A Keyhole Adventure and Addendum
- 3 years ago
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Theatrical………30, the conclusion, Del turned but it was too late for her as well as another guy behind us picked her up and took her into the stall, there was one other guy with him and they took her close to the wall, tied her hands then hooked her to a hanging block and tackle, one of the guys pulled on the rope and her arms were lifted over her head, one of the guys knelt down in front of her and pulled down her shorts, she seemed to be struggling but I noticed that as he got her shorts to...
Theatrical…… 29Gerald was doing his lengths and I saw the troop of the princess and her maidens walk along the side of the pool and organise some beds, the princess looked around, possibly to see if anyone was watching her, I was tucked away at the end of the balcony and the handrail obscured me from being seen while my view was perfect, the princess walked to the edge of the pool and sat down, dangling her feet in the water, one of her maids came beside her and handed her a jar, she began to...
Theatrical……28Come Saturday and I left her in charge of Andrew while I met up with Gerald and we spent the night at the hotel, I had never really figured out why we just didn’t go back to his place, I had a slight inclination where he lived but not certain, all I knew was that it would be a nice house because of the district it was in, but then when I thought about it, the hotel better suited our needs, especially mine with my wayward tendencies, but this weekend I had to talk with him about...
Theatrical……..27Friday was upon us and it was a bank holiday, Julia had arrived home late the previous night and was sleeping it off, Andrew had his friend Chris over and Roy had said he had to go into work to complete an order, the only order he had to complete was the order from Leslie to get her knickers down, I went upstairs to see if Julia was awake, I approached her door and it was slightly ajar, I peeped in and was still asleep but she must have been warm during the night because her...
Theatrical……. 26I woke the next morning about 8.30, I blinked, Del was still asleep in front of me and I glanced over her, the bed was empty, had he gone back to her, was he satisfying her lust again, I slipped out of bed and put on my gown, then I went into the lounge, Gerald was sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in front of him and some empty cups laid on it, the bedroom doors were all open and no sign of anyone, “where are they all?” I asked, “they’ve gone he said looking up at me, I sat...
Theatrical…….25The table had been fairly quiet up till then and afterwards the conversation started, most of it was about energy matters and from ear wigging some of the conversation’s I gathered that Gerald had been given a standing ovation for his talk that afternoon, no wonder the company wanted to award him, then I began to panic, what was I supposed to do if he was called to accept this award, should I go with him, should I remain seated, what?, I couldn’t ask him, it was all meant to be a...
Theatrical…..24I woke the next morning and went into the shower, Gerald had risen early and gone out, I came out of the shower and put on my bath robe, I was planning in my mind how to tackle his instruction, I went into the lounge and Del was sitting on the couch with papers spread out on the coffee table, she looked up at me, “hi!, how are you, did you sleep ok?” she asked cheerfully, “yes, like a log, I was ready for my bed last night” I said, “yes, me too, he can be quite exhausting” she...
Theatrical…..23Friday morning had arrived and I was once again hyper, running around trying to control my sex drive at the thoughts of having him between my legs that night, I was trying to get ready as well making sure that everything was perfect, my attention to detail was meticulous making sure that when he stripped me he would discover all kinds of goodies and fences to cross to tease him, not too much but just enough to get him inside me, “as though he needed any encouragement” I mused, I...
Theatrical…… 224 days before the trip to Newcastle he called me, I hadn’t seen him for a couple of weeks and was pacing the floor thinking the worst again I had tried calling the number that he gave my but it went straight to Voice mail, I had prepared the ground telling Roy that Mary had asked me to go to Newcastle with her as her sister was gravely ill and she wanted someone to share the driving and that she felt she could confide in he had offered to come so that he could drive for me saying...
Theatrical…….21Andrew and his dad arrived back late on Sunday night, they were both knackered and I made them a nice supper before they both went off to an early night, I made it upstairs and laid thinking about the weekend, it had been a strange set of encounters, the thought had flashed through my mind that Gerald had set me up but I dismissed it because there were too many maybe’s, too many variables but the one disturbing note was that the more and longer I knew him, I came to get to know...
