Stories Of The Relic: The Book Of Keilari - Part 1- Prologue free porn video

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Stories of The Relic: The Book of Keilari - Prologue By Alexander Kung Bell Air 1991 Michael Sanderson considered himself a man of wealth and taste, The ultimate connoisseur of the finer things in life. Born into an immensely wealthy family, he truly felt he was entitled to the very best, because he could afford to. "I'm a Sanderson" he chuckled to himself as he walked about his grand estate, "I deserve nothing but the best!" Opening a secret door,he made his way down toward a private basement, relishing his dirty little secret. Taking each step with anxious anticipation, he could only imagine the fun he would have today. Wealth was fine enough but it was remarkably boring. What he craved, like many people in his position was power. For most that was a high ranking job or political office, but that was far too pedestrian for him No for him it, was power over a person ,control and dominance over women to be exact. Oh sure, he could pay a few prostitutes to play the part but that was so far beneath him. It was ridiculous to have to deal with absurd safe words and silly things like personal safety. Worse yet it wouldn't be real, just childish role play really. No, wanted it to be real, he craved it, he needed it and he deserved it. He caressed the large leather bound book he had tucked under his arm ever so lovingly. It was a marvelous find, worth every penny he spent on it. He had heard the legend of course, who hadn't in the circles he traveled in? A live in the flesh Keilari vampire, the ultimate slave. Had he not seen her with his own eyes he wouldn't have believed it! She was everything he dreamed she would be, submissive and obedient with just a hint of defiance in her eyes to make it that much enjoyable. She was by far superior to human slaves that broke so easily. With her he never had to pay her, never had to apologize to her and even better...never had to hold back She healed at a remarkable rate, a fact proven when he broke her fingers slowly one by one and even cut off her thumbs with a pair of gardening shears. By the next morning they were in perfectly fine condition as if nothing had happened. Her screams were a delicious honey to his ears. Last night was especially wonderful as he tried that new trend on her, body piercing. The best screams were when he slowly pierced her nipples....It just gave him shivers to think about. According to the legend there was an idiotic curse about the previous owners dying early but that was just pure nonsense. Maybe it was because they unable to handle what they had, because they were weak. Of course, that was it! But he was different, he was stronger, he knew that he was. He had her barely a month and she was under his total and complete control. As he entered the basement he almost immediately noticed she wasn't where he normally had her chained down. Reaching for the light switch, flicked the switch up and down but it was no use the light wouldn't come on. As he walked into the dark basement almost arrogantly without a hint of fear, he licked his lips in delight as he wondered what punishment he'd inflict on her for her defiance "You're only making it worse for yourself" Michael Sanderson yelled with authority " Now get out here where I can see you!" A broken spiked collar slid into view from the shadows. Bending down to pick it up, he realized far too late that he had just sealed his fate. She was fast, in a half of a heartbeat she was on him. Leaping out of the shadows, she grabbed him hard him by the throat and lifted him off his feet with inhuman strength. She slowly squeezed, thoroughly enjoying seeing his eyes bulge out as he gasped for air. A wry fanged grin covered her face as he actually had his nerve to try to beg for mercy. It was typical of these cowardly humans she thought. With a simple twist of her wrist she ended his life, breaking his neck with a sickening wet snap. Dropping his limp body on the floor by the stairs, she tearfully wondered if her suffering was finally over. She wondered if that she'd finally be free of this horrid curse she had to endure for hundreds of years. As her former master's heart finally stopped beating, the broken collar on the floor started to emit an throbbing eerie glow. It slid across the floor repairing itself as it did so. It then floated off the floor for a second before flying across the room the room and violently reattaching itself around her neck. As she struggled with it, the book opened on its own accord behind her. She let out a desperate scream as she was sucked into its flipping pages. Soon all was quiet as the book floated into a nearby box awaiting its next owner ~O~ San Francisco 2010 Christopher Kagawa scoffed as he walked past the large billboard on his way home. It read: By bestselling author Chris Tome, the latest in book the popular Dark Fathoms series; Blood rain. "Boy, they're shoving that damn book down everyones throat" thought Christopher as continued on home "It's not even remotely good" He should know, he was Chris Tome. The enigmatic reclusive author of the highly popular Dark Fathoms' series of books. He sighed in frustration at the fact the book was out at all. He had worked tirelessly for over two years on that damn book. Then between the various rewrites, editing, condensing and of course the ever present executive meddling from the higher ups at agency, they completely shit all over his hard work. The book was now nothing like what he originally wrote, instead completely changed to appease the general masses. Needless to say Chris was pissed "You have to think from our end" his agent tried to explain "Dark Fathoms is a money maker and we needed to make sure Blood Rain appealed even to the lowest common denominator. Don't take it personally, it's just sound business" "Yeah, of course" thought Chris "That's what it was always about,right? Money and appealing to the general idiotic masses" Chris had