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Theatrical……. 26

I woke the next morning about 8.30, I blinked, Del was still asleep in front of me and I glanced over her, the bed was empty, had he gone back to her, was he satisfying her lust again, I slipped out of bed and put on my gown, then I went into the lounge, Gerald was sitting at the table, a cup of coffee in front of him and some empty cups laid on it, the bedroom doors were all open and no sign of anyone, “where are they all?” I asked, “they’ve gone he said looking up at me,
I sat down opposite to him watching him, “gone where?” I persisted, “Samuel has taken them to the airport, his 747 is there, he said, smiling, “oh, by the way, he has invited us to the wedding” he said, “what wedding!! Gerald, will you please stop this game and tell me what has happened, what are you talking about wedding?” I asked, he took my hands in his as I gripped his fingers tight swearing never to let go, “his wedding, apparently when they went to bed he asked Mildred to marry him and she agreed, but she made him promise to stop chasing his executives wives” he said, I looked at him gobsmacked, my mind was in a whirl, what the fuck would I wear, I’d need a hat and what would I tell Roy.

After chatting about it some more, I went back into the bedroom, Del was laid on her side her arm tucked under her head, she was staring as though in a trance at the other pillow, I sat down on the bed and put my hand on her thigh that was covered with sheet, “are you ok sweetheart?” I asked like a fussy mother hen, she looked at me snapping out of her daydream, “yes, I’m ok, still a bit sore but apart from that I’m ok” she said patting my leg, “thanks for what you did last night by the way, it took some guts” she said, “sweetheart, you forget, I don’t work for them, they have no hold over me” I said, “their CEO might but them, no!!” I thought, “Jean!” she said, “yes?” I replied, “have you done it that way?” she asked, “yes” I said, “can I ask who with?” she said, “who do you think?” I said smiling at her, her eyes opened, “but he’s far bigger than either of those two in fact I would guess that he’s bigger than both of them combined and still they hurt me like they did, how did you cope?” she asked, “for me it was beautiful but it is not the size that hurt you last night, it was the fact that they penetrated you without any lubrication and that is very important because your anal ring will expand to the diameter of the penetrating cock but it needs time to adjust and it needs lubrication, lots of it, Gerald used hand cream on me when he did it” I said watching her face for reaction,
I was getting horny just thinking about that time, “did he hold you down like they did?” she asked, “no” I replied, she looked into my eyes searching for an answer, “so what happened then?” she said, “I begged him to do it, it was in the early days of our relationship and we were still getting to know each other’s likes and dislikes but I had lead a fairly sheltered existence and sex with my husband was very limited, I had heard people talk about it, some good, some bad but I had this urge to try in and knowing how gentle he can be asked him to do it, he was reluctant at first but I persuaded him with my usual charm and he did it” I said smiling at her,
she grinned back at me, “but last night I could tell that you were in obvious distress and not enjoying it at all so I put a stop to it” I said, “could it have been made worse because there were two of them inside me?” she asked, “partly because everything is much tighter, there is only a thin wall dividing but that can be nice as well, I did it on one occasion with both Gerald and Sam inside me, admittedly I fainted and peed all over Sam with the force of the ensuing orgasm but it felt good and I enjoyed it” I said, “wow, neither of them are what I would class as small in that department, you must have been really stretched” she said, “yes but remember, I’ve had c***dren and that tends to stretch things as well, some of which never recover” I said, she looked at the bed then looked back at me, “can I ask you a favour, will you take a look to make sure I’m ok back there, I tried to look in the mirror, it felt like they were going to split me wide open last night and I am afraid that they might have torn me” she said, “have you seen any blood, is there any on the sheets I said pulling back the sheets to take a look and exposing her torso thighs and round buttocks,, she rolled onto her front and I looked down at her small round buttocks and the memory of seeing that fairly large cock buried deep in her arse the night before made me shudder, “just a minute, I’ll get something that might help” I said,
I went to my toilet bag in our bathroom then came back with a small box, I opened it and slid out the tube, she looked at it, “what’s that?” she asked, “it’s called KY jelly, it’s a lubricant for this kind of thing but it’s also an antiseptic, if you do look damaged or sore I can put a little of this on you and it will help, it’s better than hand cream anyway” I smiled, I knelt beside her, her buttocks were clenched tight, “now I am going to have to ask you to try to relax your buttocks, I know that it’s a natural reaction for them to clench in defence of your genitals but if you want me to see then you have to try, this is also possibly one of the reasons that it hurt so much because if he was trying to force his cock into you and you were tense it would exacerbate the pain you had” I said, I stroked her buttocks with my hand, she jerked, “now try to relax” I said as I unscrewed the top of the tube then reversed the cap to puncture the tube and the clear gel came out,
