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Freshly out of the military and 21 I knew I had to get a good job and was looking in earnest. My finances were OK but not finite so I was in conservation mode and because I was my social life was all but non-existent. Luckily there was a cheap movie theater within walking distance. I went to a couple of times a week and after I would go to an all-night diner, sit at the counter nursing my coffee and watch the world go by. Then she walked in and my life, whichever way it was going, would never be the same.

She was very pretty, a natural blonde, fresh and wholesome looking and she sat down cross-corner from me at the counter and smiled. She was wearing a skirt and V neck sweater which she filled out perfectly. I learned later she was five-feet-seven-inches and one-hundred-and-twenty-five-to-thirty-pounds, the perfect body for me.

I struck up a conversation and it went very well. I learned she just turned eighteen and just graduated high school and was working in a buffet restaurant and had just gotten off work. After talking for about an hour or so, we agreed to meet the next evening.

Lying in bed that night, I could hardly get to sleep she affected me so much. The next evening she was there right on time and sat next to me. I was in very good spirits learning I had just landed a very good job and would start the next day. After a couple more evenings, I began to walk her to her bus stop and one evening I kissed her before the bus came. It was a long kiss and remained on my lips for hours before I fell asleep.

My first day on the job was a struggle to keep my mind at work and not on her. At the end of the day, I sat in my room watching my clock until it was time to go meet her. And so it went, except for her days off which were agonizingly long. One day she asked if I would like to meet her parents, apparently, I was the first boyfriend she had kept for more than a week.

I’m not sure when I fell in love with her but when I finally told her she jumped on me and showered me with kisses telling me how much she loved me. Ever since I was sixteen, I had little trouble having sex with girls I dated but with her, she wouldn’t let me touch her until we were married. It did make me uneasy because of an old adage I had in my head for years about trying the shoe on before buying it but I loved her so much I didn’t care.

After a few months, we got married and her body naked was more than my mind imagined. Perfect C cup tits and her upper body flowed smoothly into her waist and on through her hips and down her legs. A more beautiful body I never saw, at least in my mind. She picked up sex very quickly and loved to suck and fuck me silly as often as she could.

After a few months, my company wanted me to transfer to my home state and city and she took it as an adventure. Little did I know how disastrous that would be. After moving, we lived well in a new six-unit apartment, three above and three below and all the other tenants were in our same age bracket. Sandy worked as a receptionist and we had a good life. One day, some tenants got up a party, and all were invited including some friends of some of the tenants. The party was on a Friday night and while I didn’t work weekends, the boss wanted a few to come in for a special project with overtime the next day.

A couple of hours during the party, one girl was having trouble with her boyfriend and I talked with her awhile trying to calm her down. We were in her and her roommate’s apartment and anyone could have come by to see us talking but when my wife asked if anyone had seen me, some asshole said I was fucking some girl in another apartment. Mind you he didn’t know and didn’t care he thought he was just being funny, or so he said later.

Morning came around and I went to work sans sleep but instead of being gone all day, it was only half a day so I got home early. A friend standing outside waiting for me said I shouldn’t go into my apartment which compelled me to go in. I found my wife sleeping soundly next to guess who, the same jerk who told her I was fucking another girl. I was both angry and devastated; my entire world just came crashing down. Sandy was angry as she told me she cheated because I did. I helped the guy tell her the truth and I also had the girl I talked to tell her that nothing happened.

Now she was panicked and said she loved me and was so, so sorry and didn’t want to lose the life we’d built together but I was inconsolable and kicked her out. A few weeks went by but I would not budge and told her to file for divorce which she eventually did because I signed the papers. My life went south and so did I, literally, to another state as I tried to escape the pain. But in a couple of years, I came back home and put my life back together, bought a house and remarried again four years after Sandy. During that marriage, we became swingers which may sound strange given the infidelity of my first wife but I had learned there was a world of difference between the two dynamics.

Marriage to my second wife was an impulse that shouldn’t have happened as we were actually just friends and let it go further but we parted on good terms and we remain, friends, today. Being unattached in the swinging world is a whole different ball game as single men aren’t as welcome as married men but I struggled on still in good stead with my friends. One Friday afternoon as I busied myself doing housework the doorbell rang and when I opened the door four or five emotions must have hit me at once. They're framed in the sunlight behind her was Sandy, ya THAT Sandy.

Don’t leave yet the good part is just around the corner!

She asked if we could talk which jerked me out of my shock and I invited her in. Nearly twenty years on and she looked like she did when we parted, the years barely noticeable on her face. We engaged in a little small talk as I looked her over head to toe. She still had the same figure despite having had a child who has lived with his father for the last couple of years.

Her dress fit her body like a glove, flowing down over her still perky looking tits and flared out below her hips ending maybe six inches above her knees. Her legs were as picturesque as ever perfectly sculpted down to her low heels. Memories long gone began flooding back, more so the good rather than the bad.

After a somewhat lengthy pause, she asked if I ever got the divorce. In disbelief, I said, “YOU got the divorce... I signed the papers, so what are you talking about?"

“I never filed them so I thought you did because you got married again."

“Ya, but I got divorced too and anyway how did you know?"

“An attorney friend of mine found out for me."

I asked why she never filed them and she said she didn’t know and by the time she decided to do it the filing deadline expired. Another pause; “So we’re still married?"

“It looks like.”

We chatted a bit about that and moved on to what she had been doing. It seems she moved from man to man living with one then another and none of them the right one. She got pregnant by a guy she met shortly after we split up and she worried how it would affect her son, having different men around. But he had a good relationship with his dad who also rose to his responsibilities. She said her son thrived with no ill effects with her “men hopping." She also said that living with so many different men made her much better at sex as if giving me her resume`. I told her she was never bad at sex, just inexperienced.

She was quiet a minute and finally said, “I do have something to tell you, I don’t want to but you need to know."

What’s that?"

“The time you caught me wasn’t the only time."

“No?" I said, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“There were five times in total,” She said hanging her head. “I’m sorry I couldn’t help it, it was like I was driven or something." I waited for my anger to rise but it didn’t. I guess having been a swinger with my previous wife my mind had changed and I saw things differently, not so black and white. I have a galley kitchen and we had been standing there drinking coffee as we talked, her leaning against the stove and me against the opposite counter not more than three feet away.

