Theatrical.....19 free porn video

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we drove into town and parked in the same multi story that we had been in when he first took me to the hotel, so many memories, already and I had only known him a year, a year, was it really so long, it seemed like only yesterday, but then no, yesterday was when I got fucked by the football team, I smiled to myself as I got out of the car, oh what a whore I was becoming,
we wandered around doing girlie shopping, in and out of every store, boots, Debenhams, he bought a bow tie which I helped him to choose and some nice socks, cotton, I was making a mental note of all his tastes, we went into Marks and Spencer’s, Julia and I were looking around the underwear with him trailing at a discreet distance, I was looking for something special, something that I thought, hoped might impress,
I was standing in front of rack full of underwear when he came up behind me and put his chin on my shoulder, he reached forward and selected a mid-green bra in my exact size from the rack, it was lace and cut away, the woman on the picture looked very sexy but then she was supposed to, “that’s nice” he said, “can you imagine yourself lifting that off me” I whispered as I turned my face and kissed him on the cheek leaving a faint trace of lipstick, he smiled at me, that was enough for me, I selected a matching pair of French styled knickers and went to the counter,
I paid for the underwear, then I asked the assistant if it was ok for me to use the changing room to put it on as I was feeling a bit exposed, she looked at me and I lifted the lapel of my jacket, she blushed, “yes of course madam, please come this way” she said glancing at Gerald, obviously curious as to what kind of man would be seen out with such a slut, I was tempted to walk out in just the underwear to show him what he was getting but thought better of it, men get very embarrassed when their wives or girlfriends do that, especially when the selected garment looks horrendous on her, the underwear felt terrific and not cheap, I felt a million times more confident walking about fully dressed, we shopped around, “would you allow me to buy you something for the weekend if you can make it?” he said, “what have you got in mind?” I asked smiling at him,
I thought a nice gown maybe, there is a dinner dance over that weekend, dress suits and everything, hence the bow tie” he said, “err.. yes, of course, that would be nice” I said, suddenly my life was changing, he wanted to buy me a nice dress, obviously to show me off to his group of social gatherers, the shopping trip took a turn for the better, we were into some very posh gown shops, trying them on, Julia couldn’t resist the temptation to try a few on, the assistants were round us like bees round a honey pot, they could obviously smell a good sale brewing, I looked at a black beaded full length gown, low fronted, no back, it looked fabulous, I looked at the price and nearly passed out, but out of devilment I tried it on, it had the bodice to support my breasts so no bra was involved, this time I did come out to show him, I was dipping my toe in the water trying to find out what pleased and what didn’t, I saw him catch his breath as he saw me,
I must say I felt fantastic in that gown and it was lined and quite heavy which as you girls will know is the sign of quality, he was hooked, the dress was £500 and he paid without flinching, I would make sure that it was worth every penny, he also paid for a nice dress for Julia which she obviously liked and looked very good in and somewhat sexy, she said that she needed a gown for the up and coming graduation ball which she was expected to attend even though she was part of the teaching staff,
I bought some stockings, black mesh with tiny red bows sown into the lacy tops, I was now on a mission to impress and I think I did with my choices getting a smile of approval, I would show him that I was worth his investment, he would remember that night for the rest of his life, I was already trying to formulate a plan that would allow me to get away for that weekend, I had to go, I just had to, we went to lunch in a nice restaurant and the food was good, I was feeling much better already but then a bit of retail therapy is always good for a girl,
I had been impressed by his patience during our marathon shop, my husband has no patience at all at shopping, refusing at point blank range to accompany me on an expedition, if he goes to town, it only ever costs him a pound for the car park as he is there for less than an hour, men have no idea about shopping, they just do not appreciate the finer points of it, after lunch we made our way back to the car loaded down with our purchases, we got back to the hotel about mid-afternoon,