started to really despise people. He could count on one hand the few persons he did like, but people, in general he started to greatly dislike. People as mass organism will sway and bend to whatever way the popular wind was blowing. Thinking for yourself? That's sooo last century! The mass organism of people have and always will have hypocritical shifting morality, intolerance to anything not in the current norm, and will always be two faced. Always ! He didn't always feel that way. When Dark Fathoms hit the shelves, Chris was lauded as a literary genius. But as the book gained popularity, so did the hate. Soon he was no longer a genius but an untalented hack. The book still sold well but with each addition to the series brought even more hate, soon it began to become too much. So he started hating them back. Opening the door to his large loft apartment, he stepped inside and took a deep breath. He had to admit, one of the perks of being a bestselling writer was being able to live well. Not too shabby for a kid that grew up dirt poor in the foster system. Walking into the kitchen, he unpacked his groceries. A small little meow was heard as a tiny kitten walked into view. "Hello Kimari!" Chris said "Did you miss me?" The little kitten purred and rubbed up against his leg as if it was answering him. The kitten was given to him by his neighbor, Denise, one of the rare people he liked. It helped relive the loneliness that he sometimes felt in his life. But most of the time he liked his solitude. And this little kitten was a lot better than people were Petting the kitten on the head and giving it some food, he went to answer the phone that had been ringing nonstop since he entered the apartment. Picking up the phone he already knew who was on the other line, His literary agent. And no, he was not on his people he liked list. This guy dwelled more in deep bowls of the shit list. When he first started shopping around Dark Fathoms, this agent was the only bite at the time. But one of the first things he did after signing a contract was to give him a pen name, Chris Tome "Christopher baby," he explained "You gotta understand how the business works, your name is just too ethnic for mass appeal" "What the fuck was too ethnic?" Chris thought "Now, going around pounding a gong where ever I go while wearing a kimono and eating everything with a fucking pair of chopsticks, that might be too ethnic" "Chris, Baby!" his agent said "It doesn't look like Blood Rain is selling as well hoped it would, and the critics are taking a shit all over it" "I can't imagine why" Chris said sarcastically "Look, i told you it was business, nothing personal!We took a risk and it failed" "Who the fuck is we? You and your damn agency take my book that I spent two years of my life on," Chris said growing angrier " FUCK IT UP AND DUMB IT DOWN AND I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO TAKE IT PERSONAL!?!? "I can see your upset but honestly that's in the past" said the agent dismissively "What we need to talk about is a new book, something to ignite a new trend." "Well I have been working on something" said Chris "Really? That's terrific!" said the agent excited "I'll set up the meeting with the publishers.... " "No, you won't...." said Chris flatly " Because I have no intentions of giving it to you" "But the contract.." "Was for the Dark Fathoms series only" Chris said coldly "Which you guys totally fucked up! I'm not giving you guys another chance to mess up my work" "I know you're upset but this time will be different" pleaded the agent "You damn right it will be" said Chris "because you're fucking fired" "But, you cant...." "Nothing personal, Just business" smiled Chris as he hung up the phone "Damn that felt good!" Sitting down at his desk he fired up his computer and opened the word processing program.... There was no new book, just two words "She was..." and that's it. As the cursor flashed, almost mocking him, he turned to look at a picture he always had on his desk. A rare warm smile appeared on his face as picked up the small framed picture. In the picture was a rotund older black man in a Hawaiian shirt and a baseball cap with a neatly trimmed white beard and the biggest wide smile you'd ever want to see on a person. Beside him was a Japanese kid about 13 years old with an equally wide grin holding a large fish. "I wish you were still around, Moedie" Chris said sadly "I definitely could use some advice right now" Setting the picture back down and turning off the computer, he went back into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of rum "Hey Kimari" Chris said taking a swig "I think it's time to celebrate, so let's get shit faced!" ~O~ *KNOCK KNOCK* Chris groaned as he cracked his eyes open. Yeah, he was a fucking lightweight. One stinking bottle of rum and he was definitely paying for it the next morning. The knocks at the door echoed even harder against his throbbing head. "Who the hell is stupid enough to bug me at..." he thought looking groggily at his clock "...the crack of noon!?" Painfully getting up from his bed, he went and to the door preparing to give whoever was pounding his door a though tongue lashing. Grasping the doorknob he yanked it open in sheer annoyance "Hiya, Chris-tee- feer" said sugary sweet melodious sing song voice "How are you today?" It was Denise, his next door neighbor. She was the the ultimate walking contradiction. Being a self-employed fetish photographer, she certainly lived the life style. Her bright red hair styled in two twin pigtails and her perfectly arched eyebrows and high cheek bones enhanced her already exotic Latina good looks. She was always dressed a mix of leather, latex and whatever else looked sexy. To be honest she looked like a ball breaking bitch of a dominatrix. But indeed that is where the contradiction really stepped in, because she was the most utterly cheerful and sickeningly sweet girl he had ever met, almost to an annoying degree. It was as if someone had transplanted the dna of a hyperactive care