( Vistinska Prikazna) MAJKA MI I TETIN MI free porn video

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Nekolku pati imav prilika da gi zirkam moite ili majka mi kako ima/aat neverojatno dobri seksovi.

Posleden pat bese okolu 6 godini - bevme na gosti familijarno kaj baba mi na nekolku dena. Bese nekakov familijaren rucek, i bevme site sobrani vo kukata na baba mi. Tamu bevme nie i tetka mi (sestrata na majka mi) i tetnin mi ( nejzin vtor maz - major vo penzija na nekoj svoi kasni 40ti, koj izgledase mnogu mazestveno i vo relativno dobra forma za covek na negovi godini.)

Tetka mi tetin mi ziveat vo istiot grad/drzava kade i baba mi.

Majka mi i tetin mi bea izlezeni za da kupat nekoj stvari za rucekot i za tie nekolku dena dodeka im bevme na gosti. NIe speivme vo kukata na baba mi.
Jas se sutkav i, dodeka tetka mi zaedno so baba mi spremaa rucek, a tatko mi gledase fudbal so mene. Po edno vreme mi snema cigari i morav da izlezam so kola do gradot za da kupam. Na izleguvanje tetka mi me zamoli da odam ako mozam do kaj niv da ja zemam tortata posto ona ja zaboravila da ja donese. za rucekot.

Zapaliv kolata, i otidov do kaj niv posto ionaka imav vreme dovolno vreme dodeka da bide rucekot, a i da napravam usluga zasto sekoj veke bese so nesto involviran.

Kupiv cigari , i na vrakanje, svrtiv do kaj tetka mi za da ja zemam tortata. Stignav vo ulickata kade sto e kukata na tetka mi, i se parkirav dve kuki podole posto pred nivnata kuka nemase mesto zasto veke bese parkirana kolata na tetin mi ( koj bese izlezen so majka mi do pazar i do grad za da napravat shoping).
Malku mi padna cudno toa, zasto ne ocekuvav deka ima nekoj voopsto kaj niv, no pretpostaviv deka moze pominale da zemat nekoj stvari od tamu pred da se vratat.

