I Am Robin free porn video

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I am Robin I graduated from University with a first class honours degree in Art and Design. The greatest thrill of my life was being presented with my Degree Certificate although it was tinged with sadness that my parents were not there to witness the ceremony as they had both died rather suddenly during my final year at University. I have always wanted to work in the world of art, and I know I have good artistic skills and I also enjoy all works of art that are around me; whether it is literature, museums, art galleries or ballet. In fact anything that is of beauty to behold. I am not a sporty type, but keep myself fit with regular trips to the gym, my main hobby is languages. I took French as my second subject at University and consider myself fluent in the language. I am now studying both German and Spanish at evening classes organised by our local college. My parents were well off and I therefore inherited it all. I do not have any other family relations. I am fairly small in stature with a slight frame and light complexion to go with my blond hair. I have been told that I am slightly effeminate in both appearance and manner. I put this down to my artistic feelings. It does not give me any problems and girls seem to be attracted to me, which I relish. I have had several intimate relationships with some good looking girls, but I have no intention of getting serious at this time of my life, so none of them have lasted above a few months. I found a job with a medium sized design company not far from the family home, which I had decided to keep. The work is interesting, but not over challenging. However, I regard it as part of a learning curve and good business experience. I settled in very well and seem to have a good relationship with the other members of staff. The owners must like my work as I seem to get the bigger projects, despite the short time I have been on the staff. The company owners are local people and very keen to support the local community. In fact every member of staff is expected to undertake a project twice a year to raise money for community projects. Several members of the staff have undertaken marathon runs, climbed mountains, distance swimming and similar projects. Although I am fit from my time in the gym, my slight build does not give me enough stamina to undertake these endurance events. I was at a loss to find a project, but I was equally determined to contribute to raising money for these local projects. I decided to approach my line manager Janet for some suggestions. "Janet" I said "I am very keen to become involved in my own fund raising project, but cannot think of an appropriate challenge that would invite sponsorship. You have been here some years and I hoped you may have a suggestion for me. Stamina projects are simply not for me." Janet wrinkled her brow and then said "Robin, give me a day or two to think about it, I do not want to give you a quick impulsive suggestion and I am really pleased to see you wanting to be involved in helping out in the local community". A couple of days later Janet called me into her office. "I have a suggestion for your sponsorship project". "Great, let me hear it" I said. "Well" She said, looking a bit sheepish "You may not like and of course, you don't have to take it up. But I would like to assure you that the suggestion is not intended to offend you". "This all sounds ominous" I said "Buy I am intrigued, and I do promise you that I will not take offence". "OK" She said "Here goes. I am sure you are aware that you are somewhat effeminate in appearance, so my suggestion is that you come to work for a week dressed as a girl. Here's how it would work - we would take a photograph of you leaving work on the Friday evening before the week starts in your normal clothes. Then on each day of the following week we would take date timed photos of you on arrival, lunchtime and the end of the workday. These photos would be emailed each day to your potential sponsors, who could withdraw if they do not think you are convincing enough. In addition we would make a condition of sponsorship that the money was double should you not be spotted as a man in disguise by any stranger visiting our offices." "Wow! Firstly, no offence taken. That is some challenge. I do like a challenge and want to say yes. The trouble is, I have no idea how to dress as a woman, walk like a women, sit like a woman, gesture like a woman and if I put on any makeup, I would look like a clown at the circus. I just don't think I could put it together" "No" Said Janet "But I would help you and make sure you really looked like a woman and not a guy in drag. I uses to do a lot of amateur theatre some years ago and qualified in costume design and makeup. I am sure I can make you into a very presentable woman. What do you say?" I took a deep breath and said "You've got a deal - I must be mad!" We shook hands and agreed to meet after work on Friday to plan the whole project. At the meeting on Friday evening, we agreed that all potential sponsors (we have some 700) would be emailed two weeks before my first day appearance "En Femme" and should we not get enough takers, the project would be abandoned. If there was enough support, Janet and I would go shopping on the Saturday morning before the start of the week and buy a range of women's clothes for me from charity shops and get enough makeup to last me a week. There would be no point in buying the outfits in advance, in case the project failed. Janet had a blond wig and a handbag (purse) that I could borrow from her. On the following Monday, Janet sent out the email and a memo to all staff informing them of the proposed projects During the day, a lot of staff came up to me and said I was very brave, several of them thought it would work, but equally a number said I would just be laughed at as a bad drag artist. The negative comments made me all the more determined to succeed. By the end of the week, it was obvious that there was a lot of interest in the project and no less than ninety people had agreed to sponsorship, which would raise in excess of ?1000. By the closing date we had just fewer than two hundred sponsors, which would be over ?3000 if I could be convincing for the week and if not identified as a man we were talking about more than ?6000. This would be getting on for a record within the company. On the Saturday morning before the big day, Janet and I scoured the charity shops and found all the staff very helpful, when we told them what we were up to. We got a smart business suit, blouses and knitted tops, a straight skirt, one conservative shift dress and an outdoor coat. We also managed to find two pairs of court shoes with heels about three inches. I tried these on and stumbled round like a drunk, to everyone's amusement. Janet assured me that if I practiced for the rest of the weekend, I would have mastered the art of high heels. We then popped into Boot's and got a selection of makeup, nothing fancy just the basics. I was eager to then return to Janet's flat for the makeup training. However, she insisted that we dive into Marks and Spencer, where she selected some rather frilly ladies panties and some tights (pantyhose). I questioned the necessity of this, but Janet said "You need to get completely into the part; I know this from my theatre days. Only total immersion in the role will give you the correct presentation." Needless to say I bowed to her experience. Back at Janet's flat, she removed all her own make up. "Now" She said "Sit alongside me at the dressing table and do exactly as I do. There is no point in me doing your makeup, because on Monday morning, I will not be there to assist and you have to arrive at the office looking perfect". So she went through the procedure item by item. Foundation followed by blusher, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, eyebrow pencil and final light powder. Because I am an artist, I had mastered the process within a couple of hours. I was also impressed by how like a girl the makeup made me look. At my last makeup session, I donned my wig and went to look in the full length mirror in Janet's hall. "My gosh" I said "If I passed this girl in the street, I would be desperate to chat her up and spend some time together!". We both laughed "I told you I could make you presentable" Said Janet. I removed the wig and makeup and collected together all my new purchases, makeup and wig and left with strict instructions from Janet to practice the whole weekend. "I will see you on Monday morning with camera in hand Miss Robin - lucky your name can be used by either sex!" As soon as I got home and went for a long soak in the bath and then shaved my light covering of hair from my legs, I also shaved my armpits and even trimmed my pubic hairs, remembering Janet's "Total Immersion" philosophy. I applied some body lotion, purchased at Boots with the makeup. In my bedroom I first put on a pair of the pink frilly knickers and was pleasantly surprised they felt against my skin, then a pair of champagne coloured tights (pantyhose); these really do feel wonderful and made my legs look very attractive. I decided to first try the straight black skirt matched with a long sleeved royal blue blouse. I put on the wig, gathered my makeup and went in my stocking feet to my parent's old bedroom, sat in front of the dressing table mirror that my Mother used to use and applied my makeup. I realised how much enjoy doing this; it enables me to demonstrate my artistic flair. I feel like an artist with my makeup as the palette and my face as the canvas. When I was satisfied with the result, I went back to my bedroom; put on the black three inch stiletto heeled shoes and gingerly walked down stairs to the lounge. I realised that walking in high heels was going to be a major problem, but I was determined to master this. I went to the kitchen and prepared myself a light supper and when I finished I washed up and put everything away. I then spent an hour or so going round the house tidying up and doing a little dusting, all the while standing up. After a couple of hours, my feet were quite sore, but I was walking with some confidence, having learnt how to balance more on the balls of my feet and take smaller steps. It was now getting very late, so I went to bed having undressed and removed all my makeup. The following morning, after a really sound sleep, I took a long bath enjoying soaking my somewhat delicate feet. I dressed in the same outfit and put on my heels and walked downstairs with reasonable ease and made myself a coffee. I love the sound of heels walking over our Italian tiled kitchen floor. I took the cup of coffee to my Mother's dressing table and got on with the wonderful job of applying my makeup. When I was satisfied with the result, I put on the wig and repaired downstairs. I the hall, I looked in the large mirror, to see this extremely attractive woman looking back at me. I could not believe how convincing I looked and I was now absolutely convinced that I could carry off the charity show for the coming week. I have been watching a lot of television during the last ten days, watching the way women walk, sit and their mannerisms and now I determined to put into practice what I had observed. I spent the whole day walking around the house, sitting down and sweeping my skirt underneath me as I sat, carefully crossing my legs and keeping them together, walking with smaller steps, using my arms with much more feminine gestures. By the time the evening came, I felt totally at home with my outfit and was no longer conscious of what I was wearing. I prepared myself an evening meal and popped it in the oven. I laid up the table and then realised that there was no wine in the house. It's about time I faced the world, I thought. So, I grabbed my handbag (purse) popped my wallet and house keys into it, slipped on my coat and left the house to walk to the off licence, which is about a ten minute walk from my house. A new and rather pleasant sensation of the breeze wafting up my skirt as I walked down the road and I love the click of my heels announcing my presence all the time. I passed several people, who did not give me a second glance that is except some bloke who leered at me, leaving me feeling uncomfortable. The man at the off licence clearly did not recognise me, although I have been there on several occasions. "Can I help you Miss" He enquired. "I am looking for a dry South African ros?, if you have one" I told him, in what I hoped was a passable feminine voice. "I'll get you one" he said and then went to the other end of the store, collected a bottle and brought it to the counter. "Anything else I can get you?" he asked. "Not today, I am eating alone tonight