Crying shame
- 3 years ago
- 16
- 0
He came through, and noticed the phone call was over. “How did it go, my darling?”
With my Dad, fine. With my mother – yugh! The first thing she wants to know about you is are you a Catholic?”
“Why, Freda? As it happens, my folks are Church of England, but my Mum seldom goes to church these days.”
“She was telling me that if we married, it would have to be a Catholic ceremony and you would have to promise to raise our kids as Catholics.”
“But none of was going to marry, officially; didn’t we agree?”
“Yes. I told her that I didn’t see us getting married, but that didn’t stop her with her ‘what if’s. She does go on and on, Reg, and that winds me up. Give me a hug, my man. I need your arms around me for a while, until I get calm again.”
Reg did as asked, and enjoyed the companionship as well as the love he felt for her. It was with regret that he left her later, as Prudence had been promised his love that night.
In the morning, he was accosted by Erika. “Reg? We need to get you some training in self-defence. If you get bothered by guys because of us, then you have to know what you can do, and how to do it without killing someone.”
“You think so, Erika?”
“Yes, my love. I know so. I want you to be a good husband, and good husbands always listen to the good advice from their wives. We girls are all in agreement on this.”
“Oh. In that case, what do I do?”
“I have checked, and the Martial Arts Club at the university runs a class on self-defence. It is aimed primarily at helping female students take care of themselves, but men can benefit as well. Will you go along and register with them?”
“Okay, but what about you girls? Shouldn’t you take that class as well?”
“We are less likely than other girls to be bothered by men, as you should appreciate, but my father insisted on me getting such training, and it made me more confident when facing belligerent men. I think the other girls will be there with you; Prudence has already said she wants to go.”
“I can understand Prudence. She found she was too ungainly when she tried athletics. This may help her find her balance, if she is taught the right stances to adopt. Has she started putting on weight? I asked her to add a few pounds to help round her out.”
“Hmm ... I hadn’t noticed. I’ll speak to her about it. We should all make use of any advantage we can get, to look nicer for you, Reg.”
“You are a wonderful girl, Erika. I am glad you love me.”
“Even more important, Reg, is that YOU love ME!” She stretched up to kiss him tenderly.
Over the next few weeks, self-defence training was undertaken by the remaining girls and Reg. Their presence as a group was noticed there, and Reg admitted to the other participants that they were now a family group.
“So you love all four girls, and daren’t marry one for offending the others?” asked Tom Hancock, their trainer.
“That’s it, Tom. I love all four, so we are going to live as a clan and not have the benefit of a marriage ceremony.”
“Except,” Frances chipped in, “That we are going to have our own commitment ceremony, just among ourselves; to promise to be together for ever.”
Tom was impressed at such forethought. “I like the idea of commitment. Far too many normal marriages lack that element of commitment, long term. That is part of why they break down. When are you going to have that commitment ceremony?”
Reg told him, “We put it off until our parents were all told we were boyfriend and girlfriend, at least as a couple. Some, perhaps all, of the parents might be unhappy at a plural marriage – which is what it is. We have dealt with that task, and we are all living together in the one house, so there is no reason for postponing it any further.”
Frances hugged him tight. “I love you, Reg Robertson! The sooner we can be married the better, for I want to tell everybody that I am now Mrs Frances Robertson, certificate or no certificate.”
Tom questioned them, “Don’t you have to have witnesses, if it is a wedding in all but name?”
Frances called over the other girls. Even Erika was there, for she did her bit as another trainer for them.
“Girls, when we have our commitment ceremony, don’t you think we should have official witnesses?”
They nodded and verbally assented, so Frances told Tom, “There you have it, Tom: we want witnesses to our commitment. Are you volunteering?”
“Certainly. I like you all, so I’ll be happy to witness this unique wedding. But can I bring some friends?”
“Friends?” enquired Reg.
“Yes. I was thinking that other members of the club, who now know you, might like to be there and see you tie the knot.”
Prudence nudged Reg. “Go on, agree!” she begged.
Reg looked round at his girls, who were all looking expectantly at him. “All right, we agree, but just them. We don’t want to make a spectacle of ourselves.”
The girls started bouncing with happiness. “Fix a date, Reg.” was the main comment from them. “In the next week or two, Reg”, Frances demanded. “We don’t need wedding dresses, just matching dresses that look good for the occasion. My Dad will pay for them, I promise.”
Reg began to feel overwhelmed again. He turned to Frances, tears in his eyes. “Thank you, Frances. I don’t know what I would do without you keeping me right. You will have to organise me for this event, you know, for I haven’t the faintest idea what should happen. I have never been to a wedding.”
Frances put a hand over her mouth in surprise, then commented, “Naturally. I ought to have known that, darling. You poor dear, you have missed so much over the years. I shall keep you right, my love.”