Inace kukata na tetka mi e posledna na krajot na ulicata i e na periferija na gradot i skoro da nema voopsto luge tamu i vo okolnite kuki, i e mnogu tivko.
Dodeka odev nakaj kukata pominuvajki pokraj garazata, kako da slusnav stenkanje koe idese od pozadina,kade sto e shupata. Od pocetok mislev mi se pricinuva ali resiv poleka da vlezam vo garazata koja imase vrata koja sekogas bese otklucena, i od grazata imase vtora vrata koja vodi od d**gata strana kon shupata. Koga vlegov vo garazata, veke bese znaev deka ne mi se pricinuva , tuku deka stvarno slusam stenkanje. Srceto pocna da mi cuka jako, delumno od strav sto pretpostavuvav deka ke vidam, a delumno i od vozbuda ( posto veke sum slusal majka kako ja dupat, i me potseti na toj pat a i go prepoznavav nejzinoto stenkanje), Plus, se palev na tetin mi malku, koj bese pravo pastuviste.
Posto garazata bese prazna, bese lesno da dojdam do vratata na supata, koja bese od nekoj glupi daski samodelski napravena, i imase dovolno golemi procepi na poveke mesta za da mozam da biram od kade ke poglednam i gledase kolku-tolku OK vnatre vo supata - i posto vo supata imase eden prozor imase mnogu poveke svetlo (+ sonceto bese od taa strana) otkolku vo garzata koja bese skoro temna- pa mozev da zirkam so se desava bez da moze da me primeti nikoj.
Se navednav i uste od prva imav direkten pogled na majka mi i na tetin mi vo supata! ------ ona bese samo po gradnik, podignat preku cickite, taka da cickite i bea nadvor, bese fatena za rabotnata masa kaj so stoi mengemeto , so podignata suknja i gaki simati do dole i ostaveni samo na ednata noga- na gluzd... potkleknata, so glava zafrlena nanazad od uzivanje kako stenka, a tetin mi i ja lize pickata i i go smuka klitorisot, kleknat pred nea na kolena u prasinata, gol nagore, samo po bela maica, a kosulata pozadi nego zakacena na kolickata za malter , i ja drzi za butini suknjata krenata so dvete race so glavata megu nozete nejzini i i ja lize .. smuka.... Imav zirkano kako tatko mi ja ebe so d**g kako pomal, ama neznaev deka ona na samo go izneveruva tatko mi- toa so mazot na sestra i ebate!
Kleknav na zemja posto mi se tresea noze, a i posto mozev da sum postabilen dodeka gledam i mozam podobro da se namestam na procepceto i da vidam ubavo s so se desava na dva metri od d**gata strana na vratickata..
Tenin mi ja lizese taka nekolku minuti , i posle i ja butna dolniot del od suknjata u pojasot, i ja fati odpozadi za gazovite, i use tolku ja priblizi do nego i prodolzi uste strastveno da ja lize majka mi -----mozev jasno da mu go vidam jazikot kako odi gore dole megu sramnite usni.. kako ja ebe so jazik i kako i go lize klitorot so vrvot na jazicisteto. Dodeka ja lizese, ona go fati so ednata raka za glavata za da uste tolku da mu ja nabie glavata u pickata,a so d**gata se pridrzuvase za masata i stenkanjeto i stanuvase poglasno i disenjeto pobrzo, Po nekoja minuta lizenje, dodelka ona mu ja drzese glavata na nejzinata picka i poleka pocnuvase da se trie so kolkovite od facata negova ,on go otkopca slicot i kaisot i go izvadi kurot i pocna da go drka..... izvadi KAMEN tvrd kur, debel - malku potenok od nivea deodorans- svitkan nagore u korenot so pogolema rozeva glava i cel so veni od so bese tvrd. Prodolzi da ja lize i ona da mu se trie od faca, prodrkivajki go, i od vreme na vreme kako kuce pomuvase i go butase kurot po nejzinata nogata dole. Kako so ja lizese i ona mu se triese od facata i ocigledno bese dosta napalena i ona a i on, tetin mi naednas se trgna, ja soblece i maicata od nego, i ja zakaci na mengemeto, si plukna po pickata obilno plunka i pocna da ja slapa nekolku sekundi i poleka i go nabi sreden prst. Majka mi samo krikna, i pocna da dodava i 'aaaa' vo stenkanjeto.Pocna da ja ebe so prst, a so d**gata raka si go drkase kleknat u prasinata pred nea i ja gledase u faca . I sibna dva prsti po minuta, i pocna da i go lize so vrv na jazik i da i go cica klitorisot .. i pocna da ja ebe so prstite se jako i podlaboko. Gledav kako mu se gubat prstite vo pickata na majka mi, mu go gledav bicepsot kako se napnuva u ubava tvrda topka dodeka i gi nabiva se pobrzo prstite kolku moze, i mu go gledav ubavoto telo so vlakna po gradi i po stomak...bev kamen tvrd sto od sto gledav ona kako stenka dodeka on i buta prsti i toj tvrd biceps kako mrda dodeka i go pravi toa, i od negviot preubav kamen tvrd kur koj ponekad sum zamisluval kako izlgeda. Ona se fati so dvete race za masata pak i pocca da stenka se poglasno i po nekontrolirano a on ja sibase so prsti u picka, i ja lizese potpren na nejzinata noga so kur...... ja pocnav da go stegav mojot preku trenerkite i go masirav na toa so go zirkav... Majka mi pocna da mesa so kolkovi i samata da se nabiva i da vrti nabiena na golemite prsti u nea .... i u eden moment pocna da se trese i da vika samo, AAA aa!! AAAA AAAA!!! AAAAA!!!!!... Pocna da mu svrsuva nabiena na rakata negova deoeka on kleci pred nea- a i pocna da i zbori " A TAKA, AA TAKAAA.. TAKA TE SAKAM-NABIVAJ SE SAMA!"
Pocna da ja ljubi po noze nadole.. gi izvadi prstite, i i gi simna gakickite od nogata dodeka ona se smiruvase od orgazmot , stana i pocna da gi soblekuva pantolonite preku cevlite uste na nego i go cuv kako i vika - malku navalen nakaj liceto nejzino- " ME NAPALI EJJ-ZNAES LI KAKO KE TE EBAM SEGA!?" ... Ona samo mu rece " EBI ME!" i se zalapaa strasno.
Dodeka se lapaa, i pomogna da go simne gradnikot, i go frlija na alatite na masata .... Dodeka bese navednata gola i ja precekoruvase suknjata da ja soblece, tetin mi ja udri so tvrdiot kur nekolku pati po butinata...Kako se ispravi ona i ja frli uknjata vrz mengemeto , on od zad grb, ja grabna za cicki i pocna da ja ljubi za vrat. Jas go stegav mojot koj od trenerki...bese kamen tvrd, ke puknese...i osekav od nego tecese veke bistar sok... go izvadiv poleka , go namackav glavicot ubavo so nego..i skoro da ne svrsiv. Od agolot , nemozev da vidam kade mu e kurot nego zasto sega veke bea svrteni skoro nakaj mene, no zatoa mozev da ja vidam majkami kompletno gola pred mene, vo necistata supa, so edna raka kako go gali po glava pozadi tetin mi , a so desnata se pridrzuva za masata. Nego mu ja gledav glavata, jazikot i mustakite ( posto bese glava povisok od nea )...i racete koj i gi mesea dvete cicki, a ona samo se vitkase dodeka ja lubese on i poleka se pusese ... pretpostavuvam deka i u toj moment i go stavi poleka, zasto ona pocna da ja zafrluva glavata , gi zatvori ocite , i se poveke pocna da go buta vratot nejzin na ustata negova dodeka ja lizese po vrat, i da se se pupi i kreva kolkovite se poveke i da se giga na prsti potkleknuva u baven ritam. Pocna da stenka pak...i po sega imase i po nekoe "OHHH" ..koe se ocesto stanuvase vo OHHHHHHHHH, ... pa pocna da septi polekaa...DAAAA... Jas veke nemav sumlja deka ON e vo nea-CEL! ....spusti edna od negovite sepi na pickata nejzina i mozev ubavo da vidam kako so sredniot prst poleka ja cepka po picka, a d**gata ja drzese cvrsto za cicka koja mu se razlevase od sepata---- a ona,... ona se poveke sama se nabivase i go vitkase grbot i se podigase na prsti... Pocnaaa da ubrzuvaat... ona pocn da stenka se poglasno i da vrti so glavata...on isto pocna da stenka i pocna da i vika " AHHH XXXXX* [ *imeto na majka mi], AHHHHH XXXXX!!"
Jas go drzev za mojot za koren koj kapese od so bev napalen od gledkata kako tetin mi ja tuca majka mi, i ustetolku se napaliv koga mi tekna deka on ustvari gi izebal i dvete sestri!.....
