The Neighbour's Daughter free porn video

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I was having two days off at home. My manager had offered me an extra two days of leave as reward for a job well done. It was leave in lieu and off the record, and she was leaving at the end of the month to return to working for another company. So I was taking off a Monday and Tuesday towards the end of the month, making it a long weekend.

My girlfriend was leaving for work on the Monday when I got out of bed, having enjoyed a ninety-minute lie-in. Slipping on my running gear I had gone for a forty-five minute run, returning home hot and perspiring. I left my running gear on as I brewed and drank a cup of tea while I cooled off, and then stripped, tossing my damp gear into the basket in the laundry before walking naked through the dining room and kitchen to the bathroom.

After a long and luxurious shower I towelled myself dry and pulled on a towelling robe before walking back through the kitchen towards the dining room, intending to add my towel to the damp clothes in the laundry. However as I glanced out the floor to ceiling kitchen window to the garden, I saw someone cross from the neighbouring garden into our back yard. I stopped, recognising Anna, the neighbour's daughter. As she began to walk towards the back deck, I continued through to the laundry, deposited my towel in the basket and opened the back door just as Anna stepped onto the deck. "Hello! Can I help you?" I asked.

She stopped, and gave me a somewhat crafty look. "I'm looking for my cat," she responded, "I thought it might have come to visit your two."

Our cats, a pair of Russian Blues, which were only let out on harnesses tethered to the deck as we lived both close to the beach and a road, were inside the house. However, despite being tethered they were very territorial and sent any stray cats packing, so I doubted that Anna's cat, if she had one, was visiting here. Testing her, I asked what sort of cat she had. The question caught her unguarded, and she had to think before she said it was a tabby.

I knew that Anna was sixteen, as she had been fourteen when we bought the house two years earlier. Close friends, whose daughter was friendly with Anna, had told us of the trouble her separated parents had had with the girl, who was then living with her mother, and how her mother had struggled to control her behaviour. Two years on and she was now staying more frequently with her father, our neighbour Greg. Whenever Greg was working late, or visiting his latest girlfriend, who by coincidence lived near his ex-wife, Anna would have girlfriends visit, playing music loudly and smoking on the balcony outside her bedroom, which overlooked our back deck.

It was late November, and she was probably at home on study leave before her exams, and I guessed that she had seen that I was home on my own. Wearing a tiny flared black skirt and a navy elastic crop top that hugged her big breasts, and sandals, she was not dressed to study.

"Where are your two cats?" she asked, although she must have known they were in the house, as they weren't out on their harnesses.

"Inside!" I responded, "Do you want to see them". She nodded, and I stepped aside, ushering her past me and indicating the way through the dining room as I called to the cats. As she climbed the three stairs from the dining room to the kitchen, from my position behind and below I could see almost to the tops of her thighs. Both cats ran into the kitchen from the hall. Anna bent to stroke them, not from the knees, but from the waist, exposing to my gaze her bare buttocks, split by the narrow band of a white thong she was wearing, and the bulge of her pussy pouched by the thong.

I sensed that her provocative action was deliberate; as she knew I was behind and below her and could see everything she was showing, and I could feel my dangling cock fill and swell to erection. For a moment I paused, to consider what my mind, driven by my cock, was contemplating. Greg was not only a neighbour, but also a friend, but then I thought, "What the hell!" While his daughter might only be sixteen she was a big girl, with big tits and bum and her cunt on show, and she certainly seemed to know what she wanted.

Stepping up behind Anna I stroked a full, bare buttock with one hand, and when she didn't flinch I slid my hand between her thighs to cup the mound of her pussy over her thong. She spread her legs slightly, improving my access, and I pulled the pouch of the thong to one side, sliding my fingers along her crease and slipping them inside her as the full lips parted readily. Her wetness revealed her excitement, and with a growing certainty, I sensed that she had had seen me home on my own, possibly walking naked to the shower, and had come over to see me with an anticipation of seducing me.