bear into her. He had first met her when he first moved into the loft and due to the idiot mailman mixing up their mail, she quickly deduced he was in fact Chris Tome; whom she was a big fan of. From then on, she had took it upon herself to involve herself into his life as his unofficial personal assistant. At first maybe, it was because he was Chris Tome, but later it was just because she felt the recluse could use a friend. She truly meant well, but more often than not her antics caused more than few headaches for him. Such as the horrific blind date she set up that almost made him wnat to hang himself. Still, her sweet bubbly and almost innocent nature was only reason he didn't tell her to fuck off and die as he did to many of the other members of the human species. "*Sigh* What do you want Denise?" Chris said painfully "Just checking up on you to see if you're doing okay" Denise said cheerfully "Haven't you been watching tv? Blood Rain got destroyed by the critics, even Oprah says it sucks" "Yeah, well I didn't write it for that fat bitch" said Chris dryly "I don't own a tv any more, remember I gave it to you? Besides that shit'll rot your brain" "Oh, cheer up you sour puss!" said Denise "Are you sure you don't need one of my tampons?" "Is there a reason you're bugging me?" Chris in annoyance "Or did you just come to my door to tell me what I already know and to imply that I'm flowing heavy." "Well the mail came and some of your stuff got mixed with mine... again" Denise said "Let's see, two royalty checks and ooooooooh, a large package in a plain brown box. Are things so bad that we have to resort to the old five knuckle now?" "Thank you, Denise" growled Chris snatching his mail from her "There is only one depraved sex pervert in this building and I'm looking at her! Besides, since when do lesbians know about the 5 knuckle?" "I happen to be bi, you moron!" said Denise "And I'm not a pervert, I'm just very comfortable with my sexuality" "And taking weird pictures of models wearing latex and simulating sex acts with all four basic food groups is called?" "It's called art!" Denise said defensively "Don't give me a bad time about it, work has been slow and my damn camera broke" "*sigh* Turn around" Chris said "What? Why?" "Just turn the hell around!" said Chris using her back to write on something "Here, buy a new camera" "Dude....This is your royalty check from Blood Rain" said Denise in shock "I..I can't accept this" "Correction" said Chris flatly "That is a payoff for that unreadable drek that they decided to slap my pen name to. I don't want it so I'm signing it over to you. Cash it or shred it,I really don't care!" "You are so awesome!" said Denise taking the check and giving him a quick hug "So are you going to tell me what's in the box?" "!" said Chris slamming the door in her face "You know, if you were anyone else, I'd be inclined to think you were an asshole!" she yelled at the door "I AM AN ASSHOLE AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!" came a yell from the other side "NOW GET LOST!" With an almost comedic humph, she walked away from his door with a small smile on her face "An asshole huh? Yeah right" she thought "Assholes don't give their friends a $50,000 royalty check without even blinking" ~0~ It was late at night and Chris still couldn't sleep. Sitting at his desk, he stared at his computer screen still unable to overcome the metal blocks that hindered his writing. As the blinking cursor mocked him, rubbed his head in frustration, not even his tried and true muses were working this time. It was a trick he picked up from Moedie, using old books to gain inspiration. Lining his walls were various first editions and handwritten books written by the great authors and thinkers of times past. From Hemingway to Salinger and all the way to Nietzsche and Machiavelli, the books provided a link of sorts to the past that he could draw from. But tonight they were no help what so ever, as if the old masters were somehow punishing him for compromising his ideals in letting Blood Rain be published. Even if he had nothing to do with that end, it was as they were saying "You're on your own now" Sighing he slid his old books back into their display cases. Turning back to the screen, there the words were "She was...". He could never seem to get past the two words. It was irritating the hell out of him. Just as he was about to turn off the computer and settle in for the night, his eyes fell on the package he received earlier in the day. Opening it, he was surprised to see that it was the book he won in an online auction. Talk about speedy delivery. It was barely $100 and he was the only bidder but something told him that it was special somehow. Inside the box was a note: Dear Mr. Kagawa, Congratulations on your winning bid on our online auction. Enclosed with your purchase is a certificate of authenticity. Unfortunately there is not much known about this book other than it being roughly about 500 to 700 years old. It was previously held in a private collection of one Mr. Michael Sanderson and came to us via estate sale about 2 years ago. As for the author and subject of the book in question, I couldn't tell you as its written in a language I have never seen before. The illustrations are ....Interesting to say the least. Obviously for an acquired taste other than my own as I couldn't go past the first few pages without getting sick to my stomach. However to each their own I guess. Regardless, I hope you enjoy your purchase and we look forward to your future patronage Jessie Taylor The Relic Tyson's Cove California Ah yes the kid from the little store he visited on one of his many travels. Good enough kid but just too damn nice for his own good. He could remember when he used to be like that. But with the world as nasty as it was, it would eat that kid up if he didn't toughen up. "Here I am talking like a crotchety old man" Chris thought "I'm barely 23" Snapping on a pair of latex gloves, he gingerly removed the book from the box. The kid must