- 3 years ago
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An 'Our Bodies, Our Selves' Series Story
My fuck-buddy Gloria shaved off all my pubes before casting my dick for her collection.
My main girl-friend Susan couldn't help but notice, but she just looked at my pube-less state and said, "Me too, Please." When Susan got a feel of my new oral technique she raised her game bringing sex toys into the fucking competition.
Gloria wanted me to help her make a strapless double dildo to use on her girlfriends. We wondered what's the inside of a vagina really like? Is a dick the best fit? Casting a cock is easy compared to casting the inside of a woman's vagina. That takes teamwork.
When I first met Gloria, I was on a love hiatus with Susan. Our long term love affair had ups and downs, but this recent down was the pits. Had we broken up or just taken a break? I didn't really know. We had parted in anger. We weren't seeing each other or even talking. It felt devastating. I missed her. Yeah, I missed the sex, that part was very good.
I mainly missed the brilliant beautiful woman who meant so much to me. Susan was very warm and loving. Our conversations were wonderful. She was every bit my intellectual equal, actually I take that back she was my intellectual superior. I say that because she could be absolutely fucking brilliant without making anyone including me feel dumb. That's pretty impressive. So, anyway, I missed Susan.
Meanwhile, though I was apart from Susan, something else very interesting was going on. My sex life wasn't dead.
Before Susan, I thought I would die as a virgin bedroom loser. Susan saved me from that ugly fate, took my virginity and trained me to be what she called, "her best lover ever." Even, now that is something to make little dickie stand up proud.
After a year and a half of not perfect but pretty damn good relationship with Susan, I was very happy. Then we had a big stupid argument and we split in a huff. I really couldn't ever solve this problem. We had argued and broken up before because her mother insisted I was too young and would never make a proper husband for her. The splits lasted from a few hours to a few days. Then we'd be back together for some great make up sex.
The time I met Gloria, Susan and I were still apart after three weeks. Oh, we had talked by phone, but there hadn't been anything near reconciliation. Susan had told me, "we shouldn't be exclusive, you should date other women." I told Susan, "I don't want to date other women. I love you. I want to be with you." Now that we had been apart for a while I was thinking her 'date other women" was letting me down easy. I feared it was really over for us.
The first few days I was in mourning, missing her, figuring I was back to loser virgin status. Then a strange thing happened. Women I knew and some I didn't started to console me. They seemed to know that I'd broken up with Susan before I did. I was surprised, women wanted to talk with me. One woman I hardly knew came by my house and took me to bed. It just seemed to happen.
Then there was Gloria. Whoa, did she get me into bed. It was glorious. (no joke) But Gloria and I would never be a boy/girl romantic relationship. She was too much the sexual omnivore and thought romance was over rated. So, no falling in love with Gloria. Still, when a gorgeous woman wants to sexually ravage your body. Who am I to say no? Let's just say it took only two days until we had fallen deeply in lust.
After three weeks of female tender mercies, I was just getting used to Susan being gone from my life. That Sunday night, Susan was at my door. She still had my key, but knocked timidly. There were tears on her face as she said, "I'm sorry."
I stepped out onto the porch taking her in my arms to say, "No. I'm sorry. I've been a fool. Please come inside."
We sat on the couch holding each other as she begged forgiveness. Our argument had been goaded by her mothers' pestering. Susan's mother had been mean mouthing me, calling me her, "hippie boy toy." Somehow she ignored that I was a smart engineer. Susan's father, uncle and grandfather were all engineers, but an engineer's not good enough for soon-to-be-in-med-school Susan. Finally she had told her mother to get off her case.
We were cautiously on again. No questions were asked by either of us about what we had been doing. Emotions were too raw. I was fairly certain she had not been celibate. I didn't want to risk talking about my sex life either.
I wasn't going to say anything, but things were bound to be weird when Susan noticed my pubic hair was gone.
There was no way to ignore it. She stroked the fuzzy stubble on my groin, then asked, "Me too, Please."
Barbering her pubic hair was exotically sensual. As I combed and scissor her pubic patch her pudenda was thoroughly teased. I could see her swelling inner labia emerge. I couldn't stop from touching her hairless bits either. Then the razor gel and the slickery feeling of a fresh blade carefully moving over sensitive flesh. I held her skin taut as the blade slid, cleaning her smooth. Applying baby oil to her bare bits had her begging for cock.