Taking my hand from Anna's twat I parted my robe and slid my stiff cock between her thighs as she bent before me. With a small moan, the little slut half straightened, closing her legs to trap my swollen cock between her fleshy thighs. I flexed my hips, pumping my cock in the junction of her thighs several times, feeling her weeping cunt lubricating my shaft before grabbing her by the elbow, steering her to the door to the hallway as I hissed in her ear "We're going to the bedroom! I'm going to fuck you!" I closed the hall door behind us, shutting the cats in the kitchen, stopping at the airing cupboard to grab a couple of towels before leading Anna up the hall to the bedroom.

For a sixteen year-old, Anna was a tall girl, and I barely had to bend my neck as I kissed her, pushing my tongue into her mouth as I pulled her elastic top up to expose her big breasts. Without the support of the top they sagged a little, surprisingly soft for a girl so young. I pinched and tugged her big, hardening nipples as I kissed her. My robe had fallen open and she had both hands on my stiff cock. Leaving her breasts, I reached both hands under her brief skirt to tug her thong down her thighs. "Let's see your cunt!" I told her crudely, shrugging off my robe before dropping to my knees as I pulled her thong down to her ankles. She stepped out of the thong and I grabbed her hips, pushing her back onto the edge of the bed. She fell back on the bed, raising and spreading her thighs to expose her pussy.

The bush of brown hair at the base of her slightly rounded belly was sparse and almost straight, with thin wisps running down along the full lips of her cunt, which were puffy, with pink, wet flesh showing between them. Slipping a towel beneath her hips I bent, fastening my mouth over her pussy. She writhed as my tongue probed the swollen lips of her pussy, plunging deep into her velvet channel, then withdrawing to slide up her slit to frig her hardening clit. As my tongue alternated between her swollen clit and her weeping slot, I reached beyond her thighs with both hands to take possession of her full breasts, squeezing and rolling her taut nipples, continuing my ministrations until she gave a thin shriek as her body arched in orgasm.

Not waiting for her climax to wane, raising my head from her weeping pussy I rose, pulling her hips closer to the edge of the bed as she struggled to push herself up on her elbows. "Put it in!" I demanded as I leant over her.

"Not yet. I want to suck you!" she pleaded.

"Later!" I responded, "There'll be time for that later! Now put it in!" I commanded fiercely. Reaching between us she grabbed my shaft, directed my knob to her wet opening. Pushing her knees back to her chest I pressed down on her, feeling my knob slip in easily. Although she had a large, fleshy and well-developed pussy and a long slit, her channel was agreeably tight.

I worked my thick tool in to the root with two or three good thrusts until my hips were resting on the backs of her thighs. "Has your mother got you on the pill?" I asked as I looked down on her. She nodded, slumping back on the bed.

Resting my weight on her thighs, my feet braced on the floor, I began to fuck her with long, slow strokes. Despite her youth she was experienced, her vaginal muscles clamping down on my shaft with practiced skill each time I withdrew, milking my cock. Too excited to prolong the action, I began to plunge into her vigorously, my balls slapping her buttocks and her body jolting with each thrust.

I felt the familiar tightening in my groin and suddenly my cock was spewing hot gouts of spunk into her tight channel as I came, continuing to thrust into her even after the last of my spunk was wrung from me by the rhythmic squeezing of her clasping notch.

Anxious to maintain my erection, I grabbed one of Anna's hands, jerking my cock from her cunt as I pulled her into a sitting position on the edge of the bed, stepping back in close to push my slowly drooping cock under her nose. "You wanted to suck me, well suck me now!" I ordered, more than half expecting her to refuse, but to my delight she opened her lips and bent forward to take my slimy tool deep in her mouth. I groaned with pleasure as she assiduously applied her lips and tongue to cleaning the blend of her juices and my spunk from my cock and balls. Satisfied that I was sufficiently clean, the little slut began to suck me, taking my broad knob deep into her throat. Grasping her head gently in both hands I began to pump my cock in her suctioning mouth, continuing for many minutes until I was achingly erect.

