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Ma numesc Adriana , am 42 de ani si sunt o femeie plinuta . De ce aceste detalii ? Mi-am imaginat intotdeauna ca , femeile mature si grase , sunt mai greu de satisfacut .
Am avut o fantezie , sexul cu mai multi barbati . Discutia cu sotul meu , a fost favorabila . Nu am sa spun , ca altii , ca a sarit in sus de bucurie , dar a acceptat ca eu sa fac sex cu mai multi barbati , iar el sa accepte statutul de cuckold .
Acestea fiind spuse , a urmat partea cea mai grea . Daca ma credeti , a durat mai mult de 2 ani de zile , punerea in practica . De ce ? In prinul rand , unde sa cauti 4-5 barbati , dispusi sa dezbrace si sa faca sex in fata altor barbati dezbracati , mai mult decat atat , posibil si sa se atinga intre ei . Am incercat site-uri de swing , de matrimoniale , de multe ori eram aproape , ca pana la final sa pice tot .
In anul 2016 , un site slab ( nu dau nume) ne-a oferit 3 barbati , din acelasi oras , dispusi sa se intalneasca cu noi . Pentru ca nu doream sa se intample ceva neprevazut si sa amanam , din nou , am convenit sa ne vedem , pe skype , urmand ca mai apoi sa ne intalnim pentru sex . totul trece cu bine de intalnirea virtuala , stabilim limite ( fara limite :P ) , orice daca nu provoaca durere sau sange .
Vine ziua mult asteptata , ne pregatim pentru marea intalnire . Cu ce sa ma imbrac ? sunt o femeie grasa , nu pot fi sexy , asta e adevarul . Aleg o fusta , niste chiloti minusculi , care imi intra instantaneu , in fundul meu mare si bineinteles in pizda mea carnoasa . ( oare suna vulgar in gura unei femei , pizda si pula ? nu stiu , deci le folosesc ) . Ca si bluza aleg una decoltata , bineinteles , sa imi puna in evidenta bustul generos. De parca mai era nevoie . Bineinteles pantofi fara toc. Chemam un taxi si ne indreptam spre locuinta inchiriata de catre cei 3 barbati. Ajungem in fata blocului , coboram din taxi , si ... surpriza . Mi se inmoaie picioarele , tremur toata iar pulsul e ... 1000 daca ar fi posibil . Nu credeam sa fiu atat de emotionata . Urcam , sunam la usa si ne deschid 2 , dintre cei 3 barbati . facem cunostinta , Paul si Marius , aprox 30 de ani amandoi . Ne asezam , se deschide o sticla cu vin rosu si asteptam sosirea celui de-al treilea , un barbat matur , la 40 si ceva de ani , dar cu o pula imensa , de asta fiind ales . Suna un telefon , raspunde Paul si ne spune ca e Calin (al treilea barbat ) care vrea neaparat sa vorbeasca cu mine . Primul gand : cade , din nou , totul . Dar nu. Ma intreaba daca mai poate veni cu un baiat tanar , fiul lui , Adi , dar ca nu imi poate spune varsta. Am zanbit in sinea mea , dar am acceptat .
V-ati plictisit de amanunte ? Sper ca nu :) Sosesc cei 2 doi si il vad pe Adi , un baiat bine facut , inalt , deci nu ma intereseaza varsta lui . Se aseaza si ei , mai stabilim o data , fara durere si sange , dupa care ma ridic , si imi scot bluza si fusta . Ii rog sa se dezbrace si sa ramana toti in pielea goala , nu se lasa rugati si dintr-odata sunt in fata a 4 pule . Calin si fiul lui , dotati , Paul , sa zicem in medie , in schimb Marius , dezamagire , pe moment , nu parea a fi ce am vazut in poze . Apoi imi spun ca e potrivit pentru sexul anal , la dubla penetrare . Imi scot la randul meu , sutienul si imi mangai sanii mari si lasati , dupa care imi cocor mana , pe langa chilotei si imi introduc un deget inauntru . Continui , aceste miscari , in timp ce barbatii