and just felt like a light wine to go with the meal" "I am surprised an attractive young lady like you is eating alone" he said with a grin. I gave him a coy look, said nothing, paid for my purchase and left giving him a sweet smile as I reached the door. He blushed! Once home, I finished supper ate at the kitchen table, sipping my wine as I went, washed up and settled down to watch some TV. I went to bed reasonably early, conscious of needing to be fresh for the morning, as I took off my shoes, I realised I had worn high heels all day and although my feet were tired, they were not really sore. The following morning I got up early showered, shaved as close as possible and dressed in the business suit, a cream blouse, champagne coloured tights (pantyhose), pink knickers and the three inch heeled court shoes. I sat at my Mother's dressing table, carefully put on my wig and applied my makeup. I wanted to create a feminine but natural look, so using my natural artistic skills I carefully applied muted foundation, blusher and eye shadow, minimum mascara and lipstick. I walked confidentially in my heels downstairs and inspected myself in the hall mirror. Looking back at me was a smart, attractive woman, with no hint of a man. I smiled, confident I would succeed in my project. After a light breakfast, I touched up my lipstick, put a little makeup, my keys and wallet into my handbag (purse), put on my topcoat and left the house. I immediately noticed the gentle breeze up my skirt and was conscious of the click of my heels on the pavement. I decided to take the bus to work as I did not wish to be stopped by the police for any reason and would be obliged to show my male driving licence. I had to concentrate on walking, at first, in the tight skirt, but I soon got used to it. The bus journey and subsequent walk to the office were as uneventful as I had hoped. I was certain nobody thought of me as anything but a smart, attractive business woman. Arriving at the office Janet greeted me and took a number of photographs and congratulated me on my appearance. "You will fool everybody" She assured me. As each member of staff arrived they all came to look at me, making me feel a bit like an animal in a zoo. However, they all congratulated me and a couple of the girls told me they would be jealous if I was really a girl! After the novelty wore off, I got on with my normal days work. We only had a few clients visit during the day, not one of them apparently thought of me as anything other than another girl in the office. By the end of the day, even I was not thinking about what I was wearing and felt totally natural in the way I moved around. Janet took photographs at lunchtime and again just before I left work and these were all emailed to the charity sponsors. I caught the bus and then walked home. It was all so natural that I was, in fact, thinking about a design I was working on totally oblivious of the way I was dressed. I undressed, took a shower and then put on a pair of jockey shorts, jeans a T-shirt and trainers, before pouring a beer as I prepared my evening meal. I could not understand why I felt slightly uncomfortable with the clothes I was wearing. The following day I wore a skirt with a red long sleeved knitted top, a new pair of tights (pantyhose) clean knickers, the same shoes completed the outfit. While putting on my makeup, I noticed a few stray hairs on my eyebrows. I rummaged in Mother's drawers for a pair of tweezers (although I cleared out all my Parent's belongings, somehow I never got round to my Mother's dressing table, which contained all her jewellery, as I simply had no idea of its value). I found the tweezers in a neat box which also contained a very comprehensive manicure set. I removed the few offending hairs which neatened up my eyebrows, before applying the eyebrow pencil. As I had plenty of time I filed my finger nails to give more shape and rounded tips. My hands are slim and the shaped nails made them look more elongated and attractive. The day went perfectly smoothly, I think everyone just accepted me as I am. I was introduced to a new Client and discussed his project. He kept on referring to me as Miss Wilkins, which confirmed that he thought of me as a girl. In fact, I think he fancied me, the way he kept on looking me over and glancing down at my legs every time I crossed my knees!! Several others noticed this and commented after he left. We had a good laugh about how he would face us, when he found out the truth. Again when I got home I showered and changed. Once more I felt this weird uncomfortable feeling when I was dressed in my normal clothes. They were simply dull and showed no artistic flair. Simply boring compared with my appearance and clothes worn during the day. The next day, I wore a similar outfit with a different top; I found a thin gold necklace in my Mother's dressing table drawer. This went well with my outfit; there were even some clip on earrings which I added. I noticed that my makeup was a little more obvious today, but just made me look more artistically presented. I am happy with the look. The day went in a normal manner; Janet took the usual photographs which were sent at the end of the day to the registered sponsors. I don't think anyone at the office now sees me other than a co-worker. When I got home at the end of the day, I don't know why, but instead of heading for the bathroom to shower and change, I went to Mother's dressing table, re- applied my lipstick, touched up my mascara and added a little more eye shadow and realised how much I was enjoying this. I grabbed my handbag (purse) slipped on my coat again and took a leisurely stroll to the pub for a meal and perhaps meet up with friends. I thought this would be fun, after all they all knew the challenge I was undertaking this week. I walked into the pub and up to the bar counter. "Good evening Miss" said Jenny, who was serving "What can I get you?" "A large glass of dry white wine" I said, in my best female voice. Jenny went and poured my glass of wine, which I paid for. When she returned with my change, I said "You don't recognise me do you?" "I confess, you do look familiar, but I cannot place you". "Well, I come here often enough." I smiled "Remember Robin?" Jenny gasped "I cannot believe it. Now you have told me can see it is you, but you look more like the twin Sister of the Robin that comes here. Congratulations, you are absolutely totally convincing as a girl. You want to watch it; some of your friends will be trying to chat you up!" We both laughed. I ordered ham egg and chips and went to sit at a table in the lounge bar. I had agreed with Jenny that, for amusement, if any of my (male) friends came in, she would point me out and say that I wanted to speak to them. Several came in during the evening and none of them recognised me, but were all amused by the chat up line I gave them before revealing the truth. We all had a fantastic evening. My good friend Chris, who does not drink alcohol, gave me a lift home. "It's not safe for a young, attractive girl to be about on her own after dark" He said. Everyone laughed. The rest of the week went smoothly. In the evenings, I never bothered to change out of my female attire. In fact, I really enjoyed touching up my make up when I got home, the lovely soft feeling of my clothes as I moved around the house, or took a stroll in the nearby park. On Friday night, I did not change and once again went to the pub, to celebrate winning my sponsorship money. The clients who did not know me had confirmed they all thought I was a girl. This meant that the sponsorship we would collect was ?6345. Everyone at the pub was delighted for me and they all seemed to want to buy me a drink. At the end of the evening I was a little worse for wear and Chris again kindly gave me a lift home. "I suppose this is the last time we are going to see the girl Robin" Chris said. "Why" I asked "Were you hoping to chat her up". We both laughed and I said goodnight before staggering up the driveway and into the house. The next morning, I awoke late, with a sore head which was soon cured with a long hot shower. I dressed in my normal clothes and put away all the women's wear in the spare bedroom wardrobe. I felt slightly depressed and when I glanced into the hall mirror, as I came downstairs, I was somewhat disappointed not to see my face displayed in the artwork I had created every day for the last week. Even my clothes felt heavy and scratchy. I shrugged my shoulders, grabbed some breakfast and went to the nearby supermarket to stock up provisions for the next week. I spent the whole weekend alone, doing the house work and then spending a lot of time in the garden getting in order for the summer months ahead. On Monday, I drove to work and apart from the congratulations for the sponsorship money, I suffered a lot of ribbing about who was the new guy in the office and wasn't it sad that that gorgeous girl was no longer with us. But soon everything was back to the normal routine. However, could not shake off this depression that had developed. I went shopping the following weekend to get some summery clothes, shorts, shirts, cotton trousers and lightweight suits. I really struggled to find anything that appealed to me. Without thinking, I ended up wandering into the ladies wear section at one store and finding several things I liked. Realising what I had done, I left feeling very embarrassed. I did manage to buy some things, but if I am honest, I was not excited with any of my purchases. That evening, I was watching some television and my mind wandered again and I thought how lucky girls were when it came to wardrobe and appearance. They have far more flexibility of dress than men. Skirts can be long, short, wide straight, flared, in many materials, patterns, prints, plain, the opportunities were endless. And that was just skirts; add to this dresses, blouses, tops and trousers. Then there is make up, where a whole range of different appearances can be achieved, and hairstyles in countless variations, shoes, jewellery and underwear. All this has far greater possibilities than those available to men. My artistic mind ran wild at the opportunities available, but I discounted them all. The next few months went by and although I enjoy my work, I think this company is too small for me; I am looking for bigger challenges, which I shall only get from a larger company. I have continued with my language tuition and now have a fairly good command of German and Spanish which, in addition to my French, improves the content of my CV. I have started to look for new openings. One day, Janet came up to me "Nearly six months, what are you considering doing for your charitable project this time?" "Until now, I hadn't thought about it" I said "How about I do the same as last time, but on this occasion, I have to visit at least one client a day at their own offices without being recognised as a bloke in drag, in other words being seen as a girl". "Sounds great to me" Said Janet "Let's see if we can get sponsorship, asking for an amount for each successful day, for the five days of the nominated week". Between us we sent out a load of emails inviting sponsors, with the nominated week in a month's time. It was obvious within a few days that there would be enough sponsors to go ahead with the project. Janet asked me if I needed any help with putting the outfits together, but I assured her that this time I would like to do it myself. Suddenly, I felt my depression lift and became excited in preparing for the week. Since the last project, I confess that I have let my hair grow and occasionally style it up at home for a bit of fun, although I wear it in a ponytail around the place. Also, I have had my ears pierced as a small gesture to my artistic desires. I do regularly change the very modest earrings that I wear. I regularly use a unisex hairdressing salon and like to keep my hair in good condition and well groomed. I told Anna, my stylist, about the project and asked her if she would be able to give me a really feminine style with my own hair, rather than resorting to a wig. "Absolutely no problem." said Janet "In fact, I have often thought that your hair would look so lovely styled. A lot of my women clients I have would love to have hair like yours. I cannot wait" We fixed an appointment for the Friday evening prior to my sponsor week. The same weekend, I went shopping for all that I would need for the sponsor week. I loved every second of it. Everywhere I went, I explained why I was buying girls outfits and, I think, all the shop assistants went along with it and did not regard me as some oddball or a cross dresser. I think this is because it simply comes naturally to me and I can discuss what I need and what combinations look good for me. I bought