Releasing Anna's head I eased my cock from her mouth. "Turn over and kneel on the edge of the bed!" I ordered, "Get your arse up and your head down!" She scrambled to comply,

"Are you going to fuck me in the arse?" she asked, with a quaver of either excitement or apprehension in her voice.

"You bet!" I responded, although I hadn't yet considered it, but my heart and cock both leapt at the suggestion. Dropping to my knees I buried my face in the moist and sticky cleft of her buttocks, my nose pressed to the pucker of her arsehole, tasting the tangy flavours of our fucking as my tongue probed her slot. She was wriggling on my tongue like an eel on a spear before I slipped my tongue from her twat, to slide it up her cleft to probe her nether hole. The indentation of her large, pink-brown puckered entrance and the slightly spongy texture of the wrinkled flesh hinted at previous anal experience.

I elicited squeals of pleasure from Anna when I forced the tip of my tongue into her musky-tasting hole after carefully licking all around it. Reaching one hand between her thighs I frigged her swollen clit as my tongue probed her arse, and she began thrusting her hips back at me with whines of pleasure. My cock was throbbing and twitching as my excitement grew. Half reluctant to halt my oral titillation of the little slut, I nevertheless rose from my knees and stepped quickly for the bedside cabinet, reaching for one of the tubes of lubricant in the top drawer. Moving back behind Anna I paused briefly to allow my greedy gaze to feast on one of my favourite sights; that of a woman bent before me as if in supplication, ready to be mounted. Viewed from behind, as I looked down at Anna, she was displayed as are all women in this position; all rounded buttocks and flaring hips, the split pouch of her pussy and her puckered anus obscenely exposed.

Moving in close behind Anna with my cock in one hand, I slid my knob up and down the wet split of her pussy, seeking her opening, and finding it, lodged my knob in it and sank into her. In this position, her tight channel held me in an even more constricting clasp, and I groaned in pleasure at the exquisitely long, dragging sensation on my cock as I slowly slid into her until my belly was pressed hard against her rounded buttocks. Bending over her, I reached beneath her to fill both hands with her big soft breasts; my fingers seeking the big nipples, pinching and rolling them as my hips began to pump, working my cock in and out of her tight channel.

Having climaxed, I was in no hurry, and began to enjoy a long, leisurely ride.

After several minutes, when Anna's excitement began to grow, I dropped a hand from one breast, feeling under her soft belly until my questing fingers found her swollen clit, feeling my shaft sliding in and out of her wet flesh as I frigged her hard little nub. Her body heaved and jumped as she climaxed, but with my arms gripping her side I maintained the steady rhythm of my cock in her hole, the clamp of my arms holding her up to me when she would have slumped to the bed.

Once Anna's crisis had passed and she was capable of supporting herself once more, I released my hold of her and straightened up, reaching for the lubricant.

Squeezing a generous blob of lubricant over Anna's puckered anus, I worked a finger past the elastic iris of her nether hole, sliding it in and out in time with the rhythmic pumping of my cock in her twat. As her arse opened up to me, I slipped a second, and then, with a little more difficulty, a third finger into her, twisting and turning them as I pumped then in and out.

Another climax washed over Anna, and I stilled my movements and bent over her to hold her close as her body bucked and she shrieked out her pleasure. As her violent motions ceased I straightened once more. Easing my fingers from her arse, I withdrew my cock from her cunt, sliding the broad knob up her crease to her now-open arsehole. She stiffened as she felt my tip lodge at her opening, but I pressed forward. The elastic opening gave a little, then resisted, and then yielded again to let my knob gradually slip within the slowly expanding muscle. Reaching under her belly I frigged her clit with quick strokes of my fingertips; her body twitched and jerked, and as she pushed back at me my knob slipped past her sphincter, which held the neck of my shaft in a tight elastic grip. I continued to frig her, letting her movements slowly drive my cock deeper into her arse until I was all the way in.

