RepercussionsChapter 11
- 4 years ago
- 26
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“Thanks for the invite, but your mother expects me home tonight, so I must refuse. In fact, I’d better be off, so that I am not too late in getting home. My best wishes to all of you. Let me know if you need anything, Frances.”
“I will, Dad. Give my love to Mum.”
A few minutes later, Mr LeBrun was back in his car and driving away.
They all returned to the living room, where they reviewed the visit.
Prudence was delighted with Mr LeBrun. “Your Dad is a really likeable guy, Frances.”
“I have always found him to be like that, Prudence. He has no serious hang-ups, and knows how to talk to people to get the best out of them. That is important to the success of his business activities.”
Reg wanted to be sure of his position, so asked Frances, “My darling, did I say all the right things, or did I put my foot in it somewhere?”
Frances came over, put her arms around him, and gave him a passionate kiss. “You did excellently, Reg; just what I wanted. And now I want something else: get your pants off and sit down. I am coming aboard in a minute.”
She turned to the girls. “Ladies, I need to have Reg in me right now, after that performance. You can have him later, if you want.”
She whipped down her panties, kicked them off, pulled up her skirt, and straddled Reg, quickly slotting his penis into her wet vagina. As Reg contemplated her actions with an intensity that surprised him, she began to move on him, stimulating him to greater hardness, until she was riding him with ferocity. At last she gasped as she reached her orgasm, but she kept on until Reg spurted inside her in his enthusiastic participation.
Frances collapsed on him, kissing him enthusiastically. When he could get a word in between the kissing, he declared, “Wow! That was something else, Frances!”
She paused to speak to him. “I needed that, Reg. It was because Dad went along with us, and so a lot of tension went out of me.”
“But I thought you were confident that he would be all right with us, my beloved?”
“That’s what I told YOU, Reg, so that you would be confident in your own response to Dad, but I was not really certain of what he would say. It was great that he hardly batted an eyelid. I love my Dad!” She kissed Reg once again, and gave him another thrust of her pelvis, before reluctantly pulling herself off.
Erika said to Frances, “That was powerful, Frances. Most impressive. I wonder what will happen when we speak to our own folks? If they are O.K. with us as well, Reg is going to be ravaged, methinks!”
Two hours later, just as Frances was preparing for bed, her phone rang. She answered it, and her mother’s voice shot into her ear: “Francis, my own baby: You have a boy?”
“No, Mum. I have a MAN, and I fucked him raw this evening after Dad left.”
“My goodness! I still think of you as my little girl, but you have grown up so suddenly.”
“Not really, Mum. I have been growing up for a long time, but Reg has allowed me to show how much of a woman I am.”
“I am impressed with your determination, Frances. I know it is early days yet, but do you think this is your man for keeps, darling?”
“Most definitely, Mum. Reg has never had a girlfriend before, and was a bit of a loner, despite being very clever, so this whole boy-girl thing has hit him hard as well. He is in for the long haul, I am sure, Mum.”
“Your Dad says you are not thinking of marriage yet.”
“Mum, we are not thinking of marriage, full stop! There are three other girls here that have fallen for him in a big way, so we intend to set up home together. Instead of a ménage à trois, it will be a ménage à cinq.”
“What? You want to share your man with other girls?”
“Yes, Mum. It is my choice. Do you have a problem with that?”
“Yes. No. Oh, I don’t know. I am at a loss for words. My darling baby, whatever makes you happy is all that concerns me: your future as a woman. I worry about you, you know. I used to worry about you not finding a man who would love you; now I am worrying about a surfeit of love!”
“Well, Mum, I think Reg is going to be a reliable man for me. However, none of us are thinking about children till after we graduate.”
“Children? Oh, my! I would be a grandmother!”
“Yes, Mum. That is what happens when your daughter has a baby.”
“Sorry, pet. I was just suddenly overwhelmed at the idea. With you being an only child, and not involved with boys, I was beginning to think I would never be a grandmother.”
“Until recently, I thought the same thing, Mum. Well, it is on my agenda now, Mum, when we get around to it. I will be quite happy to become a mother. Was there anything else you wanted to say? It is getting late.”
“Oh, yes. So it is. What about these others ... these women you mentioned? Are you able to get along with them? What are they like?”
“Mum, two of them are my best friends at Uni; they have a plain type of face, just like me, which is why we gravitated together; and Prudence, the third girl, is very tall and skinny: you can imagine how she fared. None of us has ever attracted a man before, so you can tell that Reg is special.”
