- 3 years ago
- 32
- 0
Readers will discover that Sandy has total recall when telling about conversations with her roommate, Vivienne, but that helped me understand her better.
Sandy and I had been in the bar (chapter 3) and were talking about how we had teased another man there, laughing on the street.
Even in Manhattan, so much exuberance turns a couple of heads on the street, but we still continued chuckling as we replayed the conversation. Sandy knew that he had seen that she didn’t have a bra on before I joined them, both of us then wondering if he knew that she had been wearing one at the office, agreeing that he would certainly try to check Monday morning, and then wondering how far he thought we might go that evening, how far he might imagine that he could have gotten with Sandy.
‘Not past the doorman.’
‘But outside the door?’
‘Oooh, I don’t know? Well, … since he didn’t get to pay for my dinner, he wouldn’t really have deserved much.’
‘Not for going way out of his way to walk you home?’
‘Oh, maybe so, just in appreciation, just a peck,’ and she turned her head up and gave me a kiss on the cheek.’
‘That’s all right, … if it didn’t give him hope for more.’
‘It probably would. Wouldn’t it you? But I can deal with that.’
‘Of course it would … me,’ and I found her hand on my arm with my other one and scratched my finger in her palm.’
‘Oooh, yeah, I thought so. Don’t do that, … my nipples.’
‘Sorry, I didn’t know it was that effective.’
‘With the right guy it is.’
We both chuckled as I murmured ‘thanks’ and just held the back of her hand on my arm. We walked on for several blocks, almost in silence, not just ours, but now the traffic quieter, too, and few people on the sidewalks. I wasn’t thinking about much, just enjoying that we could also be relaxed together without talking. I wasn’t even wondering what Sandy was thinking, as one usually does in that situation, but then she told me.
‘That was good, what we did, … not tonight. Thank you for taking so much initiative, that was really good, hm-hmm, … what I wanted, but I wasn’t sure you did, … and not so sure I did, … though I had set things up, just in case.’
‘Um-hmm, I did, … real good.’
After a moment of silence, she went on:
‘I hope my boyfriend is having a good time.’
‘Where is he?’
‘Somewhere in Europe. Hmmm, … I guess in France now, with a friend. Girls usually travel in a group with a guide, it seems.
‘Yeah, I have heard that, … and that they get a little stir-crazy after three or four weeks together. A senior at Columbia said so, at least.’
‘Hmmm, … yeah, I can imagine, … I would, … oh, maybe I am,’ and she glanced up at me with a smirk, then continuing:
‘Well, maybe then he will have a good time.’
‘You mean, like that?’
‘Well, … I am, … we are. It would only be fair, … and so I don’t have a guilty conscience.’
‘Um-hmm, … uh, … we don’t have to …’
‘Oh yes we do, … maybe he is, … and besides, I’d rather feel guilty than feel deprived,’ and she glanced at me again:
‘And I would, especially knowing what else I like now.’
‘That’s good. It was only an offer. I sure do.’
She held my arm a little closer, and we both chuckled and walked on in silence again. This time I was thinking, that it was good that we had discussed the situation, and she was thinking about the same, after the next street remarking:
‘I’m glad we talked about that.’
‘Me too,’ I agreed, and then we were silent until we were nearly to her building, when I asked:
‘What kind of kiss am I going to get?’
‘Hm-hmmm!? … One good enough to take home and think about.’
‘Nice, I will. And good enough to give me hopes for the next time?’
‘I hope so,’ and then we stopped and embraced, kissing until she felt him, and then loosening our embrace a little to let him rise, and then kissing some more.
‘I want to hold him,’ she murmured.
‘Like when you were eighteen?’
‘Um-hmm,’ and she rubbed herself on him.
‘Not a good idea here. You’ll just have to take that thought home with you.’
‘I guess so, … and before I do anyway,’ and we kissed again.
I waited outside the building till she got past the doorman and then headed home.
Just a table lamp was on when I opened the door. Under it was a note from my mother in her somewhat formal style, not just saying that they had been invited out and would be late, but also remarking that she hoped I had had a pleasant evening. Before I finished it, I heard my sister:
‘Hi, nobody’s home.’
