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"Hold the door!" Sandy yelled as she sprinted the last twenty feet to the rapidly closing door of the Ferry's waiting area.

With only a half foot to spare, the blonde made it through, much to the disappointment of the deck hand who got his kicks closing the door in people's faces. Had she missed it, it would be a long hour's wait until the next Ferry at 1:30 AM. No sooner had she cleared the boarding ramp when it began to rise, freeing the Staten Island Ferryboat Alice Austin to begin her journey across New York Harbor.

Taking the late night boat was only one of the problems Sandy Carradine had encountered since going on her firm's four to twelve shift about five weeks before. Over a month and she still couldn't get into sleeping during the day. In fact, the fact that the bus stop for the local Junior High School was located right in front of her small apartment house guaranteed that she would wake up to the sound of two dozen teenagers beneath her bedroom window every morning at 7:00.

Dropping her large carry bag onto one of the hard plastic seats, Sandy dropped exhausted into another. It had been another hot and humid August day and the night had brought little relief. The small Ferry was pretty empty this time of night, relatively speaking. At least it was a far cry was the two thousand or so who took the early morning Ferry ride she had been used to.

"Damn Betty Palmer for getting pregnant!" Sandy said under her breath. "It's her fault that I'm on this stupid shift again."

Six weeks ago, Sandy had been summoned to her supervisor's office and told that since Betty was taking early maternity leave, she would have to replace her as the night shift supervisor. The twenty five year old had protested that she had only come off the night shift six months before. Therefore it wasn't fair that she be sent back. That if anything, Steve Liebowitz, the new intern who would eventually replace Betty on nights when her four month tour was over, should just take over a little early.

The reply that she had gotten was that with Betty's sudden departure, they felt it would be better to have an experienced hand at the helm so to speak. Liebowitz just wasn't ready for all that responsibility. Fighting back her anger, Sandy had to resist the sudden urge she had to tell them what she would like to do with her experienced hand.

So for the last month, Sandy had rearranged her life to fit the new work schedule. With a few bumps along the way, she had finally settled into a more or less even routine. The only really great problem now was her boyfriend, Peter Ryan.

Sandy had been dating Peter for about three months. They had met through Jim Anderson, a mutual friend, at a birthday party for his wife. Sandy was instantly taken by his rugged good looks and electric personality. Six years older, Peter had looked into her deep blue eyes and asked her out less than five minutes after they'd been introduced. When they had gone out to dinner a few nights later, it took all the former Catholic High School girl's self control, not to jump into bed with him at the very first opportunity. Instead she congratulated herself on her self-control and jumped into the sack on their second date.

That was where their newfound relationship hit it's first speed bump. Peter Ryan may have been, tall, handsome, athletic, and incredibly charming, but astonishingly as it seemed, the man was absolutely boring in bed. Never in her life had Sandy spent the night with a lover so unimaginative. Oh, he wasn't a virgin, and he did manage to get the job done. Yet she sometimes wondered of his previous lovers had been some kind of cross between Mary Poppins and Snow White. Whenever she had suggested they try something a little interesting to spice up the night a little, he quickly backed off the idea. One night he had freaked when she had slid her cum-lubricated finger into his ass during a round of some pretty serious screwing. He nearly jumped out of bed and yelled at her for even trying such a thing. That was something that only "faggot's" did he had insisted. Try as she could, she'd been unable to regain his interest or erection that night.

Now it had been almost three weeks since they had slept together and Sandy couldn't wait until Saturday night. That was the only day of the week they could still see each other, and Peter had canceled out the last two weekends due to sudden emergencies. He made no secret of the fact that he was totally unhappy with the new arrangements, and Sandy wondered if he had canceled their last two dates just out of spite. She remembered the anger in his voice when he had told her when she talked to him last.

"It's not my fault that we only have one night a week that we can go out. If you want to spend more time together than you'll just have to find a way to make the time."

Sandy had been incredibly angry as she slammed down the phone. What did he expect her to do -- quit her job?

Pushing the angry memory to the back of her mind, Sandy began to look about the small cabin and take note of her fellow passengers. It was a little game she sometimes played, a way to kill time on the twenty minute ride when she didn't feel like reading. She would pick out a person at random, and try to make up a story about their sex life. It was a silly game really, but it was fun sometimes. Of course, during the daytime she had a lot more interesting people to choose from.

Her selection finally narrowed down to an cleaning lady who looked like those old Russian woman you always saw in the movies and a tall Hispanic woman in a crisp white nurse's uniform. Feeling a little naughty in her imagination tonight, it had after all been so long since she'd be laid - she picked the nurse.

The woman looked to be about twenty-two or three, with olive skin. Her hair was a soft reddish brown, highlighted with gold. The buttons of her starched uniform were opened exceeding low, revealing a more than ample bosom. Sandy wondered if she normally wore it that way or had just opened it due to the dreadful heat. Following her gaze downward, Sandy noted the long slender legs the seemed to go on and on. It was hard to judge her height from a sitting position, but Sandy guessed it to be about five foot nine.

She must work at a hospital, Sandy thought, or be a private nurse who covers a late shift for someone. A wicked smile came to the office manager's face as she imagined the nurse giving some dirty old man some tender loving care. She tried to imagine the body under the starched whites, wondering how she made love to a man. Was it any different? There had been three Puerto Rican girls in her high school class but Sandy hadn't been friends with any of them. There were a number of Hispanic men and women who worked for the firm, four on her night shift alone. But Sandy had always had to deal with them in a supervisor/employee role and such a relationship didn't easily lend to friendship.

Eventually, the boat docked at Saint George and Sandy followed the small crowd through the terminal to catch the next train southward. She'd passed the Nurse on the way out but didn't give her a second glance. After all, the game was over and she had to be sure and not miss her ride. Like the Ferry, the SIRT only ran once an hour after midnight. If she had noticed the woman in white, she'd have seen the small smile on her red lips. Sandy's little game hadn't gone unnoticed.