Theatrical…… 20 she was learning fast, I had observed her technique with the black waiter, she was slick and quick witted, she had picked up the thread quickly and taken him first, she might even be pregnant already with his black seed, I went out of the shower leaving her to it, I had to do something, something spectacular, I got the towel and went into the lounge drying myself as I went, I had to get him to fuck me while she was occupied, I sashayed over to him as he watched the sport on the...
Theatrical……19 we drove into town and parked in the same multi story that we had been in when he first took me to the hotel, so many memories, already and I had only known him a year, a year, was it really so long, it seemed like only yesterday, but then no, yesterday was when I got fucked by the football team, I smiled to myself as I got out of the car, oh what a whore I was becoming, we wandered around doing girlie shopping, in and out of every store, boots, Debenhams, he bought a bow tie...
Theatrical…..18So back to this evening, we drove off to the hotel, Julia and I marched through reception again, while my friend booked us in and got the key, same room, as we went to the room a door opened in front of us and the black waiter came out carrying his tunic, he smiled and walked past us back to the reception, “is that?” Julia asked, “yes, he seems popular all of a sudden” I said smiling at her, we got to the room and I threw myself onto the couch, kicking off my shoes as I chuckled...
Theatrical…..17We went into the theatre and into the bar, I saw him almost immediately, he was standing talking to another man, the guy must have been in his late fifties, he nodded but made no move, he had a drink in his hand, Julia saw him and started to move towards him, I caught her arm, “wait” I said, “why, he’s over there” she said, “I know and he has seen us so when he is ready he will either speak to us here or in the theatre” I said, “but why don’t we just go over and talk to him” she...
Theatrical…… 16 I woke with my husband kneeling beside the couch shaking me gently, I had disposed of the evidence the night before during a toilet visit, “sweetheart” he said, “yes” I said sleepily, “I’m sorry about last night, I was being a prick and I know it, I know that things have not been good for a while but I will make it up to you, I promise, I had thought about taking you out this weekend but you seem to have scuppered that with your own plans” he said, I, leaned forward and kissed...
Theatrical…….15 when I got home I dragged her to one side and told her of the plan, she went into a tizzy, “but I’ve nothing to wear” she protested, “ok, I’ll cancel your ticket, there will just be the two of us” I said, she jumped, “no, I didn’t mean that” she said, I showed her what I had got for her and she nodded appreciatively, I had decided to wear the white lace bra that I wore for the wedding, I felt really good in that and it showed off my assets a treat, it also allowed me to wear a...
Theatrical…… 14 I woke and it was daylight, but I had been wakened by a tickling sensation on my legs, the gravity of what had almost happened the night before struck me but there it was again, the tickling, I kept very still and my eyes closed, I moved slightly as I would if I was being irritated by something, then I felt my nightdress moving slowly upwards, at first I thought it was my husband getting amorous and I slightly opened my eyes, Andrew was leaning over me looking at my legs, I...
Theatrical…….13Julia ran into the toilet, her tits bobbing as she went, he got off the bed and followed her, I heard the shower start, “that’s it my darling” I thought, “get it all nice and sparkling for me” he came out drying himself but the shower was still going and I sensed that Julia had first of all used the bidet and then had gone into the shower, his cock wagged as he dried himself, I smiled to myself, this was the aftermath of a nice fuck, he was dressed by the time she came out and he...
Theatrical……12I went downstairs having left a suitable length of time after he left the room, I felt a lot happier and was able to face the world, he was sitting back at the table and Mary was sitting beside him, I thought about his comment about my being his pimp, I smiled to myself, “why not?” I thought, he was chatting with Mary, the speeches and the meal finally officially over, the tables were changed to the evening session and for the dancing and boozing, now we would see who was what in...
Theatrical……11A week later and I had been getting my occasional fix from either a text or a call from my friend, I was happy in the reassurance that he was making contact, that he was interested, I was a little apprehensive about the wedding because I was not sure how I would react when I saw him, or Anna or Mary for that matter, she had been on the phone a few times interrogating me as to what had happened after she left, I told her about the punishment, I think she nearly had an orgasm on the...
Theatrical…..10 I felt a bit sorry for him, the guy behind was pulling up his pants, he shed the condom and threw it on the bed, then he went out followed by the younger guy, I picked up the still warm rubber and looked at it, the seminal fluid filled the bulb at the end, I stared at it for a few seconds, that could have been inside me, would I have come if I had felt it shooting into me?, I threw it into the bin after tying it and put on my thong and skirt, I also put on my bra then decided to...
