Vistinska prikazna MAJKA MI I TETIN MI
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Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi.
Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini – bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz – major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.)
Tetka mi tetin mi ziveat vo istiot grad/drzava kade i baba mi.
Majka mi i tetin mi bea izlezeni za da kupat nekoj stvari za rucekot i za tie nekolku dena dodeka im bevme na gosti. NIe speivme vo kukata na baba mi.
Jas se sutkav i, dodeka tetka mi zaedno so baba mi spremaa rucek, a tatko mi gledase fudbal so mene. Po edno vreme mi snema cigari i morav da izlezam so kola do gradot za da kupam. Na izleguvanje tetka mi me zamoli da odam ako mozam do kaj niv da ja zemam tortata posto ona ja zaboravila da ja donese. za rucekot.
Zapaliv kolata, i otidov do kaj niv posto ionaka imav vreme dovolno vreme dodeka da bide rucekot, a i da napravam usluga zasto sekoj veke bese so nesto involviran.
Kupiv cigari , i na vrakanje, svrtiv do kaj tetka mi za da ja zemam tortata. Stignav vo ulickata kade sto e kukata na tetka mi, i se parkirav dve kuki podole posto pred nivnata kuka nemase mesto zasto veke bese parkirana kolata na tetin mi ( koj bese izlezen so majka mi do pazar i do grad za da napravat shoping).
Malku mi padna cudno toa, zasto ne ocekuvav deka ima nekoj voopsto kaj niv, no pretpostaviv deka moze pominale da zemat nekoj stvari od tamu pred da se vratat.
Inace kukata na tetka mi e posledna na krajot na ulicata i e na periferija na gradot i skoro da nema voopsto luge tamu i vo okolnite kuki, i e mnogu tivko.
Dodeka odev nakaj kukata pominuvajki pokraj garazata, kako da slusnav stenkanje koe idese od pozadina,kade sto e shupata. Od pocetok mislev mi se pricinuva ali resiv poleka da vlezam vo garazata koja imase vrata koja sekogas bese otklucena, i od grazata imase vtora vrata koja vodi od d**gata strana kon shupata. Koga vlegov vo garazata, veke bese znaev deka ne mi se pricinuva , tuku deka stvarno slusam stenkanje. Srceto pocna da mi cuka jako, delumno od strav sto pretpostavuvav deka ke vidam, a delumno i od vozbuda ( posto veke sum slusal majka kako ja dupat, i me potseti na toj pat a i go prepoznavav nejzinoto stenkanje), Plus, se palev na tetin mi malku, koj bese pravo pastuviste.
Posto garazata bese prazna, bese lesno da dojdam do vratata na supata, koja bese od nekoj glupi daski samodelski napravena, i imase dovolno golemi procepi na poveke mesta za da mozam da biram od kade ke poglednam i gledase kolku-tolku OK vnatre vo supata – i posto vo supata imase eden prozor imase mnogu poveke svetlo (+ sonceto bese od taa strana) otkolku vo garzata koja bese skoro temna- pa mozev da zirkam so se desava bez da moze da me primeti nikoj.
Se navednav i uste od prva imav direkten pogled na majka mi i na tetin mi vo supata! —— ona bese samo po gradnik, podignat preku cickite, taka da cickite i bea nadvor, bese fatena za rabotnata masa kaj so stoi mengemeto , so podignata suknja i gaki simati do dole i ostaveni samo na ednata noga- na gluzd… potkleknata, so glava zafrlena nanazad od uzivanje kako stenka, a tetin mi i ja lize pickata i i go smuka klitorisot, kleknat pred nea na kolena u prasinata, gol nagore, samo po bela maica, a kosulata pozadi nego zakacena na kolickata za malter , i ja drzi za butini suknjata krenata so dvete race so glavata megu nozete nejzini i i ja lize .. smuka…. Imav zirkano kako tatko mi ja ebe so d**g kako pomal, ama neznaev deka ona na samo go izneveruva tatko mi- toa so mazot na sestra i ebate!
Kleknav na zemja posto mi se tresea noze, a i posto mozev da sum postabilen dodeka gledam i mozam podobro da se namestam na procepceto i da vidam ubavo s so se desava na dva metri od d**gata strana na vratickata..