incep sa isi puna in valoare dimensiunile . Se apropie de mine , dar ii rog sa ma lase sa ii privesc . in timpul sexului nu voi putea privi , 4 pule in acelasi timp , in toata splendoarea lor . In maxim 2 minute , cred , poate nici atat , sunt uda fleasca . Stiu ca nu voi rezista mult primului numar si intreb : cine e cel care crede ca e prea excitat si va termina primul ? Uimiti de intrebarea mea , le explic , vreau un numar scurt si intens . Adi , baiatul cel tanar , se apropie de mine , fara nici o vorba , ma intoarce , o baga in mine toata ( n oroc ca sunt larga) si incepe sa mi-o traga salbatic . Nu am mai urlat de mult asa , si nici nu ma interesa cine ma aude . A durat , o sa radeti , maxim 5 minute si am avut un orgasm , tremuram toata , fara control . Adi , baiatul cel tanar , nici vorba sa dea semne ca ar vreea sa isi de-a drumul , in schimb tatal lui , Calin , vine langa mine , si-o freaca de cateva ori si imi umple sanii, burta de valuri imense de sperma . Ceilalati zambeau , iar sotul meu zambea si el , stiind ca , abia acum incepe sexul pentru mine . Dupa cateva minute , in care am reusit sa ma opresc din tremurat , vin toti 4 langa mine si incep sa mangaie , sa ma sarute pe tot corpul . Am inchis ochii , nu ma interesa , cine ce face , Simteam doar maini , guri pe mine si imi placea la nebunie , Apoi langa gura mea simt o pula , apoi inca una , incep sa le sug amandoua , sa incerc sa le bag amandoua in gura , desi stiu ca e greu . Mai jos , o pula isi face loc sa intre in mine . dupa dimensiuni , imi dau seama ca e Marius , ii spun ca locul lui e in fund , doar acolo . bucuros , se executa imediat , ridicandu-mi picioarele , si intrand in fundul meu, dar ceva nu e bine , nu mai pot sa sug , cum trebuie . Schimbam pozitiile , Adi si tatal lui , se aseaza pe spate , eu in fata lor facandu-le sex oral , Marius , in spatele meu , tragandu-mi-o in fund , iar Paul , sub mine , mozolindu-mi sanii mari . E bine , dar vreau mai mult , sex anal pot face si acasa . Ii las pe cei 2 , il pun pe Adi sub mine , in pizda , iar pe Marius in spatele meu , in fund . Da , asa e mai bine . Amandoi incep cu miscari lente , potrivindu-si miscarile , iar Calin si paul incercand sao bage amandoi in gura mea . Las pulele din gura si ma concentrez pe cei 2 din mine , care incep sa amplifice miscarile . Senzatiile se maresc , incep sa simt tot mai tare cum sunt umpluta . La un moment dat ... dezastru . marius isi da drumul rapid , in fundul meu . Ma enervez , pe moment , imi vine sa renunt , dar experienta lui Paul , cred , isi spune cuvantul , simtind momentul prost , fara sa astepte , sa ma curete sau sa ma pot exprima , ii ia locul imediat , chiar daca sperma inca curge din fundul meu . Incep sa ma calmez si ma las purtata de val . Da ,e bine , 2 pule in mine e ceva ce nu am mai trait si e greu sa descrii , in cateva cuvinte , senzatiile traite . Varsta lui Adi , isi spune cuvantul , face sex cu mine , fara sa de-a semne ca a obosit sau ca ar termina . nu ma pot abtine sa nu il laud , iar , tatal lui , zambeste superior , mandru de baiatul sau .