Theatrical…..9 We arrived at the club and found a seat a waitress in a small skirt that was more like a pelmet came over and asked us what we wanted to drink, “a white wine and a coke” I said before he got the chance to order, she sashayed away to the bar, her buttocks clearly visible below the skirt, he watched her go, I slapped his hand, “hey, you are with me remember” I said, “and I thought we had an open relationship, after you and the waiter, well!, I’m gutted” he feigned disappointment...
Theatrical…….8Anna was building rapidly as she whimpered with the onslaught of cock inside her, I moved along the side of her and felt under her, taking the weight of her swinging breast in my hand and squeezing it, I had never groped a woman’s tits before but today, so many rules were being broken, so many taboos were being displaced, the waiter grunted and folded over Anna, she moaned as she felt the hot surge of spunk being squirted up her arse, she collapsed on my friend, he looked down at...
Theatrical……7He came out of the shower in his boxers again and made for the trolley, he nodded to the waiter who gave him the thumbs up, Lisa was sitting in a chair fast asleep, he helped himself to sandwiches and nodded to Anna, I followed again and gave her the same speech I had given her daughter about wanting to see how it was done by the experts, he was walking behind us and patted me on the backside as we entered the bedroom, he turned the bedspread over as there was stains of cum on it,...
Theatrical….6He let go of me and locked the door, he came in front of me and knelt down, I looked up at him, “are you ok?” he asked, “I’m fine” I said “but better for seeing you” I said, “did he come inside you?” he asked, “no, did you come inside her?” I challenged, “no, she cried off after her third orgasm, I left her entertaining the troops” he said, “look, can you do me a big favour, will you make sure that my sister is ok, she was the other woman in the shelter and my niece, the bride to...
Theatrical……. 5 I was still holding his head and I rested my forehead against his, “I love you, do you know that, have you any idea how much I love you and thank you for this morning, how long was I out for?” I asked, “oh! about 10 minutes, and there is no need to thank me, you were fabulous and I hope you got what you wanted as I suspect that there was a tiny bit of fantasy being lived in you choosing to fuck a black guy” he said, I could feel myself blushing, “maybe just a little bit of a...
Theatrical ….3I awoke with a start 2 hours later and quickly looked around, he was sitting in the chair in just his boxer shorts watching the sport, I sighed as I rested my head back down on the pillow, it had not been a dream, I really was with him but I also realised that the wine contributed to my collapse but I felt totally rested, I also realised that I was in the bed as he had covered me up in bed , I curled up in the bed happy to be with him and watched him, he turned and looked at me ...
TheatricalBy: The PriestI was about to start the engine when my mobile phone rang, it was Mary, she was unable to make the theatre date because one of her c***dren had gone down with some kind of virus so I decided to make the girlie night into a one woman night rather than give up seeing the one woman show at the theatre especially after I had been so looking forward to it, I had the tickets which were not cheap, I knew the seats were in a perfect spot and the artiste was a fantastic American...
I never thought of Dad as a thrill-seeker or a daredevil, for he always methodically planned every activity to minimize the risk. However, he was certainly drawn to the adrenalin that came from danger and the endorphins that came from effort. He took me on expeditions that I would have horrified Mom. After a particularly hazardous activity – scaling a cliff wall, a hair-raising ascent to a snowy ridgeline with our skis in our backpacks, a particularly difficult jump on horseback – he would wink...
TrueAs you know, Amy and I have always been best friends as far back as I can remember. We are closer than most sisters and we don't fight with each other. When we dated in high school, we both liked Ray. We both dated him but he chose Amy. I was kind of mad at first but I knew Amy really cared for him and she was my best friend. I wasn't in love with Ray but I really liked him. I hope that makes sense to you. I dated a number of other guys but none seemed as nice as Ray. I even went out with...
This is my story about how I made the grade with my High School . I have been the horniest guy around since I got into High School and I can never seem to get a break! I have never been a bad looking kid; about 6'3, 160lbs, lean, blue eyes, blonde hair. And I have always been the funniest friend anyone could ask for, always at parties, always having a good time. But girls never have seemed to even hold interest in me. So I have been forced to masturbate uncontrollably for the past four years....
