Weird Science
- 2 years ago
- 20
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"Are you ready for me lover?"
"As always sexy lady."
"Come on then; let's go up and see your surprise."
"Oh yes lover; you will be surprised."
And I was.
I entered the bedroom to see my mom in a four way with Terrell, Marcus and one other black guy that I hadn't seen before and two more black guys were standing there watching and waiting for an open hole.
"That's your mom (Mary whispered in my ear) reliving her glory days. She was the basketball team's private slut in her senior year. There were three white guys on the team, but they had girlfriends who wouldn't let them get even close to Madge. She showed up here at four. Said she didn't want to miss even a minute of the fun."
"That's not much of a surprise. From the way she said, "Maybe. We'll see" the last time we did this it really isn't much of a surprise for me."
"Oh no lover; this is not the surprise. The surprise is across the hall in Tom's bedroom."
We walked over to Tom's room and the door was open and I looked into the room and saw Gloria on Tom's bed. She was in the doggie with a white cock in her pussy or ass – couldn't tell from where I was standing – and a black cock in her mouth. There were four other guys getting ready to join in or wait their turn.
"She arrived at five-thirty, said you had told her all about what we were doing and she wanted to know if she could play too. She has seen your mom and the question is do you want her seeing you with your mom?"
"She didn't run screaming from you and Tom so I doubt that other than the initial surprise it will bother her. I'll probably get razzed over it, but that will be about all."
"Then how about you get your clothes off and let us get to it."
We joined mom and her group on the king sized bed and Marcus gave me a smile and a 'fist bump' as I settled in between Mary's legs. After that it was pretty much suck and fuck in various combinations as the twelve men sank their cocks into the available holes of the three women.
I did get a raised eyebrow out of Gail when she came into the room and saw me with my cock in my mom's ass as two other guys whose names I didn't even know used her other two holes. About an hour later I did get a whispered:
"Now I know why I'm only getting Thursday and Sunday."
Mom had to leave at ten to be home by ten-thirty and Marcus walked her out to her car. He was gone a good fifteen minutes and when he came back I teasingly said:
"Going to dump Natasha and go after the married white lady?"
"Would you keep Tash happy if I did?"
"Don't think so. I'm pretty sure she got her young white boy fantasy out of her system. She said no when I asked her if she would like to do it again. The white girl good enough to pull you away from your magnificent Nubian Queen?"
"Not hardly, but I do like playing with Madge. I'm trying to set something up for other than a Wednesday. I'd kind of like having her to myself once in a while."
"Well good luck with that."
"I heard through the grapevine that you made a few enemies and earned some respect the other night."
"I'm pretty good friends with the owner of the place and he told me that you left a mess on his men's room floor for him to clean up."
"Had to do it. Couldn't let them interfere with my night with Tash."
"I think I lucked out and got the perfect white boy for my baby."
"Speaking of your baby. How are things on the home front?"
"In what way?"
"Any fallout from what Vonda saw?"
"No and I doubt that there will be. I can't imagine her going to Tash about it or coming to me. It isn't like she saw you doing it."
"No, but she did see me bring Tash home at six in the morning and she saw us kiss and it wasn't a peck on the cheek kiss."
"I doubt that it will hurt her any to think that her mom is a hottie. What you need to be afraid of is that Vonda doesn't decide to find out just what it is that mommy finds so interesting about young white boys."
"I doubt that I'll need to sweat that. She has turned her nose up at me since the eighth grade."
"That was then young white boy; this is now and things change over the years."
"Maybe so, but I'm in no hurry to have her daddy coming after me with a shotgun."
He laughed and said, "There is that."
It was down to me, Marcus, Terrell and three of the other black guys whose names I never did get and the six of us had Mary and Gail to play with. Terrell was on his back and Gail was on his cock cowgirl, but leaning forward so I could plug her ass. Marcus and one of the other black guys had Mary in the same configuration and the other two men were off to the side watching and waiting to recover.
Gail asked Mary if it was going to happen again next Wednesday and Mary asked:
"Do you want it to?"
Marcus said, "I damned sure do" and there was a chorus of "So do I" and a "You bet" or two.
Mary laughed and said, "There's your answer girl. Why? Do you want to do it again?"
"I don't even want to stop. Anyway we can keep it going?"
Mary laughed again and Terrell said to Gail, "You can come home with me and I'm sure that I can get a couple of dozen friends over and I'll bet we could keep you busy."
"She can't" I said. "She has something going tomorrow that she can't get out of."
"Spoil sport" Gail said.
"You two? A couple?" Marcus said. "I never would have guessed.
"A long and very boring story. I will see to it that there is nothing in the way that will keep her from coming back next week."
About then I came and I got off to let one of the others in. I grabbed my clothes and said:
"I'd like to stay longer, but I have a morning class that I can't miss."
Terrell asked, "You just going to take off and leave your girl here?"
"Hell Terrell; I doubt that I could get her out of here with dynamite. If I know the sex crazy little slut as well as I think I do she will be here calling out "Next" when none of you dudes can't get it up anymore."
I kissed both Gail and Mary, said good night and headed on home.
I woke up to the sound of the shower and the hot feeling of my mom's mouth on my dick. When she saw I was awake she said:
"See if you can get home early tonight. I need to have a talk with you."
Just then the shower stopped and she said, "Got to run baby. See you tonight" and she ran off leaving me with a raging hard on. I grabbed the ever present pair of dirty panties, deposited a load in them and dropped them on the floor for mom to find and wash.
School was school and at lunch time Gail joined me.
"Didn't expect that did you?"
"Not at all. What happened to the 'no cheating on Tom' position?"
"I finally accepted that I'm not in his new life. You were right last night."
"In what way?"
"I was still wanting when they were all wiped out. I never would have believed that I could do something like that. Who knew? Mary says it's on for next week so I'll be there again."