Tenin mi ja lizese taka nekolku minuti , i posle i ja butna dolniot del od suknjata u pojasot, i ja fati odpozadi za gazovite, i use tolku ja priblizi do nego i prodolzi uste strastveno da ja lize majka mi —–mozev jasno da mu go vidam jazikot kako odi gore dole megu sramnite usni.. kako ja ebe so jazik i kako i go lize klitorot so vrvot na jazicisteto. Dodeka ja lizese, ona go fati so ednata raka za glavata za da uste tolku da mu ja nabie glavata u pickata,a so d**gata se pridrzuvase za masata i stenkanjeto i stanuvase poglasno i disenjeto pobrzo, Po nekoja minuta lizenje, dodelka ona mu ja drzese glavata na nejzinata picka i poleka pocnuvase da se trie so kolkovite od facata negova ,on go otkopca slicot i kaisot i go izvadi kurot i pocna da go drka….. izvadi KAMEN tvrd kur, debel – malku potenok od nivea deodorans- svitkan nagore u korenot so pogolema rozeva glava i cel so veni od so bese tvrd. Prodolzi da ja lize i ona da mu se trie od faca, prodrkivajki go, i od vreme na vreme kako kuce pomuvase i go butase kurot po nejzinata nogata dole. Kako so ja lizese i ona mu se triese od facata i ocigledno bese dosta napalena i ona a i on, tetin mi naednas se trgna, ja soblece i maicata od nego, i ja zakaci na mengemeto, si plukna po pickata obilno plunka i pocna da ja slapa nekolku sekundi i poleka i go nabi sreden prst. Majka mi samo krikna, i pocna da dodava i ‘aaaa’ vo stenkanjeto.Pocna da ja ebe so prst, a so d**gata raka si go drkase kleknat u prasinata pred nea i ja gledase u faca . I sibna dva prsti po minuta, i pocna da i go lize so vrv na jazik i da i go cica klitorisot .. i pocna da ja ebe so prstite se jako i podlaboko. Gledav kako mu se gubat prstite vo pickata na majka mi, mu go gledav bicepsot kako se napnuva u ubava tvrda topka dodeka i gi nabiva se pobrzo prstite kolku moze, i mu go gledav ubavoto telo so vlakna po gradi i po stomak…bev kamen tvrd sto od sto gledav ona kako stenka dodeka on i buta prsti i toj tvrd biceps kako mrda dodeka i go pravi toa, i od negviot preubav kamen tvrd kur koj ponekad sum zamisluval kako izlgeda. Ona se fati so dvete race za masata pak i pocca da stenka se poglasno i po nekontrolirano a on ja sibase so prsti u picka, i ja lizese potpren na nejzinata noga so kur…… ja pocnav da go stegav mojot preku trenerkite i go masirav na toa so go zirkav… Majka mi pocna da mesa so kolkovi i samata da se nabiva i da vrti nabiena na golemite prsti u nea …. i u eden moment pocna da se trese i da vika samo, AAA aa!! AAAA AAAA!!! AAAAA!!!!!… Pocna da mu svrsuva nabiena na rakata negova deoeka on kleci pred nea- a i pocna da i zbori ‘ A TAKA, AA TAKAAA.. TAKA TE SAKAM-NABIVAJ SE SAMA!’
Pocna da ja ljubi po noze nadole.. gi izvadi prstite, i i gi simna gakickite od nogata dodeka ona se smiruvase od orgazmot , stana i pocna da gi soblekuva pantolonite preku cevlite uste na nego i go cuv kako i vika – malku navalen nakaj liceto nejzino- ‘ ME NAPALI EJJ-ZNAES LI KAKO KE TE EBAM SEGA!?’ … Ona samo mu rece ‘ EBI ME!’ i se zalapaa strasno.
Dodeka se lapaa, i pomogna da go simne gradnikot, i go frlija na alatite na masata …. Dodeka bese navednata gola i ja precekoruvase suknjata da ja soblece, tetin mi ja udri so tvrdiot kur nekolku pati po butinata…Kako se ispravi ona i ja frli uknjata vrz mengemeto , on od zad grb, ja grabna za cicki i pocna da ja ljubi za vrat. Jas go stegav mojot koj od trenerki…bese kamen tvrd, ke puknese…i osekav od nego tecese veke bistar sok… go izvadiv poleka , go namackav glavicot ubavo so nego..i skoro da ne svrsiv. Od agolot , nemozev da vidam kade mu e kurot nego zasto sega veke bea svrteni skoro nakaj mene, no zatoa mozev da ja vidam majkami kompletno gola pred mene, vo necistata supa, so edna raka kako go gali po glava pozadi tetin mi , a so desnata se pridrzuva za masata. Nego mu ja gledav glavata, jazikot i mustakite ( posto bese glava povisok od nea )…i racete koj i gi mesea dvete cicki, a ona samo se vitkase dodeka ja lubese on i poleka se pusese … pretpostavuvam deka i u toj moment i go stavi poleka, zasto ona pocna da ja zafrluva glavata , gi zatvori ocite , i se poveke pocna da go buta vratot nejzin na ustata negova dodeka ja lizese po vrat, i da se se pupi i kreva kolkovite se poveke i da se giga na prsti potkleknuva u baven ritam. Pocna da stenka pak…i po sega imase i po nekoe ‘OHHH’ ..koe se ocesto stanuvase vo OHHHHHHHHH, … pa pocna da septi polekaa…DAAAA… Jas veke nemav sumlja deka ON e vo nea-CEL! ….spusti edna od negovite sepi na pickata nejzina i mozev ubavo da vidam kako so sredniot prst poleka ja cepka po picka, a d**gata ja drzese cvrsto za cicka koja mu se razlevase od sepata—- a ona,… ona se poveke sama se nabivase i go vitkase grbot i se podigase na prsti… Pocnaaa da ubrzuvaat… ona pocn da stenka se poglasno i da vrti so glavata…on isto pocna da stenka i pocna da i vika ‘ AHHH XXXXX* [ *imeto na majka mi], AHHHHH XXXXX!!’
Jas go drzev za mojot za koren koj kapese od so bev napalen od gledkata kako tetin mi ja tuca majka mi, i ustetolku se napaliv koga mi tekna deka on ustvari gi izebal i dvete sestri!…..