First TimeOne of the things that made it great was that we didn't have to take any shit from our bosses, and we could get away with a lot that other girls couldn't. For instance, one evening, when Dee and Ed were at our home for dinner — and some friendly swinging — one of the husbands suggested that we all take a cruise together. Neither Ed nor Buddy knew that we were fucking our bosses, of course, so there was some discussion about whether Dee and I could take a vacation at the same time, there...
Mandy reclined in the tub and Jason sat on the toilet seat while they chatted about inconsequential things, like their experiences during the day. Jason had been very impressed by her two household staff members that had turned into an efficient cast of five or really six if you counted the boy-type friend of the twins. "Those twins in those French Maid outfits were cute as buttons." "That was Stan's idea," commented Mandy. "At least that's what Maggie told me. "Stan. That man's a...
Summer Horror We had been a family of four, Mum, Dad, my older sister and me, then Dad left after quarrels and my older sister went off to live with her friend. So, now there were only two of us, I was twelve with Mum now a single parent struggling to keep us going and keep the house too. It was no problem for me, in fact it created stupid opportunities. Mum worked full time and I went to school as normal, but after school I'd be alone at home for perhaps a couple of hours until she...
The Answer is Now is Now Niles Hyde took a huge breath as he looked at the jeans, cotton panties, bra, light pink cotton blouse and black cardigan sweater on his hotel room bed. He loved the outfit but did not know if it was the right one to wear tonight. It was as comfy to him as a child's pajamas. The shy man needed to feel so for what he planned to do tonight, go to the Boys Will Be Girls club in Soho. Niles then looked at the accessories he chose to go with his outfit, black...
Hi this Armaan again 24 years old. I will send my story of “bua ki chudai” afterwards until I don’t get satisfy from your mails well here is another new story which happened just two days back when I was traveling in train from bilaspur to thrivandrum dosto is aunty ki chudai to badi simple thi.KOI BHI AUNTY 35-58 years sex karna chahti hai to mujhe mail karene ” armaan.mere umar 24 saal hai lekein mujhe aunty bahut aachi lagti haine.Well you knows me very well I m 23 and my Natraj pencil is of...
This story happened over 50 years ago. Where I couldn’t recall some of the specific details, I’ve had to re-create them based on the best of my memory of the events and feelings I experienced back then. It’s a story about two children discovering their sexuality with members of the opposite sex. The important basics of the story are factual and are an important part of who I came to be and am...
Hello dosto mera naam bhayyu h ye meri pehli real story h shayad aap logo ko pasand aaye me apne bare me bta du me gwalior (M.P.) me rha hu or B.E. 2nd year ka student hu abhi Jan 2012 h shadi ka mahol h mere dost ki bhen ki shadi thi kuch din pehle to me wha gya tha kyo ki shadi ka ghar h to me apne dost ki help kr rha tha tbhi us k mama apni family ke sath wha aaye un ke sath un ki beti bhi thi wo mere brabr ki thi jese hi wo andar aayi me use dekhta hi rh gya fir Usne muje dekha or kha...
Hi friends Its Danial, 30 male working as a senior manager in a reputed company. Today I am narrating my experience with my neighbor girl Nadia. Let me describe you Nadia. She was 18 years old at that time and has a very sexy figure of 34, 24, 34, with very fair complexion and attractive eyes. We are living in an apartment building Nadia’s apartment is on the same floor as mine. We have 2 separate doors for entrance, 1 for regular use and the other for guests which open directly in the drawing...
It was the Summer of 97 I had only been in town about 3 months and having finally got things moved in and settled down, I thought it was time to make some friends. What would be a better place than Church? I was in my late twenties and I considered myself a nice looking man. I am 6' tall, 200 lbs, with short brown hair, green eyes, glasses and a nice smile. I have a deep calming voice as well. I do not have the perfect body, but who does? I mean we could all use some improvement, but I am in...