dresses, skirts, blouses, tops, jackets, coats, shoes, tights (pantyhose) and knickers. I bought enough for a different outfit for every day. In fact for seven days, as I decided I must practice during the weekend before the project start. I went to a cosmetic counter and having told the assistant what I was up to, invited her to put together a complete cosmetic range for me to use. I dare not look at my credit card account, but I loved every second of the day. By the Friday night preceding my project, we had more value from sponsors than on the previous occasion. Janet took my photograph as I left work. I was wearing a dark navy suit with white shirt and matching tie. Looking very smart, but Oh, so boring. I went straight on to my appointment with Anna. "Are you going to leave this entirely to me" She asked, with a cheeky smile. "Absolutely" I said "I have complete faith in you". "This is really going to be fun" She squealed "You won't regret it. This will take some time, would you like one of the girls to do your nails, whilst you are waiting between setting times". "I had not thought of that - yes, let's go all the way."I told her. She then proceeded to do some platinum and honey blond highlights in my blond hair, before doing a perm to leave me with soft waves that ended with an inward flick. Some gentle trimming and then combing out finished the whole process. When she showed me the completed appearance, I could not have been more thrilled. My hair really looked so pretty and well groomed and definitely very feminine. My nails had been manicured and tapered to a smooth round and then painted with a bright red colour. My slender hands looked even more slender and really attractive. I congratulated her on such a splendid job, paid and left a large tip. Strolling down past the shops to the car park, I noticed a lot of people turning and looking at me. Here was a bloke in a very smart suit wearing the most feminine hairstyle and brightly red painted nails. I loved the attention, so I stopped at Starbucks, bought a latte coffee and smiled as I paid noting the surprise on the girl's face as she saw my hands. I went and sat in a fairly prominent position and enjoyed adjusting my hair and moving my hands around for all to see. Many people noticed and went away whispering to those accompanying them. Finally I left and again enjoyed the look on the car parking attendants face as I paid the parking fee and he noticed my bright red nails. As soon as I got home, I simply had to change into one of the outfits from my recent purchases. The artist wanted to create a beautiful moving vision. I showered, shaved my face very closely. After the last project, I have always kept my bodily hair shaved and applied body lotions to achieve a smooth soft feel to my skin. I got out my "Project" clothing out from my wardrobe. I dressed in a pair of lacy white panties, a coffee coloured silk long sleeved blouse, and a straight wool boucl? mixed beige coloured skirt that fell just below the knee. I put on a pair of champagne coloured tights (pantyhose), chocolate four inch heeled leather court shoes completed the outfit of "Autumnal Colours". I then sat at the dressing table (some months ago, I moved my Mother's dressing table into my bedroom). Now to apply the oil paints (make up) to the canvas (my face). I co-ordinated my make up with the outfit I was wearing; a mixture of creams, beiges and browns for foundation, blusher, eye shadow and eyebrow pencil. Added to this I applied black mascara and a co-ordinating lipstick. My bright red nails were in vivid contrast to the concept, but I felt emphasised the whole appearance. I added a gold bracelet, a thin gold necklace and gold twist drop earrings to complete the presentation. I walked downstairs, realising how naturally I moved with elegance and ease to present my new appearance. The large hall mirror gave me the opportunity to criticize and examine how successful I had been in achieving this work of art. I was very impressed with the presentation. In front of me was a very attractive, beautiful girl. I cannot believe how relaxed and comfortable I feel, all depression has evaporated. I made myself a late snack and wandered around the house enjoying the feel of my skirt caressing my legs, the silky feel of my tights (pantyhose), the soft smooth feel of my blouse, the elevation presented by my heels which stretched my calf muscles. My poise and gestures were also more artistic. On Saturday, I slept late after my exciting but exhausting activities on Friday. I showered, shaved very closely and checked that I had no hairs on my legs and body. I put on a pair of black panties, black tights (pantyhose) a straight black skirt, a white turtleneck neck jumper and black leather court shoes with a three inch heel. I was going into town to shop and I wanted to practice to perfection walking in a tight skirt. I gently brushed and put in place my newly styled hair and proceeded to do my makeup. This always takes me a long time, as I am so determined to achieve the right look. When I was satisfied, I added a bracelet, small chain necklace and modest gold hoop earrings, sprayed on a little of my new perfume and went downstairs. Checked in the hall mirror, smiled at this very smart, well presented person I saw in the mirror and went to grab a coffee and some toast before driving into town. I felt bold enough to drive and concluded if I was stopped for any reason, I was not breaking the law; I just looked somewhat different from the description on my licence. I found driving in heels a lot easier than I thought. My shopping was really an excuse to show off my new appearance and hairstyle and see what reaction I got from people passing by. I clearly saw that I was noticed by most people and felt from their look that it was one of admiration. I soon got used to the skirt for walking, sitting down and getting up. In fact I felt that my poise and posture was getting very elegant. I bought the few basic food items that I needed and was intent on window shopping for the rest of the day. However, by the time I got home, I had bought some lovely shoes, some additional makeup and a cocktail dress. Why on earth I did this, I am not sure as I would have no use for this attire at the end of the week. On Sunday, I wore a casual skirt and top outfit with tights (pantyhose) and three inch heels. I drove out to a National Trust house and wandered round the gardens and house and then went for a long walk before stopping at a pub for a very late lunch. I feel so comfortable dressed as I am and apart from the look I present, other senses are stimulated. I love the feel of the breeze blowing up my skirt when outdoors, the silky sensation of my tights (pantyhose) rubbing against my legs as well as the skirt caressing my legs. I love the increased height of my heels and the way they stretch my calf muscles, the click of the heels on tiles is music to my ears. Then there is the wonderful aroma of my perfume and the taste of my lipstick. I am just so relaxed and so enjoy the whole experience. This is only just over two days; the thought of another seven days in similar attire took me to cloud nine. It should only be five days, but I was sure that I would continue over next weekend as well. Monday morning, after showering and shaving, I selected a charcoal grey suit with straight skirt that rested on my knees, a cream long sleeve blouse, champagne coloured tights (pantyhose), grey suede three inch heel court shoes, just plain gold stud earrings and no other jewellery. I applied my makeup lightly, using a faint blusher and very light grey shades of eye shadow and kept my eyeliner and mascara and eyebrow pencil to a minimum. In front of the hall mirror was the smart, serious looking business woman I wanted to achieve. On arrival at work for this first day of my project, Janet congratulated me and took the routine photographs for emailing to the prospective sponsors. Many of the staff greeted me and congratulated me on such a perfect deception. The day soon settled into the routine and quite simply, I was accepted as a female designer in the office. After work, I went straight to the pub for a drink and meal. This time the staff recognise my female look and told me that this time round no one could possibly realise that I was not a women. By the middle of the week, I did not even think about what I was doing, it had become so natural and routine. I feel so comfortable dressed and made up this way and I love how my hair falls about my neck. When I got home of Wednesday night, I made myself some supper, which I enjoyed with a glass of wine. After I had cleared up, I went to the lounge to deal with the post that had arrived. Included in this was my monthly copy of our professional trade magazine. In there, I found a job advertised that really appealed to me. It was for a designer with a well respected advertising firm, based in London, which I knew had several blue chip companies on their books. I decided to apply for the job, which could be done on line. I went to the study where I keep my computer. I checked that my CV was up to date. Then I suddenly had this wonderful idea. I took out all references as to my gender, completed the application and submitted it. When I got home on Thursday night, there was an email awaiting inviting me to an interview the following week. I accepted the interview and on Friday asked Janet for a day's holiday on the following Wednesday, which she approved. I obviously did not let on as to the reason. The sponsor week was successfully completed and, in fact, I had raised more money than on the previous occasion. By now my thoughts were entirely devoted to the interview and whether I would be able to pull off this daring idea. On Saturday, I dressed casually in a pair of jeans, T-Shirt and white trainers, pulled my hair back into a pony tail, resisted putting on makeup - well just a hint of eye shadow, giving me a very unisex look. I then went shopping, spending the whole day putting together the outfit to wear for my job interview. I had decided not to wear a formal business suit but a more sophisticated look that might give the impression that it is my normal appearance. I finally selected a light blue pure silk dress with full skirt that fell just above mid calf, a frill collar and three quarter length sleeves. I found a fairly wide woven navy leather belt which emphasised the width and flow of the skirt. Just a couple of blue bangles and a pair of two inch bauble blue drop earrings for jewellery. I found a lovely pair of steel blue coloured shoes with an ankle strap and really thin metal four inch heels. To complete the outfit I wanted a pair of very pale blue tights (pantyhose). I searched high and low without success and I was about to give up when I came across exactly the colour I wanted, as I picked up the package, I realised they were in fact stockings and Not tights (pantyhose). I was about to put them back when I decided that they were so perfect for the outfit, I had to have them. I took two pairs and went in search of a suspender belt (garter belt) to hold up the stockings. I found a six strap belt with metal clips in navy blue and bought a couple of pairs of matching panties to complete the outfit. I then went on to a cosmetic shop and bought a red nail varnish with a hint of blue in the colour together with a matching lipstick. I also got a matching blend of blue to grey eye shadows. By the time I had finished the shops were beginning to close, it had taken me so long. I was, however thrilled with the result and could not wait to try it on. I resisted rushing home to change; instead I dropped into a pub just a few miles from my house, ordered a steak and sipped a glass of red wine whilst I waited for my meal. It is a first class pub for food and I enjoyed every morsel, whilst imagining how I would look in my new outfit. When I finally got home, I took a leisurely bath, shaved all my body hair before applying some skin cream. I unpacked my purchases of the day and started to dress. I put on my new panties which felt so smooth and looked really pretty, next came the suspender belt (garter belt). I have never worn stockings before so this was all new territory for me. I remember reading somewhere that the belt needs to be inside the panties to avoid complications when going to the loo. So I slipped the suspender straps through my panties. I then put on a pair of the pale blue stockings; the colour looked even more perfect against my pale skin. Stockings are certainly a lot easier to put on than tights (pantyhose) as each leg is separate and avoids the entire juggling around when pulling up tights (pantyhose). I then attached the suspender (garter) straps, which were easy enough, albeit a bit fiddly and finally adjusted the