Abandoning Anna's clit temporarily, I grasped her hanging breasts with both hands as I began to flex my hips, working my cock back and forth in the tight grip of her arse, initially with tiny movements, but gradually growing longer as her hole slowly relaxed to accommodate me, until I was pumping into her with long strokes, her cushioning buttocks rebuffing me with each thrust. The ring of muscle of her anus was so exquisitely tight that I wanted to prolong my pleasure, to enjoy the sensation for as long as I possibly could, but it was the exquisite tightness that overcame my resolve, the constant milking pressure of her sphincter around my shaft as I stroked back and forth inexorably drawing me nearer to the brink of orgasm.

Releasing her breasts, I leaned back for a minute or two, looking down with fascination as between the flaring sweep of Anna's bent white buttocks, my thick shaft stabbed over and over into the distended hole in her cleft, reappearing only to stab in once again. The highly erotic sight tipped me over the edge; with a shock of excitement I felt my balls tingling and knew I was about to blow. Grabbing Anna by the hips I pumped into her with short, fast thrusts, feeling my cock swelling in the tight grip of her elastic ring. Even as my cock twitched and spurted, spraying her bowel with scalding jets of spunk, she wailed and bucked as yet another climax hit her. I continued to ride her sinking hips as she slowly collapsed onto the bed, until the spasms of her clenching sphincter had wrung the last of my spunk from my hypersensitive cock.

We were both lay panting, fighting to control our breathing, my softening cock slowly shrinking from her bowel until expelled by the relentless pressure of her anal muscle. As my breathing returned to normal, and I pushed myself from Anna's prone body, I became aware that the room reeked of sex; the odours of perspiration and well-fucked cunt overlaid with something earthier and more primal. Moving to the window, I opened it wider, turning back to the bed to grasp Anna by the shoulder. "Come on, shower time!" I told her. She rolled onto her back and stretched luxuriously.

"Fuck, that's the best screw I've had in months!" she remarked, making me wonder how often the little slut was being fucked, and by whom.

Grabbing one of her outstretched arms I pulled her from the bed and led her to the bathroom, my flaccid cock slapping wetly on my thighs as we walked down the hall. I caressed her back and rounded buttocks as we waited for the shower to warm, and then ushered her under the stream of warm water, following her in and closing the door behind us. Grabbing the soap I began to wash her, relishing the soft, warm rounded curves of her wet body. Turning her away from me to face the wall, I used my fingers to spread first her pussy, and then her arse, to allow my spunk to escape her body and be washed away in the stream of water.

Slipping my hands up her body I cupped her large, wet breasts, surprised to find her nipples swollen hard with excitement. She thrust her hips back at me, gyrating her smooth, wet and slippery buttocks against my cock, which began to stiffen, pressing into her cleft from behind. Giggling, she lifted a leg to allow my semi-hard cock to slip between her thighs, and then clamped them together, trapping my hot flesh. Humping her hips, the little slut tugged on my cock with her thighs, and to my pleased surprise I felt my bruised cock responding, slowly swelling to full erection.

Clasping her close as she teased my hardening cock, with one hand I continued to fondle Anna's full tits, while I slipped the other down her softly rounded belly, running my fingers through the thin covering of hair on her mound until I could press them into her cleft to find and frig her swelling clit. With a little moan of satisfaction, squatting slightly, she reached down with one hand to grasp my cock as she spread her thighs and thrust her arse back into my belly. Bending my knees, I thrust forward as she guided my knob to her opening, and slid up into her slick cunt once more. I shuffled backwards a little as she pushed her hips further back, edging her feet back and bending to lean forward, bracing her hands on the shower wall. Knees bent, I grasped her hips and began to pump into her as the warm water streamed down over us. My belly clapped noisily against the full globes of her wet buttocks with each thrust, my swinging balls slapping wetly between her thighs. My fingers were busy on her swollen nipples, tugging them, pulling them downwards and stretching her breasts.