Frances got the girls together, and they planned out the commitment ceremony they wanted. Each contributed part of the procedure, and they agreed on almost every suggestion.
The central part of the event they were certain about. Reg would say, “I, Reginald Robertson, hereby commit my life to my loves: Erika Platts, Frances LeBrun, Freda Dangerfield, and Prudence Gower. Erika, Frances, Freda, and Prudence, I love you and want to be your husband for ever.”
The girls in turn would say, according to their own name, “I, Erika Platts, pledge my life in a commitment to you, Reginald Robertson, in joint matrimony with Frances LeBrun, Freda Dangerfield, and Prudence Gower. I love you and want to be your wife for ever.”
When they had settled on the commitment ceremony, they showed it to Reg for his approval. As expected, he wholeheartedly agreed with it, and was told he should start memorising his words, so that he would not stumble over these vital words on the important day.
As Reg and his girls were spending more and more time together, it was being noticed by other people, especially at lunchtime. Many were pleasantly surprised by the hilarity evinced by the group. These were girls whose plainness had previously led to them being unsociable, but now here they were chatting away ten to the dozen, obviously happy with life.
Occasionally one of the martial arts group would drop by and say hello, so they had indeed made more friends in recent weeks. This was observed by Beth Templeton, so she wandered over to speak to Prudence Gower.
“Hi, Prudence. Make some new friends?”
“Yes, Beth. They are nice people, never asking for much, and never angling for advantage. It is quite refreshing to encounter people that I can admire.”
Beth’s face grew red as she realised what Prudence was saying; that she was being compared unfavourably with these rather plain girls. She did not understand where Prudence was coming from. Beth acted as best she could.
“I am happy for you, Prudence. Good luck with your new friends.”
“Thanks, Beth. I am doing better in all my work now, and I am sure you can also do better if you put your mind to it.”
“Perhaps, but I have my plans for a certain young gentleman of the aristocracy.”
“Good for you, Beth. Hang on to him, dear.”
“Hey, Lonesome! Can’t find any lookers to hang out with?” The male student clearly knew who Reg was, but was not someone who knew much about him.
Reg responded, “I don’t want lookers. I prefer nice girls. Nice ones are rare, but I found them. Which would you go for, to make you happy?”
The other man was nonplussed. He did not anticipate being put on the spot himself. Robertson seemed pleased with himself, and not lonesome any more. The commenter sought his own get-out. “I’ll think about it and let you know.”
Reg smiled and reacted,”You do that. I’ll just be happy.”
The girls grinned delightedly at the exchange. They knew what they wanted from life, and were sure that they were achieving that aim. Comments such as they had heard no longer upset them.
Some other passing student said, “Good on you, Reg. You are fairly blossoming, man!”
“Hi, Roger. I am in love, that’s all.”
“Cool!”, and Roger went on his way.
The girls all looked at each other, trying to work out which should appear to be Reg’s girl. The consensus fixed on Frances, and she went over to sit on Reg’s lap and give him a kiss. “Thank you, my love!” she declared loudly, but whispered in his ear, “from all of us.”
Reg cuddled her to him, and announced, “Wonderful though this is, we have work to do, my girl.” As she got up, he patted her bottom affectionately.
A nearby lecturer spotted this, and came out with “Hmph! Careful, Mr Robertson.” It was Dr Tom Henderson.
Reg replied, “Sorry, sir. It is a habit that should not be public, I agree.”
“Remember it, Mr Robertson. Do I take it that Miss LeBrun finds you agreeable?”
Frances turned round and declared, “I do, sir. Reg is becoming very acceptable.”
“Congratulations to the pair of you. You both were in need of love, I think.”
“You may be right sir, but we have to go now. Farewell, sir.”
Tom Henderson remembered he had intended to quiz Reginald about his girls. Frances LeBrun appeared to be in the ascendency, by that display of affection. So what was that all about – Reg’s girls? He shrugged his shoulders and let the subject drop from his thoughts.
Their next visit to the martial arts club gave the girls a chance to get together with Tom Hancock, their official trainer and volunteer witness for the commitment ceremony.
Frances asked him, “Tom, don’t we need a minimum of two witnesses for the documentation?”
“Yes, that is how I remember it. I was my elder brother’s best man at his wedding. There were two witnesses to the signatures of the marriage certificate. You should try to make it as much like a wedding certificate as possible. With computer software, that shouldn’t be a problem. Copy a genuine certificate into the graphics software, and amend it to have four female spouses. Just remember to delete the Registration authority’s details from the certificate. Add the University’s details instead, for your ceremony is on University premises. What they don’t know won’t hurt them.”
Freda patted him on the shoulder. “You are good to us, Tom. You don’t happen to have a clergyman friend who could chair the event?”