I spread a little on my fingers, “now this might be a bit cold so brace yourself” I said, I pulled aside one buttock, it twitched, I looked at the beautiful puckered rose of her anal ring, there was some redness but it all looked perfect, but my horniness was trying to take control, “it looks ok but I will put a little on just to try to ease your soreness” I said, I touched her bum crack just above her ring with the gel and slid my fingers onto her ring,
I could feel the roughness of her ring under my fingertips, then the gel lubricated my fingers and they slipped around as I spread it, “there, how does that feel” I said, “rather nice actually” she said, the horse collar of her vulva was just below her ring and I noticed that the pink interior was peeping through, my vagina was trying to gain control, I pushed her legs a little further apart, the pink area expanded slightly,
I was now pressing a little harder with my fingers on her ring and she moaned, “oh yes, that feels good” she said softly, “now don’t panic, I am just going to try to get you to relax a bit more so that I can just insert the tip of my finger to lubricate you” I said as I brought my other hand round and slid it between her legs and touched her labia lips, I saw her fingers tighten on the bed covers, I was getting to her but she was fighting not to show it, I moved my knee to between her legs and then the other one, I was now knelt over her, I undid my gown and opened it, my nipples pointed downwards, erect and distended, I was sliding my fingers along her slit and over her labia lips, she was bucking her backside slightly at me, “there, how’s that?” I asked, “that is fantastic” she said I could feel that her vagina was starting to leak her juices, my fingers went right under her and onto her clitoris, she jerked, “Jean?” she said, “yes sweetheart?” I said, “fuck me” she breathed, I pushed two fingers into her vagina and she groaned, she was pouring juice by now and I slid my fingers over her ring at the same time concentrating on her rose, her backside was now humping back on my fingers, my other fingers deep inside her cunt, “oh!, oh!, oh fuck that’s good” she said as I increased my speed with my fingers in and out of her cunt, she was building, I could feel it, I felt her cunt convulse onto my fingers and knew it was time,
I pushed my finger into her arse and she exploded, leaving daylight between her and the bed, her body thrashed on my fingers as the ripper rocker of an orgasm tore into her slim rather frail body, she was crying into the pillow but not from any kind of pain, her knuckles were white gripping the pillow, I was not giving her any respite, I pushed my finger further into her arse and moved it in and out of her, my fingers were soaked with her juice as I continued to fuck her cunt with them, she was coming again with an equally big one, and again the climax hit her hard in the stomach as it went into spasm almost doubling her up,
I eased up on her and she collapsed onto the bed gasping for air, I pulled my fingers out of her then took a quick lick at her juice on my fingers, she slowly rolled over and stared at me, “you are a very special lady” she said softly, I glanced round, Gerald was standing in the doorway watching us, “so how long have you been there?” I asked, “long enough, so are you all sorted now then?” he asked, “oh yes!” Del said. the rest of the day was peaceful as we lazed by the indoor pool, the fuck that night was good and fulfilling, it was nice to be back in my bed with my man inside me, I indulged myself by taking one on my side and I made a concession and let Del take one, Gerald bent her legs back over her then shafted her cunt taking her through three orgasms before she called for a halt but she was back on track again, the following morning we set off and made the return trip the same as we had come with Sam taking us to the airport, then the Leer jet to our local airport and I was home for lunch although we did have lunch in the hotel where I reluctantly kissed him good bye, then I got taxi home to my family,
it was about three days later, I had not seen Gerald during the week and was looking forward to the weekend, he had suggested that we might have a weekend at the hotel but I had told him that as I had been away for the previous weekend it might not be possible, we were handed the Saturday night on a plate when Roy declared an away match with an overnight stay, he had been quite sharp tempered after my return and I knew he had been seeing his secretary with late stays at the office, I suspected that my being away had allowed him to step up the pace and he might have even fucked her in my bed, what could I say, what’s sauce for the goose and all that, the doorbell rang and after the incident with Colin I looked through one of the small clear panes of glass in the door, there was a big bunch of red roses being held in front of the glass,
