Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI
- 2 years ago
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Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi.
Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini – bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz – major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.)
Tetka mi tetin mi ziveat vo istiot grad/drzava kade i baba mi.
Majka mi i tetin mi bea izlezeni za da kupat nekoj stvari za rucekot i za tie nekolku dena dodeka im bevme na gosti. NIe speivme vo kukata na baba mi.
Jas se sutkav i, dodeka tetka mi zaedno so baba mi spremaa rucek, a tatko mi gledase fudbal so mene. Po edno vreme mi snema cigari i morav da izlezam so kola do gradot za da kupam. Na izleguvanje tetka mi me zamoli da odam ako mozam do kaj niv da ja zemam tortata posto ona ja zaboravila da ja donese. za rucekot.
Zapaliv kolata, i otidov do kaj niv posto ionaka imav vreme dovolno vreme dodeka da bide rucekot, a i da napravam usluga zasto sekoj veke bese so nesto involviran.
Kupiv cigari , i na vrakanje, svrtiv do kaj tetka mi za da ja zemam tortata. Stignav vo ulickata kade sto e kukata na tetka mi, i se parkirav dve kuki podole posto pred nivnata kuka nemase mesto zasto veke bese parkirana kolata na tetin mi ( koj bese izlezen so majka mi do pazar i do grad za da napravat shoping).
Malku mi padna cudno toa, zasto ne ocekuvav deka ima nekoj voopsto kaj niv, no pretpostaviv deka moze pominale da zemat nekoj stvari od tamu pred da se vratat.
Inace kukata na tetka mi e posledna na krajot na ulicata i e na periferija na gradot i skoro da nema voopsto luge tamu i vo okolnite kuki, i e mnogu tivko.
Dodeka odev nakaj kukata pominuvajki pokraj garazata, kako da slusnav stenkanje koe idese od pozadina,kade sto e shupata. Od pocetok mislev mi se pricinuva ali resiv poleka da vlezam vo garazata koja imase vrata koja sekogas bese otklucena, i od grazata imase vtora vrata koja vodi od d**gata strana kon shupata. Koga vlegov vo garazata, veke bese znaev deka ne mi se pricinuva , tuku deka stvarno slusam stenkanje. Srceto pocna da mi cuka jako, delumno od strav sto pretpostavuvav deka ke vidam, a delumno i od vozbuda ( posto veke sum slusal majka kako ja dupat, i me potseti na toj pat a i go prepoznavav nejzinoto stenkanje), Plus, se palev na tetin mi malku, koj bese pravo pastuviste.
Posto garazata bese prazna, bese lesno da dojdam do vratata na supata, koja bese od nekoj glupi daski samodelski napravena, i imase dovolno golemi procepi na poveke mesta za da mozam da biram od kade ke poglednam i gledase kolku-tolku OK vnatre vo supata – i posto vo supata imase eden prozor imase mnogu poveke svetlo (+ sonceto bese od taa strana) otkolku vo garzata koja bese skoro temna- pa mozev da zirkam so se desava bez da moze da me primeti nikoj.
Se navednav i uste od prva imav direkten pogled na majka mi i na tetin mi vo supata! —— ona bese samo po gradnik, podignat preku cickite, taka da cickite i bea nadvor, bese fatena za rabotnata masa kaj so stoi mengemeto , so podignata suknja i gaki simati do dole i ostaveni samo na ednata noga- na gluzd… potkleknata, so glava zafrlena nanazad od uzivanje kako stenka, a tetin mi i ja lize pickata i i go smuka klitorisot, kleknat pred nea na kolena u prasinata, gol nagore, samo po bela maica, a kosulata pozadi nego zakacena na kolickata za malter , i ja drzi za butini suknjata krenata so dvete race so glavata megu nozete nejzini i i ja lize .. smuka…. Imav zirkano kako tatko mi ja ebe so d**g kako pomal, ama neznaev deka ona na samo go izneveruva tatko mi- toa so mazot na sestra i ebate!
Kleknav na zemja posto mi se tresea noze, a i posto mozev da sum postabilen dodeka gledam i mozam podobro da se namestam na procepceto i da vidam ubavo s so se desava na dva metri od d**gata strana na vratickata..
