that pregnancy could make it very difficult to have a professional career, and that abstinence was the best way to keep from things getting out of hand. I was not allowed to date without another couple or group for the most part until I reached the age of 18. There were a few exceptions. Actually, I was too shy to even get to know a boy close enough that he might ask me out. I understood, even at 14 when most girls my age were not as fully developed as I was. The boys were always looking at me with those cow eyes because I was one of the few girls that actually had "tits". Like I said before, I was very shy. My friends were mostly girls. Maybe a few boys at school. But in general, boys at that age are pretty immature, Their idea of a great time was popping a girls bra strap.
Then, one day my parents subscribed to the online service WOW from CompuServe. They were the first company that had the $19.95 a month for unlimited time on the Internet. I already had a computer in my room, and before long I was addicted to chat. I found that I could be a different person online. I could be 21 and nobody would even know the difference. I learned to be bold, assertive, and even sexy. A LOT of fun to be around. My nick of course was Cris_sy. For the sake of ease of typing, I'll shorten it to Crissy. How was I to know that the name would draw all the cyber people to me like flies on shit. I'm not kidding, sometimes they would drive me crazy with paging me and asking "Hey baby, wanna cyber?" The very first time I cybered with someone, they started pretty slowly, but then when they started with the OLE "Then I stick my nine inch cock up your ass" I nearly fainted! I was so grossed out that I cussed them out and left the room. The offending asshole kept on following me from room to room apologizing. I got scared. I mean really SCARED! Well that was the incident that drove me to BooBoo's Cave (a room name). The room was full of people having a great time. Naturally, Mr. Assfucker followed me to the room. I asked him to please leave me alone, but to no avail. Just then BooBoo, the op of the room intervened in my behalf. He told the jerk to leave me alone. When the jerk wouldn't stop, he booted him right out of the room. That made him a hero in my eyes. BooBoo asked if he could speak to me in the attic (cyber talk for in private). I agreed and pretty soon we became great friends. He was 43 and married. I confessed to him that I was only 14. Mr. Asshole thought I was 21 of course. BooBoo told me to hang on a minute and paged the asshole and told him my age. That did the trick. He never bothered me again. I told BooBoo that I had tried cyber with the guy and when he started in with the ass fuck idea, I freaked. Well, pretty soon his room emptied out. I found out later that he turned his "ignore knocks" on. That's the way that a person can prevent people from entering a room and not be interrupted. We were alone.
From now on I'll use dialogue to ease the writing and call BooBoo "Bob".
"So, Crissy, what made you decide to try cyber at such an early age?"
"Well, I dunno, It sounded like a good idea at the time, He seemed nice and I was horny. How was I to know that he would turn out to be a perv!"
"Crissy, can I be frank with you? I really don't want to sound like your parents, so please will you listen to me?"
"Well, okay, give me the royal ass chewing."
"No, not an ass chewing. Just some cyber survival facts."
"You don't need to worry Bob, I'm never gonna do that gross stuff again!"
"Don't let the one experience form your opinion of the subject Crissy. All you need is to learn who the good ones are. Believe me there are a few of them out there. Compared to most of them out there, very few good gentle cyber people. It takes creative people with creative imaginations. Here are a few good pointers."
Never let anyone know where you live.
Never use your real name.
Anyone that just comes into a room and asks "Hey baby, wanna cyber?" has no imagination and is probably a dickhead. A good cyber person will just sorta naturally lead you into it. You'll realize at some point that you are in the middle of cyber and it'll be great.
Never, I repeat NEVER meet anyone that you meet online. Especially alone. This is VERY important! Especially if they know your real age.
Remember that you never really know just who a person really is. They could be a male pretending to be a female or vice versa. Or, it could be a predator who is looking for sex with kids while pretending to be a kid themselves. I know this from experience. "What do you mean experience Bob? Are you trying to get into my panties?"
"Lol Hmmm well discuss that at another time Crissy, What I mean by experience is that one time I discovered that I was cybering with a man. Boy was I pissed!"
"No shit? Lol, I never thought of that! I would be pissed too! What happened?"
"Well Crissy, it was when I first started chat and about a week after I discovered cyber. He just came out and told me that he was a bisexual male. Ever since then I would ask what their panty hose size was. If they didn't know that, the jig would be up. By the way Crissy, What size pantyhose do you wear?"
"Lol! I wear petite of course! I've already told you about my size."
"Lol you passed the test."
"So I take it that you are one of those men that are addicted to cyber Bob?"
"No Crissy, cyber got sorta old after a while, I rarely do it anymore. But when I was going strong, I was one of the best! What I like best now is true stories. Sex stories. Actual real life experiences. That way nobody gets hurt. It doesn't matter if they are male or female cause we're not having sex."