The next day was Tuesday, and it was a day pretty much like any other. Sandy had tried to call Peter several times but was always catching him in conference or out. She knew he was avoiding her, forcing her to decide between him or her job. Well she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. She'd teach him to take her for granted. Wait until they went out on Saturday night. Even if she had to tie him down to do it, Sandy was determined to give him the fuck of his life. After that, lets see him ignore her. After all, she remembered, at first he really wasn't keen on the idea of her going down on him. Yet after only a single demonstration, he quickly became a convert to the idea.

The night passed rather quickly and midnight soon came. Taking up an offer for a lift to the South Ferry Terminal, Sandy had no trouble making the twelve-thirty boat. As was her custom, she took her usual seat in the rear right section of the boat. It was funny, she thought how people always seem to go to the same seats night after night, even when there was so many empty seats.

In fact, since most of the people around her were the same night after night, she usually looked for the outsider to be the player in her game. Bypassing the familiar faces, Sandy's sights stopped for a moment on a tall olive skinned woman in a security guard's uniform.

"Now there's a lousy job to have," Sandy said to herself. "Long hours, minimum wage."

Discounting her as a player, Sandy's imaginary scope moved on. After all, why pick the same type of person two nights in a row. Finding no one that struck her immediate interest, the blonde was surveying the choices a second time when she took a longer look at the security guard.

"She's the nurse!" Sandy exclaimed to herself. "The hair is black now and in a braid, but that's the same woman. I'm sure of it. How could she be a nurse one day and a security guard the next?"

Determined to get a closer look to be sure, Sandy waited until the Ferry began to get close to port and people began to line up at the front of the boat. That was another thing she had never understood. Why with only about a hundred people onboard, a line would still form at the gangway before they even docked. Whatever the reason, it gave her an excuse to take a closer look at this mystery woman.

Pausing at the row just in front of the woman, Sandy leaned on an empty row of plastic seats as if to steady her balance. Taking a long, hard look, she confirmed it was indeed the same woman who had worn the nurse's whites the night before. Right down to the bright red lipstick and the open buttons on her blouse. After a few seconds, the woman looked up from her newspaper and smiled at Sandy. Embarrassed at being caught staring, the blonde haired woman quickly and wordlessly moved to the front of the boat.

The next day, Sandy couldn't get the strange woman out of her thoughts. This was a much more exciting game than she was used to playing. Would she be back on the Ferry tonight, if so, how would she be dressed ... and why? The hours seemed to go so slow and as midnight approached they seemed to go even slower. Finally, the night was over and she rushed out the door. When her ride to the terminal got stuck behind a bus, Sandy watched the minutes click off on the dashboard clock and as twelve twenty approached, she was sure she'd missed her boat.

Rushing up the escalator, Sandy reached the top just in time to see the sliding access door close to only a one foot opening. She had missed it.

Suddenly the door stopped and began to side back open. Pushing it was a different younger deckhand.

"Hurry up." He yelled. "You can still make it."

As she dashed inside, Sandy paused just long enough to smile at the deckhand and say thank you. Between the humidity and the rapid beating of her heart, she was covered with sweat and out of breath by the time she took her seat.

It took no effort to locate her mystery woman, she had moved to a new seat only a few rows in front of Sandy as if she wanted to be seen. It seemed as if she was now an equal player in the game, but what was the game and what were the rules?

As on the previous two nights, the woman now projected a totally new image. She wore a bright blue business suit with a matching skirt. Her buttons were firmly closed this time, her top button covered by a small cloth tie. Her hair was still black but now long and tied tightly into a bun. If she had to pick an occupation for the woman, Sandy's first choice would be a librarian.

This time, Sandy didn't approach the woman. In fact, she waited until the boat docked and the "librarian" exited first. All during the ride home on the train, Sandy couldn't contain her excitement. This was exciting - who would she be tomorrow?

Thursday passed in a blur. All Sandy could think about was the Ferry trip home. Peter had called and left messages for her on her voice mail but she was in no rush to return his calls. Let him wait a while and see how he likes it. Finally as eleven-thirty struck, Sandy did something she had never done before - she left work early. She just couldn't take the chance she would miss the twelve thirty Ferry. It had been a slow night and after making sure that everything that had to be done was done, she left the office in the hands of her assistant.

Reaching the terminal about midnight, Sandy carefully scanned the crowd gathered in the large waiting area. There was no sign of her. The sliding access door soon opened and the small crowd surged inside. Checking her watch, Sandy took a position right at the door and waited until the last possible moment to board. So absorbed was she in looking for her quarry that she didn't even notice that the door had begun to close.

"Hey lady, are you coming or what?" Called out the deckhand, rousing Sandy from her trance.

Without a word, she ran up the corridor and onto the Ferry. Taking her usual seat, she stared out the window into the night sky. Watching the tiny lights spread across the harbor, Sandy felt a little let down. The game had been fun and a lot more interesting than it usually was. She was sorry to see it end.

"Maybe I just missed her?" She said to herself. "Maybe she was dressed in such a way that I didn't recognize?"

That thought in mind, Sandy rose to her feet and began to walk the length of the small Ferry. After her second circuit and an inspection of every passenger aboard, for all Sandy knew she could be dressed like a man tonight, she finally had to admit defeat. The boat docked soon after and a slightly dejected woman walked to the waiting train.

The next day, Friday, seemed to be the worst day of the summer. The mercury never dropped below 98 the entire day and the setting of the sun beneath the horizon brought no real relief. Nothing had gone right that day for Sandy. A short blackout in her area had put an end to the air conditioner, driving her totally up the wall. Inside her small apartment the temperature soared over a hundred.

