Reginald's DisasterChapter 8 free porn video

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The family conference-cum-business meeting started with surprise and ended with approval. There was a view among the women that babies notwithstanding, they needed to get work done, and trips to other towns were an adventure in themselves. In recent months their lives had been delineated by the budding lives inside them and then the new responsibilities afterwards, so that travel had been restricted to trips to university and the occasional church service. Parents had come to them, rather than they visiting their parents, so choosing to go on a business trip was a desirable break from home life

At first, when this was mentioned, Reg’s face fell, as it seemed that they were aching to get away from him and the babies, but Frances had anticipated his reaction and informed him during the meeting, “Husband, you should not restrict your wives in their participation in life outside the home. Your wives are partners in life, and you should be encouraging them to expand their physical horizons as well as their mental ones. You trust them, don’t you?”

Reg was stunned as he replied, “Frances, I have never even thought of NOT trusting them; it did not enter my head. I admit that my male ego took fright at their keenness to go on business trips, but I have realised that my subconscious patriarchal attitude should not prevail over our love for each other. What about the Robson ladies, Frances?”

“They want to take part, and their mother will be happy to look after the babies for a few days. You have to take some commercial baby milk to the farm, Reg, when the minivan is collecting them. We have some with us for emergencies, so you can have that for immediate use by Mrs Robson.

You should get that done as soon as possible.”

“I will attend to that, Frances, while you prepare their itinerary and order their car. In the meantime, I have a simple statement to make: Please go with my love, ladies!”

The group made their plans for the suspect stores of the chain, then hired the several cars needed for the long journeys, with either one or two stores allocated to each pair. Frances spoke to the company about calling the researchers for a TV programme, and got authorisations by email for each named pair to call on the store manager. The chain’s head office sent messages to the managers informing them of the ‘TV researchers’ calling on them, and they were to be given full disclosure of the store’s operation.

In the course of plotting where the failing stores were, it became noticeable that none were in big cities. In other words, the biggest stores were not exhibiting impending failure. That might be because their large throughput was hiding a proportionately smaller fraud, or that the larger stores were more efficiently managed, preventing fraud for happening, or lasting long without being halted.

Primed with what data the head office had sent about each store, the ladies drove off on their expeditions, leaving their offspring in the care of Sandra, their full-time babysitter. Reg went with the hire van driver and the two teens to the farm, taking the baby milk for Mrs Robson, and for the teens to have another visit with the farm animals. Once he had Hermione and Jemima set to leave, he would round up Sidra and Elizabeth and take them all back to Scarborough for the ladies to have their briefing from Frances before setting out on their own task.

Mrs Robson was a little daunted at having to care for two babies, but regarded it as a challenge. Her two daughters leaving on a business trip impressed her, and she questioned Reg at the doorway.

“Is it safe for them to do this job, Reginald?”

“Mrs Robson, your baby birds have already flown the nest. Let them demonstrate that they can fly very well now.”

She took this well, and Reg kissed her on a cheek before leaving.

“They will be fine: I had to accept their new personalities and love of real life, just as you do. I will make sure they report back to you.”

“Thank you, Reginald. I am depending on you. Goodbye.”

The driver had watched and listened to this exchange, and as Reg climbed aboard, commented. “That was nice of you, Mr Robertson.”

“Thank you, Tom. I have had to learn to be nice; it is not simple, but worthwhile when you get it.”

They got back to the hotel without anything other than Jemima saying to Hermione, “I am starting to miss my baby already, sis.”

“Impossible. You regularly leave her to sleep for hours at a time. This is your mind telling you that you should miss her, nothing more. Mum will look after them both with all the love she has. We always knew she had that love, but didn’t acknowledge it until we left with Reg. You have to leave your worries behind, and concentrate on the investigation ahead of us.”

Reg added, “Yes. Start thinking about how you would steal money from a store if you were the fraudster; how would you go about it?”

Jemima went quiet for a while, then tendered, “It would depend on what position I held at the store. You have to be high up in the pecking order to be able to do anything.”

Hermione grudgingly accepted her little sister’s opinion. “That sound about right. It makes the choices less. We have to see how each of the senior staff interacts with the finances of the store. Most stories are pretty well automated, so someone on the till can only get away with minor theft. To make a major impact on the store’s finances, you have to be doing something what means a lot of cash disappearing. This means either the store manager is in on a scam, or he is not seeing it happen under his eyes. It would be easiest if he was not very familiar with the computer data. Am I right about that, Reg?”

“Yes. I am continually surprised at how many senior people in an organisation leave the details to those further down the tree. Think of how many top managers depend on their secretaries to keep them straight on their work tasks. Then if they want to know what is going on at a lower level, they call in the under-manager or head of department to tell them how the organisation of company is doing, day by day.