I opened the door and there was Sam standing holding the flowers towards me, I almost dragged him into the house before the neighbours had chance to have a good look at this black man who was at my door with flowers, especially as he was in a company Mercedes and not a florists van, “hi, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked, “I was told to give you the flowers and this card” he said, I opened the card, “happy anniversary, one year since we first met, please accept these two gifts as a token of my affection” it said, I looked at the flowers, they were beautiful, long stemmed roses done up in a wrap with sisal string around them,
I looked at Sam as I took the roses from him and then it dawned on me that he was the second gift, I lead him through to the kitchen, my stomach churning, he was actually in my house and I was intent on fucking him, I put the kettle on as he began to sit down on a chair, I got hold of his collar and pulled him back to his feet, “the card says that you are mine” I said as I pulled him against me, I was wearing my normal slop around the house, my sleeveless blouse and yellow shorts, I laid my arms on his shoulders, tilted my face and kissed him on the lips, he put his hands on my waist and returned the favour, my tongue went into his mouth and I felt him push against me,
I put my leg between his and felt his cock against my thigh as I ate his black lips and felt that pink tongue squirming around my mouth, my chest was heaving at the prospect of him, it had been several days since I had taken anything between my legs and I was ready, I was hungry, I broke my lips away and dropped my hands to his waist then started to unfasten his belt and zip, his trousers dropped to the floor as I pulled down his shorts and let them go to the ground, “why don’t you unwrap me so that I can see my present I said as I got hold of his rapidly growing black cock, he undid my shorts and they fell taking my knickers with them, I had my backside to the kitchen table and the thought of Colin in the same position flashed through my mind but this time it was welcomed, this time it wasn’t ****,
I lifted one foot out of my shorts and put my foot on the chair exposing my genitals to him, he pushed forward with his hips and I felt the black dome nuzzling against my pussy and slit, I humped gently at him but I was in no rush, I wanted to play, I wanted to ensure that I got what I wanted from this fuck, he began to unfasten my blouse and his hands were shaking as he fumbled with the buttons, “are you nervous, that’s not like you” I said, he smiled,
I took hold of his hands and put them flat on my tits, his fingers closed around them, “there, is that what you are looking for?” I asked, he undid the rest of my buttons and opened my blouse sliding his hands inside I looked down and saw those black fingers close round the naked white flesh of my tits, I groaned as he squeezed them making my nipples and areoles swell in his grasp, he bent his head and sucked my nipples, he was trying to push his cock at me, I put my hands on his shoulders, “take me closer before you fuck me, I want to show you my appreciation of what you are going to do for me, I want to come for you, I want to come with you” I breathed as our lips met again, I pushed down with my hands and he sank in front of me, his face down to my pussy,
I slid my hands along his shoulders and curled my fingers around his head and into his black frizzy hair, then I pulled his head into my abdomen and felt the tongue slide into my slit, I gasped as it penetrated me, he began to eat my slit and my clit, the orgasm was rising fast, “now fuck me” I breathed, he stood and I steered his cock into me, it penetrated my labia lips and I felt the huge dome forcing its way into my vagina I was gagging as he began to fuck me, pushing his cock in and out of me as he groped my tits, I was already almost there, “come on, come with me” I yelled in his ear, “come on you black fucker, whose your mamma” I shouted, I was sliding over the edge as I felt his cock explode inside me, he was whimpering as the ejaculation shot into me warming my insides as it flooded my cunt I gripped him tight as I clamped my mouth on his trying to prolong the feelings of ecstasy I was experiencing, “oh fuck” I cried, "that’s good", he began to subside and fell away from me as I sat down on the table, I had just started to relax when I heard the garage door opening, Andrew was home, we both moved very quickly, I shoved my leg in my shorts and dragged them up and fastened them, he grabbed his trousers pulled them up and made a dash for the kitchen door,