“No, I don’t. Anyway, I don’t think any clergyman will be prepared to officiate in a polygamous wedding.”
Erika commented, “How about a Registrar? They know the ropes for weddings, but on this occasion it will be off the record.”
Tom shook his head. “Nice thought, but polygamy is illegal, so no Registrar will want to risk losing their job by participating.”
Reg had been watching this discussion, and now contributed, “If no formal celebrant is possible, that leaves the informal. Would you run the ceremony, Tom? It is basically keeping us to time, making a few announcements, and finally declaring us married in the eyes of God.”
Tom was staggered by this assumption by Reg, and took a moment or two to think about it. He finally admitted, “I suppose I could do it, but you would need two other people as witnesses. Perhaps two of the club members could assist in that way.”
Reg agreed, “That is what I was assuming, Tom. The girls can show you what they have planned, and you could agree with them what your part should be.”
“O.K. I expect I have to do the introduction to the ceremony?”
Prudence told him, “Yes. The first words are: “God is Love. Love is the most important gift that humanity can bring to the world.” She handed their script to Tom for his perusal. He read to himself the continuation: Today’s commitment ceremony is all about love. Four ladies have found love with a man to whom love also came late, and they want to retain that joint love over the years.
Civil law has provided no avenue for their loving commitment to be recognised by the state, so the ladies have opted for a commitment ceremony to publicly acknowledge that they have accepted in a form of marriage the man of their choice.
They have asked me to conduct this ceremony, and I have agreed, as their love is self-evident. It will permit all five to live together as married persons do, and raise a family in due time. They recognise that they will not be entitled to benefits due to married persons, such as tax allowances; but to them, being together in love is of greater value than any financial benefits offered by the state.
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TabooSpace, what a great place to be. Humanity sure came a long way, now with transporting capabilities, we are able to ship cargo and other shit across the stars in literally no time at all. The idea of shipping other people's junk didn't appeal to me after a while, so I decided to keep all of it. Of course, the United Space Law Enforcement Agency for Space or the USLEA or 'useless', thought that me doing this was evil. So I was arrested and tried. The sentence, life on a prison planet on the rim...
My phone predictably rang while I waited for Rain to finish her pedi-mani experience. It was Tim, of all people. Talk about your small worlds, right? He was the same guy who had once been closer to me, had a threesome with Jessica and me, and more recently had aimed my own shotgun at me. That was truly a strange turn of events, if one thought of it. “Hello,” I answered crisply, not really in a mood to talk to my asshat hypocrite of a brother-in-law. “Um ... Stan ... look ... I can tell that...
It was almost nine o’clock before I got home. Ben and I had ran through the showers, dressed and out the door as quickly as we could. We both wanted to get home to study the play books and I wanted to have time to talk to Mom about the story she and Aunt Karen told us. If it was a joke about pussy juice clearing up acne on a teenager’s face, I needed to know now. I remember she told us that Bev did say later on, that Trey’s face was really clearing up, but we never heard if his acne had...
I know that they want, but do I want to ride that moped? How does that joke go? What do mopeds and big women have in common? “Damn! He does have a long dick. Maybe it is long enough to pop our cherries and let us feel one in us if he will do it with us,” the biggest of the five women said. Another asked, “Do you think he would do it with us? I mean, I just turned sixteen last week. He is eighteen and even wore out the ice cunts.” Four of them went off into another room to keep...
By Lamia Lobato Since few months ago, I have new neighbors in the house next to mine, they are a small family: both parents young and beautiful with two equally beautiful little children and a big and obedient dog which the kids take out for a walk every afternoon. The girl may be around 16 years old, tall and slender, with a young body but yet fully built with a round butt and a good pair of 34C boobs, and the younger brother of about 12 or 13 years old with blond hair and blue eyes. He...
Erica vs. Cindy death matchI had met Cindy on-line and we became friendly and messaged each other often. We both had some interest in extreme fighting, and each of us was proud of her abilities. Well, we were friends but one thing led to another and I began to feel that Cindy was a bit too cocky for my tastes. So I challenged her and she took me up on it immediately. More trash-talking between us, and I suggested that it be a match to the death and be conducted in public and Cindy readily...
It was taking Owen Temple forever to cum. Even though the boisterous red-head had given him the best blow job of his life, he couldn't help but wonder where Rita was. The ex-college football player was pretty certain that she was wandering around the house somewhere, looking for a secluded spot where she could sit and sulk. It was beyond Owen's comprehension that his blonde wife could get into anything like the orgy that was taking place in the Reed home. She was so straight that she would...