You can think of the store manager in that position: depending on others to run the system, while he makes policy decisions. That is probably the situation in each store that we are querying. The trick is to let him or her think you are there to make him look good. We decided to announce you as TV researchers, all of you. Apparently you will be collecting data to use in a TV programme about a grocery chain. The manager will want to impress you with his efficiency in running a tight show, but it will be all bluster, fluff aimed at you. You look below it, at what is actually happening in the store. In town, it didn’t take long for our ladies to see that the footfall and the spending levels suggested a profitable operation. If it wasn’t adhering to that pattern, someone was milking the system. It was then a matter of finding where the draining was happening. In Scarborough, it was fictitious staff payments. You might find it is payments for goods, supplies, or even maintenance charges. Perhaps two firms are being paid for supplying a service, but one is fictitious, there solely for the computer’s financial records. As long as a service is being supplied, the manager has no need to look for a second one in the computer. Most of the entries will just be a company name and amount under a heading of maintenance or supplies or equipment. Every store has freezers that have to be kept operating to legal temperature norms, equipment like flatbed trolleys that has to be replaced before it wears out, potholes in the car parking to be repaired before they cause an accident, grass cut and flower beds weeded, gutters cleaned out regularly to avoid water ingress into the store. There are a myriad of payments that store has to make, and the more regular they are, the less they get examined: it is a regular payment, and as long as it remains regular, there is obviously no problem to look into. Just if one is a fake firm in the books.

Do what Freda did with the other stores. Get another member of staff who knows the details, to tell you about each supplier of good or services, until they claim not to know a particular firm. That is what you are looking for. Remember there may be more than one example, so don’t stop when you find a firm that nobody knows.

Then you have to reveal who is the person inserting the fake data. They may have done it a year or two back, and the cash is slowly siphoning out of the store. They are probably still on the staff, to prevent a new appointment going through all the records in detail.

Remember you are not there to collar the culprit; that is the store’s job. You collect the facts and compile your report for the head office. If the manager is an innocent dupe, you might be able to inform him of your discovery AFTER you have sent in your report – so he can’t claim to have discovered the fraud himself. I he is complicit, or appears to be, you include that observation in your report and head office can take it from there.

Ah, we are nearly at the hotel. Frances will give you all the basic data we have been given. Whoever is not driving the car on the way there can study the data and look for clues.”

The pair had listened intently to Reg’s verbal instruction manual, and taken it all in. Jemima had said not a word about her baby during the trip into town, so had probably lost her anxiety fears.

Frances welcomed the two back to the fold, and took them off for their briefing about the one or two stores that they were to check out, tell them about their accommodation and food choices and payment cards.

The next day, Reg and Frances found themselves alone apart from the babysitter with her batch of babies to look after, and Jessica to prepare for getting out of hospital. Sidra and Elizabeth were given free rein to explore the borough’s attractions now that they were happy with their mother’s recovery.

At least, at first. When Frances phone Jessica at the hospital and mentioned this, Jessica reacted badly.

“NO, Frances. My Sidra must not go unprotected! And the same applies to Elizabeth, for I don’t want her to be shocked back into hating herself if she encounters bad people.”

Frances took a mental pace back.

“Okay, Jessica. WE’ll do it your way. How about we let them wander as they want, but Reg and myself walk a distance behind them, ready to step in if anything looks dangerous?”

Jessica’s voice calmed.

“Sorry if I seem ultra-cautious, Frances. I still worry about my ex-husband finding us. Sidra has the Pakistani colouring that makes her stand out if most of the other visitors are white. Then if there was anything that drew the girls to the attention of the media, that might be dangerous in itself.”

“I am with you, Jessica. I had assumed that worry had vanished, but as you say, it is best to be safe now rather than sorry afterwards. You are happy if we do what I suggested?”

“Yes. They will be safe with you and Reg to look after them at a distance. Please let them know they are safe, so they don’t worry if they meet boys they dislike.”

“And what do the doctors say about you getting out?”

“Because I don’t live locally and will be travelling home before long, they are insisting on another day of recuperation here. I can certainly do with the rest, Frances. I am not as young as I was when I had Sidra.”

With that settled, Frances sought the girls as they were getting ready to go out, excited looks on their faces.

“Girls, I have to pass on a message from your mother before you go out on the town. She still has fears about her ex-husband still searching for you, Sidra, and worries about Elizabeth as well, so she has asked Reg and myself to chaperone you – but at a distance! The idea is that you do what you want, and we will stay back out of the way. It is only if there is any sign of danger that we will step in, such as a gang of boys bothering you or calling you names. For your own part, if you get worried, all you have to do is raise an arm straight up, and that will be the signal for us to come to you.”

Sidra asked for confirmation, “You will let us go our own way all the time; just be on hand if we want or need help?”

“Yes. We trust you, but Jessica wants you to have protection near by.”

“Yeah, I understand. With a new baby, she is over-protective at the moment, but we can live with that, can’t we, Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth surprised her by saying, “Actually, I will feel happier, knowing they are around for us, Sidra. This is a place I don’t know, and I might get lost and meet the wrong people. It is not just the locals, but all the visitors. Some of them might accost two teenagers on their own.”

“Hey, that is true, Elizabeth. You are very ‘with it’ today, and I am being too blasé. Okay, Frances, we’ll go along with your plan. You are happy to leave the babysitter with all the children?”

“Yes. It is only a couple of hours or so. She is capable enough.”

Reg was notified of the agreed procedure, and got himself ready to join them. Shortly the girls had decided where they wanted to go first and by what route. Their target was the harbour and the sea life centre. The weather remained mild, so coats were not needed, but Reg dug into his baggage in his room and produced a short truncheon and a holder for attaching it to his belt. Frances was shocked.

“Reg, where did that come from, and why?”

“The last time I was here, I could only use my hands to defend Jessica and the Robson girls. If I had been able to fend off an attack with a baton, things might have not gone the way they did. I bought this online and packed it for coming here, just in case it was needed. It will hang at my back, and only be used as a defensive weapon, if at all.”