From the sound of her voice more than from her words, I knew that she didn’t have a bathrobe on, and before I turned to her, almost feared that she was wearing even less. But she was wearing a pajama top, the same one she had on Fire Island – a too strong reinforcement of my recollection of her – especially when I saw her nipples stiffen under it as I looked at her.
‘They said they would be late,’ she said softly and looked at me questioningly with a slight smile.
‘No,’ I replied, knowing too well what she was suggesting, aware of a warmth in my groin.
‘Shouldn’t you be wearing your bathrobe?’ I added to deflect my thoughts.
‘But nobody’s home, … except us,’ she countered, first with a pout and then with her too suggestive little smile.
‘No, … you know what I mean.’
She looked disappointed, pouting again, but still persisted:
‘Why not?’
‘Never, … here.’ I was recalling my dream about her when sleeping with Martha when I added the ‘here,’ but immediately recognized that that was a mistake, even before she looked more hopeful and replied:
‘Oh, … then maybe somewhere else.’
‘Don’t get your hopes up,’ I managed to reply, despite wondering myself if …?
‘Why not?’ she repeated, and then her eyes opened wide:
‘Oh, you’ve already …, tonight?’
‘Hm-umm, just dinner.’
She grinned and then after a moment replied:
‘Then I bet you really want to, … don’t you?’
‘But I won’t, … we won’t.’ She looked disappointed again, and then replied:
‘Pity, … I was hoping so,’ and nodded with forced smile of understanding.
I wanted to embrace and kiss her for her honest outspokenness, but managed to resist. We were still just standing there, and I told about my dream, and she nodded understandingly, finally agreeing:
‘Yeah, I guess you’re right. … Hm-hmm, … I guess I’ll have to do it myself.’ Then she grinned and added:
‘I was, a little, before,’ and grinned again and raised the corners of her pajama top to let me see that she had nothing else on.
‘Go to bed!’
‘You too, and think of me,’ she replied with another grin and turned.
I did, as I watched her walk away, envisioning her bare ass and back above her naked legs that I could see. And in bed, despite my efforts to think about Sandy, recollection and images of my sister predominated, recollections of sweet, drawn out incidents together, taking my time, stretching my sack as I wondered if she was recalling the same incidents behind her closed door, until I couldn’t hold off any longer, and in my fantasy we came together.
The next morning while I was making breakfast before our parents got up, she joined me in the kitchen with a smile, and then with a smirk remarked:
‘It was almost real good, … last night. My bed’s all wet,’ and she smirked again, and then again and asked:
‘And you? Did you think of me?’
‘Gentleman don’t tell,’ I replied and winked.
‘Hm-hm-hmmm!’ She looked pleased with herself, and then went about setting the table.
Despite this refreshing of our common recollections, we survived the weekend without any further incidents. Mother
and Dad’s presence was a strong influence.
On Monday, Sandy said the Vivienne, her roommate would like to meet me and had even offered to make dinner for us all on Wednesday. I was surprised at this enthusiasm, but Sandy explained that she had told about my training timeframe with a brief smirk, and then said that she would tell me more on the way there that evening. That sounded intriguing, and kept me wondering till Wednesday afternoon, at work, when we only occasionally met, during my real training, and at home, playing with different images of how Vivienne could look and ideas about her interest.
I bought another bottle of wine and waited for Sandy after work at the next corner, and we set off, she starting immediately to talk, obviously full of something:
‘Oh, I’ve got to tell you, last weekend, I bought ‘The Joy of Sex’. Wow!’ I had heard about, but … Have you read it?’
I nodded, and she looked a little disappointed for a moment, but then went on:
‘Isn’t it something? It was kind of reassuring to find that others like what I do, … what we do, … and more, though I’m not sure I’d want to try everything.’
I nodded again when she looked over at me, apparently for confirmation, maybe wondering if I did, and then she continued:
‘Well, I hadn’t intended it that way, but Viv, my roommate, Vivienne, also looked at it. I guess she was a little more surprised than I was, and, of course, we talked about it a little, … and about our … experience, y’know. She’s almost twenty-five, I guess, and certainly sleeps with guys, and as she admitted, had let them do it to her, y’know,’ and she glanced at me again, and I nodded as she added:
‘All the guys in France want to, … well, those she has met, and, … well, … she asked if we had, … no, she asked if I had. I just said ‘yes’, and she went on, that the guys wanted her to, too, but that she hadn’t – thought it would be dirty or yucky. Yeah, the guys had done it just to warm her up, if you know what I mean.’