have been smoking something fierce, because there was just no way in hell that this book was that old. It was in just too good of condition to be. The blood red stained leather cover was perfectly soft and pliable, the pages were still flexible and smooth. He knew from experience owning old books, that even babied perfectly taken care of books, do not look this good. Still it was just a 100 dollars and obviously he was still a stupid kid in training, so he was willing to over look this without making any trouble for him. Besides it was a really unusual book anyway even if it wasn't old. Opening the book, he notice that there was indeed writing he had never seen before. It was a mishmash of symbols, glyphs, and gibberish. Hmmm, Michael Sanderson why did that name sound so familiar. Oh yeah, the rich televangelist they found dead and stark fucking naked at the bottom of his basement/sex dungeon all those years ago. The scandal was before his time but even when he was a kid everyone still talked about it. Hell there was even a school yard rhyme about it. How did it go again? Oh yeah: Sanderson, Sanderson was a dirty old man. Was found dead with his dick in his hand. Walking down the hall while pulling his pud. Then he fell down the stairs and landed with a thud. Chris laughed at the irony. It was no surprise to him that that a televangelist would own a book like this or have a sex dungeon. It just solidified his view of humanity even more. It's funny how those that those quick to condemn people to hell are not only the ones going themselves but probably the first one there to open the gates. Shaking his head, he washed the thought out of his mind, he had better to do that to waste thoughts on stuff like that. He had a book to write Turning the page he saw the first of many illustrations. It was a naked girl ,no more than about 19 he guessed, strapped to a large x surrounded by various people in 15th century clothing. Sometime around the Italian Renaissance he guessed. The black and white illustrations were remarkable, almost photographic. The girl was intriguing to say the least....... Moving back to the keyboard, Chris cracked his knuckles and started to type as he looked at the illustration. He just might have beaten this writer block thing yet. "She was intriguing to say the least." He typed "She had a..dafghuiiphuipd;fbgjipqghbujvbmghbru" Looking down he saw Kimari, making himself good and comfortable on his keyboard. The little kitten always did that when wanted attention. "Not now! I'm working" said Chris gently scooting the kitten off and placing him on the floor "I'll play with you later" Undeterred the kitten hopped back on the desk which wasn't a good time to do so as Chris was just turning the page of the book. The slight jolt of surprise caused him to cut his finger on the page,slicing right through the gloves making him drip blood all over the pages. "Kimari! Now look what you made me do!" Chris said simultaneously trying to bandage his finger and wipe the blood off the book "I hope this.... His words were cut short as the book slammed itself shut. His eyes grew big as the book started to slowly spinning as it emitted an otherworldly glow. It then rose off the off the desk floating in the air. "What the fuck?" Chris thought in slack jawed awe "This...This isn't possible" A tendril of red colored energy shot out from the book, wrapping around his right wrist. Chris screamed in pain as it seared his flesh. The pain was agonizing, dropping him to the floor as his eyes clamped shut. The book wasn't done yet, it continued to spin faster and faster before erupting in a blinding white flash. Its job seemingly done, it then fell harmlessly to the floor. Groaning Chris slowly picked himself off the floor, wondering just what in the hell just happened. Taking quick look at his wrist, he noticed he had been branded somehow. It didn't hurt all that much anymore, but it was still disturbing none the less. On his inner wrist was a well detailed looking Bat bound by a chain that wrapped all the way around his wrist. But was completely and utterly disturbing was what was on the floor. It wasn't there before, he was more than sure of it. But it was there now. "Holy SHIT!" Chris blurted out in a slight panic "I'm the Japanese OJ" On the floor was a motionless half naked girl. Her skin was chalk white pale with long raven black hair down to her back which had a large bat tattoo similar to what was on his wrist. She wore nothing but a spiked collar around her neck and what looked like a leather chastity belt. She was filthy, covered in dirt and grime but at the same time she looked kind of sexy. "Oh, no you don't!" Chris said to himself "It's bad enough there's a dead girl on your floor without delving into those kind of thoughts. What the hell am I going to do! I can't go to jail, my ass is too cute!" Pacing quickly back and forth he desperately tried to calm himself down. "Okay, Chris" he said to himself " You are many things, an anti social asshole misanthrope bastard, that a complete given. No argument there. But you are not a murderer! And besides she might not even be dead..." He slapped his head in realization that he didn't even check for a pulse. Leaning down to check on her, he sighed in relief as he saw her bare chest rise and fall as breathed softly. He blushed softy as looked away, not exactly used to being around women so...naked. Averting his attention to her face, he had to admit she was quite beautiful. She looked just like the....... girl in the book. No this wasn't possible....As he slowly reached out to touch her face, her hand slapped it away as her eyes snapped open. Chris gulped as he looked into them, they were beautiful a purplish blue but they weren't human. The cat like pupils were a sure sign of that. She had such an angry look on her face, growling like a wild animal. The biggest surprise was when she hissed at him. There was no mistaking it, he'd had written about them enough. She had a pair of fangs and she looked like she was well