“Isn’t it illegal to carry an offensive weapon?”

“Yes, but this is not an offensive weapon; it is a defensive weapon, to my way of thinking and intent of use. It is like picking up a stick to defend yourself with.”

“Freda will tell you otherwise, darling. ANY weapon you are carrying, or own, is illegal in the UK, as is purchasing one; and if you use it you will be in trouble with the courts, no matter the situation. No, dear, put it away, and depend on your training in self-defence. I don’t want to see you sent to jail for carrying an offensive weapon.”

“Damn!” exclaimed Reg. “Next the law will be declaring bare fists as an offensive weapon.”

“Not exactly, but apparently if you are a martial arts expert, the court might be unhappy if it deems you to have used ‘unreasonable force’ in defending yourself. In normal circumstances, being an expert in martial arts makes no difference legally in the matter of defence, said Freda.”

“But I was not charged over killing an attacker a year ago.”

“The difference then was that you were not trying to use excessive force, but killed him by accident. You were reacting, without thinking, to a knife attack already made on you, so you clearly did not have any intent other than to protect yourself. It was simply an accident that your hand strike hit his throat and killed him; hitting him elsewhere would not have been so serious, and he moved into a position where that was the result. There was no way you could have predicted his move and allowed for it in your strike.

But now, with your knowledge of what can happen, you would not get away with any killing blow without severe repercussions. Freda did some research into such incidents, so she would have the legal knowledge to protect you in future. Your baton or truncheon is a non-no, I’m afraid.”

“All right, Frances. You can tell Freda that you stopped me, but I hope I don’t have to step in with force to protect Sidra and Elizabeth.”

The girls wanted to know what was keeping their followers, so Frances told them, “I was briefing Reg on what we are allowed to do to protect you and ourselves. We are straight on that now, so we can proceed.”

“Good. I want to see what sort of fish they land here.”

“Okay. We can walk to the harbour, but the Sea Life Centre is farther away so we may need to go by taxi. You can see how fit you feel after the harbour.”

They set out through the town’s streets, and unsurprisingly got detoured by what the teens saw in the shop windows. Fortunately the girls did not have a lot of cash on them, so it was mostly window shopping, apart from a couple of sundae ice creams at the Harbour Bar.

Reg and Frances walked hand-in-hand along the streets, about fifty metres behind the girls, and were gratified that nothing of note occurred on the way. Once the girls entered the bar, Frances stopped Reg and turned to kiss him passionately where they were. When she pulled away, she noticed they were being watched by other tourists, one woman giving them a ‘thumbs-up’ sign of approval. Frances smiled back.

They stood outside for a little, watching through the window while the girls were served and settled to their treats. Reg remembered to ask Frances if she wanted to have something as well, but she told him, “I don’t need anything for now, Reg, just you by my side is enough.”

Reg beamed and gave her another kiss at this loving remark.

The saunter around the harbour was interesting enough to the girls that they almost forgot they were being followed discreetly. They chatted to some of the folk involved with fishing and got some questions answered. Finally Sidra checked the time and turned back towards Reg and Frances. Meeting up with them, she asked, “Can we take a taxi to the aquarium, Dad?”

Reg responded affirmatively, and asked Frances to deal with it. She pointed out that they had passed a taxi rank recently, and it was simple to walk back there. They did so, and the four got in the one taxi. F

Frances told the driver, “The Sea Life Centre, please. The girls are to tired to walk.”

He replied, “Certainly ma’am,” and set off. It only took a few minutes before he was drawing up outside the entrance. As Frances paid him, he looked at Reg with puzzlement, having expected him to to pay, but said nothing other than, “You will like the aquarium, folks. It is a great venue for visitors.”

Frances thanked him for the recommendation, and they all got out. Frances told Reg it was his turn to pay, so he presented his credit card for paying for the tickets, and they were quickly inside.

The girls were fascinated by the fish and crustaceans inside the glass-walled tanks, and were amused by the antics of the occasional octopus sneaking in and out of hiding holes. There were a few small tanks where baby fish were hatching out of egg-pockets, and small lobsters were growing on. This gave them excuses to ask questions of Reg and Frances, most which they found they could answer. Reg was especially knowledgeable from his many years of reading anything and everything. He pointed out that octopuses had special talents other than spouting ink as as a poison ous smokescreen for escaping. They could climb through tiny holes by squeezing their bodies almost impossibly through small spaces; they have nine brains: one central brain and a small one in each tentacle. They are also very clever at solving physical puzzles, as least bas clever as many corvids and parrots. “Corvids are the crow family, by the way. One of the cleverest parrots is the New Zealand Kea.”

“Crows?” exclaimed Elizabeth. “Crows are intelligent?”

“Certainly,” added Frances. “At least as clever as chimpanzees. Birds are among the cleverest animals on the planet apart from humans.”

“Good grief,” Elizabeth came out with. “I must look closely at crows in future. I thought the herring gull was clever, the way it angles to get food; even tapping on windows as a reminder in some instances!”

When the girls at last had seen enough, Frances phoned for another taxi to take them all home. It had been a good outing, and Elizabeth in particular was full of what she had seen. Sidra admitted to having been shown some preserved fish specimens at the university when she had visited with Reg.