Majka mi veke bese tolku navednata i napupena, sto on se ispravi naednas, ja fati za ramenici, ja zavtre za da moze ona da se fati ubavo so dvete race na masata.. go podizvadi, i i go zacuka cel naednas!!! I ostana taka vo nea nekoj 10 sekundi….
Veke vaka pak mi bea stranicno svrteni i mozev da vidam SE!… go vidov kako i go izvadi skoro do kraj do glavic, i pak so seta sila i go nacuka! …i pak ostana vo nea…
Majka mi zbesna… pocna da ispusta krici i da mu mesa na kurot, se nabivase ..kako da saka da mu go izede so pickata…
‘TI SE SVIGA, A? TI SE SVIGA LI?!’ ja prasa tetin mi, ama ovoj pat glasot mu bese ostar.. toa me popali uste poveke… posto sega veke zborese so nea kako so nekoja kurva…po strogo…
Pocna da ja ebe,…. go vadese poleka i malku poostro i go zacukuvase cel i go zadrzuvase vnatre.. mozev da mu go vidam cel kur kako mu sveti od nejzinata vlaga dodeka go vadese … majka mi samo ofkase, i disese prevozbudeno…bese vlazna i gladna za kuristeto na tetin mi…. On pocna da ubrzuva so nabivanjeto u nejze, uste ja drzese za ramenici, cel gol, samo so crni cevli i so beli sportski corapi na nego… ‘MINATIOT PAT ME POLUDE, EJ’ i rece tetin mi…… .i i go zabi jako….’ GO DRKAV NA TEBE POSLE MESEC DENA’….. pocna da ja ebe pobrzo, pojako….majka mi samo go vitkase grbot i go prcese gazot poveke i stenkase so faca zalepena za rabotnata masa….
‘NAPUPI SE POVEKE, DAJ MI JA CELA’ i rece tetin mi i ja fati za polovina dodeka majka mi gi podotvori nozete, i go isprci gazeto kolku moze da moze cel da i vleze… pocna da ja kova na masata…ona stanuvase se poglasna a tetin mi se pogrub…i go nabivase cel , ostro, so dobar konstanten ritam.. slusav samo pleskanje na negovata karlica od nejziniot gaz ‘pau, pau, pau, pau…’… …Majka mi pocna da vika – -‘O MAJKO…OOO MAJKOOO’ , i toa kako tetin mi poleka ubrzuvase, taka i majka mi pocesto i poglasno vikase ‘ OOOOO MAJKOOOOO… EBII MEEEE… OOO MAJKOO..OO MAJKO.OOO MAJKOOOOoooo….’ ..’EBIIIIIII MEEEE ZZZZZeee [na tetin mi imeto], … EEBI MEE’… glasot na majka mibese kako da ke zaplace i samo stenkse i vikase nekontrolirano ‘OOOOH ZZZZZ… OOOOOHHHH MAJKOOOO!’ … Dodeka mu go vkase imeto i on i se zabivase u nejzinata picka dlaboko – ona pocna da svrsuva pak… se trese, vikase, pretase i se vitkase na masata i da se vitka ….Pocna da dise dlaboko kako da snemuva vozduh i da offkaaa-…disese brzo i pokusavase da i se smiri teloto od orgazmot koj i traese sigurno 20 sekundi, pa i vise…
Jas ispicav po vratata na supata … srceto ke mi izlezese od gradi od so bev napalen! ne mi se veruvase kakov mazjak e tetin mi i kako ebe.
A, tetin mi prodolzi, bez da zapira – ja ebese i ja drzese za polovina, i ja nabivase na kurot kamen tvrd , bez da podzapira..vleguva i izleguva kako masina nekoja…. ‘DAJ MI JAA, ISPRAVI SE UBAVO!’ strogo i rece tetin mi… ‘ NE, NE..CEKAJ ZZZZZ…CEKAJ MALKU’-mu vikase majka mi dodeka i vleguvase kuristeto,…. ‘ DAAAJ MI JAAA!’ i s’rza tetin mi glasno megu zabi..bese namrsten u faca! Majkami posluzno gi naprci pak kolkovite i gazot… i on prodolzi da i go nabiva zestoko do posleden cantimetar u nea, potklekna malku za da vleze CEL… od majkami samo pak pocnaa da izleguvaat nekontrolirani krici na uzivanje (ili bolka)…pocna da ja vrti glavata , i da mafta so racete po masata kako da bara da se fati za nesto….’AAAAAHHH…AAAAAAAHHH’… ja slusav majka mi…. i posle par minuti takvo zestoko nabivanje pocna pak majka mi da vika se poveke i nekontrolirano ‘ OOOHH MAJKOO, OH MAJKOOOOOOO…LELE..DDAAAAAA….DAAAAAA…..DAAAAAAAAA’.. Tetin mi i go zabivase krvnicki, ja rasturase propisno, i od pickata veke se slusase slapanje , i se gledaa sitni kapki kako prskaat na svetloto koga go nabivase u pickata… naednas za nekolku sekundi majka mi zamolkna skroz, ja snema ….i pocna pak da se trese i da se vitka u orgazam- nepolni 5 minuti posle prethodniot orgazam ..i ovoj pat naednas bas silno vikna: ‘ AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!’ .. se tresese i maftase so racete kutkajki edna konzerva so strafovi dole i par strafcigeri na zemja…i na kraj se fati za kraevite od masata dodeka se tresese i vikase dodeka imase tret orgazam i najjak . Tetin mi samo se smeskase pod mustak , podzapre i i go vadese poleka i i go stavase poleka dodeka majka mi se tresese uste na kurot negov. Bese uste tvrd…
Bea ispoteni i dvajcata…a mojot bese kamen celo vreme i do drkav na ludata situacija so ja gledam
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ ja prasase tetin mi….majka mi samo tesko disese opustena na masata
Go izvadi …i se navedna i ja pogledna pickata…. samo cuv kako napravi ‘UFFFFff’ … i i pomina so dlankata po pickata…i do prodrka kurot so istata raka
‘DOBRA LI SI?’ pak ja prasase…majka mi rece ‘DA’ i pocna da se isprava od masata… zastana , se svrte i se nasmejaa…
Tetin mi ja fati so dvete race za glava ‘ PAK ME POLUDE’ , i pocna da ja ljubi, da ja faka za cicka i za gazot.