“Remember that night?”“What night was that?”“That first night we made love, over the phone.”She smiled, looking over the top of her almost-empty wine glass.“Oh, I remember it vividly, babe.”Lauren closed her eyes for only a moment, recalling every second of that night in an instant. She and Jason had been talking by phone for weeks and had on more than one occasion discussed phone sex.They finally agreed on a date night. And, indeed, Jason made love to Lauren. He guided her hands as if they...
Straight SexAudrey and I needed to make our first cut. I gave everyone a lunch break. Some stayed. We huddled up and discussed whom we were keeping. If she would take it, Darlene would make a wonderful Gladys, getting to sing two first act songs. We were still short men, but we still had plenty of talented people to cast this show from. We went to the car and created our cut down list, and printed and posted it on both doors to the theatre. We sat on the edge of the stage watching all kinds of...
We lay in bed shortly afterwards. I had given Liz a good spanking; made her cry, gave her release and left her marked. Before fucking her across the table though, I had knelt down behind her to enjoy her cunt with my tongue and compare her taste to Amy’s, I immediately encountered the remains of Joe’s fucking.I told her that I could taste him and she just groaned that he did cum a lot. I should have been put off but I found myself getting more and more aroused and continued my deep penetration...
IncestYou are Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise -- swashbuckler, ladies' man, explorer, scholar, beau ideal of the Federation. You're starting the last year of your current assignment as commander of the finest ship in the Federation. There have been a lot of changes over the past four years -- new faces like Dr. McCoy and Ensign Chekhov have joined the crew, and old ones have left. Some of the departures have been hopeful, like Nurse Chapel's transfer to medical school -- she'll make a...
It took some weeks to have the masts fitted to the new ships. Scott and Gabrain took the opportunity to review how other things were progressing in Oban. Further shipments of Rouncey horses had been traded here and Scott now found he had over sixty of the huge beasts with breeding underway. Work had been ongoing at the Oban camp to install a similar sewer system to that achieved at Inveraray and the local craftsmen were working flat out to install toilets in all of the...
It had been over a month since I had been fired from that miserable laundry. The old man had moved me around from one job to another, it was no wonder I couldn’t make sense of any of them. Finally, when he had me working all by myself at night, the buzzard caught me masturbating on a pile of dirty laundry. People from the old country just don’t understand that a girl has needs that sometimes have to be dealt with. Besides, judging from the cum stain on his trousers, I suspect he was playing...
"Well that was kind of the end of the party for me Justin. I decided I needed some fresh air so I graciously refused all the generous offers from my friends to give me a lift home and began to walk..." Vikki walked into her house late on Friday night crying. She was alone and had been for the past three hours having spent most of that time in the coffee bar in First Avenue. It had taken three cups of coffee and a lot of coaxing from its proprietor George Papandraeous, a plump Greek with...
I met my gf at work a very sweet shy girl with a great body. . but not a slut. . It took awhile for her to go out with me. . when she did. . I said yes!!! i was going to get this hot little thing in bed the very first date, We went to dinner and a movie. . she was very sweet and open. . but i couldn't even get to first base with her. well she said it was getting late and to take her home, we got to her front door and i try to make my move as i leaned in to kiss her good night she back away and...
Erotic FictionWhen he came down stairs he saw pat wearing a bikini top and short skirt, she was doing something at the sink so he walked up behind her and gave her a hug. In doing so his hands cupped her breasts. “ iv been thinking about you while I was in the shower, feel how big you got me.” while holding her breasts he pushed himself to her, his cock thrust into her bottom and that’s when she slipped away from him. “ what the hell you doing.” “ you didn’t say no before when I was in your mouth, nore when...
Hi folks. This is schmuk, breaking my usual genre of writing stories about maids, and venturing into new territory. We all grow up through childhood and adolescence, having some kind of sexual awakening . Many of us have these feelings towards a person in our lives, usually someone elder than ourselves .But those just remain the thoughts during our masturbations, because they can never happen in real life. how many boys, grew up secretly watching girls bathing, fantasizing about maids, watching...
My friend Joe and I were, for a long time, inseparable. We met when we started middle school and clicked immediately. We hung out all the time and knew everything about each other. He'd come over and have dinner with us and we'd have sleepovers. We were best friends.I turned eighteen just before the start of my last year at school. We had another two weeks of school holidays left and it had been great. I wasn't much of a beach fan but Joe's family had just finished their pool and backyard a few...
Gay MaleIt was about 1 PM when the girl got to the store. It was new in town, kind of like a thrift shop. She heard they had ‘everything’, so she decided to check it out. She brushed her brown hair behind her shoulders and opened the door. A cool wave of AC hit her in the face, but it wasn’t unwelcome in the unusual heat outside. It was early June, but it felt like late July. The clerk, an older man of maybe around 45, greeted her kindly and told her to feel free to browse around. Walking away, she...