I decided that I should probably offer some kind of payment for the gown although trying to work off £500 might take some doing, “I decided that a view of the new underwear in its entirety might start the ball rolling, he picked up the phone and ordered some coffee, I went into the bedroom to get ready for the show, I didn’t hear the tap on the door so that when I came out to pose, I stopped dead in my tracks as the black waiter stood in the middle of the room holding a tray full of coffee cups and the coffee jug,
I had already opened my mouth to ask “so how does this look” Julia was sitting on the couch showing a lot of leg and smirking, Gerald was standing by the door having just closed it, and also smirking, I gathered myself quickly, “oh hello” I purred, he smiled and nodded giving me a flash of those pearly white teeth again, I sashayed over to him, my breasts began to swell in my bra, I was being very brazen but I liked it, I glanced at his name badge, “I went up beside him and put my hand on his shoulder, Gerald went and sat in the arm chair at the other side of the room, obviously he was going to leave me to it, I looked at Julia, “Julia, this is Samuel, he’s an old friend of ours, “Samuel, this is Julia, my daughter” I said, “why don’ t you say hello?” I said, he put down the tray, in a flurry of her skirt, Julia stood up and moved over to him, she was blushing slightly, she took his hand and shook it, she smiled at him sweetly, “Samuel, while you are here,
I was just trying on some new underwear” I said, “what do you think?” I said as I turned round, “it’s very nice” he said, “you don’t think the knickers are too tight” I said bending down in front of him, “no, they look fine” he said, Julia was standing beside him, “the bra looks a bit tight” she said, “maybe the straps need letting out a bit” she said, here, let me” she said,
I moved closer to her and in front of Samuel, who just stood there watching, she started to fiddle with the tiny adjustment buckles on the straps, “it’s no use, you’ll have to take it off” she said, I turned around and she undid the strap behind, my bra fell down my arms and I turned around and handed it to her, my tits were now naked, I looked at Samuel who was staring at them, Julia was fiddling with the buckles, “ Samuel!” I said trying to break him from his trance, “pay attention, we are seeking your opinion here” I said firmly, “yes, yes, they look very nice” he mumbled, “what does?” I said, “you are here to give your opinion on the underwear, not my tits” I said smiling to him, “anyway, you’ve seen them before” I said, “in fact if I remember you have actually handled them before” I said, “haven’t you Samuel darling I said closing up on him, “do you remember that morning” I said as I pushed my breasts against his arm, he gulped and glanced around at Gerald who was reading the paper,, “oh don’t worry about him, he’s ok” I said to try to put my prey at his ease, “why what happened?” Julia asked looking up, she put down the bra, “well, Samuel here brought our breakfast and the short story is that he fucked me, he took a bit of persuading at first but we got there eventually, didn’t we sweetie” I said kissing him on the cheek,
if a black guy can blush, he did, he smiled, “he’s got a really nice cock and he gave me a very nice time” I said, “oh, so what’s so special about it then” Julia asked, “it’s got a nice big dome to it so that when it goes in it rubs the insides of your vagina, it’s nice” I said as though I was talking about a cooking menu, “mmmm, sounds fascinating, do I get to see this object of feminine interest then” she said, “yes, I am sure that Samuel would love to show it to you” I said as I slipped my hand onto his trouser front and stroked his rapidly hardening cock through the fabric, he made a grab to protect himself, “come on now Samuel, you weren’t so shy when you fucked me, let my daughter have a look,
I am sure that she is fascinated to see it” I said as I got hold of the zip, Julia was reaching out and undoing his belt, the zip came down and as she unfastened the belt, so did his trousers, he still had his shorts on and Julia went down to her knees in front of him, her fairly low cut blouse and what it contained put on show, she got hold of his shorts as I leaned on his shoulder, my tits resting against his arm, she pulled them down and his thick ended black cock sprang out, “she put her fingers to her lips as she stared at it, “oh goodness, it is impressive isn’t it” she said taking the stem in her fingers and sliding her forefinger over the dome, a smear of pre cum followed her finger end and it’s immaculate nail, she moved her hand away and put her finger in her mouth, she sucked off the juice and looked at her finger, “mmm, nice” she said as she took hold of the cock again and licked out at the end, it bobbed, my cunt was leaking as my daughter guzzled on the end of Samuel’s thick cock, she held it in her fingers gently wanking it as she looked up at him, “so, do I get to feel this thing as well?” she said standing up and still holding it as she put her hand on his other shoulder and moved her face to his, she leaned forward and kissed him, then she stared at his mouth and kissed him again, then again and this time kept her lips against his, I saw the pink of his tongue as he reacted, his cock noticeably stiffened,