While we were talking I saw Vonda Williams come in and take a seat where she could watch me. As far as I could tell she never took her eyes off of me the entire time I was there. Could Marcus have been right?
Gail surprised me when I asked her what time I should pick her up after school.
"I've got other plans Bobby."
"Terrell and one of the other guys asked me to meet them tonight."
"Well okay. Have fun. Talk to you later."
I got up and left. I was just slightly pissed off and not with Gail. After all, she wasn't really mine, but I had made it plain to all there that I had something going with Gail for Thursday and the assholes went after her anyway once I was gone.
At work it was the machine shop for me. They were behind on powder coating so I was put to work bead blasting the pieces that had to be coated. No visits or notes from Shelly or Andrea so I stopped by Marge's office at quitting time. She smiled at me and said:
"Not tonight stud. My mother and sister are taking me out to dinner, but we do need to get together to talk about Monday. It is still on right?"
"Still on, but I'm not looking forward to the outcome."
"Oh give it up stud! It isn't going to be bad at all."
"How about we talk tomorrow night about this time."
"See you then.
When I got outside I found Andrea sitting on the left front fender of my car.
"Dennis is on a run and won't be home until Saturday. Want to follow me home?"
"On what?"
"You said that you were going to do what Shelly does. Her husband fucks her just fine so she will only do with me what he won't do with her. Is that your stance also?"
"Pretty much."
"Then no; I won't follow you home."
"Why not?"
"Because I'll want your pussy and I'll keep trying to get it and you will end up being pissed at me. I'd rather not screw up what we have so I'll pass on going home with you."
"You don't try and get pussy here."
"That's because of the time factor. Either you or I have somewhere that we have to be so we do what we do and then leave. We have just enough time for oral or anal and then we have to leave so there is no time for me to try and get in your pussy. Tonight is different. Neither of us has to be anywhere else so we have plenty of time and don't need to limit things to just oral or anal. I know me lover and I know that I would try and try hard for your pussy. I was there once before and I liked it. Best that we don't put ourselves in that sort of situation."
She shrugged. "Too bad. It could have been fun."
She got off my fender, went to her car, got in and left me standing there in the parking lot. A fine kettle of fish I thought. Three of my playmates and none of them playing with me that evening.
How dare they!!
And then of course I had to laugh at myself. Where did I get off thinking that it was owed me? Fuck! I was lucky that I wasn't like most other nineteen year olds and getting off by hand.
I got home a lot earlier than mom expected, but it was early enough that dad was out in the garage putzing around so she could speak freely.
"Are you satisfied now that you have turned your mother into a cock loving gangbanging slut?"
"Oh no you don't! You don't get to hang it on me. Everything that has happened is on you. You are the one who came into my bedroom and started our sexual relationship. I didn't chase after you. You are the one who started our three way relationship with Mary. I had nothing to do with it other than participate after you set it up.
"I did not take you to that first gangbang at Mary's and in fact I do not believe that you had an invitation. You crashed the party is the way I remember it. And I damned sure had nothing to do with your being there last night. In fact, as I recall it, you very forcefully proclaimed that you would not be there ever again. What we have here is a poor innocent teenaged boy who has been led astray by sex crazed older women."
"You are so full of bullshit!'
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Well, maybe just a little, but it was Mary who started me down the path and I can state without fear of contradiction that she is a sex crazed older woman. And then there is of course you."
"This is not getting us anywhere. What I need to talk to you about is something that I once told you that I didn't want you to do."
"What is that?"
"I want you to get an apartment."
"I don't want an apartment. I thought it over and it doesn't make sense for me."
"Okay. Then what I need is for you to rent an apartment for me to use."
"For you to use? You've lost me here."
"I need a place where I can meet my crew."
"Your crew?"
"Marcus, Terrell, Jamal, Jason, Malcolm and a few others you haven't seen yet."
"Your crew. My mother has a crew. And you want me to rent you a place so your crew can cut into my time with you."
"It won't cut into your time with me. I'll be meeting them during the day while you are in school or at work."
"If I have an apartment I won't be here on Saturday morning or for any of the other impromptu times. I'll only see you if you come to Mary's."
"You don't have to live there. You don't even have to let anyone know that you have an apartment. The problem is that I can't rent one on my own. There is no way that I could hide it from your father."
"I can't hide it from him either. Have you forgotten that you two are the ones who monitor the trust fund? He will see that I've gotten an apartment and you don't think that he will wonder why I'm still living at home?"
"He won't see anything. Your monthly allowance is direct deposit to your checking account and we have no access to it. All we oversee where the trust is concerned is requests for funds over and above your allowance and educational costs. You won't lose out on the deal baby; mommy promises you that."
"If I get one I'll need to use it too. I can't pay rent and still use the Starlight. We will have to come up with some kind of schedule."
"I don't see a problem with that."
"Are you sure that you want to do this? How are you going to hide from dad that you are fucking a basketball team?"
"How did you know that they are – were actually – a basketball team?"
"Mary told me. Said you were reliving your glory days as the basketball team's private slut."
"Don't worry about it. I can hide it."
I thought about it for a second or two and then decided that I'd better bite the bullet.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that" and then I proceeded to tell her how dad was suspicious of her and had me watching her when ever he went out of town. "I never mentioned it because it didn't matter since the one set up to be the watcher was the one who was doing the dirty deed with you. The problem here is that he might decide to have professionals do the job and hire private detectives."
"He is suspicious of me? He is fucking around on me and he is suspicious of me? Well fuck him! What is he going to do about it if he catches me? Divorce me? We don't have a pre-nup and I've got the goods on him where two different secretaries and his current PA are concerned. He comes after me and I'll go for his throat!"
"Okay, okay. You have been warned. Okay; I'll get an apartment, but you get to be the one to go find it. A two or three bedroom and I wouldn't mind if it had a pool, a hot tub and an exercise room."