I fastened my blouse but I was flustered with the fucking and felt myself blushing, red in the face, “hi mom” he said as he came through to the kitchen, “what’s that smell he said and I sniffed, it was the smell of sex, “oh, I had some flowers delivered, it must be them I said as I filled a vase with water and put the flowers into it, I went into the lounge, I couldn’t face Andrew, I could also feel the juices escaping my vagina so I dived into the downstairs toilet and flushed my cunt with the bidet, I dried everything and came out, then I braved the kitchen again still feeling a bit flushed, I leaned against the sink as I prepared our meal, that had been a close thing but the small aftershocks were still racing through me as my pussy tingled, I hung on to the edge of the sink for a few seconds while they passed by, I was still a bit horny and I looked at Andrew, perhaps it was time for another lesson, Roy was in one of his foul moods that were all too frequent of late, I don’t know whether Leslie his secretary wasn’t doing it for him, perhaps she needed lessons as well, I let Roy pick a fight with me and stomped out of the bedroom in a strop then went downstairs armed with my blanket and pillows and waited, I had my cotton nightdress on that buttoned up the front, I was dressed for hunting my prey, “but this is your fucking son you are planning to fuck” I heard the voice say in my head, “so what, it’s not the first time and it won’t be the last” I heard the other voice say, good and evil were waging a war in my brain, but my cunt had the casting vote and we all know how she would vote,
he came down the stairs softly but I heard him, partly because I was listening intently for that very sound, I smiled , “come into my parlour” I thought, he came round the couch and knelt down in front of it level with my face, “you two been rowing again?” he said quietly, “yes, your father is impossible” I said, “but it’s only you he rows with” he said, “how do you mean” I asked, “well, auntie Leslie was here at the weekend and he didn’t row with her at all” he said, I smiled to myself, out of the mouths of babes and suckling’s” I thought, “oh yes, he said she‘d been, how long did she stay?” I asked, “just the one night” he said, “and did you hear them having sex?” I asked, he blushed as though he realised he had said too much,, he looked at me sheepishly, “look Andrew, we are mates, yes?” I said, he nodded, “well, you know you can talk to me about anything I said as I pushed back the blanket “so why don’t you come in here with me and tell me all about it” I said, the top three buttons of my nightdress were undone on purpose,
I knew he could not resist me, he climbed on the couch beside me as I put my arms round him and cuddle him close, I could feel his penis moving against me already, I undid another couple of buttons as he watched and looked at him, he lifted the front of my nightdress away exposing my breast, I felt his cock jerk against me, “gotcha” I thought, I knelt up and straddled his legs, then I pulled my nightdress over my head and knelt facing him, naked, he stared again at my tits, like most young boys, he was obsessed by them, but then I do have good tits, “are you having problems again my darling” I said as I pulled down his pyjama trousers and his cock popped out, rock hard, I took it in my fingers, “would you like mummy to fix this for you?” I asked as I leaned forward allowing my tits to swing, he nodded again, ”but first why don’t you share your secret with me?” I said, what I was doing was pure evil, I was blackmailing my son with my body to extract the facts about the dirty weekend my husband had had with his secretary, most likely in my bed, “so when did she arrive, auntie Leslie?” I asked, slowly wanking his cock in my fingers, “Friday night” he replied, “and what happened?” I asked, he was silent for a few seconds so I bent and kissed the end of his cock trailing my tits over his hips and thighs, “dad went out and she came back with him,
I think they had been drinking because they giggled a lot” he said, I took another lick and a suck at his cock to keep the flow going, so to speak, “and then what?” I asked, I went to bed but I heard them later like I sometimes hear you and the bed was squeaking” he said, my bed squeaked when we were fucking and it hadn’t squeaked for me for some time, “and then what?” I asked, “auntie Leslie went and had a shower” he said, he lowered his eyes, “and?” I asked, he never spoke, “Andrew, tell me” I said firmly, “I wanted to go to the toilet and I went out onto the landing, she had left the bathroom door open and I saw her, like I sometimes see you, I saw her breasts and… her pussy” he confessed, “I’m sorry mum, it was an accident honest, I didn’t mean to look , honest mum” he said, “it’s ok darling and for being honest and telling me, I will give you a little treat” I said as I knelt up, crawled forward and sat on my son’s cock, again it was the gravity of what I was doing that excited me, I rode his cock steadily, my clit touching his pubic cushion, then my knee began to slide down between the back of the couch and the cushion, this brought my weight down harder onto his cushion and my clit hard down on him,
I was still rocking but now it was having a profound effect on me as I felt my orgasm rising within me, was I going to make it with my son, yes, yes, oh, almost there, yes, I folded as the tornado swept through me, I felt his cock pulsing inside me as he shot his load into me, it had been my day for unity with my cocks, “should I go and try to do the same with his father” I thought, “no, I’ll save it for the weekend” I decided.