I glanced at Gerald, he looked up from his paper and smiled, I sashayed over to his chair, my tits bouncing as I moved, I put my hands on the arms of the chair and leaned over him, putting my face close to his, “are you ok with this?” I asked, “yes, I’m fine” he said, my tits were brushing his paper, as they hung beneath me, “would it be ok if I… after Julia” I said quietly, “you know I can’t refuse you anything but you realise that there will have to be a punishment for this” he said looking at me and smiling, “I can’t wait but I hope you’ll let it go on a bit longer than the last time, I nearly made it on that occasion” I purred, “I thought you were in distress” he whispered, “I was, but it was not the cock in my mouth that was the problem, it was the way he was using it but the cock in my cunt was doing a fine job” I said, “I think I’ll take a shower,
I think my presence is intimidating him” he said, I stood up and he got up out of the chair and headed for the shower, by the time I got back to them, Julia still had hold of his cock but the front of her dress was open and his hand was in her bra fondling the bulging tits of her half cupped bra, my need was rising already, I had got the nod and I was up for action, I moved around and to the side of Julia, I knelt down beside her and reached up her skirt then got hold of her knickers’ and pulled them down, she stepped out of them as she continued to kiss him, I stood up beside her and pulled up her skirt, then I slid my fingers into her pussy and slit and slid them under her pushing my finger ends into her cunt, I was juicing her up but she was already wet as was I,
I took her arm and pulled her towards the couch, Samuel followed, he had to she was still holding his cock, I pulled her round so that she was facing the couch and pushed her on to it, she took up a kneeling position with her hands on the back of the couch, I pulled up her skirt to reveal her tight round buttocks, she let go of the cock and I got hold of it, feeling the warm member in my grasp, I turned and kissed Samuel, his hand went to fondle my tits as his tongue darted into my mouth, I dragged my face away and pulled his cock to her backside, then I pulled her buttocks open and aimed the cock at her drooling cunt, he lunged forward, I was sure that this was going to be a tight squeeze, as he penetrated her she jerked almost upright drawing a sharp breath as he continued to shove his cock into her, her head went down again as she groaned, he was now shafting her steadily, I rested my tits against his arm noting those muscled buttocks of shiny black as he stood fucking my daughter, Julia came very quickly but he didn’t stop,
I reached round and pulled down her bra releasing the twins, he reached around and took a handful of her tits groping her, she came again shuddering her way through the orgasm her juice was streaming out of her with every backwards movement of his hips, she groaned again and came again, he groaned and I saw his legs shake as he fired his load into her cunt, she moaned as she felt the hot surge enter her, he wilted out of her as she turned and sat down on the couch panting, she looked at me and smiled, I smiled back and winked at her, I took hold of his arm and turned him towards me, he looked down at my tits, I went to my knees in front of him, “now, let’s clean you up and send you on your way” I said but I knew there was no way I was going to let him escape me now, my lust was at full power, the kiss had once again started the rot,
I took his cock in my fingers and licked the end, it tasted of cunt, I licked it round gently wanking him, then I slid the now smallish dome into my lips and into my mouth working my lips up and down the black cock, after a couple of minutes I felt the movement I was looking for, his dome was swelling in my mouth as I slid my tongue around it, slurping on it,
I pulled down my knickers and got them off, I increased my action with my fingers and it stiffened noticeably, I had him back and now he was mine, I sat down on the couch, moved my backside to the front edge and spread my legs, he knelt down in front of me between my legs, I took hold of his cock and stroked it up and down my cunt to wet it, I looked into his eyes, he held still as I played with his cock at the opening of my vagina, I was teasing myself,
I was more than ready for this, “did you get to fuck me last night?” I asked, “no, but I was in the queue” he replied, “did you enjoy it?” he asked, “yes” I whispered, we should do it again sometime, without the interruption” I breathed, my lust was at maximum, “it could be arranged” he said quietly smiling at me, “when?” I asked, anytime, there are always groups of guys in, stag parties, football supporters” he said, “are the guys from last night still here” I said smiling, “yes but they have run out of booze money so they won’t be as noisy tonight” he said, “so what are you waiting for black boy, fuck me” I said as he pushed forward and that dome forced its way through my labia and into my waiting cunt, it felt so good as it made its way into me, his black body ,moved over me as his backside pumped his cock between my legs,