We made love tenderly, she spent the night. I had shown her a new oral technique. Her orgasm was sweet. I wasn't going to tell Susan about Gloria. It seemed too risky. But she had to know someone had added to my sexual experience.
I was worried. I lay awake next to Susan early the next morning. I loved her, the scent of her, the feel of her. All of her.
Now things were complicated. I didn't want to give up my intimate exploration of female anatomy. Specifically, Mr. Dickie didn't want to stop seeing Gloria. He was hard just thinking about her. Oh this could be bad.
About my pubeless state. How was I going to explain? It couldn't just slide forever. Susan was far too inquisitive about everything to let it slide for long.
How to explain? I tried some mental exercises at explanation.
1) "My pubes were sheared on Mr. Dickie's journey to Gloria's sport fucking trophy shelf." Oh, that couldn't go over very well.
2) "Dear, I want to share an interesting experience I had when I thought we were broken up. See Susan, here's how it happened, I met this woman, Gloria. We got intimate. Honest it was only great sex a few times. No problem right? You and I, we weren't together anymore, at least I didn't think so." OK, No problem. I'm sure you will be happy together. BYE. (oh fuck)
3) "My friend, Gloria has a hobby. She read about Cynthia PlasterCasters rock star groupie dick trolling strategy. You know the rock star groupie that makes plaster casts of guys dicks? She cast my dick. I'm famous." Yeah, that was going to work. Ha.
I might have even explained that to Susan, (not) but plaster casting turned out to be a team sport. "You see, it takes three people to make a cast. The castee that's me, the caster to make the mold and a knob polisher to keep the dick hard while the plaster sets. Gloria recruited another woman to help. Two liter pop bottle. Long enough to cover a dick. Big enough to fit round your balls. Flexy enough to press against your groin. But you have to hold the bottle. You have to mix the plaster. You have to grease the dick, make it hard and keep it hard. Somewhere in there two people wind up needing an extra hand or two. Cynthia Plaster caster had a helper suck off the castee. That would work, but..."
"While you might think a great blow job is fantastic. Gloria developed her own technique. Her cunt could beat the best blow job all to hell. Ben Wa ball training gave her such a grip. The mere sight of two naked women got most guys harder than ever. They greased my cock and balls and ass with baby oil. I got really hard. Then Gloria mounted up and pulled kegels along my dick while her naked helper du jour whipped the shit out of the plaster. Gloria was really good at holding that tantric edge, oh so close but not over the orgasmic edge. I don't think my dick was ever that hard. (wouldn't that go over well?) When the plaster was ready, Gloria hopped off my near orgasmic quivering rod."
"She slammed the pre-trimmed mold around my junk and the assistant poured in the plaster. As soon as the cup was full, the assistant would kiss Gloria, suck her tits, and stick fingers up my ass. They were so good at ass stimulation they almost made me jizz into the mold. The plaster warms as it hardens and only takes three minutes to get hard. Not long after that they can get the shrinking meat to slide right out."
"It was quite an experience." I bet Susan would get into the minutia of the process, details fascinated her. The fact that it's my dick might even slide. But for the life of me I couldn't explain the post casting cleanup and congratulatory three way fuck to my recently reconciled girlfriend.
My story to Susan could go on, "Gee Honey, it was really exciting having two women fondle and fuck my dick. I'm sure you can identify. After all You and Caroline and me, we did it too. After the cast was made the meaningless reward sex with Gloria and her helper was simply mind blowing. But think of it this way dear, They taught me a great new cunnilingus technique. Come on now Susan don't be that way, let me show you." You see how that might be hard to spin?
Gloria wasn't going for famous dicks, she was just collecting her dicks, a personal journey of discovery. Well, not every dick. She confessed that she didn't cast every cock, just the worthy conquests. Some were no account. Some just got away, she apologized for her lack of diligence. A small forest of cock casts graced her dresser top. My second night with Gloria had me destined for a place on the shelf.
So, I kept my mouth shut. I made love with Susan again in the morning and then we went to classes. We agreed to see each other again Tuesday evening.
Yeah, things were complicated.
Monday night, I told Gloria about reconciling with Susan. She was all, "Well cool, you got a girl friend. How romantic. La De Da. Shut up and fuck me." After our orgasms, as we lay together getting ready for another round we talked. "You think I don't know you had a girl friend. Check that, girl friends. Emphasis on the plural. Shit. You think I'm stupid? You were on my fucking radar. I didn't want some amateur. Too much drama. Now suck my clit." She was very demanding.