Un gand nebunesc ma incearca . Il rog pe paul sa se opreasca si ii cer sa intre langa Adi , in vaginul meu . Iese incet , din fundul meu si ( nu e igienic , dar a fost momentul potrivit) intra incet langa pula lui Adi . Doare , as minti sa spun nu , dar parca e o durere suportabila . Reusim , intra amandoi si incep miscarile lente , apoi le amplifica , odata cu ele , crescand si ritmul respiratiei mele . , dupa cateva minute ajungem la viteza mare , simt ca pot avea orgasm in acea pozitie , ii laud ce buni sunt si ce bine mi-o trag amandoi si apoi explozia mea . Un orgasm , cum sa explic , parca toata energia din corpul meu , vroia sa iasa prin pizda . Urletul meu ? Hmm cred ca nu doar etajul m-a auzit , ci toata strada , dar cui ii pasa ? suntem intr-un loc inchiriat . Adi , nici poveste sa termine , Paul da semene ca ar vrea sa isi de-a drumul . Il intreb unde i-ar face placere , si ma roaga sa isi de-a drumul in gura mea , dar sa nu inghit , ci sa o scuip pe sani si sa o intind pe mine . Ii zic : ok , hai sa o facem , macar ma linistesc si eu . Ii fac sex oral , o freaca un pic cu mana , si apoi ... Doamne , nu am vazut pe nimeni , in viata mea , sa elibereze asa cantitate de sperma , la un moment dat , cred ca , gura mea era plina , si el continua sa varieze . Termina , isi scutura ultimul strop pe pe sanii mei , dupa care urmeaza partea mea , scuip cate un pic de sperma si in acelasi timp , ma joc cu ea pe sani . Barbatilor le place asta , se vede in ochii lor . Barbatul meu , continua sa priveasca linistit , desi , stiu ca in interiorul lui , ar vrea sa ma posede in cel mai salbatic mod cu putinta.
Toti au terminat macar o data , mai putin Adi . Il intreb , cum ai putea sa iti dai si tu drumul . Imi spune : ar fi ceva , dar nu cred ca m-ai lasa . Uimeste-ma , ii spun . As vrea sa te scuip , sa iti intind saliva pe fata , sa iti vorbesc ca unei tarfe si in timpul asta , in timp ce ti-o trag sa ma strangi cu 2 degete de pula tare , sa fie ca si cum m-as masturba . Oops , vorbe vulgare ? ok , saliva ? nu prea cred . O faci , cu saliva , dar sa nu ajunga in gura mea . E de acord , si incepe baiatul : esti o tarfa , esti tarfa mea , iti place pula , chestii care nu ma excita pe mine , dar daca il excita pe el , de ce nu ? imi intind mana il prind aproape de baza , in timp ce imi vorbeste mi-o trage cu rautate , se vede ca ii place asa ceva . Apoi isi lasa saliva pe sanii mei , dupa care o imprastie pe sanii mei . De ce a facut asta , nici azi nu stiu , dar ce mai conta . La un moment dat , paote si din cauza pozitiei pe spate pe care o aveam sau pt ca mi-a ridicat picioarele , am inceput sa o simt parca mai adanc de cat a fost pana atunci . Imi ajunge parca , in stomac . dupa cateva minute bune , incep sa simt o presiune mare in zona vaginului , imi retrag mana si incep sa imi frec clitorisdul cu furie . Si ... supriza , primul squirt din viata mea , nu ma credeam capabila la varsta mea sa mai fac asa ceva , si totusi ...am reusit. Poate de excitare , paote de vederea jetului care tasnea din mine , Adi si-a dat drumul in mine , tipand aproape la eliberarea jetului , pe care nici nu l-am simtit asa de puternic , inca fiind sub efectul squirt-ului . As putea sa mai scriu , despre continuarea in noapte a intalnirii , dar sunt sigura ca nu ar mai avea acelsi farmec .
De ce am insistat pe amanuntele intalnirii si nu pe cele sexuale ? Toti fac asta , eu vroiam sa fiu altfel .
Per ansamblu o experienta reusita , poate si asteptarea nu a mai fost atat de rea . Recomand femeilor , care au asemenea fantezii , sa le puna in practica . daca gasesti barbatii potriviti , poate fi o experienta super .
Daca nu v-ati plictisit prea tare si ati ajuns la capat , va mai spun doar atat : as repeta oricand experineta cu barbatii potriviti