"Why a three bedroom?"
"If I do eventually decide to live there I'll need a room to use as a den or home office. A place for a desk, computer and the like. That means a bedroom for you, a bedroom for me and a room for study."
"We can share a bedroom."
"Not if you have your crew there and I have some one there that I'm not willing to share. Has to be separate bedrooms."
"You have a desk and computer in your bedroom here so why can't you have them in your bedroom at the apartment? I'll just look for a place with big rooms."
"Whatever. I'm leaving it to you."
At that point dad came in from the garage and that ended the conversation.
Dad and I talked a little bit about work and how well the second shift was working out and then I went up to bed.
School was school and again at lunch I saw Vonda sitting where she could watch me. Gail joined me and as soon as she was seated she said:
"Still pissed at me?"
"Why would I be pissed at you?"
"For last night."
"No reason for me to be pissed at you for that."
"Oh come on Bobby. I could tell you were pissed when you got up and left yesterday at lunch."
"I wasn't pissed at you. I was upset because I had to pass up a chance for a date with a girl that I really wanted to get to know because I committed Thursdays and Sundays to you. Besides Gail; you know our arrangement. I was only your pretend boyfriend to keep you away from other guys while Tom was away. Once you showed up at Mary's and joined in that agreement went into the trash."
Before she could say anything in response to that Nancy came up and asked if she could join us and I said yes. She sat down and said:
"What's new with you guys?"
"Just discussing schedule changes. I have Sunday open if you are still interested in going out with me even knowing that I'm back with Natasha."
I saw Gail's face cloud over when she heard that, but so what!
"You are back with Natasha, but you are still going to date?"
I explained the arrangement.
"So she has you from Friday when she gets home until she leaves to go back to school around twoish on Sunday, but you get to do whatever you want with the rest of your time?"
"That's the deal."
"So I would get from late Sunday until she comes home the following weekend?"
"No. Work and school take precedence, but you would get Thursday and part of Sunday for sure and possibly some other times also."
"Sign me up, but I'm telling you upfront that it is my intent to take you away from Natasha,"
"Good luck with that" Gail snorted.
I saw a change come over Nancy's face as she suddenly remembered something.
"I forgot your arrangement with Gail. You have to have some time with her."
"Not to worry about it. It is over."
She gave me a questioning look and I said, "Got to be going. Call you later to set up Sunday" and I walked away.
At work I was sent to the machine shop again where I worked on bead blasting and powder coating. I didn't get notes or visits from Shelly or Andrea so at quitting time I stopped by Marge's office to remind her that she would be meeting with me and one of my girlfriends Monday and then I told how I wanted to do it.
"I still think you are being overly melodramatic stud, but I'll go along with it."
When I got in the car I phoned Tasha's house to see if she was home yet and she was so I headed that way.
I got my usual smile from Pam, but her father wasn't home so I was spared the look that he usually gave me. When we got into the car I asked Tasha what she wanted to do and she said:
"Feed me and then fuck me."
Mario's took care of the first part and then we headed for the Starlight to take care of the second. It started out as usual. Head while I undressed and them pussy eating until Tasha told me to quit playing around and fuck her. Then it was sixty-nine, fuck and then a blow job to get me hard again and then she wanted anal and once again I thought that she was using me to keep her ass loose for her week day lover (lovers?). And also once again I had to fight my tendencies to be a hypocrite. I had to keep reminding myself that I HAD agreed to the compromise. I HAD agreed that the weekend was ours and what happened during the week was of no matter to either of us.
When I took her home she told me that she and her mother were doing something in the morning and that she wouldn't be home before three and I told her I'd pick her up at four.
I got my usual Saturday morning wake up from mom and we fucked and sucked until eleven and then we went to breakfast at the IHOP. I was forking a piece of French toast into my mouth when a familiar voice said:
"Good morning you guys."
I looked up to see Marge standing there. "Care to join us I asked (which got me a murderous look from mom) and Marge said, "Thanks, but no. I just finished and was on my way out when I saw you two and stopped to say hi."
As Marge walked away mom muttered "Cunt!"
Oh yeah I thought; Monday is going to be just so much fun.
After eating we went home and it was more suck and fuck until it was time for me to get ready to go and pick up Natasha. Her dad was there so along with Pam's usual smile I got his standard dirty look. I decided that the way to play it was to smile at him every time he looked at me. I'm sure that it pissed him off and he left the room.
Natasha hadn't come down from her room yet so as soon as her father was out of the room Pam said:
"He is going out of town Tuesday and won't be back until early Friday and I'm missing you. Call me?"
I said I would just as Tasha started down the stairs so Pam left the room and Tasha and I headed out. Dinner at Angelina's and then we went to a party at Charlie Smither's place. There were quite a few old schoolmates and friends there and we wandered around and socialized. At one point Tasha was talking to two girls and I was at the keg filling my glass when Carol Weiss came up to get a refill.
"I see that you and Nat are back together."
"Yes we are."
"I don't mind admitting that I am surprised. After telling you about her and Eddie Wooters we thought for sure that she was history. You do know that she still plays around on you right?"
"As long as it isn't Eddie Wooters I don't care."
She gave me a strange look and so, since I'd known her from the second grade on and she was one of the ones I'd asked to keep an eye on Tasha I explained it all to her.
"Far out! I wish Andy (Andy Heinz- her boyfriend) thought like that. I'm curious and I would love an arrangement like you have with Nat. So, as long as it isn't Eddie it is okay?"
Just then Tasha came up to us and Carol said, "Go away Natasha. I almost had him. Another two minutes is all I need."
"Yeah. Right. And then the two of us could watch as Bobby and Andy go at it."
"But I would be willing to give you Andy. That would make us even right?"
"Get away from my man you tramp."
"Says the slut" Carol said as she stuck out her tongue at Tasha.