Majka mi go fati za kur i mu go stegase. On ja ljubese po vrat i ja podrkrevase i i se triesese so kurot u nejzinata raka po stomakot . Ona so raka pocna da go mesti na kaj picka i da mu se trie i ona on nego. ‘TREBA DA IDEME, NE CEKAAT EJ’- rece tetin mi i potklekna i i go stavi glabicot na picka. ‘TREBA’ rece majka mi…se svrte i legna pak napupena na masata so levata noga krenata so koleno na masata . On odma i prijde, potklekna i poleka i go stavi cel odednas…i pocna poleka da ja ebe…posle nekolku minuti go izvadi, se navedna i i ja pogledna pickata. Jas mozev da ja vidam stranicno od krenatata noga kako e mokra i so otvorena dupka….i butna prsti poleka..i pocna da ja ebe so prsti taka a so d**gata go drkase…ona pak pocna da stenka … i stavi po minuta,4 prsti i i gi butase prstite kako perka poleka vnatre-nadvor od pickata, i u eden moment pocna poleka da gi vrtti dodeka ja ebese taka…Ona pocna da stenka i se fati so racete pak za masata…. Tenin mi prodolzi da i butka taka 4 prsti drkajki si go kurot, pravejki i skoro polukruzni dvizenja so dlankata u picka a majami samo tesko disese i ispustase po nekoe tivko ‘OOOOOOHH’…
Poleka proba da i ja stavi celata dlanka sose palecot…Majka mi pocna da vika ‘OHHH ZZZZZ NE…NEEE ZZZZZ,,,,OOHH … OOHHHH’ . Koga i vleze so celata dlanka u pickata tetin rece samo ‘UFFFFF XXXXX’….i poleka pocna da i ja vrti vo pickata..majkami samo prodolzi da vika .. ‘OOOOHHH NEEE, OOOOOHHHH … OOO MAJKOOO,,, ‘… i on pocna mnogu poleka da ja izvlekuva i pak nabiva cela tupanica u nea i pocna da stenka dodeka ja gledase raka cela u picka i ubrza ritam i pocna da ja ebe so se poveke vrtenje na rakata vnatre..i da pravi ‘UFFFFF’ dodeka buta.
I ja izvadi dlankata do pola i poleka pak ja butna do zglobot u nea! Majka mi samo niz zabi vrisna 3 pati ‘OOOOOO ZZZZZ’ i pocna da svrsuva i da se trese i vie nabiena na rakata negova. Tetin mi u toj moment pocna da vikaaa ‘AAAAAAAA TAKA, AAAAAAAAAAA’ i pocna da sprica mlazevi nakaj vratata .. go gledav tetin mi kako prska sperma po podoti po gazot na majka mi. Ona ustese tresese i vikase ‘OOO’ ‘OOOO’. Otkako se smiri majka mi, poleka ja izvadi rakata od nea… Majka mi poleka ja simna nogata. Tetin mi najde partal i ja izbrisa spermata od gazot na majka mi, i si pocna da si go brise kurot…’TREBASE DA TE EBAM USTE PRVIOT PAT KOGA BEVME U GRCKA’ rece tetin mi i pocna da se oblekuva maicata , dodeka majka mi si go zakopcuvase prslukot.
Jas poleka se izvlekov od garazata, i pobrzav nakaj kolata za da uspeam da stugnam nazad i da slucajno ne me zabelezat ,ajka ,i ili tetin mi.
Na tetka mi koga stignav deka i kazav deka ne sum mozel da najdam takvi kakvi sto pusam pa sum moral da nekolku mesta da odam, i za tortata mi teknalo tek koga sum stignal. Se ponudiv da odam da ja zemam, zasto moja greska bilo. Na pat natamu , na pola pat se razminav so majka mi i so tetin mi vo kola.
Koga stignav kaj tetka mi vlegov vo supata kade do pred 30tina minuti tetin mi ja rasturi majka mi/sestratat na zena mu .. negovata sperma bese uste na zemjata i po masata…. se nadrviv pak. Otidov u kukata i zemav noseni bokserki negovi , go staviv partalot so ja izbrisa spermata negova i rakaa so mu bese u picka .. i si go izdrkav napupen na masata kako majka mi, zamisuvav kako me dupi mene taka vatreno i kako mi ja polni ustata i me prska po lice , dodeka mu go mirisav vesot i lizev spermata.