Fortunately my running and biking has developed my thigh muscles, but even so they were tiring when the erratic jerking of Anna's body and the clenching grasp of her cunt signalled the onset of yet another climax. Releasing her breasts I grabbed handfuls of her rounded hips, pulling her back onto me to meet my urgent thrusting. My hoarse grunts increased in volume, matching Anna's wails as she came. Tightening my grip on her hips, I held her close as my tired cock twitched and jerked inside her, spurting a final load of spunk into the depths of her pulsating cranny. Knees trembling, I continued to hold her tight, her full buttocks flattened against my belly, until my shrinking cock slipped from her twat, followed by a splash of spunk on the shower floor. She spread her legs to allow me to wash between them before turning off the shower.

As we towelled one another dry I offered to make Anna a drink before she returned home. The look of obvious disappointment on her face was so comical that I was forced to hide a smile. "Don't you like me? Aren't we having fun?" she asked. I had come three times in an hour; the best I had achieved in almost twenty years, and I didn't think I could manage it again in a hurry. However the little slut's obvious enthusiasm for more sex encouraged me to rethink, and a couple of possibilities sprang to mind.

"O.K.!" I responded, "I'm up for it if you are! Back to the bedroom with you! I'll get us both a drink and join you." My cock might have been unresponsive, but as I poured our drinks, I thought I knew what might restore it to action.

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New Neighbours

Introduction: After moving from the city to the country, Tom gets to meet his new neighbours I had done alright working in the city in London and had gained quite a hefty promotion linked with relocation to the Midlands. What that also meant was that with the difference in property prices I was able to buy myself a pretty good detached house with gardens in a nice quiet village. My neighbours, Paul and Jane and their daughter Sarah, were fifty yards or so to the left and the next house was...

3 years ago
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New Older Neighbours part 1

It was around 1998, I had been in my new house for about 6 months now. The gardens were all very private with large bushes defining the boundaries. I lived alone, was 27 and was always horny....just like most guys.The house next door had sold 3 months earlier and I enjoyed the fact that there wasn't any noise coming from there. I was just driving up the road when I saw a removal van parked next door to mine, I was intrigued. I parked the car and saw a couple of about 70 directing the removal...

4 years ago
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The Neighbours Birthday party P6

"Come on! This going to be fun!" grinned my mother as we walked down the road, with me dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and jeans, and her in a grass skirt and a coconut bra that barely covered her big white hanging breasts."Do we have to dress like this?" I asked "Yes! It's a Hawaiian theme birthday bash! So we have to dress the part!" my mother replied cheerily."How come dad gets out of this?" I then asked"Because he's working late! Now cheer up!" replied Mother eager to get to the party.A short...

2 years ago
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Naughty Neighbours

Naughty NeighboursIt was a Friday night and Paul was out with friends and I had just settled down on the sofa with a glass of wine to watch some TV, when the door bell went Jill from next door walked in with a parcel that had been left with her while we were out. I took it off her and asked if she wanted to join me for a glass of wine, she said why not we sat and chatted about allsorts and nothing as we do, I said do you another glass of wine she thought about it for a minute then said why not...

3 years ago
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My Neighbours 1

I split with my missus a couple of years ago and rented a couple of places and then moved into my new semi detached house at the back end of last year. Quiet culd de sac, pretty suburban sort of road, lots of families. My next door neighbours i had said "Hi" to now and again, a mother and her daughter. Mother i would guess in her mid 50s and daughter probably late 20's. I didn't really pay too much attention as i don't with any neighbours really.Then, a few weeks ago, one Sunday afternoon, a...

2 years ago
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WifeHusband And Neighbours

I am Rajesh from eastern India, working in well known organization as an engineer, 42 yrs old. My family consists of my wife, Keya and two small children. We stay in company provided flat; our neighbours are also from the same company, all family persons. As company is doing well, we are all happy and well off. Keya, 35 yrs old, a classic beauty, figure is 36-32-36. I used to joke with her that she is having the sexiest ass in the locality. She used to poke me, and then you have checked all the...