I got hold of his head with one hand and fed him my tits, Julia got off the couch and got behind him, she went to her knees behind and stuck her face into his buttocks, she started to lick his arse and his balls from behind, I was building rapidly, I looked past him to her, “don’t rob me of this” I thought, willing her to stop so that he could fulfil me, “you’ve had your go you bitch” I thought, I was at the crest of the wave, nothing could stop me now, my head was going back, I was shoving my tits out at him as he sucked on my nipples, he exploded into my cunt as I slipped over the edge, it was beautiful as we came together the hot steaming cum pouring into me as my cunt convulsed gripping his cock and milking the cum from it, the climax hit my chest and I gasped for air,
I had a sudden desire to take Andrew like that, to come with him as his tiny cock and balls jerked their juice into me, he wilted out and sank back, I laid there my cunt drooling cum, Julia was sat on the floor behind him, he stood up and put on his shorts and trousers, I held my hand out and Julia handed me a tissue, I wiped my cunt and genitals and headed for the shower, Gerald was sitting on the bidet reading his newspaper, he stood up as I sat down and started the jets, he knelt beside me and pushed his fingers under me and into my cunt, it felt nice as he moved his two fingers around, letting the water wash away the spunk of my black waiter,
I rested my head on his shoulder and put my hand round his head, “thank you for that” I said, “good?” he asked, I nodded, conscious of yet another betrayal, my mind was working on ways that I could get out and join the mob in the next but one room that night, then there was the prospect of a stag party, all those rampant cocks looking for cunt, oh what a dirty filthy bitch I was, Julia was standing in the doorway, she had taken off her dress and I guessed she was waiting for the bidet, “can I have some of that” she said, I looked at her and stood up, she moved over, Gerald was about to get up when she got hold of his arm, my gut wrenched as I saw her fingers close round his hairy arm, “noooo” my mind shouted at her, he’s mine, don’t touch his arms, please don’t touch his arms” it screamed, “ I meant all of it” she said as she sat down, she smiled at him, he slipped his fingers into her and she closed her eyes soaking up his touch, I went into the shower,
I kept looking at Julia as she sat on the bidet, he was still opening her up with his fingers inside her, she gripped his shoulder digging in her finger ends as she shuddered, she bit into his shoulder, Julia had taken an orgasm from my man with his fingers, she slowly looked around as though she had read my thoughts, she stood up and came into the shower, Gerald went back into the lounge, I looked at her, I was angry with her, she seemed to be trying to move in, “what is the matter with you” I whispered to her, “what’s the matter with you, you mean, you must be nuts, I heard what you said to that waiter, and you are risking everything just for a bit of cock, I thought you loved that man, well, I do even if you don’t, he is so fucking gentle and kind, I have never experienced orgasm‘s like he gives me, not even from your black monkey, he is a fabulous man and I want to have his c***dren” she hissed at me, I stopped dead, she was right, what was I doing, I was risking everything I cherished, I was in love with him but I was unable to help myself, once that feeling started, I was addicted to it, he had introduced me to a sexually depraved existence and I loved it, I loved every stroke of a cock, any cock no matter who and the baby thing, she could give him something that I no longer could, I felt at risk, my own daughter was trying to take my love away from me,
I had to get my act together and quickly, I was in serious danger of losing him, then I realised that the orgasm she took on the bidet was not for her, it was for him, she knew it would make him feel good to see her go through the rigours of the climax, oh! fuck, how could I have been so stupid to let this happen, the sooner she went back to university the better, then I could have him all to myself again re-establish the status quo, to regain his trust and loyalty which was never in question , he had proved that this afternoon when he let me have my fuck, but even there she had a weapon against me, she knew that I had been conscious of the gang bang and if she told him about it then I could not see our relationship lasting through it, not when he had something like my daughter as back up, she had a fabulous body of which even I was envious of sometimes, if she put that on plate for him, he would take it as he already had.