I must have pushed stop, changed eyes and pushed play again because I began looking at her differently. I remembered her body, the feel of her skin, the kiss of her lips, the firm suppleness of her tits, succulent nipples and her sweet little pussy. My mind remembered fucking her and my dick began to get hard and harder. She noticed, and a tiny smile grew on her lips.

“So what’s on your mind?"

“Huh? Nothing," I lied.

“Uh-huh, well your nothing seems to be growing."

I laughed, “You sure noticed quickly enough and I see your nipples are hard through your dress."

“That’s not all that’s hard." Everything that had happened in the past seemed to fade away and the only thing in the world was what was happening right then. My little head had taken over and I was a slave to its desire.

“Are you trying to say your clit is hard too?"

“It’s been hard the whole time I’ve been here, almost since you opened the door."

“Maybe I should check it out?"

“Maybe you should." She said with a sly smile. I stepped up to her and slid my hand under her dress and felt her bare pussy and her hard clit about the size of a tiny finger, not huge but bigger than most.

“No panties," I said almost as an afterthought.

“I don’t wear panties except during my period." She said teasingly. I kept feeling as we began kissing more and more passionately. My other hand went up to her still firm tits.

We went purposefully back to my bedroom, and I unzipped her dress and she had it and her bra off before I got my pants off. She was on her knees with my shorts off and my cock in her mouth almost before I realized. In her mouth and down her throat it went with the ease of an expert. I pulled her up on the bed where we made out as we explored each other's bodies.

I slipped my face between her thighs licking and sucking her sweet pussy and clit and it wasn’t long before she was cuming repeatedly. We must have fucked in six different positions and in everyone she was as tight as the first time. In the cowgirl position, she never moved her hips but her pussy was milking me like I never felt before until she stopped and began sucking me until I came in her mouth a few seconds later. This wasn’t the girl I remembered, she was far better and what made it even better was the passion she put into it.

We lay together in the glow of the lovemaking we just had because that’s what it felt like, lovemaking. We didn’t speak for a while just lay looking at each other and caressing each other's bodies. I finally asked how long she had been shaving her pussy and she said about five years. I said it was beautiful and she should keep it shaved and she said she intended to.

“So, how many guys have you lived with?”

She looked at me a minute and asked, “Are you sure you want to know this? Because if you ask me questions I’m telling you the truth so don’t ask if you don’t really want to know.”

“Fair enough,” I said honestly. “So how many?”

“Twenty-seven,” She said matter-of-factly.

“Twenty-seven! Wow, that’s like more than one guy a year.”

“Yes, some were a little more than a year and others just a few months. I had to live somewhere, and I never made enough money to have my own place and support us too.”

“Well, I guess you had to survive somehow. Did you pay rent?”

“Mostly just fucked them, cooked and kept house. Some I paid a little, what I could afford. I paid my own way.”

“Did you cheat on any of them?”

“I knew that was coming. Yes, I did, almost all of them but then I didn’t love them either.”

“What if you had?”

“I probably would have. Like I told you, I can’t help myself.”

“Why, why can’t you help yourself?”

“I went to a doctor to see if something was wrong with me after you kicked me out. He said I had Hypersexuality disorder and he could treat it but I didn’t have the money. Later I found I enjoyed being this way, sexual, not cheating, so I never did anything about it.”

The more she talked, the more I understood that she was a free spirit, traveling through no-strings-attached hookups with various men she met. She could not live a tethered marital life, it just wasn’t in her and treatments for Hypersexuality disorder were basically the same as for alcohol and drug addiction.

She said she would rather be a slut.

I asked; “Is that what you are, a slut?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I am a slut. No surprise to you, I’m sure.”

“Well, it is a little, but lucky for you I like sluts.”

“One man," She said, “Called me a whore, his whore, he still does. He said a whore is much better than a slut because they do more with more people.” She explained that a whore in her world wasn’t a hooker. She said a slut might have vanilla sex with a few people a year. Maybe even ten or twelve, but a whore has sex with that many every week or two or at least every month. She also said she lived with that man for over two years and he shared her with everyone he could. I asked if she liked it and she said she did, that’s why she stayed with him so long.

“He's also black just so you know.”

“Really? I shrugged, “That’s fine with me. How do you enjoy fucking black men?”

“I love it; black men are more dominant and just better lovers. Besides, their cum tastes so good!”

I think she threw zingers in like that just to see my reaction.

This is not the girl I remember, THIS Sandy was much more mature and much sexier and I found my love for her swelling up inside of me despite myself. Her sexuality, her love for and her outlook on sex were very appealing to me.

“You said he still does, does that mean you still see him?”

“We hook up now and then and sometimes he brings a friend or two.”

“For maybe a year or more after you kicked me out, I went fucking every guy I could get hold of until I finally settled down. By then I knew what I was.”

I looked at her, touching her body, caressing her face. “You know - we’re still married.” I heard myself say.

“Ya I know, so what’s your point?”

“I don’t know, it just popped out there... I guess I mean, well if things were different back then you could have been faithful to me and still fuck whoever you wanted however many you wanted.” She sat up and looked at me, her lips quivering but not saying anything.

“I just mean that if we had been free of any fear or worry about potential cheating by being able to fuck who we wanted and still be faithful of heart, we could have treated each other with trust and openness.” She sat there still absorbing my words as I was trying to make sense of what I was saying. Was I talking about yesteryear or here and now?

She was serious when she spoke. “When I came here, I didn’t know what to expect but what I thought might happen didn’t include any of this. As soon as you opened the door, I knew I was still in love with you and almost everything I had planned to say went away. If you mean what I think you might mean I’m there, all the way, all in.”

“I’m not sure what I mean. Hearing you talk about your sex life just makes me wish I could be part of it. I guess I was thinking that we are still actually married and if you moved in here, maybe we could have a new life, one we might have had before.”

“You were my first love, my only love and I want that again so much I do but can you be OK with other men fucking me? Me having all manner of sex with them. As much as I now know I still love you that is also part of who I am.”

“I don’t know, I really don’t, but I feel I want to. I want to experience your sex in all that you do and just enjoy you. I guess the only way is to be with you as you fuck someone else.”