To be continued…..

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Ringing. There was incessant ringing, but Raghav was too tired, physically and mentally, to answer the door. "Come in," he yelled. More intensely the second time: "Come in!"Raghav could not have been more surprised to see his love Deepali, nor less surprised. Nothing made sense anymore. Not since she walked out. He never saw it coming until, well, until she announced one evening that it was time for "a talk." He didn't know about the bag packed in her closet. Nor that her co-worker Dev, the new...

2 years ago
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Delivering Dominance Book 5 Testing LImits

After having Tina fuck both Mike and Paul, at the same time, it was urgent the boys fuck their wives quickly. Not only was it important to have each of the boys reconnect sexually with his wife, but, we needed to set the stage for swapping and playing with the other wife. It was also important to the long-term goals of the team to make sure the boys agree to sex between at least the five of them, without limits. Today's tasks will establish limits but expand the reach of our team. Late...

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Robbing the BunkerChapter 5 Modernizing the MC Device

I got home that night with my head swimming from my newfound power. Digging out the schematics of the Mind Control Device, I set about figuring them out so I could build my own. My degree was in electrical engineering so I dug out my old textbooks and got to work. Drunk with the knowledge that electronics technology had exploded in the last 30 years, I was confident that I could build, if not improve upon, Brantwell's design. It was like doing an obscure homework problem. I identified the...

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Best Wife Swapping Sex Experience In Goa 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, this is my first story where I would share my amazing wife swapping experience. My name is Rahul (age 30) and my wife Shruti (age 35). Before getting married, we dated for 5 years. We met through Yahoo chatting where it all started with a sex chat. At our first encounter, we saw each other naked on cam (obviously face hidden). After that, we regularly started chatting and soon we became good friends and we shared our mobile numbers. Since both of us belong to different cities, it...

1 year ago
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What A Sucking MotherChapter 3

Laura's head rested on a pillow, her dark hair fanning about her face as she looked up at her son standing near the bed. Although she was on her back, her tits seemed to stand upward, not flattening out like many women's tits would. Her nipples aimed at the ceiling, the dark circles at the base contrasting erotically with the creamy whiteness of her flesh. She lay still as her son looked over her body. Her hands rested near her hips, her fingers moved slowly against the sheet. Mike's eyes...

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Devrani Ne Jethji Se Maza Loota 2

Hi friends, kaise hai aap Aap ne meri khani padi hoge nahi to aap pahele please bhag 1 pade too mai bata raha tha ki mai abhi neha ko bhej deta hoo to wo boli thik hai aur ek sexy smile de dee. Wo samaj chuki mai us par line maraha hoo.mai apko monica ka figaure batata hon height 5.8inch mammey chotte the lekin kadak aur gor gore bal lambe aur kamar patli. Part – 2 begins May bhi smile dekar wapas apne room ka darwja jhor jhor se khatkhatane laga aur neha ne darwaja kholkar pucha kiya hai mayne...

2 years ago
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The VisitorChapter 16

From the beginning, Sally proved to be very submissive, which I guess is why she had stayed with Tom so long. Beth and Brenda were quick to take advantage. The spare bedroom was never brought up as Sally and Jimmy continued to sleep with us. On the third night, Beth and Brenda both stripped completely naked which of course got Jimmy's attention, but not as much as when Beth and Brenda stripped down Sally. When Beth saw that I was not naked yet, she came over and dropped my boxers. All Beth...