I nodded again.
‘Well, that was our first conversation, and then we left the subject, but, of course, the book was lying around, … yeah that was Saturday, and on Sunday somehow we got back talking about it. I think she was a little more curious than she wanted to admit, and I was kind of liking that I had done more than she had, and, well, … with all those pictures … I don’t know if I said anything, … she eventually asked if I thought I would do it, obviously assuming that I hadn’t. When I said that at first I had also felt a little like she did, … well, … she immediately asked: ‘You have?!´ And, well, as I said, I liked the idea that I had … not to mention liking it,’ and she glanced at me again with an expression, like she was assuming I had: ‘… and I said I had.
‘That surprised her, but she was more curious: ‘Just a little, … or all the way?’ When I admitted – not wanting to brag – ‘all the way,’ she was just silent for a moment or two, but then asked: ‘And … uh, … you wanted to?’ I guess she thought maybe I hadn’t, but when I just nodded, she just said ‘Oh’ and was again silent.
‘I think we decided to have a beer then, she suggesting it, sort of to change the subject, but it was still on her mind. When we returned from the kitchen, to the book open to one of the pictures of the woman doing it, she took another drink of her beer and asked again: ‘And you wanted to, you wanted him to?’ ‘Um-hmm,’ I replied: ‘…of course. I was doing it to arouse him, to make it good for him, and it was arousing for me, too, to know how good it was feeling for him, I wanted him to, to know that it had been really good.’
‘She was silent again and then said: ‘And …?’ ‘Yeah it tastes funny, if that’s what you mean, but you wouldn’t want it to taste like cream sauce, … and besides, I’ve tasted it before, the first time I made a boy come.’
‘That kind of broke her up, she giggled, and then opened her mouth as though she were thinking about how it would be. I hadn’t seen her like that before, and then we both drank, and she asked: ‘With him, last week?’ When I nodded, she asked: ‘And he did it to you?’ ‘Real good, all the way,’ I replied, and she almost giggled again and asked: ‘Really, like that, ‘all the way’?’ ‘Um-hmmm! That good. He wanted it,’ I answered. Viv just looked at me with a surprised snicker and then smiled, and we finished our beers. That really broke the ice between us.’
‘I guess it did,’ I agreed and we both snickered, walking a block in silence. After we crossed the street, Sandy continued:
‘Well, after that, we didn’t talk about that any more, but it was obvious that we were a little closer from having done so. She was going to be away from Monday to Wednesday, so I told her that we would probably be going out this evening, since I wouldn’t see her in between. That is when she suggested that you join us for dinner. We take turns cooking, but she is better than I am at it.’
‘I am sure it will be very good, then. What does she do for desserts?’
‘Hm-hm-hm! You’d have to ask. I told you. … Hm-hmm! I’m a lot better at that!’
‘She could learn.’
‘But not tonight, you’ll just have to take what comes, … and nothing like that, if I can read your mind.’
‘Not until you suggested it.’
We snickered again and then were silent for the last couple of blocks.
In the elevator, Sandy told me that she was going to change and that Vivienne wouldn’t be surprised at her not wearing a bra, and also that Vivienne also probably wouldn’t:
‘… not for you. She doesn’t need to and usually doesn’t, except for work.’
And she wasn’t, under her tasteful silk blouse that went well with her slightly Mediterranean teint and dark hair. After Sandy introduced us, she went to change, leaving us alone. Viv took my jacket and then offered me a beer, taking the bottle of wine to the kitchen. She returned with two full glasses, and with just a gesture of a toast, we drank.
‘So you’re the lucky guy,’ she started.
‘I guess so, … yes, quite.’
‘Sandy has told me a little about you.’
‘Not too much, I hope,’ I replied, beginning to wonder how direct Vivienne’s curiosity was as she smiled with a slight shake of her head:
‘That you’re a gymnast and going to Columbia, and that you are a New Yorker.’
