Amissum Codex - The Book Of LossChapter 8: Aciei - Insight free porn video

I arrived at Loris's trailer at about four thirty that morning. He was up and waiting for me, coffee going. We talked for a while before I woke the women up and got them moving. There were subtle things different about Loris, the place, his trailer. Something had been shaken loose inside me, during the fight with Ruby, and I could feel things unraveling.
We stood outside the trailer as the sun rose and I shook Loris's hand.
"I won't be here come tomorrow, Carter. You've learned about as much from me as you're ready for. There may come a time, if you live, when you're ready for more. Maybe not, we'll see. You're a power in your own right now, and it'll be interesting to see what you do with it ... who you become."
I nodded at him. I knew he'd trained me as a part of his own agenda, and I also knew that there were several times when he could have implanted commands in my mind when I was unconscious or unaware. The more I got involved with Martine, Claudio, and even Loris, the darker the maze became.
"Good luck, Carter." We shook hands.
Martine drove us back to the Bay Area. The ride was long and mostly quiet. I had a lot of thinking to do. Marco sat on the floor in the back and rested his head in Natalie's lap.
We ate a late breakfast in a diner in a little town called Auburn. I was playing with the salt shaker, rolling it back and forth in my hands, thinking, when Martine spoke.
"What has you so preoccupied, Carter?"
"Loose ends."
"What do you mean?" She watched me play with the shaker.
"Well. How about Angela, her kid, beauty school, and the way I made her a near slave to me, for one."
Martine waited.
"Another, here." I looked at Natalie. "You're still unsettled, your life turned upside down, and I've used you like a whore. Right, Natalie?"
Natalie's brow furrowed for a moment, then she seemed to lose the thread of thought and made just a tiny nod. "But ... aren't I your whore?"
"Ssh. Never mind." I said, and she went back to looking out the window.
"Or you ... and that comment Loris made. That you love me."
Martine blushed very slightly, but didn't interrupt.
"So many loose ends. And things I don't know, have no control over. Like." I began making poured out mounds, small salt pyramids from the shaker. "Like ... has Claudio programmed me, or did Vincent leave me programmed, or Loris. Hell, or you."
"It's like a maze. It's all dark, twisted. Confused. No path. How do I know what's real?" I mashed a couple of the small pyramids flat and started again. "You know ... there are pieces missing."
"Like?" Martine watched me.
There was a long moment, where I tried putting the pieces together. It seemed to slip away. Brief flashes of things, then nothing.
"What, Carter?"
"I have been programmed."
She watched my face more intently. "Oh?"
"Yeah ... There are a couple of like ... images, ideas ... that I can't hold onto. They disappear."
I struggled for a moment. Something flashed and then was gone. "Red."
"Red?" Martine asked me.
"Huh?" I wondered what she meant.
Martine took the bill and turned it over. She reached into Natalie's purse and took out some lipstick. It was red. I watched her write the word 'red' on the back of the bill.
I slowly watched the word fade out of existence, and then back in again as I concentrated on it. "Wow."
"I think I'll keep this, Carter."
"Good idea."
Later, on the drive home, just outside Sacramento, in the early afternoon, from nowhere, I just thought, and then said. "Interesting!"
"What is?"
"Huh?" I said.
"Carter, you just said 'interesting'."
"I did?"
Martine made another word-note on a credit card slip.
That evening, at my house, Martine taped the two notes to the fridge door. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, said. "Don't do anything stupid, Carter." Then she left for her place in the city.
I was alone with Natalie. I was horny. I sent Marco out into the backyard to sleep.
The phone rang. It was Angela calling. She wanted to come over. I looked at Natalie. Two loose ends in one place.
"Sure, come on over, babe." I hung up the phone.
I went into the living room and sat down on the couch next to Natalie. I reached deeply into her mind. Very slowly, very carefully, I began to undo, unkink, un-knot some of the rough and tumble mind fuck.
"Remember... " I said to her.
She looked at me, and I watched a series of emotions wash across her face. I could feel the rage blossom, and the fear.