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There are a lot of things boys don't know about girls. Some of that is by design. We want to be 'mysterious'. It helps keep boys interested. They talk about us, sometimes in exasperation, but they pay attention. No girl likes being ignored or taken for granted. Some of the things boys don't know about girls is because we don't know them ourselves. Or if we do, we can't explain. Take physical sensation. Sure, I know what it feels like to have a cock slide into me, or have my nips...
This story is in continuation to “Step Mother – Part 1” Link above. More parts are yet to come. I am extremely thankful to fans who express their love and gratitude by expressing themselves by comments at the end of story. A comment about coffee table book at the end of Step Mother – Part 1 is astonishing. Thanks to all. Now to story. Overnight love session brought Prakash and Jaya very close. A barrier between the two vanished and they started behaving like good old friends. They discussed...
IncestChapter 1 - My elder sonMy name is Susan, and I had been brought up in the deep south, by deeply religious parents, so i****t was something I'd been brought up not even to think about, let alone get involved with. But that all changed in a morning, and i****t took over my life.I'm married with two sons and twin daughters, which I had early in my life, and over about as short a period as was possible, as I guess that both my husband and I were unusually fertile. My husband is a successful...
I watched Máire in silence as she sat alone at her table, slowly sipping her tea and staring out of the window at the cold, drizzly Saturday afternoon. There were only a few customers in the pub, so she decided to take a few moments for herself. She knew I was watching her - I always watch her - I can't help it, she's so beautiful. Her exquisite blond hair, falling in a loose braid down her back, her blouse unbuttoned to reveal more than a hint of creamy breast, the round of her hips encased in...
When I awoke the next morning, it was as if nothing had happened the day before at all. Sure I had a plan for later in the day, but I had to start with the same crap I started with everyday. I added wood to the smoldering fire, and lit the gas ring under the funky water heater. I put on a couple of layers of clothes and my ski mask, then took off to the plaza for breakfast. I chose to eat inside, since it was far too cold to eat at the stone table outside. I took off most of the layers of...
Standing outside the church, Jerry held hands with Jenny while they waited for his parents to arrive. It had been more than eighteen years since he had talked to them and he was dreading the moment. The last time he had seen them was a few weeks after he had graduated high school. After a huge fight with his father, Jerry had left home and cut all ties to his parents. He hadn’t even invited them to his first wedding. Smiling over at Jerry, Jenny could see the tension in his expression. In a...
The fact that the FBI had taken over the investigation of the carnage in the valley led every news story in California from Sacramento to San Diego. The female AIG (Agent in Charge) was a closet lesbian and she seldom wore male clothes for fear her secret would leak out to people that mattered. Her room-mate and best friend, Doctor Angie Murphy was a skilled rug eater but still had deep-seated liking of cock in any form. Doctor Angie was on a fast-track to County Coroner and she was willing...
Hi dosto mera naam rahul hai.Mera ek bahut karib dost hai suchu.Hm done sare kaam ek sath karte the.Mere dost suchu ke ghar me uski teen bahene maa aur pita the. Maa ka naam basna .Uski cgoti bahen ka naam sarika jo ki ek dam uski maa jaise dikhti thi.Usse badi rinki aur phir tinki.Ek din suchu muje apne ghar le gaya uska ghar pariyon se bhara hua tha.Sab taraf chuttar ka matakna dekh muje sawag jaise lag raha tha.Mai suchu ke ghar aksar jane laga . Aur uski bahen sarika ko pata liya.Aur uske...
So here we are, you, kneeling – pathetically – on the floor as if doing homage to the goddess that sits above you: me, in my leather and lace, and you, completely naked. I’ll bet all your friends see you as a proper Jack the Lad, never taking any crap from women, but we both know better, don’t we? The mark across your chest is just coming up, where my spiteful little whiplash has punished you for the crime of daring to ask if you can lick my crotch. By now I should hope you know I mean...
Why would you settle for one stunning babe when you could have two? Matt Denae is lucky enough to have two hotties eager for his touch. When he comes home, he finds Nesty and Gina Gerson dolled up in lingerie and waiting at a table set for three. With a big grin on his face, Matt approaches the table and accepts kisses from both girls. There’s no question that they’re both eager to go as Gina makes out with Matt and Nesty drops to her knees to pp out his stiffie. Stroking and...
xmoviesforyouRoger stared into his glass of Coca-Cola as he thought about what was to happen. He had been a teenager for just over ten months and had all the hormones that came with it, hence the persistent attempts to see both his mother and his sister in the nude. Naturally that was as far as he had expected it to go, merely the harmless curiosity of a young virgin boy wanting to see what all the fuss was about. Oh there had been one or two clumsy experiences with a couple of girls from the local...
Raha Porn! Are you fucking horny as hell for amazing ebony porn? Specifically, a lot of porn that comes from Kenya? Then by God, you have come to the right fucking place!I’m talking about RahaPorn! While you are fucking here, you’re going to find a wealth of Kenyan-based pornography that will more than get you nice and hard! You are going to be all over the kind of content that you find right here on this unique fucking tube site, so what the fuck are you waiting for? You know what you want, so...