Sandy showered me with hugs and kisses and crying at the same time saying., "it will work, we can do this," and so on. After she settled down, I asked, "how can we do this," does she know someone who will do this with us. She said she knew the perfect person, Aaron, the black man she had lived with. I told her I wasn’t sure how I would feel and it could all backfire but I wouldn’t make trouble. After talking things over some more she called him up, gave him the 411 and he was all for it.

She went to her small apartment to gather a few clothes and HABA and came back in an hour. She would spend the night and all the next day and Aaron would be here tomorrow night.

“I just want you to know," she said at one point, “I love his sex and I will suck and fuck him as good as ever I can so you will know what to expect if you are good with it or not.”

“I hope so, I hope he fucks you like the whore you are,” I said smiling. I was getting excited every time I thought about it and she kept my mind on it by teasing me crazy.

“His cock is like nine inches long and I love it down my throat. I want you to put your hand on my throat so you can feel it in there.”

“You are a little whore aren’t you?” I teased.

“I am and I want to be your whore. Really, I do.” This was an entirely new Sandy and I was loving her a lot. I marveled at how she could say things like fuck, whore, cunt, asshole and they didn’t sound nasty.

The doorbell rang Saturday evening announcing the arrival of Aaron and a cold sweat and bolt of excitement when through me as Sandy opened the door. He was a nice looking six-foot-tall black man of a darker complexion than most and well built but not muscle-bound. I had almost lost my load when I saw she was ready to answer the door in a white sheer baby doll with no thong. She had teased me some more just before he arrived so I was already half hard.

As she closed the door, they embraced in a passionate lip and tongue sucking kiss as he felt up her pussy then she introduced us as they paused. Then she sank to her knees, took out his cock and began sucking it lovingly, passionately. He said it was how a white whore should greet her Dom. I watched as his cock went down her throat and she motioned me over, took my hand and put it on her throat. I could feel his cock as it went in her throat and it was very hot. I whispered in her ear how nice it felt.

Aaron said to me, “So you two have been married all this time huh, over twenty years and you never knew it?”

I nodded, “Ya, it’s strange I know and we’re just getting to know each other again. It’s a whole new experience.”

“How do you like seeing your wife suck my cock?”

“I do, she’s very good at it and I enjoy feeling it in her throat.”

“That’s good so why don’t you show me to the bedroom so I can fuck your wife.”

“First we go in the hot tub,” She said. “You’ll really like it.”

One the way and as he and I undressed, he told me how he used to have her fucking the brothers, even strangers and how she liked it. After being in the hot tub a while, we all went to the bedroom where he had her lay across the bed with her head over the edge so he could fuck her mouth and throat as he toyed with her pussy. He suggested I get down there and make it wet and ready for him and he didn’t have to say it twice. I saw him fucking her mouth as I ate her pussy and it made me hard as a pipe. I wasn’t mad or jealous just wildly turned on.

He pulled out of her mouth and told her to show me her other favorite things to do. He lay on the bed with his legs apart as she lay between them, spread his ass cheeks and began rimming him with a passion I never saw before. She had me come closer so I could watch her tongue and lips work him over, see her tongue work on his asshole and her lips pucker and massage his ass and kiss his asshole passionately. It was all I could do to not cum early. At one point I even held her head firmly in his ass and told her to lick and suck it good.

We paused a bit, and she asked if I was OK. I snaked my arm around her neck and gently pulled her close and kissed her deeply. “Look down,” I said looking at my cock pointing at the ceiling with pre-cum streaming down it. “Do I look like I’m OK?” She leaned forward and sucked it off then sucked Aaron's cock clean too.

“What a rush to have my two favorite lovers here together, I love it!” She said excitedly.

Aaron lay on his back, and Sandy got on top fucking him. His cock looked so good going up inside her and out again as she rode him. She stopped moving, but she was doing something because he was reacting to it, then I knew. She was working her pelvic muscles that she had very good control of. Watching his cock go all the way to his balls was mind-blowing as was the sounds she made.

On her back, I loved watching him fuck her deep and hard, balls to cunt as her ankles locked over his back and he rolled her up. I came up to her head, and she began sucking me and it was only seconds before I blew my load in her mouth. I loved watching her play with it before she swallowed. Then, Aaron came up and came in her mouth also and painted her lips with cum too. I enjoyed that just as much watching her play with his cum before she swallowed. It all seemed like it was over too quick but we were in the bedroom for over two hours.

“Wow!” Sandy exclaimed, “Both your cum together, what a rush!”

“Ya Aaron, that was quite a load, were you trying to drown her?” I laughed. She had just wiped and licked all the cum from her lips and exclaimed how sticky they were. She looked at me, “You want to kiss me, baby?” (It was a test to see if I would.) I leaned over and kissed her passionately.

When I pulled away I said, “You taste like cock, like someone came in your mouth.” I said jokingly.

“Well, duh, what else?” She laughed.

Later, as he was preparing to leave, he shook my hand and told me he always enjoyed fucking my wife. I said I was glad and he was welcome to fuck her as much and as often as he or Sandy liked. He asked her, “OK with you too?”

“Of course, any time.”

“Good, maybe I’ll bring some friends too sometimes.”

“I’d love it, you know that.”

“She’s told you about some of her favorite things to do hasn’t she?” Looking at me.

Sandy jumped in, “Not everything yet, we’ve been talking though and I’m doing it a little at a time.”

“Ya. Has she told you she likes glory holes?” He asked looking back to me.

“No, but you just did.”

“Ya well, she likes going to them for a couple hours or more, she loves sucking cock and eating cum.”

“That I figured out already, so we’ll have to go soon,” I said looking at her and smiling.

“How about the club? Has she told you about them yet?”

“No, what club?”

“The biker club. They’re a group of black weekend warriors who like to ride bikes and party. She likes fucking them all especially in a gangbang or train.”

I looked at her and smiled. “That sounds like fun. We’ll have to invite them over, huh, sweetheart?”

No sooner did he leave than Sandy turned to me and asked if I really enjoyed myself and I assured her I did and that I was serious about him coming to fuck her anytime. I also told her there was no negativity at all.

Her whole approach to sex was just fun, wholesome, like a fun park ride.

“Do you want to know what turned me on so much? You, you watching me and joining, how you liked to see what I was doing.”