I saw myself through her eyes, and I was a monster. A monster with godlike powers. A monster who had nearly destroyed her life on a whim.
She slapped me. I let her. It hurt, a lot. She jumped to her feet and ran into the bedroom. I could hear her crying. I didn't do anything to control her, manipulate her or her emotions. Eventually, I heard her pick up the phone and call her girl friend out in Vegas.
I only touched her mind enough to make sure she didn't say the wrong things. But as I did so, I was surprised. Natalie was on the phone with her girlfriend, breaking up with her, apologizing for being out of contact, but making up a story about falling out of love. Natalie was protecting me and my secrets, for some reason.
A few minutes later she came back out of the bedroom. Her hair was mussed from the bed, and her eyes were red from crying. She looked beautiful.
"Why did you protect me that way, make excuses that way?"
Her gaze was steady. "Why not read my mind and find out?"
"That would be rude."
She slapped me again. "ASSHOLE! NOW you decide to be polite? You mind raped me! Just for the thrill of it! You got off on it!"
"Yeah." I couldn't meet her gaze. "I'm sorry."
The room was silent for a couple of minutes. Then I got up and went to her.
"Look, I'll let you go. I'll write you a check so you can..."
Another slap.
I was getting tired of those.
"You'll want to get a new..."
She swung at me again, but this time I chose to stop her. Her hand stopped in mid-swing.
"You'll want some money to get a new place, get a new job, start..."
She tried to kick me and I stopped her.
She was panting, staring at me, a flush on her face.
"More." She said.
"More." She blushed.
I didn't understand what she meant, but I was determined not to just jump into her mind and find out.
"Make me do something." Her blush deepened. "Make me ... just make me."
The doorbell rang.
Natalie laughed. "There's your other mind fucked slut."
I walked over and opened the door. There stood Angela, dressed in a short and pretty white skirt and a tight blue top. Her hair was clean, trimmed, and pulled back into a pony tail. She was wearing nice make up and most of her pimples were gone.
The moment she saw me, she jumped into my arms and started kissing me. From the living room I could hear Natalie laugh.
"Carter baby, I missed you, I love you..." She babbled on for a moment, until she noticed Natalie. She stepped back from me for a second, looking at Natalie, and then at me.
Life seemed very complicated in that moment.
"Angie, this is Natalie. Natalie is from Las Vegas. She's staying with me ... for a while."
"No, I'm his slut." Said Natalie, walking into the hall by the door, where we were standing. "I'm his filthy little whore. I'm his personal cocksucker."
"Oh crap." I said.
Angela looked at Natalie. Her face got hateful for a moment ... then her whole body relaxed and she looked at me. "Baby, I said I'd share you and I will. If you want this nasty little bitch..."
Natalie went to slap Angela and I stopped her. Natalie took a breath and shuddered slightly.
"If you want this bitch, that's fine with me." Angela finished.
"I won't." Natalie said, looking at Angela.
"Won't what?" I looked back.
"I won't share."
Angela laughed at Natalie. "Then get out!"
Natalie looked at me. "Make me!" She was breathing fast and hard.
I reached into Natalie's mind, just for a moment, just to see what the hell was going on over there. And then I knew. Her arousal washed over me like a wave. She was so turned on she was panting.
I touched Angela's mind for a moment. "Go sit in the living room and ignore what you hear Natalie and I talking about."
"Okay baby" Angela said and walked away.
Natalie's eyes were huge, her pupils dilated wide. Her breath was coming fast, and her skin had a light sheen to it.
"You want me in your mind?"
She nodded. "Fuck yes..."
"Jesus, I just got you cleaned out."
"I'm not cleaned out ... you let me remember. The hottest sex of my life. Being humiliated and loving it. Being your sex toy and loving it. Being an object and loving it. There's no way I can go back to who I was. You raped me, my mind, my body ... over and over again. And you made me want it."
I stared.
"You made me love it. I did. I really did. You had me suck your cock in front of a hundred people and love it. Be humiliated and loving it."
She pushed me up against the hall wall.
"Come on Carter. Fuck me ... fuck my mind."