2 years ago
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The Neighbours New Year Party

Just after Christmas, my mother got really excited about a text she had received."Good News! Gail has invited us to her new years party!" she exclaimed excitedly."She invites us every year!" replied my father back."Yes. But this year... Mark will be with us!" she replied gesturing to me."Oh yeah!" my father said with a knowing smile.He then looked at me, grinned and said "You're really not going to want to miss this!"If it was anything like our neighbours birthday parties i thought, then i...

1 year ago
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The Neighbours Favour

NOTE: New To this but long time reader so if u find and please for improvement please don't hesitate to ask.Just finished college and had no work so returned home for the summer having sorted work for the following September abroad. I was out mowing the lawn when my mother pointed out that the neighbours are away and the lawn could do with a cut. so went over and did so, a few later days Matilda or maddy our neighbour popped over to thank me for the help. she explained that her husband wasn't...

2 years ago
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Indian Wife and Bold Neighbours

It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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New Neighbours ndash The Introduction

I woke up quite late for me but didn’t panic as I had nothing really planned for the day but with my new neighbours moving in I decided that I would at least introduce myself and offer any assistance that may be required but it was all quiet at the moment which gave me time to have my breakfast and shower ready for the day ahead.I was sitting outside having a smoke when at around 11am I saw the removal van pull up and things starting to happen and as my car was right outside my gate I thought...

1 year ago
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fiona and her neighbours

Fiona was going shopping. She had just closed her front garden gate when she turned to see Kathy and Michelle walking towards her with large grins on their faces. Kathy and Michelle were neighbours of Fiona. They shared a flat three doors away on the same street. Fiona had met them for the first time two days ago at Mary’s hen party. Both girls were twenty years old, much younger than forty one year old Fiona but they had enjoyed embarrassing and humiliating her, as did the other women at the...

1 year ago
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Caught Nude BY New Neighbours

Suddenly a crunch of leaves to my left I spun, cock in hand. There not 3 metres from me was an elderly guy walking towards me, looking straight down at my cock in my hand “Hi there “he called, Oh shit! I exclaimed loudly, as I tried to cover my erection with both hands.” I’m so sorry” I quickly stammered, my face flushed with embarrassment “I thought I was on my property! “Smiling at me he said “Don’t panic you are on your property, I saw you leave your house, I was raking up some leaves and...

2 years ago
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Friendly Neighbours

Dropping the last heavy box into the hallway, I clapped my hands together to get rid of the excess dust, rested them on my hips and sighed. It had been a long day of moving house, my least favourite thing in the world, but it was finally done. I looked around my little house and sighed again, from happiness rather than exhaustion this time around. Afternoon sun filtered through the many glass panels in the open plan kitchen/dining area. I had done really well. My new place was small and modest...

3 years ago
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My Neighbours Part 2

Part 1..........A couple of hours later I was woken by a car roaring into that neighbours drive and within an hour I could hear her riding his huge Maori cock he roared and you could hear her muffled scream. I start fantasizing of his huge cock filling her mouth till she gets him wet, it sounds like he is chewing on her pussy lips creating mini orgasms till I here her telling him to ride her pussy harder then a slap oh I think his cock slipped into her arse then you hear the riding and the...

3 years ago
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Sex Slave to the Neighbours Part 5 The Finale

Part 5 during which I meet new friends who touch my cock and encourage me to ride my bike more.These weeks with my anonymous couple in the nondescript house on my bike route have been disturbing. Getting sucked off by both of them and accepting commands from them without any control on my part has been humiliating - and very exciting. I jerked off at home after these episodes and the orgasms were explosive. I had become a willing participant not knowing what would happen to me the next time...

3 years ago
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The Neighbours Daughter Part 2

The next day came and I told my wife I would go check on the neighbours k**s, Mandy and her brother who I will call Peter.No you must understand that my mind was a complete mess. I had not thought of anything other than Mandy and what had happened since the previous morning. I had of course run through loads of scenarios in my head, like me seeing her pussy, her tits, touching her, licking her and yes of course, fucking her. I had a constant hard on and I was so tempted to wrap her now cleaned...