She showed surprise at how I was accepting all this so easily and I reminded her how active our sex life was before. I told her it would be even more so now. I told her, "I’m a consummate pussy hound."

“The only thing that worries me is things moving too fast, I don’t want either of us to be hurt,” She said.

“And I agree but I do think we have something special here, something that I think we missed out on twenty years ago.”

“So, what is it you want, what do you think?”

“I’m not 100% sure what I’m feeling right now but I want things to continue,” I said.

We discussed it back and forth and we decided that since she still had three weeks on her rent, she would give notice and move her stuff here. I assured her that if for any reason it didn’t work out, she could stay here until she found the right place for her. I added I didn’t think that would be necessary.

So the next day we drove to her place packed her things up and moved her in. We agreed that she would do what she wanted with whom she wanted just as if we had been doing it for twenty years. I wanted her to be natural so I could learn about her, who she is now.

As we talked, she also told me she was a part-time hooker which really didn’t surprise me at this point. She said she has some clients that fly in and she sees a couple of times a month or so. She said it’s how she could afford her car and nice clothes and buy what her son needed.

I suggested that could be extra money we could put away for a rainy day. Besides the money, she told me she enjoys doing it so I said then she should keep doing it. This is a new Sandy, a Sandy I was getting fonder of by the hour.

I asked if there was anything else and she said there was. “You know I work as a receptionist for an insurance agent. I suck him off once or twice a week. He would like to fuck me but I didn’t want his wife to find out and she would.”

“How’s that?”

She laughed, “We can always tell, we smell the other woman on you. Most men don’t get that. Even if they shower we know and wonder why they shower. A wife may choose to ignore it but she knows. With a blowjob, there’s no evidence unless he’s a total fool. Anyway, it’s how I can take time off with pay if I need it for a client of something.”

Sunday evening, Monday morning, Monday evening she was loving like we were newlyweds and it was wonderful. Being with her was like twenty years had been erased and what we had before had returned only better. Tuesday she called me in the afternoon and told me about this guy she met who wanted to see her after work.

“He wants to buy me a drink and then, I don’t know, maybe take me to his place if I read him right.”

“Ya, take you to his place and fuck you good.”

“I certainly hope so. I’d be disappointed if he didn’t.”

“HA! If he doesn’t he’s gay. OK, well come home with a wet pussy and sticky lips.”

“You’re OK with it?”

“Of course I’m OK with it, I’m glad you called and told me now I’ll be horny all night and you can take care of me when you come home.”

She came home around ten with a wet pussy and sticky lips as promised. Both her mouth and pussy smelled and tasted like a dick.

A week went by and saw a couple more men including Aaron come by to fuck her and one of my bi girlfriends came by and we had a nice threesome. She was amazing, even better than before and had also become a good cook and housekeeper. I kept calling her a whore, to kind of get used to it and she liked it as if I were giving her the greatest compliment in the world.

One Friday evening as we were planning to go out Sandy’s phone rang. She answered and her face lit up. “DAN!” She exclaimed, “It’s good to hear from you!” From her end of the conversation, I gathered it was another friend who just heard she got back with me. Then she was saying... “Well we were going to go out why, do you have a better idea?” She said teasingly. “Really? That sounds great, just you? Of course, sweetie, bring them too! Oh, it’s fine, he’ll love it so you guys come on over. Cool, see you then.” And she hung up.

“That was Dan.” She said all excited. “He’s one of the biker guys Aaron mentioned. He’s big, like six-feet-four-inches, very dark skin and a nice cock and big too. His balls are like goose eggs and I love sucking them. He’s also bringing a couple of friends. You don’t mind do you?”

“Of course not, why go out on a hunting expedition when they will come here?” I laughed.

I turned the hot tub on while she went to get ready. I loved how we could talk about sex and fucking guys so casual like. It’s hard to explain, she’s a whore and I like that she is and how much she likes and craves sex. Really we were made for each other.

Sandy came out of the bedroom wearing a see-thru lace bra and a skirt like thing that was also lace and about six inches long, just barely obscuring her pussy. Just the sight of her was making me hard, she was so beautiful!

“Well don’t you look ready for action?” I teased.

“Do you think they’ll like it?”

“You’re kidding, right?” I walked up close and felt her pussy, just short of sopping wet.

Still teasing I asked; “You’re eager to fuck them aren’t you?”

“Oh, you could tell, huh?” She teased back. “I’m not just going to let them fuck me, I’m going to fuck them and fuck them good and suck them good too.”

“Oh ya, this will be fun.”

The doorbell rang and when I opened the door it was filled with a huge black man. “I’m Dan.” He said as he came in followed by three other guys all in bike gear.

“Dan!” Sandy exclaimed as she jumped on his body wrapping her legs around his waist engaging him in a passionate tongue sucking kiss. She greeted the other guys somewhat more subdued and introduced me. In the hot tub, she took turns sucking each of their cocks and balls being barely able to get one of Dan’s balls in her mouth. In the bedroom, they all used her like a cheap whore and she was loving it and giving as good as she got.

She gave them all a really good rimming making sure I could watch her tongue and lips on their asshole. They all came in her mouth with Dan last who not only filled her mouth but also painted her lips with his cum. She wiped it off with her finger and put it in her mouth making a show of it. As with Aaron, I told them they were welcome to fuck her any time or have her come to them.

The next week we went to a video store where she spent a couple of hours at a glory hole sucking all comers. I loved watching her paint cum on her lips so she could lick it off.

Aaron came by once or twice a week to fuck Sandy and often brought a friend or two to fuck her too. Dan did the same and sometimes one or more bikers would have her over for a fuck fest. Our savings account grew over the years as she brought home the proceeds of servicing her clients and her fucking random men she meets was a regular thing. I had my women too and she enjoyed the bi ones as much as I. About a month in I said we should buy her a wedding ring and she told me she still had the first one and I replaced it on her finger with a little ceremony with some sexy friends whom she promptly fucked.

The years have rolled by and she is as hot as ever and still fucking her share of men. Our marriage has been wonderful and she has been completely faithful and nonmonogamous, the best of both worlds. Sex is necessary for marriage but the important part is having all the sex you need and sharing with others is a good way to do it.