Her attempts to contact Peter had hit a stone wall. As far as she knew, they were still on for tomorrow, but he was being a real prick about returning her calls. She would show him she thought, wait until I get him into bed. Maybe I'll bring him right to the brink and then suddenly get a headache. That'll show him not to play these games. That she was equally guilty never occurred to her.

During the dinner break that night, Sandy mentioned the strange woman on the Ferry to a few of her friends. She left out the part about her little fantasy game of course, just mentioning how she had seen this woman dressed up a different way each evening. Each of the people at her table had a different idea of why the woman was dressing up like that. Sandy listened with interest at each suggestion.

"A lot of people have both a day and night job, maybe she just has a lot of different part time jobs." Suggested Kathy Davis.

"I thought about that," Sandy replied as she nibbled at her salad. "I could match up her being a nurse and then some other kind of professional the night she wore the suit, but somehow being a by the hour security guard didn't really fit in."

"I'll bet she's an actress." Mary Jane Sullivan suggested. "You know they sometimes really try to get into a character when they're trying out for a role. Maybe she's just attending a lot of auditions."

"That's a good idea, I hadn't really considered that one." Sandy said. "But wouldn't most auditions be held during the day?"

Mary Jane thought about it for a second then nodded in agreement. She hadn't thought of that.

"There's another possibility that you ladies have overlooked." Said Timmy O'Brien, the only man in their little quartet. "She could be a hooker."

"A hooker?" Sandy repeated in surprise.

"Yeh, think about it." Timmy continued. "A lot of guys are into that role-playing scene. Maybe she gets a turn-on wearing her outfit of the night home."

"Speaking from experience are we?" Kathy quipped with a sly smile.

"Or maybe she just doesn't have time to change since she has to catch the 12:30 Ferry just like Sandy does." Mary Jane interjected.

"I don't know." Sandy mused. "Well no matter the reason, she wasn't on last nights boat so I guess she was lucky enough to get off the night shift. Something none of else will ever do if we don' get back to work."

With a serious of faked moans and groans, her three dinner partners rose from the table and returned to their jobs. The last to leave the table, Sandy gave the mystery one last thought before turning her mind back to the work at hand.

The rest of the evening passed uneventfully and it wasn't long before Sandy was saying her goodnights. As she stepped out of her friends air conditioned car at the Whitehall Street entrance to the Ferry Terminal, the wall of heat and humidity she stepped into engulfed Sandy.

"Please let it rain soon." She said to herself as she looked up into the lightly clouded sky. "Or at least let the air conditioning be back on when I get home." She substituted as she shuddered at the thought of trying to fall asleep in this inferno. The weekend was the only time that she was able to sleep late, but in this heat, sleep would be next to impossible.

Friday nights there seemed to be less people on the late Ferry. Most people must leave early to get a jump on the weekend. By the time Sandy dropped into her regular seat, her blue blouse was already wet with perspiration and sticking to her skin. Every window on the boat was wide open but even the breeze was warm. In vain she had looked for an outside seat but quickly found them already occupied.

Producing that day's copy of the Advance from her bag, Sandy began to read. Absorbed in her reading, she didn't immediately notice that someone had sat down directly opposite her. This was unusual enough as the interior cabin of the boat was almost ninety percent empty, most of the passengers choosing to sit outside. As she turned the page she became aware of the other person. When she lowered the paper to take a look, it was all Sandy could do not to drop the paper in surprise.

Sitting not four feet away, was Sandy's mystery woman. Sandy's mouth hung open as she took in the image before her. Gone were the professional outfits, or even the blue collar security guard's uniform. The only job description that her current outfit could fit was that of a 42nd Street Streetwalker.

Her hair was now a bright and curly blonde, a color so unnatural that Sandy was sure that it was a wig. Her lips were full and red, and wide gold hoops now replaced the small stud earrings she had worn on previous occasions. Her large 38 inch breasts were barely contained by the red bikini top she wore. In fact, the points of her nipples were clearly visible through the thin material. Her blue pants were cut so short that if Sandy was sure that if she looked closely, she would see a few loose pubic hairs sticking out of the edges.

The woman just seemed to smile at Sandy, then ignored her completely. Sandy tried to go back to her paper, but was unable to stop stealing glances. With an eerie fascination, she watched as droplets of sweat formed between the woman's breasts and ran down her stomach and disappeared beneath the material of her oh so short pants.

Sandy had never been attracted to other women, but couldn't take her eyes away. She could feel a familiar wetness between her legs and was lying to herself when she blamed it on the humidity. The olive skinned woman just radiated sexuality, a raw unbridled lust that hit Sandy full force. The tingling between her legs grew so strong that Sandy wished she was already home so she could find some relief. Instead she sat there with her paper, trying hard not to show the arousal sweeping within her.

The scantily clad woman just continued to smile thought out, she knew the effect she was having on Sandy. She was now in control of the game and found immense pleasure in hitting all the right buttons to drive Sandy to distraction.

Finally she looked right into Sandy's bright blue eyes and seemed to capture her soul. Her tongue glided sensuously across her full red lips as she brought a hand up and ran her long fingernails down the crevice between her tanned mounds. Sandy was no longer making any attempt to disguise her interest. Wiping the sweat from her breasts, the woman brought her index finger up to her mouth and slowly licked it clean.

"Any more of this and I'm going to cum right here in my panties." Sandy thought as she watched the woman cup her other breast with her free hand. "I can't believe I'm getting this turned on by another woman."

Then, abruptly, the woman stopped her caressing of her breasts and rose from her seat and headed for the front of the boat. It was only then that Sandy realized that they had docked and most of the people had already left. Grabbing her bag from the floor, Sandy began to quickly follow the woman off the boat. Her steps propelled by a strange mixture of both fear and excitement.