‘Yes, that’s about all there is to know,’ I replied, appreciating that she was only wearing lipstick, maybe a little eyeshadow, but maybe not with her teint, less than most New York girls, which was nice.
‘And you?’
‘I guess you know how we met, through a colleague from Sandy’s hometown. I’ve been flying for three years, now on international routes, which is nice. My speaking French helped, but still it took a couple of years of seniority.’
‘Yes, I bet that is nice, getting to fly to foreign cities that other people have to take vacation to visit.’
‘Sometimes, some places. Not all of them are so interesting.’
‘I guess not, … and I guess your schedule is pretty unpredictable. I have heard that.’
‘Too often. At first it was a bit exciting to fly off at short notice, but it loses its appeal.’
‘And upsets local social life?’
She smiled with a nod, but then replied:
‘Well, you meet people elsewhere, but not very regularly.’
‘Oh, like a sailor, a girl in every port?’
‘Not quite, and maybe girls are a little more choosy.’
‘I hope so.’
Vivienne smiled as Sandy joined us, making me realize that I had hardly seen her with clothes on in the apartment. She had on a shirtwaist dress with two breast pockets, but when she turned to get herself a beer, I could see from the movement of her breasts that she had no bra on. She rejoined us and topped up my beer from the bottle, and Vivienne excused herself to finish cooking.
The table had already been set. Sandy called to say that she would help if needed, and we sat down
on the sofa. I whispered that it felt a little funny to be wearing clothes there, and she smirked with a nod before we drank, then chatting for a few minutes before Vivienne called for help. I offered to open the wine, and we both joined her in the kitchen.
Soon we were sitting at the table. Vivienne had, indeed, prepared a nice meal. Sandy and I complimented it and toasted her, and she looked pleased, seemed quite moved, in fact, I saw her nipples press against her blouse, and as I drank, thought involuntarily that they were probably more tan than pink. Then we enjoyed our meal chatting: about work, hers and ours, the girls once about their hometowns.
Towards the end of the meal, the conversation turned to travel. Vivienne had, of course seen more of the world than Sandy or I on our trips to Europe. When the Riviera was mentioned, Vivienne surprised me when she said that on a dare she and another girl had gone topless and that she later had done so, pleased that no one thought she was American because she had no tan-line. Definitely darker nipples, I thought to myself as Sandy remarked:
‘I don’t know if I would have dared, … two years ago, just out of high school. … Maybe I would now, …’ and she glanced at me with a smile:
‘but they sure would take me for an American. I guess that makes you look more naked.’
We all chuckled, and I raised my almost empty glass:
‘I’ll drink to that, … and also to Vivienne’s cooking,’ and we all finished our wine. As we set down our glasses, Vivienne asked:
‘What would you like for dessert?’
Sandy glanced at me and tried to suppress a snicker. Vivienne looked at each of us questioningly and asked:
‘What was that about?’ Sandy snickered slightly and replied:
‘Maybe you shouldn’t ask. … Hm-hmm! When I asked him that, he said he wanted me.’
Vivienne joined in our chuckling, her nipples showing through her blouse again, and offered:
‘Well, besides Sandy, what would you like?’
‘Nothing, thank you. I am just fine, I don’t usually have dessert.’
Sandy agreed, but snickered again as she said:
‘Nice of you then to have made an exception for me.’
This time we all laughed out loud. We stood up and cleared the table, and then Sandy and Vivienne agreed that there wasn’t space for all three of us to help in the kitchen, which suited me, since I had to go to the bathroom, wondering if the turn in the conversation suggested that the girls were feeling the beer and wine somewhere else. As I returned, they were talking softly, but I overheard Sandy say: ‘He’s read it,’ and Vivienne’s soft ‘Oh!’
‘Yes, he has,’ I confirmed to make my presence known, before it occurred to me that they had wanted me out of the kitchen for some girl talk, now aware of what it had been about.
‘Oh!’ Vivienne said again, turning to me, and her nipples were more prominent than before:
‘… I guess you know what we were talking about.’
‘Yes, Sandy told me on the way here.’
