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I know this sounds cliché. I've been keeping it to myself for a very long time because I don't think anyone would believe me. See, everyone knows about Spring flings and Summer hook ups. There's nothing new or novel about it and it's almost become a rite of passage – if you haven't had at least one drunken spring break fuck you're missing out. But this was so much more than a drunken hook up. Sandy introduced me to passion like I've never known before ... or since.

I didn't think it would be exciting. I was 19 and home from my freshman year of college. My parents had decided that this year we'd visit a new beach in South Carolina – semi-private and only a few minutes' drive from the house of one of my mother's college friends, Anne. She had invited us down for two glorious weeks of sun, white sand and exploring a couple of famous landmarks. I had some interest in the history but expected that the beach would bore me. Even as we pulled into Anne's driveway and my younger brother cupped his hands to his ears to listen for the crashing of the nearby ocean, I was unimpressed.

It was humid; sticky in the worst kind of way – the way that makes sweat bead between your shoulder blades and stick your shirt to your skin as soon as you step into it. The relentless July sun was held at bay by a few lazy fleece clouds which drifted above the palmettos. I was glad to step into Anne's air-conditioned home and find a tray in her modern, white living room with fresh, cold meats and fruit, but even more glad when she showed us the two guest rooms where we would be staying, with a shared bathroom decorated in the typical beach theme. A glass block wall separated the shower stall from the rest of the bathroom, screening it from the view of the doors leading to our bedrooms – something I was thrilled by, since I expected I wouldn't get much "alone time" anywhere else in the house. I didn't mind sharing a room with my brother; although I'd long since been moved to my own room at home, it was only for a week. Still, I was used to masturbating whenever the urge took me, and that just wouldn't be possible here. At least I had the shower.

After lunch we left to explore the beach while my mother caught up with Anne and traded stories. My brother was quick to spot a couple of girls his age a little way down the beach and sauntered over to chat them up while I dug my toes into the warm white sand, staring down the sea as though it would tell me what to do. I wasn't that comfortable on the beach. My swimsuit wasn't eye-catching and I didn't care about fashion; my tan was more from bicycling around town than from sitting at the pool. I didn't see the point to it all ... and then she walked by.

I was transfixed, rooted in the sand, dizzy with the motion of the waves and her hips. Oh, I wanted to touch those round hips, kiss the delicious sliver of pale skin that showed between her boy-short swimsuit bottom and tank top, stay on the beach forever watching her move. She made eye contact, murmured a quick 'hi' and flicked strawberry-blond ringlets out of her eyes as she strolled away. I don't think I even returned her greeting, but my eyes followed her down the beach. When she was gone I stood senseless until the sun beating down on my bare shoulders was too much. I was sick with longing and splashed quickly into the surf, soaking myself and hiding the flushed cheeks that spoke of more than the day's heat.

By the time we got back to the house I desperately needed a shower. Anne said she'd planned a late supper for us, so I had plenty of time and excused myself quickly, claiming a desire to get the sea water out of my hair. In the safety of the shower I unhooked my bikini top with trembling hands and tried to wash the memory of her down the drain with the sand. I didn't even know her name. Worse, there was no one I could tell. My parents still thought I had a boyfriend back at school and although my friends sometimes poked fun at my virginity, I didn't think anyone knew the full truth. I hadn't even been sure myself, until that hot summer day.

The water was warm but it felt cool against the burning in my cheeks as I remembered her smile and shuddered with longing. As I mechanically went about lathering my body with soap my thoughts wandered over hers. She had been shorter than me, and I imagined bending close to her, her scent (in my mind, it was the scent of the sweet saltwater taffy sold by the beach) heady and delicious. Her lips, soft and full, meeting mine. I dropped the shower puff and sat back against the shower wall, letting the water run while my fingers went straight for my clit. It didn't take long, but I was just standing up to rinse the rest of the soap away when my mother knocked. I jumped guiltily and hurried out of the shower, praying no one noticed my not-so-innocent blush.

I shouldn't have worried. No one so much as said a word about my preoccupation for the next few days. My mother was thrilled to be spending time with her old friend again and my father had gotten it into his head that the best place for him to be was at the local golf course. My little brother, having been turned down by most of the local girls, spent his days mooning around the house proclaiming loudly that he didn't need girls anyway, and playing video games in Anne's well-appointed "rec room". Despite not having children of her own, Anne seemed to play host to many of the neighborhood families and had set up the room accordingly. My brother was in heaven.