Following the last of the crowd into the St. George Terminal, Sandy could see people ahead of her make the right turn that led to the train and the various buses. To her surprise, the object of her interest turned instead to the left and disappeared into a closed off access way.

For a long minute, Sandy stood at the junction as the last of the other passengers disappeared from sight ahead of her. Finally overwhelmed with curiosity, she carefully began to follow the "streetwalker" down the corridor.

About thirty yards down, the causeway again branched off to the left and Sandy stopped dead at the corner. As she peeked around the wall's edge, she had to bit down on her lip to keep from making a sound. There, about ten feet away, stood one of the deckhands from the Ferry she had just exited. His back was to her so she couldn't see his face. What she could see all too clearly was the mystery lady from the Ferry on her knees in front of the man. Her position and the motion of her head couldn't be mistaken for any activity other the obvious.

From her vantage point, Sandy could tell that the dark clad man was already near to climax. He was either incredibly horny or she was one talented cocksucker to bring him off so quickly. Sure enough, Sandy heard a loud gasp from the man as he exploded into the woman's mouth. Sandy watched for a few more seconds as the tall hooker, she couldn't think of her any other way right now, withdrew his cum covered cock from her mouth and proceeded to lick him clean.

Suddenly aware that she could be caught, Sandy began to quickly and quietly retrace her steps. She'd gotten halfway down the dimly lit corridor when she heard the man turning the corner. Quickly she ducked into a small doorway covered in shadow. She held her breath as she watched him pass. no sooner did he turn the corner, Sandy heard the hooker's footsteps coming from behind her. Again trying to blend into the darkness, Sandy waited until she had been passed by.

The hooker stopped abruptly, just out of Sandy's line of sight. Sandy's heart was racing like a trip hammer as she heard the soft footsteps suddenly stop.

"I hope you enjoyed the show." The hooker suddenly said.

"Oh God, she knows I'm here!" Sandy cried out in her mind.

"Come on out, I don't bite." The Puerto Rican woman said. "Unless of course you're into that sort of thing."

Stepping out of the shadows, Sandy blushed bright red with embarrassment.

"I figured you'd follow." The tall woman continued. "I could see how hot you were getting back on the boat."

Before Sandy could answer, the woman stepped forward and slid her hand under Sandy's skirt and into her panties.

"I knew it," She exclaimed. "You're dripping wet."

The sudden thrill as she felt this strange hand caress her pussy caused Sandy to freeze in her tracks. Again the potent combination of fear and excitement took hold of her body. Before she could respond to the surge of mixed emotions, the hooker pressed her against the cool tile wall. Opening her mouth to protest, Sandy felt the softness of another woman's lips pressed against her own for the first time in her life. This was immediately followed by the wetness of a tongue as it invaded her mouth. The taste was tangy and familiar, and it took a second for Sandy to comprehend that what she was tasting was the last traces of the deckhand's cum.

Drawing her attention away from the erotic kiss was the sudden penetration of her wet mound by one of the woman's long slender fingers. With a rapid motion, she slid first one, then a second, deep into Sandy. Then she withdrew them as quickly as they had entered, only to quickly replace them.

The frantic friction against her clit sent ripples though her body. She barely noticed the soft caress of the woman's tongue which had now moved to her neck. It wasn't until she felt a sudden tweak of pain that she became aware that the woman's other hand had slid beneath her blouse and now cupped one of her naked breasts. All that she cared about was the rising crest that was building between her legs and the eruption it foretold.

Then, barely a few minutes after she had started, the mystery woman felt Sandy's body quiver, then tremble as she slipped over the crest into a powerful orgasm. Pulling Sandy tight against her, she kissed her once again, this time finding no resistance to her tongue. Her fingers buried themselves deep within her as she squeezed hard on her soft white breast.

Sandy lost all sensation of time as she dropped into a bottomless pool of delight. All she cared about at that moment was that she wished that it would never end. That another woman had initiated this incredible feeling was the furthest concern in her mind.

But eventually it did end and Sandy's attention returned back to her situation. The woman withdrew her fingers from within Sandy and from under her blouse. She stepped back and took a good look at Sandy's now disorganized appearance. Her blouse was now hanging open, with one breast exposed. Bright red lipstick marks covered her mouth and neck. While her blue skirt now covered the cum soaked panties, the strong fragrance of girlcum told the tale.

"I knew you'd get into this." The hooker said. "I saw you checking me out the other night when I had that nurse outfit on. After I saw you search the boat for me last night I knew that you'd follow me tonight."

"You were on the boat yesterday?" Sandy gasped as she tried to control her breathing. "But I looked everywhere."

"No, you only check were passenger's are supposed to go. I was nice and cool in the crew's cabin. It's amazing what a little promise of a blow job can get you."

Sandy then realized that it was the delivery of that promise that she had witnessed. Even now she found it exciting. More so was the idea that she had cum at the hands of another woman.

Sandy watched in erotic fascination as the woman brought her cum covered fingers to her mouth and licked them clean, just as she had licked the deckhand's cock.

"Mmmm." She purred. "I figured a fine lady like yourself would have a good taste."

Reaching into her small purse, the woman withdrew a small card and slid it into the straps of Sandy's exposed bra. She leaned forward and kissed her again, this time it was lightly and quick.

"If you ever want to find out what it would really be like, give me a call." She said with a smile. "In fact, for a pretty white girl like you, I'd do it for free."

With that she turned and headed down the corridor. Sandy watched the sway of her tight ass until she disappeared from view. Taking the card from her bra, she moved over to the light to read it.

It read: Creative Illusions - Bringing Fantasy To Life. 24 hrs 7 days, 555-1034. In the lower right corner of the card was a name - Jasmine.