length to make the stockings taught but still with enough movement to walk around in. They did feel a bit strange, all the time tensing your stockings. I put on the dress; the feel of silk rubbing against my body takes my breath away. The whole dress is fully silk lined and so does not require a slip, a completed the outfit by adding the shoes. I am amazed how easy it is to walk in such teetering slim heels. I sat in front of the dressing table mirror and spent the next hour applying my nail varnish and new makeup. Finally satisfied, I added the earrings, bangles and belt and then walked downstairs, noticing the pull of the suspenders against my stockings with every step I took. I looked in the full length mirror in the hall. The whole outfit and make up had come together to perfection. I looked absolutely stunning and everything co-ordinated to perfection. It brought a smile to my face, which made me look radiant. Although it was late, I put on a grey short suede coat that I had purchased some time ago and went for a walk in our well illuminated local park. There were still quite a few people about enjoying the mild weather, despite the lateness of the hour. I loved all the sensations given off to me with this outfit, especially the way the silk skirt caressed against my legs. I have never worn a skirt as long as this or perhaps as wide and the feeling was nothing short of electric. In addition the gently breeze wafting up my legs to my bare thighs was another unique and utterly fabulous feeling. When I got home, I stayed watching television and reading, not wishing to take off this wonderful outfit. Very late I went to my bedroom and reluctantly got undressed. I realised as I was taking off my stockings that I had got used to them over the evening and, in fact, compared with tights, found them less restrictive and actually more comfortable. On Sunday I went back to jeans and a T Shirt, hair in a ponytails and no makeup. I pottered around the house, doing my laundry, cleaning up, mowed the lawn and indulged in a little gardening. After preparing and eating my evening meal, I started to put together the portfolio of my work, which I intended to take to my interview. I then went on line and booked my rail ticket for Wednesday. Finally, I removed my nail varnish and went to bed. On Tuesday night, before going to bed, I shaped my nails and applied my nail varnish; I tidied up my eyebrows and then took a long bath, shaving any new body hair that may have appeared and applying body cream, before slipping into my pyjamas and going to sleep. I rose very early on Wednesday morning and although my interview was not until the early afternoon and the journey time less than two hours, I wanted to make certain that my personal presentation was perfect. I took a quick shower, before getting dressed in my "interview" outfit. I found it much easier to put on stockings this time; in fact I am beginning to think I may prefer stockings to tights. Having already decided on the colours I would use for my makeup, again it took less time than last Saturday. I spent a lot of time with my hair and I am glad that the style put in nearly two weeks ago is easy to develop and maintain. My inspection in the hall mirror confirms that this is, without doubt, the best overall appearance I have ever achieved. I really do want this to happen all the time, not just occasionally. Can I pull it off today, as this would go a long way to achieving my ambition? I packed my burgundy leather briefcase with my portfolio and added a small makeup bag, hairbrush, fold up umbrella and a spare pair of stockings (nothing worse than a ladder in your stockings). I ordered a taxi to take me to the station. It is another fine Spring day, but I put on my grey suede jacket as my outfit is made of a fine material. I caught the train well on time and sat down in my first class seat, where I was joined by two smartly suited gentlemen before the train left. I started to read the paperback that I had purchased at the railway station. As I glanced up I realised the man up from me on the other side of the carriage was looking me over. I gave him the sweetest smile, which caused him to blush, before returning to my book. When I looked up again, there he was looking at me, once again I smiled and he awkwardly turned away blushing. I was so enjoying this that I put my book aside and stared out of the window, occasionally crossing and uncrossing my legs, I checked on my makeup, I visited the toilet. Every time looking and smiling at this man, which only increased his embarrassment. I am sure he wanted to talk to me, but was far too shy to do so. It made the journey go very quickly. I arrived in London and took the underground to the office where the interview was to be held. I was far too early, but I wanted to get my bearings. I checked out the smart block of offices which housed the Company and found their suite was on the tenth floor. I wandered off to a nearby coffee shop ordered a latte and a sandwich and sat quietly at a table to enjoy my snack. I loved the fact that so many people looked at me twice and obviously approve of what they. As my interview time approached, I went to the ladies room and retouched my makeup and adjusted my hair, before walking to the offices. I took the lift to the tenth floor, which opened up to a very modern, smart reception area. I walked across to the receptionist, a really smart Asian girl, about twenty two, jet black short hair and very smartly dressed in a black skirt, white blouse and black jacket, two inch heel court shoes and pale tights. All this was visible from the open reception desk. "Good afternoon" I said "My name is Robin Beckwith, I have an appointment to see Mr. Baldwin" The girl glanced at her screen "Yes, that is fine; I will take you to the conference room and let Mr. Baldwin know you are here." She got up and led me across the reception area to a door which opened up to a pleasant office furnished with a round table and chairs. I walked in and sat down facing the door as the receptionist left closing the door behind her. A few minutes later the door opened and a well dressed man about forty years old came in, I got up and he shook me by the hand introducing himself. "Good afternoon, my name is Charles Baldwin and I am in charge of the design department. We will shortly be joined by my colleague Henry Smith who is responsible for allocating all projects. Please sit down and may I organise tea?" "Thank you, that would be delightful" I replied returning to my seat. He picked up the telephone and ordered tea for three. "I have to confess" he smiled "We thought that you were a male applicant, incorrectly we had assumed Robin would be a man". "Does it make a difference?" I asked non commit ally. "Not at all, our only interest is the candidates skills and ability to work with the team, irrespective of sex, colour, creed, fat or thin!" Tea arrived and at the same time Henry Smith joined us. When we had all settled the interview went through in the normal manner and they enquired as to my work and career to date and then explained how the company worked and exactly the role that I had applied for. They then looked at the portfolio I had prepared and made various enquiries concerning the work. Finally they asked if they could contact my current employer for a reference. I had anticipated this one. "The current Company I work for is a small family affair. I fear if they discovered I was looking elsewhere for a job, they would terminate my position" I pointed out. "Will you excuse us a moment?" Asked Mr. Baldwin. I nodded and the two of them left the room. Five minutes later they returned. "We are very impressed with your knowledge and the very high standard of your work. As you, understandably, do not wish us to take up reference with your existing employer, we would like to give you an outline project now and ask you to prepare an advertising campaign together with sketches of your proposed scheme. We appreciate the time pressure and will take this into account when we view your project notes. Are you agreeable?" "I love a challenge" I replied. I was taken to one of the design workplaces and given a brief memo of the project, together with a description of the company requesting the advertising programme. I thought for some twenty minutes before coming up with a theme for the project which I outlined showing sketches of the proposed project, basic dialogue, and theme description. The whole completed in just over an hour. I then handed it over to Mr. Baldwin. He returned me to the interview room saying he would chat it over with Henry and be with me shortly. Some ten minutes later the two of them joined me. "Considering the very limited time you had to prepare this" said Mr. Baldwin "Together with the pressure associated with the situation, we think you have offered a remarkable portfolio. Robin, we would like to offer you the job. Are you interested". "I most certainly am," I replied "But, I will need to see your formal offer together with full details of the proposal before giving you my definitive answer". "We fully understand. The formal offer will be in the post tomorrow. We look forward to hearing from you". With that we shook hands and I left the building. I think I was floating on air, I was so excited. It was only when I got on the train and smoothed my skirt down that it hit me what I had done. I got out my mirror and redid my lipstick. I looked at the face in the mirror and silently said, "If you accept this job, you will have to live and look like this forever. What was a bit of fun, in now very serious". I weighed up the pros and cons all the way home. When I walked in the front door and walked over to the full length mirror and looked at this beautiful work of art that I have created. I loved it and the smile told me what I wanted. From now on this would be my public and probably private appearance. I poured myself a large glass of wine and happily drank to my future. It was quite a letdown to return to work the following day, in what I now felt were the wrong clothes. The letter arrived on Friday and the terms and conditions were better than I expected. I signed the acceptance with a start date in ten weeks. On Monday Morning I handed in my resignation. I explained to Janet the reasons for me leaving. "We all thought this would happen, Robin" She said "We all knew your talents were too big for this organisation and we wish you every success" I did not tell them the Company I was joining for obvious reasons. The next couple of months went like a whirlwind. I put my house on the market and was lucky enough to get a cash buyer within a week. Contracts were exchanged within a month. I went house hunting on line and selected several potential properties. I arranged to visit one weekend and fell in love with a two bed roomed Victorian terraced house with garden in a quiet street in Notting Hill. My offer accepted, I harassed the solicitors and two weeks before the start of my new job, I was moving into my new home. My furniture had been in storage for just over a week as the new owners of my old house needed to move in early and as they had two children, it was clearly simple for me to use a hotel for a few days. I booked out of the hotel on the day I was to take over the Notting Hill house, dressed in jeans and jumper with trainers on my feet, I drove to Notting Hill, on the way I stopped in a lay-by, let down my hair and brushed it out. I then applied makeup with foundation, blusher, bright red lipstick, plenty of mascara and eye shadow. I wanted the statement to be very obvious to everyone who saw me moving into my new house. I arrived at the house, parked the car and gathered my bag and let myself into my new house. The removals men arrived shortly after me, fortunately it was not the same crew as had loaded from my old house, so no questions were raised. They were very efficient and the job was completed by three in the afternoon. I paid them as they left and then started to unpack the boxes and cartons. I could not believe how much work there is to do to set up house. In the middle of the evening, I was exhausted and hungry. I walked up to a pub nearby and ordered a meal and a large glass of red wine. I sat quietly and enjoyed my meal and then strolled back to my new house. I watched a little television on the set I had just connected up and then went to bed. I lay in bed and reflected that this was the first day of an entirely new life for me. I considered all the problems and pitfalls I had put in place. I am thrilled by this challenge. The next morning I woke early and lay in bed savouring my choices for the day. I soaked in a bath with sweet smelling oils, carefully shaved all my body hair, towelled myself down and returned to my bedroom to select