Tenin mi ja lizese taka nekolku minuti , i posle i ja butna dolniot del od suknjata u pojasot, i ja fati odpozadi za gazovite, i use tolku ja priblizi do nego i prodolzi uste strastveno da ja lize majka mi —–mozev jasno da mu go vidam jazikot kako odi gore dole megu sramnite usni.. kako ja ebe so jazik i kako i go lize klitorot so vrvot na jazicisteto. Dodeka ja lizese, ona go fati so ednata raka za glavata za da uste tolku da mu ja nabie glavata u pickata,a so d**gata se pridrzuvase za masata i stenkanjeto i stanuvase poglasno i disenjeto pobrzo, Po nekoja minuta lizenje, dodelka ona mu ja drzese glavata na nejzinata picka i poleka pocnuvase da se trie so kolkovite od facata negova ,on go otkopca slicot i kaisot i go izvadi kurot i pocna da go drka….. izvadi KAMEN tvrd kur, debel – malku potenok od nivea deodorans- svitkan nagore u korenot so pogolema rozeva glava i cel so veni od so bese tvrd. Prodolzi da ja lize i ona da mu se trie od faca, prodrkivajki go, i od vreme na vreme kako kuce pomuvase i go butase kurot po nejzinata nogata dole. Kako so ja lizese i ona mu se triese od facata i ocigledno bese dosta napalena i ona a i on, tetin mi naednas se trgna, ja soblece i maicata od nego, i ja zakaci na mengemeto, si plukna po pickata obilno plunka i pocna da ja slapa nekolku sekundi i poleka i go nabi sreden prst. Majka mi samo krikna, i pocna da dodava i ‘aaaa’ vo stenkanjeto.Pocna da ja ebe so prst, a so d**gata raka si go drkase kleknat u prasinata pred nea i ja gledase u faca . I sibna dva prsti po minuta, i pocna da i go lize so vrv na jazik i da i go cica klitorisot .. i pocna da ja ebe so prstite se jako i podlaboko. Gledav kako mu se gubat prstite vo pickata na majka mi, mu go gledav bicepsot kako se napnuva u ubava tvrda topka dodeka i gi nabiva se pobrzo prstite kolku moze, i mu go gledav ubavoto telo so vlakna po gradi i po stomak…bev kamen tvrd sto od sto gledav ona kako stenka dodeka on i buta prsti i toj tvrd biceps kako mrda dodeka i go pravi toa, i od negviot preubav kamen tvrd kur koj ponekad sum zamisluval kako izlgeda. Ona se fati so dvete race za masata pak i pocca da stenka se poglasno i po nekontrolirano a on ja sibase so prsti u picka, i ja lizese potpren na nejzinata noga so kur…… ja pocnav da go stegav mojot preku trenerkite i go masirav na toa so go zirkav… Majka mi pocna da mesa so kolkovi i samata da se nabiva i da vrti nabiena na golemite prsti u nea …. i u eden moment pocna da se trese i da vika samo, AAA aa!! AAAA AAAA!!! AAAAA!!!!!… Pocna da mu svrsuva nabiena na rakata negova deoeka on kleci pred nea- a i pocna da i zbori ‘ A TAKA, AA TAKAAA.. TAKA TE SAKAM-NABIVAJ SE SAMA!’
Pocna da ja ljubi po noze nadole.. gi izvadi prstite, i i gi simna gakickite od nogata dodeka ona se smiruvase od orgazmot , stana i pocna da gi soblekuva pantolonite preku cevlite uste na nego i go cuv kako i vika – malku navalen nakaj liceto nejzino- ‘ ME NAPALI EJJ-ZNAES LI KAKO KE TE EBAM SEGA!?’ … Ona samo mu rece ‘ EBI ME!’ i se zalapaa strasno.
Dodeka se lapaa, i pomogna da go simne gradnikot, i go frlija na alatite na masata …. Dodeka bese navednata gola i ja precekoruvase suknjata da ja soblece, tetin mi ja udri so tvrdiot kur nekolku pati po butinata…Kako se ispravi ona i ja frli uknjata vrz mengemeto , on od zad grb, ja grabna za cicki i pocna da ja ljubi za vrat. Jas go stegav mojot koj od trenerki…bese kamen tvrd, ke puknese…i osekav od nego tecese veke bistar sok… go izvadiv poleka , go namackav glavicot ubavo so nego..i skoro da ne svrsiv. Od agolot , nemozev da vidam kade mu e kurot nego zasto sega veke bea svrteni skoro nakaj mene, no zatoa mozev da ja vidam majkami kompletno gola pred mene, vo necistata supa, so edna raka kako go gali po glava pozadi tetin mi , a so desnata se pridrzuva za masata. Nego mu ja gledav glavata, jazikot i mustakite ( posto bese glava povisok od nea )…i racete koj i gi mesea dvete cicki, a ona samo se vitkase dodeka ja lubese on i poleka se pusese … pretpostavuvam deka i u toj moment i go stavi poleka, zasto ona pocna da ja zafrluva glavata , gi zatvori ocite , i se poveke pocna da go buta vratot nejzin na ustata negova dodeka ja lizese po vrat, i da se se pupi i kreva kolkovite se poveke i da se giga na prsti potkleknuva u baven ritam. Pocna da stenka pak…i po sega imase i po nekoe ‘OHHH’ ..koe se ocesto stanuvase vo OHHHHHHHHH, … pa pocna da septi polekaa…DAAAA… Jas veke nemav sumlja deka ON e vo nea-CEL! ….spusti edna od negovite sepi na pickata nejzina i mozev ubavo da vidam kako so sredniot prst poleka ja cepka po picka, a d**gata ja drzese cvrsto za cicka koja mu se razlevase od sepata—- a ona,… ona se poveke sama se nabivase i go vitkase grbot i se podigase na prsti… Pocnaaa da ubrzuvaat… ona pocn da stenka se poglasno i da vrti so glavata…on isto pocna da stenka i pocna da i vika ‘ AHHH XXXXX* [ *imeto na majka mi], AHHHHH XXXXX!!’
Jas go drzev za mojot za koren koj kapese od so bev napalen od gledkata kako tetin mi ja tuca majka mi, i ustetolku se napaliv koga mi tekna deka on ustvari gi izebal i dvete sestri!…..