"Fuck my mind. Cum inside my head. Make me like that cunt in the living room. Make me fuck her. Fuck my head, Carter." She pressed up against me, grinding her pelvis onto my leg.
She looked up at me, into my eyes. "If you don't ... I'll probably kill myself or her or even you. You can see I mean it ... I'm all fucked up now Carter. Deal with it ... fuck me."
She ran her hands over my chest. "Make me change my mind. Make me forgive you. Make me ... Make me."
She hit my chest. "You did this to me ... you made me this way." A hot tear landed on my hand. "Now fuck me. Change my mind."
That was possibly the hottest thing I'd ever heard in my life.
I reached inside Natalie and grabbed control of her arms and her legs. I walked her into the living room.
"Oh fuck, I'm a puppet" She shrieked. I could smell her pussy as she lubricated in seconds.
Angela was still ignoring us. I removed that block and allowed her to remember the conversation between Natalie and me, or at least most of it.
Angela looked at Natalie. She grinned a mean grin. "Carter, I don't want to be with this bitch, but I will for you. And if it gets you off to fuck with her, then I'm cool with that, cause I'm your girl, baby."
Natalie moaned as I forced her body to go to her knees.
"Natalie, Angela isn't going to pay attention to any conversation about mind control, so she's going to think that this is all you."
"And what are you going to do to me?"
"I'm going to let you feel and remember everything I do to you. And I'm going to make you like it ... even though you hate it."
I grinned.
"Natalie." I took off my shirt. "Time to play."
I flooded my control, my power into her mind, but this time I let her feel it, feel me invading her, pushing into her mind. I purposefully made my entry rough and slow, and I forced her to visualize it as a giant hard cock beginning to rape her mind.
She moaned from her place on the floor, and Angela and I could both smell her arousal. I looked at Angela.
"Strip for me, Angie baby. Show me that hot little body I've been missing."
Angela stood up quickly and stripped for me. She knew what men liked, and she used it for me. She turned, bent, smoothed, and her clothes came off. She teased me with her tits, hiding them from me until she knew I wanted her, then ran her hands under them and held them up for me. When she slipped her skirt off, she revealed a tiny peach thong underneath. She slid that tiny thong down her legs, being sure to bend slowly over from the waist, making certain I got a good look at her ass and pussy.
I didn't need to touch her at all, she was hot for me.
I looked down at immobile Natalie. "You want to be violated, don't you Natalie... you get off on me using you, don't you?"
"God, yes ... you sick fuck."
"Slap her, Angie." Angela complied instantly, and with a tight, nasty smile on her face.
"Angie, Natalie is your little pussy bitch now."
"Natalie, you can feel me make you want Angie's cunt."
Natalie's eyes widened and she licked her lips.
"But you only get pussy when you get cock. And you won't be able to be licked unless you get cock."
"Angie, Natalie can only eat your pussy when there's a cock in her. What do you think we should do about that?"
"Carter baby, come fuck me, make that skank wait."
"Natalie, what should I do?"
"Come fuck me, you asshole ... fuck me hard so I can lick her pussy. Fuck me first!"
"Man, who should I fuck first?"
They both yelled at me.
I unbuttoned my jeans and dropped them. Angela could see the outline of my erect cock through my boxers. Her nipples hardened like pencil erasers.
"Fuck you smell good baby. Come fuck your little Angie."
I turned Natalie loose. "Strip!" I yelled at her.
Natalie blushed and began pulling her clothes off as fast as she could. She was beautiful.
Angela's body was young, firm. She was thin and wiry. Natalie was older, lush, like an old fashioned Playboy model.
I looked at the two of them, naked, hot for me, waiting to see who I picked, pissed at each other. "Kiss" I said to them. "Kiss each other, show me you can turn yourself on, turn each other on ... make me want you."
They came together hesitantly. Their eyes screamed hate, but their hands began to caress each other, and then their lips met. The instant they began the kiss, I programmed them both.
[This is good, this is sexy, this is hot.]
I let Natalie feel the mental commands worm their way into her, let her feel her own resistance die away, let her remember I'd done this to her.

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