“You mean, like your Dad?”
“Very much like Dad. He saw past your plain face to the wonderful woman inside, and made you his bride. Reg is much the same. He sees us for what we are, as real people with thoughts and emotions and dreams; not as objects to be shown off. Pretty looks, pretty hair, pretty clothes, none are of importance to him. Pretty good brains, pretty nice characters, mean much more to him. There are not many men around with that maturity of vision.”
“How true, my girl. All right, dear. When you feel the time is right, you can bring your young man home to meet us properly.”
“I’ll do that, Mum. Bye for now.”
“Goodnight, dear.”
The other girls had gone to bed, but the phone ringing had wakened Freda. She got up to find out what was going on, and heard the end of the call. She gave a low shout to Frances. “Hey, Frances, what’s up?”
Frances came up the stairs to meet her. “It was my Mum, quizzing me about Reg. She must have had Dad report to her as soon as he got home, and got on the blower to me right away.”
“So what did she say? Did she yell at you?”
“No. She was quite nice, actually. What you have to realise, Freda, is that my looks are inherited from my Mum. Dad was a Reg type, and saw past the looks problem. They have been happy for many many years, I can tell you.”
“Golly. So did you mention us girls?”
“Eventually. She called you ‘these women’, as if you were second-class, but I told her you were my best friends and that we got on fine; and that we were going to set up a ménage à cinq.”
Freda was not ‘au fait’ with French, and exclaimed, “A what?”
Frances explained, “Ménage is a household, and the term means ‘household of five adult people’.”
“Oh. I see what you mean. I suppose I should phone my own Mum and tell her something.”
Frances urged caution. “Dad said the same thing. He said it was better to be up front with your parents. However, I would just tell your family that you now have a nice boyfriend, and don’t take it further for the present. Too much information at an early stage can be counterproductive, Freda. I didn’t intend to tell Dad, but he spotted that things were not as he first thought, and quizzed me about it. I knew he loved me, so I admitted what the real arrangement was, and he was fine after that. He would much rather I was honest and forthcoming, than lie to him. Lies are difficult to sustain in the long term.”
“I agree. I’ll phone Mum tomorrow. Time I got my beauty sleep; if only!”
“Your beauty is inside you, Freda; in your heart: remember that, girl.”
“Will do. G’night, Frances.”
The following day at classes was interesting to say the least. Word was getting around that Reginald Robertson, the man who spoke to no-one, was running around with a pack of girls that no-one wanted to know. This was regarded as sufficiently unusual to be put in the ‘weird’ category, so mealtimes became much more scrutinised, with more and more students watching for what the group might do.
Within a couple of days, the lecturers noticed that change of perception and made a point of mentioning during their lecturers that while any student had the right to observe the actions of other students, this should NOT get to the stage of interference, or they might be reported to the Proctors Office or the Dean for investigation and possibly a fine for unacceptable behaviour.
The message got through, and the stares and comments eased off.
Freda had tried one night to ring her mother, but her brother told her that their parents had gone off on a short holiday break, so she said nothing to him and decided to wait for their return. She mentioned this to the other girls, and they started thinking about telling their own parents about Reg.
Erika got through to her mother, and said to her, “Hi, Mum. I thought I would let you know that I have a boyfriend at university.”
“Really? You, a boyfriend? How did this start? I was beginning to think you were gay.”
“I met him in our evening study group. He is a fellow student, acting as our tutor because he is a brainbox, and I found him fascinating. He used to be a loner – not taking part in any social events, and hardly talking to anybody, but in the study group he is changing for the better. In return for his tutoring, we are teaching him social skills, and for the last few weeks this has been showing signs of progress. He is much improved.”
“He sounds a bit odd, dear.”
“Oh, I agree, Mum. I wouldn’t want to bring him home until he is more house trained, but one-to-one, boy and girl, he is now delightful. He has learned about kissing and things – we are learning together, as he hasn’t had a girlfriend before. He is great fun, but comes out with occasional things that worry him. He is scared he might be saying or doing the wrong thing, but I think I love him.”
“That sounds lovely, dear. I am pleased you now have a young man. You can keep me up to date on how things go with him. Some of these romances don’t last long.”
“I was aware of that, Mum, but I suspect Reg will be with me for a long time. We are pretty compatible.”
“Compatible? You haven’t ... haven’t ... you know?”