I wasn't. I lost sleep and picked at my food and masturbated furiously in the shower. I went to the beach every day but didn't see my mystery girl. Finally the first Saturday came and I decided I couldn't take waiting on the hot sand for one more hour. In a futile attempt at distracting myself I headed to the city's small cultural district and spent my afternoon wandering around chunks of modern art on the sidewalks. I was contemplating a particularly curvy piece of metal and imaging the soft curve of the mystery girl's breasts under her tank top when a ringlet brushed my shoulder and a voice full of laughter spoke into my ear.

"Makes you hot, doesn't it?"

I jumped and stared open-mouthed at her – there she stood in all her tomboyish glory. Short ringlets framed a soft, almost cherubic face but for the wide, smiling mouth and sharp green eyes that spoke of mischief. She wore a pair of tattered denim shorts and a plain pink t-shirt which clung to her chest in the hot summer air and drew my eyes before I could regain control. Was she really talking to me?

She giggled and held out her hand. "I'm Sandy." Her voice had a hint of that soft southern drawl that I so often found annoying but in her it was almost sexy.

I stuttered and tore my eyes away from her perfect little breasts long enough to take her hand and shake it weakly. "Amy."

"You're not from here." It was a statement, not a question, and I nodded dumbly. Sandy. I hoped she couldn't see what I was thinking.

"No. We're visiting. My mom's college friend lives here. Are you? ... from around here, I mean."

"Yep! Mah whole life in this place ... can you imagine?" she giggled again and gestured grandly at the street, full of shoppers and families.

"Summer ends; they all go home. Gets boring 'round here come September. So I try to have fun while I got people to have fun with. Want to?" She winked at me and grinned, showing perfect white teeth against her coral lips.

" ... to what?" My heart skipped several beats. She didn't mean...

"To have fun, silly! C'mon. I'll buy you a drink. There might even be something new at the theater."

There wasn't, but Sandy bought me a cold beer anyway, without even asking my age, and we sat at an outdoor table at the bar watching the people pass. She was 21, she said, and loved summer because of the people – there for a week, sometimes a month – who she would befriend and keep in touch with all winter. She said it kept her from going mad. She wanted to do something big with her life – being a doctor maybe, and she didn't want to do it here. Still, she didn't hate the place. She knew many of the city's more notorious residents, and had a funny story about everyone. I didn't remember the time passing as I sat enchanted by her voice and her stories but we somehow worked our way through several beers and as many breadsticks as the waiter would give us. I was pretty lightheaded and I knew she had to be feeling the effects too. All I could think the entire time was how she would feel in my arms, and I swore she knew what I was thinking.

It was almost dark and the theater across the street was spitting out another loud, laughing group of teens when Sandy stood up, leaving her empty beer bottle on the table and grabbing my hand. I stared, startled, with half of my beer left. She snatched it out of my grip and plunked it onto the table soundly, proclaiming: "Whoops! Talked too long. Big mouth o' mine always gets in the way!"

She dropped a few dollars on the table, laughed at my startled expression, and yanked me out into the night. It was cooler now and the sunset was picturesque behind the buildings. Sandy pulled me firmly behind her until I tripped over my sandal and nearly fell; she caught me and we both burst into giggles.

"Where'r we goin'?" I slurred, and she stuck out the red tip of her tongue in response. A blush rose in my cheeks unbidden as the image of that tongue on my nipples shot through my alcohol-induced stupor. She didn't seem to notice.

"The beach! I want to swim!" she cried. "Last one there's a rotten egg!" She darted off, blond ringlets flying around her ears.

Despite my usual reservations about the beach, there was nowhere else I would rather be if Sandy was there, and I followed her sun-haloed crown of ringlets as she dodged between pedestrians and ducked under low-hanging bougainvillea draped over a garden wall, their brilliantly colored blossoms echoing the colors of the sky. The scene felt surreal and when the sidewalk ended in a sandy parking lot with the sound of the ocean beyond we sprinted up the dunes together, breathless and grinning. I couldn't stop myself at the top, and I didn't care. This time I was the one to grab Sandy's arm, and pulled her down into the fine white sand, rolling in a tangle of arms and legs that ended in her pressed against my body with her head on my breasts.