Black Porn SitesJanuary 21, 1989, Chicago, Illinois Elyse and I were cuddling in bed after making love and Matthew was sleeping in the nursery. “How would I find out about a foundation in Chicago?” I asked. “Foundation?” “The Lundgren Family Foundation,” I said. “Wait! Lundgren? Is Jeri from THAT Lundgren family? They’re worth like 250 million bucks! There was an article in Chicago magazine that mentioned them, though no picture of anyone except the scions.” “I’m pretty sure she is. She said that her...
Hi guys, this is Harsha back with another story. I managed to seduce my watchman’s daughter after a series of events during our teenage years and made her my slave. Let me start the story. In my native, we owned around 13 acres of mango farm. Seenappa was the watchman and the caretaker of our farm for the past 23 years. They stayed on the farm itself and managed all activities. He married young and had a beautiful daughter who is the lead of the story. His daughter name was Bhargavi and she was...
" ... Didn't tell me you were a fainter, slave - that means a further ring is required to prevent you from choking. Put out your tongue, Alexa." Had she just heard him correctly? Still dazed by her violent orgasm, Alexa slowly realized the ball gag was gone and she could move her head just a little before the slackened collar chain went taut again. "Uhh, m-my t-tongue? Master, please n-n..." The expression on his face clearly meant he would permit no argument. Alexa tentatively parted...
It was three days before I was put in general population and I was still not talking. My first day wasn't good. Someone from a gang I had I run afoul before knew me and told me he was going to get some pay back for his bothers. The next day we got to go outside in the yard I knew that something was going to happen. I tried to keep to myself but that just isolated me and the next thing I know I'm standing in front of eight of them. The one that threatened me before didn't even let speak...
Nescafe Goes Black and Hubby Loves ItMy name is Aziz; I am a 45 years old businessman from Casablanca. My wife Nescafe (that’s her nickname), is 15 years younger than me. She is a very tall (almost 6’) and very sexy babe with the most perfect body you could ever imagine! She‘s got the most perfect boobs, a small waist, large sexy hips, and the biggest booty in town. With the purest and silkiest skin ever, light brown shiny hair and the most beautiful eyes! She is definitely a man-dream...
AUTHORS NOTE: Every now and then I’ll see a picture that brings a scene to mind. I finally had an opportunity to sit down and write it. The picture which inspired this story can be found here: 1?Yeah, I scored four goals in just the last six minutes of the match.? The young women standing around the tan, beautiful young male of almost 21 years giggled as he bragged about his polo skills after the match. The shirtless rider enjoyed the...
My wife Usha who became sex goddess after romantic fuck encounters with my landlord Shyam duly helped by his wife Smita. After being fucked by her lover Shyam, she bloomed into a beautiful flower and now the young guys were more after her. They were following Usha every now and then. But Usha’s beautiful body had a driver Shyam so Usha was not paying any attention to them. This year Holi was to come. We thought of celebrating this year’s Holi nicely with our friends as we all were very happy....
Once More Around the Park, A Taxi Ride Story By Bashful The first two weeks I spent in this gross body of this fat, ugly man were the worst. In fact I ended up in Bellevue City Hospital. For those not familiar with New York City, that's where they trundle the financially challenged off to when they can't deal with reality any longer. In other words, it's the city's charity nutcase ward. The night it happened, I wanted to get out of the cab and grab my body, to make the evil...
As you remember from the previous part of this story, I - Fredrick Ohlson, 'The Moose' among my friends - was visiting an old friend and customer, Michael Norrlin, for both social and business reasons when he said, "Do you know that Ronny Hedman has joined that theater gang and he says he has been flirting with Emma during the whole time he's been there. The gossip says that she has shown a slowly increasing interest for him, though nothing serious has happened yet. A friend of mine met...
I’d just got my driving license and I was allowed to borrow my parents car on condition I did the errands like drop my kid brother off to play with his friends and all that crap that my parents had had to do before I passed the test. I didn’t really mind. Anything to get to drive. That very first week my brother had to be dropped off and collected at his friend Darren’s house. Darren lived in the next borough and it was quite a complicated drive if you wanted to avoid the M25 ring road. It...
Wearing track-suit bottoms and long thigh boots, was not a fashion statement, no, it was snowing and fucking freezing, and now I had to wait on another bus, as I had just missed my last one.I was alone in the bus shelter, it was 07:15 in the morning and the temperature was minus 15C, no wonder my nipples hurt, covered with a thick woolly jumper and nothing else, in fact at the right distance, you could see through the thick stitches, and my darker 'Areola', well that was a fashion statement, I...
It was a ridiculously hot night. ?She needed to escape her tiny, airless apartment as she was beginning to feel like a rat in a cage. ?Rubbing the back of her neck she quickly realized that being outside was not going to find her any sort of relief. ?It was like stepping into an oven.The humidity was toying with her, people went insane in heat like this didn’t they? ?A soft sigh from two plump lips as she can feel her thin pink tank top sticking to her skin already. ?She tugs at it impatiently...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Nancy Martin ask her girlfriend to stay the night."Are we going to do it again?" ""Yes" whispered Nancy.The girls ate dinner and helped with the dishes. When they went to bed they took their clothes off. Doreen made the first move. She kissed her friend and felt her breasts with trembling hands. "Do you want me to suck them?" "Of course you ninny" she whispered.The girls sucked each others tits and played with their cunt's until they were tired."When...