my outfit for the day. I looked into my wardrobe that I had unpacked the previous evening and selected a simple steel grey jersey dress, with three quarter length sleeves, that fell two inches above the knee, I wore grey tights, grey leather shoes with a three inch heel leather shoes. I spent the next hour applying makeup - foundation, blusher, eye shadow, eye liner, eyebrow pencil, lots of mascara and a vivid red lipstick. More make up than I had ever done before, because now the artist in me has complete freedom to express himself. I brushed through my hair and realised I was in urgent need of a good hairdresser. I finished my outfit with a black belt, black disc earrings and black plastic bracelets. I had put up the full length mirror in the hallway and when I moved downstairs, loved the suave, attractive, sophisticated person looking back at me. I had a light breakfast and realised I must shop for some basic provisions. Whilst sipping my coffee, the doorbell rang and I opened it to take a delivery of some furniture I had ordered. This was mostly mirrors. There is a full length free standing mirror for my bedroom and others to go around every room in the house. Because now that I am devoted to expressing my artistic model (that is me) every day I want to see and admire my work as often as possible. I spent the rest of the morning putting up the mirrors and doing more unpacking. In the afternoon I spent some time on my computer looking up hair dressing salons in the area. I settled on one and went out and walked to the salon I had selected. I walked in and was immediately impressed by the quality of the place. A very charming girl, in her late twenties, greeted me and I explained I had just moved into the area and wanted to arrange for an appointment, just a shampoo and set. The girl (Anna) said she was one of the senior stylists and would be delighted to assist. I booked an appointment for a couple of days later. As I was walking back I recalled how comfortable I had felt wearing stockings so I popped into a department store and bought several pairs in different shades of the same make as before, as they had proved to be an ideal length. In addition, I bought two suspender belts in black and white with matching panties. When I got home, I made a meal for myself, before continuing the unpacking. Moving around the house, I was always coming across a mirror and able to see whether today's presentation was acceptable. I noticed one flaw, so I stopped unpacking, sat down and painted my nails in a colour to match my lipstick. I would do my toenails when I undressed for bed. I continued unpacking and arranging the furniture until very late, but by the time I went, exhausted, to bed, the job was almost complete. A couple of days later I went to the hair salon for my appointment with Anna. I wore a simple red, white and blue printed short sleeve dress that finished about four inches above the knee, a pair of red four inch stiletto heeled court shoes, with a nude shade of stockings and white suspender belt and panties. My make up always occupies a lot of time, but the result was wonderful. All my mirrors told me I looked fabulous. Anna said my hair was somewhat out of condition but she would soon put that right. I received my shampoo and then Anna suggested some minor trimming to eliminate the split ends. I agreed and she proceeded adding some conditioner before gently blow drying and styling my blond hair. The results gave me a much more beautiful appearance. I booked another appointment with Anna and explained that I liked to change my style and appearance very frequently and I would appreciate her suggestions to apply at my next appointment. Anna said she would be thrilled and suggested she email across to me a few ideas to consider. I gave her my email address and said I looked forward to seeing her suggestions. I noticed in the salon an advertisement for electrolysis removal of unwanted hair, I took the details down and when I got home made an appointment for the following day. I had decided the first day I presented my current look; I needed to rid myself of all facial hair, as this would enable me to give the artist the perfect canvas to apply makeup instead of the rather rough one at present offered. The following day I dressed in a straight black skirt and red turtle neck knitted top with black stockings and back three inch patent leather shoes. The only makeup I applied was lipstick and then brushed through my hair which fell so naturally into shape. Everywhere I walked told me I looked natural and attractive, I love the way heels strain my calf muscles and the delight of suspenders pulling on my stockings. At the appointment with the skin clinic an expert discussed with the procedures and that it would take several months to achieve complete removal of my facial hair. I booked a series of evening appointments. I went to the nearby pub that evening. I sat at the bar and enjoyed a glass of red wine whilst eating a chicken salad. Tom the manager came over and chatted to me, such a nice chap. He also introduced me to several of his regular clients and I had a relaxing evening putting the world to right! In the next week or so, I got everything in order, did some clothes shopping to give my new wardrobe some depth. I signed up to the gym and have been going very early about every third day. No makeup, hair in a ponytail, shorts, singlet and trainers - very unisex. I do need to use the changing rooms as I shower when I get home. I have enrolled for evening classes for German and Spanish at advanced level. I lay in bed one night and tried to analyse who and what I am and I find it very difficult to put a description on myself. I dress the way I do because it enables me to express my artistic flair, talent and enjoyment on myself. The fact that the image portrayed is a female persona is simply because there is so much more opportunity for artistic expression for women. Had the reverse been the case, there would have been no reason for me to hide my male persona. I am not a transvestite or transsexual, I am not gay, I would love to have a girlfriend, but realise that is impossible presenting myself as I do. I get so much pleasure in my current appearance; this outweighs the need for a girlfriend. I do not regard myself as a cross dresser and have never wishes to change my natural bodily shape. I have never worn a bra or wanted false breasts. I do not get sexually aroused by the way I dress, although many other emotions are excited with my current appearance and style. I decided to stop trying to make an impossible analysis and just to get on and enjoy my new life. The first day at my new job, I dressed with great care in a navy blue jersey dress with a hem just on the knee, pale natural coloured stockings with white underwear. Navy court shoes with a four inch slim heel. For accessories, I wore a gold bracelet and slim gold watch, no belt and gold drop earrings about two inches long. My makeup was fairly natural, but with a blossom coloured lip gloss and matching nails. I wore a black coat and I had my briefcase filled with all the bits and bobs I required for the office. I was a bit weighed down as I also had a navy leather shoulder bag. I travelled by underground and walked the short distance to the office. I handed in the paperwork to the HR Department and then was shown my workstation in an open office with about ten similar stations. I was then taken on a comprehensive conducted tour by Mr. Baldwin ("Please call me Charles"), who also introduced me to so many people; I will never recall their names. We then had a chat in his office and he explained the first project I would be assisting on. It was for a re-launch of a confectionary product by a large public company and would involve posters, magazine advertising and television commercial, all of which had to brand interlink. The first job of our team was to create a brand theme and we were all to submit our ideas. I went to my workstation and started to look at the company online. I received a call from Mrs. Clark who looks after HR for the Company. "There appears to be some mistake on your P45 employment document, Robin, it has you down as 'Mr.', sex 'Male'". She said. "There is no mistake, it is correct" I said, noting the surprise on her face. "May I explain?" "I rather think you will have to" She said. For the next half hour I explained my reasons and my philosophy of my life. She listened with interest and without interruption, I concluded by saying "For this reason, it is important that in the workplace I am considered to be a woman and I ask you to keep this matter confidential." "You are quite amazing" She told me "I have never come across anyone like you; at least I don't think I have. Your description is very clear and I find I can easily accept what you are doing and the way you go about it. You can have my absolute assurance that I will keep this matter completely confidential between the two of us and you have my full support for your actions" I could have kissed her, but thought it would not be appropriate. Instead I thanked her profusely in assisting me move my life forward. I returned to my workstation and continued to study the company whose project we are working on. At lunchtime three of the other female designers asked me if I would join them for a snack lunch at Pret a Manger round the corner. I readily agreed and enjoyed talking to them about the Company and about themselves. They said they came out about once a week but mostly they would bring a sandwich to eat in the staff rest room. The rest of the day went very quickly as I got engrossed in my project. I got home in the evening took a quick shower and changed into a red mini skirt and white knitted top, I put on the same underwear and stockings and slipped on a pair of red four inch heels applied my makeup, but much, much more than I had worn in the day, particularly for my eyes. I will have to take great care when sitting down to avoid showing my stocking tops in this short skirt, but that will be fun. I strolled down to the pub, sipped a glass of Chardonnay and chatted to one or two people amongst the early evening drinkers. I really could not sit on a bar stool without showing a bit of stocking welt and so remained standing up. In the end I decided it was not that important and so sat down keeping the amount of stocking top showing to a minimum. I am sure everyone noticed I was wearing stockings, but not one person said anything. In the end I was enjoying the tease. The rest of my first week went on in a fairly normal routine. I wore a different outfit every day and maintained a conservative look both in clothes and makeup. I am itching to apply something more interesting, more glamorous and more artistic, but I feel I must move slowly until everyone is familiar with me. I have decided that from my second week I will add a little extra something every day and hope that eventually it will be accepted that I dress in an artistic but eccentric way. As a starting point, on my first Friday, I wore fully fashioned seamed stockings with a slim Cuban heel in a suntan shade. This I teamed up with an earthy brown plain, knee length skirt, cream mutely patterned long sleeve blouse and brown four inch heel shoes with a T bar and my regular makeup. I think everyone noticed the seams and several of the girls said they had never seen tights with seams and were quite surprised when I lifted my skirt to reveal stockings and suspenders. I explained that I found they were much cooler to wear in the summer and, frankly, found them more comfortable. I paid my first visit to the skin clinic for electrolysis. It lasted about two hours and was painful, without being extreme. I left with a very flush face, but this receded overnight. I shall now go every week. Anna has emailed me her hair style suggestions and they are all so good, I had difficulty selecting one. I have settled on a style with a side parting with one side sweeping into a fringe and the other draped over my shoulder, keeping the hair full and long. It will need a perm to achieve the fullness and control. I emailed her and booked an appointment. The second week at work, I started to slowly add more makeup, particularly for my eyes adding more colours to my eye shadow, and more mascara and eyeliner. My clothes I kept smart, conservative and always well groomed and always with at least three inch heels People at the office are getting used to having me around and I feel that I am getting along with most of them and there is a good atmosphere. One of the girls told me in confidence she had tried stockings and agrees with me and is now wearing them most days. By the end of the third week, I was getting my eye makeup to nearly where I wanted it to be. One or two people did comme