A sudden thunderclap brought Sandy back to reality. It was finally going to rain. After spending a few frantic minutes getting herself as presentable as possible, Sandy raced down the hall to try and catch the train. This time she was too late.

Standing on the empty platform, feeling the wetness of the welcome rain as it splashed down from the small overheads, Sandy decided she didn't mind waiting for the next train just this once.

She lifted the card so she could read it one last time. Her hand was over the trash when she changed her mind about tossing it. It would make a nice souvenir of her little adventure. Not that she could ever tell Peter or anyone else about it - they just wouldn't understand.

It was almost noon when Sandy woke the next day. She hadn't gotten home until almost 3 AM. The whole experience last night seemed like a dream. It was only the small white card sitting atop a pair of stained panties on her night table that testified to the events actually having happened. Still that was yesterday, and she had the little matter of straightening out her relationship with Peter to attend to today. Jumping out of bed, she jumped into the shower and washed the remnants of last nights adventure down the drain. She would have to hurry if she wanted to make her one o'clock appointment at the beauty salon. Thankfully she had scheduled it a week ago, before the fighting with Peter had begun. Sitting in her closet was a new dress she'd been saving for a special occasion. Peter was going to get it both barrels tonight.

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My Sexy Mom Live Cam Show

Hello everyone, my name is karan. This story is about my lonely sexy mom and how she got involved in the world of internet sex. And how I managed to make it possible for me after catching her red handed. My mom name is kavita mehra, age 42, you guys can imagine her by my explanation which I am gonna say now. She is 5’6″ fair color, her hair is dark brown till her hips. she generally use clutches to hang her hairs, uses lip gloss. She generally wears plain saree and sleevless blouse, backless or...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Lana Sharapova 01262021

Lana is a seamstress that does custom tailoring for high end clients. Prince is one of her celebrity clients that always has her make his custom clothes but she has always had a crush on him. Today Prince is doing some social media work for all his fans so he asks if he can take a few pics and videos of her pinning his pants and measuring stuff to sew with him to document his fitting for his new suit but his seamstress has something much more interesting in mind for his fans. She decides to...

2 years ago
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Doing The Right ThingChapter 4 The Shit Hits The Fan

I was at the store on Friday and of course Carmen was at work. My kids--Brad, Janice and Mandy--came by the store to see me. "Dad, we need to talk to you. Can we all go over to the house for a little bit?" It was more of a statement than a question. "Sure, go on home. I'll be there in a few minutes. Just let yourself in." I knew what this was going to be about and was pretty much prepared for it. I headed home and walked in the house. Everyone (my three kids) was seated in the living...

2 years ago
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Love Thy Self

Love Thy Self By Mistress X There was a rumble in my head as my eyes tried to focus in the darkness. The last thing I remembered was riding over to this laboratory to participate in some chemical trial. My dad had told me I'd have to pay for my own car and they were paying me a hundred bucks toward a fixer- upper. "Oh, man I feel like crap," I thought. "Whatever they gave me must have knocked me for a loop." I simply figured whatever medicine they gave me knocked me out and they...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Allie Petite nerdy MILF on porn adventure

– 36 yrs old MILF – She is half Asian – Has a twin sister – She didn’t tell anyone she was doing this – Doing a porn was on her bucket list – Is a business consultant by day – Is currently divorced and single – She is a nerd who is writing her own book – She is a frequent masturbator, loves porn – Let 4 guy friends gang bang her one time – She is into anal sex and took an ass pounding – Loves to be on top during sex – Standing at 5 feet she is a tight body spinner – An absolute pleasure to work...

2 years ago
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In the theater with Miranda Cosgrove

Miranda checked herself out in the mirror for her date with Jake. She lifted her black denim skirt that as already a bit small up another quarter inch. To show a bit more of f her alabaster legs. Her red Paco Chicano racer back top was extra tight to show her perky braless B-cup breast. Her lips were painted with the right amount of red lipstick to make her look the right amount of slutty just the way Jake liked it.The whole purpose of the out fit she was wearing was to tease Jake. Tease her...

3 years ago
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My Brothers KeeperChapter 15

Hawaii was excellent, and very expensive. I spent time on three of the islands. Five days on Oahu, seven on the Big island, Hawaii, and nine days on Maui. I didn't really do much of the typical tourist sightseeing that people expect you to do. Instead, I went around looking for things that could be easily bought and sold. When I first got to the islands, one of the first things I noticed was that, by and large, the residents weren't very active when it came to buying and selling things...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Sadie Pop Uncut Mountain Pop

Danny Mountain & his thick British prick make their long awaited return to See H?️M Fuck this week, and we paired HIM up with lil Latina Sadie Pop ❤️ for this week’s update. After our gifted director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get reacquainted with HIM, Danny stands and begins to strip from his sharp black suit ?️ and the face Sadie makes when she sees that Red Bull can bulge ?? in his See HIM boxers ? is priceless ?? She toots on Danny’s uncut gift ?✂️? a little before getting...

4 years ago
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The defeat of Feminism in the Gender Civil War

Tales From the Gender Civil WarCaptured CIA AgentThe CIA Agent had become separated from her squad during the raid on the Columbia drug compound. The goons had grabbed her and dragged her deep into the jungle. Now she lived in the confines of the compound of the notoriously brutal Drug Lord Sancho Martinez . Sancho could not believe his luck, that he now possessed a beautiful, educated, blonde, American CIA agent as his personal sex slave. The woman who had lead the fighting to destroy him and...