"Bob, Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure Crissy, anything you like."
"Are sure you won't get mad?"
"Well you'll never know until you ask me will you?"
"Okay, here goes, I hope you don't get pissed cause I really like you so far."
"Likewise, Crissy."
"Well what would your wife say if she found out you were cheating on her with cyber?"
"Shit, Crissy she knows all about it. It's not cheating anyway. Just fun between two people. As long as it doesn't develop into the real thing. I love my wife too much to let that happen. I tell all my cyber lovers that I'm married and that we'll never mee t. I'm telling you the same thing too Crissy. I'll never ask where you live or try to meet you in real life. No matter what you and I might do online."
"Ah hah! I knew it! You are one of those pedo's that are looking for sex with minors!
"Okay Crissy that's it. You just insulted me.I think you should go now. I haven't asked you for sex. Have I? Good bye Crissy, It's too bad. You seem to have a good imagination. You could've learned a lot.
"I'm sorry Bob! I guess I got the wrong idea. Please give me another chance?"
There was a pause at this point.
Pause "Will you at least tell me what you meant by your last remark? Then if you want me to, I'll go and you won't have to put up with me anymore."
Short pause "What I meant Crissy was that you could trust me. Whatever happens, you don't need to worry about me. I'm safe. It takes just the right situation anymore for me to even think about cyber anymore. I know it may sound dumb coming from a man but I started to feel used. I was the one doing all the giving and very seldomly got anything in return "
"Please forgive me? I promise I'll be good."
"Okay Crissy, all is forgiven. But before we go on, remember what I said about stories? Nobody gets hurt?"
"Well That is what I'm into now."
"Shit Bob, I'm still a virgin! I don't have any experiences to share."
"Sure you do Crissy. Everyone has experiences. It all depends on their imagination."
"I thought you wanted true experiences."
"That's right."
"Okay Crissy, I'll risk it. Just don't get all pissed and start insulting me again okay?"
"Risk what Bob?"
"I'm gonna ask you a few questions okay? If you don't want to answer, we'll just stop okay?"
"Okay. You can ask me anything."
"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
'No, sorry. I'm an only child. Why do you ask that?"
"Well, sometimes siblings will explore, to find out about their own feelings."
"Oh! I have a girlfriend that has three horny brothers. She's told me a few things about them."
"See Crissy? That could be a possible story."
"Yeah maybe, but it's not my own experience."
"Okay, here's another question. Do you masturbate?"
Short pause, I turn very red.
"It's okay Crissy, really. Most people do. As a matter of fact, I still masturbate."
"Really? But you are married! "
"Yes, But masturbation is a personal experience Crissy, Sometimes it's nice not to worry about getting the other person off or sometimes my horns come out and nobody is around."
"I know what you mean, my horns seem to be out all the time lately."
"I tell you what Crissy, What about if I tell you about one of my experiences and then you can tell me one of yours. How does that sound?"
"Hmmm. Okay, but what do you want to hear about from me?"
"I'll leave it up to you, but if you remember your first orgasm, that'll make a good story."
"Boy, do I ever!"
"Lol. Good. What do you want to hear about from me, adult or young experience?"
"Oh, God that's easy. Young experience. Do you have brothers or sisters?"
"Oh yeah, Three sisters! I was the only boy."
"Tell me about an experience with one of your sisters then."
"Okay, This is about my first experiences with my sisters. Now just sit back and read. Just give me a letter now and then like "k" just so I'll know you are still there."
"Can't I ask questions as you go along?"
"Sure Crissy, But you don't need to."
"Okay, go ahead"
Chapter 2 - Bob's tale"Well, My older sisters were 2 and 4 years older than me. My youngest sister was about 2 years younger. I was about 11 I think at the time so the oldest sister was about 15 and then 13 got it?"
"Katy, the youngest, was in the bathtub at the time. I went in to take a leak. This was fairly normal cause there were 4 of us kids and we had only one bathroom to share. Our parents had a bathroom but we couldn't use it unless we had a dire emergency. I w as sitting on the toilet and looking curiously at her. My body was just starting puberty and the OLE hormones were starting to take over. She saw me looking and just smiled at me and spread her legs a little more for a better view."
"Really? I'd have been too embarrassed to do that".
"Well remember, We grew up together. Seeing each other nude was no real biggie. Except for my older sisters. They were more mature than I was and weren't so free with the booty shots. Kids get that way when they start developing. Anyways I chuckled a little at Katy and said to her that boys were better than girls cause they have dicks and girls ain't got nothing but a little slit. The poor little girl face just clouded up and she started crying. I was quite proud of myself and got up and left the bathroom."