1 year ago
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My Neighbours surprise part 2

So, I was feeling very very sexy. I had my large butt plug in my GurlPussy and was dressed up to the nines. I felt amazing. I was mincing around my house, walking up and down the stairs and all throughout the house just so I could feel my clothes against my skin. I don't know how many times I walked into my bedroom just so I could look at myself in my full length mirror, I looked liked like a right little slut with my heavy make up and tight clothing, I definitely felt like a right slut.My wine...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbours Part One

The new neighbourJust recently, new neighbours had moved in next door. They were a family of three; Two middle aged parents and their teenage daughter. I'd seen the girl in the back garden from the bathroom window a few times, and I was dissapointed. She looked about 19, small built, shoulder length brown hair and an amazing figure. From what I could see, her tits looked a good handful, and she had a great arse. So it's a Saturday afternoon, and I'm sat about in the front room watching tele in...

2 years ago
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The Neighbours

Chapter One:I had lived in my home with my strict parents for many years now, it wasn't the best home; a small home in an apartment block that had a small, virtually tidy most of the time, swimming pool. I had just turned sixteen, and still a virgin when my first real sexual experiences took place.We had seen people come and go, those with little money, and those who had money and lost it all and needed a run down place to live for a while before they got back on their feet. It was a summer's...

2 years ago
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Neighbours From Hell

This story is complete fiction. I have a very sick and twisted mind and I am the girl I write about in this story. This is one of many of my complex fantasies! If you enjoy it or hate it, please feel free to comment. I am a relatively new writer... in fact the only other piece I have ever written is on this site (My Kidnapped Hell) I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it! – Liz.Neighbours From Hell Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. I threw my quilt over my...

2 years ago
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Getting to Know My Neighbours

After recently moving into a new block of flats I was enjoying the process of meeting my new neighbours. I didn’t go knocking on doors but would introduce myself whenever I saw someone I didn’t know around the block. One day when I was hanging out some washing, a lady I hadn’t met walked past. I smiled at her and when she stopped, I introduced myself and she told me her name was Hazel. She was a nice, reasonably attractive lady who I guessed, like me, to be in her mid sixties. She said she was...

3 years ago
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When my neighbours were away

First I am going to tell you a little about me. I a college student in the uk. I have longish blonde hair and a skinny body, blue eyes and stand just over 6 ft. I consider myself to have an average size penis although a friend of mine once walked in on me pissing and said that it looked big and even went and told to some girls I knew. I am a virgin and live at home with my mom and dad. I will try my best to write this so both British and American guys will understand. Anyway that's just a...

3 years ago
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The neighbours party

“Come on, there not that loud” “Oh please, Alexis they so are, they always have them in their yard instead of the patio, and the music echos all through the valley” I copied my mother and let out a sigh, she was right. The neighbours had a lot of parties which was annoying at first but then I learnt to just put my earphones in and turn my music up to block out theirs and I didn’t care anymore. What I did care about was my mum and dad complaining about it all the time. “Why do you and dad go...

2 years ago
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My Surprising New Neighbours

If you believed everything my mates told you, you’d be convinced that I’ve shagged most of the world’s most beautiful women. Nothing could be further from the truth, but when they’ve had a few pints on a Friday night after our regular five-a-side football session, they’re even more certain that I must be lying when I deny it.Some of their comments are pretty crude — “C’mon Dave, you old fucker, tell us… does so-and-so suck your dick?” or “I bet S...’s got a nice tight cunt,” or, “Do you fuck...

3 years ago
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I am a daddy to my neighbours wife

The homestead I lived in was 4 kilometres from our neighbours place and out of sight of each other. While I was at school I learned all about sex from other kids – masturbation mainly and I had two rather minor experiences with two different girls who like me were curious but uneducated in what one did when alone together. I fumbled through two embarrassing attempts to have sex with these girls. They were as inexperienced as I was - although I was not the first boy to attempt sex with...