After I reconciled with Susan, my sex life began to improve. Heck I thought it was good before. It was almost like I'd graduated from her sex school and now we were equals. My worrisome pube stubble was never discussed. Susan arranged to share a female friend of hers in a three way as make up for a lesbian tryst she had just 'fallen into'. Maybe. Just part of my education? Could be. I'm game.
Maybe seeing other women was letting me down easy. Maybe Susan didn't ever love me. Maybe she was just using me for sex the entire time. We might not be together forever, but together right now was plenty of fun. OK, so Susan used me for sex. Sigh. I wouldn't want to miss any of it.
Well, maybe I could miss a little bit. A bit of time stolen away to be with Gloria. Susan had coached me about negotiation, "You have to keep your options open."
Susan shared things she had read about as fantasies with me; A string of beads you shove up your ass one by one then pull out when you orgasm, Ben Wa balls that Japanese fishermen made to satisfy their women while they were at sea, dildos of all shapes and size, vibrators shaped like a dick, or bullet sized vibrators. She hadn't tried anything except a hand vibrator, but talking about them built up to great orgasms for her. I made every effort to simulate her fantasies with my fingers, mouth, tongue and dick. Susan was very curious about sexy things and wanted some toys.
It was tough for me to keep my mouth shut. The feeling of Gloria's slimy Ben Wa balls dropping into my hand was crystal clear in my mind. I needed to be very careful.
Susan was no stranger to a vibrator of power. Her first vibrator was stolen from her mother while visiting for Labor Day. She went looking through the drawers in her old room and came across a very nice hand vibrator in a box at the bottom of a drawer. It was a big monster thing, a chrome cylinder riding on a black pad, you strap to the back of your hand with a springy strap across the palm. When the motor is on an eccentric weight shakes your hand at one of three different speeds. It did look like it had been used, but was almost brand new.
Susan figured if it was in her old room along with her old stuff, it might as well be hers.
So she brought it back to school. At first she was very secretive, only using it when she was alone in the house. It worked so well, shaking her clit to massive orgasms, she was soon addicted. She would strip off her bottom half, strap on the monster, press her fingers on her clit, and fire that mother up. To muffle the vibrators sound she clamped her pillow between her thighs. The orgasms were too delicious. The feelings went on and on. So she had more and more discrete rendezvous with her secret lover. First only in an empty house, then late at night buried under pillows trapped between her legs. Then practically all the time, she'd strap the vibrator to her hand, fire it up and ride it like a rocket to the moon.
Then red faced, she confessed her vibrating perversion to me. She used the vibrator on my dick and asshole. I was sold. We didn't use it all the time, but sometimes we used Susan's hand vibrator to 'hit one out of the park'. She liked the orgasms when I used it to vibrate her clit while I was fucking her doggy style. She needed the pillow over her mouth to muffle her screams.
Susan was obsessed with the idea of Ben Wa balls. She had never seen them but she wanted to try them. The mere thought of them got her very turned on. We would fantasize about Ben Wa balls, pretending I inserted one into her vagina as part of foreplay. It got her very excited.
So one evening after our sexual tensions were relieved, she asked me to help her find or make some Ben Wa balls. Let's get practical I said, how big should a ball be? You don't want it to hurt or get stuck. Think about going to the emergency room with a ball stuck up your cunt. She grimaced then we laughed.
It was hard not to reveal that I'd held some balls in my hand. Could I ask Gloria for help finding Ben Wa balls for my other girl friend? Better not.
Susan continued, "It will have to be smooth and safe, not rough and no sharp points. And I need to be able to clean it. Sterilize it. I stole a brand new golf ball from my Dad, cleaned it with alcohol, lubed it with KY and tried it in my you know. It fit OK. It's smaller around than your dick. I measured with my hands. It feels OK, you know with all the dimples, but it didn't move inside. It wasn't heavy enough. I want something heavy enough to feel."
"I looked at all of the glass paper weights my mom collected. Most were too big, I didn't feel safe trying them. I keep looking for smaller sizes but there wasn't anything that looked right. It is my gigi and I know what it wants."