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Traviss Anonymous Guest Part 1

As Travis walked along a busy street that morning on his way to the bus stop for his trip to work, he was met by the spectacle of a man with a bloodied head sitting against a building. Any unusual sight disturbed Travis, and what disturbed him even more in the present case was the behavior of people walking past, unconcerned and in some cases even resentful at the inconvenience of having to walk around the man’s outstretched legs. Only one person even acknowledged his presence explicitly, and...

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I often have a terrible time falling asleep – I can’t seem to ‘turn my brain off’ for the night, forget my stressful day, and go to sleep. I’ve tried a number of recommendations of breathing exercises and visualisation techniques, with varying success. I recently read an idea in a women’s magazine, to envision all of my stress and the things worrying me as a string I’m unwinding from myself. I took that imagery a bit further, and came up with the following, which I like very much. *** I am...

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I smiled and said hello. 'Hello,' Alina purred, as I advanced on her. The purr did it. I'm on to her in a flash. Pinning Alina up against the wall. A gag is forced into her mouth. " Aggh-MMMMPHHHHHHHH!!" The small woman is dragged to the bed and thrown down on the mattress. She looks up to see me standing over her. I jump on top of her and took her arms, pulling them over her head and secured them to the headboard. " NPPPPMMPHHHHHH!" Alina shook her head violently side to side, trying...

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Some call me a visionary, others a nerd, but most call me perverted. That's why I'm in this institution, undergoing mundane group therapies, watching headcases substantiate their titles, and secretly flushing the medicinal concoctions I'm given daily. At first, I was angry; but have learned to become a passive drone, partially in self-preservation, and partially because the staff remains blissfully unaware that I continue my “disgusting” research with my true friend and co-conspirator...

1 year ago
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I arrived in Newcastle, at about five o'clock in the evening, and had decided that I would look for a bed and breakfast accommodation for the two nights I intended to spend there. My appointment was for 9.30 following morning but I had not planned on going out that evening. I drove down the row of terraced houses. The houses were fairly large, probably three-bedroom, and then I saw the sign I was looking for. In a window was small card saying, B & B. I parked the car and walked to the...

3 years ago
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Visitings the Dun Bare Bar

"The Dun Bare Bar, is slavery supported. Sexual slavery of cource, but most of the girls who serve there are unwilling. So. You won't talk to them, and you won't feel pity for them." He picked up a short black mini and a see through white shirt for her to wear and went about untieing her. "But Master, how do they keep the girls there unwillingly?" She asked as she began to get dressed. Underwear wasn't allowed and the skirt showed a bit of her pussy, and a bit more of her ass....

3 years ago
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Visitng mother in law

Nearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and b*****r and his f****y. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn’t at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law, she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50’s and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...

4 years ago
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Traviss Anonymous Guest Part 2

As soon as they were in the apartment again, Travis said “You called the doorman ‘Ralph’.” “That’s his na… Oh.” Dale’s eyes widened. “Oh!” “What’s the day man’s name?” “Tom.” “So you remembered both names.” Dale’s face lit up. “Yeah!” “Dale, you’re beginning to get your memory back.” “I am!” *********** In the master bedroom, they asked each other almost in unison: “Do you wear pajamas?” “Not usually” Dale said, and Travis said. “No.” They undressed, each with his gaze fixed on his...

2 years ago
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Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI

Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi. Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini – bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz – major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.) Tetka mi tetin mi...

2 years ago
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Visting Your Loves Castle

Long Time Ago on the far distinct lands in the kingdom of Belsa Vistral, you were reading a letter from your love Erica telling you that she is at her castle with some of her women friends and wants you to come stay some time with her. As the cool autumn breeze cascaded down your face calming his nerves. You are Gathering fast courage, it mingled through your mind that every waking just as magic flowed through his veins. You smiled inwardly. No, you are laughing at yourself out of fear; you...