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Ive never told this before but wanted to now. Sandy was the girl i dated for nearly 2 years and i thought i would be with forever [ when your young thats how it seems to always feel!!] We met in high school and began dating and we enjoyed nearly everything together, friends, school, everything. We were both teens and innocent. Neither of us had ever had sex and we sort of agreed until we got to 18 we would not. We made out a lot with a lot of hot kissing and learned together how to kiss and...

2 years ago
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dost ki behen ko sex sikhaya

Hi iss ke readers….main pehli baar apni kahani aapke saath share kar raha hoon yeh aaj se 1 saal pehle ki sacchi ghatna hai.jab main 11th class me tha…pehle main aapko apne baare me bata do..meri age 20saal hai aur baat aaj se 1 saal pehle ki hai meri height 5;8hai aur main kaafi handsome bhi hoon chalo ab baaten to bahut hoti rahengi main asli topic par aa jaate hai. If anu girl, bhabhi,aunty wanna sex wid me in Mumbai then u can mail me at and please comment me on my story if u like or...

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Glory Hole Orgy

Glory Hole OrgyDriving down the street I spied my destination. A big yellow building with “Adult XXX” written on the marquee in front was on my right. I turn into the parking lot and drove to the back behind the building and park in the darkest spot I could find. Another crossdresser had told me that they welcomed our kind and even let gurls like us in the back where the video booths were located.I sat in my car and lit a cigarette, thinking I would see who was going in and out of the store....

2 years ago
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Party Time

Unlike some of the people my age, you could not consider me a party animal.And if I ever did go to one, I would not put a lamp shade on my head and make a fool of myself. When my neighbor Lita picked me up. she was wearing a tight sweater ,leather skirt, and spike heels. Now I knew I was going to enjoy the party, because even if it was a total bust,.all I would have to do is look at her and everything would be right in the world. The second she walked in ,she got lots of attention from the guys...

Straight Sex
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Her Name Was Lilly1

Her name was Lilly. We were the same age, and ever since we hit puberty, I’ve been fascinated with her body. I never told her, of course, at least not before that day. Lilly was gorgeous; she was arguably the best-looking girl in the high school, and she drove me crazy. She boasted perfectly shaped breasts; an incredible, light-brown tan; attractive brown eyes; silky, brown, shoulder-length hair; sparkly white teeth; a shapely butt; and a perfect model-like figure. I considered myself lucky...

4 years ago
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Inspecting the InspectorChapter 3

"Do you think they will?" asked Kelani as I closed the door to our room. "Will what?" I asked. "Get laid tonight?" "They'll try. You got them going. I was very impressed." "All I did was what I used to see the old women doing as they worked. They were practically pornographic when they chatted. Of course I didn't know the difference until I came to America. It took some getting used to. I kept saying things that were considered rude in polite society." I thought about the...

4 years ago
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Welcome To The Neighborhood

I wake one morning to the sound of rain through my open window. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I drag myself out of bed and pull the curtain aside to reveal the dreary day. The sky is thick with moisture and grey as far as I can see. The rain is coming down in a steady drizzle. I don't even bother pulling a robe on over my silky, light blue nighty as I head to the kitchen for my morning coffee. I run my fingers through my long blonde, sleep tousled hair and head for the porch with my coffee...

Straight Sex
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How I pursuaded my wife to indulge my fantasy for

I love my wife very much. She is 12+ years older than me and we had been married then for over 25 years. Like many couples sex when we were first together was spectacular but fell away as years went by. Jan had many boyfriends when young which her family always ribbed her about but in those days you didn’t go ‘all the way’. I was very jealous having had no experience of girls before we met. My insecurity diminished over the years and we were a very solid and devoted couple. So why did I have...

2 years ago
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A chance meeting and a new Lady friend

I arrive at yours in my very low backed black dress with my hold ups and boots on, the dress is figure hugging and you look me up and down and notice that there are no knicker lines, you ask me if I am wearing a thong, so I grab your hands and run them over my hips, you still feel nothing then I run your hands up my thigh and under my dress, you smile as you feel my hot already wet pussy!!We catch the train and are laughing and giggling as we are both very flirty with each other and both are...

3 years ago
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My favorite Sex Toy

I was out for a drive and decided to see him. His only purpose in my life was to serve one role and one role only. He did that so well I was beginning to feel more for him than the slippery lust he produces in me at the thought of his big cock fucking me. I told him when I first saw his profile on lushstories. ‘I don’t believe that is you. But I like the pics. They make me hot.’ After a while we went from online messaging to texting. Or better, sexting. Using pics and messages. Sometimes...

4 years ago
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More than a LodgerPart 6

More than a Lodger…Part 6It was just over a month that Tom had moved into his new lodgings, and Tom had found himself down to zero rent. Not only that but he was fucking both Laura and Jerry who owned the house, their daughter Amanda and some of their very best friends.Sometimes, Tom found it hard to come to terms with all of it. The perks, as he liked to call them, were superb, but you generally had to pay rent. Nevertheless, both Laura and Jerry were more than happy that Tom had taken to...

Group Sex
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Janices Week Away Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Preparation Janice was very excited. She was going to get to go to a conference in Denver by herself. It was the first time she would be away from her husband and children since she had been married five years ago. It’s not that she wasn’t happy – she was. It was just she was missing some of the excitement in her life that had been there before she had settled into marriage and children. She loved her husband – they had a good sex life and he provided a wonderful home to her and...

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Fucked ISS Reader In Aligarh

By : Farazkhan Hello, this is faraz khan from Aligarh. Any married aunty or gal or couple wants to have fun then mail me at Especially any gal wants to enjoy in cinema hall only kissing and fondling, they are also welcome. I am here with my another story (fiction) with woman whom I met online on yahoo talk. She gave me her contact no. and asked me to call in night. That night I call her and we chatted for a long time. Then next day again I called her then she ask me to come to her home. Next...

3 years ago
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Shes PregnantChapter 8

Luz took real good care of me, feeding me and then making sure my balls didn't take a night off to recover. She was an energetic fuck, as opposed to Darla, who was more slow and romantic. She sucked me until I could drive nails with my cock, then bounded on it like a pogo stick, making happy noises until I hosed her insides down with it. Afterwards, she draped herself on my chest and fiddled with the fuzz there. "Boss, you gonna make babies with Luz?" she asked, looking up at me after a...