versed in using them "Oh Fuck she's a....a Vampire" thought Chris held up his hands showing he meant no harm As soon as she saw his hands her entire demeanor did a complete 180, acting almost submissive and demurely. Following her eyes, he noticed she was staring right at the symbol that was on his wrist. Was that somehow causing her to change? "Uh....hi!" Chris blurted out, not exactly knowing what else to say. Exactly what does one say to a snarling half naked vampire girl covered in dirt and grime? ~O~ She growled in frustration, so this was her new master it seemed. He had the mark so he must be. Strange, that he was so young, but then again they were all young compared to her. Still this one was far younger than any of her former masters, a baby really. She tilted her head in curiosity as she looked at him, He was strange looking to her. His spiked looking black hair with red highlights was cut short, almond shaped eyes that were a very light brown, and dressed in very strange looking clothing. A top with no sleeves (tank top) and trousers that stopped before his knees (jean shorts). In another lifetime perhaps she might have found him very handsome despite his strange appearance but he was one of those disgusting humans. Worse yet.. he was her master as the curse demanded. He would be just as cruel and heartless like the others before him were, she sure of it. And he would die just as painfully. "You're not going to drink my blood are you? asked Chris She shook her head quickly no with a look of absolute disgust on her face. While she was a Keilari,and needed occasional feedings, she despised human blood. It tasted sour and rancid, and even if it didn't, she wanted no part of any human...not anymore "So you're not going to hurt me?" he asked "Only because I can't at the moment" she thought as she shook her head no "If it wasn't for this curse, I'd tear you limb from pathetic limb." "Not much of a talker are you" Chris finally relaxing "Can you even talk?" She shook her head no "But you can understand me right?" said Chris "Obviously, you stupid imbecile!" she thought as she nodded her head yes "Okay so you can't talk but can you write?" She nodded her head. Of course she could write, she was a Keilari; she was nobility. At least she used to be. "Wait, right here!" Chris running over to his storage closet She looked in disgust and slight fear as he went to his obvious torture cabinet. She stiffened in fear as he rummaged through the various items as each one was more scarier then the next. First it was an iron bludgeoning club (metal baseball bat), A giant stabbing spike(basketball pump), flesh biting devices (jumper cables) and the last thing she wasn't quite sure what it was but she didn't like the look of it.(scuba gear) Grabbing a small purple tablet from the scuba gear, he then quickly shoved everything else back into back into the closet and raced back to her. When he found out he wasn't going to eat him, he felt relived but also excited. A live in the flesh vampire. Perhaps he'd be able to pick her brain before she left, or went back into the book or wherever she went to. She looked at him very suspiciously. She didn't know what the little purple thing did but knowing humans it wasn't good. She was sure of it. "This is a dive slate" Chris said handing it to her "I used to use this when i used explored underwater caves. You write on it like this and erase it using the lever on the bottom. Here,try it!" "Stupid! Humans can't breathe under water" she scoffed "Still this is an odd little device" It was strange, she'd write with a pen that had no ink and with a flip of the lever the words disappeared. It was kind of fun. Write...*click*...disappear "Okay" Chris said "Enough playing, I need some answers" "Ugh, leave it to boring masters to shut down any sort of fun!" she thought "Typical humans, only interested in giving pain!" "Let's start with your name" said Chris "I don't have one" she wrote "You need to give me one" "What? Why me?" "You are my master now" she wrote " If you want me to have a name, you have to give me one!" "Whoa Whoa Whoa" Chris said with a cocked eyebrow "Come again? What's with this master shit?" "You made the contract when your blood touched the book" she wrote "The mark on your wrist is the proof of contract" "How long is the this contract?" Chris asked becoming visibly worried, looking at his wrist "It is a lifetime contract" she wrote "Or until I'm strong enough to fucking kill your ass" she thought "That can't happen soon enough" "Well I have no desire for a slave, so how about this" said Chris "I will emanci.... The mark on his wrist glowed brightly as he dropped to the floor in sheer pain. The vampire smiled slightly as it did so but also seemed a bit confused. Was he really going to free her? No it was a human trick, they're cruel and deceptive like that. "A human master cannot break the contract" she wrote "Only a Keilari master can do that" "What's a Keilari?" Chris asked painfully "Is that like another name for vampire?" She huffed in annoyance as if thoroughly offended. He was obviously a baby if he didn't know what a Keilari was. "Do not confuse the noble Keilari..." she wrote while glaring at him "With a common vampire. We are very different!" "Oh yeah? How so?" asked Chris curiously "We just are!" she wrote looking away angrily; almost pouting with a slight blush Chris really used to think that idiom of women looking beautiful when they were angry was the dumbest thing he ever heard. But with this girl, it really had some merit to it. She was very distracting, though it might have something to do with her still being topless. His dick didn't mind as it pressed painfully against his jean shorts. "Wait right here" said Chris racing to his room Quickly going through the drawers grabbed the first t-shirt he saw and ran back into the living area. The girl was now on all fours hissing at the kitten, who despite the difference in size was not backing down. With his ears peeled back and shooting back a hiss of his