I left the two of them talking and went off to socialize. I saw Nancy there and I gravitated toward her.
"I see that you are here with my competition" she said as I walked up to her.
"I told you that she has me from Friday until late Sunday. I forgot to mention that she also has me on all breaks and vacations."
"Then I'm going to have to get busy if I'm going to lock you up before spring break."
"We have known each other for almost thirteen years Nance and you have never shown any interest in me so why now?"
"I've always been interested Bobby. I told you about how strict my parents were and why I had to say no every time you asked me for a date. I don't have those parental restrictions any more and since you wouldn't come after me I have to come after you.
"I don't know what it is, but something happened around your eighteenth birthday and suddenly you're a changed man. There is just something about you now that screams out "Take me." One day I looked at you and said to myself "I want him." And I'm not the only one. Gail wants you. She is fighting it, but she wants you."
"Nonsense. She was Tom's girl and was only with me because of the promise I made him when he left."
"I know what I'm talking about Bobby. It might have started out the way you say, but things have changed at least for her. She wants you. She is pissed right now because you dumped her. She almost cried when you told me that you were giving me her Sunday."
"I don't believe that Nance. If she felt that way she wouldn't have given up our Thursday to go play with someone else."
"Maybe she was just trying to get your attention."
"Why are you trying to talk yourself out of Sunday Nance?"
"Shit! I guess that is what it sounds like. Stupid, stupid, stupid Nancy. Get your head out of your ass. What time tomorrow?"
"Around four work for you?"
"Yes it will."
Tasha walked up to us and said that she was ready to leave and Nancy said, "You two have fun" and she walked away.
"Another one who wants my baby?"
"Just one of many Tasha; just one of many."
"Right!" she said as she punched my shoulder. "Don't you just wish."
Our evening at the Starlight was as satisfying as always, but it was also just a bit disquieting for me. Tasha wanted anal – twice. Not that I minded giving it to her of course, but it got me to thinking again that I was just keeping her ass loose for someone else. Those thoughts took me to other thoughts that I could have done without. Up until a couple of weeks ago as far as anal sex was concerned it was kind of ho hum; if you want to go ahead. Now all of a sudden she was asking for it every time we got together.
Why? That was the question.
Had she hooked up with a guy who was into anal and she was into him enough that she was willing to give him whatever he wanted to keep him? I got anal on weekends to keep her from tightening up so he could ease right in? It was the one thing that I'd been worried about since Gail filled me in on Tasha's plan to fool around up at school. That I would lose her to someone else. That she would hook up with some guy and I'd be history. And I wasn't being a hypocrite. When Tasha played there was a good chance that she could find someone and fall for him, but there was no chance of that happening on my end. None of the ones I was playing with were a threat to Tasha. None of them would be taking me away from her. I will admit that if Tasha was gone Gail or Nancy (or even Pauline if what she had with Gary fell apart) would have a shot, but only if Tasha was for sure gone.
Of course I could be way off base here. Maybe she was doing it to show me how much she wanted to be with me by giving me things she knew I liked even though I knew that she wasn't overly fond of them. Whatever. I doubted that I would ever know what was going on unless she suddenly stopped coming home to me on weekends.
I wasn't going to ask my friends up at Western to check up on her. I had agreed that what happened during her week at school was her business. But it didn't stop me from wondering.
Tasha surprised me when she told me that we were going to stay the night at the motel.
"What are my parents going to do? Throw me out? Big deal. I'll just come home and spend the weekends with you. I want to wake up in your arms and start the day off right."
We did. Start the day off right I mean.
When I took her home at twelve she wouldn't let me walk her to her door.
"I've had a beautiful evening and a glorious morning and I don't want it ruined by my dad going after you on the front porch."
She kissed me and then headed for the house to face the music.
I picked Nancy up at four and since our first date hadn't worked out all that well I played it safe. We took in a movie and then stopped at Harry's for burgers and fries and then went to the arcade.
I had her home by ten and when I'd parked in front of her house she asked:
"Is this it?"
"I don't understand the question."
"I expected to have to fight you off. Not that I would have of course. God knows I've all but pulled my panties off and waved them under your nose."
"I try not to be a sex crazed fiend on a first date."
"Spring break is not all that far off Bubba and if I'm going to take you away from Natasha I need to be showing you that I pack better gear than she does. Neither one of us is a virgin and I don't want you thinking that I'm an easy slut, but I was dead serious when I said that I wanted you for my own. I screwed it up the first time we dated and I have no intention of doing it again. If I hadn't screwed it up we would be together now and Natasha never would have gotten you back. My mom maintains that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but I think the way is just a little south of there and I'm going for it."
"We will just have to see how the next date goes. Will Tuesday work for you? Say about seven?"
"I'll be the one waiting on the front porch with the big smile."
The big day had arrived. Before leaving for school I told mom how I wanted the evening to go and even though she had no way of knowing it she was on the same page as Marge.
"Honestly Robert! You are being overly dramatic here" but she agreed to go along with my plan. Even though school was school I spent the day worrying about the coming evening and I don't think I absorbed much of what was taught that day.
I skipped lunch at the cafeteria because I wouldn't have been able to pay any attention to what anyone who might have joined me had to say. How nervous was I? For the first time ever I called in sick to work because I didn't think I could give whatever job they gave me the attention required.
I arrived at the Starlight at five-thirty and got the room. I called Marge and mom and gave them the room number and then sat back and waited. At six-fifteen Marge arrived and knocked on the door.
We undressed each other and then she gave me head for a couple of minutes and then she laid back on the bed and I returned the favor. After a couple of minutes of beaver munching I put her legs up on my shoulders and fucked her hard. I was able to get her off twice before I came and then I sucked her tits and fingered her pussy to keep her hot until the knock on the door signaled my mom's arrival.