Majka mi veke bese tolku navednata i napupena, sto on se ispravi naednas, ja fati za ramenici, ja zavtre za da moze ona da se fati ubavo so dvete race na masata.. go podizvadi, i i go zacuka cel naednas!!! I ostana taka vo nea nekoj 10 sekundi....
Veke vaka pak mi bea stranicno svrteni i mozev da vidam SE!... go vidov kako i go izvadi skoro do kraj do glavic, i pak so seta sila i go nacuka! ...i pak ostana vo nea...
Majka mi zbesna... pocna da ispusta krici i da mu mesa na kurot, se nabivase ..kako da saka da mu go izede so pickata...
"TI SE SVIGA, A? TI SE SVIGA LI?!" ja prasa tetin mi, ama ovoj pat glasot mu bese ostar.. toa me popali uste poveke... posto sega veke zborese so nea kako so nekoja kurva...po strogo...
Pocna da ja ebe,.... go vadese poleka i malku poostro i go zacukuvase cel i go zadrzuvase vnatre.. mozev da mu go vidam cel kur kako mu sveti od nejzinata vlaga dodeka go vadese ... majka mi samo ofkase, i disese prevozbudeno...bese vlazna i gladna za kuristeto na tetin mi.... On pocna da ubrzuva so nabivanjeto u nejze, uste ja drzese za ramenici, cel gol, samo so crni cevli i so beli sportski corapi na nego... "MINATIOT PAT ME POLUDE, EJ" i rece tetin mi...... .i i go zabi jako...." GO DRKAV NA TEBE POSLE MESEC DENA"..... pocna da ja ebe pobrzo, pojako....majka mi samo go vitkase grbot i go prcese gazot poveke i stenkase so faca zalepena za rabotnata masa....
"NAPUPI SE POVEKE, DAJ MI JA CELA" i rece tetin mi i ja fati za polovina dodeka majka mi gi podotvori nozete, i go isprci gazeto kolku moze da moze cel da i vleze... pocna da ja kova na masata...ona stanuvase se poglasna a tetin mi se pogrub...i go nabivase cel , ostro, so dobar konstanten ritam.. slusav samo pleskanje na negovata karlica od nejziniot gaz "pau, pau, pau, pau..."... ...Majka mi pocna da vika - -"O MAJKO...OOO MAJKOOO" , i toa kako tetin mi poleka ubrzuvase, taka i majka mi pocesto i poglasno vikase " OOOOO MAJKOOOOO... EBII MEEEE... OOO MAJKOO..OO MAJKO.OOO MAJKOOOOoooo...." .."EBIIIIIII MEEEE ZZZZZeee [na tetin mi imeto], ... EEBI MEE"... glasot na majka mibese kako da ke zaplace i samo stenkse i vikase nekontrolirano "OOOOH ZZZZZ... OOOOOHHHH MAJKOOOO!" ... Dodeka mu go vkase imeto i on i se zabivase u nejzinata picka dlaboko - ona pocna da svrsuva pak... se trese, vikase, pretase i se vitkase na masata i da se vitka ....Pocna da dise dlaboko kako da snemuva vozduh i da offkaaa-...disese brzo i pokusavase da i se smiri teloto od orgazmot koj i traese sigurno 20 sekundi, pa i vise...
Jas ispicav po vratata na supata ... srceto ke mi izlezese od gradi od so bev napalen! ne mi se veruvase kakov mazjak e tetin mi i kako ebe.
A, tetin mi prodolzi, bez da zapira - ja ebese i ja drzese za polovina, i ja nabivase na kurot kamen tvrd , bez da podzapira..vleguva i izleguva kako masina nekoja.... "DAJ MI JAA, ISPRAVI SE UBAVO!" strogo i rece tetin mi... " NE, NE..CEKAJ ZZZZZ...CEKAJ MALKU"-mu vikase majka mi dodeka i vleguvase kuristeto,.... " DAAAJ MI JAAA!" i s'rza tetin mi glasno megu zabi..bese namrsten u faca! Majkami posluzno gi naprci pak kolkovite i gazot... i on prodolzi da i go nabiva zestoko do posleden cantimetar u nea, potklekna malku za da vleze CEL... od majkami samo pak pocnaa da izleguvaat nekontrolirani krici na uzivanje (ili bolka)...pocna da ja vrti glavata , i da mafta so racete po masata kako da bara da se fati za nesto...."AAAAAHHH...AAAAAAAHHH"... ja slusav majka mi.... i posle par minuti takvo zestoko nabivanje pocna pak majka mi da vika se poveke i nekontrolirano " OOOHH MAJKOO, OH MAJKOOOOOOO...LELE..DDAAAAAA....DAAAAAA.....DAAAAAAAAA".. Tetin mi i go zabivase krvnicki, ja rasturase propisno, i od pickata veke se slusase slapanje , i se gledaa sitni kapki kako prskaat na svetloto koga go nabivase u pickata... naednas za nekolku sekundi majka mi zamolkna skroz, ja snema ....i pocna pak da se trese i da se vitka u orgazam- nepolni 5 minuti posle prethodniot orgazam ..i ovoj pat naednas bas silno vikna: " AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" .. se tresese i maftase so racete kutkajki edna konzerva so strafovi dole i par strafcigeri na zemja...i na kraj se fati za kraevite od masata dodeka se tresese i vikase dodeka imase tret orgazam i najjak . Tetin mi samo se smeskase pod mustak , podzapre i i go vadese poleka i i go stavase poleka dodeka majka mi se tresese uste na kurot negov. Bese uste tvrd...
Bea ispoteni i dvajcata...a mojot bese kamen celo vreme i do drkav na ludata situacija so ja gledam
"DOBRA LI SI?" ja prasase tetin mi....majka mi samo tesko disese opustena na masata
Go izvadi ...i se navedna i ja pogledna pickata.... samo cuv kako napravi "UFFFFff" ... i i pomina so dlankata po pickata...i do prodrka kurot so istata raka
"DOBRA LI SI?" pak ja prasase...majka mi rece "DA" i pocna da se isprava od masata... zastana , se svrte i se nasmejaa...
Tetin mi ja fati so dvete race za glava " PAK ME POLUDE" , i pocna da ja ljubi, da ja faka za cicka i za gazot.
Majka mi go fati za kur i mu go stegase. On ja ljubese po vrat i ja podrkrevase i i se triesese so kurot u nejzinata raka po stomakot . Ona so raka pocna da go mesti na kaj picka i da mu se trie i ona on nego. "TREBA DA IDEME, NE CEKAAT EJ"- rece tetin mi i potklekna i i go stavi glabicot na picka. "TREBA" rece majka mi...se svrte i legna pak napupena na masata so levata noga krenata so koleno na masata . On odma i prijde, potklekna i poleka i go stavi cel odednas...i pocna poleka da ja ebe...posle nekolku minuti go izvadi, se navedna i i ja pogledna pickata. Jas mozev da ja vidam stranicno od krenatata noga kako e mokra i so otvorena dupka....i butna prsti poleka..i pocna da ja ebe so prsti taka a so d**gata go drkase...ona pak pocna da stenka ... i stavi po minuta,4 prsti i i gi butase prstite kako perka poleka vnatre-nadvor od pickata, i u eden moment pocna poleka da gi vrtti dodeka ja ebese taka...Ona pocna da stenka i se fati so racete pak za masata.... Tenin mi prodolzi da i butka taka 4 prsti drkajki si go kurot, pravejki i skoro polukruzni dvizenja so dlankata u picka a majami samo tesko disese i ispustase po nekoe tivko "OOOOOOHH"...
Poleka proba da i ja stavi celata dlanka sose palecot...Majka mi pocna da vika "OHHH ZZZZZ NE...NEEE ZZZZZ,,,,OOHH ... OOHHHH" . Koga i vleze so celata dlanka u pickata tetin rece samo "UFFFFF XXXXX"....i poleka pocna da i ja vrti vo pickata..majkami samo prodolzi da vika .. "OOOOHHH NEEE, OOOOOHHHH ... OOO MAJKOOO,,, "... i on pocna mnogu poleka da ja izvlekuva i pak nabiva cela tupanica u nea i pocna da stenka dodeka ja gledase raka cela u picka i ubrza ritam i pocna da ja ebe so se poveke vrtenje na rakata vnatre..i da pravi "UFFFFF" dodeka buta.
I ja izvadi dlankata do pola i poleka pak ja butna do zglobot u nea! Majka mi samo niz zabi vrisna 3 pati "OOOOOO ZZZZZ" i pocna da svrsuva i da se trese i vie nabiena na rakata negova. Tetin mi u toj moment pocna da vikaaa "AAAAAAAA TAKA, AAAAAAAAAAA" i pocna da sprica mlazevi nakaj vratata .. go gledav tetin mi kako prska sperma po podoti po gazot na majka mi. Ona ustese tresese i vikase "OOO" "OOOO". Otkako se smiri majka mi, poleka ja izvadi rakata od nea... Majka mi poleka ja simna nogata. Tetin mi najde partal i ja izbrisa spermata od gazot na majka mi, i si pocna da si go brise kurot..."TREBASE DA TE EBAM USTE PRVIOT PAT KOGA BEVME U GRCKA" rece tetin mi i pocna da se oblekuva maicata , dodeka majka mi si go zakopcuvase prslukot.
Jas poleka se izvlekov od garazata, i pobrzav nakaj kolata za da uspeam da stugnam nazad i da slucajno ne me zabelezat ,ajka ,i ili tetin mi.