“But seeing them live is completely new!”

They talked fish and shellfish all the way home, and when the driver was being paid in cash, commented, “I am surprised you aren’t paying by an Aqua credit card!”

As soon as they were inside the hotel, Frances announced, “I am going to check on Jimmy. He is probably hungry.”

Reg retorted, “It is too early for that, Frances. You just want to mother him and the other babies.”

She marched off with replying to what was a true statement. She wanted to be up to date about the babies, so that as and when their mothers phoned and asked about them, she would be able to report accurately.

Once she was in the room with Sandra and the babies, she located Jimmy and soon had him at her breast. Jimmy never refused an extra feed, she knew, and she had the urge to feed him again. The other mothers had their breast pumps with them to express the unusable milk, and Sandra had been given a supply of purchased baby milk for the others. Frances expected to have to help out with dispensing if more than one child called for milk at the one time.

Sidra and Elizabeth headed for the ladies room, giggling as they went, leaving Reg wondering what they found so funny. Feeding babies was a never-ending chore, he thought, glad that his girls almost never asked him to help except with clean-up chores at the other end when they were busy. He was astonished at how many times the babysitter was too busy to change a nappy if Reg was available; and suspiciously, no mother was at hand on these occasions. He suspected collusion, even though any time he asked, each woman was able to explain they were occupied with studying or research or on the phone to her mother. His wives’ mothers all seemed to want a blow-by-blow account of their grandchildren’s life.

He supposed he should go up and see what the situation was, as all the mothers were away; a good excuse for not being there to change a nappy.

He waited until Sidra and Elizabeth came out of the ladies’ and told them where he and Frances could be found. Sidra had her own agenda.

“How long until tea-time, Dad?”

“That is up to Frances, Sidra. We are not going to feed ourselves until all the babies have been properly fed and looked after. Sandra will be wanting her evening meal as well; it is not all about your desires, my girl.”

Elizabeth volunteered, “I was thinking the same thing as Sidra, Dad, so I apologise.”

“Very good, Elizabeth. Excellent admission, for which you deserve recognition. You and Sidra are worthwhile young women. I am very pleased with you both, and I am sure your mother will say the same when I tell her about it. Do you want to be along when Frances and myself visit her tonight?”

“Visiting? She is not getting out today?” Sidra queried.

“No. Tomorrow, the hospital say.”

“Yes, I’ll come. Elizabeth, want to see if Rex has become more human?”

Elizabeth giggled. “Sounds worth a look, but I want to see my Mum as well!”

With that agreed, Reg finally got to the room with the babies; he supposed he should call it the nursery room. Frances collared him as he entered, their son at her breast.

“Reg, there are two of your children needing changed. Do your fatherly duty and sort them out, darling. Sandra is feeding another baby.”

He set to, and found himself automatically going through the routine of nappy changing, He had changed so many by now that he hardly needed to pay attention, except to find which child he was doing. The ages of them varied but they were close enough that simple size was insufficient for recognition; he had to look at the face and the hair, as well as the gender. All the bottoms looked much the same when dealing with a messy nappy, but he was careful at the first sign of a urine spray to cover the offending member with a cloth that could then be rinsed out at the washbasin afterwards. He reckoned he would be able to converse knowledgeably with any mother on the subject of nappies.

Most of the babies had no trouble in greeting him as their father – there was not much of a choice! - but it was gratifying to hear that small voice call him Da or whichever other variant the mother was teaching her child to use in recognition.

All of the babies were pleased to be held gently and cuddled by him, but then being cuddled by any adult is gratifying to the child. These welcoming arms were the thing, plus a chest to lie against and fall asleep. One or two of them still sought a nipple to latch onto for milk, but most of the babies now knew that their father did not have milk of his own to offer. The most they could expect from him was a warm feeding bottle.

He decided that Sandra very much earned her pay. She was quite an expert now in baby handling, feeding and comforting, and nappy changing times. She was assiduous at applying nappy cream to avoid nappy rash or any other skin condition that would lead to a crying spasm from the child. Bathing babies was by now second nature to her, making sure that the water temperature was lukewarm, the depth on the low side, and washing with a mild soapy solution that would not irritate the baby’s eyes or affect it if swallowed inadvertently.

Frances was by now cradling a happy and well-fed baby ready for sleep, so she got up and carried him to one of the cots supplied by the hotel. As she laid him down, her phone rang, so she asked Reg to lay the cover over their baby boy while she answered the phone.

It was the first pair reporting in, and asking how their children were doing.

“No problem, girls. All the babies are healthy and happy, well-fed and in their cots. Reg has been nappy changing, and doing a good job of it too, so all is well. How about yourselves?”

She listened intently and soon was bidding them good night, closing the call. Reg asked what they had said.

“They have arrived at the town and are at their hotel for the night. They will visit the store in the morning after breakfast, for they are too tired to go now. They send their love, Reg.”

The other two pairs reported in over the next hours, with similar reports and results. Reg, Frances and the girls had their meal first, then Sandra was relieved by Sidra and Elizabeth so that she could her own evening meal before phoning her boyfriend for a chat.

Reg had Frances all to himself that night, and they had a romantic time together while Sandra the babysitter slept in the same room as the babies, to help any that woke up crying with dirty or wet nappies.

Morning was extra pleasant for Reg and Frances as they lay cuddled together, until a knock on the door and a demanding voice told them that Sidra and Elizabeth were up and expecting the adults to get up too.