‘But you didn’t tell me what you thought of it,’ Sandy remarked, which wasn’t entirely true, but she seemed to want open the discussion, and my immediate thought of a reply wasn’t going to change that:
‘Well, I won’t tell you what I did the first time I read it, …’
– they both snorted with brief smiles –
‘… but it wasn’t all new to me, but kind of nice to discover that some things I like aren’t that unusual.’
Sandy smiled with the slightest nod of agreement as Vivienne replied:
‘Yeah, I guess so, … if it was like that.’
‘When was that?’ Sandy asked.
‘Two years ago, on Fire Island with my sister and new brother-in-law. They had it.’
‘And you all ready had …, uh, … ‘some things’?’ Sandy asked, looking a little surprised, and Vivienne looked even more surprised.
‘Um-hmm, but gentlemen don’t tell, … oh, she had also been with an airline.’
I almost had said ‘with United,’ but managed to change words. Vivienne’s nipples had popped out again just at that reference to her job. She changed the subject by saying that they were finished in the kitchen and asking if we wanted to open another bottle of wine.
I thought that she could have offered coffee, if she really wanted to change the subject, wine might loosen our tongues even more, but it was only just past seven-thirty, and Sandy nodded. Vivienne said that she had gotten it for the evening, anyway, so I agreed.
I met Sandy at a cousin's birthday party. She was a friend of a friend or something - I didn't know who she was, but I'd been noticing her all night. She's a super sexy BBW, long blonde hair, curves in all the right places, and unlike most larger women she seemed completely comfortable in her body. She was wearing a blue blouse which showed tons of cleavage, and a short black skirt, with black stockings and heels underneath. Like I said, comfortable in her body, and happy to be sexy. I...
Sandy looked around the bar for her husband. She was supposed to meet him for lunch but she was a little early. Rather than standing at the restaurant entrance, she sat at the bar to wait for him. It was her idea to meet for a quick lunch, then the two of them would speed off to a motel for an afternoon of getting reacquainted. Tom, her husband is fifteen years older then her twenty- six, and lately has been spending a lot of time away from home. Either on business trips, working late at...
Amy: I know this sounds cliché. I've been keeping it to myself for a very long time because I don't think anyone would believe me. See, everyone knows about Spring flings and Summer hook ups. There's nothing new or novel about it and it's almost become a rite of passage – if you haven't had at least one drunken spring break fuck you're missing out. But this was so much more than a drunken hook up. Sandy introduced me to passion like I've never known before ... or since. I didn't think...
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(The year is 1942. Jack has been deployed to North Africa, leaving behind his pregnant wife) * The ground shook as bombs exploded all around. Everywhere the air was filled with smoke and flying debris. The sounds of men screaming in pain and mass confusion momentarily blocked out the terrifying thuds of the artillery shells. Suddenly, a man’s face appeared out of the cloud of smoke. His face was streaked with dirt and his mouth was open as he shrieked in pain. His eyes were filled with terror...
... When they were again in the main part of the ice cave, she said, “Let’s just leave the hide over the crack.” “No problem,” he returned with a grin. “That was one of my first attempts at tanning and it didn’t exactly turn out the way I had hoped, shall we say. Leaving it hanging over the crack will keep it from continuing to smell up our campsite.” With Morales carrying one end of the ice chest and Jasmine the other, they made their way back to their camp, this time with the strap of...
My name is Denise, and at the time of this story I was 30 years old and working as a corporate attorney for a Wall Street investment banker. My husband’s name is Ed, and at thirty-three years old he had established a very successful manufacturers representative business for laboratory research products. He was able to work from home and care for our two-year-old daughter and four month old son.I am five feet and four inches tall and weighed one hundred and fifteen pounds at that time, and I...
CuckoldReddit Sex Stories, aka r/SexStories! What is the sexiest part of the human body? Is it the titty, that beautiful and bouncy gland that delivers milk, the nectar of human life? Or is it the booty, that bubbly round peach from whence poop comes? Many fetishists would argue that it’s the foot, while your typical vanilla dude might go crazy about a really tight cunt. A bunch of big-brained fancy pants often claim the sexiest human organ is actually the mind.We live in a time of extremely realistic...