"I dug out my brothers marble collection while he was out of the house. I tried all the big ones in his marble bag. I can hold three of the big glass suckers up inside, but they don't feel like they weigh much or move around. It freaked me out thinking about glass way up inside me. If they knock together and shatter it could be real bad. So, no glass for gigi."
I picked up the quest, "OK, then let's try some other ideas. I've seen great big chrome steel ball bearings that have balls about an inch across, they look like big marbles. Maybe I could find a bigger ball bearing. Steel is heavy, if we get a great big ball bearing it would probably be about right. It sure would be heavy."
The next few days, I asked around. There is an informal network of machine shops on campus. Guys in the shops share information and equipment. Told them I was looking for a great big bearing for a heavy duty turn table. One guy had a junk pile with parts from an old radio telescope. The bearings were huge with an ID of 300mm. He asked why I wanted 'em. "Government project" I replied, meaning something personal, not a college project. "No Problem, it's all junk," he said. I had to dismantle quite a bit to get them free, but came away with three free old nasty bearings.
The bearings were huge and weighed 35 kilos each or more. Thanking my benefactors I loaded them into my car and made off with the prize. I took them to the lab where I built equipment for research experiments. The three barely fit into our degreaser tank. An hour later, out they came, all shiny. After some disassembly work each of the beasts yielded up nine balls. Each ball was 45mm in diameter, about the size of my dick at its widest point. Each ball weighed about 380 gm or as much as a bottle of beer. This might work. I hadn't said anything to Susan about my quest. It never occurred to me that it would be this fast. Now it was almost time to surprise her with a new toy.
My dick was already tested and proven to fit her well. Ah, that research was fun. It takes a lot of repeated measures to assure the data were accurate. We were still working at it.
I cleaned and boiled the balls, checked the surfaces to assure nothing was sharp or rough before delivering my present. Two balls fit into a nice little gift box that had previously contained a watch.
That evening, I worked Susan up with our usual banter and foreplay. As we advanced, I started telling her the Ben Wa story, as if trying to stoke her up. Feeling her labia, I said, "Imagine a Ben Wa ball slipping between your lips." Then I said, "No, try feeling one of these balls slipping between your lips." Then I gave her the little gift box.
"It's heavy." Susan squealed even more when she saw a pair of the steel balls.
After her kisses abated, I told her, "These are serious weights. Let's try just one."
We stripped off the rest of the way and climbed into bed. She played with my dick as I lubed her labia teasing her opening for some slack before inserting a ball into her vagina. Finally she was seriously excited, lying on her back with legs splayed. I pressed the first ball against her opening. There was resistance at first, then it slid right in.
Susan's eyes got big as she felt the intrusion. Once the ball was past her lips it slid a little further in. I could see the ball just inside blocking her hole. She was panting, kind of curled up looking at her cunt.
We had already discussed the critical test. "Can you get it out?" Sure enough Susan grunted a little and popped the slippery ball right out into my hand. I teased, "maybe you can get some distance. Just don't break a window popping them out. OK?"
"Shut up and stick it back in. I want to try both."
So I pressed the ball back into her then followed with the second. She relaxed and they slid fairly deep into her vagina. I could still feel them with the end of my finger, but they actually went in deeper. Sue rocked her hips up and I put a pillow under her butt.
"I can feel them way up inside me. It feels weird."
"Ready to try standing?" I asked.
She nodded, then I helped her to stand as her hand cupped her pussy. "Jeeze. It feels like they are going to fall out." She kegeled to hold the balls up inside her body. I could see her abdomen move with the effort. Standing tall, she released her hand and walked around the room with her legs tight together.
"I can draw them up inside with muscles," she said. "I bet these build strong cunt muscles, you are going to get a real nice reward."
They were soon another sexy habit. Wear the balls for a few hours and she was goofy with pent up lust. Rabid for fucking. The balls never did give her an orgasm, they just made her outrageously horny. She was right, her cunny was stronger and more agile than ever. Mr. Dickie loved it.
I told her that I found a total of 12 of the ball bearings and she could have them all. Maybe she would like to share them or give them away as presents. I didn't tell her I had another fifteen of them. Keep those options open.
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After about four more sexual marathons with June, we decided to go out to lunch and only lunch. June wanted to ask me some more questions and pick my brain on becoming a hot woman. We went to a local microbrewery and discuss June’s inquiries. June wanted to know about dildos and vibrators and how to enjoy them. She wanted to know everything about toys. We determined that we should keep the toys on the basic and simple side. June’s eyes became wide and glassy as I told June that dildos had no...