4 years ago
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Eiskalte Engel

"Sebastien , Sebastien ....bitte versuche dich zu konzentrieren." "Was soll ich denn dazu sagen? Ich bin nunmal ein Idiot. Ich kann mir einfach nicht Leid tun nur weil ich das Kind reicher Eltern bin." "Du kannst doch nichts dafür. Nichts ist schwieriger als Erwachsen zu werden. Und ohne elterliche Fürsorge kann so vieles schiefgehen. Du musst die Fehler deiner Eltern einfach überwinden. Hier das wird dir sicher helfen können..." Dr. Regina Greenbaum übergibt Sebastien ihr aktuelles Buch über...

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A World FoundChapter 9

Dani had the rooms all ready by the time Iris arrived but Dani was a bit put off when she yelled for Dani to call Mike and tell him and John that she had seen some out of place cars and John and Mike should be on the look out. Dani called and relayed the message but didn't want to dwell on it as she knew that if there was trouble, Mike and John could handle it. Nor did she want to say what she wanted to, which was, I love you, but that would just have made Mike lose his concentration and...

4 years ago
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Youre free now Do what you want

For several weeks, I was dating a girl who turned out to be kinky and aggressive. Her name is Lacey and she has introduced me to anal play, humiliation, and even used strapons on me. Never imagined I would enjoy this so much. After a month she started inquiring about expanding my horizons and my trying 3somes. I told her I had done FFM 3somes before and loved them. She told me she's always wanted a MMF 3some. I told her I might be interested if it was to pleasure her. She wanted to share him...

2 years ago
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Jennifer Lawrence researches a sex addict for new

I am a sex addict.Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. Yes, I know that most of the male species qualifies as sex addicts too. But however debatable it is to say sex addiction is a mental illness, I still fall under the parameters. It's only due to treatment and counseling that I can keep it under control -- and still enjoy sex without going overboard about it.Maybe that's why my doctor thought of me when Jennifer Lawrence wanted to research sex addicts in October 2011.She needed to do so...

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Mother and the Girls

Fiona, a thirty seven year old, slim blonde, was sitting on the sofa talking to Jenny, her nineteen year old, daughter. The only thing that was unusual about the situation was that Fiona was stark naked and Jenny was fully clothed. It was the beginning of their weekly spanking session. Fiona said, "Jenny, you know that I do enjoy you ordering me to strip and then you spanking me. We have been doing this each week for over a year when your father is out. However I have a fantasy which I would...

2 years ago
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A Different Love

Lying in the bedroom, we were watching TV. The show ended and she rolled toward me, her breasts shifting like firm bags of warm jelly. “Honey,” she said with a slow smile, “I have to pee.” I grinned back and rose to my feet. My dick had already begun to thicken and firm up. It always happens that way. Like last night. Let me give you a play-by-play... I give her a hand and we walk to the bathroom. Hand in hand we step into the tub. I sink to my knees, my tongue trailing saliva along the way,...

3 years ago
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A Better WorldChapter 3 Hello is any body there

August 19, Friday morning at 6:30 AM: Why am I up so early? This is summer vacation. Oh yeah, swimming with grandma and Tom. Oh what a glorious morning! I got my swimsuit and robe on and went to the kitchen. I had my first cup of coffee. Grandma walked in wearing an old frumpy swimsuit and robe. Tom walked in looked at the crowd at the table and said, "Wow this looks like a party. Last one in the water buys breakfast." He ran out the door for the pool. I should say pools. When dad found...

1 year ago
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Natalies Surprize Boat Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! The morning sun rose slowly in the eastern sky and flickered it brightening rays through the round portholes. Tammy was sitting in the cockpit, dressed in her loosefitting bikini. "By any chance, Kim, is your mom a late riser?" "Yeah she is." "I thought so. I'm gonna roust them." Going to the cabin hatch she slid it backwards. "Hey, you two, time to rise and shine." In the cabin Natalie stirred. "Hey, Mark, it's morning already." Undoing her nightgown...

4 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 66

The afternoon flew by for Lucy and Selena, and maybe quite the same for Jeromy and Joe, but they did it a little more leisurely. If either of hem had any plans for the day they were scuttled when the garage door opener failed as they went to leave. They spent the rest of the morning fixing that without having to leave the house for parts or anything. With Jeremy's help they were able to open a sealed motor package that wasn't intended for serviced, just thrown away, and then found the...

2 years ago
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Shopping KmartChapter 17

Quietly I stood before you, my husband at my side as you told me how my life would now be each day. "You will be available to service me each day while your husband is at work. During his off hours, you'll be answering to him. Since our work schedules overlap, you'll have no problem seeing to each of us. You'll be with your husband on holidays and weekends. As for your daily household chores and running errands, you'll do those on your own time -- while both of us are working and on...

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Something about Sarah

I first saw Sarah when she was 17.She was dating my son. We moved to another state and she moved with us when she turned 18. To describe her, She is 4൓" about 110 lbs. Her body seemed perfect.Long brown hair, a perfectly round ass and amazing C-cup tits. The first time I saw her perfect ass was when I walked by the bathroom and she had her shorts down to go pee. I saw her and she just stood there and let me take it all in. My cock got instantly hard.I went to the other bathroom and stroked out...

3 years ago
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The Body Guard Book 1Chapter 3

Tom cleared his throat, “Sit Kay.” She went over and sat at the table. “How bad is it? Do I have the funds?” Tom and Luca glanced at each other Kay felt the uneasiness. “That bad?” she choked out. Tom nodded, “Yes Kay that bad. You must hold yourself together do what we say. We will get you through this.” Kay was silent for a minute. “But Tom, you’re my lawyer. How do you know about these things? I mean I know you can get everything together for me, but to protect me?” She glanced at...

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Head of the Familly

 Head of the family    A Son’s home coming  This is a long multipart story that takes a while to build. First story so constructive criticism is encouraged. As the cab pulled up at the curb I let out a sigh, it felt good to be home and put all the shit behind me. I guess I should fill you in. My name is Sam I’m 26, 5’10 lanky with short brown hair and wear glasses I’m an A typical dork if you ever saw one, and I was coming home for the first time in ten years not just for a visit but to stay.....