I stopped breathing for a few endless seconds, my heart pounding in my chest as I realized what I'd just done. Sandy didn't ask to be pulled into the sand. I was drunk and I had taken a chance. She wasn't into me like that. Was she? I couldn't recall her ever mentioning a boyfriend but that didn't mean she didn't have any interest in boys ... Was this worth it, if things were awkward between us now? Would it be worth it if I never saw her again after tonight? I closed my eyes and waited for her to get up; waited for the reprimand that I was sure was coming.

Instead, I thought I felt her nuzzle my breasts. I bit my lip but she heard the sharp intake of breath her motion caused, and she lifted her head and slid upward so that we were nose-to-nose. Everything in me was screaming danger and desire and I almost panicked, almost apologized and struggled out from under her hot, soft weight ... and then she kissed me.

I will remember that kiss forever. It set every nerve on fire. Her lips were firm and reassuring. She wasn't asking; wasn't experimenting. She knew, and when I knew that she knew, my body gave up all pretenses and responded by soaking my bikini bottom while she explored my lips and tongue with hers in ways that left no doubt in my mind: I wanted her so badly it hurt.

When she finally pulled back a few inches I saw the glitter in her green eyes and would have let her take me there on the sand but for the people. There were still swimmers scattered along the beach – thankfully, none seemed to have taken much interest in our little show, but my desire cooled slightly in the presence of others and I pushed Sandy to the side gently, sitting up and brushing the fine white grains from my ponytail. She saw the source of my concern with a quick glance around us, and smiled reassuringly.

"Let's go swimming." she whispered conspiratorially, and winked again. Stripping the pink cotton shirt over her head in one smooth motion, she revealed a simple bronze swimsuit which, despite being a single piece, showed off her lithe body in amazing ways. As she wiggled out of her shorts suggestively I followed her lead and dropped my own clothing into an awkward pile in the sand. My own teal bikini, so boring just last week when no one was looking, made me self-conscious now. She didn't seem to care – in fact, she seemed to like how it looked. She took my hand as we waded through the foamy shallows and into the dark water beyond. The sun was quickly disappearing, but the heat of the day lingered, as did the heat of our bodies as we pressed them together in the water. I shivered with anticipation, tasting salt on my lips and wanting to taste her.

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Cursum Veri Amoris

Liam and Christie lay in the bed together, both massively erect. Both were awake and aware that Liam's erection was nuzzling between Christie's bum cheeks, but both were hesitant, nervous to make the first move.Liam felt Christie's bottom gently tense against his shaft and he couldn't help but smile. He tensed his penis in response and the stiffening of his shaft eased his cock between Christie's cheeks at little bit more.Liam's arm was draped over Christie, holding her in an embrace. He slowly...

2 years ago
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A New Life for Julie

"OK, Mrs. Christie, I'll be sure to tell him." I put the phone down. Christ. How'd she know we were here, anyway? Dad told her, of course. He always stays in touch. In his job he has to. For me, though, just one more boring thing to do. So boring. So bored. I looked out the window. The lake was calm this early in the morning but I was already sweating. It was going to be hotter than hell later, no surprise this time of year. Mom and Dad and Jeff wouldn't be here until afternoon, they...

1 year ago
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Alma Part One

Alma's birthday had just been a week earlier and at thirteen she had still not gotten what she really wanted. From her parents a new bike. Her friends had all given clothes and CDs. One gift she received away from everyone else however. It was given to her by her friend Sara. They had snuck away to her bedroom during her party and Sara gave her the rectangular box wrapped in silver paper that glittered in the light. A bow of red ribbon was tied around the box and Alma wasted no time...

4 years ago
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Not Just for ChristmasChapter 13

The family settled in quickly, mainly because they had all lived in the house for months before. The only things that changed were that Mike moved in to sleep with Claire, and their relationship was no longer employer and employee. The new equal relationship was no problem to either of them. They had always talked about any expenditure so there was no change there, and Claire was in any case a thrifty person. In fact he had to persuade her to buy herself clothes and shoes. They held the same...