3 years ago
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supervison chapter 2

After a week or so david came to see Tracey he also had the branch manager Steve with him steve was a few years older than Tracey and david he introduced him to tracey they talked about his roll in the company and other work bussines Then david said to steve do you think it’s time tracey had a special supervisonThe look on tracey face was of shock then steve told Tracey he had to make sure she was following the uniform policy he told her to stand up and show him Tracey slowly did as she was...

4 years ago
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iVisit the Brilliance Bar

iVisit the Brilliance Bar (Takes place after "iHire an Idiot". Carly visits the Pear Store to see if there is more between Ashley and Freddie than him helping her with a sociology paper. But it seems that Ashley isn't interested in Freddie. Her interest is in someone else in the iCarly crew.)(Notes: The episode "iPearStore" where Freddie goes to work at the Pear Store takes place in season 6, two seasons after "iHire an Idiot" but I'm assuming that he worked there before then and that's where...

3 years ago
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Traviss Anonymous Guest Part 2

As soon as they were in the apartment again, Travis said “You called the doorman ‘Ralph’.” “That’s his na… Oh.” Dale’s eyes widened. “Oh!” “What’s the day man’s name?” “Tom.” “So you remembered both names.” Dale’s face lit up. “Yeah!” “Dale, you’re beginning to get your memory back.” “I am!” ********* In the master bedroom, they asked each other almost in unison: “Do you wear pajamas?” “Not usually” Dale said, and Travis said. “No.” They undressed, each with his gaze fixed on his companion....

Gay Male
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Visting My Wifes Father BI

I’d gone to visit my wife’s dad, Ed. I had grown up with him in the neighborhood and always thought he was a very interesting man’s man. I grew up with and dated his daughter in school so it was only natural we would marry. Years later, he divorced my mother in law and moved up to the edge of nowhere. Ed lived in a small cabin up near the tree line, a beautiful remote location. When I arrived, I caught him just coming out of the shower. He ushered me in and left the room for a few minutes. When...

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Elle, je l’ai rencontrée chez moi. Elle s’appelait Maud. C’était une copine de fac de ma fille et elle était passée plusieurs fois à la maison. Beaucoup de filles et parfois de garçons défilaient chez nous, sans que j’y prête trop attention.J’étais par mon travail d’enseignant en biologie à l’université plus souvent à la maison que ma propre épouse, mais l’habitation bourgeoise dans laquelle nous vivions au cœur de Lyon était suffisamment grande pour permettre ce genre de cohabitation sans...

2 years ago
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Visite chez le meacutedecin

Tu es arrivée dans ma salle pour des examens de routine, surprise de me voir ici tu commences a entamer une conversation, après quelque minute pour expliquer le pourquoi du comment j’ai fini ici je te dis d’aller enlever ton pull et te mettre sur la table.Tu es assises dos contre moi, je commence à te faire les premiers examens, je viens poser ma main gauche sur tes épaules je te sens te crisper par le froid du stéthoscope, je te dis en souriant que tu peux te détendre. Je passe ensuite a tes...

4 years ago
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181AVISS holiday at Jerrys family home

181 Jerry`s holiday at home Jerry told Jaz and me to dress in see through blouses, no bras, short skirts, panties and garter belts to hold up our stockings and stiletto heels. When we finished, he placed a collar around my neck and we headed out for the day. We went across town and into his old neighbour-hood and pulled up next to a large tenement building. I could see a few black men milling around and Jerry got out, "Wait here" he told us and went over to talk to the men. They soon...

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131 Avis`s Birthday bash Jon had treated me to a fine restaurant and bought me a beautiful antique cameo for my birthday, but said after dinner was through; he had one more surprise for me. He had made me dress in a black silk bustier with straps for my black hose and 6” stiletto heels, no panties; over which I wore a short black dress showing off my nice cleavage. On the way home he made a detour and I knew he had planned a meeting for me with at least someone else. We stopped at a nice...

4 years ago
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Visting a collegue and his wife part 2

Katya kissed me on my cheeks ... "wow ... Paul Delicious" she slipped away from me, turned to her husband and began to suck his semi-hard cock. I watched and saw how her mouth and tongue his dick was hard again. For a moment she stopped, looked at me, come Paul, help me ..I looked a little surprised at her. I had never done anything like this. In a fantasy I have thought about it, but nerve in real. I doubted. The water had a refreshing effect on me, and after I got my orgasm my sense for sex...