Majka mi veke bese tolku navednata i napupena, sto on se ispravi naednas, ja fati za ramenici, ja zavtre za da moze ona da se fati ubavo so dvete race na masata.. go podizvadi, i i go zacuka cel naednas!!! I ostana taka vo nea nekoj 10 sekundi….
Veke vaka pak mi bea stranicno svrteni i mozev da vidam SE!… go vidov kako i go izvadi skoro do kraj do glavic, i pak so seta sila i go nacuka! …i pak ostana vo nea…
Majka mi zbesna… pocna da ispusta krici i da mu mesa na kurot, se nabivase ..kako da saka da mu go izede so pickata…
‘TI SE SVIGA, A? TI SE SVIGA LI?!’ ja prasa tetin mi, ama ovoj pat glasot mu bese ostar.. toa me popali uste poveke… posto sega veke zborese so nea kako so nekoja kurva…po strogo…
Pocna da ja ebe,…. go vadese poleka i malku poostro i go zacukuvase cel i go zadrzuvase vnatre.. mozev da mu go vidam cel kur kako mu sveti od nejzinata vlaga dodeka go vadese … majka mi samo ofkase, i disese prevozbudeno…bese vlazna i gladna za kuristeto na tetin mi…. On pocna da ubrzuva so nabivanjeto u nejze, uste ja drzese za ramenici, cel gol, samo so crni cevli i so beli sportski corapi na nego… ‘MINATIOT PAT ME POLUDE, EJ’ i rece tetin mi…… .i i go zabi jako….’ GO DRKAV NA TEBE POSLE MESEC DENA’….. pocna da ja ebe pobrzo, pojako….majka mi samo go vitkase grbot i go prcese gazot poveke i stenkase so faca zalepena za rabotnata masa….
‘NAPUPI SE POVEKE, DAJ MI JA CELA’ i rece tetin mi i ja fati za polovina dodeka majka mi gi podotvori nozete, i go isprci gazeto kolku moze da moze cel da i vleze… pocna da ja kova na masata…ona stanuvase se poglasna a tetin mi se pogrub…i go nabivase cel , ostro, so dobar konstanten ritam.. slusav samo pleskanje na negovata karlica od nejziniot gaz ‘pau, pau, pau, pau…’… …Majka mi pocna da vika – -‘O MAJKO…OOO MAJKOOO’ , i toa kako tetin mi poleka ubrzuvase, taka i majka mi pocesto i poglasno vikase ‘ OOOOO MAJKOOOOO… EBII MEEEE… OOO MAJKOO..OO MAJKO.OOO MAJKOOOOoooo….’ ..’EBIIIIIII MEEEE ZZZZZeee [na tetin mi imeto], … EEBI MEE’… glasot na majka mibese kako da ke zaplace i samo stenkse i vikase nekontrolirano ‘OOOOH ZZZZZ… OOOOOHHHH MAJKOOOO!’ … Dodeka mu go vkase imeto i on i se zabivase u nejzinata picka dlaboko – ona pocna da svrsuva pak… se trese, vikase, pretase i se vitkase na masata i da se vitka ….Pocna da dise dlaboko kako da snemuva vozduh i da offkaaa-…disese brzo i pokusavase da i se smiri teloto od orgazmot koj i traese sigurno 20 sekundi, pa i vise…
Jas ispicav po vratata na supata … srceto ke mi izlezese od gradi od so bev napalen! ne mi se veruvase kakov mazjak e tetin mi i kako ebe.
A, tetin mi prodolzi, bez da zapira – ja ebese i ja drzese za polovina, i ja nabivase na kurot kamen tvrd , bez da podzapira..vleguva i izleguva kako masina nekoja…. ‘DAJ MI JAA, ISPRAVI SE UBAVO!’ strogo i rece tetin mi… ‘ NE, NE..CEKAJ ZZZZZ…CEKAJ MALKU’-mu vikase majka mi dodeka i vleguvase kuristeto,…. ‘ DAAAJ MI JAAA!’ i s’rza tetin mi glasno megu zabi..bese namrsten u faca! Majkami posluzno gi naprci pak kolkovite i gazot… i on prodolzi da i go nabiva zestoko do posleden cantimetar u nea, potklekna malku za da vleze CEL… od majkami samo pak pocnaa da izleguvaat nekontrolirani krici na uzivanje (ili bolka)…pocna da ja vrti glavata , i da mafta so racete po masata kako da bara da se fati za nesto….’AAAAAHHH…AAAAAAAHHH’… ja slusav majka mi…. i posle par minuti takvo zestoko nabivanje pocna pak majka mi da vika se poveke i nekontrolirano ‘ OOOHH MAJKOO, OH MAJKOOOOOOO…LELE..DDAAAAAA….DAAAAAA…..DAAAAAAAAA’.. Tetin mi i go zabivase krvnicki, ja rasturase propisno, i od pickata veke se slusase slapanje , i se gledaa sitni kapki kako prskaat na svetloto koga go nabivase u pickata… naednas za nekolku sekundi majka mi zamolkna skroz, ja snema ….i pocna pak da se trese i da se vitka u orgazam- nepolni 5 minuti posle prethodniot orgazam ..i ovoj pat naednas bas silno vikna: ‘ AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!’ .. se tresese i maftase so racete kutkajki edna konzerva so strafovi dole i par strafcigeri na zemja…i na kraj se fati za kraevite od masata dodeka se tresese i vikase dodeka imase tret orgazam i najjak . Tetin mi samo se smeskase pod mustak , podzapre i i go vadese poleka i i go stavase poleka dodeka majka mi se tresese uste na kurot negov. Bese uste tvrd…
Bea ispoteni i dvajcata…a mojot bese kamen celo vreme i do drkav na ludata situacija so ja gledam
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ ja prasase tetin mi….majka mi samo tesko disese opustena na masata
Go izvadi …i se navedna i ja pogledna pickata…. samo cuv kako napravi ‘UFFFFff’ … i i pomina so dlankata po pickata…i do prodrka kurot so istata raka
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ pak ja prasase…majka mi rece ‘DA’ i pocna da se isprava od masata… zastana , se svrte i se nasmejaa…
Tetin mi ja fati so dvete race za glava ‘ PAK ME POLUDE’ , i pocna da ja ljubi, da ja faka za cicka i za gazot.