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I know exactly when the end began. He gave me a great hint when he said, ‘I’m sorry love, I just don’t feel comfortable doing this anymore.’ Not a bad hint eh? He kept speaking, carried on for several more minutes. I never heard anything else he said. Right at that moment, my heart shattered. Shards of glass seared painfully through my body. I bled to death internally, but my lungs continued taking in air. We met online. A fast friendship that sprang out of nowhere. I told him things about...

3 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 21 Passing the Time

I made a point of looking busy for the next week; running here and there, asking questions and such. Jamie was right about me needing to learn how to do this job in the real world, or I was never going to look credible. So, with that in mind, I cheated. I bridged everyone I'd met in the field, starting with Rebecca — the best investigator I knew — all the way down to the Davidson brothers, Avery Clark, and his partner Franklin Reynolds. That gave me the basis for some of my daytime...

1 year ago
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Quick revenge

This is going to be a short story, but an interesting one, it is of a real-life event that had happened to me personally a little while ago, I had a boring date and wanted to take revenge of my date for ignoring me while being with him in the restaurant, I fucked the waiter in the ladies room [email protected]

Sex With Stranger
4 years ago
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The Great Adventure with Regina

Regina and Sam were great next-door neighbors and over the years we developed a great neighborly relationship. It was platonic in nature and none of us ever crossed over the line of mutual respect. One day, when Brenda, my lovely wife of four years, was gone to Walmart, Regina popped by and asked if she could get a cup of sugar.Instinctively, I invited her in and asked where Sam was.“Oh, he went out with some work buddies for a game of golf,” Regina replied as she followed me to our...

2 years ago
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Het verhaal dat volgt is van A tot Z verzonnen en de personen waarover het gaat bestaan dus niet in werkelijkheid. Dit verhaal en het verhaal over Eric, de detective, zijn lange tijd geleden geschreven en zijn dus mijn eerste verhalen. Zelf vind ik ze niet denderend. Maar goed, oordeel zelf maar. Men heeft geschreven dat mijn verhalen wel iets harder mogen zijn. Ook dit is iets harder. Ik heb nog wel ergens een hard verhaal, maar de meesten zijn in de loop der jaren softer geworden....

1 year ago
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Like mother like daughter

"What's the matter, dear," Kate Jefferson asked her eighteen year old bad, tell mom all about it, I promise you I'll understand!!!" After finally regaining her composure, Wendy dabbed at her tears and said, "I just know you've never had this problem, mom, and I just don't know what to do about it!!!" "Well why don't you start at the beginning and we'll just go from there," Kate replied, "you know I'm a pretty good listener!!!" "Okay," she replied between sniffles, "it started a couple of weeks...

2 years ago
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My wifes birthday

I am Pradipta again with a new episode of group sex experience. It was not a part of any planning of fucking for that day. It all started with a joke and end with a very hot sensual fucking. It was the birthday of my wife Sarita. We invited some of our very intimate friends for it. Party ended about10 P.M. All of our friends had returned except Bipin and Sobha as they had stayed about 25 KM. Distance from us in another town Cuttack and it was difficult to return by a two wheelers to their town...

2 years ago
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Debt Consolidation by loyalsock

"Please don't cry, Mrs. Moore," consoled loan officer Jackson Tydman, "this is strictly business, but unless you can come up with $400.00 by this Friday, we're going to have to repossess your car, and that's all there is to it!" Sitting in a chair across from Jack's desk, Nancy Moore was fighting to control her emotions, and unfortunately was failing miserably. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she tried to explain to Mr. Tydman that without a car, her husband Joe would lose his job as a...

4 years ago
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Destination AzaharChapter 9 Getting into the Groove

The first pod that was constructed on the surface was really nothing more than a hollow shell with enough replicator power to bury itself, scrub the air, and alter its floor plan. The industrial replicator had built it in a couple of hours. It was sunk just across the corridor from Constance and Tuan's pods and was just a big, open room with a booming echo, but it gave the kids plenty of room to run, and run they did. Constance headed toward Judith, but Tuan just stood and watched the kids....

1 year ago
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Rags To Sexual Riches

Hello friends, I am back with another sex story. It is about a rag picker who used to picks up the rags on the road. But she was more into it than she was actually doing. Lets get to the story. It was the encounter after the episode of my bold maid. My maid I were enjoying at the fullest of the sexual life. She was so on to me that she actually stayed for whole day with me and skipping every other house. we were enjoying sex every day. She was so horny through these all days we actually were...