1 year ago
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A Naked Holiday With My Mother

"Oh for God's sake, you can't be bloody serious."Mum was mad, spitting mad and I almost felt sorry for the little clerk behind the reception desk.There'd been an almighty cock up with our booking and I don't really think it was his fault, but he was the one getting it from mum.After she and dad split up, she'd decided to go away for a holiday and asked me if I wanted to go with her as I'd just split from my girlfriend after three years."Yeah, why not?" I agreed and we went on line to find...

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Angel Naughty Dinner

Todd was trying to set me up with his wife's sister, Loretta. Funny, since I fuck his wife Lisa regularly up her ultra-sexy ass, since she eats my cum and worships my dick like an idol. But I had seen pictures of Loretta. She was something like nineteen years old, had just moved back home after dropping out of an East Coast school somewhere. And after agreeing to the double date, I met up with everyone at Manny's (always a half an hour late for spectacle's sake). My heart jumped in my throat....

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Ravalika My Stress Buster

Hello guys, how are you? Ready for my sex story? I hope everyone is fucking who has a partner (can be girlfriend, wife, secretary, teacher, mother, sister, aunty, granny, in-laws etc) and who doesn’t is using their hands to proper use :p My name is Rahul and I’m 23 years of age. I thank Indian sex story for providing a stage to share experiences. It is always a thrill to read and feel how the other person has fucked and it gives an adrenaline rush for us to have a better orgasm. I’m from...

2 years ago
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Suhaag raat with older husband

As my giggling friends shoved me inside the room to have my fist night with my hubby I was shivering with fright. After wedding ceremony my friends has spent 2 hours preparing me for having sex for the first time with my husband. Dr. Raj I am Arati a 19 year old girl from a village near Pune and I was married to Dr. Raj who was a big surgeon in Pune. He had taken care of some debts of my alcoholic dad and in return made me marry him. I remembered him telling me a few days before out wedding:...

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The Eyes Have It

It has been almost 35 years since I last saw those deep thoughtful eyes but I never forgot how much compassion and caring I saw in those eyes. He was my best friend, my confidant and also my little sister’s boyfriend. That alone made him off limits…but I knew we had a connection…I looked forward to when he would come around…and yes there was a little flirting but it didn’t go any further. In fact, he introduced me to a friend of his and we began to double date. There were times when I saw him...

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Hot Night Hot Neighbour

I'm lying in bed, sweating, with sheets tossed off and my hand cupping my mound. I blink and wake up groggily and glance at the clock. It's 12:15 am. Damn, I've only slept a few minutes. I remember trying to masturbate. I must have fallen asleep.Looking around, I remember that I'm at my sister's unit in Adelaide. She's at her girlfriend's place for a week, offering me her place while I'm on January holidays from university.I'm wondering why it is so hot. Then I remember hearing the news about...

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The House on the Hill

The House on the Hill By Sweet Angie Doll This is a story about five teenagers who are about to get their just dues. Kim is captain of the cheerleading squad and is a 16-year- old blond bombshell with C-cup breast. Brad is captain of the football team, Kim's boyfriend and 16-year-old well-built blonde hair boy. Susan is 15-year-old rich girl. She is well built like a super model and she lets people know she is beautiful. Mike is Susan's boyfriend and a body builder....

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Theyre at It Again

They're at it again. They're like rabbits. Fucking away like crazy. Every afternoon. My seventeen-year old brother and his girlfriend. In the next room to mine. Boy is she a screamer. Not just loud, she's pretty slutty when she gets laid. "Fuck me, Justin, fuck me, harder," I hear through the wall. "Cum in me, Justin, I want your cum," she yells. "Suck my pussy, Justin, harder, harder," it echos. I live in a porn flick every afternoon. Justin and his girlfriend, Kayla, are already...

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Threesome i would never forget

I remember that day like it was yesterday, though it has been exactly five years since that night in the summer of 2008. I was 25 and working at an advertising agency, making my way slowly up the corporate ladder. I enjoyed my job, had a modest but nice one-bedroom apartment in the heart of the city, and had a beautiful girlfriend that I had recently started dating. Five years ago today I got dressed for a night of drinks and debauchery, however, I had no idea how accurate that description...