Majka mi go fati za kur i mu go stegase. On ja ljubese po vrat i ja podrkrevase i i se triesese so kurot u nejzinata raka po stomakot . Ona so raka pocna da go mesti na kaj picka i da mu se trie i ona on nego. ‘TREBA DA IDEME, NE CEKAAT EJ’- rece tetin mi i potklekna i i go stavi glabicot na picka. ‘TREBA’ rece majka mi…se svrte i legna pak napupena na masata so levata noga krenata so koleno na masata . On odma i prijde, potklekna i poleka i go stavi cel odednas…i pocna poleka da ja ebe…posle nekolku minuti go izvadi, se navedna i i ja pogledna pickata. Jas mozev da ja vidam stranicno od krenatata noga kako e mokra i so otvorena dupka….i butna prsti poleka..i pocna da ja ebe so prsti taka a so d**gata go drkase…ona pak pocna da stenka … i stavi po minuta,4 prsti i i gi butase prstite kako perka poleka vnatre-nadvor od pickata, i u eden moment pocna poleka da gi vrtti dodeka ja ebese taka…Ona pocna da stenka i se fati so racete pak za masata…. Tenin mi prodolzi da i butka taka 4 prsti drkajki si go kurot, pravejki i skoro polukruzni dvizenja so dlankata u picka a majami samo tesko disese i ispustase po nekoe tivko ‘OOOOOOHH’…
Poleka proba da i ja stavi celata dlanka sose palecot…Majka mi pocna da vika ‘OHHH ZZZZZ NE…NEEE ZZZZZ,,,,OOHH … OOHHHH’ . Koga i vleze so celata dlanka u pickata tetin rece samo ‘UFFFFF XXXXX’….i poleka pocna da i ja vrti vo pickata..majkami samo prodolzi da vika .. ‘OOOOHHH NEEE, OOOOOHHHH … OOO MAJKOOO,,, ‘… i on pocna mnogu poleka da ja izvlekuva i pak nabiva cela tupanica u nea i pocna da stenka dodeka ja gledase raka cela u picka i ubrza ritam i pocna da ja ebe so se poveke vrtenje na rakata vnatre..i da pravi ‘UFFFFF’ dodeka buta.
I ja izvadi dlankata do pola i poleka pak ja butna do zglobot u nea! Majka mi samo niz zabi vrisna 3 pati ‘OOOOOO ZZZZZ’ i pocna da svrsuva i da se trese i vie nabiena na rakata negova. Tetin mi u toj moment pocna da vikaaa ‘AAAAAAAA TAKA, AAAAAAAAAAA’ i pocna da sprica mlazevi nakaj vratata .. go gledav tetin mi kako prska sperma po podoti po gazot na majka mi. Ona ustese tresese i vikase ‘OOO’ ‘OOOO’. Otkako se smiri majka mi, poleka ja izvadi rakata od nea… Majka mi poleka ja simna nogata. Tetin mi najde partal i ja izbrisa spermata od gazot na majka mi, i si pocna da si go brise kurot…’TREBASE DA TE EBAM USTE PRVIOT PAT KOGA BEVME U GRCKA’ rece tetin mi i pocna da se oblekuva maicata , dodeka majka mi si go zakopcuvase prslukot.
Jas poleka se izvlekov od garazata, i pobrzav nakaj kolata za da uspeam da stugnam nazad i da slucajno ne me zabelezat ,ajka ,i ili tetin mi.
Na tetka mi koga stignav deka i kazav deka ne sum mozel da najdam takvi kakvi sto pusam pa sum moral da nekolku mesta da odam, i za tortata mi teknalo tek koga sum stignal. Se ponudiv da odam da ja zemam, zasto moja greska bilo. Na pat natamu , na pola pat se razminav so majka mi i so tetin mi vo kola.
Koga stignav kaj tetka mi vlegov vo supata kade do pred 30tina minuti tetin mi ja rasturi majka mi/sestratat na zena mu .. negovata sperma bese uste na zemjata i po masata…. se nadrviv pak. Otidov u kukata i zemav noseni bokserki negovi , go staviv partalot so ja izbrisa spermata negova i rakaa so mu bese u picka .. i si go izdrkav napupen na masata kako majka mi, zamisuvav kako me dupi mene taka vatreno i kako mi ja polni ustata i me prska po lice , dodeka mu go mirisav vesot i lizev spermata.