1 year ago
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So not a camper but I might be warming up to it

How the heck did I let her convince me to go camping, I hate being outdoors! The things we do for love, I kept reminding myself... oh well."This camp site is lame, there's nobody around for miles, my cell phone reception sucks, and I forgot my pillow," I complained to my girlfriend. She wasn't listening, she was too busy giggling with her girl friends as they left me and the "gay" friend James (he wasn't gay, he confessed that he got laid way more often pretending to be gay than when he acts...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 47

"Ladies and Gentlemen ... I give you the President of the United States!" The public address announcer introduced me, a band played "Hail To The Chief," and I stepped out on the stage to accept the Presidential nomination from the National Party Chairman. The primaries were a joke. The token opposition came from a comedian, who was quite funny, and kept everything light, and everyone loose. I won all fifty primaries, which you would expect, being that I more or less ran against...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Romy Indy Exotic Dutch Babe Nailed Hard

When Vince Karter sees his lady, Dutch glamour model Romy Indy, in the midst of painting a naked lady he can’t help but become totally turned on and aroused by his provocative painter and sexy blonde lover. Vince goes in for the grab from behind, taking his babe’s curvy ass and small tits in his hands and making out with his hot little hunny. Be a part of the 4K premium porn action and get off right alongside the interracial couple in this Hands On Hardcore premium porn picture...

2 years ago
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Here Comes Joni There Go Johnny TestChapter 9

Back in the safety of the former Johnny Test’s room Dukey the dog stood up on two legs and looked his best friend in the eyes. “So let me get this strait. Ever since I left you in the park you’ve been super horny and have had sex with multiple partners and it’s been building even more since the forest when you saw Sissy transform into you? Did I miss anything?” asked Dukey. A couple of seconds later Joni snapped out of her daze, “Sorry you lost me when you said horny.” Dukey saw where Joni...

3 years ago
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Im normal

Did you hear the rumor? Y'know about that new app that weird infamous internet hacker made before he was caught by the police. Apparently before he was caught he'd just finished his work on a new app. It's kinda boring though so I won't stress you through the details. What's that, you really wanna know? Alright, fine, but you didn't hear this from me. I don't know why I'm so secretive about it, haha, all the app really does is make things normal, at least that's what they told me. They didn't...

Mind Control
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Lifestyle Entrance with Friends

Allison and Scott were married for 5 years and had 3 beautiful boys. They were happy as could be with their marriage. They had a very open and honest marriage, and could tell each other everything and anything. Allison and Scott were getting ready to meet a couple that they had graduated High School with and Allison looked at Scott and said "honey can you imagine Kimberly and Alex ever being swingers." Bob replied with " Fuck no not in a million years would I have expected that, especially...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 44 Unexpected Results

We pulled up in the car park for Lilianfels, it was more in Katoomba itself than Leura, close to Echo Point lookout and the Three Sisters. It wasn’t all that far from some of the other scenic lookouts over the Jamison Valley, or some fairly energetic walks, including the ‘Giant Stairway’, some 800 or so steps descending into the valley. There were some more leisurely walks, including one around the cliff top to the ‘scenic railway’, and Katoomba falls, or the other way to the Leura Cascades....

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Stacie and Gillian By The Pool

                        When Gillian threw the door open, I was surprised to see that she was naked.    I knew we’d probably spend the day by the pool nude but she still took my breath away when I saw her first.             “Hey,” she said enthusiastically.   “Come on in.”   I followed her into the kitchen.   “I was just making some daiquiris.   I know it’s still a little early, but would you like one?”             I hesitated.   “I guess… I mean,...

1 year ago
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Private Ella Hughes Stop The Webcam And Fuck Me

Ella Hughes is one of our top girls here at and today this gorgeous redheaded star returns in Just Between Us as a camgirl horny and ready to meet her dream man Sam Bourne. After warming up in front on the camera Ella is quickly pounced on and has her beautiful hairy pussy eaten, she then returns the favour with a blowjob before putting that big juicy ass up in the air and getting rammed. Then watch as Ella continues to get pounded on the sofa in her favourite positions before...

2 years ago
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An Alien AbroadChapter 18

Sometimes things happen that are planned and organised and predictable. Sometimes not. This was not. When Sackville (my name for ‘him’ - my main alien minder; his real name was unpronounceable with a single tongue flap) told me how I now had infra-red vision I just thought ‘that’s great’; you know, all the usual stuff about seeing through women’s clothes, that kind of puerile stuff. Not saying I didn’t learn to do it, just that, well, with sex on tap on this world, it wasn’t really necessary...

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shame on my husband

The intimate dynamics of my sex life are well...a little complex. First, I am married to Robert, a sweet and intelligent man. Robert is a manager in public services. He earns a decent salary but he's hardly wealthy. I am a personal assistant in a logistics and transport company. My salary is even less, but then that doesn't matter so much. As you will learn, I am spoilt. Around four years ago I started dating a very handsome, a very direct and sensual man called Saul. I know, i know, married...