1 year ago
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New Neighbours

I live in a small town in Central England, on a very secluded road, which has just six houses. In the early summer a newly married couple moved in next door. I’m twenty-seven years old, long dark hair, five feet six inches tall, blue eyes, slim athletic body developed from swimming every day and smallish boobs. I’d only seen the new couple briefly, long enough to say hello and tell them my name was Joanna and for them to say they were Vicky and Ian. From the day they moved in it was clear that...

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Neighbours EXDaughter in law

Well, ..I am a happily married wife of 21 years to a husband whom gives me anything I want. We have a very strong sex life and fantasize quiet a lot about all the things we would like to try. We have an understanding that if our fantasy can be fulfilled then go along with it and I did just that. A few years ago while on holiday while in the shower we had an amazing time and I managed to experience sex with another woman for the first time. I really enjoyed the little fling but didn’t really...

2 years ago
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Neighbours Pantyhose

When I used to live at my old place I had some very good neighbours who would help me out with any things I needed doing as well as get me down for coffee and a chat on an evening. Both were in their early 60's and kept very active for their ages. The husband, Roger, used to work at the local airport while the wife, Carol, stayed at home and did odd-jobs.One day I was working out in the yard and saw them both just as they'd got back from a function. Carol was wearing a black and white polka-dot...

4 years ago
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The older I get, the more I think back on my life. At 55, I wonder about how I would do things again if I had the chance. I certainly would tried to have experienced more beautiful pussies for sure. I have not lost the urge to admire women discreetly but, having being married for almost thirty years, I never actually pursue them. That changed when new neighbours moved in next to us a couple of years ago. Erica and Bob are in their late thirties and have a couple of young kids. They are a...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The Neighbours Birthday party 2

It had been a very long dull week after Mrs Chester birthday party, all I could think about was how amazing it had been, and how great it was to fuck my old English teacher right in front of everyone, and eagerly waited for the next party, Mrs Tulley's.Now Mrs Tulley was a petite redheaded Milf around the same age as my mother, but who had two k**s younger than me, but still looked fairly young for her age, and kept her self fit by going running every other day as well, and I really wanted to...

1 year ago
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New Neighbours

I live in a small town in Central England, on a very secluded road, which has just six houses. In the early summer a newly married couple moved in next door. I’m twenty-seven years old, long dark hair, five feet six inches tall, blue eyes, slim athletic body developed from swimming every day and smallish boobs. I’d only seen the new couple briefly, long enough to say hello and tell them my name was Joanna and for them to say they were Vicky and Ian. From the day they moved in it was clear that...

1 year ago
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Noisy Neighbours

I started to wonder whether everything they did on a daily basis was just to piss me off. It had gone from petty stuff, like ‘forgetting’ to drop round parcels that had been delivered when I was at work or letting their dog jump the fence and scare the shit out of my cat, to hanging pictures up at 11pm and parking their car right outside my driveway. I’d always hated my neighbours, and what made it even worse was there was nothing I could do about them. The police didn’t want to know, they...

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Where wife Sarah, son Rick, daughter Christina and Sarah,s late parents lived in London our neighbours normally couldn,t see in our large garden and none overlooked us so nude sunbathing was the order of sunny rare summer days. Next door neighbours Rob and Katrina had teenagers two sons Brian and Steve. Brian actually dated Chris when she was s*******n, but they just didn,t get on that well. One summer Rob decided to get tree surgeons in to trim back some large pines that were growing more on...

1 year ago
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Our new neighbours

My wife Jenny and I recently moved from the South West to the Midlands to a small village. We have been married for just over a year, Jenny is 29 and I am 32. She is quite attractive with a curvy figure but doesn't tend to show herself off much. She has great tits but likes to keep them covered!. We have a great sex life but Jenny is generally quite shy and very innocent. I have asked her many times about her exes and past exploits but she doesn't like to say much and tends to get...

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