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Mature BBW Appreciation By Geekman I went to a Tech school instead of the local high school since I wanted to learn electronics. A neighbor was on the board of Ed at the Tech school. When he found out I was attending the Tech school he asked me if I wanted to work for he, and his wife. He explained that he owned several income properties as well as a multi-family house. He stated I would work with him on the weekends and I would work for his wife doing landscaping work at their house. Mr....
MatureFebruary 14, 1976 Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year in which couples in love are expected to demonstrate their attraction in some romantic manner. For many, the demonstration should be in a public forum where others can see the expression of romantic love, at least as much demonstration of it which can be performed in public. Flowers, chocolates, and dinner out are classics only because so many lovers choose to do it that way. Or course, that inflates the price of it all. Earnest...
I turn to see you standing completely naked except for a harness and a strap on dildo. I now understand our encounter in the shower this morning. You joined me in the shower, moving in behind me and rubbing yourself against my back and ass. Then you bent me over and pressed a well-lubed butt plug against my anus. I readied myself and you pushed it all the way inside me as I gasped from the intrusion. After I recovered, I straightened back up as you rubbed my cock and chest. You leaned in...
By MuhabbaThis story is based on the idea Chloe Moretz isn’t a celebrity.“Hey mister, ya got any candy?”Tony looked up from his sandwich and saw a young girl standing about 4 ft. from his bench. “Swell,” he thought. “No sweetie. I’m afraid not,” he said trying for a warm smile. He’d chosen this secluded section of the park he found yesterday specifically to get away from people and enjoy his lunch in peace. Specifically people this young girl’s age. It wasn’t that he didn’t like c***dren,...
Characters introduced in this chapter: Greine -- Sunshine Mage, Rose's twin, 5'-1" tall, 108 pounds, 34C-21-23, 16 years old, short red hair, green eyes, some freckles, very cute; thinner when they first met Rose Sunshine's twin Sister - only present in the spirit at this time Master Eogham Master of Glenquin Castle, A tall fat man with a long brown beard and unkempt hair Like Dublin, the Limerick of 2170AC (After Cingetorix - King of the Trerari from the beginning of whose reign...
I lay quietly in my bed in only panties and a loose t-shirt, listening for the sound of the TV downstairs. Dad always falls asleep Sunday nights in front of it. Mom said she'd come up to my room when he did and let me have some more time at her breast. Earlier in the afternoon, I broke down under some stress I've been feeling and she let me breast feed for a while. It was so wonderful that I almost fell asleep. Since then, all I've been able to think about is falling asleep with her nipple in...
"It's gonna be a great day," Vance hummed to himself as he punched floor number twenty nine on the express elevator, "a new job in a new city, what could be finer!?!" Vance Hawkins was really looking forward to his new job as a systems analyst for an up and coming software firm, and although he had to leave his beloved Texas, it was the opportunity of a lifetime so he up and moved his wife and young son to Chicago to take up the new challenge!!! As he walked through the lobby of his new office,...
EroticIn a big family, I fucked the girls and aunties one by one.My friend and my sex advisor joined in that game. I am Ashok of 21. Going to College. Ours is a very big family.. My aunt Aishwarya, of 26 is a widow. Her beauty is exactly that of a film star. So I have an eye on her. I already fucked some 10 or 15 girls who are my college mates. Of course. My second advisor and my college mate Yasin only gave enough training to proceed with. It was a Friday. . I cut the college and she and I only were...
GroupI’ve never been much different from the other girls I saw everyday at school. In fact, I was exactly like them, wanting to be hip, wanting to be pretty, wanting to be seen with the hot popular guys. And that’s exactly what it was like until my mother decided to divorce my dad when I was 8. It was a shock to both of us, as they had seemed to get along pretty well, but that was that, and my mother was pretty much out of my life since then. My dad had a hard time coping with the loss,...
Yoshiko stepped off the plane and caught sight of the car waiting for her. She could sense Victor waiting for her within. The others got into the other cars, leaving her and Victor to their own devices. She closed her eyes once the door was closed. He fastened her seatbelt for her with his telekinetic abilities. His mind touched hers, pulling open a valve hidden even from herself, releasing the pressure within her and freeing her to express her grief. Only pain had awaited her on her return...
It all started at the wedding reception of some family member I did not even know. It was my second reception since going thru puberty and I liked them alot as the women would get drunk and it was fun seeing every body act stupid plus the dresses the women would wear. This couple sitting at my table, Wilma and Carl, were from Texas. They were quite the pair. She was a Texas blonde, tall, skinny, maybe late forties or early fifties. She was wearing a little dress that was low cut and she would...
[Warning - there is no sex in this story, please don't hate me for that, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless]The inn was as crowded as ever as staff, just as much as guests, were pouring out from the inn, all eager to get off the island. There had been a mass exodus suggested for all inhabitants of the formerly sl*epy island town from the sheriff, who was erring on the side of caution, in trying to get people out even if there was a suspect in custody. Naturally there was some disagreement...