Reddit NSFW ListSamantha Chapter 1: Discovery So, this happened. I'm sitting in a quaint neighborhood bar with my friend Jamie, and this guy comes over. I'm expecting him to hit on Jamie because she's looking pretty adorable in her wrap dress and heeled sandals. I'm starring down at my rather nondescript ballet flats trying to avoid looking at him. "Samantha, meet Ben, an old school friend of mine," Jamie said as she poked me with her elbow. I tried to say 'hi', but I was too terrified....
Hello readers! I am Shashank, age 20, an avid reader of stories at ISS. I have been addicted to ISS for a while in the last year but soon learnt that not all stories are for real. I want to thank all the writers who have really helped me in my attempt to stop watching porn. The style of writing has improved over the days among the authors and it really got me away from the desi stories. Kudos guys! Please keep on sharing your experiences in your works! This story of mine has no intercourse and...
IncestI have had a foot fetish for a long time. The first time I thought about feet as more than feet, I was in high school. I used to play with my neighbor's feet. She would let me as I would massage them. Ever since my first encounter with them I have wanted to suck on them. As I grew older my desire grew greater and I also began to want to fuck feet. I had read and watched so much porn about feet and footjobs. My favorite were ones were bare toes were sucked, feet were fucked and soles were...
FetishOur very true story started 9 years ago, my wife and I travelled to Oxford for a family wedding. We decided to go a couple of day before to enjoy the city staying in a hotel. on the second night we decided to eat in the hotel then go for drinks to the bar. We have had an adventurous sex life and my wife suggested that while we were away we should find someone to joins us in our room. Our luck was in as we were drinking in the bar she caught the eye of a guy who looked in his early 60's we were...
You win some, you lose some. Well, today you lost — meaning your football team lost. But hey, there’ll always be another day on the gridiron. Besides, your wife Bailey Brooke is here to make you feel better. All dolled up in a half-top football jersey and sexy underwear that makes her big fat ass stick out, Bailey is just doing what any good wife would do for her down-and-out husband. And when she gets on her knees to suck your dick, you’ll be on the very up-and-up! And up you’ll go, into her...
xmoviesforyouHalfway through my final year at boarding school, many years ago when I was seventeen, we got a new housemaster. His name was Neal Rice. Neal was huge, fucking huge! Standing six-foot-two-inches he was as broad as he was tall. Apart from being the new PT teacher, replacing Herbie Henderson who had tragically passed away, he also assisted as a rugby coach, tutoring the forwards in the first team. Neal was a jolly fellow who often joined in playing Ping-Pong in our recreational room. I was fairly...
Gay MaleHi, pretty ladies and everyone else out there. This is Rohit back again with my 3rd real-life story which happened some months back. It sure has been quite some time since I last wrote. I have always thought about writing this out but was too busy to put pen on paper. Now finally I am able to write it. Hope all of you pretty ladies and lesbian couples haven’t forgotten this average looking guy. I would be eagerly waiting to hear from every one of you about your responses so kindly do mail me....
Then one Friday evening, while getting swipe-happy, someone finally reached out with a message and started a real conversation. Her name was Maria, she was a local New Yorker, and she wanted to meet in person. Helena was excited. More than excited. She was wet. And she hadn’t even left the house. She took the subway in from Brooklyn to the city and made her way to the café Maria had suggested. Helena was there right on time. After 5 minutes, she began to grow worried. “What if Maria...
Mum and I got home from her works party at one o clock in the morning, I felt tied out and ready for bed, I kissed mum goodnight and went upstairs to bed, mum passed my room and called goodnight once more, I returned by saying I love you, I took off my dress, followed by my bra and panties and sat down in front of the mirror and removed my make up, I heard mum go to the bathroom, I waited till she has come out before going there myself, back in my bedroom I slipped on a silky night shirt and...
After being on the receiving end of a sensual blowjob from Amy, I wanted to return the favor. "Amy," I asked, "I would be honored if you'd let me go down on you and eat your pussy out. Would you like that?"Amy's face lit up like a pinball machine. "Ooh, I'd love that. Fuck! I've never had anyone lick my pussy before. I've always wanted to know what it feels like!" She commented with an enthusiastic tone.The thought of going down on Amy and eating her pussy out had been on my mind since I first...