To be continued…….

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How Did This Happen

How did this happen? A question I often asked myself before. I thought that I was big and clever having a boyfriend almost 25yrs older than me, someone who lavished gifts on me, gave me treats etc. All my friends were so jealous of me, yet at this moment I had the feeling they probably wouldn't have been so envious.Still dressed in mu uniform, I was stood in the centre of a gaudily decorated living room in a modest semi-detached house. Even though it was only 4.45 on a June evening the French...

4 years ago
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CarnivoreChapter 3

For close to a minute, the six of them stood staring at the image before them on Carol’s laptop. They were stunned by the appearance of this horrifying, menacing creature. “Mr. Floyd, you’ve lived your whole life up here, have you ever seen anything to compare with this creature?” Dave Hartman asked. “Never ... To be honest, I really thought we’d find a mutant cross between a black bear and a brown bear - or maybe some weird deformed mountain man to be the cause of all this. This THING is...

3 years ago
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The problem with revenge

It was revenge 10 years in the making.  10 long years he had spent in prison planning, waiting for the day he got to show his lawyer what it is like just sitting there in your cell, nothing to do but wait.  Outside the cell people wanted him beat up, raped or worse.  His lawyer deserved twice the ten years for incompetence and everything it had cost. Jason would be 38 the day after his release next week.  No parole, he had served every day of his sentence.  His attitude left him with no good...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 7 Younger CrowdChapter 25 Professor Stephen Reagan

Steve Reagan stood tall and Dave guessed there might be some military background in his earlier life. He was a solid man, maybe even the kind who played football when he was younger, but as a quarterback or running back, and not a hefty lineman. The man was in his mid-forties, had salt-and-pepper wavy hair, a very pleasant disposition, and a winsome smile. He apparently liked some kind of outdoor activity because his skin had a significant tan, but in Florida that was often hard to gage. The...

1 year ago
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Ghostly Manifestations

The ocean glimmers in a myriad of soft reflective pastels as the tiny sounds it intimately holds are engulfed completely by the more robust waves reminding the shoreline that nothing is truly solid forever. The nautical conglomerate, so easily swayed by the pull of the moon and the warmth of prevailing winds, redefines itself, and all it’s contents, with every passing second. In unending variation, the source of all life emanating from the murky depths struggles toward the jagged mountaintop,...

4 years ago
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Analysis Paralysis

You wake in the morning. Turning toward the man whose bed you’re sharing, you see that he’s still asleep. No surprise, you and he were up quite late, enjoying each other. You’re ready for another round, but he shows no sign of waking. He’s gorgeous lying there beside you, you want to touch him, but don’t quite dare. And so your inner debate begins. Kiss him. ‘I can’t. He’s sleeping.’ Wake him up, then. ‘He was so tired last night. I don’t want to bother him.’ You wouldn’t be bothering him....

2 years ago
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A Journey to Depravity Chapter 2

The Tuesday arrived. I was up early and for the first time for over a week, I didn’t look at the photos or masturbate. I certainly had second thoughts about going, but knew deep down that I was committed to submitting to Maria and Lionel. I was to arrive at Lionel and Maria’s house at 11:00. Taking my lead from the photos, I dressed in my best and most professional business suit. Underneath, I wore my best black lingerie and sheer black stockings. I thought I would look the best for my brutal...

3 years ago
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Offering my wife

Let me say from the beginning that I am not proud of what I did. I don’t even know why I did it. I guess it was an acceptance thing. I got caught up in the moment and wanted to be a cool guy. A liberated husband. And I regret the situation and the outcome. If I had been able to foresee the future, I would never have let it happen. But of course, I could not know what was to come. Here is the story…. My beautiful young wife and I were celebrating our wedding, and our honeymoon. ...