Na tetka mi koga stignav deka i kazav deka ne sum mozel da najdam takvi kakvi sto pusam pa sum moral da nekolku mesta da odam, i za tortata mi teknalo tek koga sum stignal. Se ponudiv da odam da ja zemam, zasto moja greska bilo. Na pat natamu , na pola pat se razminav so majka mi i so tetin mi vo kola.

Koga stignav kaj tetka mi vlegov vo supata kade do pred 30tina minuti tetin mi ja rasturi majka mi/sestratat na zena mu .. negovata sperma bese uste na zemjata i po masata.... se nadrviv pak. Otidov u kukata i zemav noseni bokserki negovi , go staviv partalot so ja izbrisa spermata negova i rakaa so mu bese u picka .. i si go izdrkav napupen na masata kako majka mi, zamisuvav kako me dupi mene taka vatreno i kako mi ja polni ustata i me prska po lice , dodeka mu go mirisav vesot i lizev spermata.

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 43

I flew out with Burton and his team. Clara didn’t want me to go, but I told her it was necessary as I wanted the opportunity to see what the terrain was like south of our location. More importantly, I felt I needed to be there just in case Lottie decided to act up, and tried to screw up the operation. Dunbar was riding shotgun, but he needed someone there to keep an eye on Sarah during the flight, particularly after Burton and the others had been dropped off. We’d covered up the shattered...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Whore Before Marriage

  The Outline It was the year of 2006 and just four days before my marriage. I was marrying a wealthy landlord. The story starts when I decided to see some mehendi designs. On a side note, I was allergic to mehendi kind of stuff. That’s why I decided to do it before one. To talk about me, I have an athletic figure. A 5,6inch tall girl with fair complexion and medium size boobs and broad ass and long hair till my thighs. I finished my post-graduation in the university but never was in any...