"Boys can be such twerps"
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Oral SexHi friends mai Viraj apni dusri story leke apke samne hajir hun ye story hai ki kaise maine anju aur hamari naukrani ko choda ye mai aapko batane jar ha hun. Toh dosto meri pehli story didi ki kamuk jethani ko choda se achi feedback mili toh ye dusri pesh kr rha hun toh dosto anju ko toh aap jante hi hai meri lund ki diwani ban gyi hai jb bhi mauka mile hath se chutne nhi deti Toh baat un dino ki hai jb hamri chodne ki dastan suru hui thi and mai ghar pe hi tha toh hua yun hamari ghar mai jo...
I was surprised but moved over to let her join me. I put my arm around her. I quickly found out that she was naked! She rolled to me and I felt her breasts bore a pair of hot holes in my chest. She whispered, "I bet you didn't expect this!" I whispered back, "Not in my wildest dreams." She continued to whisper. "I don't want to do anything but I did want to sleep with you tonight. I want the comfort of your arms around me. You don't have to do anything but lay here and ignore me."...
Hi ! everybody. Welcome back. I am a regular reader of Andaharvasa’s ISS & it is my 2nd submission of Anubhav. Humble request if you have not read the 1st chapter, pls read and proceed to chapter. 2 so that you could understand each and everyone and the situations involved without any further inintroduction/repeatation. Continue now.. In our department, (in 1995-96): 4 ladies & 3 more gents excluding self & Jeso; they are namely: (Meena Ghate – Marathi, 29 years, married-hot un-happy mood, No...
My Long Weekend With MomGrowing up, it had always been just Me and my Mom. She had me really young, when she was in the middle of doing school. From what I know, she was in a relationship with my father at the time, but it had always been unstable and she left him shortly after finding out she was pregnant. She has always been Superwoman in my eyes, but looking back; I don't know how she managed it all. With raising a k**, finishing her Master's degree and being a working Mom being just the...
Hi dosto mera naam arbab hai mein karachi ka rehne wala hun meri age 28 hai aur mein aik bottom hun.Meri gaand bohat bari aur gol matol hai.Meri pichli kahani mein apko mene bataya tha k mein gandu kese bana aur kese mera naukar meri gand marta tha.Khair ye baat tab ki hai jab mein univeristy k chakar mein akela rehta tha.Meri university ghar se door thi toh mene university k karib aik flat rent pe lia aur wahan rehta tha. Mujhe gand marwane ka bohat shoq tha aur mere pyaray thoko mere naukar...
LOCKED SISSY SISTERS by Throne It had started out simply enough. Two kind-of-boring guys married to two rather attractive young women. After a while each gal suggested spicing up their love lives by trying some new things. The guys went along with it enthusiasticly. Wife #1 introduced super-sexy lingerie and a vibrator. Wife #2 decided on 'hooker' shoes and some prolonged foreplay with massage oil. The guys were ecstatic. So when their brides each suggested putting them into...
I wrapped up a few reports by five, then headed home a bit earlier than usual. There was a play I wanted to catch at the Stuart Street Playhouse--some long-winded title about the pitfalls of modern dating. I thought that laughing over someone else's dating follies would be nice for a change, and the play had gotten complimentary reviews. Even though I had chosen the early show, the place was still packed. Luckily for me, there was a single seat in the middle of the fifth row that was still...
Introduction: Wifes First Time With a Dog This is the third of the eight related stories involving my wife Bree and their friends. They are all in sequence and should be read in this order, The first story is actually a prequel involving my then long-term college girlfriend, Kate, (Bree 1 – Kate) which lead to Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise, this (Bree 3), the third story with Bree being the main participant, The fourth story is the sequel: Bree 4 – Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey,...
As I entered my one bedroom apartment, it was a relief to be back at university. I spent the break at my parents in New York and I had found the whole experience frustrating.My name is Sania. I was born in New York but you would not think so from looking at me. I dress very conservatively in full islamic clothing. I wear a niqab and jilbab. My family is a traditional muslim family and originally came from India, long before I was born. I never had any freedom at my parents home. From the age of...
It was a hot day in the Chihuahua desert...the lovely virgin miss Hayek was in her stagecoach in this old west when the stagecoach was attacked by cowboys. They shot and killed everyone onboard but the beautiful Salma Hayek. She bolted away, knowing she would be kept as a sex toy. But they caught her quickly. ?Don’t resist miss, or you will dearly regret it.? one man said, as he brutally smacked her with a massive cattle whip. She screamed and fell to the ground in tears...her dress...