1 year ago
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, you know I like to have fun in the beach. But now I tell how much fun!! Hope you not get upset for me not say before to you. I and my cyberlover decided to meet in Boracay. He is lawyer in US and his name is Joseph and he looks gorgeous at his early’s 50 based on webcam. You see him on cam and know we like sex together on cam. We had not yet seen each other in person. He had a lot of fantasy in bed which made me surprise as I did not have any idea about his fantasy. I was really curious...

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The Wedding Gift Surprise

I'd been invited to my friend Whitney's wedding, I didn't really know anyone and had only met her fiance once before in passing. I think she only invited me to show off how popular she was and to be honest she was known for being a bit of an attention seeker.After the ceremony we all started to drink and I was getting quite tipsy, which meant I was also starting to feel horny. I left the main party searching the halls for a bathroom when I stumbled into the dressing room. The room was empty...

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A dangerous family game

A Dangerous Family GameThe Game Players:Carina, or Carrie, that’s me – age 18, height 5 foot 11 inches, weight 165 pounds, measurements, 42D bust/30 waist/42 hips.Cassandra, my mother – age 40, height 5 foot 11 inches, weight 160 pounds. Measurements, 40C bust/32 waist/40 hips.Janine, my grandmother, Cassandra’s Mother – age 59, height 5 foot 10 inches, weight 170 pounds, measurements, 42D bust/34 waist/44 hips. __________________________________The two people closest to me are my mom and my...

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After spending some time here, I met a young lady from another state, we exchanged pics and numbers and after 2 wks we decided to meet. Samantha was wearing a red blouse and black skirt with black stockings and high heels, we drove to her home where I cooked a nice Thai meal, while she changed curious got the better of me as I walked in on her as she was swishing her hair from side to side, moving in we kissed and while I was unbuttoning he blouse she was rubbing my throbbing dick through my...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Gabriela Lopez Squeezing Stepsisters Melons

My stepsister Gabriela was complaining her boobs were sore and out of nowhere asks if I can rub and massage them. This is totally inappropriate, but her tits are so big and squishy that I have to help out my family. Needless to say, I started getting hard and she didn’t mind. In fact, she began sucking and slobbering my big cock before squishing it between her juicy tits. One things leads to another and she is bouncing on my dick furiously! I can’t believe she let me cum right her...

4 years ago
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GayChapter 44

News of my being awake must have filtered through to the hospital catering staff because I was woken at what felt like an ungodly hour by an orderly asking what I wanted for the day’s meals, starting with breakfast. At some time during the night there must have been a shift change because Gayle was back on duty. “I’ll have the full English breakfast,” I said after perusing the menu, mildly surprised that the hospital would provide such fare. “Make that the child-sized version,” interceded...

2 years ago
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Putting a Spin On It

It was getting late, and Penny was looking forward to opening the bottle of white wine that had been chilling in her fridge for the last couple of hours. She had just finished signing off the last paper in her Ministerial red box, when to her annoyance her laptop inbox ‘pinged’ at her. She was even more annoyed when she saw that the message was from her soon-to-be-ex-husband. The recent uncovering by an investigative journalist of his numerous dodgy business deals had very nearly derailed her...

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Alternative Payment

I am going to try something a little different for this story. I find it awkward for myself as a writer to smoothly include character descriptions in the actual story, so here’s a short bio of the characters in this story. Let me know if you like this idea as a reader or not. Ashley - Main character, age 28 and is 5'4". At 150lbs, Ashley has curves in all the right places with a modest 34C bust that matches her rounded ass nicely. She is also married and has a three year old son. Steve -...

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Prison Bitch

Prison bitch Johnny had never been so terrified in all his life, the guard led him down the wing, men were shouting at him, blowing kisses! He was a guy for fucks sake! He had a regular girl outside away from this crazy place. He almost vomited when he saw the boy masturbating, reaching out to him! He looked to the guard. "What the fuck!" the guard shrugged. "Overcrowding not enough cells so the weak ones sleep in the corridors, you're lucky because of your age the Governor has...

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Growing up Polygamy Part 2by primo10

“Ughhh….ahhh, Mom if you keep doing that we’re going to crash” I moaned trying to focus on the road while Carol focused on sliding my prick in her throat. I was amazed at her nonexistent gag reflex. Within seconds she had taken the entire veiny pulsing member and I could now feel her tongue playingly licking the sensitive loose skin of my scrotum. “Mmmmm” I heard her hum just before she started to jerk her head up and down, fucking her own face with my cock. I could feel a hint of her...

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White mans wife black mans toy Where

For years now iv been addicted to bbc. It all started after I left college and moved to a new town for my new job. I was 22 at the time and me and my fiance moved in together with a new start in life. Things were brilliant, my fiance Mike was a white man who worked hard to provide for us both. He was a great looking guy and he looked after me in the ways a true gentleman should.Our lives went on for a while as we settled in to our new place, we made friends with neighbours in our street and...

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Kelli a Disobedient Young Wife

Kent came into my office at the church the other day to discuss his wife’s behavior. I had married them two years earlier. Kelli had been a relatively submissive 19 year-old at the time. I was surprised to hear that they were having problems. Kent explained, “The first 6 months were fine. She kept the house spotless. My meals were ready and waiting when I came home. And she was ready and waiting when I came to bed each evening. But as time passed, her behavior became more sporadic. The house...

3 years ago
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What She Always Wanted

(The following does not reflect the What She Always Wanted By Razor7826?I know how I can get him to like you, if that’s what you really want,? said Mary to her younger sister moments after her boyfriend exited the apartment.?What? what are you talking about??  Jamie’s face went flush red.  She reached her arms across her chest and pinched her upper arms as she thought of Tim’s built frame and blue eyes.?You like him don’t you?? asked the older sister, smiling as she egged her younger sister...

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My First Date With My Wife At ShangriLa

My name is Paul Walkman. I am of 25 years from Sydney. Today I feel like sharing one the greatest lovemaking experience of my beautiful life through this story. I have a girlfriend named Samantha.  I first met Samantha through my best friend Johnny’s sister.  I met her 2 years back at Johnny’s home.  Both of us fell in love with each other at firs site. We started dating and enjoyed each other’s company. I am talking about my first date with Samantha. Oh! Let me tell you something about...