2 years ago
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Lust is Lust

All that before that terrible night. It was one day after her 32th birthday when that horrible accident changed her life forever . Their son, Eric, was only 10 years old when it happened and Alison had to struggle a lot to raise him all alone. She did well, now at 17 Eric was a handsome young man, excellent student and very polite. She knew she was a good mother to him and this made her happy despite her sacrifices. Walking into the shower Alison couldn’t stop but wondering if she made a...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 3

They were a few feet in front of me and both had their blades drawn. Based on their stance I could tell that they had experience with them, but they were overconfident. They lacked the discipline to treat each encounter seriously and that would ultimately prove their downfall. I drew both my sword and knife and got in a defensive stance. I had the knife facing towards the ground in my left hand and had my sword drawn in my right. Through the link, I could tell that Janet was pissed and, on...

3 years ago
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Getting aroused at the beauty parlor

My loving hubby would not come back home in two days; so I spent that Friday afternoon in the beauty parlor. I got my mound smooth, not a single hair remaining around there.The girl who had shaved me liked the little tattoo above my clit.She ran a finger over it, making me shiver with pleasure. My thighs parted slightly for her and she smiled at me.She kept running her long fingers over my outer labia, causing it to part and get wet. So I begged her if she would like to lick me; but she...

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Tara and Jason

Tara and Jason enjoyed wild nights out. It was on one of those wild nights out that they found themselves in trouble and were left with the stark choice of attending the Monastery of Repentance or being hit with a very heavy monetary fine that neither of them could afford;and so it was on that cold,windy Monday morning back in January that they found themselves waiting in a room with others who were sent to the Monastery to receive whatever was coming to them. Tara hated the idea of having to...

1 year ago
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Letting out a long sigh, Katherine glanced down at her phone as she waited for Mark to call her. He said he would, and yet he hadn’t. It made her slightly worried, and almost because she wanted to attempt something with him. Phone sex. Being away from your loved one was hard, especially for Katherine who was separated from her husband for the past three months because their jobs demanded it. It would be another two months before she could see him as they were on practically opposite sides of...

2 years ago
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Coming TogetherChapter 4

It had started out simply enough, she was making a dinner for the two of them. He was going overboard with the idea of eating healthy, which she understood, but found very boring. Also, it seemed to symbolize his new depressed attitude and therefore, her inability to lift him out of his doldrums. She’d scoured her cookbooks for recipes that were low in sodium and cholesterol yet looked like they would appetizing. She settled on one for boiled chicken and broccoli simmered in an olive oil...

3 years ago
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Whats in A Name

Copyright© 072905 Hmm, the morning sun sure feels good. I opened my eyes and found myself in a strange bed. It was early, I knew that. No sounds other than my breathing, and wait... Someone else in the bed with me. Oh right, now I remember. Last night. Jeeze, ok - I do remember. I was there to have a beer and listen to the music at the piano bar. Dueling pianos. Way cool. They play a bit of everything. I was on my own, probably for the first time in 15 years. My relationship had finally...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Cassidy Klein Jelena Jensen Little Red A Lesbian Fairy Tale Part One

Ms. Flowers This is a tale of transformation; of predators and their prey. Of little girls who obeyed their mother; but got lost along the way. So, let’s just have a little chat about a girl we all know, her name is familiar to most of us, but that tale you know is missing some cold hard lesbian facts. Before I get ahead of myself, introductions can be useful, they say. I’m Ms. Flowers, (Jelena Jensen) and normally I wouldn’t be one to brag, or anything but I’ve run a...

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PornWorld Chloe Lamour Jennifer Mendez Lesbo Workout Partners Jennifer Mendez and Chloe Lamour Trade Weights for 3 Hard Cocks

Jennifer Mendez and Chloe Lamour both of whom are fit, busty lesbos are working out in the gym when they decide to see whats on the other side of one anothers tight clothes. Once the clothes are off the two babes apply oil and start sucking on each others fat tits, and from there they take turns fingering and sucking each others clits. Just as things are heating up, theyre interrupted by three gym rats who are delighted by what theyve just stumbled upon. Pretty soon the three dudes are slamming...

1 year ago
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Crux – (Something that torments by its puzzling nature.) Your enticement causes excitement.A temptation that generates stimulation.Your game of seduction a true dramatic production.Simple flirtation, turns into collaboration.Alluring to me, you are, I know your intentions are impure.Remaining a mystery, trying to understand through your creativity. Jenna can almost hear the lecherous cries emanating from the obscene photo on the wall. She stands alone in the darkened gallery after closing time....

3 years ago
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I want your woman you watch

I arrive at your house, we say our hellos but there seems little point beating around the bush. I give your partner a long lingering kiss, tongue deep down her throat to gauge your reaction: nervous but excited it appears.I whisper something to her and nodding understanding she gets you to sit down and secures your wrists behind you onto the back of the chair. Then the fun begins, your woman does a semi strip, revealing a very hot body, just the kind to get me in the mood very quickly. Your...

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Husband Is Always The LastChapter 3

I lay naked, on top of the bed, waiting for Mattie to come out of the bathroom, so that I could go in and shower. The bathroom door opened, and Mattie sexily slid around the corner of the door. She was dressed in the "honeymoon gown" and a fire was burning brightly in her eyes. "What do you think?" She said huskily. "Am I a woman that can inflame lust or what?" "You definitely are inflaming me!" I said in a hushed voice. I stood up and moved toward her as the thin bit of cloth she...