Part 3: If you haven’t already, please read “Just what the Doctor ordered” parts 1 and 2 on my home page. It had been several weeks sense my last encounter at the doctors office. The stars and the moons had not aligned to allow me to go back to be serviced again. I’m Trying hard to get used to my caged cock, keeping me from masturbating on an average basis. Funny, when you can’t masturbate, all you can think about is masturbating! The day finally arrived. I get dressed up in...
Lora and I just laid around most of the day not doing much of anything other then enjoying each others company. I know we only just got together a short time before but, at just a look we seem to know what each other was thinking. We made supper together, and when I was looking in the fridge I was a can of whipping cream, and my first thought was I know what's for desert. Lora seen what I was holding and just shook her head but, had a smile at the same time. After we ate we went into the living...
I got to Jenn quickly. She still had the camera pointed at Julie and the crowd of young guys around her. She pointed at the floor as I got to her and I saw that she had grabbed my clothes for me.“Put them on,” Jenn said. “You need to take care of the camera for me. I’m going to have to pee really soon.”While I was getting dressed I asked Jenn how many guys Julie had been fucked by so far.“Well,” she said, “She’s had nineteen guys cum in her ass or her cunt. It’s difficult to tell where they...
IncestThe thick and busty Jade Kush has set herself up with quite the rigorous exercise regimen. She always starts with a pre-workout that consists of push ups, resistance training, and then intense stretches. Once she’s nice and warm, she has her trainer give her the realest part of her workout which is the hardcore sex. She works her neck and calf muscles by performing a downward dog cock suck, then gets rammed in elbow stand to build up her shoulders and core. Follow up with a protein filled shot...
xmoviesforyouCarly and Cora two kissed again then fell asleep. Devon woke them up to let them know that breakfast was being served, then kissed them to show that it was going to be alright. She knew what they were thinking, she told the couple, "Mom should see if it's twins. I know it's early but my gut tells me that it's twins. Please get it checked out so mom doesn't get too worried and hurt the baby?" Both hugged her tight, letting her cry herself out before they boldly told her, "It's alright....
I am Diane I am a typical twenty something young woman in every way. Well, except for the fact that I have grown more and more sexual as my husband and I explore exciting sexual situations and encounters. I am five foot six inches, 127 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length auburn hair and I have been told I am beautiful. I love to dress to show off my body that I work hard at the gym to maintain. It’s the New Year and as a manufacturers representative, it’s the slow season. I...
So when i was 25 i was going out with a nice girl called Laura who was 20 and i'd met when i was on a night out with some friends. She had a nice figure and we'd got chatting and got on well and arranged to go out for a few drinks together then started going out properly as a couple. She wasn't really much of a tights wearer and as she didn't really need to wear them for her work she only wore them now and again although after a few months of us dating i did tell her i was a leg man and liked...
————————————————– May the golden butterfly lead you throughout your reading of the journey of the last MacEirc royal bloodline ————————————————– Chapter 1 The story began when Coinneach was just a little boy. The servant picked him up and kissed him once on the cheek. Tears streamed down as she cradled his tiny body in her arms. Together they penetrated through the chilling mist of the border-crossing bridge, leaving the lines of carriages due for another transit post in Beinn Dearg....
Some people go to the gym to check out the beautiful people. Some people go to the gym to become beautiful people. I go to the gym so I can maintain my soda habit and not have to buy new clothes. I suppose that working out is good for me, but the sugar and carbonation offset the benefits. I guess I could be exaggerating a bit. I am six feet tall and only fifteen pounds heavier then would be ideal. I enjoy working out, and I am in pretty good shape for a guy of fifty. My wife likes me without...
Straight SexSo recently it was my wifes birthday. She didn't want to do much so I suggested we just go out for maybe some appitizers and drinks. She said that would be nice so se sent the k**s to her mothers and went out. We went and grabbed something to eat and a pitcher then went to an old hangout we havent been to in a few years. We ran into an old friend of mine she hasn't met and we sat with him and started drinking. She was asking how long have we known eash other and stuff and next thing it was...
Shannon opened the door as she got home from work. It had been a while since she had worked and it was her first day, but it had been a decent one. It was a little dim in the house, which was a surprise to her because she knew that Brian should be home, usually on the computer and the light would be on. But once she opened the door, she saw just exactly what was going on. There were candles lighting a path. A path that obviously she was meant to follow. As she set down her purse, she saw the...
Rhiannon is in town for a short while and is approached by Marcus, who can’t help but admire Rhiannon’s beauty. He explains he likes keeping the company of attractive girls who call him daddy. Marcus helps Rhiannon out so she can have a great time while visiting England, and in return, he wants to have dinner at his flat. It doesn’t take long for dinner to turn into fucking, and Marcus couldn’t be happier. Rhiannon rides his cock and lets Marcus do whatever he wants with...