They were no sooner showered and dressed when Frances’ phone went off again. She answered it, and it was Jessica.

“They are allowing me back to the hotel, Frances, as long as I take it easy for another couple of days. Can you and Reg come collect me. Don’t bring the girls or they will get in the way. They will see the baby once we get there.”

Frances rang the minibus firm and asked for the vehicle to take them to the hospital to collect mother and baby, as soon as was practicable, but first to allow them half an hour to have breakfast.

Frances told the two girls at the breakfast table to make sure Sandra got her breakfast, and to do as much as they could to ensure all the babies were fed, changed, and cuddled. “Get Sandra to tell you which baby needs what treatment, so you are not acting blind.”

True to their instructions, the minibus was at the hotel door when they made their way there with the two teens as escort. Sidra and Elizabeth waved the off, Elizabeth saying, “Tell Mum we are anxious to have her home.”

At the maternity ward, Reg and Frances were welcomed at the door by Jessica, after she had shuffled over from another woman she was talking to. She had been trying for most of the morning to walk around the ward, to see how her body was coping with the effects of childbirth, for she could not recall such details about Sidra’s birth all these years ago. She was pleased at what she found; that extra day’s rest had made a difference, she felt.

She had shuffled aimlessly around the ward for a time, very carefully, greeting the other new mothers in or at their beds as she encountered them. The TV woman blushed when Jessica told her there were no hard feelings about reporting to her office.

“Reginald is a lovely man, dear. He has given me what I wanted: a son. I hope you have what you wanted.”

“More or less, Jessica. I would have preferred a girl, but what I got was a boy.”

“My first was a girl who is now a lovely teenager, but I have a boy now. I am sure you will have a girl next time.”

“I hope so.” She admitted, “I am not married, Jessica, but I love the man I live with.”

“Then it is time he married you, young woman! Tell him that your daughter needs her parents to be married to show they love each other.” Then Jessica’s hand flew to her mouth. “My god, I have just remembered that my first husband probably never loved me, even though we were married for fifteen years. It was an arranged marriage; he was always self-centred and he gradually became an abuser. That is why we left him; actually Sidra ran away, and later I was rescued from him, so we are in hiding despite the divorce. Please never mention this to your work colleagues, dear. He must never know where I am, or even Sidra’s whereabouts.”

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

3 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

3 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

4 years ago
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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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Jack stared at his phone in confusion, but decided to tap on the mysterious app that had appeared. A screen is displayed. M - Mind B - Body R - Reality There's then a ToS section.

Mind Control
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New Year Celebration With Housewife Sandya

I won’t celebrate 1sy Jan as new year and I celebrate our Ugadi festival as new year….but my neighbor wanted to celebrate and they wanted me to join them and from December 15th they started asking me….every day for new year fun. I told them its completely depends on hubby schedule and i knew that hubby is going to take leave for house construction in native but did not gave them any hint…..just keep on dragging…..they told me i am going to get good time with themI said completely depend on...

1 year ago
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FilthyPOV Michele James Funeral Fucking My Sad Busty StepSis

I knew my Step-Sister Michele was having a hard time after our Pop-pop passed, but I didn’t know she was taking it this hard. I walk in her room and she was still crying, everyone was back at our house to have a little get together for like a celebration of life. I tell Michele to relax, Pop-pop is in a better place. I give her a little foot rub and tell her to get comfortable, I didn’t expect her to get up and strip naked. They say everyone handles people passing differently I...

4 years ago
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Tarak Mehata Ka Hot Chasma Part 8211 6

Hi dosto me sandy aap ke samne firse hajir hua hu meri story ka agla part .. Pichle sare part me muje aap logone bohat pyar diya is liye me aap sabhi pathako ka dhanya waad karta hu aur asha karta hu ki aap log muje aaise hi pyar dete rahwnge. Me un aunty aur moms aur khas kar ke dadar me rehanw wali divorcy kaa bhohat shukurgujar hu jinhone muje apna dost mana aur apne apne dukh mujse share kiye … Mene bhi apna dukh unhe shar kiya aur unse muje solution mile hai aur me unke hisabhik hi rehne...

4 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 26 Soothing the Sexy Sisters

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Pyrriah – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith I was feeling good as returned from the Treasure Box, eager to put Ankush behind us. Nephi strolled at my side as we moved...

4 years ago
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Daddys New Girl Part 3

After passing out together at sunrise, we slept until about noon. I awoke to see the nineteen year old slut I had literally plucked from the curb the night before. She was still sleeping, breathing deeply, her pert breasts heaving up and down slowly in rhythm with her breathing. I noticed the wet spot she had left on the bed from our combined love juices. Her smoothly shaved cunny was glazed like a dough nut as were the insides of her milky thighs. My manhood twitched at the sight of her. She...

2 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version CharlieChapter 9

Jill looked so desolate that I finally told her she could come too, but had to follow us at a distance until we had talked things out. That meant she dawdled fifty yards behind us as Lynne and I walked down the driveway to her house and then along the road. I mean a decision had to be made, and Jill would find out about it one way or another, so making her wait back at the house would have just been mean. I was proud of myself for being able to think in a rational manner in this kind of...