1 year ago
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My little secret

I am your typical straight male but I have a secret that still causes me to fantasize about doing it again. Its gets my surprise. One night Donald slept over at my house. We messed around like normal teens and joked about stupid stuff like jacking off into a jar and filling it up. After a while we started wrestling and he grabbed my cock. There wasn't a whole lot I could do since he was a lot bigger than me and used his weight to keep me down. I tried to resist but kinda like him touching me. I...

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A Cruise to Remember

Passengers arriving on the cruise ship Costa Riviera, they had their luggage and their belongings with them as they got their cabin assignments and went to the staterooms and cabins on each designated deck. Jeanne went down to one of the lower decks and found her cabin. She noticed a single man going in to the cabin next to her. She smiled as he looked at her, he dropped his key card and nervously smiled. He picked it up and she went in to her cabin with a smile on her face. He looked back up...

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Dont Use Moms Panties 1

Don't Use Mom's Panties 1 I was home for the winter break after my first semester of college. At nineteen I had really enjoyed my time away from home. I grew up a lot that semester. I had a few dates, but nothing serious. The guys at college all just seemed to want to get drunk and screw whatever comes near them. I stayed away from that scene and focused on my grades. I was a good girl that's for sure. But then I came home. Mom was glad to have me at home. My younger brother was...

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FamilyStrokes Anastasia Knight Tucker Stevens Weird Family Sex Science

Stepbrother was working on a science experiment to take advantage of his mom and stepsister. He started by putting barcodes on them, which he would scan with an app he created in order to have the girls do his bidding. Both Anastasia and Tucker both knew that he he had a wild imagination, so they would play along for whatever he thought was going to happen even though it definitely would not work. Turn s out stepbro was not just a mad scientist, but also a pervert! He utilized the app to make...

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Old man cock whats not to love

It was July 16th 2006 and I will never forget that date. I was working as the evening clerk at a Hotel near Atlanta. It was near 10:00 that evening when I checked a guest into the whirlpool suite room. His name was Richard and he was from Michigan on his way back home. He was a nice gentleman in his early 60s he told me about his wife, k**s, and grandk**s as I checked him in. He was around 5'10" 220 or so not a big guy just a few extra pounds and was bald headed. Around 10:30 I gave his room a...

4 years ago
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The Institute of Advanced Sexuality

THE INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED SEXUALITY Chapter 1 Welcome to the only place in the world totally dedicated to the study ofthe sexual habits of women fifty years and older. At the Institute we collectinformation about the sex lives of these women and offer, if needed, guidanceto them and their sex partners. Today I will discuss the most extraordinarycase we have ever investigated. If we did not have the body of evidence thathas been developed over the years and the number of reliable witnesses...

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Purely a Business Arrangement

Purely a Business Arrangement Lady Caroline Westhaven gave a grimace of displeasure as her maid tightened the laces of her corset. "That's enough Minnie," she said sharply. "Sorry My Lady, I'm just trying to get your waist down a little so that you will look your best in your dress." "I don't give a tinkers cuss how I look in my dress," snapped Lady Caroline. She was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry Minnie, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I do so hate these odious...

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Exposed Sissy Slut Monica Saska Birth of a web sl

You will become an internet whore!You made a terrible mistake in your life since you started posting your photos on a porn site.You pose for photos dressed in women's clothes.It was just fun for you. You saw a lot of people doing this, and you wanted to try it too.You wanted others to think you were a woman. You wanted them to rate and comment on you.People like you don't think, don't know what the consequences might be. There are people on porn sites who hunt people like you and who want to...

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ElenaChapter 21

“What was that? That can’t be possible. There is no way I can be the father of your baby? Are you kidding me?” I said convinced that I must have heard wrong. Zoe looked serious as she said, “You remember how once you turned sixteen you had your sperm frozen because you were going in for surgery and were unsure you’d make it and even if you did make it through the surgery, you and your dad weren’t sure you’d be able to have kids?” For a moment there the world was spinning out of control....

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Frills and Thrills Ch 02

The sun was beginning to set and cast bright brilliantly colored streaks of light through the front windows of Frills and Thrills. Carrie was behind the circular cash wrap desk which was situated fifteen feet back from the front door, giving everyone who worked there an instant view of whoever walked in. She idly stared out the windows at the infrequent people who walked by. The store had been closed for almost an hour but she had stayed behind to finish some paperwork and to take a few...

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