own, the little guy was not about to give up an inch of territory to this weird intruder. Chris stifled a chuckle, because as strange as it looked, it was kind of... cute. "Kimari, leave her alone" he gently chided patting the kitten on the head Bored with the game anyway the little kitten trotted off in search of more mischief elsewhere. "My cat isn't food, got it?" Chris warned gently to the girl tossing her the shirt "Here put this on" She looked at the strange piece of cloth in a sort of odd confusion. Having not worn any sort of clothing in a long time, she had no clue as to what it was. "You don't know how to put on a t-shirt?" Chris sighed in frustration "Fine, here let me show you" She sneered as the human took off the top half of his clothing. A baby he might have been but he was in a lot better shape than her other masters. His torso was chiseled quite nicely as if carved from from the finest marble. He had strange black markings on his body not unlike her own. She would almost would be attracted if he wasn't human. It was a well established fact to her, that humans were cruel, disgusting and distasteful creatures. "Okay do everything that I do" Chris said demonstrating "Put your arms through the holes like this and slip it over your head like this" It took a few tries but she eventfully got it, finally covering her generously endowed breasts with the pierced nipples. Not that he didn't enjoy the view but it was very distracting had he still had tons of questions to ask. "Okay now that your dressed ..sort of" Chris said not exactly comfortable with any of this "I got a few more questions to ask" She was highly confused of his inquisitiveness, did he truly not know the rules of the curse? All the other masters did. They were quick to let her know that she was nothing more than their property, and she was sure he'd be no different. "Okay where did you come from?" asked Chris "The book" she wrote "So you were trapped in the book?" "Yes" she wrote "Well now that your free, you can go home now" said Chris "Where do you live?" "Here" she wrote "Here in San Fran?" asked Chris "or is it Oakland?" "What's San Fran or Oakland?" she thought in confusion "Towns, maybe?" "No, Right here....with you, my master" "Hold it... I said you were free to go home" said Chris "Saying something doesn't make it so" she wrote "I told you, only a Keilari can release me. I am bound to you for the duration of your life!" It's a good thing Moedie was gone now, because Chris could only image his reaction to this crazy ass situation.He could just hear him now: "What the fuck is wrong with you, boy?! Owning Slaves?!? I ought to kick your little bony ass on general principal alone! I thought I taught you better than that!" ~O~ Chris tossed and turned in his bed. Despite his many attempts to get the girl to leave she wouldn't, claiming she was bound to the curse of that damn book. She was a defiant and hard headed little shit. He could tell by looking into her eyes she wasn't exactly happy with the situation. "Well that makes two of us" he thought "I already got one crazy girl trying to intrude in my life I don't need two" It wasn't exactly a situation you could call the cops on. 'Hello 911? Yeah I got a weird vampire chick who won't get the hell out of my house! Where did she come from? She magically appeared half naked out of an old book I bought off the internet' Yeah, that would go over quite well with SFPD Sighing and getting back up, he went back to the living area. Hitting the light, he noticed her huddled in a corner right where he left her after he stormed out the room in frustration. Annoyed that she wouldn't just leave he had told her to stay in the spot and not to move. She had complied obediently. "Hey don't you sleep?" He asked "No, I do not!" she wrote glaring at him "Why not" asked Chris "I'm not allowed to" she wrote "Says who?" "Masters" she wrote Groaning he went back into his room and grabbed a pillow and a blanket. "Come here" he said leading her to the couch and setting the pillow on it "You say I'm your master and that I'm stuck with you right?" he asked her She nodded as she looked at the floor. She knew it was going to begin, the start of another brutal torturous existence. She knew he'd be no different.... "Until I can figure out what is going on here, I guess have no choice but deal with you" he said roughly "Lie down and put your head on the pillow" She climbed on the strange piece of furniture fearfully not knowing what sort of horrors he would inflict on her. But she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of her tears, she wouldn't even scream. "In this house everyone sleeps, got it?" Chris said spreading the blanket over her She was really confused now. Just what sort of game was he playing? She yawned trying to fight the heaviness in her eyes. He was a weird master and even weirder human. She didn't trust him because humans could never be trusted... again... Chris shrugged as the girl finally closed her eyes and settled into a somewhat peaceful slumber. He on the other hand wasn't going to be able to sleep. Not with all this crazy shit going on. Heading back to his computer he turned it on, illuminating the room with a soft glow. He turned to look at his guest on the couch hoping he didn't disturb her but she was soundly out. Turning his attention back to the screen, he started to type. "She was a strange but intriguing girl. Where she came from he didn't know but she stalked him like relentless prey. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that but......" Chris smiled as his fingers typed rapidly as if of their own admission. He got his mojo back! He was writing.... ~O~ From the couch, a tiny clinking sound was heard as a small crack was formed on the girls collar. She slowly opened her right eye ever so slightly. It was no longer a purplish-blue but an evil looking blood red color. A sinister smile appeared on her face for just a moment. "Soon" she thought evilly before closing her eyes and settling back to sleep...........