1 year ago
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My best weekend of sex

Just a story of my memories from what was my best weekend of sex with different woman , no doubt most of you reading this have done better and had more men and woman , let me know .It was a lovely Saturday in September , I had been playing football and had promised to call in to a garden I worked at to water the greenhouse and some grass seed we had laid . The widow who lived there said she was going to be away for a couple days and as it was so hot ,could I water the garden. I didn’t bother...

3 years ago
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Genetic Influences Final Installment

This is the final installment of Jack/Jaclyn's story. I'd like to thank those of you who have read it and given feedback. I hope that you enjoy these final two chapters. Chapter Six: Family Reunion So much had changed. So much had changed and yet so much had stayed the same. In almost any arena you cared to choose, I beat out 99.9 percent of the population. I was as attractive as a super model; I had sufficient athletic ability to rank internationally in almost any sport;...

1 year ago
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Hawas ki aag

Hi dosto aap sab ki emails ka bahut bahut shukriya, dosto mere sehar me lund ki kami nahi hai mujhe agar me chahu to, mujhe sirf choot chayiye.who bhi ek jawan khoob soorat ladki ki.aap sab ke liye ek baar phir me apna experience share kar rahi hun or dosto aap ko bata du ye meri life ki real story hai kyon ki iss ki jayadtar stories banai hui hai unka vastvikta se koi lena dena nahi hai. Kuch horny ladko ne yeh kahaniya likhi hai. Ab me aapko batati hun jaisa ki aap sab jaante hai meri...

4 years ago
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The Moment I fell in love with my brother

It had been a long day at school. I was eighteen years old and I hadn't had sex yet. This made me absolutely miserable because all of my friends had sex already with someone. I constantly felt unwanted and undesirable. Every night I would masturbate in my room. No one knew about it and it was just one of those things that I did. Hours had passed. I had done my homework, fed the dog, talked to my friend Anna on the phone, ate dinner with the family, and took a shower. Then after my shower, I...

2 years ago
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Walking into Fire Ch 02

On the seventh night of Danny’s week with Jessie, he found himself between a rock and a hard place when it came to his lover. He wanted to marry her, but couldn’t broach the topic until the next day. Furthermore, he had no idea what would happen after their week together. He wondered if she would still talk to him and give him a chance to at least bring up a provisional boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Danny needed to talk to someone who could help him sort things out. Tessa had dropped...

1 year ago
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First Meeting at the Beach

The sun’s golden orange rays slipped slowly lower in the western sky, throwing the occasional long shadows from the tall Jamaican palms further down the long, curved beach. The heat of the day faded slowly as the calypso band’s steel drums started their magical tropical beat from the other direction, closer to the bar and the cabanas. Sitting up from my chaise, I look back over my shoulder, looking expectantly for my you, my lover, to return from your quick dip in the light surf and a brief...

3 years ago
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Doc Ch 25

Now I had four women surrounding me, all trying to talk all at once. Suddenly, Dawn stopped, and slapped me right across the face. Then she stepped back with a look of horror on her face. The others just stared at her, also in shock. Suddenly she was in my arms, crying and begging me to forgive her. She said that she was so scared of me dying, that something inside her just snapped. She said she hadn’t meant to slap me. I just wrapped her in my arms, trying to ignore the pain of my side. I was...

4 years ago
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My Nuru Neighbor

A few other ads did catch my eye. Rather than the ads of escorts taking risque selfies to show off their charms, or the massage parlors with their garish ads of stock model photos implying worlds of carnal pleasure, these were shorter ads simply announcing a city or town with a cryptic series of characters and a cell number. Some of them I recognized -- BBBJ, FS, CIM, CIP -- so I figured they were euphemistic abbreviations for sex services offered. I fingered my phone for a moment,...

2 years ago
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The JudicatorsCounterspell

The Judicators:Counterspell "Come on honey you said you were going to be ready a half hour ago, we need to get going." Glenn said to Debbie. Glenn's wife cringed hearing those words. She hated that he was always in a hurry; why couldn't her husband take life nice and slow like she did. It would be fine, they will meet up with their friends at the restaurant when they get there. She also hated to be rushed, she had all the time in the world. Each time he is in a hurry Debbie would...

3 years ago
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My New Sissy Life

I was so stunned I was unable to speak. I only thought things like this existed in my fantasies and could never actually exist in the real world. It had been three weeks since I found an ad posted online seeking two submissive males for "training." I read the description which said, "Attention sissy boys! Have you ever wished that you were a trained sissy slut? Of course we both know the answer to that! I'm sure as you were pathetically scowling the web to find things to excite your little...

1 year ago
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The curvy babysitter

38 year old Sarah and 17 year old george re met at a pool and hooked up in part 1, in part 2 george decides sarah needs more then just himself. Since the first night george stayed at sarahs he decided to crash there for a little while since it was winter break and right across the street from 7-11. He would still hang out with his buddies during the day but at night he was usaully getting fucked by sarah, his little brothers old babysitter. They would usually ask questions afterwards about...

3 years ago
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The Queens Revenge

The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable only for adults (and stable ones at that). If you are prohibited from reading such material by the laws or standards of your community please depart immediately. Likewise, if you can’t tell the difference between reality and fantasy please leave. Incidents and activities depicted here are purely fictional. Do not attempt to replicate them as to do so would result in injury and inconvenient discussions with the authorities....

3 years ago
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SimoneChapter 8

After a painful talk with Kevin, Simone decided the best course of action was to try and get some sleep, then figure out in the morning what was next. She wanted more than anything to follow Kevin to the guest room and sleep the night in his arms. But that clearly wasn't an option given the current occupancy of the house. It was something of a relief when the baby awoke wanting to be changed and fed. Simone sent Kevin back to the guest room and encouraged him to try and sleep, while she...

3 years ago
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Rochester cherry pop

When I was 16 got up the nerve to buy a gay adult fiction novel . After reading it from cover to cover I started writing to a few guy from the ads in the back. A couple of men in prison and one humble accountant from Rochester. In our correspondence the whole story of my married uncle being my first and snatching my cherry hole to fuck both got him all hot and pissed off at the same time.Determined to show me first hand that the experience was so poorly executed he would be my first in a way...

2 years ago
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Daugher and Friend pt 4

Introduction: She As Nichole was hugging me, my mind was racing. I thought about the other girls and that they were indulged in their own thing. I grasped Nicholes hand and said, Lets go to my room sweetheart. She hugged me again. I put my arm around her and led her to my room. Nichole was panting heavy. I picked her up and gave her a delicate kiss on her lips. She moaned. I laid her on my bed, kissed her again, again she moaned. We were both naked. I let my tongue slip into her hot wet mouth,...

3 years ago
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Defending Saddlers GulchChapter 2

Jed rode back to Saddlers Gulch early the next morning accompanied by 3 riders for the Rocking KK. Yesterday's action was enough to make Mary insist on the escort for Jed. Nobody on the Rocking KK had successfully argued with Mary since she was 10 years old, so Jed had his escort, whether he wanted it or not! Bidding the riders goodbye, Jed got started on his work week. The first thing he did after he returned the horse to the livery stable was put on a pot of coffee, and the second thing...

2 years ago
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The Husbands Boss Number One

So many porn stories have a beginning with a tedious detailed description of an unrealistic wife’s anatomy and thrust by thrust graphic telling of the sex act. What I am going to do is try and supply what is clearly a clichéd story but in a way that may be a bit more interesting.... I hope soThe annual work do was pretty much over, the band had stopped playing and the remnants of the guests had decanted to the bar. It was getting quite late and she found herself between two mingle groups. Her...

2 years ago
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My Aunt

My name is Ram. I am married living in Mumbai, having good business. Linu the lady of my dreams is my wife’s Aunt . She is 42 yrs old. Her husband, is a very rich man. Her husband is also a very powerful & influential man. Sara is 5′.5 tall with whitish complexion, long black hairs up to her massive hips and attractive face. She has very big and well shaped boobs and ass. I always used to stare at her beautiful ass that jiggles by her each step. She caught me red handed many times but didn’t...

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The Librarian

She sat quietly behind the circulation desk, gently tapping her terminal screen with a pencil. She seemed almost the stereotype, with wire-frame glasses, fair skin and red hair cut in a pageboy. Her blouse was gray, with puffed out sleeves and collar so high that you cold see almost none of her neck. Her long, plaid skirt was woolen, though it hugged her hips in a most sensual way. Her jewelry was plain, only a single gold band worn on her left hand identical to the one on mine. So engrossed...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 19

"A hot night at the Club."#English translation- A sequel to: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-18-948843 - Or start at the beginning: https://xhamster.com/stories/a-meeting-in-leather-part-1-925923Erik-Jan sat down on the edge of the sling and looked around him. He wasn't sure how to start. A few whips and paddles hung on the wall. There were also Leather hand and ankle cuffs hanging on the walls and a few dildos and other sex toys lay in a cupboard. He looked questioningly...