Marge got up and headed for the bathroom and just before she closed the door I said:
Read first chapter to understand. As I said befor . There are some themes that you might not like . Under age sex is one of them . _________________________________________________________________________________________ "Oh , the sweet smell of virgin pussy . I wounder if you taste just as good " he then started to lick my panties like it is a candy . ' Oh thank god , that's all he wanted ' I think but then David dropped the panties and kneeled in front of me. His face was...
These two university friends of mine, we'll call them K and J. J was pretty much your stereotypical slightly nerdy Jewish guy, like a young Woody Allen, and K was his kinda-sorta, on again, off again girlfriend. Her dad was Italian and she had that sort of dark, slightly sultry look about her - amazing tits and arse. On the other hand she liked drinking, smoking and swearing like a trooper. You can see the appeal, right? I liked to think she sort of liked me, or at any rate amused herself by...
This has some themes like younger the adult sex so be warned . @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Today's my fourteenth birth day . My brother is a famous bioengineer and has made a lot of money in his career. He is coming home for my birth day and also the fruneral of his wife . She died in a car accetent on the way home . I hear a knock at the door and see that it's David my brother . I run down the stairs and open the door sense mom is in the back doing the garden stuff...
well one friday night fingering my anus and thinking of hard cock, just the usual,I got a sudden text from a girlfriend. i was pretty goddamn bored, and i wanted to do something. anything. my friend said she had bought a new drug which was AMAZING and if i wanted to buy a hit- 'well of course girlfriend' I said. "I'm bored as fuck and you know me, that is when im at my horniest and im a skank bitch anyway' I realised it was time to take the drug and pleasure myself before going out to...
I decided to try to make a thing in which we can anonymously tell shit that happend to us in sex / hookups. I am a virgin so I have nothing to say, but surely some of you do. Wether if it's a weird thing that happend during a one night stand, describing how shitty your partner is in bed, traumatically gross/strange experiences during sex, being completely disappointed after hooking up with your crush... Anything that is weird or awkward or gross or traumatically bad is welcome
Weird Sciencewhat would have happened if Weird Science had been R-Rated and Gary hadn't been such a wuss. ***We had fucked with forces we couldn't dream of comprehending... And now it was too late. As we watch the door defy the law of physics and begin to bulge inward, all Wyatt and I could do was crawl underneath his computer desk and cower there until the end... Finally the door exploded into Wyatt's bedroom loudly. Then all got quiet. Seconds ticked by. The end didn't come after all. We...
Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague, I have no idea why, may be on times now lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical would happen they seemed to end over silly little things petty thing or without explanation. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red...
Some times I would think back, I get flashes of her all vague I have no idea why, may be on times lost, easier times or less complicated. I'm in my twenties I've had my share of girlfriends but they all ended before anything physical happened they seemed to end over silly little things. One day a new women turns up in town, I was working as normal when I first saw her she was tall and beautiful, dark hair flowing down her back, blood red slim lips, her eyes glinted purple I took it to...
Anyways, this is a story about how I got into the whole incest scene. Not really sure how it happened, and I never had any fantasy's about incest before then, but, when I was sitting on her back, her in a skimpy bikini, me rubbing lotion on her back... well, I'll just start from the beginning to leave out any confusion. So, today was a day like any other. I got a message from my sister's, she being 17 at the time as well (let's call her Zelda, just for the sake of humor), dick-wad...
My dream It started with me, A girl I used to like named Victoria and a couple of my friends on a mountain in a water park(for some reason), so we were all in swimsuits, I don’t why but my friends where being rude to her and I would just go up to her and tell her they don’t mean it and we would continue walking. We walked for what seamed about ten minutes, me and Victoria were talking with each other the whole time. We got to the bottom of the mountain and it was slippery, being a water park...
I first noticed something was off while I was looking away from Rachel, who was looking away from me. The difference was I was deliberately doing it. The pretty brunette classmate of mine seemed to be having no trouble on her part. A sigh invisibly scented the air before me. It seemed like the day was going to be as humdrum as usual. Another batch of notes, another hour of listening to adults speaking, the same splayed out folder. I was set and ready to snooze. I was set. Set. Dead set. ...or...
Mind ControlI live in the city and so often you will find a store that sells something very common but they will try to sell it to you differently. This gym was one of them.It was a small gym that opened in a building not too far from where i work. They basically offer private coach sessions so the gym is pretty small, about 900 square feet. There are two owners. Two men around 50 years old. One of them has a physiotherapy background while the other has a gymnastic one.I wanted more mobility when working...
I had a rather weird 3 way experience a few years back. I answered an add on Craigslist from a couple that was looking for a Bi Male to join them in the bedroom. After a few emails back and forth we exchanged phone numbers so we could text. We texted for 3 days, telling the husband what turned me on, what experience I had, what I was hoping for if I got the chance to meet him and his wife. He shared very little about himself or his wife, only that she was smoking hot. Finally I got the...
I have this weird cousin, let's call him Alfred. He was 20 and I was 16 at the time. He used to visit and sit around the pool watching everyone. Never got in the pool or even wore a bathing suit. He would just sit and stare at all of us. I noticed him looking at me a lot in my suit and following around but not talking to me just starring. He creeped me out. I tried just being nice to him but not really engaging him. Just the fact that he was 20 and still coming to our house with his Mom and Dad...
I was heading for the gym when Gloria suddenly grabbed my arm and asked 'want to go to my house and get real freaky???' I looked at her as she smiled and started to walk towards the exit. I decided that running was not as interesting as having sex with Gloria. Gloria is on the cheer leading squad and as sexy as hell. She had witnessed part of my initialization for the track squad and blacked mailed me into having sex with her. It really didn't make no sense, all the guys in school would have...