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The Relationship Business

Author’s Note: Here is my Valentine’s Day story, better late than never. This is a sequel to Unexpected Gifts, although it stands on its own. Many thanks to my beta readers. Please vote and send feedback! ============================================= The Relationship Business © 2010 All Rights Reserved January 6 ‘Sir, I’m flattered, but…I really don’t know if I’m right for this position.’ Val squirmed in his seat and resisted the urge to run a hand through his hair. ‘Oh, don’t worry,...

4 years ago
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Nurse Mom Chapter 2 My Mom heard us

I told Sue I would be right back. I grabbed a pair of shorts and went out into the hall. I didn't see any light coming from Mom's room. I started down the stairs quietly, and when I got to the first floor, I started to look around. I picked up the clothes that were strewn about the den. When I got close to the patio doors, I saw Mom sitting out by the pool. She had lit some candles and was reading in one of the deck loungers. I took all the clothes back up to the room with me. Sue knew...

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Usually it looks gloomy and dark and forbidding but sometimes it can be sensual too. I picture us somewhere alone. Probably out in the woods or somewhere isolated at a cabin with a back deck. We are watching an NBA championship game. In between lulls in the game, I am looking at you and your body. Marveling at it and desiring to taste and feel its pleasures once again. Near the end of the 4th quarter, a rainstorm began to come down. As the game was ending, I tip your chin to look up at my...

3 years ago
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Interracial threesome with Lisa

It's mid afternoon and I'm browsing through xhamster when I receive a message of Lisa asking me to meet her again. She told me that James was busy and he couldn't make it tonight. I replied telling her that didn't matter and asked her when, she said she wanted to meet up that same day :) It's 8pm when I arrive at Lisa's house and the first thing I see is James's car on the drive. She said he wasn't going to be here, but I'm not complaining. We had arranged to meet up for 7pm but I was held up...

1 year ago
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An AllAmerican Teenage Sex LifeChapter 32

SUNDAY, July 7, 1991 I saw some of Sunday before I ever got a chance to sleep. Between the extra adrenaline of racing for the first time, and a few Mountain Dews drank too late in the night, I was wired for sound. Before we finally bid goodbye to everyone at the track and brought the car back to the shop, I was directed to stop at the pit gate to pick up my winnings for the night. I was handed an envelope with $125 in it. I had finished 12th that night, the first of my racing career. I...

2 years ago
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The plane banked as it gained elevation from the damp and wet London . Paul settled back in his first class seat with a frown etched on his face. He was irritated by a delay in take off. The fact that he had a major, in fact final fight with his girlfriend of 6 years added to the knot in his stomach. She had yet another excuse to avoid joining him on the short break to South Africa and when he confronted her about the late cancelation, she threw everything at him including a priceless...

Straight Sex
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Dannys Dick Part 9 Exposed

Danny's Dick Part 9 - Exposed I guess that over the past six months or so I've put on about 25 pounds or so. And it looks like about fifteen have gone to my hips and rear end. I didn't realize how much bigger and softer they had gotten till Reichert showed me that video of me walking away from the camera. And while the girl's pants had been pretty loose over my rear end and hips, now I filled them out pretty well. I was afraid that Joe wouldn't like my new shape but it actually turned...

3 years ago
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Reconnecting the Past With the Present Chapters 78

Chapter 7 Sarah's parents got to the door first and were waiting for Sarah to knock, to their surprise she just opened the door and stepped in. Grinning, she just said, "I'm family so I don't have to knock." As she sat her bag down and hung her keys up in the foyer, she yelled, "Steve! Dana! Girls! We're early!" From down the hallway they heard a male voice, "I'm in the kitchen!" Sarah just said, "That's Steve, this way." Then she led her parents down the hallway into a large...

2 years ago
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Best choice I Made

-Best choice I made- I scoured the internet looking, yearning for something, for someone, that was when I stumbled upon a certain erotic story site, I began reading others stories, and then I found the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for, a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as myself. I began chatting with people but was highly sceptical and wary of giving out any personal details, I found some very good friends who became close and trusted...

4 years ago
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Descendant of Baccus Pt 11

Chapter 11 Helped and Helping I got home to find Savannah at the kitchen table with Mom. They were deep in conversation and hadn’t noticed my arrival. I stood and listened in for a while. ‘I just don’t know. I love him so much. I want to make him happy, I really do. It’s just when he was punishing me he seemed to change and it scared me more than I’ve ever been scared before. I don’t know for sure but I got the feeling he scared himself. If I could just figure out what he wanted from me I...

1 year ago
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CadeChapter 5 Being Schooled

Cade was accustomed to waking up early in the morning from so many years of being in prison. Two weeks was not a long enough time to break him of the habit. His back ached from the poor quality of the mattress and he wondered how his grandfather had ever managed to sleep on that mattress, but he reasoned it probably wasn't quite as rotten and old at the time his grandpa had been alive. Callie rolled over when Cade got out of bed. She was still naked and she was also ornery from sleeping on...

4 years ago
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His and Her Jobs Part 4

Chapter 25 I awoke to the music of the alarm again. I stretched and wiggled my toes, taking in all the softness that was my wonderful bed. I loved the feel of the bra still on me and the weight of my breasts. The softness of the nightie on my skin and the panties I knew I still wore. I closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep, waiting for Lidia's arrival. Less than a minute went by and she quietly entered the room. I listened for her to rush the bed. A half second...

3 years ago
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Getting a Room MChapter 7 Legal

Sunday morning, after Carolyn had told him the night before that she would spend the next few days at her dorm, Bill cooked breakfast. They had lots of time. He tried to schedule when they could meet over the next week, but she was having none of that. She studied until it was time to drive her to church. The choir needed to get there a bit earlier, and he met that schedule. During the service, Lily Bell brought Beatrice over to him. He had heard her fussing earlier. “I give up, Bill. She’s...

4 years ago
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Vacationing in a Vagina

Of course I’d noticed her by the pool. How could you not? With a trim mature woman’s body, featuring tits that were as big as could still look proportional, and barely covered by the briefest bikini that could be called clothing. And curly dark red hair. And classically beautiful too. She was strategically positioned when I would walk by her as I went from pool ladder to diving board and she always smiled when I looked at her. After a dozen walk-bys she beckoned me over. “Would I get her a...

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