Oral SexIt caught my attention from across the empty locker room. I was sitting on the bench tying my shoes when I looked up for a split second and saw it. I could not believe how big it was. Long, thick, and black, it hung down low against his thigh. Fully flaccid, it was definitely bigger than I was when hard. I couldn't help but stare. This guy literally had a big black dick. Stereotypes must come from somewhere, I thought to myself. My eyes traced up and down his oversized dick and massive balls in...
C tagged behind Sneha like he always did on their shopping trips. He deliberately walked a couple of feet behind her so he could watch the rise of her hips, the flash of skin when her tshirt rode up and the movement of her silky hair. She had left her hair down after brushing it. She had tight white pants and a loose black top. That was when C felt someone place their fingers inside his pants, not very deep, just until the first joint and pull him backwards. The authoritative nature was...
The mirror was in the changing room of a high end designer clothes store in a shopping center on the rich side of town. I hadn't really paid attention to what the stores name was only the expensive looking dress I saw in the window the tag on it read $960. This was the newest in a long series of stores I had visited to steal from, a habit I had picked up as a young teenager and never quite grown out of, if anything I had grown into it. The thrill and the adrenaline of it is what I live for,...
Cravings. Everybody gets them. Many people have sexual cravings of one sort or another. I do. But I’m a twenty-one-year-old woman, finishing her third year of college. My sexual cravings aren’t only from the need to get laid.I’m not a virgin. I’ve been with guys on various occasions. But none of them could ever fulfill my deepest, darkest wish. Only one man could do that. That man was my father. Many times, I fantasized about him making love to me. I wanted to feel his cock pounding into me as...
IncestMy name is autumn, I am married and have a son. I work in an it company and my wife is also employed. This is my sexual experience with my sister in law jigna( my brother in laws wife). They were married for 7 years and didn’t have a child yet, they consulted many doctors and all said both were exactly alright and its just a matter of time but their waiting continued. I and my sister in law were close friends and she used to share all her happiness and sadness with me. She was getting depressed...
IncestHi to all iss readers yeh story shuru karne se pahle hi mai ye bata dena chahta hu jo iss ke regular reader nahi hai wo is kahani ko na padhe kyuki yeh story 1 months bhi chal sakti hai then ok let starts story contd..Usi gaaon mein dusri taraf… Kajri: “asha didi mujhe Kahan le jaa rahi ho, Lajjo tu toh bata hum sab kahan jaa rahe hain?” Asha : “tu chal na chup chaap, zyada pooch mat, jahan bhi jaa rahe hain bahut mazaa aayega” Lajjo: “Haan re kajri, dekh ab hum tujhe kya mazaa dilate...
It had been a while since my encounter with Louise. Lee’s trip to the states had been called off and so Louise had been in the office every day. Each day she had popped down to my office and told me that she really wanted to get together again. She would walk in to my office, lean back against the door, and open her top. The first time she did it, Lee had been on his way down, so it all happened very quickly. The next time she came down, she had a dress on, and she lifted it up.
Sempre tive um tesão enorme pela minha irmã, desde os tempos de infãncia ela já dava traços da vagabundinha que seria no futuro. Em meio as brincadeirinhas quando tinhamos 10 anos, ela pegava no meu pau, me mostrava a calcinha, deixava eu brincar com a bucetinha dela, tudo na maior já me mostrava todo tesudinho querendo uma bucetinha. Ela ficava por horas me mostrando (e vestindo) as calcinhas que pegava na gaveta da nossa mãe, que por sinal é muito gostosa..e coisa que fui...
[I grinned, “Looks like I get a four sweetie treat tonight! Who wants on top?”] Jamie smirked, “If we take a shower and put in a fresh plug, would you pleasure our clitties with your tongue, while Mary rides you?” “Mmm. I’d love to. If you’re not flowing real heavy, you can wait till after I’m done to insert your Tampons.” Sarah giggled, “Yep, he’s our Hero all right! A braver man I’VE never seen.” Linda laughed, “He’s liable to look like Dracula when he’s done though.” I may have gone...
I began dating this girl prior to graduation, she was a year younger than me in school but her parents let her do whatever she wanted. She was about five-foot-two and one-hundred-and-thirty pounds and not a bit of fat on her. She had tanned skin and sandy blonde hair, her legs were great but her ass was like two bubbles in her pants. She loved to screw and never worried about a thing when she wanted to. It didn't matter if someone was in the room or if we were in her mom's house. For her...