InterracialIntroduction: The secret is out.. The next week passed in a whirl for Lindsay. Each afternoon she would slip away from her family and run to the oddly shaped rocks. More often than not she would find Luis and Anna Maria and the three of them would make love for hours. Lindsay was ecstatic each time seemed to be better than the last and all she feared was the end of her holiday and the breaking of the spell. Inevitably her actions raised some suspicion, although her parents were willing to cut...
Well, I have told you about my predilection for dating grannies. One of my best Grannies is Joan, a well built, sassy redhead from Chicago. She was somewhat stocky but made up for it with the nicest set of large boobs I have ever seen on a granny. They still had plenty of lift and always wore low cut tops; her cleavage poured out of her bra. Now being a big city girl she knew the score when it came to a guy like me. She knew I was fucking other women. I would call her looking for a date and she...
I was alone that night. My wife of twenty-five years was staying overnight in the city with a bunch of office friends. It was cool, you know. She needed a night off anyway. We'd been having marital problems for the last few months. Now, things were improving since we began marriage counseling. She'd been menopausal and vaguely unhappy with everything and everybody, that was except for sex. Our sex was great and lately it was gourmet. In fact, I had taken her in the shower just this morning and...
Straight Sex>I have two guys coming tomorrow in addition to the camera guy, so come prepared ... The first customer is supposed to arrive at 9:15. I'm going to sissify you more this time with ... a wig and makeup. I forgot what your policy is on the guys cumming. Is it ok with them cumming in your mouth, face, body. What about 2 guys at once? One fucking your ass and the other your mouth? This slave should be subjected to each of these things while receiving as much pain, humiliation, and degradation as...
The Rise of Michelle By jasmine This is a dark tale of a woman tormented by years of abuse and torture. She grew up enslaved and tormented by her sisters. The torment served not to destroy her but in enraged her and destroyed her compassion. What was left was an empty shell possessed by hatred and evil. Her name was Michelle Groves and this is her story. In fact she was born Michael Groves. His sisters hated their brother, because of what he was, and what he represented. They were...
My sons girlfriend, Audrey, lived on farm and I would go out and help when needed. One day I dropped by just to see if she needed anything done. When I got there her truck was not there but her friend Maureen's truck was. She had a horse which was being stabled in the big coverall and came over regularly to clean out the stall and brush her horse. I went over to see if she knew when Audrey would be home. When I opened the door I could hear her horse neighing and when I looked over Maureen was...
“Come on, Sugar Daddy,” she teased. “If you plan on fucking me like this all week, I’m going to need some new things to wear. And you better plan to keep fucking me like this.”I laughed, stumbling a bit as I pulled up my shorts, then I pulled on a polo short and grabbed my wallet. Clasping her hand, I led us back out to the pool area along the walk to the lobby and hotel store.“Try to control yourself in the store, you perv,” Mallory said as we entered the lobby.“You never let me have any...
MatureThe Big Reveal One Week Later - September 2015 My wife and I put a lot of thought into the script for our next meeting, the dramatic big reveal; she wanted to surpass the Mother of Dragons reveal at the end of season one of “Game Of Thrones.” (Movie folks always think in those terms. It was a striking reveal.) My driver could get Jace to the house between 1:30 and 2. He would skip stopping for lunch, my driver would have a sandwich and a cold beer for him. Then what? Does he shower before or...
Hime Marie was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on August 23, 1995. Not much is known about her time in grade school. However, upon graduation, she worked as a makeup artist and beautician.From Nothin', to Humpin', to Somethin'Hime (pronounced hee-may) loved her job, but makeup and beautician work barely paid the bills. She needed something a bit more profitable to pad her income with. Of course, we all know what that means for young ladies these days. It means they are getting naked and...
Twitter Porn AccountsMy name is suneeth and I am a 15 year old guy studying in the final year of school in hyderabad, India. During the summer season it is sweltering hot and sweaty inside the house as we don’t have air conditioning. Hence I go up to the terrace to study under the light next to the stairwell.We live in a 4 storied apartment building and the terrace is shared by 36 other apartments. We have about 24 such apartments in our area. There are lots of young students in college and schools in our area and...
"The term sophomore is probably a compound of the Greek σοφός (sophos), 'wise' + μωρός (moros), 'foolish, dull'." (From Wikipedia) Note on the second version: If you read LNDtH v1, completed 3/23/2015, you will find a few changes in this version. The story and action are the same, but a few of the names (mostly last names) are slightly different. Occasionally, I pluck names out of my memory as likely for a particular character and later realize they are the same or very similar to...
By : Yadavankit2011 Dear All main Ankit ek baar phir hajir hoon apna ek aur sex ex. Laker. First of all I want to thanks to all frns jinhone muje mail kiya nd fb and orkut per frn request send karke mujse dosti ke. Tyme na waste karte hue main apni story per aata hoon baat aaj se kareeb 3 yr poorani hai. Mere mamaji ke sister ke nai nai shaadi hui thi. Tho summner vacation main maine apni didi ke sasuraal ghoomne gaya. Wahan per unki kaafi badi family thi ek jiju ke bade bhai the unki sabse...