“Mum, I can tell you that I have a contraceptive implant, so no worries about unexpected grandchildren!”
Her mother gasped, “O my God, you have!”
“Have what, mother? Grown into a woman?”
“Well, you know what I mean, dear. At least you have taken precautions. That was wise.” There was a pause then, “Are you sure he is clean?”
“He was a virgin until a few weeks ago, Mum. I think you can take it that he is clean.”
“Oh. That is fine, then. I hope it all goes well for you, my dear.”
“I am sure it will. Bye, Mum.”
Prudence had it even worse, with her mother.
“Hi, Mum. How are you?”
“Not too bad, considering the sciatica pains I have to put up with. Your father never seems to appreciate what we women have to endure. This chronic sciatica is worse than my monthlies.”
Prudence ignored the inevitable moans from her mother.
“Mum, I have a boyfriend.”
“You what? Am I hearing right?”
“Yes, Mum. I have a boyfriend.”
“Since when?”
“Since the last couple of weeks. We had to decide if we wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and we did. I thought you would like to know.”
“I see. Who is this boy? How old is he, and what does he look like?”
“His name is Reg, and is in my year. Actually he is Reginald Robertson, but prefers Reg. He is almost exactly the same height as me, and is slim; dark short hair, but very clever, academically. Nothing special about his face to write home about, but generally I like the look of him. He is better looking than me; I can say that for him”
“I see. How did you hook up with this Reg person?”
“I met him through this study group that meets in the evenings, at a friend’s house. Reg is the tutor for the group, and we pay him by teaching him social skills.”
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Okay last week we met Kevin and followed him through his trials with his first love. We left Kevin as he moved away from his home town after a heart-breaking betrayal. We pick up with Kevin starting a new life in Michigan. For the first month, I lived in a highway motel. After I got my first paycheck I moved into an apartment. It was much better but it didn’t feel like a home. The pace of life in Michigan was very different. My neighbors in the building came and went and rarely, if ever,...
Al, Betty and Myi met Zita in the hallway, where she hurried to catch up with them. “Sorry, I didn’t think you’d be ready quite so early.” “It’s Al’s new ‘work rather than sulk’ policy,” Myi explained. “He’s afraid that if he sits around our quarters with nothing to do, he’ll start obsessing,” Be continued. Zita tilted her head. “So what does he do during his downtime?” “You’re kidding, right?” Be asked. “We spend hours over dinner, waiting while he talks to everyone he...
We wrangled two very tired children into the car and put the top up. He asked if I wanted drive and I surprised him by saying no. “You drive. I have something that needs doing.” “What’s that?” “This,” I said, snuggling to him and pulling his arm over me. “Now drive slowly.” Even though he did drive slowly, it seemed like it was only a minute before we were in front of Amanda’s house. We got the children up and Brian carried Tammy into the house. They revived a little and started telling...
Still laughing on our way to the bedroom about the plight of our "guest" for the evening we began to get ready for bed. Stephie thought she would just pop on a new nightie and hop into bed. I had different plans. I was hornier than a ten dick tomcat. All the punishment going around all night, and no release was driving me insane. "Princess?" "Yes, Daddy." "What do you think you're doing in bed already?" "I dunno, why?" "I think you need to go to the guest bathroom and cleanse yourself, that's...
BDSMChapter 1: Mandatory 'choose your path' chapter The alarm in your phone goes off and you groggily wake up with a long yawn. You actually had a good night's rest, so technically you're all in good health to face the day, though that doesn't mean you're terribly excited about it if it's some boring stuff, like one more school day. Then again, whether it's school or not, you look forward to spending more quality time with Jen, your crush. And deep down, you enjoy Lillian's endless teasing,...
FetishSmokey Saga #3: ‘Hypnothe-Rapist’ *** Hope you like this story. And any feedback you may have’s welcomed and appreciated. *** November 25th, 2:00 p.m. Dr. Angela Vevacia Starr was a miraculously skilled therapist. She ran a clinic for folks who dealt with debilitating behavioral and other mental issues. She saw a dozen or two each week, and her talents were such that not many clients required more than eight to ten sessions to effectively be cured. In her mid-30s, she had been honing her...
I was downstairs when he called me up to the bathroom. He told me that his hand couldn't reach the back and to see if I could grab a bolt he dropped.When i got on my knees an hands I asked him where then he got on top of me like we were doing it doggy style and i could feel his hard dick up against me and it drove me wild. He guided my hand to the bolt which I picked up, as he bagan to get up he whispered in my ear "don't we look so fucking hot together". I blushed an got up I looked at him...