Weird Science Part 2 By Eric Chapter 4: The New Sarah Professor Martin was laughing inside as 'she' held on tightly to her newly acquired boyfriend and protector. Mike was a godsend and one of the many things he thanked Sarah for - the chief of which was this absolutely wonderful young body. For the first time in Martin's unhappy life 'she' felt desirable and attractive! All Martin's life 'she' had been obsessed with sex, which caused Martin epic frustrations as her original...
Weird afternoon at the beach The weather was fine, maybe one of the last warm days this summer. So I picked up my girlfriend after work and we drove to a nice secluded place at the coast. We found it some years ago and liked to go to there ever since. I parked the car hidden in a small forest and then we strolled the short distance to the cliffs hand in hand. We could hardly keep from each other and one would steal a kiss from the other every view steps. You would think we are...
Hi readers!! Born and brought up in a subtle upper middle class family residing in Southern part of New Delhi, fortunately enough making me a handsome guy with fair complexion and smart yet slapstick sense of humor. An athletic body with high amount of libido makes me horny however always being discreet of my escapades. Being a regular reader of ISS, it was my long awaited wish to share my true incidence, though would only revert to mails or chats of people truly concerned of discretion!! This...
It was a stone walled room it reminded me of a castle turreted room from some fantasy story, was I still dreaming I heard a moan and grown as something was waking up next to me, I looked; it was Lilly the ebony beauty she was by my side. "Hello how are you?" she asked sleepily. "Where the hell am I?" fear running through me why have I not woken up yet I thought. She got up her hair now only just past her shoulders her wings tucked in, her naked lean yet fuller figure, beat any so...
I'm starting to enjoy it , even though I'm joy supposed to . He starts squeezing my sone hard young nipples with his fingers , making me even hornier then I all ready am . I'm so wet the my young pussy juice is starting to gather at my bottom . He lets go of my nipples and puts both his hands on my bottom , bringing them off the table . I see a combination of lust and crazyness in his eyes as he brings he waist back and slowly went into my pussy . I can feel my virgin pussy...
We go for a drive to the beach, the dog's are running and playing, and after a bit I have to go pee, and so do you, we see a couple of big rocks in a circle not far away and we head there. Once there we look around, no one is anywhere close, we kick off our shorts and undies an you start to squat to pee. I say "wait Laura, pee on me" You look at me funny, but I lie in sand and I pull off my shirt and you straddle me and pull open your lips and begin to piss on my chest, your piss hits me hard...
'Warning, this is a story of woman's depravity, read with caution, and please remark about what unfolds'As we drove my husband looked across at me, 'Fancy a gang-bang'?Asking your wife or girl friend to sexually gratify up to twenty men, is easier said than done, it takes a certain temperament in a women to realize that, just fantasizing about multiple men when you're having sex with one, is one thing, but actually being confronted by many men eager to rip your fucking pussy off is another.We...
My girlfiend and I have always taken things slow. Mostly petting and missionary sex. I have never been brave enough to discuss my fetiish with her.One night after she got somewhat drunk we both crashed at our bedroom.Towards early morning before sunrise was my queue. I removed her panties slightly and inserted my morning glory erect cok up her ass.At first I thought of simply shafting her. Also, I rememebered the reason I woke up was due to urge to pee. There was this moment of trepidation and...
My eyes fluttered opened and I sat up quickly. For a moment, I assumed I was awakening in the library and had fallen asleep studying again. It made sense at first; the last thing I remembered was reading and taking notes from my macroeconomics book, and my eyes growing heavy. But as my eyes adjusted to the light I realized I was not slumped over, leaning on a table in the library with my head resting on a book. I wasn't in the library at all. Instead I found myself lying on the floor in a...
I love spiders. I see your adorable body in front of me. You are on the table, just the naughty nylon touches your soft skin. I like you, feel the tickling of the nylon on my tongue. Again I start to become hard. Your bald skull, your face – everything makes me horny. The breasts are moving up and down as you breathe. A kind of fear and shame is in your eyes – and a enormous desire and lust. I take a little box and show it to you. You can see three big spiders insides – just like the one I sent...
I meet you at the airport in only a sheer black catsuit and a fish netttop over and a short skirt, thats tigth around me. I have only a little bagwhere Ihave all my money and passport. After we meet I give you a kiss and says its nowyour turn to run my life the next weeks. And gives you my little bag. I curl myhairwho is long and blond and ask if you know a cheep hair cutter who can help ustake it of and shave my head of all hair ?You drive us to a filthy plase where and old man have his shop,...
PIZZA AND BEER - PART 3 This is the third in a 3 part series of how an ex-girl friend teaches her ex-boyfriend about what it feels like to be a woman. Candy and Dani walked into the club. It was the hottest place in town and known as the largest 'meat market' there was. As they expected all eyes were on them as they walked in. Candy in her red leather dress with the lace up front and Dani in her short black leather skirt and halter top with the circular cut-out grabbed everyone's...
Emma was working at a local bar serving drinks. Slim Poke was chatting her up and was told that her boyfriend cheated on her and she was upset. Slim told his boys at the bar that this hot girl Emma was upset about her boyfriend. The fellas said getting a selfie with all of us would upset him and that would be good payback. Then after that Emma thought sucking five dicks would really upset him. So Emma came from around the bar and sucked all five dicks and selfied that shit. Emma got really...
xmoviesforyouBig Trouble By Margaret Jeanette Misty Johnson was troubled. This was the third time she'd found her closet in a different order than she remembered putting it. Her red dress was always next to her black dress and now it was between her aqua and her dark blue dress. She was angry that anyone would mess with her clothes. That night she asked her husband, Mike, if he was going into her closet. She asked why he would be going in there, and said that she didn't want any crap, that...
‘Ohhh!’, sighed Karen.The water was hot on her skin and the last lingering waves of her climax were easing away. She smoothed her hands over her breasts and felt the tight hard nubs of her erect nipples under her palms.Karen had been divorced for over two years and had not made love with a man since. Two years was a long time but after sixteen years with John the idea of being with another guy didn’t appeal anymore. It wasn’t that he was mean or abusive or a bad lover and ruining her for life...