2 years ago
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Start the Revolution Without MeChapter 3

I awoke in the same suite to a phone call from Trevor Burham, “Look, mate, don’t worry about putting this on your own tab. The new government is set to take office and I’m already having doubts. Remember when Annie assured me that nothing would be different? Well, just this very morning, man, she told me that she hoped that last night was great for me, because it would be ‘a good long time before you get to stick that sausage back in my pudding.’ She also laughed and told me that swearing on...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 737

This one is compliments of John A. 50 Shades of Grey for Seniors Back and forth... Back and forth... In and out... In and out... A little to the right... A little to the left... She could feel the sweat on her forehead... Between her breasts... And, trickling down the small of her back... She was getting near to the end. He was in ecstasy... with a huge smile on his face as his wife moved... Forwards then backwards... Forward then backward... Again... and again... Her heart was pounding...

2 years ago
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Riverdale Flip

WARNING: Contains adult themes, profanity and sexual situations. This story is intended to become a part of an on-line graphic novel. It is, therefore, dedicated to rusty and his skilled pen! Riverdale Flip By Jacquie Windsor [email protected] Part I Hiram Lodge paced the floor nervously at the vast estate in the wooded hills overlooking Riverdale. It was past 11:00 p.m., and his daughter Veronica was late returning from the rave. She'd been escorted there by the...

1 year ago
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My Wife Office Exhibitionist 2

The next day I told Dc that I would work for him and his condition were acceptable. He smiled at me and told me to start working for him. That day I was wearing pink semitransparent sari and matching blouse of thin material. I had black bra and dark pink panties. I knew that the bra was clearly visible even over my paloo. The blouse had low cut neck and deep back cut. Dc watched me with smile and said that I have already started working for him with a wink. My heart skipped a beat as I looked...

2 years ago
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Karma Aint Always a Bitch Ch 04

First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. This isn’t meant as a stand alone story, and as such, you might want to read the first three chapters first, otherwise you might end up as lost...

1 year ago
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There Are Times

There are times in a man's life when he just has to step back and wonder, 'What the hell is going on?' This was one of those times. Christmas was over. The tree was down. Decorations and presents had been put into their respective places... So what had happened to that gift I gave her? The one she turned bright red over, when she opened it. She did give me a dirty look, but I kind of expected that. Then she hid it amongst her other loot. I had just found it. Now let me describe this...

2 years ago
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My farewell

History: My farewell.Today, I have thought about something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Something that started as an idea, and that today, I still like it and I want to make it happen. What would you think if someone tells you that you want to go far from where you live, to live a new life? Well ... Exactly that has been going through my mind for months, many, but many months. I didn't know how to tell my parents, what they were going to tell me, that they were going to ban me, I...

4 years ago
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Stolen Pleasures

The sun had nearly set. A warm spring Friday in northern Indiana was coming to an end.As Chris slowly drove home, his thoughts drifted back to the girl. A girl who had called him names when he had only offered his help. She didn’t even know him, and she had been extremely rude. She shouldn’t have been so bitchy. It had been a little over a half an hour since their encounter, and she was still eating at his mind.Karen had been on the road for several hours by the time she and Chris crossed...

3 years ago
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Heinz Horowicz Madman or Genius

Prelude Today, people can look in awe and wonder at the progress made in science and medicine. If you go back a mere fifty years, there were no organ transplants for: heart, liver, lung, cornea, kidney, spleen and more. The only vital organ that is missing today in transplants is the brain. The first experiments and transplants ever recorded were of the works of Johann Dippel who graduated from the University of Giessen (Germany) in 1693 at the age of twenty. Dippel practiced alchemy and...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sex Madness

Matt had turned 18 last month. His father couldn't join in the celebrations as he was busy with his work. He later told Matt about what he was working on. Matt's father was a chemist who worked for the government on several highly secret projects. His father did occasionally tell him about his work, especially the parts that wouldn't get him into trouble. He told him that he had been working on a reagent that could be used in war. It qas like acetone, liquid but very easily vaporised. It made...