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Nicki gets her payback on Randi

------------------------------------ It's early morning and I'm sitting at my work table. Nicki is standing next to me in a short summer dress, her left hand resting on my left shoulder. I start to caress her left leg behind her knee, then slowly snake my hand up Nicki's thigh, occasionally stopping to lightly scratch my nails on her soft skin. My hand now snakes up further until I reach her panties... "NO!" I yell in a surprised tone, "You're not wearing any, you little devil!...

1 year ago
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DirtyWivesClub Alix Lynx 22627

Ain’t got no money to pay the rent! Alix Lynx hears this from her husband when she calls him after waking up and discovering him not in bed with her! He’s out on the road looking for work, and tells her he’ll be gone for a week! Alix has had enough of it and decides to take matters into her own hands by visiting her husband’s well-off brother Mark to see if he can help them. The thing is, she gets all dolled up in stockings and a thong to go to his house! He catches her drift and shows her that...

1 year ago
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I watched another couple fucking for the first time

I was in my early thirties before I gave my sex drive full expression. My body had matured by then and I had learnt my ass was my best feature. I loved the excitement of flaunting it for both sexes, the reaction and men licking and kissing it as foreplay. I am to please and be pleased sexually, I love being licked by both sexes, I lost all my inhibitions between my second and third husbands and I love having sex with an audience. And I really do enjoy some racy commentary during sex, an extra...

2 years ago
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The Blue Flame Of Love Chapter 4

The high school was three blocks away and the sun was close to setting when she reached it. Vince was on the far side of the track, coming around toward her. His head was down, and he was mumbling, cussing and sniffling, as he walked past, unaware of her presence. Abby slowly started walking up to him, in a couple of minutes she was close enough.“Care for some company?”Vince stopped and turned toward her.She doesn’t have a crowbar, baseball bat or other implements. That’s good, I think. He...

Love Stories
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Continuation Online turns real part 2

*Note: This is a follow up to a previous story ( online turns real part 2 ) I wake up to my arms and legs tied to the bed and you sitting in your chair in the living room. You hear me rustling against my bonds. ‘Good morning my pet, did you sleep well?’ I lightly shake my head. ‘Yes, Sir, I did.’ You come up to the side of the bed next to me, stroke my hair out of my face and kiss me lightly on the forehead. ‘You look so beautiful tied up, you know that?’ I blush and instantly get wet at your...

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Leaving her job interview

The temporary job Donna had in the clothing store in town was coming to an end but she was invited to her line manager’s office for an interview for an up and coming temporary position. As she knock on Sally’s door, she called out and Donna entered and sat down in front of Sally. They went through the usual questions and answers before Sally asked Donna “What can you do for me?”Donna looked at Sally sitting in her chair for a moment. She was 38 years old, slim with long dark hair, wearing a...

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You would never have known she was a slut just by looking at her. She had that fresh faced, clean scrubbed, innocent look of the girl next door. When you coupled that with the knowledge that she taught Sunday school and was the devoted mother of three children there just wasn't anyway you could bring yourself to believe that she was a round heeled whore. I know I never would have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. Kayla worked for the same company I did and she had come straight...

1 year ago
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The Humiliation of Mysticemmy pt1

Having answered an ad in the back of a local paper for a singles holiday at a secluded country hotel offering all sorts of amusements, Mysticemmy decided she needed a break and this sounded just what she needed. Having arrived and settled into her room, she showered and decided on a sleep. Several hours later she awoke to the sound of the phone and the receptionist calling her to politely remind her that she was to attend dinner in an hour and smart dress only. Smiling to herself she knew what...

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I Check Out The Checkout Girl

“ Sorry I have to ask you this but can I see your I.D.?” The cashier who asked me this question didn’t look old enough to buy beer herself but in the supermarket where she worked it was store policy to check everyone, no matter their age. “I know you’re only doing your job. Glad to help fight the menace of underage drinking” I said with a straight face while handing her my license. She typed my birth date into the computerized register before returning my license to me. “...

1 year ago
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Harvesting Orchids My Gourmet Gonads

This is the invitation to my special party back in April, the ritual beginning of my erotic expedition from M to It to F: "Ball of Balls" LeMensa Jette Maison requests the honor of your presence as she is beautifully sent off to be gelded with her wonderful friends to witness the sensual ceremony will take place beginning at 3 a.m. on April 8, 2002, at 1800 Rue Devon, Toronto strictly formal half-attire required (tuxedoed men without pants, and gowned women showing breasts) This blooming...

2 years ago
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Love At Home

LOVE AT HOMEBy: Londebaaz What a misery, dad was only 42, healthy as a work mule and looking great in all manly sense but now he was no more for the last 3 months due to a road mishap. Mom was still in a shock but remembered and had planned this get together in his memory one last time. A small gathering [dad and mom’s close friends and confidants] had gathered for a late lunch. I don’t think anyone felt comfortable to see mom so taut and downed but she kept sipping her favorite vodka...

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A Tow In The Snow

This fictional story was written by Alex Foremen and shall not be copied or re-produced. When I was in my early twenties I drove a tow truck. For the most part it was a great gig, but some days were better than others. One cold snowy day I responded to a call from a guy who slid off the road and got his car stuck in the snow. This was common, just hook-it-up and pull-it-out. But this 40ish guy told me he was sick of driving and wanted me to tow it to his home. Turns out he lived about 20 miles...

3 years ago
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Having Sex with my Boyfriends friend

I use to tease my boyfriend and his friends. I didn’t know I would end up fucking one of them.. My boyfriend Nick would bring a friend over and they would play video games. So I thought it would be fun to put on a nightgown that was about 3 inches above my knees and walk around the apartment. I wanted to see if I could get there attention. I know Nick’s friend Don would stare at me while I walk around, because Don kept losing at some games. Nick would had other friends over, but Don was about...

4 years ago
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A Council of Perfection

Arnie Miller was an anachronism, a successful regional newspaper editor with his feet planted firmly in the middle of the 20th Century. Unreconstructed, he smoked and drank alcohol in the office despite both being illegal or against company rules. He wore a creased suit, his tie loose and his hair ruffled. He was rude and played the “nobody is as busy as me” card.‘What’ya got, Charlie?’He spoke like an American cliché despite being English Westcountry born and bred. It was all bluster really....

3 years ago
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Designated Driver

My name is Gabriel. I work at a small sales company. One Friday afternoon, shortly before closing, I listened to my workmates comment among them: ‘What are we going to do tonight?’ Ignacio and Emily, the hottest couple at the company, suggested: ‘Let’s go to Destiny’!’ The guys welcomed the idea, because this is a very trendy club or disco in the city. Peter, a quite cheerful young guy, responded worried: ‘But, Iggy, last week, we got in a fight there, and also, we were fined for DUI upon...

1 year ago
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U Turn

it was during the IPL season my cousin sister called up my parents to come to watch the games as she had tickets but instead my parents sent me there .My cousin Sister’s name is Usha . I took off from work early and went to their house to pick both BIL and sister .Usha was ready and she told That BIL had urgent work and he will not be coming with us .Infact he has gone to Bangalore and will bw returning day after tomorrow. Wewent to the match and it was one sided and boring being a low scoring...

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Life Ka Pehla Sex Cousin Sister Ke Sath

Hello dear friends, ummeed karta holu sab theek honge. Ye meri first story hai. Mujhe ummeed hai, ki kahani aap logo ko pasand aaye. Mera naam Shami hai (not my real name).  I am 26 year old and my size 6.8 inches. Ye meri life ki sex story hai, jo meri cousin sister Kawal ka sath hua. Kawal ki age 32 hai. Uska figure 36-33-38 hai. Aur uski gaand bahut hi sexy hai. Ye baat tab ki hai, jab main 18 saal ka tha, aur wo 24 ki thi. Waise mujhe us waqt sex ka baare mein kaafi kuch pata tha, but maine...

3 years ago
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Teacher Needs More

Hi all of indian sex stories dot net , I’m Deep. Main Punjab se hu. Meri height 5’11 feet hai. Mein Ladkiyon ko ankhon se kabu karne mein mahir hu. Agar aapko sex chat karna ho ya khud ko pyara sa sex krvana ho toh mujhe Mail kre. Ab aate hai story pe Toh ye baat 5 saal pahle ki hai. Main local school me padta tha. School mein pehla munhe sb jante the. Humari computer ki madam bhut hi sunder thi bs thoda moti thi thi. Hum dost sb use dekh kr batain krte the kash ye humari ban jaye or ise jee...

4 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 13

Lou Anne had no real idea what a passion party would be like. She had an image of Frederick's of Hollywood opening a branch in her living room, and wondered if she'd be able to sit on her couch when it was all over. She expected it to be a little seedy somehow. In fact, she was pleasantly surprised by the stimulating nature of Brenda's presentation and the way the women responded to it. Brenda, who'd gladly accepted assistance in bringing in three big cases from the back of her SUV, had...

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