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Her Confession

Judy started rather hesitantly, it was an awkward thing to admit but she knew she had to do it “I was gangbanged by 37 men in a filthy VIP room above a bar in New York. My husband took me to a party and left me alone while he sneaked off with a blonde girl, I was sitting at at the bar all alone when a guy approached me, he told me I was very beautiful and asked if I would like to have some pictures taken as he was looking for models for a shoot for a major magazine. I said ok, but as it was...

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Destiny Ch 02

Once we both calmed down and cuddled next to each other, I drifted off to sleep dreaming about what the whole weekend had in store for us. I have no idea how long I slept cuddled next to him but I awoke horny and needing to have him again. He was still sleeping – his cock just laying there resting – for now! I remembered how much he loved being woken up with my mouth. It had been a long time since I had that pleasure and I was sure ready for it now. I moved downward being very careful not to...

1 year ago
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That Bastard GayMaker for Hire or No Fee

That Bastard!"I found a file on his computer of photos of cocks." Ann stated, "I figure he's the typical bi-curious married man of maybe he wants to be gay. That explains why we don't sex anymore and why my vibrator is now my man, He's turned on by looking at men's dicks too. He wants to try something new alright. He's going to feel what it like to service an real man."I search the internet and found a site that turns men gay call the GayMakers Club. I put Gary's profile and in and was...

2 years ago
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Year OneChapter 5

Thursday December 16th Lucy was in a fowl mood first thing this morning. She was obviously hungover from the party last night. She certainly wasn’t talking about it and spent the whole morning staring at a glass of water. Then, when I got back from lunch she seemed to have cheered up a bit. She came over and sat on my desk – always a bad sign. She had on a short kilt that left a lot of leg on display, although that’s nothing special these days. The women in the office seem to think they can...

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My Date

This all happened at my high school graduation prom. I was very anxious to go. The prom was being held at a pretty swanky hotel in the city. Some of the guys had arranged for several suites of rooms up high in the hotel for the after dance party. Only about 20 of the guys knew this but their dates did too. I had learned about that part quite by accident having heard two of my fellow graduates talking about it. About noon time I got a call from my date for the evening and she sounded like hell....

4 years ago
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WWT The Vineyard

The sphere slid inside of me, gyrating and whirring, pounding against my pussy as Kent spoke, oblivious to what had happened. “So first there’s a tasting…”I couldn’t concentrate. That purple imitation, just a little larger than a real grape, had traveled down my thumb, following down my skin as though attached magnetically. It tickled, ridged, yet glass-like, astonishing me with how easily it traversed my body. It spun around my sundress until it found my thigh, swirling around the inside and...

Monster Sex
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Black Cock College Threesome MMF bimale

Part 1 - Prologue, and Extending the InvitationIt was my first year as an upperclassman, and I was finally the starter at shooting guard. Most of our players were upperclassmen; all of our starters except at point guard, where highly-touted freshman Marcus Washington was expected to earn the starter's spot. We had been a very good team last year, just missing out on winning our conference, and with most of our players from last year returning plus our addition of Marcus, we expected to win it...

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The AdventureChapter 4

The next two days were torturous for the housewife. As Andre had foreseen she was racked with indecision. One moment she was sure the idea was preposterous, how could she consent to having sex with her own uncle then submitting to a series of sexual encounters? What if Robert found out? What about Daniel? If he ever knew what she had done... But the next moment her sexual frustration as well as curiosity would boil over and she would be nearly overwhelmed by the mere thoughts of such an...

1 year ago
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My neighbour aunty treat me like an child

Reeta mai g or kon lesbian encounter ka sath magar kuch different. Is baar maree mulaqat aik mature aunty sa hue jis na mujha acha expierence to deya he magar sath main bohat kuch seekhna ko be mila, as i was already inter in this fucking shit but never to forget i m just young inexperience at that time, now i m mature, confident. Mai 16 saal ki thee or mara figure jo maina pehlee story main bataa tha bohat heavy tha, 28-22-30 ka 16 saal ki umar main, jo boys mara sath school main tha vo to...

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RubyChapter 3 Transition

Her foot throbbed; pain shot up from her ankle and ended in the pit of her stomach. She whimpered as she made her way into the living room. Somehow, she had gotten the cast wet while rinsing the clothes in the washing machine. It was soaked all the way through and became a sodden mess. She switched on the big late model Philco radio and sat back in the kitchen chair next to it to listen to "Stella Dallas" as Stella, the star of the soap opera, comforted Ruby as her raspy man's voice gave...

4 years ago
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The Apocalypse Chapter 1

There is not much sexual content in this part but there will be later on. I love stories that have a plot to them. Most characters have not had much physical descriptions to them yet and for that I am sorry. Please help me out in the comment on then and please tell me what you think! This is my first time writing a story like this, but I like it so far and have the next part in Progress. Sorry for any issues in the writing like misspellings. --------------------- Sam is 16,...

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Nine Memorable DaysChapter 11 Sweet Caroline

As I was walking towards Caroline Herschfeldt's place I thought about how mum had nearly persuaded me to stay home last night. 'Oh Justin given this afternoons experience are you sure you wouldn't you like to come to the party tonight. I think I can pretty much guarantee you a warm welcome' is what she'd said. I remember turning to face my parents who had been frantically fucking in an attempt to speed things up so that they could finish dinner, clean up and be ready for their Saturday...