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By Any Other Name Prologue

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Dabbling in Water Prologue

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My Baby Sister Prologue

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Alices True Adventures Prologue

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My First Gay Gangbang Part 1 Prologue

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The lost book of Slytherin

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Second Time Through Book IPrologue

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The Book Store The otherside of the story part 2

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Cathy DouglasPrologue

I wrote these two stories as separate stories but realised that at some stage I would have to join them up to enable readers to follow both without getting confused — mainly since Chris Henderson's story started mid-way during the Cathy story and ended several chapters before Cathy's end. So this is the amalgamated story of Cathy and Chris. I give you the prologues from both! CATHY DOUGLAS This story is set 3 years ahead of the events in George Douglas; and it follows on from Veronica...

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By Any Other Name Prologue

An Erotic Novel of Suppression and Freedom Prologue “Forgive him, for he believes that the customs of his tribe are the laws of nature.” George Bernard Shaw (1856–1959) Winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize in Literature “Corazoncito, flagelo y soy flagelada. No hay medio más seguro para despertar mis pasiones que una buena azotaina”(108). Donatien Alphonse Francoise de Sade (1740–1814) from Julieta o El vicio ampliamente recompensado...

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The New Life Prologue

If you want to check out some of my other stories, they can all be found on my profile. Thanks for reading! The New Life (Prologue) Chapter One Mikael, a 35 year old man, witnessed his wife lose her fight with cancer last week. She had been battling it for the better half of a year. Those 8 months were the worst of Mikael’s life. The worst part was having to explain to his 8 year old daughter that her mom was never going...

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The Dark Veil Prologue

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The Darkest Veil Prologue

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The Ebonhard Secret Prologue

*This is the Prologue to a story I've been thinking up for a while now. I can assure you this: there will be plenty of hot sex, hungry women, and Relentless black cock. I've also got some drama in mind. If you read this and like it, please comment! I want to hear your thoughts. Now read on and enjoy!*THE EBONHARD SECRET Night. Inky darkness seemed to pour in through the windows, broken only by city lights shining from far below and the immense twinkling of the stars above. Quiet steps echoed...

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The Kingdom Prologue

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sexual frustration act 1768 The Prologue

THE PROLOGUEEngland mid 18th century was a lawless place, marauding bands of demobbed troops roamed the streets fighting all and sundry. Women were out of control, many spending time in the branks, which did not seem to deter their offensive behaviour. Pub fights were routine and **** a common offence. No one appeared happy and all appeared irritable.This was not the sort of England that Farmer George wanted to reign over. Thomas Hobbes’s works on the social contract had been studied, as had...

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EGirl The Gift Prologue

E-Girl - The Gift Prologue: At the center of the multiverse, there is a small moon-sized planetoid. On the surface is a large tree, whose branches give the impression of giving shade to the whole of Creation. At the base of the tree is a dwelling that looks like a traditional North American native teepee, and it would have looked quite natural on the North American plains. What steps out of the teepee would not have looked as natural. It was a coyote. In fact it was the...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Flexible Morals Ch 01 and Prologue

Author’s note: This probably won’t be relevant in the future but I’m taking a break from Arms of the Ocean for a while because I can’t get it to work properly in my head and I need it to brew some more. In the meantime, I give you this, a story that I wrote a while before I began submitting things to Literotica. It takes place in the same universe but the names of races, locations and a few other things have all been changed (Mostly as a way of separating erotic from non-erotic in the event...

4 years ago
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A Winter That Burned Ch 00 Prologue

Masters: I hope this tale drags you into a world that belongs to only us- SaintlyMouse ******** Prologue: ‘This way, shh, quietly now,’ Senka led the panting woman into her dim chamber. She secretly sighed with relief when she noted that the room had not been disturbed. The queen hissed as Senka forced her to keep walking. Senka, though smaller than the great sovereign, supported her with no more than a little arm around her waist. Queen Tiren-se slumped heavily on the girl, straining...

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©This story is an original copyright. Any similarity is pure coincidental. Forgery or publishing without the permission of the author is fraudulent. This is my second attempt. Critics are welcomed (as usual). I know that I have been receiving many critics due to my lack of judgment regarding my first submission so I try to make this story more understandable to all readers. I hope I have improved much with this story. So, please, comment! Thank you! * PROLOGUE: THE BEGINNING Tuesday May...

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Virtual Slavery Prologue

Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...

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Saint Nicholas School of Whores prologue

This is simply the prologue for an idea that I think would make a good story. The feedback will decide whether or not I pursue this further. There will not be much sex or action in this chapter, but if more chapters are requested they will be considerably more graphic. I've tried to write what I feel would be something that could, in a very crazy world, actually happen. If you enjoy and would like to read more please leave a comment. [b]The Saint Nicholas school of whores Benjamin...

3 years ago
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Preludes Ch 00 Prologue

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Protect and Defend Pt 00 Prologue

Prologue Kabul, Afghanistan Leo Yamasato came through the door and looked into the eyes of the enemy with a calm he did not expect he possessed. He took several steps forward slowly and come to stop in the middle of the room. The door closed behind him, its light wood frame made almost no sound except the latch catching. Leo stood with feet just shoulder-width apart, as his glance captured every relevant detail of the 3 guards in the room all pointing an AK-47 at him… and the merc holding a...

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Eternal Awakening Prologue

Now that that is out of the way, I'm reposting this series because I truly loved it and it can no longer be found unless you have the right sources. I want everyone to be able to enjoy it and read it so I am sharing it again. If you have any authors from this sight that cannot be found anymore, I might be able to find their work and repost it. I plan to do Captius' Eternal series, and his defiance/divided, I also plan to repost most of the original work of Ka Hmnd. Without further wait, I...

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Sugar Cane Epilogue and Prologue

Sugar Cane Revisited – The Prologue Obviously this adventure had to end sooner or later. Our host of characters can’t simply hang out on an island hideaway forever. As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!! Where will we go form here? Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time. The fantasy of leaving it all behind. The fantasy that made that country song “Take this Job and Shove it”...