She was no good for him, he used to think. Destroyed his motivation for life, kind of scary, Now none of that seemed to matter any more. She was the only woman he knew who could get into it as much as him. Hey.Hey.I’m coming over. When?Now. I’m in the car. I’ll be there in five.Wait.I’m coming. Be naked, Butt plug in your ass. Clips on your nipples. Tight enough that it hurts a little. Oh. Oh. I was studying. I was…Be on your bed. I want to hear a vibrator on your clit when I walk in the...
A short pleasure tripThe whole story all 3 partsBy Dina PetroWriter’s note “All names and information about characters in this story are fake and altered for the reason of privacy” (Part 1)Being a very attractive woman, with super sexy looks at my twenties, I had a side job of being a “call girl” but not any call girl; I was specialized in meeting VIP’s, rich and high class men and very big shots in town, being bisexual woman gave me the opportunity to meet very important women as well, as all...
My family was asking me to marry my brother’s son, my nephew. They said marrying their grandson is the best thing which can happen to me. It would be a safe marriage for me as my previous marriage had failed. I thought for a while and said that I need some time to decide. All in chorus said, “Ok, take your time.” Hearing that I realized that they all want me to marry my brother’s elder son. After some time, my parents asked me how much time I need to decide. I said, “3 months.” My parents...
IncestThe rest of Friday dragged but eventually four-thirty came around and I was out the door. At four-forty-five I was in traffic and my phone played me a flute solo. Jo. "Hello, princess," I said. "Hi, Stoney," she said. "Are we still on for tonight?" "I'm headed home right now. Whenever you want to show up." Giggle. "I'm on the way. I'll get there about the same time you do." "Okay," I said. "I was hoping to have time to clean up, though." "You work in an office, Stoney....
Sally quietly sat at the kitchen table with her head bowed as she listened to me play the phone recording of her wanking me off for the pleasure of her mates, thinking I was asleep. I tried my best not to laugh as I heard quotes like,"Ann-Marie, will you try and keep your masturbation noises down!""You're getting me wet with your noises!"And, "You try wanking a cock, your own pussy and filming, it's not bloody easy!" The film finished with Sis running out of the room, having made me...
IncestI awoke curled under Master's arm. My head resting on his shoulder, one arm and leg draped over him. I felt his hand softly cupping and stroking my bottom. I could feel his morning hard-on pressing against my thigh. "Good morning, Master," I murmured. "Good morning my little love slave. Did you sleep well?" "Mm-Hmm," I said, stretching. I then settled back comfortably against him. We kissed and cuddled for a bit and then he untangled himself from me. I followed him into the...
I watched my wife’s mouth as she effortlessly slid my cock in and out of it. It seemed as everything was in slow motion. Her lips were wrapped tight around me as I watched it slide slowly out to its tip and then back in. I loved how her lips glistened with her saliva. My cock looked large against her small mouth. I wondered how she took all of me inside her. Her eyes were closed and she seemed lost in the moment. I wasn’t sure if I was enjoying what she was doing as much as I was enjoying...
I looked through her folder. A naked picture was included. This woman was not beautiful. She wasn’t ugly, either. I saw that she was right in the middle of her cycle from the charts of her cycle. She was not real heavy. I knew that didn’t matter. I would get anything pregnant.Nurse Anna came back and said, “Mrs. Brady is ready.” I got up and followed.I entered Exam Room 8 for the third time that day. I greeted her, “How are you today Mrs. Brady?” I shook her hand. Then I washed my hands. “Nurse...
I was sitting here looking at porn in my underwear. The doorbell rang. I got up and saw it was this guy with some official papers on a clipboard. Opening the door enough to chat I got a good look at this guy. Big Guy. Wearing some tight work pants. I did not pay much attention to what he was saying. I could not get my eyes off his Huge Bulge. After a few minutes he stopped talking and looked at me for an answer. I explained I was tired and did not get much sleep last night. Nodding his head. He...
The beginning of this story finds you on a rare day off along with your best friend, Matt. You've known Matt since you were in middle school, and you wound up going to the same high school since there was only one in your small town. You both moved out of state to the same college, and even ended up working in the same office after graduating, though, managing to separate from the hip, you don't work in the same departments. You get paid slightly more because your job requires more technical...
Miss Watersmith had recently moved to the area to get away from her parents, who she until recently still lived with. She had been studying to be a teacher for a good few years and was only a few weeks away from completing her course. She’d never known why but she had always loved teaching teenagers. They always seemed to give her attention she didn’t get very often anywhere else. She wasn’t stupid though she knew why she got the attention. It was all down to her amazing looks. She wasn’t...
Hi Everyone, Thanks for reading my first sexstory “Romantic Getaway”, this is the continuation. So, I along with my boyfriend were on a weekend trip to a place away from the city somewhere in Andra. After a traveling for that long almost about 4 hours, we finally reached the lodge. The lodge was in at a remote area and around that there are lots of trees and farming fields. The area was full of greenery and it was very mesmerizing. By the time we reached there it was already afternoon about 3...
He’d brought her a cup of coffee and a donut and placed it next to the envelope with her allowance. She thanked him when she stepped into the room …and gave him a long slow kiss hello…It was late October and she was wearing a sweater and jeans …and carried her work clothes on a hanger. She sat on his lap to drink the coffee while they exchanged pleasantries…Her daughter had been battling an ear infection so he asked about that while he ran his hand up inside her sweater…She laughed as she...
I had turned 18. I was in my last semester of high school. I was a young white teen in a middle-class suburban home. My parents had some friends who had three small c***dren. My parents and these friends would all go out dancing and socialize together. Unfortunately this other couple, Lou and Mary, needed a baby sitter to watch their k**s or they couldn’t go out – my mother volunteered me.I felt that I was too old to be babysitting. I had a regular job after school every weekday and on...