ThreesomesSteve had been listening to the song earlier in the evening. There was no doubt that was where he got the idea from, but the fact that he actually asked her to do it… well, that probably shocked him more than it did Lynn. It was definitely out of character for him to ask someone he’d just met to strip off their clothes. They were at a friend’s party and she had been flirting with him all evening. This was no hardship for Steve as Lynn was fun, and very pretty. She was petite and was wearing...
In her dream, she heard the door of her apartment close, and the sound of his footsteps walking into the living room. She was waiting in the position he had instructed her in- in front of the couch, in the middle of the carpet. With the exception of the silk scarf that covered her eyes, she was completely naked, on her knees and sitting back on her heels with her knees stretched familiarly wide apart. Her hands were clasped loosely behind her back leaving her firm up-tilted breasts with her...
“Big men often tremble, as they step aside. I thought I was big once. She changed my mind. She’s actual size, but she seems much bigger to me. I’ve never known anybody like her. She’s actual size. Nationwide, believe.” -They Might Be Giants, “She’s Actual Size“ The next day passed quickly. While Julie painted Troy’s portrait during the day, and Maria continued taking on the business of running the country, Colleen showed Susan around the city. Stavro had returned to work at the Citizens’...
I have always thought my mom's best friend was beautiful and even when I was in elementary school, I would imagine what she looked like naked. She was tall, about 5 foot 8 and had large breasts and nipples that would stick out when she wore a t-shirt. Her legs were really long and even her toes and feet were attractive! Her name was Marla and she and my mom had been friends since I can remember and I knew that they had gone to college together. She and mom would go our shopping and usually came...
She looked around the small establishment. The walls were littered with random posters, metal signs, a Budweiser clock here, an inflatable Corona bottle there. The building itself had nearly been condemned only a year prior, and she had followed the local media’s coverage of the ‘revitalization’- as they had termed it, rather triumphantly- of this wasteland. It had once been known as simply ‘Harry’s’, and then it had been ‘Dick’s’. Now it was under some new guise, some new trick to try and lure...
Moses Carver stepped out of the shower and felt the tingle that removed the water from his body. It felt good. It was like he could breathe easier through his skin. New fatigues appeared and he paused to look at the name and rank on the soft material. Though written in Tandran, he was proud to see his new Corporal First Class patch. Promotions had come quickly. He was ahead of most of the recruits and his studies and dedication to duty ensured that he would stay that way. He dressed quickly,...
To Cal's relief, nothing bad had happened by the time most people had eaten and the sun was getting low. He had relaxed his vigil on Rebecca and Bobby and was talking with Dante Powers about the new basketball coach and the team's prospects. He realized that he had not seen the lovebirds for a while, and when Dante walked off to see someone else, Cal started scanning the beach for them. He was just starting to be concerned when Cheryl came running up to him, followed closely by Tessa....
After working for nine long hours, Caroline is beyond exhausted and wants nothings more than to go home and take a long warm bath. As she gathers up her things from her desk, she looks up and sees Karen, her boss’s secretary walking towards her. “Caroline the boss wants to see you before you leave,” she says, while writing down something on a notepad. “What exactly did he say?” she asks Karen. “He didn’t say anything else, but he did look pissed-off though.” Caroline looks at the front door...
"Bait at the Library" While still an undergraduate at university, I conceived an idea that combined two my favorite turn-ons - erotic stories and the library. Here's how it "came about." I had, over the previous two years, discovered (or re-discovered, really) that fabulous and trashy genre of literature known as the "letters" magazine. The classiest example, which most everyone knows, is Penthouse Magazine's various "Forum" columns and periodicals. But there is a nearly infinite...
Kevin Montov tried to remember words taught to him by his nana Montov. Upon her lap she taught him to read what she could of it. Telling him stories of the magic contained inside. She wrote the words out for him on paper to have him copy and practice the lettering and pronunciation. In time when he came of age he might be given the book. If he proved himself worthy of the responsibility. A great power to cherish and protect. He stared at the book bound in leather. He didn't believe...