Group Sex
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Semper FiChapter 3

Once on board the Scimitar, the Confederacy transport ship, Kari made the usual announcements with her typically chatty way, while making sure that Clive stayed close to her. She wasn't letting her man get out of her sight. She couldn't wait until she was allowed to have kids with him. He might not get out of bed, other than to use the restroom, for hours at a time. Of course, she would share him with her female concubine, former key grip Connie MacDougal, but Kari would make sure to come...

4 years ago
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Fools EnvyChapter 2A

I was staring at the lonely view of a brick wall from my new apartment when my cell phone rang. I had been expecting Terry's call, but it hadn't come. I wondered if I had misjudged the situation. Maybe she wasn't that bothered by my leaving. It would give her all the time she wanted to screw around with her friends. Maybe that really was what she wanted. When I heard the distinctive tones, I checked the caller ID. Instead of our home number, there was one I didn't recognize. I wondered...

1 year ago
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Thanking The Train

Hi friends, I like this site a lot as it brings together a lot people with the more or less the same feelings. I am submitting my story after reading stories from this site for more than 6 months. I am describing a story which is dated 5 years back and my first sex experience. To describe myself I used to work out regularly and had a good built. But due to my work I have put on weight in the recent past and have also given up work out. I am currently 28yrs Old. To start the story, I had to go...

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Saga of Sam JonesChapter 2

I was brought before the warden as I was being released. He complimented me on being a model prisoner. He asked what I was going to do. "Go back to farming or riding, I guess. Stay out of trouble and if I get hungry, I'm going to starve." I grinned at him as I said this, for I knew he was aware of what brought me here. He shook my hand and told me to go into the supply room and pick out an outfit of clothes. Mine had been so bad they had been thrown away. I got five dollars from the...

2 years ago
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Jake White The BeginningChapter 24

St Petersburg station was an impressive building, but so, Jake and Hermione discovered, were the rest of the buildings in the city. And the hotel was wonderful, with first class service, comfortable suites and every modern convenience, and, much to Hermione’s delight, French cuisine. The next morning after a breakfast of French style viennoiserie, which Hermione found most acceptable, they considered their options. These, or more accurately, this, came down to starting at the police...

1 year ago
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Highway story

We had just finished checking into the hotel and my wife, a beautiful brunette about 5'6" and a perfect set of 36 d breasts met me at the door with a wild look in her eye, we had been on the road all day due to a flat tire about 20 miles out of this little midwest town. She was very quiet on the ride to the hotel and now i know why. She told me that after I had left with the towtruck driver to get the tire fixed, she had gotten out of the car to stretch and look around. She was wearing denim...

Erotic Fiction
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sex store head

A few years back I accidentally discovered the adult bookstore scene - lots of married and bi curious men like me,cruising and hooking up. I was too afraid to go through withit, but kept finding myself in adult stores, pushing closerand closer to giving it a try. Finally, at a store in Portland,I discovered booths with a window screen. It was a new eroticthrill to be stroking my cock while watching another guydoing the same a few feet away, even if it was through glass.While putting on a jerk...

2 years ago
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When a woman needs a woman Part 3

Angie stepped out of the quiet of the lift into the busy hotel lobby; pausing a moment to get her bearings she followed the signs to the bar. Her heels rang out on the tiles in the lobby as she walked across and she was sure that people were looking; they could tell what she was up to. Was she so obvious? She felt like she was the prostitute, not the woman who she was going to meet. Her cheeks burned and she nearly turned back, but soon she felt the thick pile of carpet beneath her feet and the...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 30

He was not disappointed. The case contained a daily newspaper and a personal letter. The newspaper had a headline: TERROR GROUP ARRESTED: SCIENTISTS RESCUED. The story went on to claim that as a result of a tip-off, the FBI had stormed an industrial site at an unnamed location in Greater New York, where the terror cell were developing a plot to further their aim of undermining the government. The scientists were described as being held captive and made to work on a machine that the cell...