Hello Dosto! Mera naam Rahul hai (name changed) aur main ISS ka bahut bada fan hu. Mujhe incest aur rishton mein sex karna bahut pasand hai. Meri umar 23 ki hai aur well settled hu. Aap sab ne meri pehli story ‘Nisha Ka Nasha’, parts 1, 2 aur 3 ko khub pasand kiya. Iss story mein apko batane ja raha hu ki kaise meri pyari, sexy Nisha maasi mere ahosh mein aayi, aur kaise maine unki choot ki pyaas bujhai. Mera lund 5.5 inch ka hai aur 1.5 inch mota hai. Jo log naye hai unhe meri jaan Nisha ke...
My first sexual experience was both homosexual and i****tuous. I have never shared this with anyone before. I was a small lad of about 4 or 5. My brother, who was 6 years older than me, shared a bedroom with me. Frequently we would wake up early and mess about – as k**s do. This progressed to him getting into my bed some mornings for some playful fighting. One morning he got me laying face down in bed and he was lying on top of me. I was wriggling about and so was he and I could feel soft lump...
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Please forgive the redundant copyright messages, I’ve found that sometimes my stories are copypasted in part and used elsewhere. Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. * ‘What are you doing?’ asked Kokata. ‘I’m hiding the full-ball,’ explained Lei. ‘I don’t know these people. You don’t walk into a camp full of strangers with something that valuable in your hands.’ ‘I see,’ said Kokata, who would never walk into a camp full of strangers at all. ‘Then how will you trade...
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'Yo Sean, what's up?'I looked up at her, a smile finally came across my face.'S'up beauiful?'She blushed and sat down next to me.'Hell of a day' I said.'...Yeah...'I shook my head, 'He's such an asshole!' I shouted, a bit to loudly - but I didn't care 'I know she started the fight!' I said, with a tear in my eye 'now Chantelle is gone...'Molly looked at me and put my arm around me, 'you loved her, didn't you?'I couldn't speak, I could just manage a nod.'Oh well' Molly saidThe rest of lesson 4...
I was a middle class man not so rich ,i was studious and got admission for engineering .While in college i noticed a girl who was having big ass and boobs,but was not so beautiful but her looks were average .I didnt like her for her beauty but was so impressed by her ass.Till then i havent seen any girl having that big curvy ass.I used to masturbate thinking about her ass.At that point of time i didnt know wat exactly was fucking but i knew some things.As time passed i became close to her .We...
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Hi! Friends and fans of Indian sex stories.This is my second story on this website. Before, beginning the story, I would like to share some details about myself. I am a 32-year-old male in Kolkata . I have a varied interest in life and would love to explore varied sexual adventure but with mutual love, respect, and safety. I am fair, height is 5.6 and weight is approx 70 kg.I am also interested in having a career in giving full body massage, including sexual massage, body to body massage etc. I...
Gay MaleDesert Heat – Part 17Sunday – Wednesday, July 21 – Aug 1, 1985Sunday morning nearly came and went without anyone in the house waking up. When I did finally open my eyes and focused on the clock, it was almost 12 noon. I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and then back to wake Ginger up without waking Pepper. However, I got Pepper to respond before Ginger and the three of us stumbled our way to the kitchen. Ginger made a pot of coffee and we debated on whether to have breakfast or lunch...
FROM SHAME TO GAME By: V.I.ProfferiPart 03 I obediently withdrew farther into the dark upper balcony corridor with May. She placed herself in such a way that she could continue to watch and listen to the fornicating adults upon the snooker table. Using her undressed skirt as a pillow, and later as a muffle, May raised her backside only enough for my penis to reach her anus. I bowed my head to her broadening girlish rump and began to lick, kiss, and suck her anus. I held her cheeks apart and did...
Bachche hone ke baad pati aur patni ko ek dusre ke saath zyada waqt bitane ko nahi milta. Pati par pitaji hone ki zimmedaari aur ghar kharcha sambhalna padta hai. Patni ko maa aur rasoi sambhalni padti hai. Bachcho ko achche sanskaar dene mein saal nikal jaate hai. Agar ladka ya ladki ziddi nikla toh parinaam maa baap ko bhugatna padta hai. Nitin (45), Rachna (42) aur unka beta Kartik (umar 13) Noida mein rehte hai. (All names changed for privacy). Rachna ka jism 36D-30-34 aur curvy hai. ...