3 years ago
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Visitng mother in law

Nearly a month ago my wife and I drove to New England to visit her mother and brother and his family. She lived in an assisted-living facility that had a small number of guest suites for out-of-town visitors. We were booked for four nights. I wasn't at all crazy about seeing my mother-in-law; she loved to talk and talk and talk and, well you get the idea. Plus, even though my wife and I are both in our early 50's and have grown c***dren and successful careers, she treated us and her son who was...

2 years ago
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Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI

Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi.Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini - bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz - major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.)Tetka mi tetin mi...

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Viswanathan8217s Sexual Journey 8211 Revenge Sex

Note: All characters in this story are 19 or above when they participated in any sexual activity. A man from Viswanathan’s friend circle would not recommend going over 120 kmph on even the best highways of India. Well, a few months ago even Viswanathan himself wouldn’t have dared to go beyond 80 kmph, on any road. Today he was zipping through the light traffic on National Highway-66 at 140 kmph. He doubted whether he ever wanted to meet any of his friends again or go back to his old life...

1 year ago
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visting after work

It was going to be a hot summers day when I left for work so I decided to not bother taking a coat, as I was about to leave work to go home the wife called and asked if i would call in her Aunties to collect something for her i said that wouldnt be a problem,as really I fancied her Aunt like hell but would never say that to the wife.As I left the heavens opened up and down came the rain I arrived at her Aunts and parked up and run the 50yrds to her house i was drenched,I knocked on the door and...

1 year ago
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Visakhapatnam Boy Sex With North Indian Hot Sexy Girl

Hi friends, first of all I would like to thank ISS for submitting my story.. And thanq for all of you for reading my story.. I am vamsi, age 21 and completed my bachelor degree.. Living in vizag I am a tall boy with 183 cms(6feet) height with average body and I am having 6inches cock.. These are my true measurements. So I am requesting the girls, aunties and women can contact me for any relationship and for sex also.. I Can be ur male escort also. I will try my level best to satisfy you...

4 years ago
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Futurevision DreamScape Chris and Sarahs Shared Reality

Futurevision DreamScape: Chris and Sarah's Shared Reality. by BinaryFellow Summary: Chris and Sarah are hired to test a new revolutionary virtual reality technology being developed that will one day change the world. It's all fun and games until Sarah takes things too far, and the technology malfunctions. Author's Note: This is my first story ever. Please leave honest & constructive feedback. Consider this an open universe. Anyone may write stories about other characters that...

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Visting My Master And Mistress

One weekend I arrive at your apartment for a weekend fun and your kids are away visiting relatives and we are all excited but unfortunately you get a call on your mobile from your office and you have to leave immediately both madam and I are disappointed in fact I even bought some goodies for our weekend a cane, a nice leather belt for you, a pair of high heeled sandals for madam a very expensive bottle of nail colour for madam etc. Sir will have to leave immediately and will not be back till...

4 years ago
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Traviss New Look No More Heroines

"MY SPLEEN!" The thug's cry echoed through the warehouse as Travis's beam katana came down, slicing through the goon like a warm knife through butter. The infamous assassin glanced around, scowling at the sight and smell of ash now filling the room. "Fuckers..." he cursed under his breath as he moved through to the next room. It had been one year since he had successfully conquered the United Assassin's Association; Death Metal, Doctor Peace, Destroyman, Harvey Volodarskii, Bad...

2 years ago
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Tvisha In Library

Hi friends I thank you for the overwhelming response to my previous stories, my mailbox is flooded with your love and that motivates me so please keep them coming here I am posting one more story I hope you will love it too, mail me your comments and requests on and add me on yahoo I once again want to tell you all that all my stories are fictitious so please do not mail me asking the contact info of the girl just read enjoy and appreciate Tvisha sighed with irritation in front of the public...

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