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Play It

I’m a man who floats through life. I can’t remember a time when I was ever one of the guys. The dudes I knew hung out in testosterone fueled packs. I was a total loner. I had no interest in sports. Never played them. Watching them was boring. I just hung-out in my parents’ basement writing code. I’m as dense as any fellow when it came to the labyrinth that is the female mind. But my nerdiness attracts them. I think it’s the opposite of the “bad-boy” effect. I am so far from being a bad-boy...

4 years ago
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Resort Spectaculars

Resort Spectaculars By DolSade©2004 by DolSade Faraway, Exotic Places Joe was on his way to the Indies; a promising source of meat girls (dolcettes)had recently opened up. The meat girls were all prime, beautiful and young.Their meat was tender and juicy, well marbled with fat. The body shape wasmore lush and fuller than traditionally raised local meat girls but asidefrom a thicker waist there was no other apparent difference. The breastswere about the same size as domestic stock but given the...

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Spizoo Lauren Phillips Up Close And Personal

Lauren Phillips is an outstanding, busty Redhead with a bright personality and a womanly figure. A girl with real staying power in the XXX business and for good reason. She sucks and fucks in an incredible way using her round juicy ass and large breasts to satisfy her partners and fans. She loves being manhandled and controlled sexually. Johnny Goodluck is definitely in luck today. This beautiful MILF redhead is ready to suck and lick cock after expressing her wishes and future projects in a...

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© Copyright 2004 This is an erotic fantasy. The characters and the situation are purely imaginary, and this story is not intended to be a guide for actual behavior. Any similarities between this story and actual people, or between this story and actual events that you should be ashamed of, are purely coincidental. If it is illegal for you to access and read erotic fiction, or if you don't like sex stories, then stop now. This story is copyright 2004 by Russell Hoisington. You may post...

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My first gay experience

I've always considered myself straight. I am attracted to women. I am now married, living the life I've always dreamed of living. One night, however, something felt a little different... and my heart started beating a little faster, just like it is right now as I let myself remember what happened. Six months before my wedding, my then fiancée had to leave town with her family. Bored, and alone for 3 nights, I was looking at porn when I happened upon some gay streaming videos. Rather than...

4 years ago
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My sex slave

"I was sick of not getting pussy" thats all I could think of at 3 am couldnt sleep and feeling sorry for myself I just went for a drive. I was driving several blocks and I stopped at the red light I noticed on the other side of the street I could see a young woman sitting at the bus stop all alone. The light turned greened and I slowly pulled up to the bus stop and the young woman was distraught I asked whats wrong she had just gotten to a argument with her mother and stormed out the house she...

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Sundays Tonic

Sundays afternoons are always twinged with twilight. The setting of the weekend, drawing long shadows of an impending Monday. As days of the week go it’s my least favourite, reminding me of my own middling years, overwhelmed by the dawning considerations of old age. These are symptoms that need self medicating, a gloom only cured by a specific light. My prescribed treatment? The pursuit of sexual gratification, willing or otherwise. To humiliate others distracts from my own inadequacies and...

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A woman named Sin

A man was walking on the street, his one hand, fingers tightly clenched around the handle of a black suitcase that has a million dollars’ worth of uncut diamonds and the other busy with the phone.“Yes, I have the diamonds… No they didn’t doubt a thing… I’m coming back home and then we can leave together for good.”“You can leave your past behind, Synnove and we can start our new life. I love you so much.”“I love you more, Damien,” a woman’s voice cracked from the other side of phone.“Heyyyy,...

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Ms Marca My Best Friends Dad part 4

  Ms Marca        My Best Friends Dad   Part 4     It was just after 9 AM and the second day of the trade show was to open at 10 AM , I had to be at the booth at 9:45 to get marching orders from Bert. I was dressed in the same short outfit and looking like a hot sexy brunette with a chest that made every guy in the place stop and gaze up on them.   I walked past the lobby just as Loire was coming in and she waved and it seem she had been out all night or got up early. She smiled...