I’m a fifty six year old white male and I’ve been bi since eighteen. My wife Lynn is in the other room so I had to sneak in here to write this. I love my wife but she has no interest in sex whatsoever. There’s been little or no sex in our marriage for many years now. I hadn’t sucked cock since we’d been married, but the lack of sex with the wife Lynn drove me to start sucking cocks again.I've been sucking again for eight years now and I want cock even more so suck them more each year. I’ve...
Gay MaleAsian temptress Eva Yi has been training to be a ballet star her whole life, which has not left her a lot of time to explore her sexual interests. Today, she is dreaming of a mans touch when our super hung stud shows up to give her all the thick cock she craves. Eva sticks her tongue out and throats his girthy dick. Then, she pops her pussy and lets him penetrate her extra tight Asian twat. He plunges inside her love tunnel as she squirms orgasmically. Then, he pops a gooey load all over perky...
xmoviesforyouKari took a deep breath, and signed the contract Kari In TrainingBy: Long Johnson (nom de plume) Note: This is a work of fiction, derived entirely from my own imagination.? Any similarities to any person or persons living or dead is simply coincidence on my part , and good luck. ?? ??Kari took a deep breath, and signed the contract. Karl smiled as she wrote her name on the paperwork.? He had been looking for a truly submissive girl, but he had almost overlooked Kari.? She worked in...
Chapter One Lord Richard Mansfield pressed his heels into the horse’s flanks, goading it viciously back into a gallop. After a moment, he let the beast slow slightly. He shouldn’t be taking his frustration out on Storm. It wasn’t the stallion’s fault, after all, that Richard couldn’t get the brown waves of Devona Montbatten’s hair out of his mind. Try as he might to restrain them, his thoughts insisted on wondering whether the same gold highlights were strewn through the hair between her...
The following days were terrific. My mood was flying high. Blake’s hugs of greeting kept getting longer and stronger. It wasn’t long until the hugs included a kiss on the cheek. Saturday that same week, Blake spent the day with me. We talked, we walked to the Chowder House, strolled the beach, sat on the sand and watched the water, and just enjoyed the day. As we returned to my condo, our conversation took an interesting turn. “Steve, do you attend church?” “I used to, but I haven’t looked...
Friday, July 9, 1976 I awoke to a rainy grey day. I knew I had to continue my conditioning program. I forced myself out of bed. I dressed in my workout clothes and took my room key and my neck pouch. I still needed a wallet. Outside it was chilly and wet. I started towards the park to do my daily run, and remarkably I was not the only one running. I was probably the youngest one here. I ran about 2 miles and then did my cool-down exercises. I felt better and awake, but I was both wet from...
Chapter 1 Do you know Teri Weigel?? Have you seen her act or seen her in Playboy magazine several years ago?? If not, you owe it to yourself to check Teri out. She's totally awesome, hot and so fucking sexy. I won't bore you with all the details of Teri Weigel's life but let it suffice to say that she's one very sexy and very sensual woman. She was one of the monthly Playmates for Playboy (Miss April 1986) and then eventually Teri got noticed and picked up by the porn film industry....
Ally's eyes were red and puffy from crying when Kaija returned. All the while, she had been debating how best to tell Kaija what had happened. There was no getting out of it, yet she didn't want to get Barclay into any more trouble. She hid her tired and bloodshot eyes behind the laptop's display as she hunted and pecked her way through the story. "Hey, roomie," Kaija greeted, her voice noticeably brighter. "Anything exciting happen while I was out?" If she only knew, Ally groaned to...
By EFon Chapter 4 : Bros and Hoes I almost fell as Jake jerked my out my front door and out of my door yard. "What the fuck man!?!" He didn't let up until we were around the bushes of my neighbor's house, obscuring my house completely. Only then did he release my arm and take a deep breath. I had a feeling this would be about what happened between him and my sister last night, but I realized then that this was hard for him to deal with. "I gotta be straight up with you...
Readers will discover that Sandy has total recall when telling about conversations with her roommate, Vivienne, but that helped me understand her better. Sandy and I had been in the bar (chapter 3) and were talking about how we had teased another man there, laughing on the street. * Even in Manhattan, so much exuberance turns a couple of heads on the street, but we still continued chuckling as we replayed the conversation. Sandy knew that he had seen that she didn’t have a bra on before I...