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LesbianAfter about four more sexual marathons with June, we decided to go out to lunch and only lunch. June wanted to ask me some more questions and pick my brain on becoming a hot woman. We went to a local microbrewery and discuss June's inquiries. June wanted to know about dildos and vibrators and how to enjoy them. She wanted to know everything about toys. We determined that we should keep the toys on the basic and simple side. June's eyes became wide and glassy as I told June that dildos had no...
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I was living in a committed relationship with my partner Sylvie, whom you may have met in my previous Courtship stories. I was 4 months pregnant by Sylvie's brother Phillipe. We had spent a week in Lyon at a family wedding, and then had driven to Paris for a vacation stay. Sylvie and I arrived in Paris on Thursday evening and registered at a small, elegant hotel just off l'Etoile, that great web of streets radiating from the Arc de Triomphe. Aside from tourism, dining, and promenading Parisian...
I hate the wind. I hate the the cold. I probably shouldn't have moved to Tuktoyaktuk. But they'd built a new road. One that connected this town on a peninsula sticking out into the Arctic Ocean with the rest of Canada. And somehow it seemed to me that this road would make things easier. Would turn Tuktoyaktuk into a nice adventure for a guy in his 30's with nothing to go home to. Roads, let me tell you, do not hold back wind. They do not stave off cold. I should have stayed in...
----Note from the author: This chapter was rewritten in October 2010 with a new POV and some minor storyline changes.----Introduction This is an actual account of the events as they happened during the startup period of the adult web site company Owned and operated by Mistress Lisa, the company aims to cater images and videos of extreme sadomasochism to subscribers who can also submit scenarios and dares to the production team.All of the sessions are held at Lisa's large...
It's been a month since I've seen him. The reunion was sadly short lived. Too much time has passed. Too much water under the bridge. People change and what they want changes as well. But I do miss him - and the way he made me feel. Before him, I'd been celibate for almost four years. Long story - bad relationship leading to dark and lonely times. He healed me, brought me into the light again. Sexually speaking, he found a side to me I never knew I had. I'd never felt so hot, so raunchy - or so...
MasturbationFlaming arrows, spears, warriors on horseback This is the site i saw as i ran from my burning hut, my village was under attack. I saw many of my tribe slaughtered as they tried to flee, others being captured and tied. I turned to run behind the huts but as i did a horse so jet black it would be unnoticeable at night stood before, upon the horse was a vision of beauty and horror. Let me explain briefly what i saw. A dark skinned Amazonian type warrior, in full bodice armour, short wrap skirt,...
ExhibitionismTHE TOYBOY (leads to my first cocksucking experience).We both stared at his cock in awe. This was the erection of youth, iron hard and standing vertically from his groin. Connie smiled and reached out and touched it with her fingertips. It twitched as she touched the sensitive head. This was hers and she knew she was going to enjoy it.I suppose the story is an all too familiar one. We had been married a long time, and while we still loved each other the physical side of our life had diminished....
Oleg didn’t look much like an entrepreneur. He wore a rather shabby white doctors coat with a screwdriver in the top pocket. His thick rimmed glasses perched on the end of his hooked nose. He just quietly and efficiently went about his business of making specialist sex toys. While other specialists had their designs made in China and made about £1 profit per unit Oleg did almost the whole production process in house and sold them direct to his customers. Specialist designs unavailable...
“What would make it better for you? Harder, faster, slower?” She is obviously jealous, but very turned on as she watches her toyboy sucking my cock. We made an understanding some time ago that she could have a threesome situation around once a month with a third man for her sexual gratification. One of her girlfriends runs an ‘agency’ that specializes in supplying toyboys who are capable of providing sexual gratification for both females and males. We are in the fortunate situation of...
It had been half a year since that first night when Ivan had taken advantage of my drunken state. By now, I had no problem with the arrangement. I'd been guilty after the first night. And sore. I wanted to forget it. I was embarrassed that I'd done sex stuff with a man. If any of my friends found out I'd die. But I couldn't forget it. And I began thinking about how some of it had been quite nice. Slowly, over a few weeks, I started to wonder if I'd enjoy another round with him. It...