1 year ago
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Hotel One on One

The start of my field trip was on Monday. We resided in a hotel before going off to a different lodging in the next day.Our group had ten girls and nine guys. I'll go into that more on my next post. Anyways, we were drinking all evening after an early dinner when some of them left to the other rooms to sleep and to fuck. Some of them left to walk around the area near the hotel. I was left with Rika, a skinny and tall girl with dyed red highlights in her hair and a nice ass.Both of us were a bit...

3 years ago
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Turning the Tables

He had seen her in town, she wasn't a model, more like a girl next door type. She had a few extra pounds on her and long brown hair, slightly larger than average tits and a round, firm ass. He had liked the way that ass looked in those tight jeans, he had seen her a few times and had followed her home, just to see where she lived. It was a house pretty much by itself, out in the country and he saw that she lived alone. He had never seen a wedding ring and he had cruised by a few times at...

2 years ago
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Stray Women

POP! The noise was so loud that it was painful as if someone had slapped both of her ears hard and suddenly she was no longer standing in her living room at night but in the morning sunlight of a strange city. She had fallen about a foot to the pavement of a sidewalk and although it hadn't hurt she'd been disoriented by the sudden change and crumpled to the ground. She wondered if this was some kind of dream, but sat up looking around. She was in an unfamiliar city. There weren't skyscrapers,...

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Apple and Cinnamon

This morning I woke up my thoughts wasa mess and flying in all directions. She haunted me again; all through the night she was there pulling me deeper into her. She possessed my mind and I craved it …. It was a hot day when she walked into my life. I was busy with interviews and had a huge pile of applications to work through. The previous candidate was extremely beautiful she was an Indian women with light caramel coloured skin and incredible golden eyes. Her name was Dhanashree and I found...

1 year ago
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Treats for my Man and a new friend

My partner and I have been together 10 years – both from previous marriages. His was interesting in that his ex wife was a slut and a half, but he encouraged her even joining in watching her, fixing her up with blokes and licking her out after she had been fucked and had loads of cum shot into her. He had often told me that if I ever wanted to try it he would be fine with it. But up until last week I had not taken the offer up. Last weekend changed that though and this is the true story...

1 year ago
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Conceal Me What I AmChapter 13

They say that in the nanosecond or so before death, your entire life flashes before your eyes, probably so that you can panic and be seriously concerned right from the start of your journey into the afterlife that you've fucked up royally from start to finish and shouldn't be trusted with another rebirth into life, let alone be granted white robes, a halo and harp for the rest of eternity. Well it didn't happen to me ... probably because I was so already so brain dizzy with all of my...

1 year ago
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady Chapter 2 My Sisters Cleaner

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected. Chapter 2 - My Sister's Cleaner On the whole my work at the bank had been going well for the last few months since we had returned from Spain. The team in Madrid had been quite small and mostly responsible for migrating the latest software to the Spanish networks. I often had to visit regional...

4 years ago
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Without a Reason

JonnyB and Rico are two young men in their early twenties. They are on a wild ride cross-country and are looking to do and hoping to find in no particular order mischief, trouble, danger and excitement. The next town was maybe an hour away and the one after close to three so it looked like they would be calling it a night sooner than later. Thundering down the highway they caught up to another vehicle displaying out of state plates so the cruised along side and check out the occupants. Two...

2 years ago
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Country Gal Story 2

I was traveling down US Hwy 69 through east Texas when I passed her – a country girl, in tight blue jeans and a very tight white blouse, walking all alone in the high grass on the side of the road. It was a warm day, not too hot and not chilly. I was about five miles outside of Mineola, when I saw her. I didn’t see a car on the side of the road and the area was kind of remote, so I did a uturn and headed back towards where she was walking on the side of the road. I slowed up a bit as I drove...

Straight Sex
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Getting Back At Mom Part 2

The next morning when I woke the memories of the previous night came rushing back to me. I recounted in vivid detail how first, I stripped my own Mother then unceremoniously fucked her. Not once, but I actually had my cock up her cunt twice. The taboo thought gave me an instant hard on. Enough so that I began jacking off like a wild man. Suddenly, I remembered the pictures I had taken of my Mothers most intimate parts. I quickly grabbed my phone and stared at them as I played with my cock. The...

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