1 year ago
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My Friends Dad

“Come on Jack! Just a few more!” Mr Goodwin shouted encouragingly, as he leaned over me. My muscles burned form the exertion as I gritted my teeth, determined to please him. My upper body ached as I pushed myself on. “That’s it! You’re doing great!” His large firm hands gripped my ankles to steady me. “Five more for me! Come on!” My body was shaking form the effort as I pulled myself into a sitting position again, the pain in my abs intensifying. I dipped backwards, stopping just short of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Kellys Journey

Kelly wandered around his apartment aimlessly, full of anxious energy. It had only been an hour since he'd made his wish and he was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to begin. He'd read everything he could before finalizing it. There were warnings and stories of people that made carelessly worded wishes and had ended up with something they never imagined or intended. He didn't want that to happen to him. He stopped pacing in front of his full length mirror and stared at...

1 year ago
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Anything for love

Hi a friend this is Vikki from the city of Hyderabad and my mail id is I am 25yrs old 5’11” height normal complexion and very manly voice as said by many friends. In my life I never chased girls but even though I had a good number of sexual encounters. Every encounter was something different and unforgettable these are real incidents taken out from my life. And dedicate to every one in love. I will start up with my first and go up in a series. This is a story of me when I was in 10th class we...

4 years ago
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Candi Box

Candi Box By Zedd I volunteered to watch over my girlfriends place until she came back from her trip to Las Vegas. She was already filthy rich! The house she had was furnished exquisitely, with real paintings hanging on the walls, and real sculptures sitting on oak or marble pedestals. I made myself comfortable easily enough, and mostly watched television or read until her return. After a few days of this however, I found myself exploring every nook and crack she had in the...

3 years ago
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Bride To Be Before The VeilChapter 2

Now over nine years later things are different. Remember that boy I spoke of, eventually after many months he agreed to go out with me. Not only did he take me out on dates, a few years later Art asked to marry me when I graduated from university. I said “Yes!” I will put that life transforming event on the back burner for now. I will leave it at that, but it will involve the flat blade of a ceremonial military sword. That’s a hint. You folks that have been to a military weapon may have more...

2 years ago
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Corporate Assets Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Suddenly, Skinny grabbed her nipples roughly and pulled her up to her feet. He led her to the middle of the room. He pulled his t-shirt over his head. He quickly undid his pants and pulled them off. Sandra couldn't help but look at his cock. It was a long thin cock, perhaps 10 inches long. He had almost no hair anywhere on his body, including around his cock. He suddenly reached down between her legs and shoved his finger into her pussy. "Good, still nice and wet. I think you must...

3 years ago
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Body of a Man Mind of Machine Chapter Five1

Adrian was lying in his hospital bed, working on his laptop and checking all of his stocks, bank accounts, and corporate updates. He had already checked them several times, but he was bored out of his mind and wanted some sort of mental stimulation other than just watching movies online and reading articles. It had been a week and a half since he was shot in the head, and he was recuperating at an incredible rate. Having woken up only a few hours after his emergency surgery and regained...

3 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 3 Teenage Talent

"You're a lovely girl, Cindy," he murmured in her ear as he savoured the feel of her firm, heavy breast against him and stroked her shapely flanks. "Thank you Uncle Jim. That was cool. Nobody ever made me feel that way before," and she molded her nude body closer to his. As she snuggled she felt Jim's iron hard cock press to her and she realized that while he'd satisfied her, she hadn't reciprocated. "Do you want? Like? My hand or my mouth? Or... ?" the girl mumbled in a sudden...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 157

The highlight of Saturday night was the beginning of the long promised and awaited "Date Night". The concept spread quickly and soon everyone had decided to go out in twos, threes and fours to something of interest to the group. Some of the pairings were natural. Walt and Mary invited Katey to join them for a game at Dodgers Stadium. Sean, Rachelle and Meredith planned an evening of dinner and dancing. Adam wasn't a bit surprised when Beth and Jason decided to spend Saturday at the...

4 years ago
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The second time

The days after having been ravished in the car, I was feeling really bad (see story before). How could I have let that filthy old man just fuck me like that? Like a slut in his car, just taking advantage of me any way he wanted to. I promised myself that would never happen again. I was a good looking guy who could have anyone I wanted. There was no reason I should be treated like that. I continued to work out on my nice booty, shave my smooth body and tan myself. Surely there were plenty of...

1 year ago
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MylfXMandyFlores Mandy Flores Possession Spell Trilogy

Part1: You are police detective Mandy, going to a suspect’s house to ask him some questions about a recent murd3r. The suspect answers the door to come face to face with you. You say you’d like to talk to him about a recent murd3r. The suspect starts to panic and he starts to realize that you already know that he was the murd3erer. That’s when he gets desperate and uses a possession spell that he found online to take over you. He initiates the spell when you go to arrest him...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Taylor Sands Mardi Gras Madness Pt 2

The girls are so lucky their loving daddy’s took them on their business trip! Not only was it to the beautiful New Orleans, but it was right around the time of Mardi Gras too. The girls couldn’t wait to get rowdy, but when their papas heard their first thoughts of busting loose. They quickly shut them down. This trip was strictly business, and no pleasure. That didn’t stop the girls from getting their masquerade on though ;). And wouldn’t you know it, the girls ran into...

2 years ago
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The Red Shoes

Kath had become sexually dominant after we had bought a pair of red high heels from a little charity shop near our flat. We were students and living together in the middle of the city, and had seen them in the window one day. We had both laughed as the same thought went through our minds - 'Wouldn't it be cool to wear those and fuck?'As soon as we got home we both got naked, our young bodies shaking with excitement. I took the shoes out of polythene bag and knelt at her feet as she sat on the...

1 year ago
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Dancing Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Um... how would you like to go to our dance this year?" "Yeah. Right. Nobody gets in unless they are owners, or dates, or you are high class with a ton of money, and I'm not any of those!" "Well, yes, but... I have a way you can go. if your willing that is." "If I was willing," she said. As if she could pull off the biggest coup of the decade! But when she told me exactly how she could do it, I almost fell of the floor...