What comes to mind when you think of a Toy Demon? Maybe you envision a horned little horny dude on your shoulder, telling you to jerk off instead of getting any work done. I imagine a crazy anime monster with a bunch of rubber tits, silicone twats and a handful of vibrating plastic boners. Just based on the sheer variety of weird-ass sex toys on this site I’m looking at, I bet every pervert’s got a different concept of what makes a Toy Demon.Variety is the spice of life, they say, so you’re...
Online Sex Toys ShopsDjatoya isn’t one of those sites where you look at the name and you know immediately what you’re getting, at least not yet. Hell, the word “Brazzers” was nonsense talk to most of the world until it became one of the world’s most popular porn sites, so maybe a similar thing is in the cards for Djatoya. The domain wasn’t even registered until a few months ago, so the site is still very much just getting off the ground.If you visit ThePornDude regularly, you know I’m a sucker for new things,...
Black Porn SitesIt was just a usual day, Jack was watching TV at home after work. He was single although there way endless girl he’d like to fuck but he just never really had a chance, he wasn’t that much of a romantic guy and his relationships never went well. So he was sitting there alone as suddenly he hear a loud bang from downstairs. „Shit, on of the boxes fell down again…“ he thought and went down. But it wasn’t the boxes making this noise, it was something different. There was a huge red circle on the...
Mind ControlNote : This story is completely fictional! Ever since Eileen finger-fucked me, she had been doing so again and again, every day. Not just once, either. This would occure two to three times before the night was over. Everytime, I would fill my panties with my hot cum. Furthermore, I was not to remove my cum-filled panties until I went to bed that night. Then suddenly, there was a day when that came to a quick stop. An entire day went by, and nothing had happened. Oh, sure, I still had to wear my...
IncestIntroduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...
The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...
TOY TIME This is an intense story, and may trigger people with PTSD. Please read with caution. I'm going to work, its another typical day, dealing with the ex, my gender issues, and .... other things. I look for something to listen to on the radio, just flipping through my pre-sets, when I hit the local sports station. They are talking about the night's football game, and I relax, letting my attention get back to my driving. Suddenly, I realize they have changed topics, and now...
He sighed as he looked in the mirror. Time to get ready for tonight. This would be all about her and what she needed he told himself. His wife needed for him to take total control over her all the way including her thoughts, and actions. He would have to ignore his instincts to let her off as soon as she started to have the slightest trouble, and he would need to keep going help her through the pain but inflict the pain none the less. Well here goes he thought no turning back now. ...
Black Toy Collection Black Toy Collection ??????????? There we were, in her room, on her bed, watching television shows downloaded to her computer while I gave her a massage. Cassie loved to just relax this way, letting me rub and feel all over her backside. I loved it too. I brushed her long dirty blonde hair to the side so I could rub her neck. I?d work down over her shoulders, down the length of her back. I?d jiggle her buttocks and give it a good squeeze, then pop back up to her...
I wanted to slam the door in his face and continue on with my little fantasy but when I looked up into his eyes there was just no way I could have closed the door at that moment and we both knew it.I stepped towards him and slid my hands up his chest in an obvious gesture for him to bend down and kiss me. I smiled into the kiss as his lips touched mine and our tongues briefly touched as the kiss deepened there in the doorway. I felt his hands reach for the bottom of my t-shirt and start to pull...
Last week, I was thumbing through the Adam and Eve Catalog trying to decide what to get my husband, John, for our anniversary. When I came to the page with toys on it, I saw this large, flesh-colored, realistic looking dildo. The description stated it was fifteen inches long, with a circumference of three. My eyes widened as my heartbeat raced, and my mouth and pussy drooled. It was exactly what I was looking for and I had to have it, so I ordered it. I figured why not, the toy would be a...
The moment I step in the door, I begin loosening my tie. My apartment is thirty-two stories up in downtown New York, all the windows open to the city lights. It is already dark outside. I like being a lawyer, but I have to put in a lot of extra hours so I can keep a steady position at a firm I actually like.I walk through the lavishly furnished main room to the all black kitchen. A blonde with her long hair tied up in a messy bun is cooking at the stove, her back turned to me. Her perfect ass...