3 years ago
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The MagicianChapter 2 Moses South Sea Island

In a flash they were sitting in canvas chairs on a blindingly white sandy beach, at a round table under an enormous umbrella; behind them a thick green jungle backdrop, in front the vista of a deep blue lagoon, beyond which foaming waves crashing into a reef protecting the beach from the ocean beyond. The sky was red in the west, a glorious sunset in the offing. Beside them was a blazing fire made from a cairn of dry driftwood, giving off little if any smoke. “Wow!” Ty’s currently favourite...

2 years ago
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Author's note: This is a continuation of my other stories. It is not a series or anything, but the other three stories give some background on the characters if you want it. Also, I'm venturing into new territory here, so please bear with me. Rachel by Hazel M Anna leaned on the railing of the balcony and sipped at her coffee. Dawn was an orange glow on the horizon. The city below looked as sleepy as she...

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Daddy gave me my Best Ever Orgasm

1) My Genetic Sexual Attraction.He once suggested to me, "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth". That was because he knew what others did not, my demure and refined exterior hid a darker secret, he once caught me warming a hot dog sausage up my cunt, one that was about to be eaten by him, one that he himself removed, albeit tantalisingly slowly, and then ate as I watched my lubricated cunt juices run down the sides of his mouth."Delicious", he said smacking his lips, "Now for my just deserts", and...

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24 Sister

Sometimes life throws you what you want, be careful what you wish for. At my birthday party I blew out the candles and wished that, Liz my older sister would become my lover. I know incest is wrong but I have had a crush on Liz for several years. She is small, fair and has dark hair with a killer smile and a great little body that she hides. Sis is a few days shy of being two years older than me. So we have our birthday parties together. There has been a tension lately between Liz and me. I am...

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Dinner Sex With Dad8217s Friend And Dad

Hello everybody, my name is Trisha, one of the three sisters in my family. I am a software engineer from Mumbai. I am 22 years old. I have a milky complexion. My figure is 38-24-37. I have huge boobs and ass with a tiny waist. So, this story happened last year with my dad’s friend, Rohan. He is the hottest among all my dad’s friends and I had a huge crush on him. One day, he invited us to his house for dinner. That night, I was wearing a blue dress that was till above my knees. It was a...

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Vincent and Erin

And now, “Vincent and Erin”, Part One. Vincent looked longingly at the clock, just minutes before the day was over. He was done with his test early, and waited desperately for the time to end. He let his eyes wander over to his best friend, Erin, hard at work, poring over her own test. Allowing his mind to wander, he saw her clothes almost melting away, one by one. Lost in his own fantasies, he almost missed the bell. ”Shit!” he muttered as he gathered up his things. Snapped from his...

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Dont Change Book 1 HopeChapter 5

Saitx passes a wand over Amy's naked body, covering her in a blue light. "And that's all there is to it. Your scan is done. The information will display in a moment." Saitx says. A screen pops up next to her and displays all of Amy's medical information in a few moments. It's in Saitx's language but she understands it. "Height 5'2". Weight 123. Cup size B. No diseases. No Cancers. Not pregnant. Well that's good to know." Amy says. Amy sits up on the table. "So would you mind...

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my first 3some

(all true)I'm 52 and I think I'm the only person on the planet who has never had a threesome. I had always wanted it to be two girls and me, but hell, ya gotta take what comes along.I was on a mission to put together a threesome and live out my fantasy, so I hit Craigslist. I answered an ad a local guy posted about giving BJ's during the day, I was feeling horny and adventurous so I replied to the ad and later that day went to his place. I was greeted by a 50something half naked guy who...

1 year ago
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Ass Fucking My Wifes Best Friend Part 3

We spent the whole week between Christmas and New Year's Day at Lena's house. Clothes other than bath robes were worn only for trips outside. Other than restaurants, the only notable trip was to a sex shop where I bought Lena a second butt plug to match the one she gave Eve. The two women would wear them round the house together, a constant reminder of the next sex session they were preparing for. After a few days of barely uninterrupted coitus, I was starting to remember stories about how...

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My release from the closet part 2 that little bastard

Introduction: Kyles relationship gets intense in ways he couldnt have imagined. hey guys this is my second story so again i really welcome any and all criticism and suggestions. also this story involves sex between gays and a minor (at least in america, not where i live) so if you guys have a problem with that, dont keep reading, but if youre into this sorta thing than happy wanking ???? I woke up with Tim still asleep on top of me, I thought it was going to be a good day, boy was I wrong. I...

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The ABCs Of Banging Of Your Mom

Today too I had to wake up with the irritation of having the wet patch of my boxers sticking to my thigh. Wet dreams are good. Good enough to be enjoyed. But the moment it rains and your urge ebbs, its a downhill from there. And so I rushed to the washroom, my semi erect cock bulging from the sides. Reaching the washroom i jerked down my boxers and stood naked facing the mirror. I looked at myself in the reflection. Slowly I began stroking my cock, imagining no one but my own mother. Riya. I...

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SweetSinner Kenna James Loving My Best Friend

Kenna confronts her best friend Lucas about their one-night-stand and, as expected, his walls are still up. While in a fit of rage he pulls a muscle in his neck and Kenna offers to massage it for him, hoping to ease his muscles and emotional walls. Straddling his waist with her hands on his hot, smooth skin, Kenna can no longer keep her desires contained. She confesses her love to Lucas and – expecting rejection – is shocked when he pulls her down on top of him and the two begin to...

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my first black girl

this started last weekend when i was at a do and chatting to a pal of mine when his wife arrived a slim very attractive black girl with the biggest bubble butt you have ever seen, my pal aksed me do u fancy her or something, i said sorry but i couldnt take my eyes of her butt, she had leggings on which were so tightly stretched you could see her thong,my pal said i dont care if you do because we have a little fantasy/ bet going on, really what is is it i said, come with me and he led me to the...