3 years ago
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Talk Between Sex

The following conversation is a combination of conversations I had with good female friends and one past girlfriend. I actually had a similar abbreviated conversation with my last girlfriend one lazy day between sexual rounds 1 and 2. I guess, I initially wrote this story for myself more so than for anyone else. I hope you enjoy it and maybe the story makes you think a bit as well. ———————————————— “Erik honey?” ”Yes” “How old were you when you first had sex?” “Wow, where did that question...

2 years ago
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Her Barking StudChapter 4

Late Monday evening, Daisy Chain Sharon arrived home. The house was dark and there was no sign of Jan. "Christ, where's that kid gone now?" she said to herself, snapping on a light. She held the front door open as Meat, the boxer, went outside. The sight of a boxer, after her wild fucking experience with the boxer named Richey the Fourth over the weekend caused her to smile with the fondness of the memories the dog generated. She'd fucked a lot of cock in her life, which had earned her...

3 years ago
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An Office Fantasy Part 1

 I burst into the office. "Where is that slut, Neil?"Startled, my husband looks up to see me. We have been happily married for twenty-five years. Our sex life has only gotten better over the years. I am wearing a very short red skirt with a slit on the left side. My matching blouse is buttoned to just below my full breasts. As I enter, slamming the door, I catch a glimpse of nude nylon attached to a red garter."W-W-Who, sweetie?""Do not give me that crap, Neil. You know who."I walk around his...

Office Sex
2 years ago
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First Time Sex At Early Age With Neighbour

Hello Indian sex stories reader, So here the sex story comes, my name is Ashok Rajput (name changed). This is my first story on ISS which is my real life encounter 2 years back in 2014. I am 22 year old right now lives in downtown of Surat, Gujarat with my family, studying engineering in reputed college of surat! I am a gym freak and so have a well maintained muscular build physique with height 5’10 and fair complexion and dick around 7.5 inch to be honest :p My story starts in late 2012’s when...

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The Neighbors Suck Like UsChapter 9

So, as fate would have it, Debby was eating out her boyfriend's mother's cunt at the same time her boyfriend was sucking her mother's pussy. But, unlike the girl, Jerry had not yet realized his mistake as he sloshed around, his head buried in Claire Wedgewood's soaking crotch. She kept him clamped in her thighs, determined to cream off before she revealed her true identity. Her ass swung up from the bed and twisted. Her pelvis was jerking, her tummy pumping. His lapper slithered up her...

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Escort Services0

Chapter 1. At last, she allowed him to cum, letting his seed spurt into her mouth in almost painful spasms of ejaculation. Her tight grip at the base of his cock released, allowing the pent up seed to pass, so that it shot through his urethra at blast velocity. His hips bucked involuntarily, raising his narrow cheeks off the stone slab of the poolside paving, his orgasm ripped through his body. Her lips, locked around his purple head, creating a seal, trapping his viscous fluids until...

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The Dutch model

It was May 2017. A friend of mine George, is a photographer, and he had a new job at a famous fashion magazine. It was the firts time he had such a big deal and was really nervous. Until then he was working at locan magazines and the models he had to deal with where girls that wanted to become famous, most of the selfish and arrogant and working with them was not that easy. So when he signed for that new job he thought that if it was so hard to deal woth these girls, having to deal with famous,...

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Wife wants a BBC

Alyson had been happily married to Graham for many years and had a twenty something daughter. Their sex life had always been very satisfying but recently her mind had been fantasising more than usual. She regularly pleasured herself, most of the time she used a black dildo and it was this had had been occupying her mind most recently.She had woken up feeling particularly horny one morning and as Graham had to get to work, a fuck was out of the question. As she showered she loved the feeling as...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 57 Nov 1945 the Nurenberg War Crimes Trial Begins

“As I see it today, Hitler and Goebbels were in fact molded by the mob itself, guided by its yearnings and its daydreams. Of course, Goebbels and Hitler knew how to penetrate through to the instincts of their audiences; but in the deeper sense they derived their whole existence from these audiences. Certainly the masses roared to the beat set by Hitler’s and Goebbels’ baton; yet they were not the true conductors. The mob determined the theme. To compensate for misery, insecurity,...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 6 4th of July in the Adirondacks

"Mom, do you think we can take a trip and go some place where nobody knows us? You know, where we could actually go on a date?" I smiled at the thought. "Robert, you are so cute," I said as I felt my pulse quicken at the very notion of traveling as a couple with my stepson. "I think I would like that. Let me see what I can do. I have four days off over the fourth of July. Maybe we could go someplace then." I started an internet search to find some romantic options for my young lover and I to...

1 year ago
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Nice Upskirt! Do you get off to just watching? I’m not talking about porn. You are on ThePornDude, so I know that you jerk off to porn! Oh, believe me, mother fucker, I know.I’m referring to voyeurism fetishes if you haven’t picked up on it yet. Does the thought of watching someone without their consent make you want to jizz in your pants? If so, you are going to love browsing through the raw and uncut content found in the wild on Nice Upskirt. It sounds exactly what it is: pictures of amateur...

Voyeur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Amanda the Domina that was really a sub Part 1

When you are a Dom you tend to attract subs and slave girls in much the same way bees are attracted to honey. Sometimes a good look is all that it takes for both sides to know. Still, while Dominating women would normally be assumed to be incompatible with you, since you technically have the same tastes, some Dominas are actually slaves in disguise.I first met Amanda in a BDSM live show, in Athens. I took a few shots of her with her slave on stage. I found her very hot, beautiful and quite...

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The Surprising Road Home

[Leaving a career sometimes unroots a man. Sends him on an undefined search for some where or some cause to root again. Nick finds a surprising road home.] Twenty-eight years of wearing uniforms were over. I was retired. In at eighteen, out at forty-six. I put the uniforms and memory reminders in storage, bought a small RV and a boat and went fishing. The month of July was spent at three different lakes in Missouri. In August I fished in Arkansas. Met some nice folks and they told me about...