1 year ago
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The Silencers DaughterChapter 6

Meanwhile, Raven looked around the suite. Freely going where she wanted, she entered into a room that appeared to be a den. There were pictures everywhere. In most of the pictures, she saw Nick and Petra. Her curiosity was getting the better of her again. She wondered if Nick and Petra were married. There were pictures of them on top of mountains, at the beach and in hotel rooms. Petra had pictures of them snow skiing, boating, rappelling, swimming and just hanging out together. There were a...

1 year ago
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Possession Hijinks

Introduction Theo: Hey, I have nothing to do today. You got any ideas? In an inconspicuous corner, two teenagers are sitting around during their lunch break. For most, it may seem that there is hardly any time to do anything. But for these two bored teenagers, it feels like time has stopped in its tracks. Cody: What about the usual? After hearing his friend complain over and over, Cody answered with a smirk on his face. Although he didn't say what activity it was, his best friend Theo...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon With Heather Owwh Part 2Chapter 8

Freshly cleaned, we returned to the bedroom. I sat on the bed and massaged my raging erection which was exacerbated by the attention it received in the cleaning process. “Ok, princess,” Heather said to Jess, “it’s time that you learned how to handle Aaron. You should probably remove your veil. Things may get messy.” She continued, “Have him stand up and remove his cock ring. Aaron, I’m going to apologize in advance but some lessons are painful.” Jess seemed to take to the task with renewed...

4 years ago
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Double DateChapter 4

Everyone knows whose doing it, whose not, and who will tell. I'd been surprised that my brother was getting it on with someone, but rumor and the grapevine soon confirmed it. Apparently he'd made the mental leap from going hot and heavy with one girl to spreading it around, and managed to find a girl or three who didn't get jealous if he poked his dick in someone else. I'd already helped one of his friends, and soon the others were talking about him as if he was just one of the regular...

3 years ago
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Multiple Creampies

Those that have spoken to me know that I've always had a thing for being shared. Just the thought of men hungry for my pussy is something that always makes me wet. It's as if they are saying I feel so good they want their friends to know and experience it too. The next story comes from a time where I was seeing a guy (Ed) who enjoyed watching his friends fuck me. Not in a 'traditional' way though. In his bedroom, he had a built in wardrobe that had wooden slats slanting down and what he would...

3 years ago
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Shhhh Eeessy

Pcpchhh…tptpchh… pupchhhh….’ sucking sounds brought me half-awake … “…it is the sound of female nipples popping out of male lips…” I recognized… from experience… ‘…are they mine…if yes, who is the sucker…’ I tried to open my eyes and check…as they refused to cooperate, I checked with my fingers … my breasts were unoccupied… ‘…then who’s …’I tried to guess… ‘Pcpchhh…tptpchh… sounds are coming from my left…’…I realized a moment later….Shhhh….eeesy… they may wakeup darling…’ hush-hush pleads of a...

4 years ago
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Summer Trucker

My name is Mike Clark, I turned eighteen the same day I graduated high school. I just spent the last four years of my life studying three to five hours every night as I took every advanced class my school had to offer as well as some online. In short I have had no social life at all, why you may ask? Well it’s pretty simple my goal in life is to get as far away from this stupid little town my parents trapped me in as possible. My dad moved to this hick town when I was nine years old, he was...

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Taming Dick Part 2

Author's Note: Part II of Dick Taming. Sorry it took so long, but stuff got in the way. I have some more ideas, but I can't make any promises on timing as usual. In the meantime, enjoy this one. Taming Dick II by Hazel M Rob had just finished lacing his friend Steve (now the lovely Mistress Megan) into a tight corset. Now it was Rob's turn to get dressed for the day. He saw Megan walk into the closet and walked back to his own room. The girls from the office would be here...

2 years ago
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Jacks Education Ch 06

Note to reader: The stories previously posted in the series ‘Jack Awakens’ and ‘Jack’s Exploits’ were originally the opening chapters of a book which I had started writing over the last few months. I have now decided to post the entire book, which traces the sexual development of a high school boy during his senior year, hopefully at the rate of one chapter each week. The stories previously posted have been retitled as ‘Jack’s Education’ in strict chronological order, under the ‘Novels and...

2 years ago
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Have you seen my bra

"Have you seen my 'Olga' pink bra?" Mother screamed across the house. I hate it when she does that. I was in my room with Jack, my best friend, playing 'Monopoly' when her screechy voice came across. "Who is she yelling at?" Jack asked. I had to admit that she was asking me. "Doesn't she know you have a guest over?" he wondered out loud. "I guess not, or she doesn't care. She likes to embarrass me for some reason. She thinks it's funny to ask me about her clothes and doesn't care...

4 years ago
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in a wedding reception

This all started about three years ago. My wife Julie and I had just past the age of 40 when we experimented sharing her with another man. It all happened very quickly and once we got in to it there was no stopping. Julie was and still is a very attractive woman. She has that aurora to her that drives men crazy. Julie has the perfect body for fucking as her tits are fantastic and her ass is firm and round. It was late one night and the k**s were in bed. I said to my wife, “Let’s do something...

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Marsha and Gary Blackwell

There was a soft tapping on my shoulder. At first I thought it was my wife, then I remembered it was late Monday afternoon and the tapping was coming from someone else. I rolled over; it was Varina Jefferson, wife and part owner of the Antique shop where I’d bought some furniture. She was smiling at me. “Wake up sleepy head,” she whispered, “it’s after 4:00 p.m. My husband will soon be back, and I have to reopen the shop.” I half leapt off the old sofa, “Varina ... I ... we...” “Not now...