I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling, the thoughts of the woman I have fallen in love with foremost in my mind, confused by this strange feeling of sexual attraction to another woman. How can I be so attracted I'm not a lesbian I think to myself, but I know deep deep down I must be, as the memories of the tender kisses and sexual encounters with this woman I knew as Emily flood back through my mind ,and lower region begins to moisten. Becoming sexually aroused. slowly my fingers...
Rick is two years younger than me. My first sexual contact with him was four months before that, and happened as a result of me being in an extremely traumatic situation. I married when I was twenty, when my husband, Elmer, was starting his career as a teacher. Naturally, we didn't want children right away, so I was on the `pill.' Life was just fantastic, and I thought our happiness would go on forever. One Friday, not long after our second ...
Hi! Friends this is Kapil Lolani from Gorakhpur I am 21 years old & sindhi by caste and let me tell you that sindhi girls are the best and the sexiest ones and so my mom also was sindhi so its obvious that she was sexy now let me tell you about myself I am tall, handsome, good looking, with good body features now let of tell you about my family my family consists of my mom dad aahhh.. Keep all those things besides now come to the point let of tell you about my mother she is about in her 40s but...
IncestHi to all readers. This is Jai signing on here to tell my sex experience to all of you. As far as I am concerned I am 19 years old. I am an engineering student who lives happily and who always wants to fuck all the time. I experienced my first sex 8 months ago. I remind you that this is a real story. So names are changed. I am living with my family in Chennai. My friend (Arun) house is placed in front of my house. He lives with his mother and his father is in Indian army. When I was 18 years...
When Kat woke up the next morning, she saw that Charlie was already up and tending the fire that he had started the night before. The tantalizing smell of fresh brewed coffee was carried to her on the wind. Sitting up, she slowly rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Good, you're up. We can get an early start today," he said as he handed her a cup of coffee. Kat smiled in thanks and took a sip of the hot brew. She winced as it's bitter flavor coated her tongue. "Just out of curiosity,...
Theatrical Addendum.If you have been following the 'Theatrical' series you will be familiar with the characters in this add on, if not I suggest you catch up first.I had one small diversion whilst I was on my own, one night I decided to make another trip to the theatre where it all started, I invited Mary and must confess to being a little disappointed when she agreed, there was no cancellation this night as we took our seats to watch a tribute band thrashing it out on stage, we were only one...
Note to reader: This story has a slow build, so if you're looking for a quickie you may want to save it for later. Thanks. September 1975, Denver Daniel had a big decision to make. And he had to make it soon.He was sitting in a lecture hall, lost in a daydream while waiting for the professor to arrive so class could begin. Daniel was beginning his sophomore year as an engineering major, and the fall semester was only three days old. His dilemma, and the big decision that was weighing on his...
InterracialThe cost of housing was unacceptably high... astronomically high for a new college kid. I had tried one "reasonable" apartment a mile or so from the charming Eastern Campus with its ivy-covered stone buildings. It was reasonable only because the slumlord couldn't get anyone to live there (I subsequently learned). After a week's battle, trying to clean up the place, I'd given up. The rancid and rotten smells were ingrained deep in the decay of the building. I gave up and bought a mobile...
“You be good in school today” he said to his two children. They looked up and said they would be as they left to catch the school bus. He smiled as he watched them get on it then went upstairs. Once upstairs, he showered, shaved, brushed his teeth, and then dressed. All the while, his wife was still sleeping in bed. He had it down to a science. She worked a late shift so she was still sleeping, or so he thought she was. He was good at it too, usually. He was real good at how he did it, what was...
Wife LoversAlexa Raye’s stepbrother just got home and let her know that he passed his massage class. She’s happy for him but offended that he never gave her massage the whole time! He decides to be nice and finally give her one. She looooves the way his hands feel all over her perfect teen body, and it really gets her wet! She even let’s him take her towel off, she isn’t shy! She notices his cock is hard from touching her and she asks if she can see it, next thing you know he’s fucking her hard and deep,...
xmoviesforyouThey say the best feeling in life is to love and be loved. At thirty-five years old I think it's quite safe to say I love my life. I have a beautiful wife, Marcia, and a wonderful daughter. Marcia is an accountant in the city and I’m a construction project manager. However, I guess you can say the one hiccup is that my line of work requires a lot of travel but the pay is usually worth it. It was a rainy Friday afternoon in New York when I arrived at LaGuardia. I had been away for three weeks...
CuckoldThe day seemed like a long one and between Jones and Miles, I was worn out. I laid the clothes on the top bunk and threw the blanket on the bottom one. Laying down, I draped the blanket across my ass and fell asleep. It seemed like I’d just closed my eyes when the door slammed again. I blinked my eyes open and saw the lights come on. I threw the blanket back and sat up, rubbing my eyes. Cornrow braids under a baseball styled hat flowed down over shoulders held together by beads at the end....
Next morning I woke up early, and the sun was shining. I thought about what I saw last evening at Ullas house. I felt my bald pussy and directly I could feel the wetness beteen my legs. Had a quick breakfast and went after a towel and jumped in a dress, and took off with the bike, heading to the river. It was still and not more than the birds singing when I drove down the road passing Ullas house. From distance I could see an old car standing by the river, and first I thought about to turn back...
At 6:30 I went down to the research floor and caught Iggy as he was leaving. "She'll be at the bus shell at the corner. She just left. Good luck, and thanks, Rob" I went to my car and drove to the corner in the industrial park and there she sat in the bus shell. I pulled up and rolled down the window. "Keep driving mister, you can't afford me!" she hollered with a grin before she ran out to the car. All the way back she bubbled and talked about what a great day she had and thanked...