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Betsy CarterChapter 14

Betsy and Chuck were seated at the conference table in the modular office building. She couldn’t keep from looking around at the plain spartan furnishings. The work environment hadn’t improved any, and it really bothered her. She was half temped to run outside, pull up a plant, stick it in a pot, and bring it into the office just to have something living inside. The young couple were joined by her business employees and the two interns. Marge, Cheryl, Sherry, Ann, Robert, and Jerry kept...

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Chula Vista Dreaming part eight

College was hard. I guess you never understand that until you get there. And even if San Diego State College wasn't the best in the state the professors were good, and strict. High school was a breeze, but the courses I was taking now were forcing me to do homework every night. I even had to do some work on the weekends. Hardly time to relax at all. But I managed to find a little play time.  California had the prettiest girls and women in the world. Everyone knew that. And the college had lots...

3 years ago
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Holiday Sex with young couple

I have just come back off Holiday from Turkey. Three weeks sat by the pool watching the world go by. Well I say watch the world but I mean watch all the girls. That's the great thing about holidaying abroad. You can sit by the pool and ogle the girls and nobody cares or even notices. The first week I found my favourite spot which had views across the pool, over to the bar and the Jacuzzi. It was a prime spot and I was a serial Towel Fiend and was up early every morning to secure my spot. The...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Jewelz Blu Teen Creampie

The gorgeous Jewelz Blu is hanging out in her room. Horny as hell, she’s already dripping wet as she slides a massive dildo into her pussy. She goes wild, fucking herself as she moans with pleasure. But there’s no substitute for the real thing, so she gets down on her knees and slides your thick cock down her throat. Jewelz works your cock like the expert she is, giving you a sloppy blowjob and deep-throating you. Pretty soon, Jewelz can’t wait any longer for you to fill her...

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Fucking My Architect

A gracious welcome to all the beautiful ladies Aunties girls and my all dear friends of ISS. You can call me lover boy. I have been an avid reader of the sex stories of ISS and have been thinking of sharing of my sex story with all of you please forgive my errors coz it’s my first time (Names changed for privacy) Well to begin with i am a friendly guy from Mumbai..I have done my telecommunication engineering from a much known college in Mumbai. I am 22 yrs, fair 5’11 tall ,8 inch cock and have...

3 years ago
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The Pub

So the wife and I are out at a pub one evening. She's dressed in a nice knee length skirt and a tight jumper that just makes her huge boobs look even bigger (I of course picked the outfit out). We're just there together to relax and enjoy the night, nothing more planned. However she doesn't drink much usually so is already very relaxed and enjoying herself. I have caught nearly everyone checking her boobs out since we've been here and know we've caught the eye of a group of 4 men at the bar as...

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Familie und Nachbarn 1 web

Es klingelte an der Haustür und Klaus, der gerade die Treppe herunter kam, öffnete. Vor ihm stand seine Nachbarin und zu Klaus Verblüffung war sie trotz der Kälte nur mit einem Bademantel bekleidet. Verwundert starrte er sie an. „Gut, daß du noch da bist.", sagte Elisabeth anstelle einer normalen Begrüßung. „Du mußt mir unbedingt helfen." Noch bevor Klaus antworten konnte erschien seine Mutter und Elisabeth wiederholte ihre Bitte. „Ihr müßt mir helfen, ich habe mich ausgesperrt. Marion ist...

1 year ago
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Wonder Woman

The wall exploded as Wonder Woman was thrown through it. She rolled across the ground and loose bricks, scrambling to her feet in a low fighting stance. Lobo stepped threw the hole in the wall and cracked his large knuckles. The Amazon Princess flew at him with her left fist extended, which he easily blocked only to get hit square in the face with the right."You're too weak to hurt me!" Lobo exclaimed. He caught her with a backhand."No," she said. "I'm just used to holding back against street...

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A Zombie Story not necrophelia relax

A ZOMBIE STORY by Mr Anonymous Chapter 1 - Introductions (and me setting the pace) The wind picked up, rocking the dinghy back and forth, gently lulling Troy into a sense of restfulness. The warm breeze lingered over him, tugging gently on the fishing cord, one of his few luxuries that was delivered to him by airdrop yearly. At 23, Troy Ranger was a wonderfully well-built young gentlemen. Rich, too. Before he moved to his personal island, Isle Ranger (also the reason for his change in...

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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 09 Mrs Smith

One day the man dined on the step, his wife standing by his side; down I went to peep up her clothes and heard him rowing. “Why the hell had she not got him beef instead of mutton; God damn her, why were there no potatoes!” That was his style. Angry words passed, the voices grew louder, I heard a loud smack and a strong oath, he had hit his wife and gone back into the work-shop. There was a great gabbling of female voices over the grating round Mrs. Smith. “I would not stand it,” said one....

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The Naming of a Rat

==========[ PROLOG ]========== This is my first LitE submission. It is a true story which I wrote almost ten years ago, about a conversation I’d had with a woman I was dating at the time. We were in our late 40s/Early 50s, and had met on after I had just been divorced by my ex-wife. There is no sex in this story, but I wanted to share it here on LitE, so I am placing it in the ‘Non-Erotic’ section (although whether or not it is erotic is subjective, but if you are looking for...

1 year ago
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Amanda hurried through the heavily falling snow on the way to her dorm room from the library. She wondered to herself why she had forgotten to wear a warmer coat and shivered against the cold evening air while muttering, "Michigan in the winter, I must be nuts!!!" Being a blond blue eyed California girl it was a total surprise to her folks and friends when she chose to attend college 2000 miles from home in what could be described as less than ideal weather. The full ride scholarship to The...

Group Sex

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