The funny thing about my lining up some sex while she was gone was it wasn’t with other women! I began calling guys I’d fucked or who had fucked me in the past and wanted to plan on having guys over each day that my wife was away. It didn’t even enter my mind to find a chick to fuck, I’m so into having cock that these days beyond fucking my wife occasionally, I’m only interested in having cock inside me! As her day of departure neared she told me of some emails she’d exchanged on...
Marty sent the other agents to the other SUVs with the prisoner. He and I were in one. “I am not happy with you taking Mike away from the task force,” I said. “I can imagine so, but I need a leader who looks past the trees to see the forest and the snow capped mountains in the distance. You have taught him how to do that along with being hard nosed dedicated and to not let the bull distract him from the mission goals. He was lacking in those areas before, not now. The only thing he may be...
Darcy was surprised to find that from the big room, which held the door to their home was another that led to a large communal area. The room was three times as big again. Two long wide hallways that led to many rooms were accessed from the inner wall. Two cross halls joined them together as you moved into the mountain. Two large doors, each about a third of the way along the room on the other side, led to the outside and long high windows let in a lot of light. The back area from where he...
Julie came to my room as we had planned and we spent what seemed like the whole night having sex. Every time we finished and I was settling down to sleep and regain my strength she soon had me aroused and hard at it again. I had forgotten how much she liked to fuck and how convincing and forceful she could be with her mouth and active little tongue. As a consequence, when she finally returned to her own room in the early hours I felt as if I hadn't closed my eyes all night. With the prospect...
Hi, this is Vicky again with another story. Frankly, this is not my story but it’s a true incident from my friend Anand and his sister Manju. Before I forget thanks for the amazing feedback. Hi, ISS my name is Anand, 20 yrs. old studying in a college in Delhi. This incident happened 2 months ago. My parents who are kind and loving work at an office which is 20 miles away from our house. So, we had our separate keys. That day like any other day, my parents went to their office, sister and I...
IncestThe faerie Tra' syl hurried to her favorite spot. She knew he would be there soon as he always travelled the same path through the woods at this time of day. Tra' syl hoped to catch a glimpse of him as he passed through on his way to wherever it is that humans go. She mused that humans are always going someplace - they are never content to stay in one spot and just enjoy the beauty around them!Tra' syl was a woodland faerie, a protector of the woods and every creature in it. She took her work...
SupernaturalIt is simply a fact of life that nothing is going to get accomplished on the first Monday after spring break. Everyone has to tell all their friends where they were and who they saw and who said what to whom and why all of this was just sooo important. The teachers usually just give up. Mr. Kennedy spent the first half of Government, in fact, quizzing Jesse and Hal Stonerider and me about the results of our baseball tournament. When I wrote that the teachers usually just give up, of course,...
Well this is a true story… My name is Rahul and I live with my dad, mom and elder bother. We are a middle class family. My mum and dad have been married for almost 30 years now. My dad used to run away from the house every now and then leaving my mum to take care of us. Mum used to take care of us we used to take care of mom too. But sometimes mom would call us to help her with her bra strap cos we were small boys. Mum has big tits and its difficult for her to strap her bra hook sometimes. As...
IncestWaking up with a hangover has never been pleasant, but the memories of last night definitely made it worthwhile. So, I made up some mimosas to go with the scrambled eggs, to take upstairs to Syd. Watching her and Bobbi last night in the hot tub had made me as horny as she was, and the resulting quickie was most satisfying for both of us. We talked over breakfast about us, our wants and needs and came to the conclusion that we should expand our sexual boundaries, promising to communicate our...
VoyeurWe started working on Monday at the church daycare. Since we weren’t being paid it wasn’t really work. I was sitting outside the church where the daycare was holding forth that Monday. I got out of the SUV when Tommy Simpson pulled up. He didn’t move like a man in a great deal of pain. He was more a man with bad balance. He would not be the ideal employee, but he might be the best one available for the job. ”Tommy, how is it going?” I asked. ”It’s going good. How about you? Or more...
Andrew wandered around the market for a time, looking at the wares the merchants had on display. Something about the scene was bothering him though, like an itch he couldn’t scratch. He wasn’t sure what it was, but something about this market kept niggling at the back of his mind. He looked around, studying the stands and stalls, ticking off what he could see for sale. Food being the main product sold here of course. Clothing, small housewares, and minor tools off in their own little corners....
I was feeling better by the time school was over though. Mostly cause I'd spent most of the afternoon in shop class with The Boz, who was laughing while we worked on his girlfriend's Volkswagen Rabbit. Tuesday's I was supposed to be working on my car, except I didn't have a car, so usually I just hooked up with whoever was having the most problems. Or else I worked on the class project, that low rider '56 we were building. But that Tuesday I just wanted to take it easy and The Boz was...
I'm going to tell you a story about my uncle, my cousin, and me. Everyone says I look like Britney Spears with bigger tits, even though I hate her I don’t mind her looks. Well here’s how it starts- I was spending the night at my cousin’s house, which we did very often. My name is Ashley, and his name is Jim. Anyway we were just talking about stuff like music and actors. Then all of the sudden he said god you’ve got big tits! I was kind of surprised and I said thank you in a weird voice while...