Straight SexJe donne rendez-vous à Mélissa vers 20h dans une commune avec pour consigne une jupe sans sous-vêtement avec un petit mot bien décolleté. Arrivée 20h je rejoins Mélissa nous avons chacun notre voiture je l'embrasse en guise de bonjour et je lui dis prends ta voiture et suis-moi. Nous nous sommes dirigés vers un belvédère la nuit commence à tomber nous descendons chacun de nos voitures et nous nous dirigeons vers le point de vue, là je place Mélissa contre la barrière je lève sa jupe, elle ne...
I hope you enjoy my stories and please feel free to leave comments, both positive and negative are all welcome, or please feel free to email me on [email protected] with your comments or ideas for stories. Toy Story (A tale or individual needs) I was away on business in London for nine days. I was due to return and then Robyn and I were due to fly to Tunisia on holiday. She had been missing me and our regular sexual activities badly. Robyn is a very curvy blonde with 38DD...
Chapter Four – A meeting of Mind and BodyWhen Morning came around for Cass, it was brutal. She’d not slept much thinking about what had happened to her. She was disgusted with herself and the way he’d made her behave. He being, Big Mr. Eric French. Taking advantage of helpless women, Mr. French. She thought. Yeah, Mr. Drop Dead Gorgeous Mr. French. But the fact was, she’d thought about him all night. She’d brought herself off so many times, thinking about how he made her feel. She felt alive...
Autumn had been thinking about the toy she had seen while online shopping all day. And now that it was bedtime, she sure wished she had it already. Autumn had broken up with her boyfriend after finally realizing she was more “part-time pussy” than a full-time girlfriend. And while she was glad to be rid of the jerk, she was missing the cock that he brought with him. Tommy sported an eight-inch long, two-inch thick cock that Autumn had enjoyed filling her pussy ass and mouth, but it was the time...
ToysYou like nice sexy lingerie and you have a lot of it?Hmm but you like to wear it right?When do you wear it?Never when you go out?Hmmm Gorgeous!!!!Imaging you wearing this with a black short skirt and a dark blouse...High heels and going out for dinner with me...You would be my sexy date we would go to a quiet but nice restaurantcandle lights on the table....and I would place you with your back to the personal and the other visitors...You drink wine ? Red or white?A white one then, I order...
SEXTEEN SASKIA SWEET SLY SLOW SEDUCTIVE STARTSASKIA SHOWS SHYLY SUBMISSIVE SEXUAL SLAVERY : Sweet Saskia Ven - Overveen - Secretly she studies SexuologyShe seeks self-sustaining staying-place - Still: She & Sibling-sisShe's seen see-swimming Strandbad Bloemendaal (Flowervale)She's secretly fully-nude bare-back riding her mare - Dunes dusk ===================================================SASKIA SEXTEEN SUNBATHING SENSUALLY @ STRANDBAD :SHE'S SWEET SMART SLIM SMILING BOTH ABOVE AS...
This story is in two parts. First, the background. Then the raw sex. Part 1.I have a couple of special friends – sex friends – that share some of the same interests as me. In this story, the friend in question is Bob. He is bisexual, enjoys cock just as much as pussy, and really enjoys cumshots. At first, we just used to trade cumshot video clips and pics from our private collections.He loved to watch me working my thick cock and shooting a huge load. I really enjoyed his videos because...
Well here it was, a present from Sprite. She did say it was unusual but I never thought for one moment she would buy it and send it to me. To be fair, the postage must have cost a fortune; it was a big box.I was looking at the box for ages, rolling it around in my hands and admiring the thin brown paper wrapping and wondered how it never got ripped in the post thereby revealing its contents. Then I opened it.It was a clear cut case of thank fuck for that.I was so glad the wrapping held. The...
Toys"The Toy Contract"Her E-mail said she had 9 "letters" to read.........a melange of "Junk E-mail" promising "Unlimited FinancialRewards" for subscription with Internet programs to quickly notes from friends.......but ONE caught herattention as she scanned the origins and "titles"."Toy contract"Origin /"unknown".....server unknownDated and posted early that same day.Quickly she double clicked on it's name....and it unfolded before her anxious and wary eyes."I hear your collection of toys is...
First off, this is an absolute true story. The names have been changed to protect the innocent and those that don't like soaking wet, spine gripping, all out exhaustive and exquisite orgasms.My husband and I have a wonderful sex life. We hide nothing from each other, including fantasies, what we like and don't like physically, and we communicate very well about our sexual habits. This makes for more intimate, comfortable, trusting and adventurous times in and out of the bedroom.I have to go...