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Hole in FourChapter 10

Winter was pretty much over by March 1st. It was still cold outside and we usually only got one more light dusting of snow. The girls could be on the course after school almost every day. My life was going to get busier now because the boys' golf started too. So I thought. Coach Sanders informed me that Principal Harrison wanted me to stay focused on the girls. I would practice my game while I continued to teach the girls' team. I was concerned that I would become alienated from my...

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Cousins by the DozenChapter 3

On the way home, she started a conversation, “Priest, do you feel smarter than everybody else?” “It’s difficult to explain mom, I think I have always felt that way, only now when I decide to read a book or something like that, my focus grows exponentially, and I have become a very good test taker, as my IQ score seems to show. What do you think I should do, I’m only thirteen?” “I’m not sure what should be done. That snobby principal seems to believe you could be stunted if we kept you at...

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A day at the pool

I lie completely naked on a chaise lounge with my legs spread wide apart and raised in the air to give my 16-year old son a good view of my sexually aroused pussy glistening with moisture.At the same time, my daughter's 15-year old boy friend stands over my head with his wonderful youthful cock in his hand, jerking himself off and rubbing his cock all over my face as he does so.My son holds my legs up with one hand while excitedly jamming the fist of his other hand up and down his beautiful...

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Call Me Daddy

‘Owen! Oi! Get your ass down here!’ Owen winces at his stepdad’s booming voice and looks at Quinn with troubled eyes. She flashes a long sympathetic smile as her friend gets up on his feet and holds his hand out to to help her up. Quinn clutches it tight and he pulls her up to stand in front of him. ‘Does he always talk to you like that?’ she asks. Owen shrugs. ‘Only when he’s drunk and with his asshole friends,’ he says, picking his jacket up from the coat hook and slipping it on. ‘He probably...

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First Time Surprise Part Three The Conclusion

It is silent except for the humming of the refrigerators, and the sound of Allen's slow and intermittent labored breaths. The pattern alternates between, quick intakes, whooshing exhales, and extended held-breaths altogether. I can't wait to make him moan. Allen's hands are kneading my breasts experimentally, while his eyes haven't left my chest since I gave him permission to explore. "Just be nice to them," I had told him. So far, so good. I sigh contently. Next lesson. "So what do you think...

First Time
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The Beginning 6

I was in my final year of school and was about to graduate soon. Though I achieved a lot in school I didn’t had sex yet. Not that I don’t want it but that I was with a guy who thousands of miles away from me and the only sexual implications that we had were online to which I fingered myself. I was eighteen when I first got the taste for cum, yes as I said I hadn’t done it but something happened one day and it all began. My name is Tiffany Miller, I am five feet two inches tall, and I...

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A real friend

So the girlfriend is out of town visiting family, nothing new as she normally goes there about once a month, but things worked out really well Friday night. For those who've read other posts by me, you may know I have a buddy that I do a lot of stuff with (hobby and business wise) and his wife and my girlfriend are good friends. All four of us know about our sexual desires and such, but his wife is sometimes unsure about us all playing....with that said, Friday night really threw me!!Since my...

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The Summer Nights With Aunty

By : Ron hi all ISS readers i’m Ron(all names changed) from Ahmedabad and this story which I’m posting here is about me and aunt Sheetal . I still clearly remember all those moments like they are still fresh in my mind like it just happened yesterday. I was in my 10th grade when I had an encounter with my sexy hot aunt. She is 28 now but still loooks like a sexy college gal. Her vital stats were 36-30-38 and man her ass was like heaven to watch. We have a joint family; mine and my aunt’s...

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Swinging Foursome A Fantasy

My name is Madhav. I live in the USA with my wife Veena. Last night Veena came across a story "My First Lesbian Encounter" on White Shadow stories web site. The story was very exciting and we both liked it very much. Veena and I also write stories about our sex experiences and exchange them with our close friends. We would also like to exchange our stories with your sex stories. I have never had any sexual experience before marriage, but recently we started swapping and now I am having group...

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The Complete Submission 4

PART FOUR: THE PRIVATE DRESSING ROOM 100% fiction! One week later. The next week was great. I fucked my brother and although no uncle Danny, he sure was getting better. The master bedroom is now mine and mom often spends the night here most of the time. The sex was amazing, but we wanted to take my mom to the next level. We did not want to humiliate Carla’s mom in public because she had a high profile job and thought we may be able to use that to our advantage down the road. My mom though was a...


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