IncestIt was Friday afternoon and I was driving past the local high school in my red van. It was only about one o’clock so I knew classes couldn’t have let out so when I saw a girl walking alone on the side of the road I figured she must be playing hooky or something. I pulled up alongside of her and slowed down.?Hey, kid. What’s going on?? I tried to look as sympathetic as I could. The girl was about eighteen years old with dark brown hair. She was wearing a pair of tight shorts and a t-shirt with...
“What the Fuck?” the woman yelled out. “You come into my shop, wasting my time and you have no money?”“Well” I quickly tried to calm her down. “We have no money with us, yet we do have money. After all, look at how she’s dressed, her hair, her makeup. We have money… just not with us now.” “Look at how she’s dress” laughed the woman… “you mean how she’s NOT dressed. Maybe you’re both just some kind of kinky couple into game playing!”“Well” I again tried to think quickly on my feet, “That may be...
[ Author's note: Dedicated to A & T, my good friends!!!]When Mara and I were making our travel plans to go to Kenya to meet with Omar, and for her to return home pregnant by him, it was impossible to think much beyond that exhilarating wave we were both riding on. Even when we were there in Kenya, in our hotel room, when Omar first arrived at the front door, we were both fired by that incredible (and for some, totally inconceivable!) exhilaration of why the three of us together in that...
Backlash Jon'na-ren, Mike asked, what did we just see? See? Of what do you speak, Michael-ours? When the bombs from the warplanes were falling. There was a glowing dome of something ... energy, or a shield ... that rose up from your ship. But the bombs kept falling. They fell through the shield. We saw no effect until the rays struck them, and caused them to burn? Oh, I understand. Because you saw no effect, you assume the shield failed in its purpose? Not so, Michael-ours. The effect...
We had been seeing each other for about six months or so and on this night were out in Soho, central London, having been to the Trocadero.P was wearing a gorgeous short silky red strappy dress with black high heels and as it was a hot summer night, P had no coat or jacket. I, of course, made sure she was naked under the dress. We were getting well into our eclectic sexual relationship by now so she always did as asked regarding underwear etcetera.I was thirtyhrity-six at this time and P was...
ExhibitionismYes, I sent you the contract and a diskette. I think this is the version you bought. Go ahead and cut as you suggested. Noblesse Oblige by Abe Old Shedeur, my father's trusted advisor, reminded me: "My Lord Harald, tonight you must exercise your droit de seigneur; you must deflower a bride." I was aware that lords do that, but I had been serving my uncle, Sir Einar, as...
ASIAN FEMINIZATION Sleazy Blonde, 2021 It wasn't what I wanted. Not at all what I wanted. But my wishes and desires, my wants and needs: they meant little to my parents. We're an immigrant family from East Asia. Maybe a bit more South-East than East; I won't tell you the country except that it's not Japan. My parents brought with them some of the better attributes from our Confucius-laden heritage: hard work, loyalty to family, respect your elders. With the benefit of hindsight, I...
Cindy's turn: I was sitting in my Dan's office when his phone rang. It has to be somebody with whom we have a close relationship because most business calls are routed through the front desk. Today Beck's there. Tina's off somewhere being pregnant and herding three young girls around. "This is Dan Richards," Dan said into the phone. "Oh, hi, Brother Jones!" Pause. "Okay. Ken, then." Pause. "Yeah, we might be able to get something together. Hang on, I'm putting you on speaker....
Before our first orgy, our sex life had been pretty good, but afterwards it was spectacular. I usually got home from work half an hour before Jim, and in the past I had had the dinner ready soon after he got home. Now however I stripped off my clothes as soon as I got home and was waiting for him in the kitchen. I got a kiss and a quick grope as soon as he came in, then he disappeared to the bed room and came back naked to find me bending over the kitchen table, presenting my arse and...
**I was a normal human being who lived in the real world, I once visit toon town and their laws of physics is different from the real world. One day, I was invited to meet Jessica Rabbit. I went to the elevator and got to the floor I wanted to go, it was a bumpy ride but I survived. I got to the apartment and I was unaware that this is the wrong apartment number and as I open the door she looked at me and shouted** Lena: A man!!!! **I saw the hearts in her eyes as she eye ball me** Oh damn!...
NOTE: All characters in story are over the age of sixteen. No minors are featured in this story. Have a good read “I still can’t believe Justin broke up with Danielle. I thought they would have lasted a while longer.” Amber said. I glanced up at my best friend, who was laying next to me on my bed, looking quite shocked at the news we had received from a friend moments earlier. Justin was Amber’s long-term crush. He was an attractive guy, Tall, about 6’4. Played football for our school. Golden...
I'd just said goodbye to Ben when I got the call from my wife. She sounded odd, distant. It, the call, had short shanked my usual Friday afternoon beer fest at the Hop and Grape, my favorite hangout. I was home twenty minutes later: the clock read 5:27. I would remember the time; it spelled the end of my sixteen year marriage to Zoe Conyers. I'm Bill Conyers, 37, and in every way your average Joe. I'm an ex-army electrician. I'm currently working for the city: I'm a garbage collector, go...
Introduction: A young teen follows thru with her plans of seducing her mothers boyfriend. This is my first story to post. Ive written erotica before, but not of this nature. This is a fictional story but one that a lot of guys have probably thought about. You could tell how cold it was outside when she came in. She dropped her jacket on the couch and started pulling her sweatshirt over her head as she walked toward the fireplace. She didnt appear to really care that her shirt was also coming...