3 years ago
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loved by a marine part 2

Nelson slowly walked up to amber's house trying not to knock anyone over there must have been over a 100 people there there were girls dancing with guys grinding an they were having wet T-shirt contests hell he even saw some girls giving guys head and having sex , " Cody bro.. where you at " yelled Nelson. A random girl pulled him to aside an asked, are you looking for cody ? He yelled yeah, he is upstairs making out wit Kim Bella I think he is really drunk because he was with...

1 year ago
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Reddit HungryButts, aka r/HungryButts! I am sure y’all have your preferences when it comes to girls and their body, but this subreddit is just dedicated to butt pictures. It is called r/HungryButts/, which should basically explain all that you need to know about this subreddit’s content. However, there are other things you might be interested in as well, and that is why I am here.Let The Porn Dude explain how things function and what you can expect to see here. First of all, there is a lot of...

Reddit NSFW List
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Chrissys Two Mikes

“Oh god! Yes, yes, do it baby! Fill me. I’ll cum again when PhalPal lets go.”“Soon lover, real soon!”Mike held Chrissy’s hips tight as she squatted over him. Having already driven her to a number of orgasms, he was ready for his. Pumping hard and fast, his phallus began spurting as he shouted, “Now baby, now!”Feeling his release, her body began to quiver as her final orgasm ran through her.“Fuck Mikey! Oh god it is so good! I love my PhalPal! I love all of you.”She sunk down into a long,...

College Sex
1 year ago
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Pattaya Fun

Based on real events, originally published under my defunct account but restored here for your pleasure.A few years ago I was sent out to Thailand for a week by my boss to do some checks on our operations at Laem Chabang in Thailand, about 10 km north of Pattaya. Our expat manager, Dave, lived locally and instead of having to stay in a hotel he offered me a bed in his bungalow.He lived on a small gated development of about 10 homes, all occupied by expat Brits. The second night was Saturday,...

2 years ago
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Shower Power

The shower was hot. It felt wonderful, refreshing. I liked the feel of the water stinging my skin. I was getting ready for my first date with a friend. We had only ever spoken to each other on the internet, but now, finally I was going to meet him…reach out and touch him. My friends thought I was crazy…dreaming of an interlude with a sexual fantasy…someone I’d never met, but dreamed of all my life. Still…I was preparing myself for the worst…he may just turn out to be exactly what I didn’t...

2 years ago
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AjaChapter 16

Jason headed downstairs. “I got up in time for breakfast,” he announced. He sat at the table and Aja placed a plate before him. “Bacon and eggs? What’s the occasion?” He spotted an envelope addressed simply, Jason. “What’s this? A birthday card?” “It’s a little birthday breakfast. Happy birthday, Jason.” “How did you know it’s my birthday?” “When you came to the clinic for your eye exam, you filled out a medical history form that includes your date of birth. I got curious, looked up your...

1 year ago
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Secret Diary Part Four

The two hour trip with Brian turned into a disaster. We left after breakfast and it was just the two of us. We traded small talk for the first about fifteen minutes and then he asked if I loved his son. I told him that I did and he started his barrage of questions. He asked everything from what Simon and I had done together to what I liked to best. It was so embarrassing, but I had been taught that when asked a question you answered the truth. I told him everything. I was so embarrassed and...

3 years ago
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Aimees First Fuck With Daddy

My mom took off when I was a baby and left me and my sister with my daddy. We didn't have it any worse than anyone else in my hick town in rural Georgia. I guess we were what would've been known as trailer trash but people were too polite to say it to our face. We were fed and warm so I guess I can't complain much. Daddy spent a lot of money on booze and girls but as long as I didn't suffer it was none of my business. I watched as he brought home a string of bar skanks. They all fit the...

1 year ago
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By Tooth and ClawChapter 16

Out of the immediate yard, wilderness reigned. Trees blocked the sky overhead, scrub tried to tangle with feet and the air was very chilly; I was definitely in Montana and my vest top wasn't much protection from the night. I could hear the humans scrambling around in all directions, loud and obvious; the hunters would have no problem tracking their prey. I mentally apologized to them as I passed beyond them, leaping and climbing over obstacles they had to detour around, if they could even...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 91 Swimwear or Lack Thereof

If Greg thought he was going to maintain an air of modesty around the house with his children there, he was sorely mistaken. For one thing, he still had to work every week day, which left the girls alone in the house. On Friday he sat behind his desk at work, daydreaming about the girls all swimming nude in the pool. Or perhaps "fantasizing" was a better word. It was made all the more realistic by the knowledge that it was probably going on even as he was thinking about it. That didn't...

3 years ago
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Gareths Adventures Lucys Dream

Author’s note: This is my first ever work of erotic literature, so if it’s so abysmal that you run screaming into the night at least I let you know beforehand. The first section is a message from Gareth while the rest is from Lucy’s view. Any section you see marked with a * indicates a lapse in time or a general break in the story. It will depend on how well this story is received for me to continue on with it or start on something different. With that said, I hope you enjoy. My name is...