2 years ago
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Taking My Spring Break in New England Part OneChapter 2 Back at college

Back on campus, I’d parked my car up, gotten back to my dorm room and slept much of the day; I got up late afternoon to go find something to eat. The place was empty; pretty much everyone else was away on Spring Break. Just a few losers like myself who had no place to go and no-one to go with. Even my socially-challenged roomie had gone home to New York for the week, so I was at least on my own. I would have laid down some hefty bucks that he hadn’t blundered into the kind of surprise that...

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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 14

"Good," said Phillip reassuringly, "that's four, you ready to try for five?" Since I was pretty busy maintaining my armor while holding four soccer balls in the air I just grunted my reply while nodding slightly. I had broken out in a light sweat with number four and it took several long seconds before it hovered steady but now all four were rock solid in the air. I was pretty sure I could handle another one. "Okay, catch." He didn't wait for me to try and raise another ball,...

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Fucking sister in law

I am a regular visitor of this wonderful site. Wishing u all a very happy new year 2009. Today i have decided to give you all my story and invite your comments. Well i am a 30 year old working man in a reputed firm at a high post in delhi. The story is about my sister in law gagan who is a bombshell, literally. She is 26 years of ripe age with a body to die for ie 34- 28-38 with pink rosy lips and matching tits. Ever since my marriage i have wanted to get her into my bed but it always remained...

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Mommy Knows best

I love Mommy/Son play as well and your scene is amazing. I have another in mind that I will share… On either my 15th or 16th Birthday, you stand before me in a very unassuming terry cloth robe all wrapped up. You tell me, "Son, you are becoming a man now. I have seen how you look at me when I bend over or lay in bed. I also see that hard on you get when I walk around the house naked or when I’m in my bathing suit.As your mom, I will always promise to do whatever I can for my little boy. Today,...

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Her submission

Hillary is roused from her sleep by a knock on the door. She pulls on some pajamas as she walks down the stairs, making sure she is decent before she opens the door.It is him.She had forgotten he was coming, caught up in other things. She was sleepy and smiley and horny. Her pussy still craving cock, despite the orgasms she gave myself before her nap."You were sleeping?", he asks.She nod my confirmation."And before that..?", he asked.She nods again. He knows her too well."So you just want...

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3rd Chromosome Golden Age

Hello again everyone! Sorry about the delay, life gets in the way. I have another 3C story for all. This is from the classic star request I made awhile back. Hopefully this satisfies, as I’m not entirely happy with it. I mess with the time period a little, but it works. Contains: futa, sex, oral, etc. Everyone is over 18, celebs don’t act like this. Comments and feedback are welcome. Enjoy! *** ‘Quick in here!’ Evelyn Keyes held open a side door waving frantically at Rita. The elegant woman...

2 years ago
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the dark side of me part two

Introduction: Nessa decides to finally go all the way with her uncle(dot dot dot) Great. now lets fuck I took that as a green light and started to jerk him off even faster in the water, making him moan oh yeah, keep going baby. I made sure to rub at just the right places, his dick got so hot, it was making the jacuzzi all the more warmer, and i started to sweat some more. i started just tugging at the head then going all the way to the base until my other hand joined in, making it all the more...

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The StormChapter 9

As the two snowmobiles pulled into the clearing around the house, John slowed down and took a good look at it. They hadn’t really had a chance to see it last night or earlier that day, and he was impressed. From the front, the log cabin was a chalet, with a vast expanse of glass along the wall where the Great Room soared up to the high peaked roof. A fair-sized wing ran down one side at an angle, and he recognized that this was the two-story area the bedrooms were in. From the back, he saw...

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A Day at the Office

I was dressed as your secretary wearing a black pencil skirt and a snug fitting top that showed off my cleavage. I heard your voice in a somewhat stern tone call me into your office. You had the shades drawn tight and upon entering you spoke only a single phrase "Off, now." Without hesitation I stepped out of my clothing, allowing my skirt to pool on the ground at my feet. My blouse fluttered to the ground, leaving me in only a bra and thigh high stockings. The simple silver tone eternity...

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Choose your own SexVenture Page 13

Disclaimer: This is part of a larger adventure story. If you reached this page as part of a reader’s choice from a previous page, continue below. If not, CLICK HERE to start at the beginning of the SexVenture. = = = = = Page 13 = = = = = What? An Easter Egg in erotica? How did you get to this page? There is no part in the story that directs you to this page! You must not have been following the directions nor going to the pages indicated by your choices. No, that’s not it? What happened...

1 year ago
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of Femininity and Sucking Cock

Introduction: a story vaguely about gender confusion, but mostly about glory holes and sucking dick His short breath echoing in the mostly empty bathroom was loud at first, but when it came filled with the sound of his mouth working over a particularly thick cock, the noises were deafening. Kora shifted the position of his heels on the floor, the scraping barely ringing out above the choking sounds that his throat made when the length he had buried in his throat thrust a little too deep. He was...

3 years ago
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The men in my girfriends family

Anyone who has read any of my stories knows that I love taking deep dickings and being bred. Best feeling in the world. And that I am not necessarily attracted to men, but attracted to their cocks and the cum they give me. I still got aroused at the sight of a girl.I was an average k**. Nothing special to look at. The only reason I did get attention was from guys that knew I would suck them off or let them fuck me. So when a girl from school actually started to show interest in me, I started to...

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