Maria awoke in a cold sweat, a scream just below the surface. The dream had returned, and as yet she had said nothing to Rayne. For the dreams had been vague, just a feeling of doom and suffering. But not tonight, there had been nothing vague about this, it was clear and decisive, and she knew Gabriella had been hurt very badly and if they did not reach her soon, she might be lost to them forever. She never hesitated for a moment, climbing from bed as quickly as her bent old frame would allow,...
I got home on liberty one hot Friday afternoon in late July of 1977. Billie, my wife, met me at the door wearing nothing but a smile and her wedding ring. She was stunning! Twenty-four years old, five-feet-three-inches tall and weighing one-hundred-and-eight-pounds, her petite body (34B-23-33) was tanned, fit and tight from her exercise routines and long-distance running. Her smallish areolas were puffy and her nipples were hard pebbles.It wasn’t unusual for her to greet me bare-assed naked....
Wife LoversOne of the strangest relationships I've had over the years was with awoman named Laura. She saw my profile on Yahoo and dropped me a note. It was like manna from heaven. She was very into the idea of fucking a man in the ass with a strap-on dildo. She'd not done it before but had fantasized about it for years. Would I be willing to help? You bet! We chatted for a long time before we finally agreed to meet. Her trailer park wasn't too far from where I was staying at the time and I went to see...
CrossdressingShit, no, she wasn’t. “Hi darling, are you ready for our evening of fun,” came Sally’s voice from the conference call speaker set that Zoe had attached to my laptop. Obviously, a purchase from earlier. She’d positioned the MacBook, so the camera covered the bed. Sally and Mila had set theirs up to cover the bed at Mila’s flat. They were sitting on the bed dressed only in their panties. Zoe was sat on our bed dressed in only her panties, and she’d stripped me down to my boxers. “Are we...
Hy guys my name is harry, fake name of course but the story is real.Let me start by introducing myself I am a south Indian by birth, tan complexion, with a height of 5’11 age 20. Now I am staying in surat India anyone interested can contact me on Instagram id “Harrystylshorny” My email id Now let me start my experience,let’s start this with a flashback it all started when I was in 11th stand I used to be a really horny guy and I used to have a lot of friends so once I went to a society to play...
I showed up the next evening with my lawyer John and Bruno... yes that's his real name... a bounty hunter. We saw a cocky guy sitting in a booth and walked over to him. "Are you Erick?" I asked? "Who the hell are you and what do you want?" was his reply. "Just call me Santa since I brought you money." I opened the bag and showed him some of the money. John and I sat down across from him and Bruno being 6'6" 300 lbs sat in a chair at a table next to us. I ordered us a round of beers...
She tossed her cone into a trashcan and followed the young woman into the restaurant. She found the young woman's section and took a seat in one of the booths. Kassidi pretended to look at the menu while studying the young woman. The woman's tone was friendly and upbeat with customers and she was efficient as she filled their orders. After a minute or three, The young woman came to Kassidi's table. "Hi, my name's Melinda. I'll be your server today. What can I get you.?" The woman's...
Suzanne Meinert felt a stab of jealousy as she and Rod walked up to the house with the real estate agent. She still could not understand why they were even bothering to look at this expensive one. Rod loved teaching and coaching, and they weren't poor. But there was never anything extra. This house was so perfect, it almost made her cry to think about it. But there was no way they could afford it. All through the tour, her depression increased. If only... Rod Meinert had been too angry...
Buying Water as a Girl, or my first public outing This is an autobiographical work of non-fiction. Everything described here, in its detail, is true. Maybe one of the three people involved is reading this and recognizing themselves. If so, I'm sorry I lied to you. Drop me a line. To everyone else, enjoy. It's not the adventures some who are braver have had, but it was a thrill for me. ---- I sat in the car, breathing a little heavily, staring out the windshield at the Dunkin'...
100% fiction! It was just before Easter last year when my mother Marge arrived on the Morning Train. I met her and picked up her Luggage to the car. We head back out to the Farm. Mum said " Beryl tell me your a Godsend around the Farm and in Bed, I test you out myself after Lunch." With that she moved over next to me and took my hand off the gear stick and placed it on her leg. So I started rubbing her leg and crotch while she started to rub my crotch. Just then we came upon accident on the...
IncestYou wake slowly. Your head hurts and you're lying upon something cold and hard. The ground. What the hell happened? You remember riding your horse to the castle of the evil sorcerer. You fought the dragon that guarded the main entrance. Did you kill it? You can't remember. Opening your eyes, you raise your head, making the world spin around you. You feel like throwing up, but heroic adventurers do not lose their lunch if they can avoid it. It's rule #17 in the Adventurer's Handbook. Speaking of...
FantasyWRITER'S NOTE: My grandma really did die and I thought including her death and some true events while staying true to original fiction story of previous parts would help me work through the sorrow I feel. THE NEW START 6 PART 4 By Paul G. Jutras "Paula honey, you almost forgot to pack your toothbrush." Ann said as she walked into her daughter's bedroom. Paula looked at the suitcase and let out a sigh. "Now I'll have to pack all over again." Paula said with a glum look as she saw...