I put my phone in my pocket, and walked into room 441. I closed the door and paused. Was I really doing this? "Hurry up, cocksucker," he demanded, as I heard shooting as he was playing call of duty. As I walked to him, he didn't look at me at all as he focused on the game and spoke into his headset, "Yeah, a white boy just walked in, eager to suck my dick." I should have felt humiliated, but as I saw he was naked from the waist down and his big black cock was dangling down there tempting me, I...
The night of 14 February engulfed the ocean. In the distance we can hear the laughs and chatting of the nightlife buzzing about. The sand is soft and cold beneath our feet, we have been walking along the beach arm in arm in the cool summers evening. The Atlantic licks softly at our ankles sending sweet trembles up your legs. The moon has cast a silver streak shimmering against the water. I turn you to face the ocean the abyss at my back. I grip your hands in mine and pull your arms around me....
Group SexBilly's pretty sister's new best friend was a lovely girl called Yolanda. She was, in many ways, even better looking than his sister who was a first class fox with a killer body and great smile. Yolanda was more mature, almost fifteen. She had really long, shapely legs, and tiny waist, about 22 inches, maybe less, and a fine pair of globular jugs set high on her chest and tipped with tiny, pink rosebuds; matched melons, made for squeezing. Her hair was light auburn and very curly and her...
ANSON'S SCHOOL DAYS by Throne Anson stepped into his homeroom, his mind on his schedule, his books hugged against his narrow chest. He shook back his long hair and sighed. The first day of a school year was always stressful, more so because this was a new school. He heard a girlish giggle and his mind snapped back to the present. Most of the desks were occupied and, to his shock, every student except him was female. He looked around, hoping for some sign of why this had happened,...
When John crawled from bed, it was almost lunchtime. After another shower, he pulled on slacks and a sport shirt, and went downstairs. The house seemed deserted with his wife and Caroline gone, and Tony had left with them as their driver. He wandered into the kitchen to see if he could make a sandwich. He found the large room empty and began to root around in the Sub-Zero refrigerator when Phoebe came in from the pantry. John watched the cook approach with interest. The buxom brunette did...
Once in a while I need to try to be a little "normal" and do some things for entertainment that don't involve sex or taking off my clothes. Simple enough, right? Not for me. I have been told that I am "always on" and I think that is true. A certain touch, an accidental brush against my leg, a suggestive look... and I get all tingly down there and my mind wanders. I don't lose control and demand satisfaction right then and there, but sometimes I feel like I want to. Not long ago we went to the...
ExhibitionismAn elderly couple loves Halloween, almost as much as they love one another. Sadly and tragically, Bonnie and Andy never had children. She couldn’t because of a horse riding accident that happened to her when she was young, a lifetime ago. Ironically not fair that those couples who should have children don’t and those couples, who abuse their children have an entire brood. Who knows, maybe had they had an entire brood of children, they would have abused them, too. I don’t know. A gift and not...
“Hey, Santa, how about letting me see your package?” I was stunned. This kind of thing never happened to me. There I was, at the office party dressed as Santa, and the sexiest woman on the floor was hitting on me in the supply room. It made no sense. I was the sweet, safe, innocuous nebbish, not the office Don Juan. I was twenty years her senior. I was the one they always called and ‘nice’ and ‘helpful.’ “How about I unwrap you and see what’s inside?” she said as she smiled at me. “Maybe there...
Oral SexThings can happen when you least expect them. This was very unexpected.This is a true short story, slightly altered by rose tinted glasses.It all takes place in Rock City in Nottingham, we ( a big group of friends) had travelled to this greatvenue to watch our one of our favourite bands, Megadeath, in the late 90’s. We were all excited andfull of anticipation for the show we were about to watch. We were drinking in the bus and theatmosphere grew and grew. For most of us this was the first time...
i was just surfing a gay dating site & chatting & suddenly this dude popped up on my screen. i quickly checked his profile & imagine my surprise when i saw a hot huge chocolate cock. he was very dark-skinned & his cock had 2 be at least 12 inches long & super-fucking thick. i didn't realize just how long or thick, until i finally met him face 2 face.he & i start 2 chat & find out we had things in common & we both were looking 4 what the other had 2 offer.....he...
====================================================== I finally Brought her home in Our home in her nice looking red dress. I quickly slipped her dress off and took off her panties. she quickly launched and said "lets do this right" I quickly get undressed as she undresses herself and we both fall onto my king sized bed and continue with our first time after being married. She started to lower herself down to my cock. She put it in her mouth and started going faster...
Wildcats: Terry's Spring Break The Wildcats came to Fictionmania one chapter at a time last year. The new novel, Wildcats, is a rewritten version that's 50% longer and much improved that has just been published on Amazon/Kindle. If you want to sample the story, there are a generous number of free chapters to read on Amazon. Wildcats: A Rock 'n' Roll...
Being no ordinary reality show, these contestants were chosen for their sexual appeal and desire. With one million dollars at stake anyone on the show were willing to do almost anything to get their hands on that cash. ‘Today we have a new challenge.’ intoned the host. The winning team gains immunity, while the losers will be eliminating one of their team tonight. ‘Each team must pick a male and a female. ‘The male must lay on their back and maintain an erection for this challenge. The girl...