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Molly Prologue

Prologue It happened by accident. But that is what they all say, right? I think of myself as a nice guy, but the list of those who would disagree gets longer every day. Every time I indulge the darkness within me, I end up with someone who despises me. It all started after my divorce. I was hurt by my ex-wife’s betrayal and I couldn’t think straight. At least that is what I tell myself so my conscience doesn’t eat me alive. Of course, that assumes I have a conscience. Based on what...

2 years ago
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More Than Friends Prologue

Prologue Mid - April A single house in a street thumped with the pounding music of the house party inside. Light still streamed out of the windows, among all of the other houses which had their lights turned off after midnight. Inside the house, which was full of teenagers, who were either blind drunk or getting there, an incredible event was unfolding. Three girls were sitting on a couch, making out. Arianna was the blonde, sitting on the couch, her D cup breasts were suppressed...

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Solomons Daughters Prologue

Hope you like it!! Also any reference to historical figures is completely fictional if it offends you….. My Bad!! Glossary: Djinn - is a genie, magic lamp, wish granting, believed in ancient times to be demons, and therefore evil. They are neither demons nor evil. They are generally just mischievous or really pissed. (Have someone stuff you in a tiny ass bottle and see if you’re happy.) King Solomon the Wise- um….He was very wise and powerful sorcerer. Said the be the son of...

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Dabbling in Water Prologue

Prologue The creaking window sill did little to disguise the noises that erupted, like a flowing river of sound, from the room within. Gasps and groans could be heard from within. A male voice grunted as he released himself inside of his lover. Then, the woman followed suit with a gasp and moan of her own, also finding the heavenly release of orgasm. The night air was silent. The lovers lay in quiet contentment with their achieved feat. "Tarrin, my love, when must you return?" the...

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A Beautiful Wish Chp 00 Prologue

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Prologue Beyond the Cliffs of Torment there was nothing.  The sunset cast its dying glow on the seas, crashing against the black volcanic rocks of the cliffs. Large curtains of steam blasted off the meeting between stone and sea, as the waves mixed with the liquid hot sludge cascading down the rock face of distant mount Hatred.  Any normal man would have stayed worlds away from this dreadful place, but Sir George of Battlehaven was no normal man.  He fought in...

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Totally Chesty Prologue

(NOTE: This is a crossover between Totally Spies and Art Wetherell’s Treasure Chests. All characters 18+ and all rights reserved to the ones who own/created/produces/distributed/broadcasted them. I am doing just for fun and not for money intentions TOTALLY CHESTY – THE SERIES By Victor2K and Sgt. Snake PROLOGUE Steelport… A seaside town, just an ordinary town at the coast. That kind of place where everything seems peaceful and even boring at times. Why a city like this might get the...

4 years ago
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Diavolo Prologue

Prologue Gabriel entered the dimly lit room. Machinery whirred and blipped. His sweet grandmother lay in a nest of wires and tubes, her silver hair a frothy halo around her head. She looked so frail, this woman who’d raised him with an iron fist. She’d wiped his nose, swatted his behind when he misbehaved, and soothed his fears when the nightmares had threatened to overwhelm him. She’d been his rock, his fuel, backing him up in his crazy dreams of stardom until they became a reality. ...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Persephone in Winter Prologue

 Prologue Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placed the last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for no particular reason. The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breeze played with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of her daydream. The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of her breasts as she reached to close the trunk lid, then settled smoothly over them again as she turned to the boy to tip him. She...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Out Of Afrika SsynopsisPrologue

Out Of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B.Synopsis;Rhino Electronics, a South African company, successfully negotiates setting up a US subsidiary to manufacture and market its innovative Mobile Phone. However the phone is not all that it seems for it has capabilities that are hidden to the user; in truth it is a portal for posting subliminal messages to the user to do very explicit and compelling things when told by the Black managers of the company. The residents of Hawksville have no...

3 years ago
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Totally Chesty Prologue

(NOTE: This is a crossover between Totally Spies and Art Wetherell's Treasure Chests. All characters 18+ and all rights reserved to the ones who own/created/produces/distributed/broadcasted them. I am doing just for fun and not for money intentionsTOTALLY CHESTY – THE SERIESBy Victor2K and Sgt. Snake PROLOGUESteelport…A seaside town, just an ordinary town at the coast.That kind of place where everything seems peaceful and even boring at times.Why a city like this might get the attention for a...

2 years ago
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Karen and Michellersquos Sad Story Prologue

Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.PrologueStory SynopsisThis is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years later. Because of her...

4 years ago
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Kinky Vanilla Prologue

Introduction:A short, vague beginning to a long seriesA word of warning: I am a very wordy writer and my stories are almost more about the stories and characters than the sex. If this isn't your cup of tea and you're looking for raunchy stories that get right into it, this story and others by me are not for you. This chapter is the prologue and is thus intentionally vague to begin with and somewhat heavy with exposition. I predict this series will go on for many, many chapters but I know it...

2 years ago
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Intense Crush Prologue

This is an imaginary story of how I got together with my crush. My crush is a real person though. She was about 5 ft tall, had a dark complexion, had straight, long, dark brown hair. Every time she would let it down, she would look so sexy. I fell harder every time I saw her. We started out as friends. I eventually developed feelings for her. As a topic of interest, we had talked about our compatibility as a couple. We knew a lot about each other, the good and bad stuff. I even offered to kiss...

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