2 years ago
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Mistress Roulette Part 7

I had no idea what Mistress meant when she said they would be having more fun with me. Maybe I did, but I didn't want to think about it. The plug in my tiny asshole, had me trembling in horny discomfort. It was locked into the frame of my chastity belt, so I knew it was staying put, for a while at least. The problem was, the more I started to get used to the feeling of it invading my tight behind, the more it turned me on. This would normally be a welcomed feeling, but by this point, I was so...

1 year ago
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Little slut visits me before work

I start work in a few hours. My wife lying sound asleep.. I could feel the heat from her throbing cunt beside me due to our previous antics that happened a few hours ago. As Im getting ready to head of to my work I hear a knock at my front door. It was angela the neighbors daughter, she had long blonde hair a tight white top which had gone see through due to the heavy rain. I could see her stiff pink nipples through her top, this was an instant turn on. She said she was locked out and...

2 years ago
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My mom is my best friend

Hi everyone. I want to share my experience with you. I am doing my Engineering in Bangalore. I love my mom very much as any son would love. Once I accidentally saw this ( site when I was surfing the net. From then on my attitude towards my mom changed. I used to watch the women in her and I wanted the woman in her. Sorry I forgot to say about my family. Our family consists of three members. Father, Mother and me. I was the only one to my parents. As I was the one, I...

3 years ago
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Ainsely 14

Ainsely ran to the door. Sheesh, what ever happened to playing hard to get? I thought. She went inside before throwing her arms around him for a big kiss. “Let me at least get the damn door shut,” I chided them. “We're supposed to be playing it cool, remember?”Javon grinned at me, “She don't do cool; she only does hot!” I chuckled as they disappeared into each other, passionately kissing, sloppy tongues all over each other as they proceeded to forget I existed. “C'mon, baby,” he said softly,...

Wife Lovers
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Leons Halloween

Despite it being Halloween night Leon wasn't too happy. His plans of attending the Halloween party put on by some friends were ruined when his wife was called into work. It was one of the small annoyances at being married to Doctor who was on call.The outside of their house had been decorated with lights, giant spider webs, gravestones and eerie figures. A soundtrack of scary organ music emanated from hidden speakers and it was plain to everyone that Halloween was his favourite holiday.The warm...

1 year ago
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Dan practically threw himself down on the barstool. For the last two weeks he had spent all his time in the conference room of this hotel, presenting lecture after lecture training the staff on a new computer program. His voice was scratchy and almost gone, but it was Friday and he was done. As he prepared to leave, he noticed the lounge and decided that a few beers may be just what his throat needed.At 56, Dan was tiring out. His 6’2” frame felt smaller to him, and his once blonde hair was now...

2 years ago
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Tales of Innocence

{[email protected] Game = true} *please start game mode*{endif} You sure you want to do this my phone buzzed on my dresser as my friend Susan messaged me Ya im sure it's only a weekend right I replied trying to show some level of confidence. You know the kinds of things that happen there right? I know, but ive literally done nothing my entire high school life I need to do this im tired of being that girl. Ok we can go to the mall tomorrow if you want and we can pick up some things Sounds good...

3 years ago
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Sex in a Chat

tom_max_crush: elow tom_max_crush: wazz up…? tina22india2003: ya tom_max_crush: sexy tina22india2003: ya tom_max_crush: like to do? tina22india2003: wht tom_max_crush: intercourse tina22india2003: why not sure tom_max_crush: how do u like it? tina22india2003: as ur wish BUZZ!!! tom_max_crush: do u wanna be licked in pussy? tina22india2003: ya] tom_max_crush: how is ur possy? tom_max_crush: is it hairy or shaved? tina22india2003: shaved tina22india2003: n urs tom_max_crush: great tom_max_crush:...

2 years ago
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The Blindfold Game

“Have you ever had any… kinky fantasies?” I asked my boyfriend one day. We were lying in bed together one Sunday morning, still breathing hard from our last orgasms. The rain was coming down outside, and it was a perfect day to spend wrestling in the sheets, and enjoying the inherent laziness of the day.  Marc, my boyfriend of the past three years, rose up on one elbow. “Well, that depends. What do you mean by kinky?” I grinned and rolled over to face him. “You know… something you’ve always...

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Costume for Life

Costume for Life by Leslie Leigh It was when my wife suggested that she wanted to be a man for Halloween that perhaps I should have sensed something askew. Or perhaps fate dealt us a full house. As I tell you my tale I am waiting for my "Man" to come home from the office and I have a secret.. I came home from the office on Friday, October 30, and was exhausted from a long week of work. I was an art director at a small advertising agency in Evanstown, Virginia and we had four...

4 years ago
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The wedding receptions after fun

At 15 years old I was told that my eldest sister Karen, was going to be married to her long time boyfriend and that I was going to be an Usher. It would be the first wedding I had been to so I didn’t really know what to expect or what was expected of me. Kevin, my future brother in law, and I had played football together for the last year so I knew him socially as well as being my sister’s boyfriend. What I didn’t know was that he had three sisters, two were twins and a younger sister. All of...

3 years ago
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It's 11:45pm on saturday and you're laying in bed in alone, your partner is away for the weekend and the house is quiet and dark. Staring up at the ceiling you wish that something interesting would happen one of these days, something to break up the day to day boredom that surrounds your work sleep, work sleep routine. Rolling over onto one side your heavy 36ff boobs fall free of the skimpy nightgown you'd bought to impree your man, not that he's ever around to see it. For a moment you hate...


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